Kids Time

Mary and Martha

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000327A

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're going to be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them
00:21 That He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time, Kids' Time
00:28 Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:32 I've been sharing stories with you about Jesus
00:35 for many years now, and since you are my friends,
00:38 I have a little secret to tell you.
00:40 Did you know that I have something in common
00:43 with one of the woman in the Bible?
00:44 That's right.
00:46 She was one of the Jesus' very best friends
00:48 when He was here on earth.
00:49 Maybe that's why I love talking about Jesus so much.
00:52 He is my best friend too.
00:55 This woman liked to cook just like I do,
00:58 and she like things to be just so
01:00 and for all guests to be happy.
01:02 When people came to visit,
01:04 she liked to make sure things were neat, and tidy,
01:06 and everyone had plenty to eat.
01:08 But Jesus had some interesting advice for her.
01:11 He told her that there was actually something
01:14 much more important than having food to eat
01:17 and things perfectly clean.
01:19 You'll find out more about it in our Bible story today,
01:22 but first it's time for Nature Time.
01:33 Oh, hey, Rich Aguilera here.
01:35 Don't you just love snow?
01:37 It's so cold, and refreshing, and you can throw it at people.
01:42 Whoa, that was close.
01:44 Was that you?
01:46 Wait a second, I got an idea.
01:48 If we're going to talk about snow,
01:49 I know exactly where we need to go.
01:53 Come on.
01:56 Well, there is surely a lot of ice here.
01:59 But the problem is I'm not a very good skater,
02:02 and this stuff is really slippery.
02:05 You know, there's a lot of snow
02:07 that has built up on our earth's poles,
02:09 way up there, and way down there.
02:11 The estimates say that 10% of the land on our planet
02:16 is covered with snow and ice.
02:19 How much of our land is covered by snow and ice?
02:21 Ten percent.
02:23 Yeah, about 10%.
02:25 That's a lot. Whoa!
02:28 Oh, man.
02:30 Well, now that we're down here, let's take a picture,
02:33 a nice closer picture of the ice.
02:38 Nice.
02:41 Well, I suppose, if I keep practicing,
02:44 I'll get good at this but it is, kind of, slow.
02:50 I know what we can do, we need to go sledding.
02:52 Come on.
02:56 This looks like a great hill.
02:58 Let's climb to the top. Come on.
03:15 That was awesome.
03:16 And you know what, it wouldn't be possible without snow.
03:20 Did you know that most snowflakes have six sides?
03:24 A six-sided shape is called a hexagon.
03:28 What's it called?
03:29 A hexagon.
03:31 That's right, a hexagon.
03:33 Well, this was great.
03:36 Do you know what we need though?
03:38 We need a bigger hill.
03:40 Come on.
03:44 Now this is a bigger hill.
03:46 Oh, man. Where is my camera?
03:48 I got to get a picture of this.
03:54 Obviously, this is not a giant sledding hill,
03:56 it's a ski area.
03:58 And I've got some gear, let's head up there.
04:08 Now we're talking.
04:10 Skiing is the perfect place to talk about snow.
04:26 You know, I was just thinking,
04:27 if snowflakes are falling only about
04:29 two or three miles per hour,
04:31 that means it must take them hours
04:33 to fall all the way to the ground.
04:35 How long does it take
04:37 for a snow flake to reach the ground?
04:38 Hours.
04:40 Yeah, hours.
04:42 Well, let's keep heading down.
04:43 Come on.
05:00 I'm so glad God created snow, so that I can ski.
05:05 Whoa.
05:08 Oh, well, I'm okay.
05:10 I'm just really glad that snow is really soft and fluffy,
05:14 at least most of the time.
05:15 It's not always soft though
05:17 because if it melts and refreezes again,
05:20 it refreezes as ice.
05:22 And falling on ice would hurt a lot.
05:26 You know, it's kind of neat,
05:27 how you can find water in so many different forms.
05:30 For example, when it's up in the clouds, it's vapor,
05:33 but when it's a liquid, like water,
05:35 that's also something different
05:37 and when it's frozen, it's ice and it's solid.
