Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children 00:00:02.42\00:00:06.40 God is love, God is love Praise Him, praise Him 00:00:06.41\00:00:10.62 Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children 00:00:10.63\00:00:15.07 God is love, God is love 00:00:15.08\00:00:19.48 Hi, boys and girls. 00:00:23.08\00:00:24.52 Did you know that during a big storm 00:00:24.53\00:00:26.76 sometimes things get very, very calm? 00:00:26.77\00:00:30.36 The wind stops and the rain stops 00:00:30.37\00:00:33.18 and everything is quiet. 00:00:33.19\00:00:35.74 Now that's called the eye of the storm. 00:00:35.75\00:00:38.41 The eye of the storm doesn't mean 00:00:38.42\00:00:40.10 that the storm has passed. 00:00:40.11\00:00:41.88 It means that you are in the middle of the storm, 00:00:41.89\00:00:44.18 the very center. 00:00:44.19\00:00:46.19 That's like what Jesus does for us, isn't it? 00:00:46.20\00:00:48.57 Even when things are scary all around us, 00:00:48.58\00:00:51.21 Jesus gives us a sweet peace 00:00:51.22\00:00:53.52 in the middle of all our trouble. 00:00:53.53\00:00:56.00 When Jesus was in a boat with His followers, 00:00:56.01\00:00:58.42 He calmed terrible storms to keep them safe. 00:00:58.43\00:01:01.21 He only had to say one word and the wind stopped howling, 00:01:01.22\00:01:05.63 the rain stopped falling and-- the waves stopped crashing. 00:01:05.64\00:01:09.84 Can you imagine how happy 00:01:09.85\00:01:10.91 they were to have Jesus with them? 00:01:10.92\00:01:13.68 We can always trust that Jesus 00:01:13.69\00:01:15.39 will give us His peace even when things feel the scariest. 00:01:15.40\00:01:19.06 Jesus loves you too much to leave you by yourself 00:01:19.07\00:01:22.26 and that is what we mean by peace. 00:01:22.27\00:01:24.54 You can feel calm and happy, because you know 00:01:24.55\00:01:27.15 that Jesus is with you and He is taking care of you. 00:01:27.16\00:01:30.79 That's a really wonderful gift, isn't it? 00:01:30.80\00:01:33.19 Let's listen together as Sofia sings, "My peace". 00:01:33.20\00:01:37.11 My peace I give unto you 00:01:46.13\00:01:54.16 It's a peace that the world cannot give 00:01:54.17\00:02:01.98 It's a peace that the world cannot understand 00:02:01.99\00:02:10.43 Peace to know, peace to live 00:02:10.44\00:02:11.44 My peace I give unto you 00:02:17.41\00:02:25.36 My love I give unto you 00:02:25.37\00:02:32.95 It's a love that the world cannot give 00:02:32.96\00:02:40.46 It's a love that the-- world cannot understand 00:02:40.47\00:02:48.80 Love to know, love to live 00:02:48.81\00:02:55.86 My love I give unto you 00:02:55.87\00:03:03.51 It's a love that the world cannot understand 00:03:03.52\00:03:11.92 Love to know, love to live 00:03:11.93\00:03:18.80 My love I give unto you 00:03:18.81\00:03:27.38 Jesus gives us His sweet peace, 00:03:30.74\00:03:32.50 so that we can always be calm and know 00:03:32.51\00:03:34.62 that He is taking care of us. 00:03:34.63\00:03:36.07 The next song talks about this, 00:03:36.08\00:03:37.91 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way 00:03:37.92\00:03:40.98 When sorrows like sea billows roll 00:03:40.99\00:03:43.83 Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say 00:03:43.84\00:03:47.29 It is well, it is well with my soul 00:03:47.30\00:03:50.97 Let's listen as Geoffrey plays "Peace like a River." 00:03:50.98\00:03:54.12 The Girls of Mercy are an African girl's course 00:06:18.24\00:06:20.91 and they are singing a song in the language of Malawi, 00:06:20.92\00:06:23.63 which means little by little. 00:06:23.64\00:06:25.43 That's how we can let go our worries 00:06:25.44\00:06:27.40 if we just take one step at a time 00:06:27.41\00:06:30.43 and let Jesus take care of it. 00:06:30.44\00:06:31.43 Let's listen to their song. 00:06:32.42\00:06:34.00 (Singing in foreign language) 00:06:35.93\00:06:40.17 You know when something happens that we don't expect, 00:08:34.11\00:08:36.85 it's natural to feel afraid. 