Kids Time

Tower of Babel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000322A

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:03 We're going to be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them
00:21 That He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time, Kids' Time
00:28 Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 Have you ever wondered
00:34 why people like to build tall buildings?
00:37 Right now, the tallest building in the world
00:39 is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
00:43 and it's 2,717 feet high.
00:47 I'm sure someone out there
00:49 is already trying to build a skyscraper
00:51 that's even taller.
00:53 I guess, it's human nature to want to build
00:55 or own the biggest and the best.
00:57 Some people want the fastest car
00:59 or the largest home
01:00 or have more money than anyone else.
01:03 You know, boys and girls, people really haven't changed
01:06 that much since Bible times.
01:08 There's a story in the Bible about a group of people
01:11 who wanted to build
01:12 the tallest building ever built,
01:14 but, as you will see,
01:15 that venture didn't go quite so well,
01:18 in fact, that story kind of explains
01:21 why there are so many nations and languages
01:23 in the world today.
01:25 I'll tell you more in just a few minutes,
01:27 but first, it's time for Nature Time!
01:36 Hey, everyone. It's me Rich Aguilera.
01:39 And as usual, I'm here taking pictures
01:41 of some of the amazing things God has made,
01:44 it's everywhere.
01:48 As you know, I love talking about nature,
01:51 all of the stuff that God has created.
01:54 Have you ever made something out of Legos
01:57 or clay or something like that?
01:58 You loved that thing you created,
02:00 and God also loves the things that He has created.
02:04 The things that we create are very special to us,
02:07 and of course, the things God creates
02:08 are very special to Him, like us.
02:11 Why are we so special to God?
02:13 He made us.
02:14 That's right, because He made us.
02:17 You know what we humans try do sometimes,
02:19 we try to copy God, we try to create stuff.
02:23 Today, I want to talk to you about something
02:25 a little bit different.
02:26 I want to talk to you about some of the stuff
02:27 that we've created.
02:29 Wait a second, we've created?
02:30 Well, sort of, stuff that we've tried to create
02:33 using some of God's nature.
02:35 Let's check it out.
02:39 This is Notre-Dame in Paris, France.
02:42 Wow!
02:43 Look at this building behind me.
02:45 I've got to take a picture.
02:50 Wow, that's amazing.
02:52 They definitely don't make them like they used to.
02:55 Hey, you know what it's made of?
02:56 It's made of something that God made.
02:59 Let's take a close-up look.
03:03 Wow, this sure is a big building.
03:09 See?
03:10 This building is made up of stones,
03:13 thousands upon thousands of stones
03:15 that were cut from a mountain somewhere
03:17 and brought here and stacked up
03:19 to make this wonderful building.
03:21 I'm going to take a picture.
03:23 It's amazing to think
03:25 that all this was made out of stones.
03:28 What's it made out of?
03:30 Stones.
03:31 Yeah, stones, stones that God made.
03:36 If you think about it,
03:38 this building is a lot like you and me.
03:41 Each one of you was shaped by God,
03:44 and each one of you is special and important,
03:47 each one of you
03:48 has special place on this earth
03:50 where you can serve God.
03:53 God created stones, and God created you and me.
03:58 Who did God create?
04:00 You and me.
04:01 That's right, you and me.
04:04 God has made some amazing things.
04:06 You know, for many years,
04:08 man has loved building things out of stones.
04:12 Let me show you a few more.
04:13 Come on.
04:19 Wow.
04:21 This is an ancient stadium in Rome,
04:23 it's made with lots of stones.
04:25 I got to take a picture.
04:30 Pretty cool, but let's look inside.
04:32 Let's take a look.
04:34 Wow, this stadium is almost 2,000 years old.
04:39 It's definitely not the way it was originally built,
04:42 but it's still pretty cool.
04:43 I've got to take a picture.
04:48 You know, over the centuries, it's been falling apart.
04:52 But I know what you're thinking,
04:53 "It's made of stone."
04:55 But even, over time, stone falls apart.
04:58 You know what?
04:59 The Bible says that God's love is forever,
05:02 it'll never fall apart, like stone.
05:18 Wow.
