Kids Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000323A

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're going to be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them
00:21 That He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time, Kids' Time,
00:28 Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls, have you ever read a story in the Bible
00:34 that made you wonder, why God allowed something to happen?
00:39 Or why one small detail was so important to God?
00:43 I figured out something about the Bible and about God.
00:47 Do you know what it is?
00:49 God always has a reason for the way He does things
00:52 and for the way He asks us to do things.
00:55 Sometimes we don't understand His reasons right away,
00:58 but He always does what is best for us.
01:02 In our Bible story today, God asked a man
01:04 to do something a certain way.
01:06 Well, actually He asked him not to do a certain thing.
01:10 And, of course, there was a reason.
01:12 God was showing him something very important and wonderful
01:16 by asking him to do a very little thing.
01:19 Only this man had to learn the hard way
01:22 that God's plan is always the best plan.
01:26 You'll find out what it was in our story today,
01:28 but first, it's time for Nature Time.
01:38 Oh. Hey, everyone. It's me, Rich Aguilera.
01:41 I'm so happy to see you.
01:42 You know me,
01:44 I'm taking pictures of some of God's amazing nature.
01:47 It's everywhere.
01:49 Well, I'm glad you're with me here today
01:51 because I want to talk to you about
01:53 one of the most feared animals in the world.
01:56 Sharks!
01:59 A lot of people are afraid of sharks
02:01 simply because they don't know a lot about them.
02:09 You know, it is very human to fear things
02:12 that we don't understand.
02:14 So that's why today,
02:15 our goal is gonna be to learn about sharks.
02:19 What are we gonna learn about?
02:20 Sharks. Sharks.
02:22 That's right. Sharks.
02:24 Sharks are fish, so they live in there.
02:29 There are over 400 different kinds of sharks out there,
02:33 different sizes, different appearances,
02:35 and different behaviors.
02:39 You know, a lot of people mistakenly think
02:42 that all sharks like to just bite people.
02:45 But really, there are only a few kinds
02:47 that ever attack humans.
02:50 The great majority of sharks have no interest in you.
02:53 Phew! That's good.
02:56 The majority of the bites come from great white tiger
03:00 and bull sharks.
03:01 That's it.
03:02 And when they do bite, it's because they thought
03:05 you were something else, like a seal or a turtle.
03:08 It's not like they're wandering around,
03:10 looking for people.
03:12 No.
03:14 Hey, in order to learn a little bit more about sharks,
03:17 we're gonna have to go and see them.
03:19 Come on.
03:22 Well, the best place to see sharks
03:24 is in their natural habitat.
03:26 A habitat is where creatures live
03:28 and sharks live in the ocean.
03:31 What is the name of the place where they live in?
03:33 Habitat. Habitat.
03:35 That's right, their habitat.
03:38 Our plan today is to go
03:39 visit some sharks in their habitat, the ocean.
03:43 So the plan is we're gonna take a boat
03:45 and go about three miles out into the ocean to a place
03:48 where the sharks hang out.
03:58 First, our guides take us way out
04:01 into the ocean on the boat.
04:03 As soon as we get there, we can already see
04:05 the sharks in the water, circling the boat.
04:15 A strong cage is then put in the water.
04:18 The idea is that I'll be getting inside that cage
04:21 so I can get as close as possible
04:23 to the sharks in their habitat.
04:29 Sharks are fascinating animals.
04:31 They are fish, but they are a little different
04:34 than most fish though because instead of a bony skeleton,
04:38 their bodies are supported by cartilage.
04:41 What's it supported by?
04:43 Cartilage. Cartilage.
04:44 Yeah, cartilage.
04:45 That's the same stuff that supports your nose.
04:48 One of the hard things that they do have
04:50 in their body is probably their most famous feature,
04:54 their teeth.
04:55 Sharks usually have several rows
04:57 of very sharp teeth.
04:59 The bizarre thing is that their teeth are not like ours
05:02 which are embedded in bone.
05:05 Theirs are embedded in their gums,
05:07 which is why their teeth fall out easily.
05:10 That's why sharks are always
05:12 in the process of growing new teeth.
05:15 Because of that, some sharks can go through
05:17 up to 30,000 teeth in a lifetime.
05:21 How many teeth?
05:22 30,000. 30,000.
05:24 Yeah, 30,000.
05:26 That's a lot of teeth.
05:29 Most sharks have eight fins, but even with so many fins
05:33 they do not have the ability to back up like other fish
05:37 and they only go forward.
05:40 That's pretty much the most important thing anyway
05:42 because they constantly need
05:44 water flowing through their gills.
05:46 Otherwise, they wouldn't get enough oxygen to survive.
