Kids' Time Praise Holiday Special

Holiday Special In Fresno, California

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPHS

Program Code: KTPHS000003

00:03 Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children
00:07 God is love, God is love
00:12 Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children
00:16 God is love, God is love
00:24 Hello and welcome to our Kids Time holiday special.
00:27 We are here at the Fresno
00:28 Central Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:30 and I want to give a warm welcome to everyone here
00:32 as well to our television viewing audience.
00:35 I'm so glad you've joined us
00:36 because we have an exciting
00:38 holiday program planned just for you.
00:41 As I think back 2,000 years to the city of Bethlehem
00:45 there was joy in the hearts of the angels,
00:47 there was joy in the hearts of the shepherds
00:49 and there was joy in the hearts of Mary and Joseph
00:52 when baby Jesus was born.
00:54 His very name indicated that
00:56 He would save His people from their sins.
00:59 And we can have that same joy
01:01 as we make room in our hearts
01:03 to receive Jesus as our personal Savior.
01:06 Let's listen as Mirielle sings
01:07 and plays for us "Joy to the world."
01:24 Joy to the world,
01:27 the Lord has come
01:31 Let earth receive her King
01:38 Let every heart prepare Him room
01:46 And heaven and nature sing
01:50 And heaven and nature sing
01:53 And heaven, and heaven
01:58 and nature sing
02:10 Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns
02:17 Let men their songs employ
02:24 While fields and floods
02:29 Rocks, hills and plains
02:33 Repeat the sounding joy Repeat the sounding joy
02:40 Repeat,
02:42 repeat the sounding joy
03:12 Amen.
03:14 She brought for us her first born son
03:16 wrapped Him in swaddling clothes
03:18 and laid Him in a manger
03:19 because there was no room for them in the end.
03:22 This was the exact sign given to the shepherds
03:25 by the angels to identify the Savior
03:27 that was born that day in the City of David.
03:30 The shepherds came with haste
03:31 and they found Mary and Joseph
03:33 and the babe lying in a manger.
03:35 That always gives us the exact amount of information
03:38 we need to find Jesus
03:40 when we search for Him with all our hearts.
03:43 Right now Janna is going to sing this beloved
03:45 and familiar carol "Away In a Manger."
03:56 Away in a manger,
04:00 no crib for a bed
04:04 The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head
04:12 The stars in the sky
04:16 looked down where He lay
04:20 The little Lord Jesus
04:24 asleep on the hay
04:30 Be near me, Lord Jesus,
04:35 I ask Thee to stay Close by me
04:40 for ever and love me,
04:44 I pray Bless all the dear children
04:50 in Thy tender care
04:54 And take us to Heaven
04:58 to live with Thee there
05:09 Is there such a thing as a perfect gift?
05:12 During the holiday season shoppers go and search of it.
05:14 Everyone wants to give the gift
05:16 that will light up the eyes of their beloved one.
05:18 But what many people are searching for are things
05:21 that don't come wrapped in fancy packages.
05:23 Well, now I'm going to let you on some good news.
05:26 You don't have to spend hours and hours
05:28 shopping in over crowded stores,
05:29 surfing the internet or spend sleepless nights
05:32 worrying about how you gonna pay for it.
05:34 There's only one gift that delivers what it promises.
05:37 Yes, I'm talking about what the angels sing about
05:40 so long ago the gift of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
05:46 The Guthrie Family will now play for us
05:48 a special arrangement of that familiar French carol,
05:51 "Angels We Have Heard on High."
08:17 Amen.
08:19 Let's go back in time
08:21 to the delivery room when Jesus was born.
08:23 How often wondered if Mary truly understood
08:26 that the child she had just delivered
08:28 would one day deliver her.
08:30 The sleeping babe she loving held in her arms
08:33 with the Savior of all mankind.
08:35 Let's listen as Sofia shares some of the thoughts
08:37 that Mary may have pondered as she sings,
08:40 "Mary, Did You Know?"
08:44 Mary, did you know
08:48 That your Baby Boy
08:52 would one day walk on water?
08:57 Mary, did you know
09:01 That your Baby Boy
09:04 would save our sons and daughters?
09:09 Did you know That your Baby Boy
09:16 has come to make you new?
09:21 This Child that you delivered
09:27 will soon deliver you
09:33 Mary, did you know
09:36 That your Baby Boy
09:39 will give sight to a blind man?
