Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children, 00:00:04.28\00:00:08.17 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him! 00:00:08.18\00:00:14.57 All you little children, God is love! God is love! 00:00:14.58\00:00:21.38 Hi boys and girls, you probably 00:00:24.20\00:00:25.77 heard the well known song, 00:00:25.78\00:00:27.25 I've got peace like a river in my soul. 00:00:27.26\00:00:29.87 Oh! I love that song, don't you? 00:00:29.88\00:00:31.74 And for all of the times, 00:00:32.10\00:00:33.37 I have sung that song, have you ever wondered 00:00:33.38\00:00:35.87 just how peace is like a river. 00:00:35.88\00:00:38.25 I have1 Well let me share with you some ideas. 00:00:38.57\00:00:42.10 First, big rivers run deep and wide, 00:00:42.50\00:00:44.30 don't they? And even though 00:00:44.31\00:00:45.75 the water runs over the rough ground, 00:00:45.76\00:00:48.42 the surface of the river remains smooth and calm. 00:00:48.74\00:00:52.63 And sometimes you can look down in the river, 00:00:53.22\00:00:55.52 and you can hardly tell that river 00:00:55.88\00:00:57.46 water is moving at all. Well peace that 00:00:57.47\00:01:00.12 comes from trusting Jesus with your 00:01:00.13\00:01:01.75 life is like that. It runs deep and wide 00:01:01.76\00:01:05.36 even though you may hit rough spots in your life, 00:01:05.37\00:01:08.23 you are able to stay calm on the surface, 00:01:08.24\00:01:10.34 because you know that God is in control 00:01:10.76\00:01:13.02 of every circumstance. Second, big rivers keep 00:01:13.03\00:01:17.54 flowing year after year, season after season, 00:01:17.55\00:01:20.87 and they don't stop flowing or dry up, 00:01:21.18\00:01:24.07 not even in the hot summer. 00:01:24.21\00:01:25.77 You know they flow endlessly, 00:01:26.28\00:01:27.59 you know as time goes by it's just keeps 00:01:28.00\00:01:29.92 on flowing and flowing, isn't that amazing 00:01:29.93\00:01:32.26 that many of earth's rivers, 00:01:32.47\00:01:34.04 they have float for thousands of years. 00:01:34.05\00:01:36.36 They probably will keep on flowing 00:01:36.70\00:01:38.09 until Jesus comes. The peace of God 00:01:38.10\00:01:40.96 is like that, it flows endlessly 00:01:40.97\00:01:43.48 through the ages, and that you know 00:01:43.49\00:01:45.05 it's going to continue to flow throughout 00:01:45.06\00:01:47.05 all eternity. Also big rivers they 00:01:47.06\00:01:50.90 provide water to a lot of people for 00:01:50.91\00:01:52.74 many different reasons. You know valleys with 00:01:52.75\00:01:55.30 rivers that run through them, 00:01:55.31\00:01:56.53 they tend to kind of stay green and lush 00:01:56.54\00:01:58.72 and wow they are full of wildlife and big rivers 00:01:58.73\00:02:02.87 attract people and animals. 00:02:02.88\00:02:04.97 You know that's the case with the peace 00:02:05.75\00:02:07.15 that God gives us as well, when you have that 00:02:07.16\00:02:09.97 kind of peace, pretty soon everyone wants 00:02:09.98\00:02:13.00 to know what's your secret is, 00:02:13.01\00:02:14.30 they want that same kind of peace. 00:02:14.71\00:02:16.41 You know lets read in Revelation 22:1, 00:02:17.30\00:02:19.39 I want you get your Bibles out, 00:02:19.40\00:02:20.68 because you know boys and girls, 00:02:20.69\00:02:21.75 I want to encourage you read your 00:02:21.76\00:02:23.04 Bibles everyday. There is so much we 00:02:23.05\00:02:26.19 can learn in our Bibles, so Revelation 22:1. 