00:08:36.86\00:08:38.29 Everybody feels that way a little bit. 00:08:38.30\00:08:40.56 But we don't have to be afraid if we know that God 00:08:40.57\00:08:43.29 is always with us and He always answers our prayers. 00:08:43.30\00:08:46.90 We only have to say a little prayer and we start 00:08:46.91\00:08:49.08 to feel better right away. 00:08:49.09\00:08:50.96 Jesus helps us to remember not to worry. 00:08:50.97\00:08:53.51 Let's listen together as Sarah sings, "How Can I Fear." 00:08:53.52\00:08:57.28 When shadows fall and the night covers all 00:09:06.37\00:09:12.43 There are things that my eyes cannot see 00:09:12.44\00:09:19.37 I never fear, for the Savior is near 00:09:19.38\00:09:25.35 My Lord abides with me 00:09:25.36\00:09:32.12 How can I fear? 00:09:32.13\00:09:35.94 Jesus is near 00:09:35.95\00:09:38.93 He ever watches over me 00:09:38.94\00:09:45.84 Worries all cease; He gives me peace 00:09:45.85\00:09:52.51 How can I fear with Jesus 00:09:52.52\00:09:59.76 When I'm alone and I face the unknown 00:09:59.77\00:10:06.16 And I fear what the future may be 00:10:06.17\00:10:13.11 I can depend on the strength of my Friend 00:10:13.12\00:10:19.27 He walks along with me 00:10:19.28\00:10:26.54 How can I fear? Jesus is near 00:10:26.55\00:10:33.51 He ever watches over me 00:10:33.52\00:10:40.38 Worries all cease; He gives me peace 00:10:40.39\00:10:47.51 How can I fear with Jesus 00:10:47.52\00:10:54.69 Jesus is King! He controls everything 00:10:54.70\00:11:00.92 He is with me each night and each day 00:11:00.93\00:11:08.09 I trust my soul to the Savior's control 00:11:08.10\00:11:14.27 He drives all fear away 00:11:14.28\00:11:21.46 How can I fear? Jesus is near 00:11:21.47\00:11:28.01 He ever watches over me 00:11:28.02\00:11:35.02 Worries all cease; He gives me peace 00:11:35.03\00:11:41.88 How can I fear with Jesus 00:11:41.89\00:11:50.66 Psalms 139:9 and 10 says, 00:11:53.60\00:11:56.09 "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, 00:11:56.10\00:11:58.47 if I settle on the far side of the sea, 00:11:58.48\00:12:01.04 even there your hand will guide me, 00:12:01.05\00:12:03.12 your right hand will hold me fast." 00:12:03.13\00:12:05.82 There isn't anywhere you can go where God 00:12:05.83\00:12:07.51 won't take care of you. 00:12:07.52\00:12:09.06 In Ivana's song, "His Sheep Am I," 00:12:09.07\00:12:11.31 we will hear how God is with us in the mountains, 00:12:11.32\00:12:13.94 in the valleys and everywhere. 00:12:13.95\00:12:16.51 In God's green pastures feeding, 00:12:22.93\00:12:25.84 by His cool waters lie 00:12:25.85\00:12:29.02 Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I 00:12:29.03\00:12:33.79 All the sheep of His pasture fare so wondrously fine, 00:12:33.80\00:12:40.07 His sheep am I 00:12:40.08\00:12:44.22 Waters cool, pastures green 00:12:44.23\00:12:49.00 In the evening walk my Lord and I 00:12:49.01\00:12:54.05 Dark the night, rough the way 00:12:54.06\00:12:58.63 Step by step, my Lord and I 00:12:58.64\00:13:06.55 Do you ever have a bad dream and wake up feeling afraid? 00:13:09.71\00:13:12.69 When we have Jesus 00:13:12.70\00:13:13.79 we can say a prayer and feel safe again. 00:13:13.80\00:13:16.14 The next song says, I have peace like a river, 00:13:16.15\00:13:19.24 joy like a fountain and love like an ocean. 00:13:19.25\00:13:22.77 That's a lot of peace and joy and love, isn't it? 00:13:22.78\00:13:25.45 It's enough to take away any bad dream. 00:13:25.46\00:13:28.10 I know that's why the Guthrie Family 00:13:28.11\00:13:29.92 has chosen to play, "I've Got Peace like a River." 00:13:29.93\00:13:33.99 Peace, joy, love, they're all gifts that God gives us. 00:14:57.50\00:15:01.94 Jesus makes our lives so much happier 00:15:01.95\00:15:03.86 and takes away the fear. 00:15:03.87\00:15:05.72 When we have a special friendship with Jesus, 00:15:05.73\00:15:07.97 everything looks different. 