05:40 You know, that reminds me of God
05:42 'cause God is God, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
05:46 Three in one.
05:48 All right, shall we keep on going?
05:51 I think I can do this.
05:52 Come on.
05:56 What a great way to enjoy the snow.
06:02 It sure is fun playing in the snow.
06:05 You know, taking pictures is a great way
06:07 to remember all the stuff that we've learned today.
06:10 Do you want to see all the pictures
06:11 that we've taken today?
06:13 You can.
06:14 Just go to our website,
06:15 and click on Nature Time.
06:19 Well, I have had a ton of fun learning about snow with you.
06:22 Remember God is the creator, nature is His masterpiece.
06:27 See you.
06:43 Jesus loves me this I know
06:47 For the Bible tells me so
06:51 Little ones to Him belong
06:55 They are weak but He is strong
06:59 Yes, Jesus loves me
07:03 Yes, Jesus loves me
07:07 Yes, Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so
07:21 Welcome to Learning Time.
07:23 I'm glad you joined us today.
07:25 Today, we're in a very special place,
07:27 and where are we?
07:29 Oshkosh.
07:30 Correct. Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
07:33 We're here at the International Pathfinder Camporee,
07:35 and there are over 45,000 campers
07:39 from all over the world
07:40 and we got a good bunch of them right here today.
07:42 Hey, let's find out who is helping us today.
07:45 We got three over here,
07:46 and tell us what your name is and where are you from.
07:49 I'm Maya, and I'm born in Wisconsin.
07:51 Right here in Wisconsin.
07:53 Thanks for joining us. And you are?
07:54 My name is Kylie, and I'm from Joshua, Texas.
07:57 From Texas. Thank you for helping us.
07:58 And you are?
08:00 My name is Kevin Wilkinson, and I'm from New Wisconsin.
08:02 Wow. Hey, I'm glad for our helpers today.
08:04 Today, we're going to be looking at the signs of trash.
08:07 Have you all seen any trash around?
08:09 Yeah. Yeah.
08:11 Well, we see a lot of trash around.
08:12 Some of the trash looks like this, what's that?
08:14 A bottle. It's a bottle.
08:16 Do you throw them away? Yes.
08:18 What? Yes.
08:19 No. Should we throw them away?
08:21 No. No.
08:22 What should we do? Recycle.
08:24 Recycle or reuse.
08:25 Well, today we're going to recycle.
08:27 Actually going to reuse all this trash.
08:29 And sometimes if you get an ink pen,
08:31 do you throw it away when it doesn't work anymore?
08:33 No. No.
08:34 What do we do? Recycle.
08:37 Or reuse. That's exactly right.
08:39 So that's what we're doing today.
08:40 Now, first of all, we've got our bottle right here.
08:43 So if you want to make something very special,
08:44 we're going to be making what we call
08:46 a magnetic levitating propeller.
08:49 And it sounds pretty cool, don't you think?
08:51 Yeah. I do too.
08:52 So you take a bottle like this,
08:54 put a little piece of tape around there,
08:55 then you cut it off.
08:57 Well, like that. And so this is what we have.
08:58 Now you may need some help cutting these bottles
09:00 'cause we don't want you to get hurt, right?
09:02 Yeah. Cool.
09:03 Now what you do is you take your bottle
09:06 and you start cutting it up in a little sections
09:08 and you end up with a bottle like this
09:10 that has a bunch of little sections.
09:12 Isn't that cool? Yeah.
09:13 Would that be hard to do? No.
09:16 Absolutely not.
09:18 Okay, then you take your pen and you take your pen apart.
09:20 Have you ever taken a pen apart?
09:22 Yeah.
09:23 You just pull it apart like this
09:24 and you, well, end up with a barrel of the pen.
09:26 That's the barrel.
09:27 And then you end up with a little thing like this
09:29 which is called the cartridge,
09:31 that's where the ink is
09:32 and we need that if we're going to write.
09:34 Okay, then what we do
09:35 is we take these things right here.
