Kids' Time Holiday Special

Kid's Time (2001)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTHS

Program Code: KTHS000001A

00:02 It's time to share
00:04 There's a world out there
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:09 It's time to share
00:11 There's a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time Kids Time
00:25 Hi, boys and girls,
00:27 welcome to a very special edition of Kids Time.
00:30 This program is special for a lot of reasons.
00:32 First, it's special
00:33 because we're taping this program live
00:35 from Battle Creek, Michigan
00:36 in the Urbandale Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:39 And let me tell you,
00:40 there's a lot of friendly folk here in Michigan.
00:43 You'll be meeting some of them in today's program.
00:46 You'll hear Ranger Jim,
00:48 you're gonna hear Buddy and the Kids Time singers
00:50 and you're also gonna watch a live nativity scene
00:52 and lots more.
00:54 But this program is also special
00:56 because we are celebrating the birth of Jesus,
00:59 the birth of our Savior,
01:00 and celebrating the awesome love
01:02 that He has for you and that He has for me.
01:05 Well, right now,
01:06 Ranger Jim has something special to show us.
01:08 Let's see what it is.
01:11 Well, thanks, Brenda.
01:12 This is Ranger Jim saying
01:13 welcome to Nature Time, boys and girls.
01:15 We're so excited that you can be with us today
01:16 for this special program.
01:18 As you see we have some of our friends
01:20 here with us today.
01:21 And we're going to be talking about pets.
01:23 As I travel around
01:25 and talk to different boys and girls in different sites,
01:26 I sometime learn when we're talking about
01:28 our best friend Jesus
01:30 that boys and girls don't really seem
01:31 to know Him that well.
01:33 And I think it's because you've never thought of Him
01:35 as being a personal friend.
01:36 And I have questions that from time to time I ask
01:39 boys and girls about that.
01:40 And questions like this,
01:42 do you think Jesus had to go to school
01:44 like you have to go to school?
01:45 Yes. Yes, He had to.
01:47 You think He had favorite subjects in school?
01:50 And maybe one He didn't like so well, huh?
01:53 Okay. What about that?
01:54 Do you think Jesus like to lay on a grassy knoll
01:57 and look up at a blue sky and see the clouds go by
02:00 and think that one looks like a lamb or something?
02:03 I believe He did.
02:05 You think Jesus had a very special friend?
02:08 Yes, I think the term is now to sort of hang with.
02:11 I think that's true.
02:13 And you know my grandmother once told me
02:14 that she knew that Jesus like to run
02:16 through every mud puddle after a rain
02:18 because every boy likes to do that.
02:20 Now I don't know about the theology of that
02:22 but I like the idea, don't you?
02:24 Because I think most girls like to do that too, don't you?
02:27 And so another question that I like to ask
02:29 boys and girls, do you think Jesus had a pet?
02:31 Because you see, that's the first thing
02:33 that we love after mother and father,
02:35 and our brothers and sisters,
02:37 we learn to love our pet, don't we?
02:38 It may be a parakeet or cat or as you can see here today,
02:42 we have some special pets that we want to talk about.
02:45 And we have,
02:46 my two granddaughters are here today
02:48 and this little young lady's name is...
02:50 Sammy.
02:51 And this is...
02:52 Rachel.
02:54 And are these sisters, they're goats?
02:56 No. Sister and brother.
02:58 They're what?
03:00 Sister and brother.
03:01 And this one's name is...
03:02 Bridget.
03:04 This one is Bobby.
03:05 And they are pigmy goats.
03:07 Now do these goats get much larger than this?
03:09 A little.
03:10 A little bit.
03:12 Okay, but they're practically grown in size, aren't they?
03:14 Pigmy goats, my friends, boys and girls,
03:16 are from native of Africa
03:18 and they were spread throughout the world by whalers.
03:21 They learn they could take these tiny small goats aboard
03:23 their sailing vessel
03:25 and they could have their own dairy.