06:06 Well, I hope you look at sharks a little bit differently
06:09 now that we know a little bit more about them.
06:14 You know, taking pictures reminds me of all the stuff
06:17 that we learned today.
06:18 If you want to see the pictures, you can.
06:20 Just go to our website at
06:24 and click on Nature Time.
06:26 Well, I'm already looking forward
06:28 to seeing you next time.
06:29 Remember, God is the creator, nature is His masterpiece.
06:34 See you.
06:41 Welcome to Learning Time.
06:42 Today, we are at the
06:44 International Pathfinder Camporee.
06:46 In what state, y'all?
06:48 Wisconsin! Wisconsin.
06:50 And we're camping.
06:52 Have you had a good time camping?
06:53 Yeah!
06:55 Okay, let's find who some of our helpers are today.
06:58 And where are you from and what's your name?
07:00 My name is Evan,
07:02 and I'm from California, San Diego.
07:04 I'm glad you're here. And how about you?
07:07 My name is Robert,
07:08 and I'm from San Diego, California.
07:10 Oh, glad to have you right here,
07:11 and we've got somebody in a very bright shirt.
07:14 My name is Alexis, and I'm from Waycross, Georgia.
07:17 Cool. Waycross, Georgia.
07:18 Man, you're from all over the place.
07:20 And we're here with about 45,000 pathfinders.
07:23 Are you having a good time?
07:24 Yeah!
07:26 Well, today we're gonna do some science right here
07:28 and we're gonna be doing the science of throwing.
07:30 You like to throw things?
07:32 Yeah. Well, here, grab a ball.
07:33 I've got some helpers.
07:35 What we're gonna do is we're gonna throw a tennis ball.
07:36 And then when we throw a tennis ball,
07:38 we use our arms and that's a lever.
07:39 And that's a really good thing
07:41 to have levers on our bodies, right?
07:42 Yeah. Cool.
07:44 So what we're gonna do is we're gonna have them throw.
07:45 And you might want to do this at home
07:47 and this would be really cool.
07:48 But we're gonna try to see how far
07:49 they can throw the tennis ball.
07:51 And then we have five helpers.
07:53 Raise your hand. Where's our helpers?
07:54 So you've got these cones right here.
07:55 They're gonna measure.
07:57 They're gonna mark where you throw the ball,
07:59 okay, and how far it goes.
08:01 And then we're gonna have you do it a little bit differently
08:03 and that's gonna be cool for the science part.
08:05 So, hey, let's go ahead and separate over here.
08:07 Let's give them a nice area so they can throw
08:09 all the way down there.
08:10 Are you ready?
08:12 Okay, all right, spread out a little bit.
08:13 Okay, all right.
08:15 Make sure you're not in front of anybody.
08:16 All right, all right. Here we go.
08:17 And let's give them a countdown.
08:19 Three, two, one, let's go.
08:20 Three, two, one,
08:22 and throw that ball way down there.
08:25 Okay, our markers are gonna mark it.
08:26 Whoa, look at how far that one went down there.
08:29 Okay, they're gonna mark our tennis balls
08:31 to figure out how far they went.
08:32 Okay, now turn around over here.
08:34 Let's see what we got.
08:35 Now have you ever wanted to throw
08:36 even farther than that?
08:38 Yeah. Yeah.
08:39 Well, you know what we can do?
08:41 We can use the science of an ancient device.
08:42 It's called an atlatl.
08:44 And atlatl was used by people a long time ago
08:47 for hunting sometimes, and it gave them better skill,
08:49 and it made them throw things better.
08:51 So here's what we got.
08:52 I've got one of these right here for you.
08:54 So here we go. Go ahead and grab one of those.
08:56 There we go.
08:58 We're gonna use the arms in the same way,
09:00 but now it's gonna make your arm a lot longer
09:03 and the ball ought to do what?
09:04 Go farther.
09:06 It ought to go all out further and that should be really cool.
09:08 All right, are we ready? Okay.
09:10 Okay, spread out right over here.
09:12 And are you ready down there?
09:14 Let's give them a countdown to see if we can go farther.
09:17 Three, two, one,
09:20 and get that thing going right over there.
09:23 Whoa, look how far that one went.
09:25 So far that one went. Whoa.
09:28 Hey, and, you know what,
09:30 most of them went further than the first time.
09:32 Hey, come on back over here. Come on back over here.
09:34 Did you see how far that thing went, those balls went?
09:38 And why did it go farther?
09:40 It went farther because what happened to their arm?
09:45 It really lengthened their arm,
09:47 instead of being an arm this long
09:49 and now it's from here to there.