09:36 What are these?
09:38 Magnet. Magnet.
09:39 Hey, I'm going to give you those two magnets right here.
09:40 Here, grab these two magnets right here.
09:42 And can you pull them apart?
09:43 Just pull them apart. Okay.
09:44 Hey, just like that.
09:46 Now turn this one upside down.
09:47 Turn the top one upside down.
09:49 Do they want to stick?
09:50 No. No.
09:51 They want to do what?
09:53 Go apart.
09:54 Right, they want to repel each other
09:55 rather than to attract each other.
09:57 So this what's going to give us our levitating power
09:59 for our propeller.
10:00 How cool is that, right?
10:02 And then we take the barrel of our pen,
10:05 put that right on top of that one for me just like that
10:08 and we can glue it right there with some hot glue.
10:10 But you might need some help with some hot glue.
10:12 And then all we need now is we need a cap,
10:14 and we need some other things like this.
10:16 We need something to hold this with
10:18 and this is what we have right here.
10:20 You want to hold this up for me just like that?
10:22 You can hold this one up. That's what we have.
10:24 We have these magnets right here.
10:26 You can hold that one up right there for me, just like...
10:29 You can hold this one right here for me.
10:31 There we go.
10:32 Then we take the little cartridges
10:33 that we just put down
10:35 and we put our magnet on the barrel.
10:37 Here, put that together.
10:39 And you can put yours together right here.
10:40 And we'll put this one, you can put that one on top.
10:43 And what happens is those magnets
10:45 want to repel each other and what happens?
10:48 We end up with a what?
10:50 A levitating propeller right here,
10:53 and you can blow on that.
10:54 You want to blow on yours?
10:55 You can blow right on top.
10:57 You got to blow, kind of, on the top,
10:58 and if you can't blow,
10:59 then we could take a little fan and we can...
11:01 Look at that.
11:02 Wow, look at what happens with this one.
11:04 We're pointing some air to that, whoa,
11:06 and it wants to spin around.
11:07 Or you can just blow it, okay, with your mouth.
11:09 Yeah, get yours closer over here
11:11 and they spin round and round.
11:12 And that's a levitating propeller
11:14 using what we call the magnetic force.
11:17 Isn't magnetic force cool?
11:19 Yeah. That's right.
11:21 And, you know, magnetic forces are so powerful
11:24 that we live on a huge magnet and it's called planet...
11:27 Earth. Earth.
11:29 And God created planets like this
11:31 and they're created with a magnetic force
11:33 and that force is very, very powerful.
11:36 Now that's what we use sometimes for navigating.
11:39 If you want to know which direction is north,
11:41 we need a magnet to tell us.
11:43 Don't we? I think so. Yeah.
11:45 You know, the most important part of this experiment
11:47 is that you and I are using trash,
11:50 things that we might throw away,
11:52 we don't want to throw them away, do we?
11:54 No.
11:55 We want to do what?
11:57 Recycle. Recycle or...
11:59 Reuse.
12:00 Reuse, because we have got to take
12:02 good care of planet earth.
12:04 Now, you know, when God created Adam and Eve,
12:06 He created them to take care of what?
12:08 Earth. Planet earth.
12:10 You and I should do the same thing
12:12 and respect planet earth.
12:13 Hey, you know, when we learn more about science,
12:16 we learn more about our creator, God.
12:31 Where is it?
12:32 It's got to be here somewhere, maybe it's on the box.
12:45 Come on, Mayela.
12:47 Miss Brenda said if we don't hurry soon, we'll be late.
12:51 Just a second, I'm looking for...
12:52 Come on, I don't want to be late.
12:55 You have to listen to me because I'm your big sister.
12:57 It's like a rule.
12:58 No, I don't. You are not my boss.
13:01 Hey, hey, hey, what's going on here?
13:03 What's the matter? What's the trouble, girl?
13:05 She wouldn't stop looking for, I don't know,
13:08 but she never listens to me
13:10 and I'm two years older than her.
13:12 Come here, Iris.
13:14 Come sit by Miss Brenda.
