Kids' Time Praise Holiday Special

Kids' Time Praise Holiday Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPHS

Program Code: KTPHS000001A

00:03 Praise Him, praise Him all ye little children
00:07 God is love, God is love
00:12 Praise Him, praise Him all ye little children
00:16 God is love, God is love
00:25 Hello, and welcome
00:26 to our Kids Time Praise Holiday Special.
00:28 We're here in Cedar Lake, Michigan
00:30 at Great Lakes Adventist Academy.
00:32 And let me tell you they really know
00:34 how to make us feel at home here.
00:36 I'm glad that you've joined us
00:37 because we have a very special program
00:39 planned for you.
00:41 Of course, any time we come together
00:42 to praise our awesome God,
00:44 it is definitely a special time.
00:47 During this holiday season
00:49 it's important to think about the birth of Jesus Christ
00:52 and also to think about the tremendous sacrifice
00:55 that God made giving up His only Son.
00:59 I wish I could have visited that lowly manger in Bethlehem,
01:02 the night that Jesus was born.
01:04 I can almost hear the angel singing, can't you?
01:07 Let's listen as Kaitlyn sings "O Little Town of Bethlehem"
01:10 followed by the Berrien Wind and Strings playing
01:13 "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".
01:24 O little town of Bethlehem
01:29 How still we see thee lie
01:35 Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
01:41 The silent stars go by
01:47 Yet in thy dark streets shineth
01:52 The everlasting Light
01:58 The hopes and fears of all the years
02:04 Are met in thee tonight
02:11 O holy Child of Bethlehem
02:17 Descend to us, we pray
02:23 Cast out our sin and enter in
02:29 Be born to us today
02:35 We hear the Christmas angels
02:41 The great glad tidings tell
02:47 O come to us, abide with us
02:54 Our Lord Emmanuel
03:02 Amen.
05:31 Joshua Lance is nine years old,
05:33 and has come all the way from Georgia
05:35 to be a part of our Kids Time Special today.
05:37 He will sing for us a song entitled
05:39 "O Come All Ye Faithful"
05:41 followed by Yasmine singing "Gentle Mary, Humble Mary".
05:54 O come all ye faithful
06:00 Joyful and triumphant
06:05 O come ye,
06:07 O come ye
06:10 To Bethlehem
06:16 Come and behold Him
06:21 Born the King of Angels!
06:26 O come, let us adore Him
06:31 O come, let us adore Him
06:36 O come, let us adore Him
06:42 Christ the Lord
06:48 Sing, choirs of angels
06:53 Sing in exaltation
06:58 Sing all ye citizens
07:03 Of heaven above
07:08 Glory to God,
07:12 All glory in the highest
07:18 O come, let us adore Him
07:23 O come, let us adore Him
07:28 O come, let us adore Him
07:34 Christ the Lord
07:56 Gentle Mary, humble Mary
08:01 God has chosen you His Son to bear
08:07 Humble Mary gentle Mary
08:12 Knows this will not Be an easy care
08:18 The angels said be not afraid
08:25 God favors thee
08:30 You shall bear a Son
08:36 Great He will be
08:41 Gentle Mary, humble Mary
08:47 God has chosen you His Son to bear
08:52 Humble Mary, gentle Mary
08:58 Knows this will not Be an easy care
09:03 Mary replied I kneel before you
09:09 As the maidservant of the Lord
09:16 Let it now be done
09:19 According to His holy word
09:26 Gentle Mary, humble Mary
09:32 God has chosen you His Son to bear
09:37 Humble Mary, gentle Mary
09:42 Knows this will not Be an easy care
09:48 The angels said be not afraid
09:55 God favors thee
10:00 You shall bear a Son
10:06 Great He will be
10:11 Great He will be
10:17 Amen.
10:21 Think back with me if you will.
10:24 Thank you, sweetie.
10:26 Think back if you will and picture in your mind
10:28 the town of Bethlehem the night baby Jesus was born.