09:51 And we have a very, very long lever.
09:53 Isn't that cool?
09:55 You know, that reminds me, boys and girls,
09:57 because, you know, sometimes
09:59 if we want things to be different,
10:02 we have to ask, right?
10:03 Yeah! I think so too.
10:05 And so if they asked for this the first time,
10:07 it could've been thrown really, really far.
10:10 And that reminds me of a text in the Bible
10:12 and it's from Matthew, Matthew 7:7.
10:15 says that, it says,
10:18 "Ask and you shall," what?
10:20 Receive. "Receive."
10:22 Because sometimes we don't ask God,
10:23 we don't ask Jesus for help
10:26 and He wants to help us all the time.
10:28 Isn't that cool?
10:29 Yeah. I think so too.
10:31 Remember, when we learn more about science,
10:33 we learn more about our creator, God.
10:45 Mm, these cookies smell delicious,
10:47 and they're my favorite.
10:50 They sure do smell delicious.
10:52 Oh, they look amazing.
10:54 I think I'm gonna eat one, like, right now.
10:56 No, Miss Brenda told us not to eat any before dinner.
11:01 Oh, she won't mind
11:03 if there's just, like, a few missing.
11:10 Hi, kids.
11:11 Hi, Miss Brenda.
11:14 We were just talking about
11:17 how much we were looking forward to dinner.
11:21 Oh, really now? That's not what I heard.
11:26 You know, kids, I realized that
11:27 sometimes self-control isn't always easy, is it?
11:31 Would you like to hear a story?
11:32 Ooh! We love stories.
11:35 Well, I'd like to tell you a story about a man
11:37 who had trouble with self-control.
11:39 And his name was Samson.
11:44 You know, the family of Manoah lived near the hill country
11:47 overlooking the Philistine plain.
11:49 And one night, an angel of God appeared to Manoah's wife,
11:53 bearing a message of a son.
11:55 When she shared the message with her husband,
11:57 he prayed that the angel would come again.
12:01 There, just as I told you,
12:03 the angel of God has appeared again.
12:05 God has answered your prayer.
12:07 Let him repeat the message to you.
12:12 Are you the man who spoke to this woman?
12:17 I am.
12:18 Let your words come to pass.
12:21 What will be the boy's rule of life and his work?
12:27 Indeed.
12:29 You will both be blessed with a son.
12:32 He will be stronger than any other,
12:35 a Nazirite from birth that will begin
12:38 the deliverance of Israel.
12:41 While a child, you shall have no drink of the wine,
12:45 nor other strong drink.
12:48 You shall eat nothing that is considered unclean,
12:51 and also the same shall be for the child.
12:55 He is to be denied strong drink and unclean meals,
13:00 but most importantly,
13:01 let no razor come to touch his hair.
13:05 This is the will of God.
13:09 Yes, this shall be done,
13:11 and we shall raise this child
13:15 as you have instructed.
13:21 Samson's parents did exactly as the angel instructed them.
13:24 And Samson grew up to be a very strong man.
13:28 His strength was so impressive
13:31 that he attracted a lot of attention.
13:36 Wow.
13:40 Oh, Samson, you are so strong.
13:44 I know. Let me show you.
13:46 Ow! Ow! Ow!
13:50 But Samson did not use his strength with grace.
13:53 And in spite of what God had planned for Samson,
13:57 he fell in with the wrong crowd.
13:59 He became friends with the Philistines
14:02 and they were enemies of the Israelites.
14:05 Against his parent's wishes, he married a Philistine woman.
14:09 Of course, it ended badly and Samson took his anger out
14:13 on her people by burning up their fields,
14:16 destroying their vineyards, and killing 3,000 Philistines
14:21 with the jawbone of a donkey.
14:24 After his victory, the Israelites were inspired.
14:27 They fought for their freedom
14:29 and they rewarded Samson by making him a judge.
14:33 But he hadn't quite learned his lesson yet.
14:37 So what did he do?
14:39 Well, that's a good question, Kylie.
14:41 Do you know Samson placed too much trust
14:43 in his own physical strength and forgot where his problems
14:47 had come from in the first place?
14:49 Eventually, Samson found himself
14:52 taken by the beauty of another woman.
14:55 And her name was Delilah.
14:57 Ooh! Ooh!
15:05 Delilah, listen, you're being paid
15:11 to find the source of Samson's strength.
15:14 Now what's taking so long?
15:16 I just need a little more time.
15:18 Now go with haste before he returns.
15:21 We'll go, but you better find out that secret.
15:39 Samson, welcome home, my dear.
15:42 Oh, it's so good to see you.