03:27 They could have goat's milk and they could have cheese
03:29 and things of that nature, didn't take much to feed them,
03:31 they will eat ragweeds,
03:33 cocklebur, honeysuckle, almost anything.
03:36 And they can survive on hay
03:38 that other animals could not survive on.
03:40 So they took them with them and traveled,
03:41 had their own fresh milk and cheese
03:44 and had the pigmy goats with them.
03:45 And so some whaling vessels still use this technique.
03:48 And so they are a very interesting creature,
03:51 they like to run, and jump, and chase across the pasture
03:54 and any fence is a challenge, they want to get outside.
03:56 They don't run away,
03:58 they just want to get on the other side of the fence
03:59 and nibble away and eat the weeds.
04:01 And they don't get too far from home
04:02 because then they were too far,
04:04 get too far for the regular food.
04:06 And mother and dad takes care of these goats everyday,
04:08 they go down and feed them at the barn, right?
04:11 No, we do.
04:12 Oh, Well, even when it's cold and bad?
04:14 Yup. Okay.
04:16 Just like Ranger Jim always tells you, if you have a pet,
04:19 Jesus expects us to take good care of it, doesn't He?
04:22 We have my friend, Zackery here today.
04:24 And I have difficulty speaking the name of the sheep
04:28 but he does it very well.
04:29 He's going to do it slowly for Ranger Jim
04:31 so I can remember.
04:33 Would you say it for me?
04:34 Karakul.
04:35 Karakul sheep and this is very, very old breed of sheep.
04:39 We can count this back to 600 or 800 years before Christ.
04:43 And they were an unusual sheep,
04:44 and the fact that they are a broad tailed sheep.
04:47 If we have the time, boys and girls,
04:48 today to spread their tail out, their tail is this wide,
04:51 and it's quite thick.
04:53 And this serves the same purpose
04:55 as does the humps on a camel's back.
04:58 It is stored fat or nutrition,
05:01 this sheep can survive in an area
05:03 where no other sheep of any breed can survive.
05:06 They have very hard teeth.
05:09 The cause of the demise of the sheep is
05:11 that its teeth wear out from chewing
05:13 and this sheep has very hard teeth.
05:16 It also has the habit of grinding its teeth.
05:18 I've been up here sort of, cringing
05:20 because a couple of times, it's been going...
05:23 And so, but this is a very, very interesting creature.
05:27 They are quite rare.
05:28 In fact, they're only about 1200 of these
05:30 in the whole United States.
05:32 And Zack has sheep and do you show them in forage?
05:35 Yes. You enjoy that?
05:36 Yeah.
05:37 You told me today that you won a ribbon
05:39 Yeah. When's this?
05:40 Oh, I took a Karakul's lamb and we forgot to tag number
05:47 and we went in to see and we got in there, and I won.
05:51 You won.
05:52 Okay, even though you made the mistake, you won.
05:54 Okay, that's very good.
05:55 Well, boys and girls, it's so much fun.
05:57 If we had time for each of you to be up here
05:59 and talk about our pets.
06:01 We could tell wonderful stories,
06:02 couldn't we about them?
06:03 Because they are so dear to us and we do enjoy them so much.
06:07 So as always, this is Ranger Jim telling you,
06:10 especially, at this time of year,
06:11 boys and girls, let's remember,
06:13 let's tell Jesus how much we love Him
06:15 because He really does love you.
06:19 Thank you, Ranger Jim.
06:21 I always love to hear you talk about God's animals.
06:24 I learned so much.
06:26 Well, I'm very excited to have all of our Kids Time family
06:29 here for our holiday special.
06:31 And that includes Buddy and our Kids Time singers.
06:33 You know, Buddy wrote a special song
06:35 just for this occasion
06:37 and they'd like to sing it for you right now.
06:39 Now this song is called "Mary had a little Lamb".
