Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children 00:00:03.88\00:00:08.04 God is love, God is love 00:00:08.05\00:00:12.17 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children 00:00:12.18\00:00:16.62 God is love God is love 00:00:16.63\00:00:24.18 Hi, boys and girls, there is something special 00:00:24.19\00:00:26.76 that God would like you to know about Himself 00:00:26.77\00:00:29.08 and it's very simple really. 00:00:29.09\00:00:30.77 But a lot of people miss it, something they already know it. 00:00:30.78\00:00:35.11 But their action show they don't really believe it. 00:00:35.12\00:00:38.51 Now kind of sounds like a riddle, right. 00:00:38.52\00:00:40.62 Well, I suppose it is and there are many verses 00:00:40.63\00:00:43.34 in the Bible that talk about it. 00:00:43.35\00:00:45.06 In fact, it's a song that the priest of Israel 00:00:45.07\00:00:48.32 saying about God, accompanied by trumpets 00:00:48.33\00:00:50.95 and symbols and lots of other instruments. 00:00:50.96\00:00:53.53 King David, wrote about it in his song as well. 00:00:53.54\00:00:56.41 Have you guessed it yet, umm, let's see. 00:00:56.42\00:00:59.91 Okay, I'll give you a few more hints. 00:00:59.92\00:01:01.85 Long ago the beautiful temple in Jerusalem, 00:01:01.86\00:01:04.66 had been destroyed and God's people 00:01:04.67\00:01:06.40 were carried off to other lands as prisoners, 00:01:06.41\00:01:08.85 because they had turn their hearts away from the Lord. 00:01:08.86\00:01:11.57 But the Prophet Ezra tells about 00:01:11.58\00:01:13.79 when the people finally returned 00:01:13.80\00:01:15.39 to rebuilt the temple. 00:01:15.40\00:01:16.83 And one day when the builders 00:01:16.84\00:01:18.77 had laid the foundation of the temple, 00:01:18.78\00:01:20.60 the priest stood by in their priestly garments 00:01:20.61\00:01:23.67 and saying a very special song 00:01:23.68\00:01:25.80 while all the people shouted and just praise the Lord. 00:01:25.81\00:01:29.51 What was that song? 00:01:29.52\00:01:31.44 Well, there are several versions. 00:01:31.45\00:01:33.29 Lets go to our Bibles and one of my favorite 00:01:33.30\00:01:36.48 is found right here in First Chronicles 16:34. 00:01:36.49\00:01:41.14 It says, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, 00:01:41.15\00:01:45.81 His love endures forever." 00:01:45.82\00:01:49.21 That's the song and I think 00:01:49.22\00:01:51.42 that's one of the most beautiful songs 00:01:51.43\00:01:53.53 in the Bible, isn't it? 00:01:53.54\00:01:54.93 It tells of God's goodness and love 00:01:54.94\00:01:57.07 and how that love is just everlasting. 00:01:57.08\00:02:00.81 Well, long ago before this work was created, 00:02:00.82\00:02:04.44 Satan tried to get the other angels 00:02:04.45\00:02:06.38 to believe that God is not good, or loving, or kind. 00:02:06.39\00:02:10.15 And some of the angels, 00:02:10.16\00:02:11.65 I'm really sad to say this, boys and girls. 00:02:11.66\00:02:13.43 But some of the angels believed Satan's lies. 00:02:13.44\00:02:16.35 And because they no longer loved 00:02:16.36\00:02:18.29 and trusted in God's goodness, 00:02:18.30\00:02:20.32 they had to be cast out of heaven, 00:02:20.33\00:02:22.41 so that they wouldn't make heaven 00:02:22.42\00:02:23.63 a miserable place for everyone else to be. 00:02:23.64\00:02:26.49 Well, today Satan is still spreading 00:02:26.50\00:02:28.61 his lies on this earth. 00:02:28.62\00:02:30.16 And he has convinced many people 00:02:30.17\00:02:31.97 that God is unfair, and unloving, and unjust. 00:02:31.98\00:02:35.00 But we know, just how good God really is, don't we? 00:02:35.01\00:02:39.01 We know how loving He is, 00:02:39.02\00:02:40.50 because He sent His only Son to die on a cross, 00:02:40.51\00:02:44.81 so that we could have eternal life. 00:02:44.82\00:02:48.19 You know, Jesus died even for those angry 00:02:48.20\00:02:50.43 hateful men who killed Him on the cross. 00:02:50.44\00:02:53.13 And He loves you and me even when we're sinners 00:02:53.14\00:02:58.11 and we do things we shouldn't do. 00:02:58.12\00:03:00.27 Now, don't believe Satan's lies, boys and girls, 00:03:00.28\00:03:03.28 God is good and He is merciful 00:03:03.29\00:03:05.53 and someday even Satan will have to admit it. 00:03:05.54\00:03:09.17 Some of the songs we've chosen 00:03:09.18\00:03:10.67 for today's program are about God's goodness. 