10:32 How tired Mary and Joseph must have been
10:35 as they had traveled so far.
10:37 Listen to the words of this song
10:38 as the Cadet Sisters sing
10:40 "No Room In The Inn".
11:07 No beautiful chamber, no soft cradle bed
11:13 No place but a manger, nowhere for His head
11:20 No praises of gladness, no thought of their sin
11:26 No glory but sadness, no room in the inn
11:32 No room, no room, for Jesus
11:35 O give Him welcome free
11:38 Lest you should hear at Heaven's gate
11:41 There is no room for thee
11:49 No sweet consecration, no sorrow
11:55 No place to receive Him
11:59 No place in the heart
12:02 No thought of the Savior, no sorrow for sin
12:08 No prayer for His favor, no room in the inn
12:14 No room, no room, for Jesus
12:17 O give Him welcome free
12:20 Lest you should hear at Heaven's gate
12:24 There is no room for thee
12:31 No one to receive Him, no welcome while here
12:38 No balm to relieve Him, no staff but a spear
12:44 No seeking His treasure, no weeping for sin
12:50 No doing His pleasure, no room in the inn
12:56 No room, no room, for Jesus
12:59 O give Him welcome free
13:02 Lest you should hear at Heaven's gate
13:06 There is no room for thee
13:10 For Jesus, O give Him welcome free
13:15 Lest you should hear at Heaven's gate
13:18 There is no room for thee
13:23 At Heaven's gate
13:29 There is no room for thee
13:47 There is a Child within a manger
13:54 Whose love can reach the smallest heart
14:01 From kings to shepherds
14:04 To every one of us
14:09 Whose dreams are torn apart
14:15 And He was born for all the children
14:23 Who watch the snow and dream their dreams
14:30 He is the Sunrise He is the Child of hope
14:38 Star of Bethlehem
14:45 Star of Bethlehem
14:52 Star of Bethlehem
14:59 I can see you shining bright
15:05 Star of Bethlehem
15:11 And He was born for all the children
15:18 Who watch the snow and dream their dreams
15:25 He is the Sunrise
15:29 He is the Child of hope
15:33 Star of Bethlehem
15:39 And He will come for all the children
15:47 Who live inside
15:51 The hearts of man
16:03 He is the savior
16:07 He is the promised gift
16:12 The star
16:15 Of Bethlehem
16:46 In the first light of a new day
16:51 No one knew He had arrived
16:56 Things continued as they had been
17:00 While a newborn softly cried
17:05 But the heavens wrapped in wonder
17:10 Knew the meaning of His birth
17:15 In the weakness of a baby
17:19 They knew God had come to earth
17:34 As His mother held Him closely
17:39 It was hard to understand
17:43 That her baby not yet speaking
17:48 Was the Word of God to man
17:53 He would tell them of His kingdom
17:58 But their hearts would not believe
18:03 They would hate Him and in anger
18:08 They would nail Him to a tree
18:22 But the sadness would be broken
18:27 As the song of life arose
18:32 And the firstborn of creation
18:36 Will ascend and take His throne
18:41 He had left them to redeem us
18:46 But before His life began
18:50 We knew He'd come back not as a baby
18:55 But as the Lord of every man
19:00 Hear the angels as they're singing
19:05 On the morning of His birth
19:10 But how much greater will our song be
19:15 When He comes
19:16 To rule the earth!
19:24 When He comes
19:26 To rule the earth!
19:38 Amen.
19:40 Thank you Sofia and the Cadet Sisters.
19:43 You know it wasn't just in Bethlehem
19:44 that there was excitement.
19:46 Let's listen as the Drake Family sings,
19:48 "The Shepherds Left Their Sheep".
