Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children, 00:00:04.22\00:00:07.95 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him! 00:00:07.96\00:00:14.34 All you little children, 00:00:14.35\00:00:16.83 God is love! God is love! 00:00:16.84\00:00:21.11 Hi boys and girls, look at this, 00:00:24.12\00:00:26.56 all these pages full of words, pages and pages. 00:00:26.57\00:00:31.36 You know in my country when you wanna go to court 00:00:31.37\00:00:34.33 and you ask a judge to do something for you. 00:00:34.34\00:00:36.19 Sometimes you have to write one of these, 00:00:36.70\00:00:38.96 it's called a legal document and file it 00:00:38.97\00:00:41.37 with the court. Sometimes they're 00:00:41.38\00:00:43.43 called petitions. Now courts are very 00:00:43.44\00:00:46.50 picky about the documents that they read. 00:00:46.51\00:00:48.44 And the title has to be in just the right place. 00:00:48.45\00:00:51.10 And there has to be just the right amount of 00:00:51.11\00:00:53.28 space all around the edges. And sometimes you 00:00:53.29\00:00:57.06 can only submit a certain number of pages. 00:00:57.07\00:00:59.76 Now if you break those rules, 00:00:59.77\00:01:01.28 the judge won't even read the document. 00:01:01.29\00:01:03.33 He'll send it right back to you and say sorry, 00:01:03.34\00:01:05.44 too many pages or he might just say, 00:01:05.45\00:01:07.96 no try again. Well, is this the sort of 00:01:07.97\00:01:11.62 petition the Bible talks about, when it tells 00:01:11.63\00:01:13.90 us that Jesus hears our petitions? 00:01:13.91\00:01:16.28 Absolutely not, when you need to tell 00:01:16.29\00:01:19.09 Jesus something, you don't have to type 00:01:19.10\00:01:21.12 up a long document or fill out a form and file it 00:01:21.13\00:01:24.09 with the court, all you have to do is to 00:01:24.10\00:01:26.89 talk to him and share what's on your heart and 00:01:26.90\00:01:29.57 Jesus listens to you. You know Jesus is never 00:01:29.58\00:01:32.81 too busy and you don't have to wait in line or 00:01:32.82\00:01:35.08 schedule court date. You can talk with Jesus 00:01:35.09\00:01:38.40 anytime, anywhere and under any circumstances, 00:01:38.41\00:01:42.30 isn't that wonderful? If I had to write one of 00:01:42.31\00:01:44.75 these every single time and I had to write down 00:01:44.76\00:01:47.53 every singe time and fill up this document just 00:01:47.54\00:01:49.99 because I wanna talk with Jesus. 00:01:50.00\00:01:51.52 I'm afraid I might not be able talk with him as 00:01:52.13\00:01:54.59 often as I'd like. I'd be nervous that 00:01:54.60\00:01:56.82 I might make some big mistake or write the wrong 00:01:56.83\00:01:59.52 thing or maybe break one of those rules. 00:01:59.53\00:02:01.88 I'm happy to you boys and girls, 00:02:02.84\00:02:04.35 that the kind of petition the Bible talks about 00:02:04.79\00:02:06.87 is simply a prayer. In First John 5:14 it says 00:02:06.88\00:02:11.48 "And this is the confidence that we 00:02:11.49\00:02:13.38 have in Him, that if we ask 00:02:13.39\00:02:15.32 any thing according to His will, He heareth us: 00:02:15.33\00:02:18.97 It doesn't matter who you are? 00:02:18.98\00:02:20.49 Or what country you live in? 00:02:20.50\00:02:21.84 The rules are the same, Ask, and it shall be 00:02:21.85\00:02:25.94 given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, 00:02:25.95\00:02:29.24 and it shall be opened unto you for every, 00:02:29.25\00:02:31.69 one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh 00:02:31.70\00:02:35.32 findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall 00:02:35.33\00:02:38.73 be opened. I want you read that for yourself 00:02:38.74\00:02:40.29 in Matthew 7:7, aren't those great rules? 00:02:40.30\00:02:43.46 I think all of God's rules are good. 00:02:43.47\00:02:46.28 And I'm looking forward to heaven where documents 00:02:46.83\00:02:49.21 like this one won't be necessary anymore. 