Kickin the Habit

Planning to Quit -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Raginée Edwards


Series Code: KTH

Program Code: KTH000003

00:23 Welcome to KICKIN' the habit.
00:25 My name is Raginee Edwards,
00:27 and today we're going to talk about planning to quit.
00:32 Now, normally when I do a 13-week course
00:35 on helping individuals plan to quit
00:37 and quit successfully.
00:39 We actually spend four entire weeks,
00:42 the first four weeks just planning to quit.
00:46 Discovering our triggers
00:48 so that we can make a plan to combat them
00:50 before they actually come.
00:52 Looking at our choices, that we have a choice
00:55 to pick up that cigarette or not
00:57 and empowering that choice that we have to quit,
01:01 and to stay smoke free.
01:03 We look at diet...
01:04 We look at so many thing,
01:05 and we're actually gonna go through a few points
01:09 that I want you to consider, things that I want you to try.
01:12 Get a pen, write these tips down,
01:15 so that you can be prepared to quit.
01:19 Now, the first thing that I want you to do is,
01:22 ask a friend or spouse to quit with you.
01:26 Somebody from work, anybody that's quitting that you
01:29 have an idea they might want to quit,
01:31 and might need that extra encouragement.
01:33 Now, remember most people that smoke
01:36 actually want to quit,
01:38 so if you know somebody and you're not sure,
01:39 just ask them.
01:41 You'll be happy that you did.
01:42 Get together, talk about it
01:44 and plan how you will support each other.
01:47 It reminds me of a text,
01:49 found in Ecclesiastes 4:9 and 10,
01:55 and it reads, "Two are better than one,
01:57 because they have good reward for their labor.
02:01 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow:
02:05 but woe to him that is alone when he falleth,
02:08 for he hath not another to help him up."
02:11 Remember that,
02:13 you're more likely to get back up
02:15 if you have that friend.
02:16 It reminds me of, when I encourage people
02:17 to exercise more.
02:19 Imagine that, you've decided, I'm gonna exercise
02:22 Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday of the week.
02:24 And, Monday rolls around, you roll over in bed,
02:28 and you're like, I don't want to get up,
02:29 I don't want to go walking.
02:31 But, now imagine if you have an accountability partner.
02:34 And you knew, that if you didn't get up
02:37 that friend of yours will be waiting
02:39 on the road with their shoes on,
02:41 in their workout clothes
02:42 ready to go walk the neighbor hood
02:43 and you wouldn't be there.
02:45 Would you be more up to get up and go?
02:47 Probably.
02:48 So, even if the accountability partner,
02:50 somebody that doesn't want to quit smoking
02:52 or maybe they don't smoke at all,
02:54 they just want to be there for you and support you.
02:56 Then, call that person, call that friend
02:59 and discuss ways were you can actually support each other
03:02 and that person can support you.
03:04 Okay.
03:05 Number two, start cleaning out those ash trays
03:08 and putting them away one by one.
03:11 Clean other things that smell like smoke
03:13 such has the drapes in your house,
03:15 the car, and your office.
03:17 All the clothes in your house,
03:19 everything that can absorb the smell,
03:21 even if you want a shampoo, your chairs,
03:24 your couch, everything in your home,
03:26 you want to try to get that smell out.
03:29 Just imagine that, you're trying to stay away
03:31 from eating too many sweets, having too much sugar
03:34 and you walk by somebody's kitchen
03:35 and they're baking a wonderful chocolate cake
03:38 and the smell just fills your nose and you're like,
03:42 I know I'm supposed to stay away from sugar.
03:44 But just the smell triggers you
03:47 and you want to have some of it.
03:48 Makes it more difficult, right?
03:50 So, getting that smell out of your surroundings,
03:52 getting your car detailed,
03:54 that's a gift that you can give to your self.
03:55 Get your car detailed.
03:57 Get all the cigarette smoke out of it,
03:59 so that you won't even want to smoke in there
04:00 and when you won't smell, that smoke in your car as well.
04:03 Okay?
04:05 The third thing, decrease the number of cigarettes
04:08 you smoke each day.
04:10 Try smoking only a half a cigarette
04:12 instead of a whole one.
04:14 Limit smoking to only the, even or odd hours of the day.
04:19 This just helps you realize you have a choice.
04:22 Now, at this point where you're trying these things,
04:25 you're not actually quitting yet.
