Kids Time

King Hezekiah

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000328A

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're going to be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them
00:21 That He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time, Kids' Time
00:28 Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 How's your day going today?
00:35 Mine's going extra well
00:36 because I get to spend it with you here on Kids' Time.
00:40 But there are some days that,
00:42 well, don't seem to go quite so well.
00:44 Days when I lose my keys or I discover
00:46 that I've left something important at home
00:48 after I've driven all the way to work
00:50 or when my car breaks down
00:52 and I'm late to the studio to take Kids' Time.
00:55 Some days are even worse,
00:57 like when I find out someone
00:58 I love has been injured or has a terrible disease.
01:02 When we have bad days and things go wrong,
01:05 it's important to pray and ask Jesus for help.
01:08 Even teachers, parents,
01:10 presidents and kings need to pray
01:12 and ask Jesus to help them.
01:14 We're going to hear about a king
01:16 who did just that in our Bible story today,
01:19 but first, it's time for Nature Time!
01:30 Oh, hey, everyone. It's me, Rich Aguilera.
01:33 I'm so excited to see you.
01:34 As usual, I'm here taking pictures
01:36 of some of the amazing nature
01:38 that God has made, it's everywhere.
01:41 Well, today, I am in Florida,
01:43 and I came here
01:44 because I wanted to visit a nice,
01:46 friendly creature.
01:48 No, I'm not talking about the alligator.
01:50 I'll give you a clue though.
01:52 The creature that we came to see
01:54 is a mammal, any ideas?
01:58 I'll give you another clue.
01:59 The creature that we came to see can be really big,
02:02 up to 10 feet long, any ideas?
02:06 All right, I'll give you one more clue.
02:09 The creature that we came to see lives in the water,
02:13 do you have an idea now?
02:15 What do you think it is? The manatee!
02:17 That's right, the manatee.
02:20 Manatees are large gray mammals,
02:23 and they live in coastal areas,
02:25 mainly, all the way from Texas,
02:26 all the way up to Massachusetts.
02:28 But in the winter, they love to come to Florida
02:31 because of the warm waters here.
02:34 Well, right here where we are in Florida,
02:35 we are really close
02:37 to one of these warm spring waters.
02:39 So you know what we should do?
02:40 We should get a boat and go out and see them,
02:43 what do you think?
02:44 Come on, let's go.
02:49 Well, here we are, we have our gear,
02:52 we have a boat, we have an awesome river.
02:54 Let's get in the water and check out these manatees.
03:07 All right, let's get in.
03:19 No wonder they come here,
03:20 the water here is 72 degrees year round.
03:24 Nice! Aw, there they are.
03:29 Whoa, they are kind of big.
03:32 They can grow to be about 10 feet long
03:35 and weigh about 1,000 pounds.
03:40 Since they are mammals, they have to breathe air,
03:43 like we do.
03:45 Hey, there's one taking a quick breath.
03:47 Every few minutes,
03:48 they have to come to the surface to breathe.
03:50 Right away, they dive right back down though.
03:54 That's because they like to get back
03:56 to the yummy sea grasses
03:58 and other vegetation that they like to eat.
04:01 They really like their food.
04:03 Adults can eat up to 100 pounds
04:05 of vegetation per day.
04:07 Wow! That is a big salad.
04:10 How much vegetation can they eat in a day?
04:13 100 pounds! Yeah, about a 100 pounds.
04:17 Because of that, they end up spending
04:20 about seven hours a day eating.
04:25 As you noticed,
04:27 they have a couple of front flippers
04:29 and their face is wrinkled with whiskers on their snout.
04:33 Their paddle shaped tail is really big
04:36 and really strong too.
04:38 If they need to zip out of somewhere
04:40 in a hurry, they can.
04:43 The way they sleep is different than people too.
04:46 We rest for long periods of time every night,
04:49 we sleep, but they rest throughout the day
04:52 and night for short periods.
04:55 Some scientists think that when they're resting,
04:58 they can surface to breathe without fully waking up.
05:02 Is that like sleep walking?