00:15:07.98\00:15:09.46 The dark isn't so scary and-- we don't feel quite so alone. 00:15:09.47\00:15:13.23 The next song, Jesus is the sweetest name 00:15:13.24\00:15:15.91 I know is going to be sung by the Schafer girls. 00:15:15.92\00:15:18.90 It tells us why we can love Jesus, 00:15:18.91\00:15:21.29 for He is sweet and holy. 00:15:21.30\00:15:24.17 Jesus is the sweetest name I know 00:15:35.07\00:15:41.95 And He's just the same as His Holy Name 00:15:41.96\00:15:49.80 And that's the reason why I love Him so 00:15:49.81\00:15:56.89 'Cause Jesus is the sweetest name I know. 00:15:56.92\00:16:06.03 I'm so glad that I have 00:16:08.76\00:16:09.86 a special friendship with Jesus, aren't you? 00:16:09.87\00:16:12.11 When we have a special friendship with someone, 00:16:12.12\00:16:14.47 we spend time with them, don't we? 00:16:14.48\00:16:15.97 We like to go visit our grandparents 00:16:15.98\00:16:18.03 and listen to their story. 00:16:18.04\00:16:19.64 It's the same with Jesus. 00:16:19.65\00:16:21.69 He's our special friend and we like spending time 00:16:21.70\00:16:24.12 with Him and hearing stories about Him. 00:16:24.13\00:16:26.78 Jeharna's song, "A Quiet Place" 00:16:26.79\00:16:28.77 is about spending time with Jesus. 00:16:28.78\00:16:31.25 There is a quiet place 00:16:45.77\00:16:51.67 Far from the rapid pace 00:16:51.68\00:16:57.31 Where God can soothe my troubled mind 00:16:57.32\00:17:09.65 Shelteredby tree and flow'r 00:17:09.66\00:17:15.25 There in my quiet hour 00:17:15.26\00:17:20.17 With Him my cares are left behind 00:17:20.18\00:17:31.60 Whether a garden small 00:17:31.61\00:17:36.88 Or on a mountain tall 00:17:36.89\00:17:41.65 New strength and courage there I find 00:17:41.66\00:17:52.99 Then from this quiet place 00:17:53.00\00:17:58.43 I go prepared to face 00:17:58.44\00:18:03.50 A new day with love for all mankind 00:18:03.51\00:18:19.68 When you have something wonderful, 00:18:27.02\00:18:28.97 don't you want to share with your friends? 00:18:28.98\00:18:30.54 I know I do. 00:18:30.55\00:18:31.65 A new toy or a present isn't quite so great 00:18:31.66\00:18:34.67 if we can't share it with others. 00:18:34.68\00:18:36.54 When we feel God's peace, 00:18:36.55\00:18:38.53 we want to share it too, don't we? 00:18:38.54\00:18:40.64 We want to tell everyone we know how 00:18:40.65\00:18:43.46 they can feel peaceful too. 00:18:43.47\00:18:45.47 Isabel is going to play "Win the City for Christ" 00:18:45.48\00:18:48.42 on her violin with her sister Wen-Ting on the piano. 00:18:48.43\00:18:51.47 We pray to Jesus asking Him to help us to feel peaceful, 00:21:21.30\00:21:24.26 but one day Jesus is going to come 00:21:24.27\00:21:26.46 and He's going to call my name and yours. 00:21:26.47\00:21:29.27 And when we go to heaven, we'll have peace forever. 00:21:29.28\00:21:32.53 There will be no more darkness, 00:21:32.54\00:21:34.26 no more bad dreams and guess what, 00:21:34.27\00:21:36.83 no more being afraid. 00:21:36.84\00:21:38.71 The song that Joshua and I will sing, 00:21:38.72\00:21:40.75 "Somewhere Listening" is about waiting 00:21:40.76\00:21:42.68 for Jesus to call our names. 00:21:42.69\00:21:45.05 This whole world is dark and deceiving 00:21:51.45\00:21:55.63 But there's hope for all in believing 00:21:55.64\00:21:59.66 Signs are all around that He's coming 00:21:59.67\00:22:03.68 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:22:03.69\00:22:07.51 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening 00:22:07.52\00:22:11.79 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:22:11.80\00:22:15.78 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening 00:22:15.79\00:22:19.96 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:22:19.97\00:22:24.24 When the Savior calls I will answer 00:22:24.25\00:22:28.69 When He calls for me I will hear 00:22:28.70\00:22:32.79 When the Savior calls I will answer 00:22:32.80\00:22:36.78 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:22:36.79\00:22:40.75 