09:44 Mary, did you know
09:47 That your Baby Boy
09:51 will calm the storm with His hands?
09:56 Did you know That your Baby Boy
10:02 has walked where angels trod?
10:07 When you kiss your little Baby
10:13 you kissed the face of God?
10:18 The blind will see The deaf will hear
10:24 And the dead will live again
10:29 The lame will leap The dumb will speak
10:35 The praises of The Lamb
10:46 Mary, did you know
10:51 That your Baby Boy
10:56 is Lord of all creation?
11:01 Did you know That your Baby Boy
11:08 would one day rule the nations?
11:13 Did you know That your Baby Boy
11:19 is heaven's perfect Lamb?
11:24 The sleeping Child you're holding
11:31 is the Great, I Am
11:54 Zana is 12 years old
11:55 and has been singing since she was just three.
11:58 She has such a love for Jesus
12:00 that any time I ask her to sing on Kids Time
12:02 she is always ready and willing.
12:05 I have come to love Zana very much
12:06 and I especially love her commitment to Jesus.
12:09 Today, she will sing about the miracle of Christ birth
12:12 in the "Little Town of Bethlehem."
12:21 O little town of Bethlehem
12:28 How still we see thee lie
12:34 Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
12:40 The silent stars go by
12:46 Yet in thy dark streets shineth
12:52 The everlasting Light
12:58 The hopes and fears of all the years
13:04 Are met in thee tonight
13:11 O holy Child of Bethlehem
13:17 Descend to us, we pray
13:24 Cast out our sin and enter in
13:30 Be born to us today
13:36 We hear the Christmas angels
13:42 The great glad tidings tell
13:49 O come to us,
13:53 abide with us
13:59 Our Lord Emmanuel
14:13 Last year when Mirielle went
14:15 to visit family in the Philippines
14:17 she was invited to sing at a wide variety of places
14:19 that included her parent's home church,
14:21 a local radio station, a women's correctional facility
14:25 and even the men's city jail.
14:27 It doesn't matter where she is or how often she's asked
14:30 Mirielle is always excited to witness for Jesus.
14:34 Let's listen to the message in this song
14:36 "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."
14:45 Hark! The herald angels sing
14:50 Glory to the newborn King
14:56 Peace on earth and mercy mild
15:01 God and sinners reconcile
15:07 Joyful all ye nations rise
15:12 Join the triumph of the skies
15:18 With the angelic host proclaim
15:23 'Christ is born in Bethlehem'
15:29 Hark! The herald angels sing
15:35 Glory to the newborn King
15:43 Christ by highest heaven adored
15:48 Christ the everlasting Lord
15:54 In the manger born a King
16:00 While adoring angels sing
16:05 Peace on earth, to men good will
16:11 Bid the trembling soul be still
16:16 Christ on earth has come to dwell
16:22 Jesus, our Immanuel!
16:28 Hark! The herald angels sing
16:34 Glory to the newborn King
16:43 Amen.
16:46 For the last six years Chris has enjoyed
16:48 playing the saxophone
16:49 and has chosen to play for us the Italian carol,
16:53 Gesu Bambino which means baby Jesus.
16:56 As many of you know it also has the same lyrics
16:58 and melody as the choirs of O Come All Ye Faithful.
17:01 Listen closely and see if you can catch that melody
17:04 as Chris and his sister Cherrie play Gesu Bambino.
19:44 Amen.
19:46 The Guthrie Family has traveled the world
19:48 singing and playing their musical instruments.
19:50 They have also been part of our Kids Time family
19:53 for many years now.
19:54 In fact many of you may remember William
19:57 who is the only one I know of who can smile
19:59 and play the trumpet all at the same time.
20:02 This family has dedicated their lives to Jesus
20:05 and I'm looking forward to being neighbors with them in heaven.
20:08 This next song has been used both as a nativity
20:11 and Second Advent hymn.
20:13 "Come Thou long expected Jesus"
20:15 tells of Israel's found home for a Messiah.
20:18 Listen closely to these next words
20:20 Come, Thou long expected Jesus
20:23 Born to set Thy people free
20:26 From our fears and sins release us
20:28 Let us find our rest in Thee
20:31 Born Thy people to deliver Born a child and yet a king
20:35 Born to reign in us forever
20:37 Now Thy gracious kingdom bring
22:55 Amen.