00:02:26.20\00:02:28.94 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, 00:02:30.22\00:02:33.52 clear as crystal, proceeding from 00:02:33.87\00:02:36.25 the throne of God and of the Lamb. 00:02:36.26\00:02:39.00 Do you know the tree of life will have roots 00:02:39.96\00:02:41.46 on both sides of the river, 00:02:41.47\00:02:42.87 and it will bear leaves for the healing 00:02:43.25\00:02:45.20 of the nations? What a privilege it was 00:02:45.21\00:02:48.03 for John to see a vision of that river, 00:02:48.04\00:02:49.68 wasn't it? He saw it first hand what a 00:02:49.69\00:02:52.68 peaceful river really looks like. 00:02:52.69\00:02:54.85 Well you and I, we're going to have 00:02:56.23\00:02:58.08 to wait until Jesus comes probably and takes 00:02:58.09\00:03:00.28 us to heaven before we see that river, 00:03:00.29\00:03:02.08 but I can promise you it will be worth the wait. 00:03:02.69\00:03:05.38 And in the meantime we can still have 00:03:05.79\00:03:07.80 the sort of peace that runs deep and wide 00:03:07.81\00:03:10.46 and endlessly calm, just like a big river, 00:03:10.47\00:03:13.81 all we have to do is ask. 00:03:14.38\00:03:16.64 Give thanks with a grateful heart 00:07:56.95\00:08:01.41 Give thanks to the Holy One 00:08:01.42\00:08:05.82 Give thanks because He's 00:08:05.83\00:08:08.57 given Jesus Christ, His Son 00:08:08.58\00:08:14.36 And now let the weak say, "I am strong" 00:08:14.79\00:08:21.04 Let the poor say, "I am rich 00:08:21.36\00:08:25.41 Because of what the Lord has done for us 00:08:25.42\00:08:31.80 And now let the weak say, "I am strong" 00:08:32.21\00:08:38.18 Let the poor say, "I am rich 00:08:38.67\00:08:42.58 Because of what the Lord has done for us 00:08:42.86\00:08:49.10 Give thanks, Give thanks, Give thanks... 00:08:49.68\00:09:02.48 Your Holy where Jesus tells us 00:13:12.68\00:13:16.18 To love one another we must, 00:13:16.48\00:13:20.02 So often I try and just realize 00:13:20.24\00:13:23.96 that my efforts are indeed 00:13:23.97\00:13:25.68 I know aren't so wise 00:13:25.69\00:13:28.54 We love Jesus like we'll never leave 00:13:29.46\00:13:34.34 We love Jesus like we'll never love 00:13:34.62\00:13:39.62 Come abide in my heart, 00:13:40.03\00:13:42.96 Our Lord abide in me, 00:13:42.97\00:13:45.21 May I love everyone as you love me! 00:13:45.75\00:13:51.24 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 00:14:35.28\00:14:39.12 Every burden on my heart rolled away 00:14:39.38\00:14:43.09 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 00:14:43.33\00:14:47.07 Every burden on my heart rolled away 00:14:47.08\00:14:51.36 Every sin had to go, 00:14:51.45\00:14:55.31 Neath the cleansing flow, Hallelujah! 00:14:55.53\00:14:59.41 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 00:14:59.42\00:15:03.63 Every burden of my heart rolled away! 00:15:03.64\00:15:07.65 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 00:15:07.76\00:15:11.74 Every burden of my heart rolled away! 00:15:11.75\00:15:15.73 Every sin had to go, 00:15:16.06\00:15:19.73 Neath the cleansing flow, Hallelujah! 00:15:19.92\00:15:23.84 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 00:15:23.85\00:15:28.18 Every burden of my heart rolled away! 00:15:28.19\00:15:31.85 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 00:15:32.19\00:15:36.30 Every burden of my heart rolled away! 00:15:36.31\00:15:40.22 Every burden of my heart rolled away! 00:15:40.25\00:15:48.96 I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy 00:17:05.26\00:17:07.94 down in my heart. 00:17:07.95\00:17:09.24 Where? Down in my heart! 00:17:09.25\00:17:11.50 Where? Down in my heart! 00:17:11.51\00:17:13.22 I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy 00:17:13.23\00:17:15.84 down in my heart, 00:17:15.85\00:17:17.29 Where? Down in my heart to stay. 00:17:17.30\00:17:20.59 And I'm so happy So very happy 00:17:21.23\00:17:25.14 I've got the love of Jesus in my heart 00:17:25.49\00:17:28.69 And I'm so happy So very happy 00:17:29.19\00:17:33.21 I've got the love of Jesus in my heart 00:17:33.52\00:17:36.88 All to Jesus I surrender; All to Him I freely give; 00:17:51.17\00:18:00.34 I will ever love and trust Him, 00:18:00.87\00:18:05.49 In His presence daily live. 00:18:05.88\00:18:10.29 All to Jesus