05:19 Look at that beautiful castle,
05:21 and you know what it's made of?
05:23 Stone.
05:27 I've got to take a picture.
05:34 You know what?
05:35 We can actually get quite a bit closer
05:37 and get a good look at the stone, close-up.
05:39 Let's go.
05:46 Wow, pretty nice castle,
05:48 someone did a really nice job designing it.
05:50 I'm going to take a picture of it.
05:54 You know what?
05:55 We can get closer to the castle.
05:56 Come on.
06:00 Stone.
06:07 Wow, pretty cool.
06:13 Now those are a lot of stones, and God made them.
06:19 If you want to see my pictures, you can.
06:21 Just go to our website at
06:25 and click on Nature Time.
06:27 Well, you know that God is the Creator,
06:31 Nature is His masterpiece.
06:33 See you!
06:40 Welcome to Learning Time.
06:41 I'm glad you joined us today.
06:43 And we are in a very special place,
06:44 aren't we?
06:46 Yes. Where are we?
06:47 Oshkosh.
06:49 We're at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and we're here
06:51 at the International Pathfinder Camporee,
06:53 and there's like 45,000 campers here,
06:56 and that's really exciting, isn't it?
06:58 Yes.
06:59 Hey, we got some people
07:01 that are going to help me today,
07:02 and why don't you tell us
07:03 your name and where are you from?
07:05 I'm Rayna, and I'm from Tennessee.
07:06 Hey, thanks for helping us today.
07:08 We've got two over here.
07:09 Where are you from?
07:10 I'm Anthony, and I'm from Kansas.
07:12 Kansas. And what's your name?
07:14 I'm Lexi, and I'm from New Mexico.
07:15 Wow.
07:17 So we're from every place, right, all over the nation,
07:20 actually, worldwide, isn't it?
07:21 Well, today, we're going to be doing some science,
07:23 and I hope that you like rainbows.
07:25 You all like rainbows?
07:27 Yes.
07:28 Yeah, rainbows are really cool,
07:29 but, you know, you can make rainbows
07:31 and you can make rainbows at your home.
07:33 And we're going to show you
07:34 how you can make a very, very simple rainbow,
07:36 but they're really, really beautiful.
07:37 So what I'm going to do is I need my three helpers.
07:41 Okay, why don't you come over here with me?
07:42 Okay, there we go.
07:44 And I'm going to need...
07:45 Let's see, well, we got the Sun.
07:46 Now the Sun is very important
07:48 if you're going to make these rainbows.
07:49 And so why don't you stand here by me?
07:50 Right here, right here, there we go.
07:52 We're going to have to face that direction.
07:53 And can you go over there, way over there, way,
07:56 way over there, way over there?
07:57 And I want you to go right back over there
07:59 by those gentlemen, right here.
08:01 Now what we're going to do is this,
08:03 I'm going to get this little hose,
08:04 we've got a hose,
08:05 and it's all set up for sprinklers,
08:08 and we're going to ask our cameraman to come back
08:10 behind us so we can get some shots too.
08:12 We all like a shower. Would you like a shower?
08:14 No. Are you sure?
08:17 Well, no, we're not going to give you a shower,
08:19 but what we're going to do
08:21 is we're going to try to get some rain drops.
08:23 From right behind me, the Sun is right behind me.
08:25 That's very important, you have to have the Sun
08:27 right behind you, and I'm going to use this shower rainbow...
08:31 It's really not a rainbow, but that's a rainbow color,
08:33 and we're going to spread some color right over here.
08:36 I want you to tell me can you see the rainbow.
08:39 No. She can't see the rainbow.
08:41 Can you see the rainbow?
08:43 You can see it? Mm-hm.
08:44 She can see it!
08:45 Wow.
08:47 Now I'll tell you what?
08:48 Do you want to see it? Sure.
08:49 Come over here by me.
08:51 You want to see it? Mm-hm.
08:52 Come on over here by us,
08:53 and let's see if we can...
08:55 Can you see the rainbow now? Yes, I can.
08:56 Can you see the rainbow now? Yes.
08:58 Can you see the rainbow?
08:59 No. No?