04:27 So, in your mind you can say, okay, today,
04:31 normally I smoke 20 cigarettes,
04:33 but today I'm only gonna smoke 10.
04:36 So, what you can do now is, now that you know that
04:41 you are just limiting yourself,
04:45 but that you can have it whenever you want.
04:47 It's not so big of a deal, it's more like okay,
04:50 you're just learning how to take
04:53 more control over the habit.
04:55 And you are learning that you have the choice, okay?
04:58 So, this is just basically about having the choice
05:02 and knowing that you have the choice.
05:05 Okay.
05:06 Start exercising before you quit smoking.
05:09 Now, your doctor can help you
05:10 plan the best exercise program for you.
05:13 This decreases stress,
05:15 it works as well as depression medication,
05:19 it increases endorphins as well.
05:22 Those who have mild depression,
05:24 what their finding is that,
05:26 even if you take exercise
05:28 in place of the medication from mild depression,
05:31 it's working just as well.
05:33 And, the increase of endorphins just that,
05:36 feel good feeling that you just want.
05:38 And so, when you exercise,
05:40 it's gonna kind of help combat that feeling that those
05:44 negative feelings that you have,
05:45 when you're thinking about quitting smoking.
05:47 I want you to take that step to actually quit.
05:51 Another thing that I want you to try.
05:53 Switch to a brand of cigarettes you don't like as much.
05:56 Okay.
05:57 Now, the point of that is
05:59 you're trying to make cigarette smoking
06:01 something that is just not pleasurable.
06:04 You wanted to be something like,
06:05 you're like not looking forward to actually doing.
06:08 Okay?
06:09 So, whatever works, whatever brand that you think,
06:11 oh, when I smell that it's just grose.
06:13 So, it may kind of keep you away,
06:15 from picking up that next cigarette.
06:17 Here's something else, throw away your lighters.
06:21 Smoke alone, if you like to smoke with people.
06:23 Again, we're talking about making it difficult
06:26 and undesirable to smoke.
06:28 This will help you quit more easily.
06:31 Tell yourself, you can still smoke,
06:33 just not now, okay?
06:35 So, again the purpose is to help you realize
06:38 that you have the power of choice.
06:40 And that you can actually refrain from smoking
06:43 but still in the back of your mind,
06:45 you know, you can still smoke if you want to.
06:48 Okay. Another step.
06:50 Try to be aware
06:51 of why you smoke each cigarette,
06:54 then practice avoiding the things
06:56 that cause you to smoke.
06:58 Okay?
06:59 Now, we've talked about this a little bit before,
07:02 but even if you know, getting in your car
07:05 is something that triggers you to smoke.
07:08 Like I said before,
07:09 you could just put the cigarettes
07:10 or the lighters in your trunk
07:12 just to make it more difficult for you.
07:14 If you know that every time you drink coffee,
07:17 you have the urge to smoke or drink alcohol
07:20 you have the urge to smoke.
07:22 Try to avoid those things
07:23 and substitute them with something else,
07:24 maybe fruit juice or tea and herbal tea,
07:27 something different, breaking that routine,
07:30 so that you aren't triggered to do that cigarette.
07:34 Next, write down a list of reasons
07:38 why you want to quit.
07:40 Review one every night before you go to bed.
07:42 Now, put this list everywhere.
07:43 Put one next to your bed stand.
07:45 On your bed stand,
07:47 so that when you wake up in the morning
07:48 and when you go to sleep at night,
07:50 you can just review those reasons
07:51 of why you don't want to smoke anymore.
07:54 Put it on your refrigerator, put it on the mirror.
07:57 When you go into the bathroom,
07:58 so that you're reading these reasons
08:00 as to why you are excited about
08:02 becoming a non-smoker and focus on that.
08:07 Another tip.
08:08 Make big plans for the day that you quit smoking.
08:12 Celebrate, keep very busy and treat yourself
08:15 to something special to celebrate quit quitting.
08:19 Throw your cigarettes, smokeless tobacco
08:21 and all other nicotine products away.
08:24 Dispose off any remaining ash trays.
08:27 Now, this is what you're gonna do,
08:28 when you get to that quit day.
08:31 Okay?
08:32 On the day, you actually quit,
08:34 change what you do during the day.
08:36 For example:
08:38 Sit in a different place at the table during meals,
08:41 drink herbal tea instead of coffee
08:42 which I've already mentioned
08:44 and hold your cup in the other hand.
08:45 You're jut trying to break up routine here.
