Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children 00:00:03.88\00:00:08.09 God is love, God is love 00:00:08.10\00:00:12.33 Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children 00:00:12.34\00:00:16.65 God is love, God is love. 00:00:16.66\00:00:20.96 Hi, boys and girls, have you ever noticed 00:00:23.75\00:00:26.53 that when you breathe out eventually 00:00:26.54\00:00:28.52 you have to breathe in again? 00:00:28.53\00:00:30.44 And when you breathe in, eventually you have to 00:00:30.45\00:00:32.79 breathe out again, don't you? 00:00:32.80\00:00:34.28 That's just the way breathing works. 00:00:34.29\00:00:36.57 Praying works much the same way that breathing does. 00:00:36.58\00:00:39.69 Now just as you must breathe constantly 00:00:39.70\00:00:41.68 to stay alive physically, you must pray 00:00:41.69\00:00:44.53 constantly to maintain your spiritual life, 00:00:44.54\00:00:47.27 and just like breathing has two parts inhaling, 00:00:47.28\00:00:51.05 and exhaling, praying also has two parts. 00:00:51.06\00:00:55.51 And praying includes both talking and listening. 00:00:55.52\00:00:58.90 Now praying isn't just talking to God, 00:00:58.91\00:01:01.23 saying Amen and quickly going on with your day. 00:01:01.24\00:01:04.26 Or right before you go to bed, quickly praying to God, 00:01:04.27\00:01:07.00 say Amen, jump into bed, go to sleep. 00:01:07.01\00:01:09.73 That would be like letting all your breath out 00:01:09.74\00:01:11.92 and never breathing in again. 00:01:11.93\00:01:14.56 Prayer and meditation are just two words 00:01:14.57\00:01:17.65 that we refer to as two parts of praying. 00:01:17.66\00:01:21.15 Now when we pray, we talk to God, 00:01:21.16\00:01:23.45 much the same way we talk to a friend. 00:01:23.46\00:01:25.89 And when we meditate, we listen to God 00:01:25.90\00:01:28.54 as He responds to what we have to say. 00:01:28.55\00:01:31.27 Now when you talk with your friends, 00:01:31.28\00:01:33.42 we do some of the talking while they listen, right? 00:01:33.43\00:01:36.64 And then they do some of the talking, while you listen. 00:01:36.65\00:01:40.08 And a friend would kind of think it 00:01:40.09\00:01:41.33 rather strange if you call them up after school one day. 00:01:41.34\00:01:44.00 And let's -- let's say you said, uh, dear -- uh, 00:01:44.01\00:01:46.69 hello, Andrew, how are you doing? 00:01:46.70\00:01:48.12 Thank you for playing with me at school today. 00:01:48.13\00:01:49.67 Uh, by the way, will you study 00:01:49.68\00:01:51.29 with me later for the test and -- oh yes, 00:01:51.30\00:01:53.36 I need to borrow your football, bye. 00:01:53.37\00:01:54.96 Click, the receiver goes down. 00:01:56.01\00:01:57.75 Now Andrew would probably be 00:01:57.76\00:01:59.06 thinking, what in the world, it was rather strange. 00:01:59.07\00:02:01.33 He didn't even let me answer him. 00:02:01.34\00:02:03.75 Well, boys and girls, Jesus is the most 00:02:03.76\00:02:05.85 special friend you'll ever have. 00:02:05.86\00:02:07.98 And He wants to hear what you have to say. 00:02:07.99\00:02:10.00 And He wants to talk to you as well. 00:02:10.01\00:02:12.68 You may not hear Him with your ears, 00:02:12.69\00:02:14.91 but you can hear Him through this word, the Holy Bible. 00:02:14.92\00:02:18.79 And also through his Holy Spirit 00:02:18.80\00:02:20.44 as it speaks to your heart and to your mind. 00:02:20.45\00:02:22.94 And here's an idea, why don't you 00:02:22.95\00:02:24.75 try keeping a prayer journal? 