05:06 Since they're mammals,
05:08 the babies like to drink their mother's milk
05:10 when they are young.
05:11 The interesting thing is that it gets
05:13 the mother's milk from right under her flipper.
05:19 Manatees are migrating creatures,
05:22 that means that during the year,
05:23 they move around to different places.
05:26 What kind of creatures are they?
05:27 Migrating creatures! Yup, migrating creatures.
05:32 As I mentioned earlier, here in the United States,
05:35 they like to go to Florida for the winter
05:38 in search of warm waters, but those other months,
05:40 they can go as far west as Texas
05:43 and as far north as Massachusetts.
05:52 That was fun.
05:57 You know, taking pictures is a great way to remember
05:59 all the cool stuff that we've seen,
06:01 even when we use an underwater camera.
06:04 You know, if you want to see all those pictures, you can.
06:07 Just go to our website at
06:11 and click on Nature Time.
06:13 There's a whole bunch of cool stuff to see there.
06:16 Well, I have had a ton of fun learning about manatees
06:19 with you here today.
06:20 Remember, God is the Creator, nature is His masterpiece.
06:25 See you.
06:32 Welcome to Learning Time.
06:33 I'm glad you joined us today, and today, where are we?
06:37 Oshkosh!
06:39 We're at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and we're here
06:42 for the International Pathfinder Camporee.
06:45 And we have pathfinders from all over the world.
06:47 And there's about 45,000 of them,
06:49 isn't that awesome?
06:51 Yes! Yeah, and you guys are so cool.
06:53 Let's find out who some of our helpers are today.
06:55 So tell me your name and where are you from?
06:58 I'm Gabrielle, and I'm from Marion, Indiana.
07:00 Well, thanks for helping us.
07:01 And what is your name and where are you from?
07:03 I'm Jonathan,
07:04 and I'm from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
07:06 Wow, thank you for coming.
07:07 And we have one more,
07:09 what's your name and where are you from?
07:10 My name is Amaris, and I'm from Connecticut.
07:11 Wow, so we're from all places of the earth,
07:14 and that's really cool.
07:15 Now today, we're going to be doing...
07:16 We're going to be using what we call a boomerang.
07:19 Now you can make a boomerang at home
07:21 and you might need some help.
07:22 So how could we do it very simply?
07:23 Well, we can take these two items right here,
07:25 what are these items here?
07:27 Rulers. They're rulers.
07:29 Take two rulers and put them together
07:30 right in the center like that and glue them right there,
07:33 and you know what happens when they're dried?
07:35 You have a...?
07:37 Boomerang! A boomerang!
07:38 And boomerangs are supposed to do
07:39 what when you throw them?
07:41 Come back!
07:42 Yes, they're supposed to come back.
07:44 So I'm going to teach you
07:45 how to do this, hopefully, okay?
07:46 But first of all, let's look at the science behind it,
07:48 so what we have right here is...
07:49 I've got one right here.
07:51 I used some paint sticks, you know, when you mix paint?
07:53 That's what these are
07:54 and we'll take them and put them in like there,
07:55 we'll glue them together and on this edge right here,
07:58 it's rounded, okay?
07:59 And the other edge right here is tapered off.
08:02 Each one is just like that,
08:03 so it's just like a wing and a wing in an airplane
08:06 gives the wing what?
08:07 Lift.
08:09 And it lifts the airplane off the ground,
08:10 that's what it does for our boomerang.
08:11 Hey, let's put on our safety glasses, okay?
08:13 And I want you to follow me over here
08:16 and let's go ahead
08:17 and we're going to fly our boomerangs over here.
08:18 Now the rest of you
08:20 kind of move back a little bit right here
08:21 because we don't want to hit you.
08:23 Let's run over here,
08:24 let's find out a good place right here
08:25 so we can fly the boomerang.
08:27 Okay, this looks pretty good right over here,
08:28 come on over here.
08:30 Let's go.
08:31 All right, now first of all what we have to do...
08:32 Yeah, stand right over here,
08:34 we got to figure out where the wind is coming from.
