Kickin the Habit

Maintaining a Smoke-free Lifestyle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Raginée Edwards


Series Code: KTH

Program Code: KTH000006

00:23 Welcome to Kickin' the Habit.
00:25 My name is Raginee Edwards,
00:26 and today we're going to talk about
00:29 maintaining a smoke free lifestyle.
00:34 Now what we're going to do at this point
00:36 is to encourage us on our journey as a nonsmoker
00:41 because now we should have overcome
00:44 the issue of withdrawal symptoms
00:46 because the withdrawal symptoms go away within a week or two,
00:49 so we're past that.
00:50 We're...
00:52 have pretty much overcome the environmental situation
00:56 of the chemical dependency and when you see something,
01:00 you kind of want to smoke that cigarette
01:03 or you see someone smoking,
01:04 you want to smoke that cigarette.
01:06 We're a little bit past that.
01:07 And we're really getting into more of a mental battle.
01:11 As you've heard before,
01:12 you know that people can stop smoking
01:15 for years and some event,
01:17 usually something pretty catastrophic
01:20 to them has happened,
01:21 whether it's a divorce or just a major transition in life
01:26 that makes somebody want to go back and pick up that,
01:29 that cigarette again.
01:31 And usually that's not because they're craving to nicotine,
01:34 the chemical dependency
01:35 because it's been 10 or plus years.
01:37 So a lot time it goes right back to the thoughts
01:40 that are inside of our heads.
01:42 So I want to go through some thoughts
01:45 that we might tell ourselves,
01:47 we want to replace those thoughts
01:49 with something that's more conducive to us
01:54 staying nonsmokers.
01:57 Thought, one of the thoughts that sometimes we can think is,
02:01 "I need one cigarette to take the edge off these cravings."
02:05 Okay, and now that again is for a little bit early
02:08 on may be when you're having a little bit crazy,
02:10 you feel like you're craving it.
02:11 Clear thinking says,
02:12 "Cravings become weaker and less frequent
02:15 with every day that I don't smoke."
02:18 Even just one puff
02:20 will feed the cravings and make them stronger.
02:23 You know, you have all these receptors in your brain.
02:25 And they're kind of, let's just imagine they're,
02:27 they're sticking up like this,
02:29 and overtime those receptors go down, down,
02:33 till you don't have any left.
02:36 Now what happens if you just smoke one, one cigarette,
02:41 all those receptors pop back up and say it just being
02:45 one receptor that pops up or two or three,
02:48 all of them fire at the same time
02:50 and the craving becomes just as strong
02:53 as if you've been smoking the whole time
02:55 even after 10 years of not smoking.
02:57 So you want to avoid going there
03:00 and taking that one puff.
03:03 Smoky thinking number two,
03:05 again these are things that are cloudy in our brain
03:08 that don't quite make sense,
03:09 so you want to get some clear thinking in there.
03:11 "It's been a long day, I deserve a cigarette."
03:16 That's not a good thought.
03:17 Clear thinking says,
03:19 "I deserve a reward after a long day
03:22 but there are better rewards than a cigarette."
03:25 A favorite meal,
03:26 a funny movie or hot shower will help me relax
03:29 without ruining my quit attempt.
03:32 Another thought that we might think,
03:34 "The urge to smoke is just too strong.
03:37 I can't take it."
03:40 Remember again,
03:41 even the strongest cravings lasts less than three minutes.
03:45 The urge will go away whether I smoke or not.
03:49 And smoking now will just
03:50 make it even harder for me to quit later.
03:53 I can find something else to do,
03:55 anything until the craving goes away.
03:58 Now remember,
04:00 the craving will go away within a few minutes
04:03 whether you smoke or not.
04:06 Here's another smoky thought, "I blew it!
04:09 I smoked a cigarette.
04:10 I might as well go ahead and finish the packet."
04:13 That's smoky thinking.
04:16 What I want you to do
04:18 is to think of yourself as a nonsmoker.