00:02:24.76\00:02:26.46 Now I have a prayer journal here. 00:02:26.47\00:02:28.13 And this is one that 3ABN puts out. 00:02:28.14\00:02:31.28 I love this prayer journal because 00:02:31.29\00:02:32.68 it's small enough to keep in my purse and-- 00:02:32.69\00:02:35.15 or you can slip it in your Bible, boys and girls. 00:02:35.16\00:02:37.46 And in it is all kinds of places to write things down. 00:02:37.47\00:02:41.16 You can write down people that you wanna pray for, 00:02:41.17\00:02:44.33 and also place for answered prayers. 00:02:44.34\00:02:46.55 But I'd also like you -- to encourage you to 00:02:46.56\00:02:48.37 write down two kinds of things. 00:02:48.38\00:02:50.58 Write your ideas and your concerns. 00:02:50.59\00:02:53.73 The things you wanna tell Jesus. 00:02:53.74\00:02:55.78 And then next, write down the thoughts 00:02:55.79\00:02:58.26 and the insights the Holy Spirit 00:02:58.27\00:02:59.95 shares with you throughout your day. 00:02:59.96\00:03:02.09 Now if you take the time to do this, 00:03:02.10\00:03:04.41 you will just be amazed at how much, 00:03:04.42\00:03:07.45 God has to say to you. 00:03:07.46\00:03:09.41 Pretty soon, praying and meditating 00:03:09.42\00:03:11.80 will become as easy as breathing in, and breathing out. 00:03:11.81\00:03:15.69 You can find a wonderful example 00:03:15.70\00:03:17.57 of prayer journal in the Bible, did you know that? 00:03:17.58\00:03:20.07 The Book of Psalms is King David's prayer journal. 00:03:20.08\00:03:23.18 Read it for yourself. 00:03:23.19\00:03:24.29 As you read through each psalm, 00:03:24.30\00:03:26.32 try to identify the parts where David was speaking to God. 00:03:26.33\00:03:30.09 And the parts where David was recording what God said to him. 00:03:30.10\00:03:34.00 Now, boys and girls, let every breath you take 00:03:34.01\00:03:36.61 remind you to pray and meditate continually. 00:03:36.62\00:03:39.84 Just like King David. 00:03:39.85\00:03:41.84 And Jesus, thank you for acting on our prayers 00:03:43.33\00:03:46.27 and dying on the cross for us, taking our place. Amen. 00:03:46.28\00:03:49.79 Did you ever talk to God above 00:03:58.52\00:04:02.48 Tell Him that you need a friend to love 00:04:02.49\00:04:06.54 Pray in Jesus' name believing That God answers prayer 00:04:06.55\00:04:12.87 Have you told Him all your cares and woes 00:04:14.60\00:04:18.54 Every tiny little fear He knows 00:04:18.55\00:04:22.47 You can know He'll always hear 00:04:22.48\00:04:24.91 And He will answer prayers 00:04:24.92\00:04:28.44 You can whisper in a crowd to Him 00:04:30.34\00:04:34.45 You can cry when you're alone to Him 00:04:34.46\00:04:38.40 You don't have to pray out loud to Him 00:04:38.41\00:04:42.12 He knows your thoughts 00:04:42.13\00:04:44.70 On a lofty mountain peak He's there 00:04:46.08\00:04:50.05 In the meadow by a stream He's there 00:04:50.06\00:04:53.64 Everywhere on earth you go He's been there from the start 00:04:53.65\00:05:01.40 Find the answer in His word it's true 00:05:01.41\00:05:05.33 You'll be strong because He walks with you 00:05:05.34\00:05:09.30 By His faithfulness He'll change you too God answers prayer. 