I surrender; 00:18:10.63\00:18:15.06 Humbly at His feet I bow, 00:18:15.36\00:18:19.79 Worldly pleasures all forsaken; 00:18:20.26\00:18:24.53 Take me, Jesus, take me now. 00:18:24.93\00:18:29.31 I surrender all I surrender all 00:18:29.76\00:18:38.60 All to Thee, my blessed Savior 00:18:39.22\00:18:44.20 I surrender all 00:18:44.49\00:18:48.45 All to Jesus I surrender; 00:18:49.76\00:18:54.47 Make me, Savior, wholly Thine; 00:18:54.77\00:18:59.21 Let me feel the Holy Spirit, 00:18:59.72\00:19:04.27 Truly know that Thou art mine. 00:19:04.50\00:19:08.93 All to Jesus I surrender; 00:19:09.34\00:19:13.81 Now I feel the sacred flame. 00:19:14.08\00:19:18.44 Oh, the joy of full salvation! 00:19:18.83\00:19:23.25 Glory, glory, to His Name! 00:19:23.54\00:19:27.92 I surrender all I surrender all 00:19:28.33\00:19:36.79 All to Thee, my blessed Savior 00:19:37.67\00:19:42.63 I surrender all 00:19:42.90\00:19:48.46 Sing shout and clap your hands 00:21:08.09\00:21:10.73 Give praise unto your maker 00:21:10.74\00:21:13.81 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord 00:21:14.32\00:21:19.34 Sing shout and clap your hands 00:21:20.26\00:21:22.85 Give praise unto your maker 00:21:22.86\00:21:25.61 For the Lord He is almighty God. 00:21:25.62\00:21:31.46 Sing shout and clap your hands 00:21:32.43\00:21:35.01 Give praise unto your maker 00:21:35.02\00:21:38.09 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord 00:21:38.56\00:21:43.65 Sing shout and clap your hands 00:21:44.53\00:21:47.23 Give praise unto your maker 00:21:47.24\00:21:49.95 For the Lord He is almighty God. 00:21:50.04\00:21:55.77 This is the day of celebration 00:21:57.38\00:22:02.37 This is the day to rejoice 00:22:03.57\00:22:08.62 The Lord our God is our deliverer 00:22:09.86\00:22:14.83 So let's just praise His name. 00:22:15.08\00:22:21.53 Sing shout and clap your hands 00:22:21.81\00:22:24.59 Give praise unto your maker 00:22:24.60\00:22:27.57 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord 00:22:28.05\00:22:32.99 Sing shout and clap your hands 00:22:34.05\00:22:36.71 Give praise unto your maker 00:22:36.72\00:22:39.36 For the Lord He is almighty God. 00:22:39.43\00:22:44.79 For the Lord He is almighty God. 00:22:45.57\00:22:51.07 For the Lord He is almighty God. 00:22:51.65\00:22:58.38 Into my heart, into my heart, 00:24:27.98\00:24:33.62 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus; 00:24:33.75\00:24:39.98 Come in today, come in to stay; 00:24:40.35\00:24:46.40 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. 00:24:46.73\00:24:54.35 If the Savior stood beside me, 00:25:12.38\00:25:16.56 would I do the things I do? 00:25:16.87\00:25:20.80 Would I think of His commandments 00:25:21.30\00:25:25.22 and try harder to be true? 00:25:25.42\00:25:30.27 Would I follow His example? 00:25:30.65\00:25:34.87 Would I live more righteously, 00:25:35.34\00:25:38.90 If I could see the Savior standing 00:25:39.08\00:25:43.77 nigh, watching over me? 00:25:43.78\00:25:49.33 If the Savior stood beside me, 00:25:58.41\00:26:02.61 would I say the things I say? 00:26:03.07\00:26:07.40 Would my words be true and 00:26:07.63\00:26:10.44 kind if He were never far away? 00:26:10.45\00:26:16.59 Would I try to share the gospel? 00:26:16.97\00:26:21.23 Would I speak more reverently 00:26:21.66\00:26:25.29 If I could see the Savior standing 00:26:25.53\00:26:30.16 nigh, watching over me? 00:26:30.17\00:26:35.49 He is always near me, 00:26:45.08\00:26:48.96 though I do not see Him there 00:26:49.22\00:26:53.38 And because He loves me dearly, 00:26:53.64\00:26:57.43 I am in His watchful care 00:26:57.75\00:27:02.54 So I'll be the kind of person 00:27:02.89\00:27:07.22 that I know I'd like to be 00:27:07.64\00:27:11.27 If I could see the Savior standing 00:27:11.55\00:27:16.20 nigh, watching over me. 00:27:16.21\00:27:24.70