13:16 Mayela.
13:18 It is important that you're a big sister.
13:20 There's a lot of responsibility to being a big sister.
13:23 However, it doesn't mean being a big sister
13:26 that Mayela has to do everything you say.
13:30 You know, it kind of reminds me of a story in the Bible.
13:32 Would you like to hear it? Do you have time for that?
13:34 I thought we were in a hurry.
13:36 Well, we are in a hurry but maybe for a quick story.
13:40 This story is about two sisters.
13:44 Would you like to hear that?
13:46 Long ago, when Jesus lived on the earth as a man,
13:49 He often enjoyed spending time with the people of Bethany.
13:53 You see, girls, Jesus had no home of His own.
13:56 He spent most of His days travelling and teaching others.
14:00 So when it was time to rest His feet,
14:02 He relied on the generosity of His friends and followers
14:05 for food and a place to stay.
14:08 One house that Jesus enjoyed spending time at
14:11 belonged to two sisters and their brother,
14:14 Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.
14:17 It was here that He could escape
14:19 the hot sun, sit down and relax,
14:21 talk with His friends, eat a good meal,
14:24 and sleep in a comfortable bed.
14:28 Martha, has Jesus arrived yet?
14:30 Lazarus, there you are.
14:31 I tried to get here earlier
14:32 but I was delayed in the market place.
14:34 Yeah, He's inside.
14:35 No, you have to wait like everyone else.
14:39 Martha, can't this wait?
14:40 Jesus doesn't come by very often
14:42 and He has so much wisdom to share.
14:44 You should really be out here with the rest of us.
14:46 I'm almost finished.
14:48 Someone has got to get this work done.
14:50 The food isn't going to prepare itself.
14:52 And while you do that,
14:53 I'll join Jesus and the other guests.
14:59 I can't believe,
15:00 I have to prepare this all meal by myself.
15:02 Where is Mary, anyway?
15:03 She should be in here.
15:05 This is too much work for one person.
15:10 Imagine that God is a vine
15:12 and there's all these branches...
15:13 Mary, what are you doing in here?
15:16 You can stay, Mary.
15:18 Martha, have you come to join us?
15:20 We were just discussing the kingdom of God
15:22 and the love the God has for all of His children.
15:25 You are most kind.
15:27 I appreciate the invitation,
15:29 but I'm working very hard
15:30 and a meal for honored guest like You,
15:33 only I'm alone in my efforts.
15:36 All the while my sister sits here doing nothing
15:39 at Your feet no less,
15:41 a spot reserved for one of Your disciples.
15:44 Doesn't this bother You?
15:46 Don't I have the right to be upset
15:48 when I've been left alone
15:49 to prepare this meal all by myself?
15:52 Ask my sister to return to the kitchen with me
15:55 so that she might help me.
15:58 Martha, I know you mean well and you have been working,
16:03 making us bread, and cleaning the house
16:05 so that we can have a nice place,
16:07 and those efforts have not gone unappreciated.
16:11 But your mind is troubled with many things,
16:15 worldly things.
16:17 Your sister has come out here and chose to sit by My feet
16:20 because she sees the value in My words.
16:23 She's chosen the good portion
16:25 and that can't be taken from her.
16:28 Why don't you come and join us?
16:29 Sit beside your sister
16:31 and we can discuss the kingdom of God
16:33 and the love He has for us.
16:36 We can break bread anytime.
16:38 But for now, we should take time to be with each other.
16:42 My words are more nourishing than any meal can hope to be.
16:47 Yes. I will, Jesus. Thank You.
16:54 So I was discussing, imagine God to be vine
16:58 and all the branches are rooted into that vine.
17:00 And if one of those branches is cut-off,
17:03 another branch could be grafted in its place...
17:08 You know, girls, sometimes,
17:10 even though you have good intentions,
17:13 it's easy to lose sight of what's really important
17:16 and that is God's message of love.
17:20 Now, Mayela, tell me,
17:21 what is it that you were looking for?
17:23 I lost Iris' Bible but I wanted to get it back to her.