20:06 Fear not, I bring you tidings of great joy
20:14 The shepherds heard
20:18 An angel sing
20:23 Go now and see the savior to be
20:30 The one whose blood can wash your sins away
20:37 So the shepherds left their sheep
20:41 And found a Lamb
20:46 The blessed Prince of Peace the great I Am
20:53 On that long awaited night
20:58 Down in Bethlehem
21:04 The shepherds left their sheep
21:07 And found a Lamb
21:12 When the shepherds returned
21:15 They had good news to bring
21:19 The Almighty
21:22 Had finally come to man
21:28 The sacrifice of sheep
21:32 I no longer need
21:36 For in the manger lay my spotless Lamb
21:42 So the shepherds left their sheep
21:46 And found a Lamb
21:51 The blessed Prince of Peace the great I Am
21:58 On that long awaited night
22:03 Down in Bethlehem
22:08 The shepherds left their sheep
22:11 And found a Lamb
22:16 On that long awaited night
22:21 down in Bethlehem
22:26 The shepherds left their sheep
22:29 And found a Lamb
22:36 Amen. Amen.
22:40 Thank you kids, I just love that song,
22:42 and I specially love brothers and sisters
22:44 singing together, don't you?
22:46 Well, I'm excited that Sarah and Liana
22:48 are here today.
22:49 They are members of the Berrien Wind and Strings
22:51 and right now they are going to bring you
22:53 a violin duet called "Bring a Torch".
26:08 Amen!
26:18 Go, tell it on the mountain
26:22 Over the hills and everywhere
26:26 Go, tell it on the mountain
26:30 That Jesus Christ is born
26:34 While shepherds kept their watching
26:39 Over silent flocks by night
26:43 Behold throughout the heavens
26:48 There shone a holy light
26:54 Go, tell it on the mountain
26:58 Over the hills and everywhere
27:03 Go, tell it on the mountain
27:07 That Jesus Christ is born
27:12 Down in a lowly manger
27:16 The humble Christ was born
27:21 And brought us God's salvation
27:26 That blessed Christmas morn
27:32 Go, tell it on the mountain
27:37 Over the hills and everywhere
27:42 Go, tell it on the mountain
27:46 That Jesus Christ is born
27:54 Silent Night is a very special song to me.
27:57 It's the very first song that I ever played on the piano
28:00 and I still love playing it today.
28:03 Joshua Lance is going to sing for us right now
28:06 my very favorite song, "Silent Night Holy Night".
28:27 Silent Night
28:32 Holy Night
28:36 All is calm
28:40 All is bright
28:45 Round yon virgin
28:49 Mother and child
28:53 Holy infant
28:57 So tender and mild
29:02 Sleep in
29:04 Heavenly peace
29:11 Sleep in
29:13 Heavenly peace
29:23 A ray of hope
29:26 Flickers in the sky
29:32 A tiny star
29:35 Lights up way up high
29:41 All across the land dawns a brand new morn
29:48 This comes to pass
29:52 When a child is born
29:56 A silent wish sails the seven seas
30:04 The winds have changed
30:07 whisperin' the trees
30:13 And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn
30:20 This comes to pass
30:23 When a child is born
30:28 A rosy dawn
30:31 Settles all around
30:35 You've got the feel
30:39 You're on solid ground
30:44 For a spell or two no one seems forlorn
30:50 This comes to pass
30:54 When a child is born
30:58 It's all a dream
31:01 And illusion now
31:05 It must come true
31:09 Sometimes soon somehow
31:14 All across the land dawns a brand new morn
31:21 This comes to pass
31:24 When a child is born
31:28 This comes to pass
31:31 When a child
31:33 Is born
31:40 Thank you Sofia for that beautiful song
31:43 "When a Child is Born".
31:52 What child is this?
