Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)
Series Code: KTPHS
Program Code: KTPHS000006
00:03 Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children
00:07 God is love, God is love 00:12 Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children 00:16 God is love, God is love 00:24 Well, welcome to the Kids Time Praise Holiday Special. 00:29 And we are so happy that every single one of you 00:33 were able to come and be with us today. 00:34 Those of you that are here in person 00:37 and those of you that are joining us by television 00:39 and by radio at this particular time. 00:42 Kids Time is such a vibrant part of 3ABN. 00:47 And we are so appreciative of people like Jimmy Rhodes 00:50 who became a part of the team a few years ago 00:53 and you know something, 00:54 once you are a part of this team, 00:56 Brenda won't let you go. 00:58 And she has kept Jimmy involved 01:01 and Jill Morikone, we are so happy 01:03 that she is a part of that team as well 01:06 and of course, Brenda Walsh who leads the team 01:10 and who God has blessed in so many ways 01:13 and who is always ready to give back. 01:16 Brenda, we are happy to have you here today. 01:19 Thank you, Pastor Gilley. 01:20 Well, hello and welcome to our Kids Time Holiday Special. 01:24 I am so excited that you have joined us today. 01:27 I tell you, we have an exciting program plan for you 01:30 and we are going to start off with Samara Bowden 01:33 and she's going to be singing "O Holy Night." 01:45 O Holy night, 01:49 the stars are brightly shining 01:55 It is the night 01:58 of our dear Savior's birth 02:05 Long lay the world 02:09 in sin and error pining 02:14 Till He appeared 02:17 and the Spirit felt its worth 02:24 A thrill of hope 02:28 the weary world rejoices 02:32 For yonder breaks 02:36 a new and glorious morn 02:40 Fall on your knees! 02:48 And hear 02:52 the angel's voices! 02:57 O night divine 03:05 O night 03:09 when Christ was born 03:14 O night divine 03:22 O night, 03:26 O night divine 03:31 Fall on your knees! 03:39 And hear 03:43 the angel's voices! 03:48 O night divine 03:56 O night 04:00 when Christ was born 04:05 O night divine 04:14 O night, 04:19 O night divine 04:33 If you'll open your Bibles to Luke 2, 04:36 you will find these familiar words, 04:38 "And the shepherds came with haste 04:40 and found Mary and Joseph 04:42 and the babe lying in the manger." 04:44 I can just picture the shepherds explaining, 04:46 "What child is this," 04:48 as Mirielle sings this beloved carol. 04:57 What child is this, 05:01 who, laid to rest 05:05 On Mary's lap is sleeping? 05:13 Whom angels greet 05:17 with anthems sweet 05:21 While shepherds 05:24 watch are keeping? 05:30 This is Christ the King 05:37 Whom shepherds 05:40 watch and angels sing 05:46 Haste, 05:48 haste to bring Him laud 05:53 The Babe, 05:55 the Son of Mary 06:08 He is born, the divine Christ child 06:11 Play on the oboe and bagpipes merrily 06:14 He is born, the divine Christ child 06:17 Sing we all of the Savior's birth 06:20 Through long ages of the past 06:22 Prophets have foretold his coming 06:24 Through long ages of the past 06:26 Now the time has come at last 06:29 Oh, how lovely, oh, how pure 06:31 Is this perfect child of heaven 06:34 Oh, how lovely, oh, how pure 06:36 Gracious gift of God to man 06:39 These are the words to the chorus 06:40 of this familiar French carol. 06:42 So let your mind drift back to that lonely manger 06:45 as you enjoy a bluegrass rendition of this song 06:49 with the guitar, mandolin, base, violin 06:52 and the recorder as The Montanans play 06:56 "Now is Born the Devine Christ Child." 09:20 And it came to pass in those days 09:22 that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, 09:25 that all the world should be taxed. 09:28 And Joseph with Mary went up 09:30 from Galilee out of Nazareth unto the city of David 09:34 which is called Bethlehem. 09:36 Today, Sarah will sing about the miracle of Christ birth 09:40 in that little town of Bethlehem. 09:49 O little town of Bethlehem 09:55 How still we see thee lie 10:01 Above thy deep and dreamless sleep 10:07 The silent stars go by 10:13 Yet in thy dark streets shineth 10:18 The everlasting Light 10:24 The hopes and fears of all the years 10:30 Are met in thee tonight 10:37 How silently, how silently 10:43 The wondrous gift is given! 