09:00 Some of you...
09:02 Hey, move back behind us over here and see, come on,
09:03 so you can see it too.
09:04 But you have to be at the right angle,
09:06 the Sun has to be at your back,
09:09 and then you have to have some kind of a spray.
09:11 And this spray is really, really important
09:13 because each one of those little,
09:15 tiny water drops acts as a prism,
09:18 and it breaks up the light from the Sun.
09:20 The Sun is being refracted by those little droplets,
09:24 and it causes us to see
09:25 all of the colors of the rainbow.
09:27 You know, the sunlight, the white sunlight,
09:29 the yellow sunlight, it's actually white,
09:31 but it has all of those colors in it,
09:33 but you and I can't see it unless we refract it
09:36 and break it up.
09:37 Now there was a guy that lived a long time ago?
09:40 His name was Sir Isaac...
09:41 Newton. Newton.
09:42 You've heard about him, haven't you?
09:44 And what he did was he took some white light from the Sun
09:47 and he shone it, put it right through a prism,
09:50 and it broke it up into the rainbow colors.
09:52 And that was an awe kind of a time.
09:54 And then he said, "You know what?
09:55 Maybe we could take all of those colors
09:57 and focus them back through the prism."
09:59 And what do you suppose he got?
10:01 White light. Isn't that cool?
10:03 So all of our colors of our rainbow come from the...
10:07 Sun. The Sun.
10:08 You know what the sun reminds me
10:09 of because of that rainbow?
10:11 When was the first rainbow ever?
10:13 Noah, it was in the ark.
10:15 And that was God's covenant to his people.
10:17 The first covenant or the first promise
10:20 that God had for us, and it was in the form of a rainbow.
10:24 And you know what, when God gives us a promise,
10:27 can we trust His promise?
10:29 Oh, yeah, His promise,
10:30 we can always trust God's promises
10:32 because they always come...
10:34 True. They always come true.
10:36 And, you know, every time we learn more about science,
10:39 we learn more about our Creator, God.
10:58 I can't seem to find this piece I'm looking for.
11:02 Whoa, that's pretty good.
11:05 It's our church.
11:06 See, here's the window, here's the door,
11:08 and it even has a cool bell.
11:11 Well, what I'm building is going
11:13 to be even better.
11:14 I'm making the International Tower of Awesome.
11:20 Though I might need to use some of your bricks
11:22 from your church though.
11:25 Careful now, I know a story about some people
11:28 who built a tower out of pride
11:30 that didn't exactly go the way they planned.
11:34 What do you mean, Miss Brenda?
11:35 They probably ran out of money, bricks are expensive.
11:39 No, money wasn't the problem.
11:42 Why don't you two take a break from your Legos?
11:44 And would you like to hear a story?
11:46 Yeah.
11:48 Well, I have a story about a massive tower
11:49 from a long time ago.
11:51 After the Great Flood, the descendants of Noah settled
11:54 near the mountains that had provided the ark
11:56 with safety during its long journey.
11:59 Over time, the world was repopulated.
12:02 Many chose to follow a righteous path,
12:05 they gave thanks to their Creator
12:07 and lived their lives as He intended.
12:10 There were also those that chose to ignore
12:13 the will of God, they quickly forgot
12:15 the deliverance of the Great Flood.
12:18 Those who stayed true to their Lord tried to convince
12:21 the others to repent and ask for forgiveness,
12:24 but this only resulted in terrible arguments.
12:28 Finally, wishing to distance themselves from those
12:31 who had remained faithful,
12:33 they separated in hopes of finding
12:35 a place of their own.
12:37 Eventually, they made a new home
12:39 near the banks of the River Euphrates.
12:41 It was a beautiful place with much to offer.
12:45 Full of pride and encouraged by the rebellious spirit,
12:48 they formed plans for a great city
12:51 and a great tower...
12:52 Hurry up!
12:54 That would reach so high into the sky
12:55 that the whole world would notice.
12:58 After the flood,
12:59 what God really wanted was for Noah's family
13:02 to start over, to repopulate the earth.