22:58 Sofia found out just how far reaching her music ministry
23:02 and 3ABN is spread.
23:04 While visiting family in the Philippines
23:05 she attended church there.
23:07 They were so excited to see her
23:08 that she was asked to sing for special music that very day.
23:12 Sofia always has a song in her heart.
23:14 Now God has used her on Kids Time
23:16 for over the last nine years to bless others.
23:19 I'm so glad she is here with us today with her mom Lily
23:22 and in tribute to her Savior and ours Sofia will now sing
23:26 the very beautiful song "O Holy Night."
23:35 O Holy night,
23:39 the stars are brightly shining
23:44 It is the night
23:47 of our dear Savior's birth
23:56 Long lay the world
24:01 in sin and error pining
24:06 Till He appeared
24:09 and the soul felt its worth
24:16 A thrill of hope
24:19 the weary world rejoices
24:25 For yonder breaks
24:28 a new and glorious morn
24:34 Fall on your knees
24:42 O hear
24:45 the angel voices
24:50 O night divine!
24:59 O night
25:03 when Christ was born
25:08 O night divine!
25:16 O night,
25:20 O night divine!
25:26 Fall on your knees
25:34 O hear
25:38 the angel voices
25:43 O night divine!
25:51 O night
25:55 when Christ was born
26:01 O night divine!
26:09 O night,
26:13 O night divine!
26:23 Amen.
26:26 The word noel comes from an old English word
26:29 related to Christ birth.
26:30 I like this next song because it tells me that
26:33 God had angelic beings sing the very first
26:35 birth announcement to everyday people just like you and me.
26:39 Not just the kings or sports heroes or movie stars
26:42 and He still wants to talk to us personally every day.
26:46 Zana will now sing for us "The First Noel."
26:58 The first Noel
27:02 the angels did say
27:07 Was to certain poor shepherds
27:11 in fields as they lay
27:15 In fields where they lay
27:20 a keeping their sheep
27:24 On a cold winter's night
27:28 that was so deep
27:32 Noel, Noel,
27:37 Noel, Noel
27:42 Born is the King
27:45 of Israel
27:50 They looked up
27:55 and saw a star
27:59 Shining in the East
28:03 beyond them far
28:07 And to the earth
28:11 it gave great light
28:16 And so it continued
28:20 both day and night
28:24 Noel, Noel,
28:29 Noel, Noel
28:34 Born is the King
28:38 of Israel
28:42 Noel, Noel,
28:46 Noel, Noel
28:52 Born is the King
28:55 of Israel
29:05 In our next song the holy tree with its thorns
29:08 reminds us of Jesus crown of thrones
29:10 and its red berries remind us of Jesus blood
29:13 shed for our sins.
29:14 Let's take a moment to sit back and picture
29:17 "The Holly and the Ivy"
29:19 as Weston plays this lively song.
31:00 All heaven was histories God sent His angels
31:03 to proclaim through out the heavens
31:05 the birth of his only Son.
31:07 What an exciting time this was
31:09 and the shepherds on the hill side
31:11 rejoiced in the good news
31:12 telling everyone to pray for peace
31:15 for all people everywhere and of the Christ child
31:18 that would bring goodness and light.
31:20 Let's listen as Chris plays "Do You Hear What I Hear."
32:50 Amen.
32:52 During the holiday season
32:53 when people's hearts are turned toward one another
32:56 we have the opportunity to unity all people
32:58 in heart and mind by ending all our envy and strive.
33:02 That's the day I'm looking forward to, how about you?
33:05 Let's just sit back and enjoy
33:06 the special harmonies at the Sanders Family
33:09 as they sing "O come, O come, Emmanuel."
33:24 O come, O come, Emmanuel
33:31 And ransom captive Israel
33:37 That mourns in lonely exile here
33:44 Until the Son of God appear
33:50 Rejoice!
33:53 Rejoice!
33:57 Emmanuel
34:02 Shall come to thee, O Israel.
34:09 O come, Desire of nations, bind
34:15 All people in one heart, soul, and mind
34:22 Bid envy, strife and quarrels cease
34:28 And fill the whole world with heaven's peace.
34:34 Rejoice!
34:37 Rejoice!
34:40 Emmanuel
34:46 Shall come to thee, O Israel
34:52 Rejoice!
34:55 Rejoice!