08:36 Do we have any wind right now?
08:38 Not much at all,
08:39 so what we want to do is we want to face the wind
08:41 and go about 15 degrees off of it,
08:43 we're going to throw it just like a ball,
08:45 I'm going to throw mine first, okay?
08:47 And then you can do yours, okay?
08:49 And then I'll have you do yours,
08:50 and we'll go right down the line.
08:52 Are you ready? Okay.
08:53 And hopefully, it will come back.
08:54 Okay, so here we go.
08:56 Now we are going to throw it just like a ball, right,
08:57 let's try this.
08:59 Let's see what we got over here.
09:00 Let's try to do that, and ah!
09:03 Almost came back to me. Okay, try yours, let's go.
09:06 Throw it out just right there, let's watch it, let's watch it.
09:09 Oh! Almost hit the cameraman.
09:11 Okay, are you ready?
09:12 Throw yours out just like that,
09:14 and right down to the ground
09:16 but it's a pretty one, I like that one.
09:17 Okay, go ahead, fire it for us.
09:19 Look out! Whoa!
09:22 Okay, and we got one more over here then another...
09:24 Whoa!
09:25 And it went and crashed to the ground.
09:26 One more left over.
09:29 Just like that, whoa,
09:30 and you almost hit the cameraman
09:31 and it almost came back, isn't that so cool?
09:33 That is great.
09:34 Let's rush back over here, let's talk about this
09:36 because this is so cool.
09:38 Did you guys see those boomerangs?
09:39 Yes!
09:40 Yes, I thought you were going to get hit by one of those
09:42 and our poor cameraman.
09:45 But you know what that reminds me of?
09:46 Something very, very interesting.
09:48 You know, when you and I, sometimes we do good things,
09:53 don't we?
09:55 Yes! Yes.
09:56 And you know what?
09:57 The good that we do, you know what it can do?
09:59 It can come back to us.
10:01 Do you want good things to come back to you?
10:03 Yes!
10:04 You know, what the Bible...
10:05 The Bible says that if we treat others
10:07 like we want them to treat us, that's called the golden...?
10:11 Rule. The golden rule.
10:13 Remember, we made a boomerang out of what?
10:15 Rulers. Rulers.
10:16 But think about the golden rule because what we want to do
10:19 or what we do to others
10:21 is how you and I want other people to react
10:24 and do to us, don't we?
10:26 Yes. Yeah, we do.
10:28 Every time we learn more about science,
10:30 we learn more about our creator, God.
10:40 And your slope is 3, so are we going up or down?
10:43 Up. Up.
10:45 And slope is, Y over...
10:51 Excuse me, Mr. Marshall.
10:52 I'm here to pick up Sarah and Elizabeth for to help me
10:55 on Kids' Time today.
10:57 Yeah, I remember now about that,
11:01 I can't let them go today.
11:04 We had this big, very important math assignment
11:08 and neither girl turned today.
11:09 But it wasn't our fault!
11:11 Well, Sarah and I were walking to school today,
11:12 there were these big puddles.
11:14 And you know how much it rained last night,
11:16 we couldn't resist jumping in them.
11:17 And we put our math papers on picnic tables
11:20 where they should've been safe.
11:22 But a big gust of wind came and blew them into a puddle.
11:25 But we did the work. It's just kind of soggy.
11:29 Oh no! I know, I hate it.
11:32 I'd like to see those papers. Okay.
11:41 Ew!
11:42 Well, it looks like jumping in the puddles on the way
11:45 to school wasn't a very good idea, was it?
11:48 Please Mr. Marshall, can we go?
11:50 We promise we'll redo our assignments,
11:52 we just need a little more time.
11:53 A little more time?
11:55 Well, Mr. Marshall, that kind of reminds me
11:57 of a story in the Bible about a king
11:59 who needed a little more time.
12:01 Would you mind if I told your class a story?
12:04 Wouldn't mind at all.
12:06 We'd like a story, wouldn't we? Yeah.
12:09 Well, this story is about a good
12:12 and faithful king
12:13 by the name of Hezekiah.