08:48 Now, these are things that you want to plan to do
08:52 before the day actually comes.
08:53 So, if you already know what you do,
08:56 you already know your, your normal routine.
08:58 So, before you actually get to quit day,
09:01 start thinking of ways that you can change up your routine
09:04 so that you will automatically just be driven to smoke.
09:08 Okay?
09:10 Now, I want to talk about another thing.
09:13 We're gonna talk about medications.
09:18 Medications can actually
09:20 double your chances of quitting successfully.
09:24 I've used this a lot with some of the participants
09:27 that I've worked with in the past.
09:29 And for some, it has been successful
09:31 and for others it has not.
09:33 One thing that I want you to realize is that,
09:35 even if you use medications, you still need a good plan.
09:39 That's just part of your plan.
09:40 You still need to know what your triggers are,
09:43 and ways of overcoming your triggers.
09:45 Now, using medication is just something to help
09:48 with the withdrawal symptoms,
09:50 but you still want to use all the other things
09:52 that we're talking about as well.
09:54 Now, what you want to know is that
09:57 you have medications
09:59 that the doctor has to prescribe for you,
10:01 and there're also medications
10:02 that you can get over-the-counter.
10:04 The nicotine replacement therapies or NRT's
10:06 that are available to you, you've heard of the gum.
10:09 You've heard of lozenges
10:10 and you've also heard the patch.
10:12 So, what they do is
10:13 they basically put a lower level
10:15 of nicotine in your body
10:16 just to help you cope with the cravings.
10:18 Okay?
10:20 Now, some people feel kind of hesitant to use that, but,
10:26 what you have to realize is that
10:27 you're getting 4000 chemicals
10:30 just about in cigarettes themselves.
10:33 And so using nicotine is just one of the chemicals
10:37 that you'll be taking in as oppose
10:40 to taking in a slew of other chemicals.
10:43 I look at this list that I have here in,
10:45 there's ammonia you find in cigarettes,
10:48 you find cadmium,
10:50 which you find in batteries or in cigarettes,
10:52 you find butane which is lighter fluid.
10:56 Methanol, carbon-monoxide, there's just so many things
10:59 and a lot of them are cancer causing,
11:01 so don't feel bad if you need to take NRT's
11:05 or nicotine replacement therapies,
11:07 that just deliver the nicotine that's gonna be far better
11:10 than what you're doing in smoking a cigarette.
11:13 Okay?
11:14 Now, I want to make sure that you understand
11:17 that you need to see your doctor,
11:19 if you're gonna take any of these medications,
11:21 even if you're doing over-the-counter medications,
11:23 because some of the medications
11:25 that you might be taking can be affected
11:27 by the amount of nicotine that you have in your body.
11:30 So, you want to make sure that you let your doctor know,
11:33 even if you're taking over-the-counter medications.
11:37 And if you're interested in other therapies
11:40 talk to your doctor.
11:41 They can explain what are the best routes for you.
11:44 All right, let's move on to our participants
11:47 who have been sharing their experience
11:50 as far as their plan for quitting.
11:52 We have been asking various questions that are to,
11:56 just kind of let you know,
11:58 more of the personal side of trying to quit.
12:00 And talking to people who've have actually tried
12:02 and who are successfully non-smokers now.
12:07 So, the first question we asked our participants was,
12:11 did you have a plan?
12:13 Let's hear what they have to say.
12:16 I would really love to say that I made a plan to quit smoking,
12:19 but the truth is,
12:20 there really was no concrete plan
12:23 that I knew would work for me
12:24 because it was so addictive,
12:26 that I didn't even truly want to stop myself.
12:31 I just knew that, that's what the Lord wanted for me
12:33 and I wanted to do what Lord wanted me to do,
12:36 and I wanted to do what I knew it would affect my child.
12:39 So, my only plan was to ask the Lord
12:44 and take it moment by moment and not focus on
12:48 three weeks down the road or a year down the road
12:50 and try to picture myself without cigarettes,
12:52 it was too hard, and it was too much for me.
12:55 It was still overwhelming.
12:58 Did I have a plan to quit?
12:59 Well, I had a plan to quit the first time
13:03 that I quit smoking.
13:06 I had a plan date to actually stop.
13:09 My plan was to ask God,
13:13 to give me the courage
13:17 and the strength to not smoke.
13:20 And I planned to do that over the weekend,
13:24 because I planned to be baptized on one Sabbath,
13:28 but the Sabbath preceding that
13:31 I wanted to be a non-smoker.