00:02:49.22\00:02:51.67 And I will be able to talk to the 00:02:51.68\00:02:53.19 real judge face to face. 00:02:53.20\00:02:55.67 The Lord heard Daniel and the Lord hears me. 00:03:02.45\00:03:06.65 The Lord heard Daniel and the Lord hears me. 00:03:07.38\00:03:11.32 'Cause Daniel prayed to Him, 00:03:11.33\00:03:13.91 God saved Him from the den. 00:03:13.92\00:03:16.24 The Lord heard Daniel and the Lord hears me. 00:03:16.25\00:03:20.38 The Lord heard Moses and the Lord hears me. 00:03:20.96\00:03:24.82 The Lord heard Moses and the Lord hears me. 00:03:24.83\00:03:29.01 From chariots they did flee, 00:03:29.57\00:03:31.77 then God rolled back the sea 00:03:31.78\00:03:33.78 The Lord heard Moses and the Lord hears me. 00:03:33.79\00:03:37.94 The Lord heard David and the Lord hears me. 00:03:38.50\00:03:42.71 The Lord heard David and the Lord hears me. 00:03:42.72\00:03:46.81 The giant he did fight to show 00:03:47.62\00:03:50.22 God's power and might 00:03:50.23\00:03:52.04 The Lord heard David and the Lord hears me. 00:03:52.05\00:03:55.88 The Lord will answer when He hears me. 00:03:56.41\00:04:01.04 The Lord will answer when He hears me. 00:04:01.05\00:04:05.50 If I just say a prayer I know that He is there. 00:04:05.51\00:04:10.14 The Lord will answer when He hears me. 00:04:10.15\00:04:14.91 Jesus I'm scared, it's dark in my room 00:06:23.70\00:06:31.44 And I'm all alone, I'm frightened, I'm quiet 00:06:31.45\00:06:39.88 But I don't want to wake my mom and my dad again 00:06:39.89\00:06:49.95 I wish you were down here, 00:06:51.85\00:06:57.31 I wish you were down here, 00:06:57.32\00:07:02.87 To hold me in your arms and 00:07:02.88\00:07:09.52 take all my tears away tonight. 00:07:09.53\00:07:18.48 Jesus, my mom said to call on your name 00:07:27.62\00:07:35.49 And know that I'm safe 00:07:35.50\00:07:38.77 Jesus, my dad says that you'll 00:07:38.78\00:07:45.07 call me back to take me home with you soon 00:07:45.08\00:07:55.84 I wish you were down here, 00:07:55.85\00:08:01.69 I pray you will come soon 00:08:01.70\00:08:07.75 to hold me in your arms and 00:08:07.76\00:08:13.80 take all my tears away tonight. 00:08:13.81\00:08:23.25 Ready to go home with you. 00:08:30.44\00:08:35.18 Whisper a prayer in the morning, 00:08:47.52\00:08:51.91 Whisper a prayer at noon. 00:08:51.92\00:08:57.11 Whisper a prayer in the evening, 00:08:58.03\00:09:02.31 To keep your heart in tune. 00:09:02.32\00:09:06.72 God answers prayer in the morning, 00:09:08.53\00:09:12.76 God answers prayer at noon. 00:09:12.77\00:09:17.84 God answers prayer in the evening. 00:09:18.66\00:09:22.88 So keep your heart in tune. 00:09:22.89\00:09:27.96 When deep in your heart you feel 00:09:42.78\00:09:45.32 You need the love you know that only God can give 00:09:45.33\00:09:50.72 His love is near and just a prayer away 00:09:50.73\00:09:59.65 Just talk to him as you would a 00:10:01.64\00:10:04.12 friend you don't need 00:10:04.13\00:10:05.53 to hide behind your doubts and fears 00:10:05.54\00:10:10.16 His love is near and just a prayer away 00:10:10.17\00:10:17.84 All of the millions of stars in the sky above 00:10:20.04\00:10:24.40 God made and give them names 00:10:24.41\00:10:28.43 Still you mean more to him, 00:10:29.05\00:10:31.02 More then the earth to him 00:10:31.03\00:10:33.26 Love is the reason he came 00:10:33.27\00:10:38.02 You may not have the things as much as you need 00:10:38.64\00:10:41.98 But what you found has come to stay 00:10:41.99\00:10:47.22 His love is near and just a prayer away 00:10:47.23\00:10:53.66 Jesus will come to you 00:10:53.67\00:10:56.72 His love is near and just a prayer away 00:10:56.73\00:11:04.86 Just talk to him as you would 00:11:11.21\00:11:13.44 a friend you don't need 00:11:13.45\00:11:15.08 to hide behind your doubts and fear 00:11:15.09\00:11:19.99 His love is near and just a prayer away 00:11:20.00\00:11:28.27 His love is near and just a prayer away. 00:11:30.00\00:11:39.63 I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord; 00:11:53.24\00:12:00.79 no tender voice like thine can peace afford. 00:12:00.80\00:12:08.75 I need thee, O I need thee; 00:12:08.76\00:12:13.75 every hour I need thee; 00:12:13.76\00:12:17.40 O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee. 00:12:17.41\00:12:25.37 I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord; 00:12:25.38\00:12:33.33 no tender voice like thine can peace afford. 