06:52 Mary had a little lamb
06:56 Knows exactly who I am
07:00 Makes my sins as white as snow
07:03 Mary's lamb he loves me so
07:11 Mary's lamb he loves to stay
07:15 All around me everyday
07:19 Said He never ever go
07:22 Mary's lamb he loves me so
07:29 Twinkle, twinkle, morning star
07:33 I'm so glad here who you are
07:37 Up above the world so high
07:41 Shining from my heart
07:44 Too bright
07:50 Mary's Lamb is coming soon
07:54 He wants to keep my heart in tomb
07:58 Till the day he takes me home
08:01 Mary's Lamb he loves me so
08:05 Mary's Lamb he loves me so
08:17 About 2,000 years ago,
08:19 God sent His angel Gabriel to earth
08:21 for the special message for a young virgin named Mary.
08:25 Now Mary was a very poor girl
08:27 who loved God with all her heart.
08:29 Now the angel told her that God had chosen her
08:32 to be the mother of His own son,
08:34 the promised Messiah.
08:36 Now her faith and trust was in God.
08:38 So she willingly accepted what God had asked her to do
08:42 even though she did not feel worthy of such an honor.
08:45 You know, when it was about time
08:47 for this very special baby to be born,
08:49 Mary and her husband Joseph
08:51 had to leave the comfort of their warm, cozy home
08:54 and they were ordered to pay taxes
08:56 in a city called Bethlehem
08:58 which was a long way away from Nazareth.
09:01 Now Joseph carefully helped Mary up on his donkey
09:04 and they started off on their long journey.
09:07 At last, from the top of the hill
09:09 they saw the lights of Bethlehem
09:11 and they were hoping to find a comfortable place to stay.
09:14 They were tired.
09:15 Mary was so tired in fact that she knew
09:18 that it was about time for baby Jesus to be born.
09:21 And even though she was tired,
09:23 Mary was excited to share the news about the Messiah.
09:26 Listen, I hear someone talking.
09:29 Look, it's Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem
09:31 at one of the inns.
09:33 Oh, Joseph, is this really the last inn?
09:37 It's almost time for the Lord to be born.
09:42 There must be a special room for us here, for surely
09:45 the Messiah will have an honored place to stay.
09:49 Don't worry, Mary,
09:50 for God will provide a place for His son and for us.
09:58 I'm coming. I'm coming.
10:05 Why are you knocking at my door so late?
10:09 Can't you see the sign?
10:11 No room.
10:15 I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to bother you.
10:17 My wife is in need of a warm place to stay.
10:20 She's about to give birth to...
10:21 I can see that.
10:24 Oh, dear...
10:27 Well, wait a minute, I do have one place.
10:33 It's not much
10:34 but it would keep you out of the cold
10:37 and there is some fresh straw there,
10:40 you can have my stable.
10:42 Your stable?
10:44 Is there nothing else?
10:46 No, that's it.
10:48 Take it or leave it.
10:49 I'm going back to bed.
10:53 Come, Mary.
11:02 Away in a manger
11:07 No crib for a bed
11:10 The little Lord Jesus
11:14 Lay down His sweet head
11:18 The stars in the bright sky
11:21 Look down where He lay
11:25 The little Lord Jesus
11:29 Asleep on the hay
11:35 The cattle are lowing The baby awakes
11:41 But little Lord Jesus
11:45 No crying He makes
11:49 I love thee Lord Jesus Look down from the sky
11:56 And stay by my cradle
12:00 'Til morning is nigh
12:06 Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
12:12 Close by me forever and love me, I pray
12:19 Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care
12:27 And take us for heaven
12:30 to live with Thee there
12:34 And take us for heaven
12:37 to live with Thee there
13:14 On Christmas a long time ago
13:18 The Son of God came down
13:22 He stepped from His golden throne
13:25 To a small Judean town
13:30 The portals of heaven were filled
13:33 with heavenly angels
13:36 Who were lining steps of the golden gates
13:41 To see God's promises all come true
13:47 Ring the bells, shout the news
13:51 And let the whole world know
13:55 Tell the people everywhere
13:58 what the prophet said it so
14:03 God the Son has come to earth
14:06 To save us from our sins
14:10 To teach and preach And love and live
14:14 And die and rise again
14:19 Ring the bells, shout the news
14:23 And let the whole world know
14:27 Tell the people everywhere what the prophets said it so.