13:05 There was a great, big world out there,
13:07 and He wanted them to explore it,
13:09 to spread out and take advantage of all
13:12 that He had created.
13:13 Wow, what a plan!
13:14 That sounds fun.
13:16 I like exploring.
13:17 The people planning the city,
13:19 they hoped that it would be so big
13:21 and so great that everyone would go against God's plan
13:25 and stay in one place.
13:28 They wanted to rule over everyone.
13:30 The powerful men who wanted to build the city,
13:34 they wanted to be more important
13:35 than God himself.
13:37 Whoa! Nobody is better than God.
13:40 That's right.
13:41 Many of the people, including women and children,
13:44 were assigned the job of making enough bricks
13:47 to make their dream a reality.
13:50 Though the people had turned away from God,
13:53 they had not forgotten the events of the flood.
13:56 They did not believe that God would keep His word.
13:59 So they vowed to protect themselves
14:02 by building a tower so tall
14:04 that it would be higher than any flood water.
14:08 What they didn't realize is that they could not
14:11 protect themselves from the pride
14:14 found within their hearts.
14:16 Magnificent, isn't it? Oh, yeah.
14:17 Indeed, it is.
14:19 This is my life's greatest achievement.
14:23 I mean our...
14:24 our greatest achievement.
14:26 We got a lot to be proud of.
14:28 It's remarkable, I mean, man, this is not even completed
14:31 and people are already moving in.
14:34 I mean, look at the lower section,
14:35 would you believe
14:37 they're already completely full?
14:38 I wonder how long it would take for us
14:40 to get to the top.
14:43 I don't know.
14:44 Forever, I imagine.
14:46 But what does it matter to us?
14:48 When we're done,
14:50 the people are sure to take us to the top of it,
14:51 and we can live out the rest of our days
14:54 as powerful men and women...
14:56 Yes.
14:58 And spend the rest of our lives lavished by servants.
15:06 Angered by the city's prideful ways
15:09 and the idol worship that was becoming
15:11 more and more common,
15:12 God sent an angel to interrupt the construction of the tower.
15:18 Listen, I'm going to need some more tar for this level
15:21 to start working on the second...
15:24 What?
15:25 I said I'm going to need some more tar for this level.
15:28 What are you talking about? I can't understand.
15:31 You're not..
15:32 What? What is he saying?
15:34 Do you understand what he's saying?
15:36 I don't...
15:37 I don't know what he's saying.
15:40 You're not making any sense. You're not making any sense.
15:43 What is wrong?
15:45 Where are you going?
15:46 Get back here!
15:49 I can't understand a...
15:50 I can't understand a word you are saying!
15:53 What is going on here?
15:54 I don't understand a word you're saying!
15:59 What is everyone saying?
16:01 After the angel had disrupted their work,
16:04 creating confusion by introducing
16:06 the different languages,
16:08 construction of the great tower stopped.
16:12 The workers found it impossible to work together
16:14 because they could no longer understand each other.
16:23 Although the master builder pleaded
16:25 with the people to stay, God had a different plan.
16:30 What is going on here?
16:32 Where are you going? Where are you going?
16:41 You have to stay, you have to stay,
16:42 you have to stay.
16:48 What are you doing? You can't leave!
16:51 Can't leave!
16:52 I need you to stay.
16:54 No! Don't go!
16:59 We need to build the tower, we need to build the tower.
17:03 Can't you understand?
17:04 You cannot leave.
17:07 You can't leave.
17:09 Don't... Don't...
17:13 Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey...
17:16 You can't...
17:17 You can't leave.
17:29 That's great. That's great.
17:31 That's magical. Go, you cowards!
17:34 His will was ultimately carried out.
17:37 You see, kids, God doesn't want us to be proud,
17:41 He doesn't want us to compete to see
17:42 who is the biggest and the most impressive.
17:45 Instead of trying to build ourselves up,
17:48 we should always put others first.
17:51 We should be happy for others when they do something good.
17:54 That's how we glorify God, by being humble and unselfish.
17:59 Just an ounce of pride in our hearts
18:02 will keep us out of heaven.
18:04 Does that make sense?
18:06 I think so.
18:11 What are you doing, Logan?