10:49 So God imparts to human hearts 10:55 The blessings of His heaven 11:01 No ear may hear His coming 11:06 But in this world of sin 11:12 Where meek souls will receive him still 11:18 The dear Christ enters in 11:27 O holy Child of Bethlehem 11:33 Descend to us, we pray 11:38 Cast out our sin and enter in 11:44 Be born in us today 11:50 We hear the Christmas angels 11:55 The great glad tidings tell 12:01 O come to us, abide with us 12:07 Our Lord Emmanuel 12:21 And there were in the same country 12:24 shepherds abiding in the field, 12:26 keeping watch over their flock by night. 12:28 And lo the angel of the lords said unto them, 12:31 fear not for behold, 12:33 I bring you good tidings of great joy 12:36 which shall be to all people. 12:39 Let's listen as Leon St. John reminds us 12:41 of that angel choir while he sings 12:44 "Hark the Herald Angel sings." 12:53 Hark, the herald angels, 12:58 they sing 13:00 "Glory to the newborn King 13:06 Peace on earth and mercy mild 13:12 God and sinners reconciled" 13:19 Joyful, all ye nations rise 13:25 Join the triumph of the skies 13:31 With the angelic host proclaim 13:37 "Christ is born in Bethlehem" 13:44 Hark! The herald angels sing 13:50 "Glory to the newborn King!" 13:59 Christ by highest heav'n adored 14:06 Christ the everlasting Lord! 14:12 Late in time behold Him come 14:18 Offspring of a Virgin's womb 14:24 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see 14:30 Hail the incarnate Deity 14:35 Pleased as man with man to dwell 14:42 Jesus, our Emmanuel 14:48 Hark! The herald angels sing 14:54 "Glory 14:56 to the newborn King! 15:06 The newborn King!" 15:19 It's not often that a mother and daughter 15:22 can sing together with complete blended harmonies, 15:25 but when the Lord adds 15:26 a special touch to the family tree, 15:28 some beautiful music can be born. 15:31 Let's listen to Amber and her Mother Adriane, 15:33 as they sing about that special moment 15:36 "When Love Was Born." 15:52 Starlight shines, the night is still 15:59 Shepherds watching from a hill 16:06 I close my eyes and see the night 16:12 When love was born 16:19 A Perfect child gently waits 16:25 A mother bends to kiss God's face 16:32 I close my eyes and see the night 16:38 When love was born 16:46 Angels fill the midnight sky 16:53 and they sing 16:57 Hallelujah, 17:01 He is Christ, our King 17:30 Emmanuel, 17:34 Prince of peace 17:37 Love comes down for you and me 17:42 Heaven's gift, the holy spark 17:48 To light the way inside our hearts 17:54 Bethlehem, 17:56 through your small door 17:59 Came the hope we've waited for 18:05 The world was changed forevermore 18:13 When Christ was born 18:19 I close my eyes and see the night 18:27 When Christ was born 18:54 Sometimes God comes and speaks to us in ways 18:57 that we don't recognize. 18:58 The wise men had been studying about 19:00 the coming Messiah for years. 19:02 Even the church leaders preached about it, 19:05 quoting the prophecies of Isaiah for telling that 19:09 He would be born of virgin in Bethlehem 19:12 from the house of David. 19:14 God wanted people to know His son was coming soon. 19:18 But sadly, they didn't hear Him. 19:22 I want you to listen closely to these words. 19:25 They waited for a king with crown of gold 19:28 to save the world as was foretold, 19:32 a Sov'reign wise, a rule bold 19:35 but only a baby king. 19:37 That's the message of the Kids Time Singers song, 19:41 "Only a baby king." 19:59 They waited for a king with crown of gold 20:05 To save the world as was foretold 20:10 A Sov'reign wise, a ruler bold 20:16 But only a baby came 20:27 They waited for a Prince to take the throne 20:33 A Savior sent by God alone 20:39 A Lord with kingdom yet unknown 20:44 But only a baby came 20:50 'Twas but a babe who came that night 20:56 A wonder to proclaim 21:01 With brightest star to shed its light 21:07 And set the world aflame 21:18 They waited for a Word of truth divine 21:24 A heavenly dove, a sacred sign 21:29 A living branch of Jesse's line 21:35 But only a baby came 21:41 Only a babe to bear your shame 21:46 To bear your shame 21:49 Only a babe with love his name 21:52 Only a lowly, holy baby came 22:09 A new day had dawn for all mankind 22:12 when Jesus came to earth as a fragile newborn baby. 22:17 What was this heavenly plan for the one 22:19 who created the vast universe 22:22 yet humbled himself to become like us. 22:25 As His mother held Him close, 22:28 I am sure her heart was overflowing 22:30 with love for her precious baby 22:32 and she knew beyond the shadow of doubt 22:35 that He was a special gift from God. 22:38 Let's listen as Alessandra sings about this 22:41 "Sweet Holy Child." 