13:35 When I first quit,
13:37 I did not make a plan in per se.
13:40 I needed to quit smoking.
13:44 It was mandatory that I needed to quit smoking so I quit.
13:50 Now, you heard those answers.
13:52 They basically didn't have a plan or so it seems.
13:57 If you listen carefully to what the ladies were saying.
14:00 They said, "They didn't really have a plan."
14:04 And especially Cathleen, I didn't really have a plan,
14:06 but I was just focused on asking God to just help me.
14:11 She sounded like, I didn't want to do it.
14:14 If God wants me to do it, He's gonna have to work it out.
14:17 And then you hear Brenda, she says,
14:19 "Well, I have a plan but my plan was basically God.
14:21 God was gonna have to help me."
14:23 And then you hear Isaac, he says,
14:26 "Well, it was between my job or not having a job."
14:31 So, his plan was just to quit,
14:33 because he wanted to keep his job.
14:35 It was interesting enough because as a health educator,
14:38 when we go through our program,
14:40 we understand that there are different things
14:42 that affect our, our choice to change our health behavior,
14:46 and one of those things
14:48 are the perceived susceptibility
14:52 to a particular illness
14:54 and how that's going to affect us.
14:56 Now, if you had been there with us in the pervious episodes.
15:00 You heard that, he had chronic bronchitis.
15:02 And because of his job, he can no longer smoke,
15:05 he had to be healed or he can no longer have his job.
15:08 A lot of times when we choose to smoke,
15:10 our young people choose to smoke,
15:12 they think, oh, that will never happen to me.
15:14 And so, their choice to smoke is a lot higher
15:17 because the perceived susceptibility is not there.
15:21 They don't think it's gonna happen to them,
15:22 but it happened to him.
15:24 So, now he's having to make the choice, to quit.
15:28 Another part of the health belief model,
15:30 which is where I'm referring to is that perception
15:34 of what are my benefits and what are my costs
15:38 when it comes to, smoking?
15:40 And that also determines somebody's behavior.
15:43 Now, that's why it's so important
15:46 that you write down a list
15:47 of why it is that you want to quit?
15:50 Because if your perceived benefits
15:51 are higher than your perceived cost
15:53 or barriers to actually quitting,
15:55 you're more likely to change your behavior.
15:57 For him, the cause of losing his job was higher
16:00 and so, he decide that he was going to quit.
16:03 Now, the next question we asked was,
16:06 how did their lack of plan pan out?
16:09 Because some people
16:10 and as we've seen by their previous responses,
16:12 just don't have a plan,
16:14 so let's see how that worked out for them?
16:17 The first time that I quit, God was so, merciful to me
16:21 because our plan to be able to go into the watery grave
16:28 without being a smoker and he did just that.
16:32 He actually took the taste away and it worked miraculously.
16:39 For ten years, I had no craving to smoke.
16:43 But the second time was different.
16:47 Well, after I picked up smoking again 13-years later,
16:53 I really didn't have a plan to quit
16:56 'cause really I didn't considered myself a smoker,
17:00 even though I did smoke.
17:04 Personally, I don't think that you should focus
17:06 on your attempts to quit.
17:09 I think you should just focus on realizing
17:13 that you don't have to smoke that particular cigarette
17:17 that you're thinking about at the time.
17:20 Okay, now, we've heard how their lack of plan panned out.
17:24 I really like those responses though,
17:26 even without the plan.
17:27 You heard, what Brenda said, she said,
17:29 "He just took the taste away."
17:31 And I've heard many people say that, no, not everybody.
17:35 I won't even say most,
17:37 but many people have still said,
17:38 they just ask God to take the taste away
17:40 and that's a miracle.
17:41 And he did that for her.
17:43 And we listen to Isaac, he affirmed that,
17:46 you know, I didn't have a plan, and he said,
17:48 I didn't even consider myself a smoker.
17:50 I think that's really interesting,
17:52 he didn't even consider himself a smoker.
17:54 And then you have Cathleen, again for such a young lady,
17:59 she has such a wise way of thinking.
18:02 She said, she just went from cigarette to cigarette.
18:06 She said, "I said to myself, I don't have to do it."
18:10 I really think that's interesting
18:12 because sometimes when we get in our mind that,
18:14 okay, I'm gonna quit smoking,
18:17 I'll never gonna be able to smoke again.