04:20 You're no longer a smoker and even if you mess up
04:22 and you slip up and you smoke that one cigarette,
04:24 you're still a nonsmoker
04:26 and that next cigarette you don't have to smoke.
04:29 The clear thinking is,
04:30 "I'm still learning how to be a nonsmoker."
04:33 It's normal to make some mistakes.
04:35 But I don't have to smoke that next cigarette.
04:39 I can learn from this mistake and keep going.
04:43 Here's another smoky thought,
04:45 "I can't deal with never being able to have another cigarette
04:48 for the rest of my life."
04:50 Clear thinking says,
04:52 "I only have to deal with today."
04:55 Quitting happens one day at a time,
04:58 sometime one hour at a time.
05:01 The future will take care of itself.
05:04 Smoky thinking says.
05:06 "I'm too grumpy without my cigarettes.
05:08 I'm going to do my friends and family a favor by smoking."
05:14 Clear thinking says, "My friends and family love me
05:17 and understand that quitting smoking now
05:20 is the best gift I can give them.
05:23 Grumpy or not, I'm not doing them any favors
05:26 by continuing to smoke."
05:29 Smoky thinking says, "I'm doing really well.
05:33 Just one cigarette won't hurt."
05:37 Clear thinking says,
05:38 "I have never smoked just one cigarette before.
05:42 One cigarette always leads to another.
05:44 I don't want to undo all my progress
05:46 by smoking a cigarette now."
05:50 Another thought that sometimes we think is,
05:52 "It's too hard to quit smoking.
05:54 I can't do this."
05:56 Clear thinking says,
05:58 "Quitting and staying away from cigarettes is hard,
06:01 but it's not impossible.
06:02 About 40 million Americans have quit smoking.
06:07 If other people can do it, so can I.
06:10 It's too important to give up on."
06:13 Another smoky thought, "I've been smoking for so long,
06:17 quitting won't make a difference now."
06:19 Now remember, I've told you before,
06:21 I've had smokers that quit at the age of 72.
06:26 It's not too late for you now.
06:29 You start noticing the health benefits right away.
06:32 Clear thinking says,
06:34 "No matter how long I've been smoking,
06:36 my body will benefit from quitting.
06:38 The healing process starts right away."
06:41 And before long,
06:42 I will start to feel healthier and look better.
06:45 Smoky thinking says,
06:47 "I know people who smoked their whole lives
06:49 and never got sick."
06:51 You hear that.
06:52 But clear thinking says,
06:53 "It's true that some people may not get sick,
06:56 but there is no way of knowing whether I will be one of them,
07:00 and I'm not willing to risk my life."
07:02 The only safe choice is to stop smoking now.
07:07 Smoky thinking says,
07:09 "I have already cut down to a safe level."
07:13 Clear thinking says,
07:14 "There is no safe level of smoking.
07:17 Smoking less is a good first step,
07:20 but there are many more benefits
07:22 when I don't smoke at all.
07:23 Plus, every cigarette that I smoke
07:26 feeds the habit and makes it that much harder to quit."
07:30 Now you've heard all the clear thinking
07:32 versus the smoky thinking.
07:34 Let's now hear from our participants
07:36 about how they have maintained a smoke-free lifestyle.
07:42 Well, the great thing about maintaining being smoke-free
07:45 is now that I'm smoke-free I don't want to smoke
07:47 because I realized how free I am.
07:50 I don't have to worry about this addiction
07:56 that's on my back.
07:57 I don't have to worry about harming my children
07:59 or myself or being in rebellion of,
08:02 you know, what the Lord wants me to do.
08:04 I know for a fact
08:06 that I'm better off without smoking.
08:08 And that in itself keeps me.
08:10 You know, being smoke-free
08:13 or having a smoke-free lifestyle
08:17 is rather simple now because,
08:20 number one there is very few people
08:24 especially at home or any that, you know,
08:27 I've to be bothered with smoke,
08:30 you know, those that do smoke, they come to my house,
08:33 they're not allowed to smoke inside
08:35 and then just the smell
08:38 of cigarette smoke now is abrasive.
08:43 It just stinks, I don't like it at all.