31:55 Who meant to rest on
31:58 Mary's lap is sleeping
32:04 Who angels greet with anthem sweet
32:10 While shepherds watch our keeping
32:17 This this is Christ the King
32:22 Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
32:29 Haste haste to bring Him laud
32:35 The babe the Son of Mary
32:42 Who is this who lay to rest
32:47 On Mary's lap is sleeping
32:53 Whom angels greet with anthem sweet
32:59 While shepherds watch our keeping
33:06 This this is Christ the King
33:12 Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
33:18 Haste haste to bring Him laud
33:24 The babe the Son
33:27 Of Mary
33:32 This this is Christ the King
33:36 Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
33:43 Haste haste to bring Him laud
33:48 The babe the Son of Mary
33:55 The babe the Son of Mary
34:15 Happy birthday Jesus
34:19 Happy birthday to the Lord
34:23 Happy birthday happy birthday
34:27 Happy birthday to the Lord
34:33 Let the earth cry out
34:35 "Hallelujah"
34:37 Let the people shout for joy
34:42 Let the star burn like the brightest candle
34:46 And celebrate the birthday of God's baby boy
34:51 Happy birthday Jesus
34:56 Happy birthday to the Lord
35:00 Happy birthday happy birthday
35:05 Happy birthday to the Lord
35:10 Happy birthday to the Lord
35:17 Amen.
35:19 Thank you Yasmine for that beautiful song,
35:22 "Happy birthday Jesus".
35:24 Well, at this time Joshua is going to sing another song
35:26 for us called, "We Three Kings".
35:44 We three kings
35:47 Of Orient are
35:51 Bearing gifts
35:53 We traverse afar
35:58 Field and fountain moor and mountain
36:05 Following yonder star
36:11 O Star of wonder
36:17 Star of night
36:21 Star with royal beauty bright
36:28 Westward leading
36:32 Still proceeding Guide us
36:37 To thy
36:39 Perfect Light
36:45 Glorious now behold Him arise
36:52 King and God and Sacrifice
36:58 Alleluia Alleluia
37:05 Earth to the heavens replies
37:11 O Star of wonder
37:18 Star of night Star with royal
37:24 Beauty bright
37:28 Westward leading
37:31 Still proceeding Guide us to
37:37 Thy Perfect Light
37:44 Amen.
40:16 Long time ago in Bethlehem
40:22 So the Holy Bible said
40:29 Mary's boy child Jesus Christ
40:34 Was born on
40:36 Christmas Day
40:42 While shepherds watch their flocks by night
40:48 They see a bright new shining star
40:54 They hear a choir sing
40:58 The music seemed
41:01 To come from afar
41:06 Hark now hear the angels sing
41:11 A new King born today
41:17 And man will live for evermore
41:23 Because of
41:25 Christmas Day
41:31 Now Joseph and his wife Mary
41:37 Come to Bethlehem that night
41:43 Then find no place to born the child
41:49 Not a single room
41:51 Was in sight
41:57 By and by they find a little nook
42:03 In a stable all forlorn
42:09 And in a manger cold and dark
42:14 Mary's little boy was born
42:21 Hark now hear the angels sing
42:26 A new King born today
42:32 And man will live for evermore
42:37 Because of Christmas Day
42:44 Trumpet sound and angels sing
42:50 Listen to what they say
42:55 And man will live forevermore
43:01 Because of
43:03 Christmas day
43:10 Amen.
43:11 Thank you, Sofia.
43:13 You know, I can remember the very first time
43:14 that Sofia sang on Kids Time.
43:16 She was so tiny that when she stood up,
43:20 she barely reached the top of the birdbath.
43:22 But do you know
43:24 when she opened her mouth to sing,
43:25 I was just amazed that the strength of her voice
43:28 and that beautiful smile.
43:29 Well, she melted my heart right away
43:31 right then and there.
43:32 Someone also has a beautiful smile
43:35 and lots of smiles are the Cadet Sisters,
43:37 and I'm so excited to have them with us today.
43:39 They have been singing together for probably,
43:42 probably for as long as they can remember
43:44 and have just recently recorded their first CD.
43:46 So right now they are going to sing for us,
43:48 "He Shall Be Called".