14:35 God the Son has come to earth
14:39 To save us from our sins
14:42 He'll teach and preach And love and live
14:46 And die and rise again
14:56 Poor Mary, she looks so cold and tired.
14:59 She must have wondered
15:00 why God's own son would be born in a lowly manger.
15:04 But God was watching over His Son.
15:07 Holy angels were standing close to the manger
15:09 making sure that nothing would happen
15:12 to this very special baby.
15:14 Angels are watching over Joseph and Mary too,
15:17 but wasn't there anyone
15:18 who is looking forward to the coming of the Messiah?
15:22 Wait, I think I hear some shepherds talking.
15:25 Come, let's listen to what they are saying.
15:29 Man, would you look at those stars tonight?
15:32 They're so bright,
15:34 you could see a bug on a blade of grass.
15:36 I know, nights like these make our job easier.
15:39 We can quickly spot any animals that might attack the sheep
15:42 or any prowler that might want to steal them.
15:45 Well, the sheep don't seem to be worrying much.
15:47 They're all half asleep too.
15:49 Well, sometimes I wonder
15:50 if we're not half asleep as well.
15:52 What do you mean? What do you mean?
15:54 Well, I've been thinking about the prophecies
15:56 concerning the Messiah.
15:58 You know, Micah, the prophet said
15:59 He'd be born right here in Bethlehem.
16:01 And then Daniel's prophecy said this is time for it to happen.
16:05 But I think we're about half asleep,
16:07 nobody is looking for Him or even watching.
16:10 That's true.
16:11 You know something else?
16:12 I remember hearing the prophet Zachariah say
16:15 that He'd come from the tribe of David.
16:18 And another thing,
16:19 did you hear about the old couple,
16:21 Elizabeth and Zachariah having a baby.
16:24 What? It was a miracle.
16:25 They're so old.
16:27 And an angel came to Zachariah
16:29 before the baby was born to tell them
16:31 to name their son John
16:32 and that he'll prepare the way for the Lord.
16:35 Doesn't this sound like this baby John
16:37 will prepare the way for the Messiah?
16:39 Well, it sure sounds like
16:41 it's time for the Messiah to come real, real soon.
16:44 I bring you news of great joy to all people.
16:49 For unto you is born this day in the city of David,
16:54 a Savior who is Christ, the Lord,
16:58 and this is how you will recognize Him.
17:01 You will find the baby wrapped in clothes lying in the manger.
17:15 Joy to the world
17:26 Joy to the world the Lord is come
17:31 Let earth receive her King
17:37 Let every heart prepare Him room
17:42 And heaven and nature sing Heaven and nature sing
17:48 And heaven, heaven, nature sing
17:57 Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns
18:03 Let men their songs employ
18:08 While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
18:14 Repeat the sounding joy Repeat the sounding joy
18:19 Repeat, repeat the sounding joy
18:29 He rules the world with truth and grace
18:34 And makes the nations prove
18:39 The glories of His righteousness
18:45 And wonders of His love And wonders of His love
18:50 And wonders, wonders of His love
18:55 And wonders, wonders of His love
22:35 Don't you wish you could have been
22:37 on the hillside that night
22:39 when the angels came to the shepherds
22:41 and to tell them about the new born king?
22:43 I would have loved to hear the angels singing
22:45 as they welcomed Jesus to this earth.
22:48 How much He must have loved us
22:50 to give up heaven and come to this world?
22:53 What a holy and special night that was.
26:32 The angel said, "Thou shall call His name Jesus
26:35 because He will save the people from their sins."
26:38 Jesus, what a beautiful name.
26:44 He is to be the Savior of the world.
26:47 Joseph, just look at Him,
26:48 isn't He the most beautiful baby
26:50 you've ever seen?
26:51 And, Joseph, He's not just any baby,
26:54 He's God's own Son.
26:56 Yes, Mary.
26:57 He's beautiful, perfect,
26:59 like everything that comes from the hand of God.