08:47 So it's really easy now to shun that lifestyle,
08:52 you know, for myself.
08:54 How do I maintained being smoke-free?
08:57 Joyously, I'm so happy
09:02 to have gained the victory over that,
09:06 that it's not chore to be smoke-free
09:10 because my mind is made up
09:12 and my body is cleansed from that urge
09:17 to have the cigarette.
09:20 I love those responses, again that's just so real,
09:23 so realistic, and you can really get in touch
09:26 with how they were able to maintain
09:28 a smoke-free lifestyle.
09:30 I love how Cathleen said,
09:32 just the thought of no longer harming her body,
09:36 no longer harming her child
09:37 and just simply doing God's will,
09:40 that helps her to maintain a smoke-free lifestyle.
09:44 And you hear Isaac, where he says, you know,
09:47 few people smoke now
09:48 so it makes it little bit easier.
09:51 Where I was doing most of the classes
09:53 to help people quit smoking
09:55 during the time that I was the vice president
09:57 of the Tobacco Awareness Coalition
09:59 they actually had a ban
10:01 to where nobody could smoke in public places
10:04 or even near a public place.
10:06 So it had become more and more difficult
10:09 for smokers to smoke and really be near those
10:15 who may not want to be exposed to smoke.
10:17 But not only that, it became easier for those
10:19 who want to quit because not a lot people were around them
10:22 being that trigger of the person
10:24 who is smoking around you.
10:25 You know what do I mean?
10:26 So that's just such an interesting point
10:29 that he brought up.
10:30 And then you listen to Brenda,
10:31 she was just happy to have gain the victory.
10:34 And she didn't want any thing to mess that up.
10:36 And these were all things that helped them
10:38 to maintain the smoke-free lifestyle.
10:41 Now listen to the next question
10:42 because this is really important.
10:44 Are you ever tempted to smoke?
10:46 Now you know that they have a,
10:48 some of them haven't smoked in years,
10:50 but the question is even after 10 years has gone by
10:54 and you're a nonsmoker, will you ever be tempted again?
10:56 Let's hear what they have to say.
10:59 Of course, there's always going to be times
11:01 where you're tempted to smoke,
11:03 you know, you get a familiar smell or a trigger
11:05 and Satan tries to tell you, oh, man,
11:07 you know, you miss that but it's not worthy,
11:10 and when you keep things in perspective and.
11:12 you know, way the Lord's way against the devil's way,
11:18 you have to just be logical.
11:20 You have to just not go with the emotion
11:23 because emotions will tell you anything.
11:27 Have I ever been tempted to smoke since I've quit,
11:32 since I've overcome?
11:33 No.
11:35 It's not for me, thankfully.
11:40 I don't recall being tempted to smoke.
11:45 I do recall,
11:47 I guess it would be a temptation, the urge,
11:50 I could recognize the urge
11:52 but happily I'm familiar with it,
11:56 and I happily can say no, and it's not a problem.
12:02 So Brenda said, "Yes,
12:05 I'm tempted to smoke basically."
12:07 But she said that when the urge arises,
12:10 she tells herself, no.
12:12 Just a simple no, I'm not going to do it.
12:14 And that has helped her to withstand the temptation.
12:17 Now you listened to Isaac,
12:19 he's just basically like, "No, I realize it's not for me.
12:21 I'm not going to do it anymore."
12:23 So he's not even tempted to smoke.
12:24 But you hear Cathleen, she says, "Yes."
12:27 You're always going to be tempted to smoke.
12:30 But I love how she responded to that issue,
12:33 she said, "You have to keep it in perspective.
12:37 You've to realize that, you know,
12:39 there's a Lord's way and there is a devil's way."
12:42 And she said, "You can't follow your emotions"
12:44 'cause our emotions can be a illogical.
12:46 That's interesting.
12:47 But when you think about that, you know,
12:49 sometimes emotions just take over
12:51 and if the craving is no longer strong,
12:53 you can sit back and think about that logically.
12:56 If possible, think about that logically,
12:59 God wants to save you.