18:19 I mean it's almost like you're going through
18:21 the death of a loved one,
18:23 I hate to make it seem that extreme
18:24 but, I've heard that explain to me that way.
18:27 And you don't want to think of being
18:30 without that best friend, the cigarette forever.
18:33 So, instead of doing that,
18:35 just taking it moment by moment,
18:37 okay, I'm not going to have this cigarette,
18:41 I'm not going to have the next cigarette,
18:43 I'm gonna stay quit for today.
18:45 I'm gonna focus on today, so taking it moment by moment,
18:49 I've had a lot of people say, I don't promise
18:51 that I'm gonna stick with tomorrow,
18:53 but today, I'm gonna stop smoking.
18:55 And I know a lot of people that have done it that way
18:57 and have been very successful.
18:59 Now, let's get to our next question.
19:01 We asked the participants, did you set a specific date?
19:04 Now, I encourage you to set a specific date
19:06 just like you can have something to celebrate,
19:08 again these are all tools.
19:10 But everybody does it very differently.
19:12 So, I want you to hear from real people,
19:15 what they did when I asked them,
19:17 "Hey, did you set a date?"
19:21 Did I set myself a particular date
19:25 to stop smoking?
19:28 No, I just knew I was gonna eventually stop smoking,
19:33 I wanted to quit smoking, so it just...
19:43 It just, I kind of waned myself off
19:46 of smoking over extremely long period of time.
19:52 The second time,
19:55 when I got involved with smoking again.
19:58 It was a day-by-day struggle to stop.
20:04 The craving was there,
20:06 something that I never dealt with before.
20:10 It was hard to stop the things that I did.
20:15 The triggers which was get up in the morning,
20:18 you smoke.
20:20 You drink a beverage, you smoke,
20:23 you eat, you smoke,
20:25 so these things were triggers
20:27 that I had to fight to stop smoking.
20:31 I didn't really set dates or goals or resolutions,
20:34 because it's too easy to break them
20:36 and when you break them, you feel defeated
20:38 and it almost makes you feel like
20:39 you can't ever pull yourself out of the cycle.
20:42 So what work for me best was just focusing on the now,
20:47 focusing on what I'm doing now to improve my situation
20:50 or letting God take control of me now.
20:54 Okay, so this group is just funny
20:59 because I say, "Make a plan."
21:01 They say, "I didn't make a plan."
21:02 I say, "Try setting a day."
21:04 And they say, "They didn't set a date."
21:05 But the point is that they quit and they are now non-smokers.
21:10 And I want you to get that,
21:12 because different things work for different people.
21:15 And all of these tools are things you can use
21:18 but there are other things that you can use as well.
21:21 So, once you have decided that I really want to quit,
21:24 just know that it's possible, whatever your plan,
21:27 whatever you're not planned or not date,
21:31 it can still happen for you.
21:33 Okay? But, I really like their responses.
21:36 Notice what Isaac said, he said,
21:39 "I didn't set a date,
21:41 but I waned myself off overtime."
21:44 That's really interesting, a lot of people do that,
21:47 I find that especially with males.
21:51 Now, what I want to say,
21:53 that's so interesting about that is,
21:55 if you can wane yourself off to two cigarettes a day,
22:00 one cigarette a day, usually by that point,
22:03 we find that people aren't even really addicted
22:06 to the nicotine as much as they think they are.
22:08 They might be addicted to some,
22:11 other part of the smoking process
22:14 whether it's just having
22:16 something to do with their hands,
22:19 being connected with other individuals who smoke.
22:21 So, if you're that person who is waning yourself off,
22:25 and you're able to get down, to one or two cigarettes
22:28 know that, the nicotine probably isn't your problem.
22:31 And you want to start exploring around
22:34 your smoking situation, to see what else is keeping you,
22:38 smoking that one cigarette a day or two cigarettes a day.
22:43 Now, with Brenda, she said, that the second time,
22:46 it was a day-by-day struggle,
22:48 and that's what she looked at it
22:50 as, day-by-day, taking it day-by-day.
22:53 And Cathleen kind of mentioned something of the sort as well.
22:55 She said, that she didn't set any goals,
22:58 because she didn't want to feel defeated,
23:00 and that can be so demoralizing.
23:04 It make you feel like, you just don't want to try again.
23:07 And many of you might have been there already.
23:10 So, she did not want to set that goal,
23:13 she just wanted to keep her eyes on God
23:15 and ask Him to help her set the goals,
23:19 just step-by-step.