18:13 I think this world needs more churches and less towers,
18:18 so I'm going to build a church.
18:22 Well, that's right, boys.
18:25 I think churches are better than towers, don't you?
18:27 Yeah.
18:29 Miss Brenda, do you want to help?
18:31 Well, I'd be glad to.
18:33 I don't know a lot about Legos,
18:35 would you boys teach me?
18:36 Okay, where do we start?
18:38 I think I'm going to need something like this.
19:01 Jesus draw me close
19:05 Closer Lord to You
19:10 Let the world around me
19:14 Fade away
19:19 Jesus draw me close
19:24 Closer Lord to You
19:28 For I desire to worship
19:32 And obey
19:38 Jesus draw me close
19:42 Closer Lord to You
19:47 Let the world around me
19:50 Fade away
19:56 Jesus draw me close
20:00 Closer Lord to You
20:04 For I desire to worship
20:08 And obey
20:13 For I desire to worship
20:17 And obey
20:33 It's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day.
20:36 And today's book is called The Schoolhouse Burned Twice,
20:41 and it's by BA Larsen, and it is filled
20:45 with wonderful stories all back in the old times,
20:49 and I'll give you a hint,
20:50 there are some Indian stories in here.
20:53 The Schoolhouse Burned Twice.
20:56 Well, today is a very special program.
20:58 I have a very good friend of mine with us today.
21:00 I love her very much, and I've loved for a long time,
21:04 and her name is Nori.
21:05 And, Nori, thank you so much for being here with me today.
21:08 Hi, I'm glad to be here.
21:10 Well, I'm so glad that you're here,
21:12 and you have a very special story.
21:14 For as long as I've known you,
21:15 you have always shined for Jesus.
21:19 And you've helped me a lot on our Bible stories,
21:21 haven't you?
21:22 You dress up, and it doesn't matter
21:24 what character I ask her to be,
21:25 we dress her up and she goes out on the set.
21:28 And you really are a shining star for Jesus.
21:30 Thank you.
21:31 And one thing that a lot of people
21:33 might not know though is that
21:35 you developed an illness, you became ill.
21:37 And tell me a little bit about...
21:40 You started getting sick and you went to the doctor
21:42 and the doctor told you what was wrong.
21:46 What did the doctor say?
21:47 They said I would have to have a colostomy
21:50 because I was bleeding a lot,
21:53 and so...
21:56 You were really sick. Mm-hm.
21:57 You were having trouble eating.
21:58 Yes, and I couldn't keep things down.
22:00 You couldn't keep things down, and you went in,
22:02 and got checked, and they said that
22:04 what they would have to do is
22:06 they'd have to do a colostomy.
22:07 Now, for boys and girls that don't know what that is,
22:09 what is that?
22:10 It's a bag for like to...
22:12 that your stool comes out in,
22:13 like, if it can't come out the other way.
22:15 So they take your intestine and they bring it out
22:17 to the outside of your body and they attach a bag in there,
22:20 then you can't go to the bathroom
22:21 like normal boys and girls go to the bathroom.
22:24 Mm-hm.
22:25 And so for some boys and girls,
22:26 they'd have a hard time with that, wouldn't they?
22:28 Mm-hm.
22:29 And they'd also, probably, maybe even blame God
22:31 or be mad at God or "Why did this happen to me?"
22:34 But I've never seen that in you at all, Nori.
22:37 I have seen you as a witness for Jesus,
22:39 and you've been in the hospital a lot.
22:41 In fact, you were in the hospital
22:43 just a couple of days ago.
22:44 And you just got out
22:46 and you still said you'd come and do this program with me,
22:48 and I want to thank you for that.
22:50 Tell me, you've had many opportunities to witness
22:52 through these hospital visits,
22:54 tell me about some of them.
22:55 Well, there was a time
22:56 when I used to do my physical therapy,
22:58 and that was before I had my surgery
22:59 and I got my colostomy.
23:01 And the person, my physical therapist,
23:04 she would always ask me if I was scared or like
23:07 if I didn't maybe want to do the surgery
23:08 because I was afraid of the anesthesia or like...
