Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Logan & (Kevin Villarreal), Sofia Tsatalbasidis (Lily Tstalbasidis), Alicia Dent, Isabel & Wen- Ting Ong, Eric Montenegro, Lili Italiane, Jessalyn Craven (Brenda Walsh), Juliana Rickard (Jim Rickard), Kara & Kelly McMahon (Basil Campbell), Toni- Ann Singh, Joshua Lance (Wen- Ting Ong), Timothy Rantung, Woodruff Family, Emily Traversy, Sandra Guerra (Melissa Westmore), Thompsonville Chimes, Taylor Camarillo (Brenda Walsh)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000066

00:04 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:08 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him!
00:14 All you little children,
00:16 God is love! God is love!
00:24 Hi boys and girls, many, many years ago a tiny
00:27 baby girl was born in the State of Connecticut.
00:30 And when she was only 6 weeks old,
00:33 she caught a cold, and a man who falsely
00:36 claim to be doctor, he prescribed a treatment
00:39 that caused this little girl to go blind.
00:42 Now this little girl's name was
00:44 Frances Jane Crosby, but I think the world
00:47 knows her as Fanny Crosby. Later in life a
00:51 preacher told Fanny you know I think it was a
00:53 great pity that the master did not give you sight
00:55 when He showered you with so many other gifts.
00:59 And you know what Fanny said,
01:01 do you know that if at birth,
01:03 I've been able to make one petition it would have
01:06 been that I should be born blind.
01:09 While this really surprised the man,
01:11 he couldn't he believe what he heard,
01:12 why he want to know. And she answered him
01:15 because when I get to heaven,
01:17 the first face that shall ever gladden my sight
01:21 will be that of my Savior. Now Fanny Crosby is
01:25 remembered for the thousands of poems
01:27 that she wrote that was put to music.
01:29 And you can find many of them in your church
01:31 hymn book, so take your hymn book out
01:33 and lift him, okay. Some of my favorite hymns
01:36 were written by Fanny Crosby,
01:38 and Fanny wrote a first poem when she was only
01:41 8 years old, imagine that,
01:44 kind of went like this,
01:45 Oh, what a happy soul am I,
01:47 although I cannot see, I am resolved that in this
01:51 world contented I will be. How many blessings I
01:55 enjoy that other people don't,
01:57 to weep inside because I'm blind, I cannot,
02:00 and I won't. Boys and girls I'm sure you have
02:04 guessed by now that Fanny's joy didn't come
02:07 because of her circumstances were
02:09 perfect, right. Her joy came from knowing Jesus,
02:13 and trusting Him with her life.
02:15 she could be joyful through her sorrows
02:17 knowing that she would see the wonderful face
02:21 of Jesus someday. Now when you love and
02:24 you trust Jesus as Fanny did,
02:25 you too will have true joy.
02:35 God told us how to have a happy home,
02:40 Have a happy home, have a happy home,
02:45 God told us how to have a happy home,
02:49 And live for Him each day,
02:54 God said obey your parents in the Lord,
02:59 Duties say mind them everyday
03:03 God said obey your parents in your heart
03:07 A long life in my land
03:11 God said to be kind to others in your home,
03:17 Others in your home, others in your home,
03:21 God said to be kind to others in your home,
03:25 And be happy everyday.
03:38 I have a song that Jesus gave me,
03:42 It was sent from heaven above;
03:46 There never was a sweeter melody,
03:51 than the melody of love.
03:57 In my heart there rings a melody,
04:01 There rings a melody with heaven's harmony;
04:05 In my heart there rings a melody;
04:09 There rings a melody of love.
04:14 I love the Christ who died on Calvary,
04:18 For He washed my sins away;
04:23 He put within my heart a melody,
04:27 And I know it's there to stay.
04:33 In my heart there rings a melody,
04:37 There rings a melody with heaven's harmony;
04:41 In my heart there rings a melody;
04:45 There rings a melody of love.
04:50 'Twill be my endless theme in glory,
04:55 With the angels I will sing;
04:59 'Twill be a song with glorious harmony,
05:03 When the courts of heaven ring.
05:09 In my heart there rings a melody,
05:13 There rings a melody with heaven's harmony;
05:18 In my heart there rings a melody;
05:22 There rings a melody of love.
05:28 O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus,
05:48 O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me
05:59 There is a name I love to hear,
06:04 the sweetest name I know
06:10 It sounds like music in my ear
06:16 the sweetest name on earth
06:22 O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus,
06:34 O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me
06:46 Because He first loved me
08:38 A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J- K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-
08:49 T-U-V-W-X-Y-And-Z now I know my ABC's
09:02 next time won't you sing with me?