00:05:09.31\00:05:15.42 Mark 11:24 says, whatever you ask for, 00:05:17.79\00:05:22.10 when you pray, believe that you'll receive, 00:05:22.11\00:05:25.10 then you will have them. 00:05:25.11\00:05:26.84 You can whisper in a crowd to Him 00:05:33.58\00:05:37.40 You can cry when you're alone to Him 00:05:37.41\00:05:41.30 You don't have to pray out loud to Him 00:05:41.31\00:05:45.18 He knows your thoughts 00:05:45.19\00:05:48.97 On a lofty mountain peak He's there 00:05:48.98\00:05:52.89 In a meadow by a stream He's there 00:05:52.90\00:05:56.71 Everywhere on earth you go He's been there from the start 00:05:56.72\00:06:02.33 Find the answer in His word it's true 00:06:04.30\00:06:08.20 You'll be strong because He walks with you 00:06:08.21\00:06:12.02 By His faithfulness He'll change you too God answers prayers 00:06:12.03\00:06:18.38 Seek ye first the kingdom of God 00:06:32.68\00:06:39.34 And His righteousness And all these things shall be 00:06:39.35\00:06:49.34 added unto you Allelu, alleluia 00:06:49.35\00:06:59.53 Seek ye first the kingdom of God 00:06:59.54\00:07:06.33 And His righteousness And all these things shall be 00:07:06.34\00:07:16.41 added unto you Allelu, alleluia 00:07:16.42\00:07:26.51 Make us one, make us one Make us one, 00:07:52.68\00:08:03.92 undivided body Make us one, make us one 00:08:03.93\00:08:17.47 For the sake of Your name make us one 00:08:17.48\00:08:26.17 Make us love, make us love Make us love 00:08:26.18\00:08:36.51 so the world will know we love You 00:08:36.52\00:08:43.16 Make us love, make us love 00:08:43.17\00:08:51.61 For the sake of Your name make us love 00:08:51.62\00:08:59.62 Make us pure, make us pure Make us pure 00:09:04.44\00:09:15.70 and righteous make us holy Make us pure, make us pure 00:09:15.71\00:09:30.11 For the sake of Your name make us pure 00:09:30.12\00:09:38.66 And make us one, make us one Make us one, 00:09:38.67\00:09:50.77 undivided body Make us one, make us one 00:09:50.78\00:10:04.70 For the sake of Your name make us one 00:10:04.71\00:10:13.21 For the sake of Your name till You come 00:10:13.22\00:10:21.63 For the sake of Your name make us one 00:10:21.64\00:10:33.44 [Music] 00:10:57.96\00:11:02.96 I want to go to heaven someday 00:12:15.90\00:12:21.70 I want to see Jesus my friend along the way 00:12:21.71\00:12:27.33 To hear the angels sing of love that's joy untold 00:12:27.34\00:12:33.18 I'll see the Holy city and walk on streets of gold 00:12:33.19\00:12:39.17 I want to go to heaven someday 00:12:39.18\00:12:44.70 I want to see all the animals at play 00:12:44.71\00:12:50.32 To walk with Joseph and talk with Paul 00:12:50.33\00:12:56.29 To hop, skip, and jump and not be tired at all 00:12:56.30\00:13:03.01 Do you want to go to heaven someday 00:13:03.02\00:13:08.43 Then learn about Jesus and don't forget to pray 00:13:08.44\00:13:14.03 Be kind and be loving through everyday 00:13:14.04\00:13:19.97 And I'll meet you in heaven some happy day. 00:13:19.98\00:13:28.72 Family, we are family Jesus is our God 00:13:40.95\00:13:52.02 And I'm so glad He brought us all together 00:13:52.03\00:13:58.82 I'm so glad that the Father is our God. 00:13:58.83\00:14:05.86 [Music] 00:14:10.23\00:14:15.23 Open my eyes, that I may see 00:15:54.42\00:15:59.71 Glimpses of truth thou hast for me 00:15:59.72\00:16:05.08 Place in my hands the wonderful key 00:16:05.09\00:16:10.58 That shall unclasp and set me free 00:16:10.59\00:16:17.95 Open my ears, that I may hear 00:16:17.96\00:16:23.76 Voices of truth thou sendest clear 00:16:23.77\00:16:29.28 And while the wave notes fall on my ear 00:16:29.29\00:16:34.89 Everything false will disappear 00:16:34.90\00:16:42.65 Silently now I wait for Thee Ready my God, Thy will to see 00:16:42.66\00:16:53.77 Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine 00:16:53.78\00:17:04.36 Open my mouth, and let me bear 00:17:05.85\00:17:11.29 Gladly the warm truth everywhere 00:17:11.30\00:17:16.79 Open my heart and let me prepare 00:17:16.80\00:17:22.40 Love with Thy children thus to share 00:17:22.41\00:17:29.65 