22:50 What shall I bring for the sweet, holy Child 22:55 Who has but the straw for a bed? 23:00 Shall I bring stars for a wee silver crown 23:05 To place by his dear little head? 23:10 Gold from the sun shall I bring for a light 23:15 Softest of moonbeams to garland the night 23:20 Gentle white lambs for his delight 23:25 Sweet Jesus, the Lord of my heart 23:40 What shall I bring for the sweet holy Child 23:45 Who smiles as he wakes from his sleep? 23:50 Roses so fair and a soft blanket warm 23:54 All these the young Jesus may keep 23:59 Songs for his joy and delight I shall bring 24:04 All of my heart for this dear little King 24:10 Love and devotion the tribute I bring 24:15 Sweet Jesus, the Lord of my life 24:20 Lullay, lully, thou sweet holy Child 24:25 I bring thee a lullaby song 24:31 Dreamless thy slumber for night winds are still 24:35 The wise men and shepherds have gone 24:41 Far in the eastern sky shadows appear 24:46 Hush, little Princeling, there's nothing to fear 24:52 Soft as an echo thy name I hear 24:58 Sweet Jesus, the Savior of all 25:13 The Hall family children have grown up with music 25:16 in their home ever since they were very young. 25:19 While each child has taken 25:21 an interested in various instruments, 25:23 they all worked together to praise Jesus. 25:26 I want you to listen to the words 25:27 of this song regarding worship. 25:30 Angels from the realms of glory 25:33 Wing your flight o'er all the earth 25:35 Ye who sang creation's story 25:39 Now proclaim Messiah's birth 25:41 Come and worship Come and worship 25:44 Christ, the newborn King 27:22 Luke 2:7 tells us that 27:25 Mary wrapped baby Jesus in swaddling clothes 27:28 and laid Him in manger. 27:31 Our next song has become 27:32 a favorite of young and old alike. 27:35 I remember when I used to sing it to my daughters 27:38 as I ever lullaby away in a manger, 27:41 no crib for a bed, 27:43 the little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head. 27:47 Let's listen as Samara sings "Away in a Manger." 27:55 Away in a manger, 28:00 no crib for a bed, 28:04 The little Lord Jesus 28:09 laid down His sweet head 28:13 The stars in the sky 28:18 looked down where He lay 28:22 The little Lord Jesus, 28:27 asleep on the hay 28:34 The cattle are lowing, 28:38 the Baby awakes 28:43 But little Lord Jesus, 28:47 no crying He makes 28:52 I love Thee, Lord Jesus, 28:56 look down from the sky 29:00 And stay by my side 29:05 till morning is nigh 29:12 And stay by my side 29:17 till morning is nigh 29:36 Did you know that the 17th century song 29:39 "The First Noel" has nine verses? 29:42 That's right. 29:43 Well, I can guarantee you 29:45 that Mirielle is not going to sing 29:46 all nine of those verses. 29:49 But let's just sit back and listen as she does sing 29:53 "The First Noel" about that first Christmas day. 29:59 Luke 2:8-14, "And there were in the same country 30:03 shepherds abiding in the field, 30:05 keeping watch over their flock by night. 30:08 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, 30:12 and the glory of the Lord shone round about them 30:15 and they were sore afraid. 30:17 And the angel said unto them, Fear not for, behold, 30:21 I bring you good tidings of great joy, 30:24 which shall be to all people. 30:27 For unto you is born this day in the city of David 30:31 a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. 30:34 And this shall be a sign to you, 30:36 Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, 30:40 lying in the manger. 30:42 And suddenly there was with the angel 30:44 a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, 30:48 and saying, Glory to God in the highest, 30:51 and on earth peace, good will toward men." 30:59 The First Noel, the Angels did say 31:09 Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay 31:18 In fields where they lay keeping their sheep 31:27 On a cold winter's night that was so deep 31:37 Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel 31:46 Born is the King of Israel 32:02 I am so glad Sarah is with us today 32:04 because she really loves Jesus 32:07 and I can always see it on her smile. 32:10 In tribute to her Savior and friend, 32:13 Sarah will now sing, "Child of promise." 