34:58 Emmanuel
35:04 Shall come to thee, O Israel
35:10 Shall come to thee, O Israel
35:17 Shall come to thee, O Israel
35:27 Amen.
35:29 Jesus spent His entire life here on earth
35:32 tenderly caring for others.
35:34 But instead of being praised He endured much pain,
35:37 ridicule, and rejection yet Jesus loves each one of us
35:41 so much that He willingly died on a cross
35:44 so that we might have eternal life.
35:46 Can you imagine how dark world would have be
35:49 if we didn't have that blessed hope
35:51 that Jesus is coming again.
35:54 "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella"
35:56 is a French carol dating back to the 1500s
35:59 when torches were used to illuminate the darkness.
36:03 We can only imagine that long ago
36:05 in that lowly stable
36:07 Joseph may have used such a torch
36:09 just to give light to the light of the world Jesus Christ.
36:14 The Guthrie Family is also excited
36:15 to proclaim the birth of Jesus
36:17 as they play this beautiful song
36:19 "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella."
38:52 Amen.
38:53 I like to imagine what it must have been like
38:55 for the shepherds who came to greet baby Jesus
38:57 in that lowly stable so long ago.
39:00 By faith they had journeyed Bethlehem
39:02 to be among the first to worship the king.
39:05 Oh, what an incredible experience that must have been.
39:09 This beautiful song invites all of us to come into Him
39:12 as Mirielle sings "O Come All Ye Faithful."
39:26 O Come All Ye Faithful
39:32 Joyful and triumphant
39:37 O come ye,
39:40 O come ye
39:42 to Bethlehem
39:48 Come and behold Him
39:53 Born the King of Angels
39:59 O come, let us adore Him
40:05 O come, let us adore Him
40:10 O come,
40:11 let us adore Him
40:20 Christ
40:23 the Lord Sing,
40:28 choirs of angels
40:32 Sing in exultation
40:37 O sing all ye citizens
40:42 of heaven above
40:48 Glory to God Lord,
40:53 glory in the highest
41:00 O come, let us adore Him
41:05 O come, let us adore Him
41:11 O come, let us adore Him
41:21 Christ the Lord
41:29 Amen.
41:32 A new day had dawn and God came to earth
41:35 as a fragile new born baby.
41:37 As His mother held Him closely how could she have known
41:40 that all too soon mankind would hate Him
41:43 and crucify Him on a cross?
41:45 Let's listen to Weston's arrangement of one small child
41:49 who would one day become the Savior of all mankind.
43:56 Merchants and innkeepers were exacting high prices
43:59 for goods and rooms.
44:01 People from all over had come to Bethlehem to pay their taxes.
44:04 No ease and confusion,
44:06 tired travelers and crying babies filled the night.
44:09 But even as the cattle were lowing
44:11 there was one quiet place of perfect peace.
44:15 Let's listen as Zana and Zeayon
44:16 sing my very favorite Christmas carol "Silent Night."
44:31 Silent night,
44:36 Holy night
44:40 All is calm, all is bright
44:47 Round yon virgin,
44:51 mother and child
44:55 Holy infant
44:58 so, tender and mild
45:02 Sleep in heavenly peace
45:10 Sleep
45:12 in heavenly peace
45:18 Silent night, holy night
45:26 Wondrous star, lend thy light
45:33 With the angels let us sing
45:41 Alleluia to our King
45:49 Christ the Savior is born
45:57 Christ the Savior is born
46:06 Christ the Savior is born
46:21 Amen.
46:22 The sky exploded with the holy light
46:24 as the angels sing of Jesus humble birth.
46:27 What a perfect gift God has given us.
46:30 It was the birthday of a king.
46:32 I've known Sofia for many years now
46:34 and I know Jesus is her king.
46:37 I asked you today is He yours?
46:47 In the little village of Bethlehem
46:54 There lay a child one day
47:01 And the sky was bright With a holy light
47:07 O'er the place where Jesus lay
47:14 Alleluia!
47:17 O how the angels sang Alleluia!
47:24 How it rang!
47:28 And the sky was bright
47:31 with a holy light
47:37 'Twas the birthday of a King
47:44 'Twas a humble birthplace,
47:48 but O how much God gave
47:53 to us that day
47:57 From the manger bed what a path has led
48:04 What a perfect, holy way
48:11 Alleluia!
48:14 O how the angels sang Alleluia!
48:21 How it rang!