15:44 Delilah, you grow more beautiful
15:47 with each passing second.
15:49 You claim to love me.
15:51 Is that right, my dear?
15:53 Yes.
15:54 Well, since you love me so much,
15:56 you would never keep anything from me.
15:58 Would you?
16:00 Of course, not.
16:02 Well, then tell me this,
16:04 what is the source of your strength?
16:06 Is there anything capable of weakening you?
16:09 Please don't lie to me again.
16:11 First, it was fresh bowstrings
16:13 and when I tied your hands with them,
16:15 you broke them like they were straw.
16:17 And then you lied again and said that
16:19 new rope would take away your strength,
16:20 but no, you broke those as easily as the bow strings.
16:24 And the last time I asked, and we sat all that time,
16:28 weaving your seven braids into the loom,
16:30 and when you woke up,
16:32 you not only freed yourself from the loom,
16:34 but I had to buy a new one.
16:36 Now stop lying to me.
16:39 If you truly love me,
16:41 you'd stop making such a fool out of me.
16:44 Delilah, I'm sorry.
16:49 I will tell you the source of my strength,
16:54 but you must never tell anyone.
16:59 My hair has never been cut.
17:03 And if a razor were to cut off my hair,
17:05 I would lose my strength.
17:09 Your hair? Truly?
17:12 Let me get this straight.
17:14 If your hair is cut,
17:17 you'll be as weak as any other man?
17:21 Yes, Delilah.
17:23 This is my secret.
17:25 My hair must never be cut.
17:32 Samson doesn't seem very smart.
17:34 Did he really think he could trust Delilah?
17:36 Well, that's a good point, Ethan.
17:38 I just want to know if she cut his hair or not.
17:40 So did she?
17:42 Yes, she did.
17:43 She told the Philistines what Samson had said.
17:46 And the next time they came,
17:48 they shaved off his hair as soon as he fell asleep.
17:53 And so for the first time in his entire life,
17:57 Samson's hair was cut.
17:59 Without his strength, he was easily taken prisoner.
18:03 And then the Philistines paid Delilah for a job well done.
18:11 Oh, Samson, the Philistines are upon you.
18:33 To celebrate the victory over their long pursuit enemy,
18:37 the Philistine royalty threw a great feast
18:40 in the temple of their God, to which Delilah was invited.
18:44 After being captured,
18:46 Samson's eyes had been gouged out
18:48 and he had been thrown in prison.
18:50 But this celebration called for his presence,
18:54 a blind Samson was brought out of prison
18:57 and brought to the temple
18:58 to provide entertainment for the guests.
19:01 Attention, everyone!
19:03 Our God has delivered into our hands Samson,
19:09 our enemy.
19:32 Samson had been a prisoner for so long
19:35 that his hair had started to grow back
19:37 and with it, his strength.
19:40 Can you take me to the pillars?
19:53 I have no one to blame, but himself.
19:57 I was given a great gift and I turned away from God.
20:04 Father, You have not forgotten me.
20:11 I pray to You, give me strength,
20:16 just this once that I may destroy the Philistines,
20:21 even if I must die too.
20:45 It seems to me, like,
20:46 Samson was like the strongest man in the world.
20:49 But he was also very weak.
20:51 He made some really bad choices.
20:54 You're right, Kylie.
20:56 And you're right, Ethan, too.
20:57 But God wants us to make the right choices, doesn't He?
21:01 And He wants us to live long and happy lives.
21:03 And we can do that by following His plan
21:07 and trusting in Him
21:08 even when were tempted to go against His plan.
21:11 So remember, even when it's hard,
21:14 trust in God.
21:16 And do what you know to be right.
21:19 Well, kids, it's almost dinner time.
21:22 Well, we'll help you set the table for dinner.
21:25 And then we can have some your delicious cookies after dinner.
21:28 That's a good plan. Let's get started, kids.
21:31 Let's get the plates over here.
21:44 More about Jesus I would know
21:48 More of His grace to others show
21:53 More of His saving fullness see
21:58 More of His love
22:00 Who died for me
22:02 More, more about Jesus
22:07 More, more about Jesus
22:11 More of His saving fullness see
22:16 More of His love
22:19 Who died for me
22:30 Hi, boys and girls,
22:31 it's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
22:34 And today's book is by Stanley M. Maxwell
22:38 and it has a funny title.
22:40 It's called "Him Big God Day
22:42 And Other Remarkable Sabbath Stories."
22:45 Isn't that kind of funny title?
22:46 "Him Big God Day."
22:48 Well, it's filled with mission stories
22:49 and you will want to read this book.
22:52 I'm excited to have this time with you.