09:10 A-B-C-D-E-F-G, Jesus died for you and me
09:17 H-I-J-K-L-M-N, Jesus died for
09:22 sinful men, Amen! O-P-Q-R-S-T-U,
09:29 I believe God's word is true,
09:33 U-V-W, God has promised you
09:37 X-Y-Z, A home eternally.
09:54 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
10:02 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
10:09 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
10:16 Let it shine, Let it shine, for my Lord
10:24 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
10:31 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
10:39 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
10:46 Way beyond the blue.
10:54 I took Jesus as my Savior, you take Him too,
11:01 I took Jesus as my Savior, you take Him too,
11:08 I took Jesus as my Savior, you take Him too,
11:15 Way beyond the blue,
11:23 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
11:30 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
11:38 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
11:45 Way beyond the blue.
12:04 I'm so happy and here's the reason why
12:07 Jesus took my burdens all away
12:11 Now I'm singing as the days go by
12:15 Jesus took my burdens all away
12:19 Once my heart was heavy with a load of sin
12:22 Jesus took the load and gave me piece within
12:25 Now I'm singing as the days go by
12:29 Jesus took my burdens all away
14:37 I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice
14:46 To worship you, Oh my soul rejoice!
14:56 Take joy, my King, in what you hear
15:05 May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear
15:15 I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice
15:25 To worship you, Oh my soul rejoice!
15:35 Take joy, my King, in what you hear
15:43 May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear
15:52 May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear
16:17 Father, I adore You Lay my life before You
16:27 How I love You Jesus, I adore You
16:37 Lay my life before You How I love You
16:48 Spirit I adore You Lay my life before You
16:58 How I love You Father, I adore You
17:08 Lay my life before You How I love You
17:19 Jesus, I adore You Lay my life before You
17:29 How I love You Spirit I adore You
17:40 Lay my life before You
17:45 How I love You How I love You
20:20 Would you be free from your burden of sin?
20:25 There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
20:30 Would you o'er evil a victory win?
20:34 There's wonderful power in the blood.
20:39 There is power, power, wonder-working power,
20:44 In the blood of the Lamb;
20:48 There is power, power, wonder-working power,
20:53 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
21:01 Would you be free from your passion and pride?
21:05 There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
21:10 Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide,
21:14 There's wonderful power in the blood.
21:19 There is power, power, wonder-working power,
21:24 In the blood of the Lamb.
21:28 There is power, power, wonder-working power,
21:33 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
21:41 Would you do service for Jesus your King?
21:45 There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
21:50 Would you live daily His praises to sing?
21:55 There's wonderful power in the blood.
21:59 There is power, power, wonder-working power,
22:04 In the blood of the Lamb.
22:08 There is power, power, wonder-working power,
22:13 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
22:17 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
22:39 God is so good, God is so good,
22:48 God is so good, He's so good to me!
22:56 He cares for me, He cares for me,
23:05 He cares for me, He's so good to me!
23:15 I'll do His will I'll do His will
23:23 I'll do His will He's so good to me!
23:44 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
23:47 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
23:51 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
23:55 Way beyond the blue.
24:00 I've got a home in glory land
24:01 that out-shines the sun. I've got a home in glory
24:05 land that out- shines the sun.
24:08 I've got a home in glory land
24:10 that out-shines the sun. Way beyond the blue.
24:16 I took Jesus as my Savior, you take Him too,
24:20 I took Jesus as my Savior, you take Him too,
24:24 I took Jesus as my Savior, you take Him too,
24:28 World is calling you.
24:32 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
24:36 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
24:40 Do Lord, O do Lord, O do remember me,
24:44 Way beyond the blue.
25:42 I will enter His gates with
25:45 thanksgiving in my heart,
25:47 I will enter His courts with praise,
25:52 I will say this is the day
25:54 that the Lord has made,
25:58 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
26:03 He has made me glad He has made me glad
26:08 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
26:13 He has made me glad He has made me glad
26:18 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
26:23 I will enter His gates with
26:26 thanksgiving in my heart,
26:28 I will enter His courts with praise,
26:33 I will say this is the day
26:36 that the Lord has made,
26:39 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
26:45 He has made me glad He has made me glad
26:49 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
26:55 He has made me glad He has made me glad
27:00 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
27:05 He has made me glad He has made me glad
27:10 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
27:15 He has made me glad He has made me glad
27:20 I will rejoice for He has made me glad.


Revised 2014-12-17