17:27 Oh, you did.
17:29 Wasn't that sweet, Iris?
17:31 Well, guess what, Miss Brenda was in here earlier
17:34 and I happened to notice a Bible
17:36 right here behind my chair.
17:39 Is this your Bible, Iris?
17:41 Yes. Oh!
17:44 Well, you want to give her, her Bible back?
17:46 And so what do you say, thank you.
17:48 Can you girls give each other a great big hug?
17:50 All right.
19:12 Hi, boys and girls,
19:13 it's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day!
19:18 This book is called Prayer Promises for Kids
19:21 by Kay Kuzma and Brenda Walsh.
19:24 Yes, that's Miss Brenda and my friend, Kay.
19:27 We wrote this book for you to help you learn
19:29 how to pray claiming Bible promises.
19:32 And there is over 100 different things
19:34 to pray about in this book,
19:36 all topics that kids pray about.
19:39 So you'll want this book, Prayer Promises for Kids.
19:43 Well, boys and girls, today is extra special,
19:45 I have a friend with me today
19:47 that I know you're going to love.
19:48 I'd like you to meet Amira.
19:51 Amira, welcome to the program.
19:52 How are you, girl?
19:54 Good.
19:55 Well, I am so glad you're here today.
19:57 And you have a special ministry, don't you?
20:00 Yes, ma'am.
20:02 What is your ministry?
20:03 Well, I don't know what a ministry is.
20:06 Oh, a ministry is...
20:07 Well, a ministry is when you do something for Jesus.
20:11 Oh! Okay?
20:12 So what is that you do to shine for Jesus?
20:15 I try to make Him happy, and I try to love Him,
20:20 and I try to do good things for Him.
20:23 You do?
20:25 And you also, you wanted to do something special for Jesus,
20:27 and you asked your mom if you could do something special.
20:30 And you created a YouTube channel for just Amira.
20:36 And what is the name of your YouTube channel?
20:38 Amira's opinions. Amria's opinions.
20:41 And, boys and girls, I've seen Amira's opinions
20:44 and they are really...
20:47 They just really touched my heart.
20:48 And in fact, Amira, before we start talking more about it,
20:51 let's give the boys and girls at home an idea
20:54 about what we are talking about.
20:55 Shall we? So let's take a look right now at Amira's opinions.
21:00 Hi, this is Amira's opinion,
21:03 and I want to talk about God today.
21:07 Everybody, God made this world.
21:09 Look around you.
21:12 He made all this.
21:14 Can you see the grass, the ground,
21:17 how the waters get in, all the air.
21:22 Can you believe God made all this stuff for us?
21:26 God made us not to fight, to be nice to each other,
21:31 no matter what color we are, we should be nice.
21:34 We should believe in God.
21:36 But if you don't believe in God,
21:38 I won't judge you
21:42 because that's you and God's problem.
21:47 And if you look the around, look how God made us,
21:51 and look how God made this beautiful world,
21:54 you should thank Him for everything,
21:56 not just yourself, you should thank Him for other people.
22:00 You should thank Him for your life,
22:02 your house, your clothes, your shoes,
22:06 you should thank God for everything.
22:08 You don't thank God for everything,
22:10 I won't judge you
22:12 'cause that's you and God's problem.
22:15 Wow. That was amazing.
22:17 Now how do you think of all those things to say?
22:20 Well, it's like, I could just think of them
22:25 because there's lots of things that go on
22:30 and I could tell them about my life
22:33 but tell them about my life different how my life goes.
22:36 Uh-huh.
22:38 And how Jesus affects your life, right?
22:40 Yeah.
22:41 Well, let's show them one more. Shall we?
22:43 And this one is really one of my favorites.
22:47 Let's take a look at Amira's opinions one more time.
22:52 I just want to make a quick video.
22:55 And people that don't have their boyfriend
22:58 and they think they can't make it without it,
23:01 it's going to be okay
23:02 'cause God said.
23:06 And the people that lost a job
23:10 and they don't know how to pay bills,
23:13 God says that's going to be okay.