27:03 But don't you think that it's strange
27:05 that He'd be born in such a cold and ugly place
27:08 with the beasts of the field?
27:10 He should be born like a king.
27:12 The important people of the earth
27:14 should be here to welcome Him.
27:15 The priests and rulers should be here to worship Him.
27:19 I don't understand it either
27:20 but I think it has to do
27:22 with God's great love for all of us.
27:24 Whether we are rich or poor,
27:26 God sent His Son to this world to save us from our sins
27:28 because He loves us.
27:31 How blessed we are to have Him with us.
27:33 Jesus, blessed Jesus.
27:35 What child is this?
32:15 The shepherds watched and listened in amazement
32:18 as the choir of angels winged towards heaven.
32:21 Their words echoing in the night air,
32:23 glory to God in the highest, joy to the world,
32:27 the Lord has come and on earth,
32:29 peace and goodwill to all.
32:32 You know, the shepherds stared at the sky
32:34 long after the last glimpse of light had disappeared
32:38 and the last string of the angels' songs
32:40 had faded from the air.
32:42 Then they knew what they must do.
32:44 Go and find the baby born in Bethlehem.
32:51 May we come in?
32:53 We mean no harm.
32:54 The angels, they told us the baby was born,
32:57 the Messiah.
32:59 May we see him?
33:01 Yes, of course.
33:03 Here He is.
33:05 His name is Jesus.
33:10 It's the Messiah.
33:12 We have seen Him. The Messiah has been born.
33:15 The Messiah has come at last.
34:19 Go, tell it on the mountain
34:23 Over the hills and everywhere
34:27 Go, tell it on the mountain
34:30 That Jesus Christ is born
34:34 While shepherds kept their watching
34:37 Over silent flocks by night
34:41 Behold throughout the heavens
34:44 There shone a holy light
34:50 Go, tell it on the mountain
34:53 Over the hills and everywhere
34:57 Go, tell it on the mountain
35:00 That Jesus Christ is born
35:03 The shepherds feared and trembled
35:07 When lo above the earth
35:10 Rang out the angel's chorus
35:14 That hailed our savior's birth
35:19 Go, tell it on the mountain
35:22 Over the hills and everywhere
35:26 Go, tell it on the mountain
35:29 That Jesus Christ is born
35:32 Down in a lowly manger
35:36 The humble Christ was born
35:40 And brought us all salvation
35:43 That blessed Christmas morn
35:48 Go, tell it on the mountain
35:51 Over the hills and everywhere
35:55 Go, tell it on the mountain
35:58 That Jesus Christ is born
36:02 That Jesus Christ is born
36:10 How excited those shepherds were to see Jesus.
36:13 And I think, you know,
36:14 that they must have felt very humble as they knelt
36:16 before the King of kings.
36:18 I know, I would have.
36:20 Don't you think it's strange that
36:21 so few people came to see the baby Jesus?
36:24 If only they had been watching,
36:26 they would have seen that wondrous star of angels
36:29 on that silent night so far ago.
37:01 Silent night
37:05 Holy night
37:10 All is calm
37:14 All is bright
37:18 Round yon virgin
37:22 Mother and child
37:26 Holy infant
37:29 So tender and mild
37:33 Sleep in heavenly peace
37:40 Sleep in heavenly peace
39:22 Silent night
39:26 Holy night
39:30 Wondrous star
39:33 Lend thy light
39:37 With the angels let us sing
39:44 Hallelujah
39:49 To our King
39:53 Christ the Savior is born
40:00 Christ the Savior is born
40:10 In a far away country, wise men saw a bright
40:13 and shining star in the sky.
40:15 They knew that it meant something very special.
40:18 They were sure that it was the star
40:20 that would lead them to the King of kings.
40:23 The wise men decided that they must leave their homeland
40:26 and follow that star.
40:27 They wanted to worship this King
40:29 and present Him with their gifts of love.
40:31 So they loaded their camels with gifts of frankincense
40:34 which is the perfume of flowers and a special box of myrrh
40:37 which is the perfume of spices and large amount of gold.