00:03:10.68\00:03:13.47 And while you listen, think about all the good things 00:03:13.48\00:03:16.33 that Jesus has done for you. 00:03:16.34\00:03:19.32 As the deer panteth for the water 00:03:31.43\00:03:36.42 So my soul longeth after You 00:03:36.43\00:03:42.30 You alone are my heart's desire 00:03:42.31\00:03:47.33 And I long to worship You 00:03:47.34\00:03:53.47 You alone are my strength, my shield 00:03:53.48\00:03:58.29 To You alone may my spirit yield 00:03:58.30\00:04:04.37 You alone are my heart's desire 00:04:04.38\00:04:09.13 And I long to worship You 00:04:09.14\00:04:15.06 You're my friend and you are my brother 00:04:15.07\00:04:19.78 Even though you are a king 00:04:19.79\00:04:25.26 I want you more than any other 00:04:25.27\00:04:30.00 So much more than anything 00:04:30.01\00:04:35.88 You alone are my strength, my shield 00:04:35.89\00:04:40.73 To You alone may my spirit yield 00:04:40.74\00:04:46.45 You alone are my heart's desire 00:04:46.46\00:04:51.17 And I long to worship you 00:04:51.18\00:04:57.14 I want you more than gold or silver 00:04:57.15\00:05:01.87 Only you can satisfy 00:05:01.88\00:05:07.48 You alone are the real joy giver 00:05:07.49\00:05:12.02 And the apple of my eye 00:05:12.03\00:05:17.84 You alone are my strength, my shield 00:05:17.85\00:05:22.82 To You alone may my spirit yield 00:05:22.83\00:05:28.59 You alone are my heart's desire 00:05:28.60\00:05:33.24 And I long to worship you 00:05:33.25\00:05:40.86 [Music] 00:05:45.29\00:05:51.53 God is so good God is so good 00:08:21.80\00:08:29.78 God is so good He's so good to me 00:08:29.79\00:08:37.61 He cares for me He cares for me 00:08:37.62\00:08:44.82 He cares for me He's so good to me 00:08:44.83\00:08:52.95 He answers prayer He answers prayer 00:08:52.96\00:09:00.47 He answers prayer He's so good to me 00:09:00.48\00:09:12.21 [Music] 00:09:22.04\00:09:28.52 Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound 00:11:49.52\00:11:58.63 That saved a wretch like me 00:11:58.64\00:12:08.00 I once was lost but now I am found 00:12:08.01\00:12:16.99 Was blind, but now I see 00:12:17.00\00:12:26.32 Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound 00:12:26.33\00:12:35.25 That saved a wretch like me 00:12:35.26\00:12:44.26 I once was lost but now I am found 00:12:44.27\00:12:52.92 Was blind, but now I see 00:12:52.93\00:13:03.61 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord 00:13:11.64\00:13:14.90 Forever I will sing, I will sing 00:13:14.91\00:13:20.14 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord 00:13:20.15\00:13:23.10 Forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord 00:13:23.11\00:13:28.24 With my mouth will I make known 00:13:28.25\00:13:32.04 Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness 00:13:32.05\00:13:36.47 With my mouth will I make known 00:13:36.48\00:13:40.16 Thy faithfulness to all generations 00:13:40.17\00:13:45.08 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord 00:13:45.09\00:13:48.10 Forever I will sing, of the mercies of the Lord 00:13:48.11\00:13:53.06 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord 00:13:53.07\00:13:58.29 [Music] 00:14:09.18\00:14:15.54 What's if God is unhappy with our praise? 00:15:46.50\00:15:55.31 What's if He is not pleased with the words we say? 00:15:55.32\00:16:03.59 What's if He takes away His love 00:16:03.60\00:16:07.73 and His Spirits from above? 00:16:07.74\00:16:13.63 What's if God is unhappy with our praise? 00:16:13.64\00:16:21.54 What's if God is unhappy with the way we live? 00:16:21.55\00:16:29.61 What's if He is not pleased with the way we give? 00:16:29.62\00:16:37.63 What's if he takes away His love 00:16:37.64\00:16:41.56 and His Spirits from above? 00:16:41.57\00:16:47.48 What's if God is unhappy with the way we live? 00:16:47.49\00:16:55.44 We must change the way we walk 00:16:55.45\00:16:59.37 We must change the way we talk 00:16:59.38\00:17:03.43 We must live a life that's pleasing to our King 00:17:03.44\00:17:11.31 We must read God's holy word 00:17:11.32\00:17:15.26 Let His praises be heard 00:17:15.27\00:17:20.01 Lord, just be pleased 00:17:20.02\00:17:23.42 Lord, just be pleased 00:17:23.43\00:17:27.53 Lord, just be pleased with our praise 00:17:27.54\00:17:33.20 Praise, praise, praise, praise, praise 00:17:33.21\00:17:44.50 He's still working on me to make me what I ought to be 00:17:55.17\00:18:02.77 It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars 00:18:02.78\00:18:06.63 The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars 00:18:06.64\00:18:10.57 How loving and patient He must be, 00:18:10.58\00:18:14.62 He's still working on me 00:18:14.63\00:18:18.71 I really have to be a sign upon my heart 00:18:18.72\00:18:22.62 Don't judge him yet, there's an unfinished part 00:18:22.63\00:18:26.43 But I'll be perfect just according to His plan 00:18:26.44\00:18:30.52 Fashioned by the Master's loving hand 00:18:30.53\00:18:34.68 He's still working on me to make me what I ought to be 00:18:34.69\00:18:42.40 It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars 00:18:42.41\00:18:46.29 The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars 00:18:46.30\00:18:50.13 How loving and patient He must be 00:18:50.14\00:18:54.19 He's still working on me 00:18:54.20\00:18:57.73 In the mirror of His Word reflections that I see 00:18:57.74\00:19:01.89 Make me wonder He never gave up on me 00:19:01.90\00:19:05.84 But He loves me as I am and talks me when I pray 00:19:05.85\00:19:10.05 Remember He's the Potter, I'm the clay 00:19:10.06\00:19:14.18 He's still working on me to make me what I ought to be 00:19:14.19\00:19:21.98 It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars 00:19:21.99\00:19:25.84 The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars 00:19:25.85\00:19:29.79 How loving and patient He must be, 00:19:29.80\00:19:33.95 He's still working on me 00:19:33.96\00:19:39.61 [Music] 00:19:41.76\00:19:47.56 There are hundreds of sparrows, thousands, millions 00:22:29.01\00:22:33.87 They're two a penny, far too many there must be 00:22:33.88\00:22:37.66 There are hundreds and thousands 00:22:37.67\00:22:40.32 millions of sparrows 00:22:40.33\00:22:42.30 But God knows every one and God knows me 00:22:42.31\00:22:49.28 There are hundreds of flowers, thousands, millions 00:22:49.29\00:22:53.98 And flowers fair the meadows wear for all to see 00:22:53.99\00:22:57.97 There are hundreds and thousands 00:22:57.98\00:23:00.61 millions of flowers 00:23:00.62\00:23:02.64 But God knows every one and God knows me 00:23:02.65\00:23:09.66 There are hundreds of planets 00:23:09.67\00:23:12.35 thousands, millions 00:23:12.36\00:23:14.53 Way out in space each has a place by God's decree 00:23:14.54\00:23:18.56 There are hundreds and thousands 00:23:18.57\00:23:21.04 millions of planets 00:23:21.05\00:23:23.13 But God knows every one and God knows me 00:23:23.14\00:23:30.04 There are hundreds of children, 00:23:30.05\00:23:32.78 thousands, millions 00:23:32.79\00:23:34.94 And yet their names are written on God's memory 00:23:34.95\00:23:38.86 There are hundreds and thousands, 00:23:38.87\00:23:41.37 millions of children 00:23:41.38\00:23:43.52 But God knows every one and God knows me 00:23:43.53\00:23:48.43 Yes, God knows every one and God knows me 00:23:48.44\00:23:55.54 Jesus loves the little children 00:24:06.38\00:24:10.14 All the children of the world 00:24:10.15\00:24:13.68 Red and yellow, black and white 00:24:13.69\00:24:15.53 They're precious in His sight 00:24:15.54\00:24:17.41 cJesus loves the little children of the world 00:24:17.42\00:24:21.29 Jesus, Jesus, loves the little children of the world 00:24:21.30\00:24:29.13 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus loves 00:24:29.14\00:24:33.41 the little children of the world 00:24:33.42\00:24:36.68 Jesus loves the little children 00:24:36.69\00:24:40.42 All the children of the world 00:24:40.43\00:24:43.74 Red and yellow, black and white 00:24:43.75\00:24:45.61 They're precious in His sight 00:24:45.62\00:24:47.57 Jesus loves the little children of the world 00:24:47.58\00:24:53.36 I have decided to follow Jesus 00:25:05.79\00:25:11.54 I have decided to follow Jesus 00:25:11.55\00:25:18.25 I have decided to follow Jesus 00:25:18.26\00:25:25.03 No turning back, no turning back 00:25:25.04\00:25:31.81 [Foreign Language] 00:25:31.82\00:25:37.83 The world behind me, the cross before me 00:25:58.93\00:26:05.51 The world behind me, the cross before me 00:26:05.52\00:26:12.26 The world behind me, the cross before me 00:26:12.27\00:26:18.89 No turning back, no turning back 00:26:18.90\00:26:25.57 [Foreign Language] 00:26:25.58\00:26:31.73 No turning back, no turning back 00:26:45.65\00:26:52.41 I have decided to follow Jesus 00:26:52.42\00:26:59.03 I have decided to follow Jesus 00:26:59.04\00:27:05.59 I have decided to follow Jesus 00:27:05.60\00:27:12.31 No turning back, no turning back 00:27:12.32\00:27:18.92 No turning back, no turning back 00:27:18.93\00:27:29.77