32:16 A newer and lesser known song 32:18 after she recites Matthew 1:21 for all of us. 32:25 "And she shall bear a son and you shall his name Jesus, 32:28 for he shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21. 32:38 Infant cries were heard that night in Bethlehem I know 32:47 For a child was born to Mary in a manger, lo 32:56 And some answers lie so dim, forgotten and ignored 33:03 They asleep upon the hey our Savior and our Lord 33:13 Child of promise, child so small Born to be the Lord of all 33:22 Child so loving filled with grace 33:26 And we go upon your face 33:31 In a manger of wooden there Tender mercies come to share 33:39 Gift of God from heaven above us Child of promise, child of love 33:54 Kneeling there beside the babe Mary's heart was touched 34:02 How this child had come to be This child she love so much 34:10 Yes somehow she knew that God Had a master plan 34:20 All the worlds would surely know That God had come as man 34:36 Child of promise, child of love 34:51 Have you ever wondered what it would have been like 34:54 to stand beside the manger in which baby Jesus lay? 34:58 Let's listen to find out as Alessandra sings, 35:01 "Beside Thy Manger Here I Stand." 35:04 And she's going to sing these in both Spanish and English. 35:12 (Singing in foreign language) 35:56 Beside thy manger here I stand 36:02 Dear Jesus, Lord and Savior 36:08 A gift of love within my hand 36:14 To thank Thee for Thy favor 36:21 O take my humble offering 36:27 My heart, my soul, yes, everything 36:33 Is Thine to keep forever 36:42 O grant me this abundant grace 36:47 I hope t'will meet Thy pleasure 36:54 That I may be Thy dwelling place 36:59 Dear Savior Sweetest Treasure 37:06 O Let me be Thy manger bed 37:12 Then shall I lift my lowly head 37:18 With joy beyond all measure 37:43 Our next song is a familiar Christmas carol 37:46 reminding us of the angel choir that sings so long ago 37:50 There's a song in the air There's a star in the sky 37:54 There's a mother's deep prayer And a baby's low cry 37:58 And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing 38:02 For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King 38:07 Just imagine those words as The Montanas play 38:10 "There's a Song in the Air." 39:56 Samar's next song is an old time spiritual. 39:59 The words remind us that we can also go tell it on the mountain, 40:04 over the hills and everywhere that Jesus Christ is born. 40:09 And that's exactly why we are here today. 40:12 To tell everyone that Jesus Christ has lived and died 40:16 so that we might have eternal life. 40:23 Go tell it on the mountain 40:29 Over the hills and everywhere 40:35 Go tell it on the mountain 40:40 That Jesus Christ is born 40:45 While shepherds kept their watching 40:51 Over silent flocks by night 40:57 Behold throughout the heavens 41:03 There shone a holy light 41:09 Go tell it on the mountain 41:15 Over the hills and everywhere 41:21 Go tell it on the mountain 41:26 That Jesus Christ is born 41:32 Down in a lowly manger 41:38 The humble Christ was born 41:44 And God's salvation coming 41:50 That humble Christmas morn 41:57 Go tell it on the mountain 42:02 Over the hills and everywhere 42:08 Go tell it on the mountain 42:14 That Jesus Christ is born 42:20 That Jesus Christ is born 42:38 Silent night, holy night Hear the angel sing 42:42 All is calm, all is bright Here the news they bring 42:46 Silent night, holy night Tiny babe is born 42:50 We reflect God's true light On this Christmas morn 42:54 Let's go back in our mind's eye 42:56 to that silent night, silent world 42:59 as the College Dale Kids Time Singers remind us 43:02 that only a lowly holy baby came. 43:15 For unto us son is born For unto us a son is given 43:22 And the government will be upon his shoulder 43:25 And His name shall be called 43:28 Wonderful. 43:29 Counselor. 43:31 The Mighty God. 43:32 The Everlasting Father. 43:35 The Prince of Peace. 43:43 Silent night, holy night 43:48 Hear the angel sing 43:53 All is calm, all is bright 43:58 Hear the news they bring 44:03 Silent night, holy night 44:08 Glories from afar 44:13 Shepherds quake at the sight Following the star 44:23 Silent night, holy night 44:28 Tiny babe is born 44:33 We reflect God's true light 44:40 On this Christmas morn 44:52 Silent night, holy night 44:57 Glories from afar 45:02 Shepherds quake at the sight Following the star 45:12 Silent night, holy night 45:17 Tiny babe is born 45:22 We reflect God's true light 45:30 On this Christmas morn 45:48 Tears are falling, hearts are breaking 45:51 How we need to hear from God 45:53 You've been promised, we've been waiting 45:56 Welcome, Holy Child 45:58 Let's listen closely to the words of Adriane 46:02 and Amber's compelling song, "Welcome to Our World." 