40:41 They put their clothes and their food on their camels
40:44 and then they waited
40:45 and waited for the special star to come out.
40:48 The wise men said goodbye to their families
40:50 and they started out on their long journey
40:52 to find the baby King.
40:54 But wait, I can see the wise men now.
40:56 They are looking up at the star.
40:58 Let's get closer.
40:59 I think we can hear what's going on.
41:02 The camels are anxious to be on their way,
41:05 have you seen the special star yet?
41:08 No, but it's about time for it to appear.
41:11 I too am anxious to be on our way.
41:13 Long have we studied the stars
41:16 but never have we've seen a star so brilliant with color.
41:20 I feel in my heart that this star
41:23 will lead us to the baby King.
41:26 I agree with you.
41:29 That is why we have left our family and friends.
41:36 I too want to worship this King
41:39 and leave my gift at His feet.
41:42 I too long to worship this King
41:44 but it is a mystery to me why the priest and rulers
41:48 and even the people in Jerusalem
41:50 are not getting ready to worship this King?
41:53 They don't even seem to know who we're talking about.
41:55 I'm surprised too
41:57 and how the people just go about their business
41:59 as if nothing special had happen at all.
42:02 I was buying bread in the marketplace
42:05 when I started to tell him gentleman next to me
42:08 about our journey to find the baby King.
42:12 He didn't seem interested at all.
42:15 Instead, he asked me if there was a dust storm in the desert.
42:18 Can you imagine that?
42:21 These are strange times in which we are living.
42:24 It's almost as if everyone asleep,
42:28 unaware that something wonderful is taking place.
42:32 If only they would spend time and search the sky,
42:36 then they too would recognize the star
42:39 and go and worship the King of kings.
42:44 Look, the star.
42:46 The beautiful, beautiful star.
42:48 We must leave at once,
42:50 soon we'll be able to worship our King.
43:04 Star of the East, oh Bethlehem star
43:11 Guiding us on to heaven afar
43:18 Sorrow and grief and lull'd by the light
43:25 Thou hope of each mortal
43:29 In death's lonely night
43:33 Fearless and tranquil, we look up to Thee
43:40 Knowing thou be through eternity
43:47 Help us to follow where
43:51 Thou still dost guide
43:54 Pilgrims of earth so wise
44:01 Star of the East
44:05 Undimmed by each cloud
44:09 What tho' the storms of grief gather loud?
44:16 Faithful and pure thy rays beam to save
44:22 Still bright over the cradle
44:26 And bright o'er the grave.
44:30 Smiles of a Savior are mirror'd in Thee!
44:37 Glimpses of Heaven
44:40 In thy light we see
44:44 Guide us still onward to that blessed shore
44:51 After earth's toil is over
44:58 Star of the East
45:02 Thou hope of the soul
45:06 While round us here
45:09 The dark billows roll
45:13 Faithful and pure thy rays beam to save
45:19 The bright over the cradle
45:23 And bright over the grave
45:28 Oh star that leads
45:32 To God above
45:36 Whose rays are peace
45:39 And joy and love
45:43 Watch over us still till life hath ceased
45:50 Beam on, bright star
45:54 Sweet Bethlehem star
46:06 The wise men followed the star to Bethlehem.
46:09 The special star stopped right over a humble dwelling place.
46:12 Oh, look, the wise men are kneeling
46:14 before a baby in a manger.
46:16 They are giving Him gifts.
46:18 They must have found the baby King.
46:20 Come one, let's get a closer look.
46:21 I want to hear what they are saying.
46:24 Praise the Lord. We have found our King.
46:27 Please accept my gift of gold.
46:31 I too have brought a gift for the new King.
46:34 I place my frankincense at Your feet.
46:38 We have followed the star from afar.
46:41 We have come to worship our King.
46:44 Here is my gift of myrrh.
46:46 I present it with a heart full of love
46:50 for my King.
46:53 We have seen the King,
46:55 now we are ready to travel home.