22:53 I thought today I would share some of your letters
22:56 that you've written telling me what you do to share Jesus.
23:00 Kids' Time has been on the air for now for almost 15 years.
23:03 And over the years,
23:04 I've received letters from over 119 different countries.
23:08 Isn't that amazing?
23:09 And today, I also want to invite you to join
23:12 our Kids Club and sign up for our Bible lessons.
23:15 We have over 30,000 kids enrolled in Bible studies
23:19 right now today.
23:20 And I am praising Jesus for each one of you.
23:22 So if you are not yet signed up for our Kids Club,
23:26 go to and sign up today.
23:29 Won't you?
23:31 And when you're all done with the lessons, guess what,
23:33 we're gonna send you a brand new Bible absolutely free.
23:36 Isn't that wonderful?
23:38 Well, somebody that's joining us today
23:39 for a while I read the letters is Maxwell.
23:42 Hey, Max. Maxwell is doing well.
23:44 Maxwell is famous for and that is, he's sleeping.
23:48 Yes, Maxwell's famous for sleeping,
23:50 and there is a reason why Maxwell so sleepy.
23:53 So many people will ask me,
23:54 "Why is Maxwell so sleepy? Do you drug him?"
23:57 And no, we do not drag them.
23:58 We don't do anything to make him sleepy.
24:00 In fact, when people ask me, do you know what I tell them?
24:03 I say Jesus makes him sleepy and they're like, "What?"
24:07 And yes, that's true.
24:09 The secret to why Maxwell is so sleepy
24:11 is in my bedtime story books.
24:13 I have five books, Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories.
24:15 And in volume one, there's a chapter called
24:18 "Maxwell, the Kids Time Dog."
24:20 And the secret why Maxwell's so sleepy
24:22 is in that volume one, "Maxwell, the Kids Time Dog."
24:26 It's a pretty amazing story. I think you'll like it.
24:29 Well, Maxwell's sleeping, but you're not.
24:31 Let's read some letters.
24:32 I have a letter here from St. Lucia.
24:35 And let's see...
24:37 Oh, we have a picture, and I love the pictures.
24:39 Thank you, boys and girls, for the pictures.
24:41 There is a picture right there, and let's see what she says,
24:44 "Dear, Miss Brenda,
24:46 my name is Darcel, and I'm 10 years old.
24:49 I love watching Kids' Time and my favorite parts are
24:51 Learning Time and Story Time.
24:53 I share Jesus by singing
24:55 and I also share Him everywhere I meet.
24:57 And I can't wait to meet Jesus in heaven.
25:00 I am praying for you too.
25:01 Your dear friend, Darcel.
25:03 Darcel, thank you for your letter,
25:04 and thank you for your prayers.
25:06 That means a lot to Miss Brenda.
25:08 I really appreciate your prayers, boys and girls.
25:10 So many of you write and tell me,
25:11 you're praying for me,
25:13 and that's one of the best things
25:14 people can do for me. I thank you for that.
25:16 This letter is from North Carolina, from Emily.
25:20 Now let's see what Emily...
25:21 Oh, Emily's got a picture, too.
25:23 And let's see...
25:24 Oops, I had to tear it off of here.
25:26 Let you see that picture.
25:28 There it is. There's Emily.
25:29 It said, "Dear, Miss Brenda, my name is Emily,
25:32 and I'm nine years old, and in 4th grade.
25:35 I'm in homeschooled and I really like it.
25:37 I live in North Carolina
25:39 and I share Jesus by holding doors open for people
25:42 and smiling at them in the store or the school,
25:45 or the library, or wherever I am.
25:47 I am enjoying the Bible lessons you sent.
25:49 I love Jesus and I'm learning a lot about Him.
25:52 Please give Max a pat for me. Love, Emily.
25:56 Well, Emily, I'm just gonna give Maxwell
25:57 a little pat right here.
25:58 And you see there, hey, Max, that's from Emily.
26:02 You know, I want to thank you so much,
26:04 Emily, for your letter,
26:05 and I'm glad you're enjoying the lessons.
26:07 Keep doing the lessons and finish
26:09 so that you can get your free Bible, okay?
26:11 And every time you get an envelope
26:13 from Miss Brenda in the mail,
26:14 I put a little surprise in there for you, too.
26:16 I love surprises.
26:17 Well, I want to thank Maxwell for joining us today.
26:20 And Maxwell is still enjoying his snooze.
26:22 Boys and girls, wherever you go,
26:24 whatever you do, I want you to remember
26:26 it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.
26:39 Kids' Time
27:02 Kids' Time, Kids' Time
27:04 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time
27:10 Kids' Time


Revised 2018-06-18