13:00 The devil just simply wants to destroy you.
13:03 Which one do you want to choose?
13:05 The next question is,
13:07 how did you feel when you relapse?
13:09 Only two of our participants relapse,
13:11 so let's hear what they had to say about that.
13:15 How did I feel when I relapse?
13:19 Second time I picked up that cigarette after 13 years.
13:23 I felt kind of, number one, I felt kind of stupid
13:27 'cause I knew I wasn't going to continue on smoking.
13:32 Didn't know how long,
13:33 but I knew I wasn't going to do this.
13:35 This wasn't something that,
13:37 you know, I'm going to do for the rest of my life.
13:39 And so I felt really silly because, I'm saying, man,
13:43 why are you picking up this cigarette?
13:45 You know, you don't want it.
13:48 So it was, you know, that was itself deprecating
13:52 but I did know that, you know, this is really a stupid move.
13:58 You know, when I relapsed after 10 years
14:01 of being smoke-free, I felt shameful.
14:06 I felt annoyed with myself.
14:11 I even felt that there was no hope.
14:15 I felt hopeless because how do you get free
14:20 from something and then allow yourself to go back into it?
14:23 That was really a hard thing to deal with.
14:28 Now, Isaac and Brenda shared their experience of relapse.
14:33 You heard what Isaac said, he said, "I felt plain silly.
14:38 I didn't even want to smoke anymore
14:40 and here I'm back smoking."
14:43 You heard Brenda, she said, she was annoyed.
14:47 She felt shameful. She was hopeless.
14:51 She knew it was hard.
14:52 And when she relapsed, she became an undercover smoker
14:57 so that can make it even doubly hard
14:58 'cause she was doing this alone.
15:00 So just know if you're out there
15:03 and you've relapsed before, know that,
15:06 of course it's a very shameful experience,
15:08 it's very hard.
15:10 You may get annoyed with yourself.
15:11 You may think you're silly.
15:13 But know that these two participants
15:15 got back up, tried again,
15:17 and now they have successfully quit,
15:19 and they are nonsmokers, and you can be too.
15:22 Now the next question that we ask our participants
15:24 is what benefits did you notice after quitting?
15:30 Let's hear the good news about that.
15:33 When I first started quitting,
15:35 first week I saw improvement in my lungs.
15:38 I didn't have a heavy cough
15:41 'cause I kept a heavy cough for about a year one time.
15:45 And when I quit smoking, my lungs cleared out,
15:48 I didn't have heavy phlegm.
15:50 I could breathe easier. I could exercise easier,
15:53 everything, physically started to improve.
15:58 And after a while the withdrawals left
16:00 and so I didn't even, you know,
16:05 look for that as an alternative stress
16:08 and it was kind of empowering
16:12 because if I didn't have like a chance
16:16 to sneak out some place, it wasn't the end of the world.
16:19 You know one of the first benefits
16:21 I notice was that
16:26 I just did not want
16:32 to pick up the cigarette,
16:34 you know, that freedom
16:36 from having to have to go there
16:40 and smoke,
16:44 that freedom itself, that breaking of that chain,
16:47 that was the, I think has been the greatest benefit
16:51 of quitting smoking.
16:54 But the benefits that I noticed
16:57 after I quit the second time
17:00 was, I was more aware of the sweetness
17:04 that I knew was about my person.
17:07 I didn't have to worry about
17:09 whether anybody could smell cigarette in my hair
17:12 or my breath or my clothes,
17:15 there was no compromise with me
17:19 and I was just excited about that.
17:21 So the benefit was being able to be honest
17:24 with others and myself as I presented myself.
17:30 I like how in essence a few of them said that,
17:34 one of the benefits was not necessarily physical
17:37 but it was just empowering to now be a nonsmoker,
17:40 to know they've accomplished something.
17:42 But going to the physical,
17:44 Cathleen said that she noticed that she could breathe easier,
17:48 you know, before she had this nagging cough for so long
17:51 and now she no longer has that.
17:54 She also mentioned that she could exercise better.
17:56 I mean she could breathe better so she could exercise better.