46:58 Our thanks and God's peace go with you.
47:23 Come they told me
47:27 Pa rum pum pum pum
47:31 A new born King to see
47:34 Pa rum pum pum pum
47:38 Our finest gifts we bring
47:41 Pa rum pum pum pum
47:45 To lay before the King
47:48 Pa rum pum pum pum Rum pum pum pum
47:52 Rum pum pum pum
47:56 So to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum
48:03 When we come
48:11 Baby little
48:14 Pa rum pum pum pum
48:18 I am a poor boy too
48:21 Pa rum pum pum pum
48:25 I have no gifts to bring
48:28 Pa rum pum pum pum
48:32 That's fit to give a king
48:35 Pa rum pum pum Rum pum pum pum
48:38 Rum pum pum pum
48:42 Shall I play for you
48:45 Pa rum pum pum pum
48:49 On my drum?
48:57 Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum
49:03 I want to play for Him
49:05 The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum
49:10 I want to play for Him
49:12 I played my drum for Him
49:14 Pa rum pum pum pum
49:18 I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum
49:23 Rum pum pum pum Rum pum pum pum
49:29 Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum
49:36 Me and my drum
49:39 Me and my drum
50:15 What can I give Him
50:19 Small as I am?
50:22 If I were a shepherd
50:25 I'd give Him a lamb
50:29 If I were a wise man
50:33 I'd do my part
50:37 But what can I give Him
50:41 I'll give Him my heart
50:48 What can I give Him Small as I am?
50:54 If I were a shepherd
50:57 I'd give Him a lamb
51:02 If I were a wise man
51:06 I'd do my part
51:09 But what can I give Him
51:13 I'll give Him my heart
55:36 Boys and girls, Jesus loves you so much
55:38 that He is planning another trip to this earth.
55:41 You see our world is so full of crime
55:43 and pain and death
55:44 that Jesus wants to take us to a better place,
55:47 a place called heaven.
55:48 Did you know that the Bible says
55:50 that Jesus is busy in heaven right now
55:53 preparing special homes for you and for me?
55:56 I can't wait for Jesus to come, can you?
55:59 We can prepare for Jesus' soon coming
56:03 to this earth by giving Him permission
56:05 to change our hearts and make us good
56:07 and kind like He is.
56:09 We can also tell others that Jesus loves them
56:11 and wants to be their best friend.
56:13 You know, I'd like to invite you right now
56:15 to join us as we sing our Kids Time theme song.
56:18 It was written especially for Kids
56:20 Time by Buddy Houghtaling.
56:21 And I want you to think about the words to the song
56:24 as we all sing.
56:25 You know, Jesus is really coming soon
56:27 and we need to tell others.
56:29 Remember, boys and girls, it's Kids Time to share Jesus.
56:34 It's time to share there's a world out there
56:38 Looking for a friend like Jesus
56:41 It's time to share there's a world out there
56:45 Let's tell them that He loves us so
56:48 It's time to share there's a world out there
56:52 Looking for a friend like Jesus
56:55 It's time to share there's a world out there
56:59 Let's tell them that He loves us so
57:02 We love to read His Holy Word
57:06 He hears us when we pray
57:09 And sends His Spirit to our lips
57:12 So we know the words to say
57:17 It's time to share there's a world out there
57:21 Looking for a friend like Jesus
57:23 It's time to share there's a world out there
57:27 Let's tell them that He loves us so
57:30 Let's tell them that He loves us so
57:33 Kids Time, Kids Time Kids Time, Kids Time
57:40 Kids Time
57:46 It's time to share there's a world out there
57:50 Looking for a friend like Jesus
57:53 It's time to share there's a world out there
57:56 Let's tell them that He loves us so
57:59 It's time to share there's a world out there
58:03 Looking for a friend like Jesus
58:06 It's time to share there's a world out there
58:09 Let's tell them that He loves us so
58:12 Let's tell them that He loves us so
58:15 Kids Time, Kids Time
58:18 Kids Time, Kids Time


Revised 2017-06-05