12:18 Look at this.
12:20 The House of our Lord, God, defiled, destroyed.
12:25 Okay, it's filthy and all because of my father.
12:29 Look, weeds...
12:30 Weeds growing in the House of the Lord, unacceptable!
12:35 I do not mean to presume, your highness,
12:37 but the rulings of your father...
12:39 I understand the reasons behind your uncertainties
12:44 but this is the will of God.
12:46 My father, he kept the people away
12:49 from this House of the Lord far too long.
12:52 We should not be performing sacrifices
12:54 at those heathen altars,
12:56 we should not be worshipping idols, no.
12:59 Our ancestors lost sight of what mattered
13:01 and allowed our land to fall into ruin.
13:04 Our enemies have gained the victory over us
13:07 and allowed our lands to be taken away from us.
13:10 No, unacceptable.
13:13 It's up to us to make things right
13:16 and restoring the service of God's temple.
13:20 That is a step in the right direction.
13:23 Come, get some servants,
13:25 we need to clean this up immediately.
13:27 Yes, my king, so it shall be, at once.
13:31 Hezekiah's words were quickly carried out.
13:34 The servants started to work, cleaning up God's temple.
13:37 When Hezekiah became a king,
13:39 he dedicated himself to righting
13:41 all the wrong things that had been done
13:44 during the rule of his wicked father,
13:46 King Ahaz.
13:48 After meeting with the priest and Levites
13:50 who had remained faithful,
13:52 he took the necessary steps toward change.
13:55 The House of the Lord was cleaned
13:57 and reopened and the people returned
13:59 to give thanks and worship,
14:01 and the high places in altars
14:03 were torn down and removed.
14:07 Hezekiah was well loved by his people,
14:10 fully committed to serving the Lord.
14:12 During his life, he rebelled against
14:14 the Assyrians and defeated the Philistines,
14:17 both enemies of the kingdom.
14:19 God blessed everything he did.
14:22 In spite of all that,
14:24 Hezekiah became very sick.
14:30 Your Majesty, the Prophet Isaiah
14:33 is here to see you.
14:35 Please, please bring him to me.
14:50 Your Majesty.
14:57 What is the word of the Lord?
15:00 Please, tell me.
15:04 This is what the Lord says,
15:08 "Put your house in order,
15:11 for you are going to die.
15:15 You are not going to recover."
15:20 You may go.
15:24 Maid, go as well.
15:34 Remember, God?
15:36 How I walked before you faithfully
15:40 and with wholehearted devotion,
15:44 and done what is good in Your eyes.
15:54 Your Majesty,
15:55 the Prophet Isaiah has returned.
15:59 Bing him to me.
16:07 Your Majesty, as I was leaving the palace,
16:12 the Lord spoke to me.
16:16 What is it?
16:17 He asked me to return to you
16:19 and give you the following message,
16:22 "I've heard your prayer and I've seen your tears.
16:28 I will heal you.
16:31 Three days from now,
16:32 you'll go up to the temple of the Lord
16:35 and I will add 15 years to your life."
16:41 Thank you, God.
16:43 Prepare a compress made of figs
16:45 and apply it to the boil.
16:49 Thank you, God.
16:54 What will be the sign that the Lord will heal me
16:59 and that I should go up to the temple of the Lord
17:02 three days from now?
17:06 Shall the shadow on the sundial move forward ten degrees
17:11 or backward ten degrees?
17:15 It's nothing for the dial to go forward.
17:18 Please,
17:19 have it go backwards ten degrees.
17:23 And it did exactly as Isaiah said it would.
17:27 After that, Hezekiah was healed of his painful disease.
17:31 Now what do you suppose made the difference for Hezekiah?
17:35 What made God heal him?
17:39 Because he was faithful?
17:41 Because he restored the temple of God?
17:43 Those are both great answers but do you think that God
17:47 would have still healed Hezekiah
17:49 if he had not prayed and asked for healing?
17:51 What do you think? No.
17:54 Oh, I know.
17:55 Doesn't the Bible say something about asking and receiving?