48:24 And the sky was bright
48:28 with a holy light
48:33 'Twas the birthday of a King
48:43 'Twas the birthday of a King
48:58 Chris's favorite Bible text is 1 John 4:16,
49:02 and "We have come to know and have believed the love
49:05 which God has for us.
49:06 God is love, and the one who abides in love
49:09 abides in God, and God abides in him."
49:13 It took a lot of love for God to give His own Son
49:16 and it took a lot of love for Mary to carry a child,
49:19 raise Him and then see Him die for her sins and ours.
49:24 I'm so thankful for God of love, aren't you?
49:27 Let's listen to Chris's arrangement
49:28 of "Mary, Did You Know?"
51:51 When the wise man saw the special star
51:54 they followed by night to keep the star in view
51:56 until they have found Jesus and worshiped Him.
51:59 Even though the wise men
52:00 were not actually present at Jesus birth
52:03 we learn from this familiar song
52:05 that just like the wise men of long ago
52:07 we can worship Jesus too.
52:10 Let's worship together with the Sanders Family
52:12 as they sing "We Three Kings."
52:20 We three kings of Orient are
52:23 Bearing gifts we traverse afar
52:27 Field and fountain, moor and mountain
52:30 Following yonder star
52:33 O star of wonder, star of night
52:39 Star with royal beauty bright
52:43 Westward leading,
52:44 still proceeding Guide us to
52:48 thy perfect Light
52:58 Born a king on Bethlehem's plain
53:02 Gold I bring to crown Him again
53:05 King forever, ceasing never Over us all to reign
53:11 O star of wonder, star of night
53:18 Star with royal beauty bright
53:21 Westward leading, still proceeding
53:25 Guide us to thy perfect Light
53:38 Glorious now behold Him arise
53:42 King and God and Sacrifice
53:45 Alleluia, alleluia!
53:49 Sounds through the earth and skies
53:51 O star of wonder, star of night
53:58 Star with royal beauty bright
54:02 Westward leading, still proceeding
54:05 Guide us to thy perfect Light
54:15 On December 24, 1906 a Canadian inventor broadcast
54:20 the very first AM radio program
54:22 which included him playing, "O Holy Night" on the violin.
54:26 This French carol appears to be the very first piece
54:29 of music broadcast over the radio.
54:31 Today Mirielle and Millicent will be singing and playing
54:35 "O Holy Night"
54:36 and it too will be broadcast all over the world
54:39 but this time via 3ABN satellite.
54:52 O Holy night,
54:56 the stars are brightly shining
55:02 It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
55:15 Long lay the world
55:20 in sin and error pining
55:25 Till He appeared
55:29 and the soul felt its worth
55:36 A thrill of hope
55:40 the weary world rejoices
55:46 For yonder breaks
55:50 a new and glorious morn
55:56 Fall
55:59 on your knees
56:04 O hear
56:08 the angel voices
56:14 O night divine!
56:22 O night
56:27 when Christ was born
56:32 O night divine!
56:42 O night,
56:47 O night divine!
56:58 Amen.
57:02 When a new baby is expected
57:04 there are so many exciting things happening.
57:06 Baby showers and decorating the nursery
57:08 and picking up baby names and so much more.
57:11 But now of this was happening when our Savior was born.
57:15 In fact it seemed that no one was ready
57:17 for the Messiah to come at all.
57:18 Sofia is going to sing about that day,
57:21 that very extraordinary day "When a child is born."
57:27 A ray of hope
57:30 flitters in the sky
57:35 A shiny star
57:39 lights up way up high
57:44 All across the land dawns a brand new morn
57:51 This comes to pass
57:54 when a child is born
57:59 A rosy hue
58:03 settles all around
58:07 You've got the feel
58:11 you're on solid ground
58:16 For a thought or two no-one seems forlorn
58:23 This comes to pass
58:27 when a child is born.
58:31 It's all a dream
58:35 and illusion now
58:39 It must come true,
58:43 sometimes soon somehow
58:48 All across the land dawns a brand new morn
58:55 This comes to pass when a child is born
59:02 This comes to pass when a child is born
59:16 I want to thank each of you for joining us
59:18 and I would like to encourage you
59:19 to make Jesus the center of your life.
59:21 Not just during the holiday season
59:23 but each day throughout the year.
59:26 God bless you. Happy holidays.


Revised 2014-12-17