17:59 So she knows that benefit.
18:01 Also, you know, you listened to Isaac,
18:05 I love how he described it.
18:07 He said, he...
18:08 the chain was broken that he had freedom, you know,
18:13 it's almost like when you are addicted to cigarettes
18:17 or any addiction for that matter,
18:19 you feel like you're in bondage
18:21 or you're a slave to that thing.
18:23 And it must be such an exhilarating feeling.
18:26 Oh, I know, it's an exhilarating feeling
18:28 to know that you're no longer a slave to that thing.
18:30 You're no longer in bondage. So for him that was a benefit.
18:35 And for Brenda, she said that
18:38 just being more aware of how good she smelled,
18:42 there was a sweetness about her,
18:43 I thought that was so cute how she said that.
18:44 There was a sweetness about her.
18:46 And it was something that she didn't want to compromise.
18:50 Now that's encouraging.
18:51 And this is something that I want you do.
18:54 As a nonsmoker, I called you a nonsmoker,
18:58 as a nonsmoker,
18:59 I want you to start focusing on all the benefits
19:03 that you're receiving on a day-day basis,
19:05 keep a journal, keep a log
19:07 and put down the things that you are noticing.
19:09 If you're starting to smell better,
19:11 taste better, touch better,
19:14 I mean everything that you're noticing
19:15 from just feeling better about yourself,
19:19 you want to write these things down
19:20 because that's what's going to encourage you
19:23 to keep on going.
19:24 If you're just thinking about how much you miss
19:26 having that best friend
19:27 or that thing to do with your friends,
19:29 you're going to be thinking about the cigarettes
19:31 and not about all the wonderful benefits
19:33 that you're experiencing now as a nonsmoker.
19:36 Let's look at the next question.
19:38 Now this next question I ask them especially for you.
19:43 I ask them, what are your final thoughts?
19:46 If there was anything that you wanted to tell someone
19:49 who wants to be a nonsmoker like you,
19:51 what would you say to them?
19:52 Let's listen to the words they have especially for you.
19:56 You know for anyone that has the habit
20:00 or has had a habit,
20:04 you should realize that God will ultimately help you
20:09 if you want that help.
20:11 If you really want to quit, you can quit.
20:15 For those who don't pick, have not picked up cigarettes,
20:18 don't pick them up,
20:19 it's something that is very difficult to defeat
20:24 even when you think you don't have a habit.
20:30 It's a habit.
20:34 You know, I was blessed not to really have,
20:37 you know, great withdrawals or at least withdrawals
20:39 that I felt but that doesn't say
20:42 that I wasn't hooked.
20:44 Of course while I smoke I smoked.
20:47 So regardless of how I felt about
20:50 or how I think or even how I've spoke about smoking
20:54 while I was smoking, I was hooked.
20:56 And God just blessed me to overcome
21:02 because it is something
21:03 that was not meant for mankind to do.
21:07 It's not part of His plan.
21:08 And He will bless you to defeat any of the deceiver's strategy,
21:15 he wants to kill you.
21:16 I can say to encourage anybody
21:20 if you have the problem of smoking,
21:23 you can gain the victory just by asking God,
21:27 He will give it to you.
21:29 But if you don't have enough to believe that,
21:35 then seek out help.
21:37 Don't be afraid to say, "I need help with this."
21:41 There are agencies, there are people among you
21:45 that can help you to get over that slavery of smoking.
21:51 If I c1ould tell somebody
21:53 who was caught up in addiction smoking, anything,
21:57 the only thing I would really say is to go to God
22:00 because that's the only person
22:01 who can free anybody of anything.
22:04 And to realize that you have an option, you're not stuck,
22:08 this is not something you have to be doing,
22:10 you don't have to feel like you're missing anything either.
22:14 You can be freed whole
22:17 and it doesn't
22:19 have to be a loss.
22:25 Wasn't that beautiful?
22:26 Again that message was special. It was for you.
22:30 And just to sum it up,
22:32 not to add to or take away from what they said,
22:35 but they said go to God.