17:58 Yes, it certainly does.
18:00 And in fact, the Bible says in Matthew 7:7.
18:03 In fact, I'm sure everyone here knows that verse.
18:05 Will you say it with me?
18:06 "Ask and it shall be given unto you,
18:09 seek and you shall find,
18:11 and knock and the door shall be opened unto you."
18:15 Isn't that a great story? That's a great story.
18:18 Okay, girls,
18:19 because of Miss Brenda's story,
18:22 I guess I will give you a little extra time.
18:25 Yay! Thank you, Mr. Marshall.
18:26 Okay. Thank you.
18:27 Better has those done
18:29 by first thing tomorrow morning though.
18:30 We will. We will.
18:31 Thank you, Mr. Marshall. Oh, thank you, Mr. Marshall.
18:33 Okay, bye kids.
18:34 Thank you, that I got to tell you the story.
18:36 Buh-bye. Bye, Miss Brenda.
19:56 Hi, boys and girls.
19:57 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day!
20:00 And today's book is called,
20:02 "Guide's Greatest Change of Heart Stories"
20:05 by Lori Peckham,
20:06 and it's filled with wonderful stories
20:08 that will warm your heart and draw you closer to Jesus.
20:13 Well, somebody else is going to warm your heart
20:16 is our guest today.
20:18 I'd like to introduce you to Sam and Maddy.
20:21 Welcome to the program, Sam and Maddy.
20:24 Hi. Hello.
20:25 And I am so thankful that you are here.
20:27 Now we met each other before, when was that?
20:30 Chattanooga.
20:32 That's right, when we taped Learning Time in Chattanooga.
20:34 Did we have a fun time? Yeah.
20:35 And who was our host? Ben Roy.
20:37 Ben Roy, that's right.
20:39 And he did some amazing science experiments, didn't he?
20:43 But the reason I asked you
20:44 to be here today on Sharing Time
20:46 is because both of you recently made a decision,
20:50 this last year to do something very special.
20:52 Sam, let's start with you,
20:53 what did you decide to do and why?
20:57 Last year I made a decision to be baptized.
21:01 It started when my dad started
21:04 these Bible studies at our school.
21:07 Now you dad is a pastor and he came to your school,
21:10 you go to a church school,
21:12 and he started Bible studies with your class, didn't he?
21:15 And there's other kids in your class as well did.
21:18 During those Bible studies,
21:19 something happened in your heart.
21:20 I loved how you are sharing that with me.
21:22 Tell me what happened? Uh, well, I do.
21:25 Last part of the year at the last Bible study,
21:29 after I told my dad that I want to be baptized
21:32 and I knew Oshkosh was coming around the corner
21:34 so I asked
21:36 if I could be baptized at Oshkosh.
21:37 And why did you decide to be baptized?
21:40 What was it?
21:41 Because I love Jesus and it's just natural
21:44 that I love Him.
21:45 Mm-hmm.
21:47 It's like um, the natural love to your parents.
21:50 The natural love for your parents, yes.
21:52 And it's now also natural
21:53 when you fall in love with Jesus,
21:54 you want to just make a full commitment to Him,
21:56 all the way.
21:58 So Sam, I really appreciate that.
21:59 And then, Maddy, you took Bible studies too
22:03 and you made a decision too, didn't you?
22:05 Mm-hmm. And what did you decide?
22:07 I decided to follow Jesus and be baptized
22:10 because my mom,
22:15 she had a Bible study
22:18 with the girls in my class at our house.
22:22 And near the end of the first year,
22:26 I decided that I wanted to be baptized
22:28 and so I told my dad that I wanted to,
22:32 and so when Oshkosh was coming,
22:37 I decided to get baptized with my brother.
22:40 That's good.
22:41 We actually have a little video clip.
22:44 Let's show first Sam.
22:46 This is Sam's baptism right here
22:48 and this is his father, baptizing him
22:52 and lowering him down into the water.
22:54 And that is a beautiful moment right there, isn't it Sam?
22:58 Mm-hmm.