Silently now I wait for Thee Ready my God, Thy will to see 00:17:30.78\00:17:41.58 Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine. 00:17:41.59\00:17:55.79 Give thanks with a grateful heart 00:18:16.81\00:18:20.96 Give thanks unto the Holy One 00:18:20.97\00:18:24.96 Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, 00:18:24.97\00:18:30.94 His Son Give thanks with a grateful heart 00:18:30.95\00:18:37.06 Give thanks unto the Holy One 00:18:37.07\00:18:40.98 Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son 00:18:40.99\00:18:49.02 And now let the weak say, I am strong 00:18:49.03\00:18:54.96 Let the poor say, I am rich 00:18:54.97\00:18:58.75 Because of what the Lord has done for us 00:18:58.76\00:19:05.20 And now let the weak say, I am strong 00:19:05.21\00:19:11.04 Let the poor say, I am rich 00:19:11.05\00:19:15.01 Because of what the Lord has done for us 00:19:15.02\00:19:21.62 Give thanks Give thanks Give thanks. 00:19:21.63\00:19:34.93 Into my heart Come into my heart 00:19:50.88\00:19:59.16 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus 00:19:59.17\00:20:08.17 Come in today, come in to stay 00:20:08.18\00:20:17.08 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus 00:20:17.09\00:20:27.10 Shine out of my heart Shine out of my heart 00:20:28.74\00:20:37.69 Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus 00:20:37.70\00:20:46.74 Shine out today, shine out always 00:20:46.75\00:20:55.91 Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus 00:20:55.92\00:21:05.71 There's room in my heart There's room in my heart 00:21:07.50\00:21:16.41 There's room in my heart, Lord Jesus 00:21:16.42\00:21:25.55 There's room today, There's room always 00:21:25.56\00:21:34.89 There's room in my heart, Lord Jesus 00:21:34.90\00:21:44.90 Into my heart Come into my heart 00:21:47.17\00:21:55.24 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus 00:21:55.25\00:22:04.33 Come in today, come in to stay 00:22:04.34\00:22:13.49 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus 00:22:13.50\00:22:23.91 [Singing in foreign language] 00:22:48.04\00:22:53.04 My Jesus died upon the cross for me 00:24:07.08\00:24:11.06 And was raised up glory as He 00:24:11.07\00:24:14.94 He wants to share with me His victories 00:24:14.95\00:24:18.84 And in my heart, He wants to live 00:24:18.85\00:24:22.38 We saw there how Jesus loved me 00:24:22.39\00:24:26.19 He came to retire sadness from me 00:24:26.20\00:24:30.14 And upon Him, He took my sin 00:24:30.15\00:24:33.96 Dear Jesus love now I will see. 00:24:33.97\00:24:38.96 [Singing in foreign language] 00:24:40.55\00:24:45.55 Whisper a prayer in the morning 00:25:28.27\00:25:34.53 Whisper a prayer at noon 00:25:34.54\00:25:40.41 Whisper a prayer in the evening 00:25:40.42\00:25:46.09 To keep your heart in tune 00:25:46.10\00:25:52.79 God answers prayer in the morning 00:25:52.80\00:25:58.91 God answers prayer at noon 00:25:58.92\00:26:04.90 God answers prayer in the evening 00:26:04.91\00:26:10.74 To keep your heart in tune 00:26:10.75\00:26:17.47 Jesus may come in the morning 00:26:17.48\00:26:23.65 Jesus may come at noon 00:26:23.66\00:26:29.56 Jesus may come in the evening 00:26:29.57\00:26:35.21 So keep your heart in tune 00:26:35.22\00:26:41.36 So keep your heart in tune. 00:26:41.37\00:26:49.78 Turn your eyes upon Jesus 00:27:01.27\00:27:07.65 Look full in His wonderful face 00:27:07.66\00:27:12.61 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim 00:27:14.58\00:27:21.38 In the light of His glory and grace. 00:27:21.39\00:27:27.79