46:21 Tears are falling, hearts are breaking 46:26 How we need to hear from God 46:31 You've been promised, we've been waiting 46:36 Welcome, Holy Child 46:40 Welcome, Holy Child 46:47 Hope that You don't mind our manger 46:52 How I wish we would have known 46:56 Long-awaited, Holy Stranger 47:01 Make Yourself at home Please make Yourself at home 47:17 Bring Your peace into our violence 47:22 Bid our hungry souls be filled 47:26 Word now breaking heaven's silence 47:31 Welcome to our world 47:35 Welcome to our world 47:46 Fragile finger sent to heal us 47:50 Tender brow prepared for thorns 47:55 Tiny heart whose blood will save us 47:59 Unto us is born Unto us is born 48:15 So wrap our injured flesh around You 48:20 Breathe our air and walk our sod 48:25 Rob our sin and make us holy 48:30 Perfect Son of God Perfect Son of God 48:39 Welcome to our world 48:58 Luke 2:7 tells us that there was no room in the end 49:03 for baby Jesus and His parents that night of His birth. 49:06 The streets were busy with tired travelers, 49:09 children running in and out 49:10 but there was one quiet place of perfect peace. 49:14 Let's listen as Alessandra sings my very favorite Christmas carol 49:17 "Silent Night" in both English and Italian. 49:28 (Singing in foreign language) 50:29 Silent night, holy night 50:38 All is calm, all is bright 50:47 Round yon Virgin Mother and Child 50:55 Holy Infant so tender and mild 51:04 Sleep in heavenly peace 51:16 Sleep in heavenly peace 51:39 And suddenly there was with the angel 51:41 a multitude at the heavenly host 51:43 praising God and saying, 51:45 glory to God in the highest and on earth. 51:48 Peace, goodwill toward men. 51:50 This is the wonderful message of this song "Joy to the world." 51:54 as Leon St. John sings for us today. 52:07 That's obviously isn't Leon St. John 52:10 so we are wondering maybe 52:11 we don't have time for him today. 52:13 So our College Dale Kids Time singers 52:15 are going to be singing for us "Carol of the Questioning Child" 52:34 Where was Jesus born today in the morning, in the morning 52:42 In a stable far away in the morning, in the morning 52:51 Hallelujah Hallelujah 52:59 In the morning in the hay in the morning, in the morning 53:09 Do you know if gifts there were in the morning, in the morning 53:18 There was Jesus gold and myrrh, in the morning, in the morning 53:26 Who was there to welcome Him, in the morning, in the morning 53:35 Oxen, sheep and seraphim in the morning, in the morning 53:45 Hallelujah Hallelujah 53:52 Cherubim and seraphim singing 53:56 Hallelujah Hallelujah 54:00 Hallelujah Hallelujah 54:05 Hallelujah Hallelujah 54:09 Hallelujah Hallelujah 54:25 Thank you all for what you say, in the morning, in the morning 54:34 Jesus Christ was born today, in the morning, in the morning 54:42 In a stable far away In the morning, in the morning 55:01 Well, I am so thankful that all the kids could be here today 55:04 and we have just enough time for Leon 55:06 to sing one verse of that song, 55:08 "Joy to the world" thank you, Leon. 55:19 And wonders of His love And wonders of His love 55:26 And wonders, wonders, of His love 55:33 Joy to the World, the Lord is come! 55:40 Let earth receive her King 55:46 And let every heart prepare Him room 55:53 And Heaven and nature sings And Heaven and nature sings 55:59 And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sings 56:05 And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sings 56:21 Thank you, Leon. 56:22 So we got that in after all, isn't that a big praise to Lord? 56:25 There's a lot that goes in 56:26 to planning these program to make them come out. 56:28 We want to bring you the best that we can 56:30 to show you the love in our hearts for Jesus 56:34 and we want to share that love with you. 56:36 That's all the time we have today. 56:38 Maxwell and I want to thank each of you for joining us. 56:41 And I'd like to encourage you 56:42 to make Jesus the center of your life. 56:45 Not just during the holiday season 56:47 but each day of the year too, 56:49 because it's so important 56:51 that we always make Jesus first, isn't it? 56:54 Well, that's all the time, until next time it's Kids 56:57 Time to Praise Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17