22:59 And that will be such a wonderful memory,
23:01 and all your family was there around you as well.
23:03 What an incredible moment.
23:05 And then Maddy, we also have a little clip of you
23:07 being baptized and here's your dad baptizing you
23:10 and also lowering you down into the water.
23:13 And look at the wonderful moment,
23:17 that expression on your face
23:18 when you come up out of that water
23:20 and that's a wonderful moment.
23:22 What did you think
23:23 when you came up out of the water?
23:25 Um, it was a very exciting and wonderful feeling.
23:29 I felt like I was a new person and...
23:33 Because all our sins are buried down
23:35 under that water and we come up,
23:36 we are new in Jesus,
23:38 we're now a baby Christians in our new walk with Jesus,
23:40 is that a thrilling experience, isn't it?
23:43 Now, did you had a chance to share your faith
23:45 with other people, with other kids, other adults?
23:49 Yeah, at school, there's this one kid
23:51 who is being pretty difficult to be nice to,
23:54 and at school we like to play football a lot
23:57 and he gets like, sort of upset a lot
23:59 and I just try to be nice and...
24:05 To act like Jesus? Mm-hmm.
24:06 It's really...
24:07 I'm glad you brought that up, Sam, because, boys and girls,
24:10 it's easy to be nice to somebody that's nice to you,
24:13 I mean, it's easy to love someone
24:15 that's really nice.
24:16 Much more difficult to be nice to somebody
24:19 that isn't quite so wonderful to you,
24:22 and yet Jesus tells us that we are supposed
24:24 to even love our enemies, that's right.
24:27 In fact, Jesus wants us to love our enemies
24:30 so much that we couldn't imagine heaven without them.
24:33 Now that's a lot of love, isn't it?
24:35 So and it's God that puts that love in your heart,
24:39 Sam, so that is a witness.
24:40 That's a tremendous witness for Jesus.
24:42 Just by our actions when we act like
24:44 Jesus would want us to act.
24:46 What about you, Maddy?
24:48 Have you had a chance to witness for Jesus?
24:49 Well, we still were doing the Bible studies
24:52 after I got baptized
24:54 and so a lot of the...
24:59 Except this time
25:01 we're just marking our Bibles but...
25:03 And we're learning about patience and obedience
25:07 and stuff like that, and being kind, and...
25:12 And that's important.
25:13 There's also somebody in my class
25:17 who is kind of difficult to be
25:20 around sometimes and...
25:24 Do you treat him with love and kindness?
25:26 I try to.
25:27 That's wonderful. Sometimes it's hard though.
25:29 Sure, sometimes it's hard
25:30 and I'm glad you are honest about that
25:32 because it doesn't mean it's easy
25:34 but here's what you can do.
25:35 Every time that you...
25:37 It is difficult for you to be kind
25:40 and loving to somebody else
25:41 who's kind of being nasty to you.
25:44 Pray and ask Jesus to help you.
25:46 Say, "Dear Jesus, please help me right now
25:48 to respond in love."
25:50 And here's another thing that I've learned is
25:54 that if somebody has done something
25:55 to hurt my feelings,
25:57 I ask God to put forgiveness in my heart
25:58 for them right then and there,
25:59 so it's not something ever separating me
26:01 between me and Jesus.
26:03 So if someone hurts my feelings, I say,
26:05 "Lord, please give me forgiveness
26:06 in my heart for them."
26:07 Even though they didn't ask for forgiveness,
26:09 we need to forgive, don't we?
26:11 So it's an important...
26:12 Would you encourage other boys and girls
26:15 to make this decision for Jesus too?
26:17 Yes.
26:18 Well, I want you, boys and girls,
26:19 to keep shining for Jesus.
26:21 Thank you, Sam and Maddy, for being with us today.
26:22 Boys and girls, I want you to witness for Jesus,
26:25 do you know why?
26:26 It's Kids' Time to share Jesus.
26:39 Kids' Time
27:02 Kids' Time, Kids' Time
27:04 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time
27:10 Kids' Time


Revised 2018-06-25