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening 00:22:40.76\00:22:45.18 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:22:45.19\00:22:49.06 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening 00:22:49.07\00:22:53.62 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:22:53.63\00:22:57.51 With thy Holy Spirit fill me 00:22:57.52\00:23:01.95 I submit my will, I will serve thee 00:23:01.96\00:23:06.06 With thy Holy Spirit fill me 00:23:06.07\00:23:10.10 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:23:10.11\00:23:14.00 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening 00:23:14.01\00:23:18.44 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:23:18.45\00:23:22.46 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening 00:23:22.47\00:23:26.65 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:23:26.66\00:23:30.72 I'll be somewhere listening for my name 00:23:30.73\00:23:39.29 The wonderful thing about Jesus 00:23:43.46\00:23:44.97 is that He's never too busy to talk to us. 00:23:44.98\00:23:47.56 He never tells us not now, 00:23:47.57\00:23:49.52 I'm busy, or hold on a minute. 00:23:49.53\00:23:51.30 Jesus is always there and we can stop 00:23:51.31\00:23:54.10 and talk to Him anytime we want. 00:23:54.11\00:23:56.21 Knowing that God is always there 00:23:56.22\00:23:58.33 takes away those afraid feelings, doesn't it? 00:23:58.34\00:24:00.78 We can be with Jesus all day long, 00:24:00.79\00:24:02.80 doesn't that sound great? 00:24:02.81\00:24:04.58 That's why the Cadet Sisters have chosen the song, 00:24:04.59\00:24:07.27 "All Day Long." Let's listen together. 00:24:07.28\00:24:09.82 All day long I've been with Jesus 00:24:20.79\00:24:28.07 All day long my lips have uttered praise 00:24:28.08\00:24:37.27 All day long my heart, 00:24:37.28\00:24:41.34 My soul's been lifted in worship 00:24:41.35\00:24:45.91 All day long I have been with Him 00:24:45.92\00:24:54.23 All day long I've been with Jesus 00:24:54.24\00:25:01.64 All day long my lips have uttered praise 00:25:01.65\00:25:10.81 All day long his spirit has been moving 00:25:10.82\00:25:17.18 I can feel it all day long I have been with him 00:25:17.19\00:25:27.95 No way could I ever honor you enough 00:25:27.96\00:25:35.92 For all you have done for me 00:25:35.93\00:25:43.81 So I will offer up thanksgiving 00:25:43.82\00:25:50.68 from my heart 00:25:50.69\00:25:52.84 And praise continually 00:25:52.85\00:26:01.37 All day long I've been with Jesus 00:26:01.38\00:26:08.74 All day long my lips have uttered praise 00:26:08.75\00:26:18.20 All day long my heart, 00:26:18.21\00:26:22.03 My soul's been lifted in worship 00:26:22.04\00:26:26.78 All day long I have been with Him 00:26:26.79\00:26:35.35 All day long I've been with Him. 00:26:35.36\00:26:47.41 I'd like to thank all the-- kids who sang and played 00:26:53.56\00:26:55.99 for us today and I really received the blessing 00:26:56.00\00:26:58.67 and I had such a great time sharing with you too. 00:26:58.68\00:27:01.99 So just remember boys and-- girls, when you feel afraid, 00:27:02.00\00:27:04.54 when you've had a bad dream or may be 00:27:04.55\00:27:07.01 you are scared of the dark, 00:27:07.02\00:27:08.38 you can always pray to Jesus, to give you His peace. 00:27:08.39\00:27:11.85 I find that singing a little song helps a lot too. 00:27:11.86\00:27:14.85 I'm so glad that God gives us His peace, aren't you? 00:27:14.86\00:27:17.93 I have a Bible text I want you to remember. 00:27:17.94\00:27:19.48 Its John 16:33 and it says, 00:27:19.49\00:27:23.15 "These things I have spoken to you, 00:27:23.16\00:27:25.47 that in me you may have peace and in the world 00:27:25.48\00:27:29.77 you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, 00:27:29.78\00:27:32.62 isn't that wonderful, boys and girls? 00:27:32.63\00:27:34.58 Well, until next time, remember 00:27:34.59\00:27:36.63 its Kids Time to praise Jesus. 00:27:36.64\00:27:40.23