23:11 'Cause she heard stories about people not waking up,
23:13 so she, you know, asked me about that.
23:14 And, you know, I said like,
23:16 "If it's God's will, I'll make it through it.
23:17 So I don't have to be scared.
23:20 If He wants me to go through this,
23:22 I get to share my faith through this
23:23 if I do wake up."
23:25 So you weren't afraid at all? No.
23:27 No, because you trusted in Jesus.
23:29 And I know that you sang a lot in the hospital.
23:31 Oh, yeah.
23:32 I noticed that there were a lot of times
23:34 when singing brought you joy.
23:36 And if you were afraid at all, you were singing.
23:39 Even in the operating room when they were taking you in,
23:42 you were singing.
23:43 Yup, and my favorite song is
23:45 "Lord, prepare me to be a Sanctuary."
23:46 I like to sing that song,
23:48 like, when they're doing another IV,
23:49 like, if it, you know, best or anything,
23:52 like I like doing that
23:53 because it just like keeps me calm.
23:54 It keeps you calm.
23:56 And I've had an opportunity to call you many times
23:58 and talk to you right before surgery
24:00 or text you before surgery
24:02 and let you know I was praying for you
24:03 and even pray with you sometimes before your surgery.
24:06 We were at Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
24:09 and you happened to be in the hospital.
24:11 I know you were really disappointed
24:12 because you had planned to be in Oshkosh.
24:14 You were 11 years old,
24:16 and it was going to be your first year
24:18 that you could come to a camporee, right?
24:20 And you were really excited.
24:21 We were taping Kids' Time programs up there,
24:23 and you were going to be my helper,
24:25 and we were excited about having you come up,
24:27 and then you got sick and you couldn't come
24:29 and you were in the hospital.
24:31 And I felt really bad that you couldn't be there,
24:34 and we were doing some live programs
24:36 from the camporee each night.
24:38 And some of you viewers might remember,
24:40 on the live program, I said...
24:42 I talked about you and I said,
24:44 "I wanted to say a special hello
24:46 to my friend, Nori,
24:48 who's in the hospital right now."
24:49 And we had a prayer for you.
24:50 But where were you?
24:52 Did you get to see Miss Brenda saying
24:53 "Hi, Nori," right there on live television?
24:55 Yeah, I was...
24:56 It was actually on my mom's iPad,
24:58 we have the app of 3ABN,
24:59 we have the 3ABN Kids Network.
25:01 You're in the hospital room. Mm-hm.
25:02 I was in my...
25:04 Yeah, I was in a small room, in my hospital room.
25:05 And my nurse came, and her name was Amy,
25:08 and like, it was me and my mom.
25:09 Me and my mom were all crunched up on my bed,
25:11 waiting, and it was skipping, so we were kind of sad, like,
25:13 if we were going to get to see it or not.
25:15 And then finally, you said, like, "I love you,"
25:17 and like you wished I was there,
25:18 and we were all crying, even my nurse was crying.
25:20 Aw!
25:22 And I was just hoping and praying, and I said,
25:24 "Lord, please help her to be awake
25:25 so she can see this."
25:27 I knew you'd be watching the live feed tonight.
25:29 And I said, "Oh, Lord, please help her to be awake."
25:31 And then to find out that you were
25:32 and you got to see it, I was so happy.
25:35 It was...
25:36 It was amazing to see it, like I cried for a long time.
25:39 Well, now the boys and girls that saw that are going to know
25:42 who Nori is because now they can see you.
25:45 So even in the bad times, you have praised Jesus.
25:48 And what would you tell boys and girls
25:50 who are suffering with illness right now?
25:52 Don't give up, and like always have faith
25:55 because it could be happening for a reason,
25:57 for you to be able to share with other people
25:59 about your testimony.
26:01 So it can maybe bring another soul to Christ.
26:03 Praise the Lord.
26:04 Well, I want to encourage you,
26:06 boys and girls, to keep sharing Jesus.
26:08 Wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:10 it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.
26:24 Kids' Time
26:47 Kids' Time, Kids' Time
26:49 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time
26:55 Kids' Time


Revised 2018-06-28