00:12:33.34\00:12:41.27 I need thee, O I need thee; 00:12:41.28\00:12:46.35 every hour I need thee; 00:12:46.36\00:12:49.93 O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee. 00:12:49.94\00:12:57.79 I come to thee. 00:12:57.80\00:13:03.45 We believe in God And we all need Jesus 00:13:22.54\00:13:35.26 'Cause life is hard And it might not get easier 00:13:36.50\00:13:48.34 But don't be afraid To know who you are 00:13:48.35\00:13:55.32 Don't be afraid to show it 00:13:55.33\00:14:01.02 If you believe in God 00:14:03.47\00:14:07.97 If you say you need Jesus 00:14:10.58\00:14:16.51 He'll be where you are 00:14:17.45\00:14:22.22 And he never will leave you 00:14:24.34\00:14:30.00 Sing to me now words that are true 00:14:30.01\00:14:36.46 So all in this place can know it 00:14:36.47\00:14:42.28 We believe in God 00:14:45.12\00:14:49.37 And we all need Jesus 00:14:52.08\00:14:58.75 We believe in God 00:14:58.76\00:15:03.01 And we all need Jesus 00:15:05.65\00:15:12.56 We believe in God 00:15:12.57\00:15:16.87 And we all need Jesus 00:15:19.56\00:15:31.95 A little talk with Jesus 00:15:52.49\00:15:54.27 makes it right, all right; 00:15:54.28\00:15:56.79 A little talk with Jesus 00:15:56.80\00:15:59.05 makes it right, all right; 00:15:59.06\00:16:01.56 In trials of every kind, praise God, 00:16:01.57\00:16:05.46 I always find A little talk with Jesus 00:16:05.47\00:16:10.87 makes it right, all right. 00:16:10.88\00:16:13.28 A little walk with Jesus 00:16:13.85\00:16:15.86 makes it right, all right. 00:16:15.87\00:16:18.28 A little walk with Jesus 00:16:18.77\00:16:20.59 Jesus makes it right, all right. 00:16:20.60\00:16:23.13 In trials of every kind, praise God, 00:16:23.14\00:16:27.94 I always find A little walk with Jesus 00:16:27.95\00:16:34.88 makes it right, all right. 00:16:34.89\00:16:39.23 Give us this day our daily bread, 00:16:45.32\00:16:55.39 You said you would supply all my needs, 00:16:55.40\00:17:10.93 according to Your riches. 00:17:10.94\00:17:19.72 I have but to ask and I shall receive. 00:17:19.73\00:17:36.42 To go from here and share 00:17:39.16\00:17:45.20 this love You gave to me; 00:17:45.21\00:17:53.96 to show someone who's lost 00:17:53.97\00:18:02.58 and help them find their way, 00:18:02.59\00:18:11.31 the way to truth and faith 00:18:11.32\00:18:17.67 so they can be free like me, 00:18:17.68\00:18:28.62 free like me. 00:18:29.39\00:18:37.01 Lord, we need Your love, 00:18:38.10\00:18:45.97 Lord, we need Your peace, 00:18:46.76\00:18:54.46 Lord, we need your joy this day. 00:18:55.13\00:19:09.62 Give us this day Lord we pray 00:19:09.63\00:19:17.41 Give us this day 00:19:17.42\00:19:24.87 Face to face Lord let me know You, 00:19:38.20\00:19:46.95 Face to face Lord let me see You, 00:19:46.96\00:19:56.20 In this place of quiet communion 00:19:56.97\00:20:04.89 Lord, let me know You face to face. 00:20:05.92\00:20:14.23 Face to face Lord let me love You 00:20:15.57\00:20:24.20 Face to face Lord let me praise You 00:20:24.93\00:20:33.79 In this place of quiet communion 00:20:33.80\00:20:42.26 Lord, let me love You face to face. 00:20:43.42\00:20:53.70 I cast all my cares upon You, 00:21:04.72\00:21:11.75 I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet. 00:21:11.76\00:21:21.28 And any time I don't know what to do, 00:21:21.29\00:21:29.36 I will cast all my cares upon You. 00:21:29.37\00:21:38.09 I cast all my cares upon You, 00:21:38.10\00:21:45.90 I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet. 00:21:46.59\00:21:54.86 And any time I don't know what to do, 00:21:54.87\00:22:02.93 I will cast all my cares upon You. 00:22:02.94\00:22:11.99 This little light of mine, 00:25:41.30\00:25:43.15 I'm gonna let it shine; 00:25:43.16\00:25:45.14 This little light of mine, 00:25:45.15\00:25:47.23 I'm gonna let it shine 00:25:47.24\00:25:49.29 This little light of mine, 00:25:49.30\00:25:51.37 I'm gonna let it shine; 00:25:51.38\00:25:53.31 Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. 00:25:53.32\00:25:56.88 Let it shine till Jesus comes, 00:25:57.67\00:26:00.21 I'm gonna let it shine; 00:26:00.22\00:26:02.08 Let it shine till Jesus comes, 00:26:02.09\00:26:04.23 I'm gonna let it shine; 00:26:04.24\00:26:05.95 Let it shine till Jesus comes, 00:26:05.96\00:26:08.29 I'm gonna let it shine; 00:26:08.30\00:26:10.12 Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. 00:26:10.13\00:26:13.96 [Foreign Language]. 00:26:25.12\00:27:22.81