44:01 God with man
44:07 He shall be called
44:09 Wonderful Counselor,
44:14 Our Mighty God
44:17 He shall be called Everlasting
44:22 Father Prince of peace
44:30 Jesus is called Wonderful
44:35 Counselor
44:37 Almighty God
44:40 Jesus is called
44:43 Everlasting
44:45 Father Prince of Peace
44:51 His name is Jesus,
44:55 For He saves His people from sin
45:01 His name Immanuel,
45:06 God with man
45:13 We praise Your name
45:18 Oh, Almighty God
45:23 We praise Your name
45:26 Everlasting
45:28 Father
45:29 Prince of Peace
45:36 We love You Jesus
45:40 For You save Your people from sin
45:46 We love You Immanuel
45:52 God with man
45:56 We love You Immanuel
46:07 God with man
46:13 Amen.
48:48 No
48:52 Eye
49:11 Have seen
49:16 No ear
49:20 Have heard
49:25 Til hosts
49:30 On high
49:34 Proclaimed
49:39 The birth
49:44 And heaven
49:48 Was brought down
49:53 Its only
49:58 Child
50:02 The son
50:07 Of man
50:11 The world
50:15 Reconciled
50:23 And song
50:27 Broke forth
50:31 Angelic
50:36 Strain
50:40 And none
50:44 Could help
50:49 But sing
50:53 The name
50:58 Emmanuel
51:03 Hark the herald angel singing
51:07 Emmanuel
51:08 Glory to the newborn King
51:11 Emmanuel
51:16 Mortal and immortal voices
51:24 Emmanuel
51:26 Endless praises
51:29 Echoing
51:36 Hark the herald
51:41 Angel singing
51:45 Glory
51:47 To the newborn King
52:05 Amen.
52:08 Yasmine and Crystal-Anne are both Kids Time singers.
52:11 They've always had smiles on their faces
52:13 and I love these little girls so much,
52:15 but right now
52:16 they are going to sing a song called,
52:18 "Jesus Joy".
52:30 Jesus joy Jesus joy
52:35 Bubbles up in my heart
52:40 Jesus joy Jesus joy
52:45 The best part of Christmas
52:50 The best part of Christmas
52:55 Baby boy Baby boy
53:00 God has come to earth
53:05 Baby boy Baby boy
53:10 Laying in a manger
53:15 Laying in a manger
53:20 Angels sing Angels sing
53:25 Telling of his birth
53:30 Angels sing Angels sing
53:35 Singing to the shepherds
53:40 Singing to the shepherds
53:45 Hallelujah Christ is born
53:50 Hallelujah Christ is born
53:55 Glory glory angels sing
54:00 Christ is born in Bethlehem
54:06 Wise man come Wise man come
54:11 Riding from the East
54:16 Wise man come Wise man come
54:21 Bowing down to worship
54:26 Bowing down to worship
54:32 Bowing down
54:34 To worship
54:54 Joy to the world the Lord is come
55:00 Let earth receive her king
55:06 Let every heart prepare him room
55:12 And heaven and nature sing
55:15 And heaven and nature sing
55:19 And heaven
55:21 Heaven and nature sing
55:27 He rules the world with truth and grace
55:32 And makes
55:34 The nations prove
55:39 The glories of His righteousness
55:45 And wonders of His love
55:48 And wonders of His love
55:52 And wonders
55:54 Wonders of His love
56:01 Well, that's about all the time we have today.
56:03 I want to thank all the children
56:04 that came here to bring you this wonderful program.
56:07 You know, it just thrills my heart
56:08 to see children that love Jesus this much
56:11 that they're willing to share their time
56:12 and their talents and believe me
56:14 it takes a lot of time, a lot of practice,
56:16 to be able to come in
56:18 and sing these songs and play these songs,
56:20 and I just really appreciate them so much.
56:22 And I also want to thank
56:24 the wonderful people here in Michigan,
56:26 for all their welcome that
56:28 that they have thrown out for us,
56:29 they have just made us feel so welcome
56:31 and it's been a privilege and a pleasure
56:34 to be here and serve Jesus in the state of Michigan.
56:37 I also want to thank our viewers at home
56:39 for joining us.
56:40 And, boys and girls, wherever you go,
56:42 whatever you do, it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2017-06-21