23:21 My goal is not to smoke this cigarette.
23:23 My goal is not to smoke today.
23:25 Now remember that is something that you might want to try
23:28 because, when it boils down to it,
23:30 she just became so desperate
23:33 for God, every movement of a day.
23:37 It reminds me of a scripture.
23:40 And this is found in Psalm 107:9, and it reads,
23:46 "For he satisfieth the longing soul,
23:50 and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."
23:56 And that's what God did for them
23:58 especially these young ladies.
23:59 I think it's so interesting, I have to bring this out.
24:02 Ladies, listen up now.
24:04 Guys, just close your ears
24:06 because this doesn't pertain to you,
24:08 but for the ladies, I have never met a lady
24:13 who is not...
24:15 who is able to quit aside from divine intervention.
24:20 Again, we've talked about this before,
24:22 the women are more relational
24:25 and so the cigarettes took up so much of their life,
24:29 it was related to so much,
24:32 it was like their best friend,
24:33 I've had many women say,
24:35 cigarettes were like my best friend.
24:37 So, how do you replace them by his best friend?
24:40 For guys, it's not usually the case.
24:42 And we'll talk to you later, but for women
24:45 it seems like for them,
24:47 they need a new best friend,
24:48 somebody who can be there
24:50 in the closet with them, when they are crying
24:52 and they are hurting and they are depressed,
24:53 they can't bring up a person in there
24:55 but they can bring Jesus in there.
24:56 Somebody who can be excited with them,
24:58 somebody who, you know, they can eat with,
25:01 they can laugh with, they can,
25:02 they need somebody to replace all of those things
25:05 and all of those moves and the cigarette
25:07 could follow them all of these places.
25:09 And so, what we are finding is that,
25:11 for women out there,
25:12 if smoking is something that you really want to give up.
25:18 I would advice you,
25:19 don't try to do without the Lord.
25:21 I've had many classes with men and women
25:24 and I'll have to say that
25:26 when I was in a setting where I couldn't introduce
25:28 God into the setting, into that environment,
25:33 the success rate for females was very low.
25:36 And I'll never forget meeting with the client,
25:38 who was actually trying to quit smoking,
25:42 not just smoking, but she was also trying to quit
25:46 overeating and alcohol at the same time.
25:50 And she came to me and she says,
25:52 "I'm a part of AA, I'm part of OA, I'm a part of in A."
25:55 I was like, "What's OA?"
25:57 She said, "Overeating, overeaters anonymous."
25:59 What's NA? Narcotics anonymous.
26:01 She was trying to do all that at a same time
26:03 and I said to here, and you're trying
26:05 to quit smoking now too?
26:07 I said, maybe you should try to do this later
26:09 after, you know, dealt with that some.
26:11 And she says, "No, this is what God wants me to do,
26:14 I know he does."
26:15 And of all the women in that class
26:16 with everything she was up against,
26:18 she was one of the few women
26:20 of all of the time that I had work
26:22 with men and women that actually quit as a woman.
26:25 Now, the guys once they decide in their minds
26:27 that this is what they're gonna do, they did it.
26:30 But for the females, she was like my prize student,
26:33 and I sincerely attribute that to her relationship with God.
26:37 She was able to take him in as her best friend,
26:41 her new best friend,
26:42 and overcome all of those addictions
26:45 at the same time and she was so happy.
26:48 So, a word to the women.
26:52 I want you to know that God is able
26:57 and He wants to have a personal relationship with you.
27:00 You know, guys too, you know that
27:01 and because again guys compartmentalize
27:04 and put that cigarette into the box.
27:06 The cigarette is not necessarily their best friend,
27:10 the cigarette isn't something that they have to have
27:13 when they're happy, or sad, or angry
27:17 or you know, guys can be a little different.
27:19 Now, some guys are in the same category
27:21 as some females.
27:23 But for the most part,
27:24 women, we have to have a serious replacement
27:30 for that loss of that best friend.
27:32 So, I want you to keep that in mind
27:35 and know that God is able and He is willing.
27:38 Now, just as I close,
27:41 I really want to review the idea
27:44 that you can do this with a plan
27:47 or you can do this without a plan.
27:49 But the point is that you want to do it.
27:52 Learn from your past mistakes.
27:54 Make that plan even better and by God's grace,
27:57 you too can be a non-smoker.


Revised 2016-02-25