22:38 God can help you.
22:40 God can give you the victory.
22:44 I was listening to a message recently.
22:46 It was kind of funny,
22:48 the speaker entailed the message
22:50 something like how big is your but?
22:54 I know it makes you laugh but this is serious.
22:58 The person who is speaking said,
23:00 a lot of times when we have cravings
23:02 or dealing with cravings,
23:03 we say something like this to ourselves
23:05 and I'm changing it up
23:06 'cause she was talking about overeating
23:08 or something like that.
23:10 Picture in your mind,
23:12 "I want to quit, but I'm too tired.
23:17 I want to quit but I deserve a cigarette.
23:21 I want to quit,
23:23 but I just can't imaging
23:24 going forever without a cigarette.
23:27 I want to quit,
23:29 but I just don't have enough self-control."
23:33 She went on to say something like,
23:36 well, I kind of added this in there
23:38 but 'cause it's just kind of goes along with it,
23:41 but she want to say, God's but is bigger.
23:46 Now I'm not trying to be facetious here.
23:49 Let's go to the word of God.
23:52 We want to look at God's but being bigger.
23:56 Go to Genesis 8:1 and you understand
24:00 what I'm talking about 'cause I'm really serious
24:02 when I say that.
24:04 In Genesis 8:1, it says,
24:11 "But God remembered Noah,
24:13 and every living thing,
24:15 and all the cattle that was with him in the ark."
24:19 If it wasn't for that but God, would they have been forgotten?
24:22 Wouldn't they have died with everyone else?
24:25 But God's but is bigger.
24:28 Let's look at another text.
24:29 I have Genesis 50:20,
24:33 and it reads, "But as for you,
24:37 you thought evil against me,
24:39 but God meant it unto good."
24:43 Again God's but was bigger
24:47 than the evil that was meant against me.
24:49 Let's look at another text.
24:52 We have 1 Samuel 23:14, and it reads,
24:59 "And David abode in the wilderness
25:01 and strong hold,
25:03 and remained in a mountain in the wilderness of Ziph.
25:06 And Saul sought him every day,
25:09 but God delivered him not into his hands."
25:14 Do you feel like the temptation to smoke,
25:16 it's looking for you everyday?
25:19 Just remember, God's but is bigger
25:22 and he won't deliver you into those hands.
25:26 Another text is found in Psalm 41,
25:31 Psalm 49:15, and it reads,
25:36 "But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave,
25:42 for he shall receive me."
25:45 Now that's just very clear.
25:47 His power will deliver your soul from the grave.
25:52 The grave that can come at the end of smoking
25:55 and that's not what we want, we don't want to go that way.
25:58 Let's look at another text,
26:00 and this is found in Psalm 73:26,
26:07 and that reads, "My flesh and my heart faileth,
26:13 but God is the strength of my heart
26:17 and my portion forever."
26:19 Let God be your strength, amen.
26:23 Let's look at one more text,
26:26 Romans 5:8,
26:32 and it reads,
26:34 "But God commendeth his love toward us,
26:38 that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
26:47 Now I want you to remember
26:49 that little analogy that we just put forth there.
26:53 You may have a lot of buts,
26:55 you may have a lot of questions in your mind.
26:57 Is this something that you can really do?
27:00 I want you to remember
27:01 that the buts in the word of God,
27:03 when God intervenes,
27:06 there is healing, there is deliverance,
27:08 there is the entrance into a whole new life
27:12 you never thought was imaginable.
27:15 Now remember when you've looked at these personal testimonies
27:20 of all the participants,
27:22 you see that they had ups, they had downs,
27:25 there were relapses, there were struggles,
27:28 there were tears,
27:30 but they are nonsmokers
27:33 and you can be too.
27:37 My final thought with you is, don't give up.
27:42 If you lose a battle,
27:43 you do not have to lose the war.
27:46 God is on your side.
27:48 He wants to see you live and live a happy life.
27:52 The devil just wants to destroy you.
27:54 Learn to satisfy that craving within,
27:57 with God himself.


Revised 2016-09-29