23:16 And a person that had lost their job
23:23 and they don't have a house, God says it's going to be okay.
23:28 God said that.
23:30 He told me to tell you that He said that.
23:35 It's going to be okay with the sad people out there.
23:41 This isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
23:46 That is really heart touching.
23:48 I know you have had a lot of viewers
23:51 look at this, haven't you?
23:53 Yes, ma'am.
23:54 Do you know how many actually have even, like,
23:56 the most views you've ever had on YouTube?
23:59 Do you have an idea? No, ma'am.
24:01 I'm going to tell you.
24:03 You've had more than two million hits.
24:05 Can you imagine that?
24:07 This precious little girl witnessing for Jesus
24:09 that way with over two million hits?
24:11 Now, Amira, have you ever been on television before?
24:14 Yes, ma'am. You have.
24:15 Where have you been on television before?
24:17 The Steve Harvey Show. The Steve Harvey Show.
24:20 And what did Steve Harvey think about Amira's opinions?
24:24 Probably he liked it, I don't know.
24:27 I think he probably did like it
24:29 or he wouldn't have had you on the program,
24:31 which is pretty amazing
24:32 'cause his show is not a religious program, is it?
24:36 And yet, here you are shining for Jesus,
24:39 telling kids about God,
24:40 and you have an opportunity witness
24:43 on a national show like that.
24:44 That's pretty awesome, isn't it?
24:45 Yes, madam.
24:47 So now, Amira, would you mind telling the boys and girls
24:51 if I was to ask you to do Amira's opinion,
24:54 let's say, you're getting ready
24:55 to go out the door for school
24:57 and you have just enough time
24:58 to share a little on your YouTube.
25:01 If I go five, four, three, two, one, go,
25:03 let's see what you would say.
25:05 Okay?
25:06 Five, four, three, two, one, go.
25:09 Hi, everybody.
25:10 It's Amira's opinion, and I hope you have a good day
25:14 because I just want to say good morning,
25:18 and I love you guys.
25:20 Oh! That's what I would say.
25:21 That was good.
25:22 And now if you wanted to share something about Jesus,
25:24 what would you say?
25:25 I would say, people, Jesus is the person that raised us.
25:32 If He didn't raise us,
25:34 we wouldn't be in this life right now.
25:37 So Jesus created us, didn't He?
25:39 Jesus is the reason we live and He created us.
25:42 That's true.
25:43 And if somebody was being unkind to someone,
25:46 what would you tell?
25:47 I would say you have to stop
25:50 because God is watching everything you do.
25:54 That's right.
25:55 And then would you encourage them to be kind to others?
25:57 Yes, ma'am. You would.
25:59 Now what if you heard somebody saying bad words?
26:01 What would you say?
26:03 I would say bad words aren't good for kids,
26:07 only grownups could say them.
26:10 Well, actually, grownups shouldn't say bad words either.
26:12 Should they?
26:14 No. No.
26:15 No, 'cause does Jesus want us to say bad words?
26:17 No. No, He doesn't, doesn't.
26:19 We want to always shine for Jesus
26:21 and big kids need to shine for Jesus too, don't they?
26:23 Yes, ma'am.
26:25 Well, I want to thank you, Amira,
26:26 for being on Kids' Time today.
26:29 Actually, I'm going to give you this book
26:31 as a special gift from Miss Brenda.
26:33 And I want to encourage you
26:34 to keep shining for Jesus, will you?
26:36 Yes, ma'am.
26:38 Boys and girls, I got to tell you,
26:39 this time it goes by so quickly,
26:41 but I want to encourage you
26:42 to do something special for Jesus.
26:44 Here Amira is sharing Jesus with the world,
26:47 giving them advice about God.
26:49 There is something you can do very special for Jesus.
26:53 Well, that's all the time we have today.
26:55 So until next time,
26:57 remember wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:58 it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.
27:10 Kids' Time
27:32 Kids' Time, Kids' Time
27:34 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time
27:40 Kids' Time


Revised 2018-06-18