Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000319
00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're going to be late. 00:03 It's time to share There's a world out there 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:11 It's time to share There's a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:24 Kids' time, Kids' time 00:26 Kids' time Kids' time 00:28 Kids' time 00:31 Hi, boys and girls. 00:32 I travel all over the world and wherever I go, 00:36 I talk to people about Jesus and how much He loves them. 00:39 Maybe I've met some of you, 00:41 but as much as I love traveling I also love going home. 00:46 Boys and girls, lots of people in this world 00:48 haven't heard about Jesus yet. 00:50 And I sure hope you're telling your friends 00:52 about Him everywhere you go. 00:54 The place I really want to go home to is heaven 00:57 where people won't get sick and die 00:59 and children will always be safe and happy 01:01 and have plenty to eat, 01:03 that's what the Bible is all about to help us, 01:05 get ready to go to our heavenly home. 01:08 Someday we'll all go to heaven to live with Jesus forever. 01:11 Wouldn't that be wonderful? 01:13 I can hardly wait. 01:15 Well, right now let's get ready for "Nature Time." 01:26 Oh, hi, kids. 01:27 I'm Rich Aguilera and I'm glad you're here. 01:31 As usual I'm here looking around 01:35 and taking pictures of some of the amazing things 01:37 that God made. 01:39 It's everywhere. 01:41 Anyway I'm glad you're here 01:43 because today we are going to learn about whales. 01:48 The sad thing is that not long ago 01:51 people used to hunt them. 01:53 They used to hunt them so much 01:55 that they were in danger of becoming extinct. 01:58 That's when a certain type of animal is completely gone. 02:02 We don't want that to happen to the whales 02:03 or any kind of animal. 02:05 So what are we gonna do? 02:09 We're gonna protect the whales 02:10 so that they don't become, what? 02:12 Extinct. 02:14 Extinct, very good. 02:16 So that they don't disappear forever. 02:18 There's only a few ways of seeing whales. 02:22 You can see them in an aquarium. 02:24 You can see them in some of these amusement parks 02:26 or you can see them where they live. 02:29 The place where they live is called their habitat. 02:33 What it's called? 02:35 Habitat. 02:36 That's right, their habitat. 02:38 Their habitat is the ocean. 02:42 Hey, I've got a great idea come on. 02:46 Many years ago hunters would use boats 02:49 to go out and hunt whales, 02:51 but now we can use boats 02:53 to go out and look at the whales 02:55 to learn about the whales and take their pictures. 02:58 Hey, I'm gonna take a picture of our boat. 03:08 Come on let's get on this boat. 03:10 We're gonna take a whale watching tour. 03:13 Whales are the largest animals in the world. 03:16 They also live in all of the world's oceans. 03:19 There are basically two types of whales, 03:22 Toothed Whales and Baleen Whales. 03:25 Baleen Whales catch a small food with their baleen. 03:29 That's like a net type thing that's inside their mouth 03:32 and it catches all those little fish. 03:35 Their favorite snack is plankton 03:37 which are super tiny so they don't need teeth. 03:40 The other kind of whale has teeth like dolphins and orcas. 03:43 You know, some whales have a baleen 03:45 but others have what? 03:48 Teeth. 03:49 That's right, teeth. 03:52 I see some orcas up ahead because their black dorsal fin 03:56 pops up out of the water every once in a while. 03:59 Whales are mammals not fish. 04:02 What's the difference? 04:03 Well, for one they breathe differently. 04:06 Fish breathe through their gills 04:08 and mammals breathe through their lungs. 04:11 They have blow holes at the top of their heads 04:13 and they can hold their breath for a long time. 04:17 Whales also have really good hearing. 04:20 Their ability to smell is not very good 04:22 but boy, can they hear things even miles away. 04:27 I'm sure that means they are really good listeners too. 04:31 Are you good listeners? 04:33 Yes. 04:34 Yeah, I hope so. 04:36 Listening is important especially for you kids, 04:39 because you're learning new stuff all the time. 04:42 You learn while you're listening. 04:45 Whales also make sounds like they are communicating. 04:49 That's great that whales can communicate 04:52 but what are they saying? 04:54 I don't know what they are saying 04:55 but they do make sounds. 04:58 Ever wondered how whales sleep? 05:00 Maybe they take a nap between breathes. 05:02 That would be kind of hard on us as humans, huh? 05:09 I'm glad God created the whales in a very special way. 05:13 Each half of their brain takes turns sleeping. 05:17 Whales are also migratory animals. 05:20 They can travel thousands of miles each year. 05:23 They usually travel in groups too. 05:26 A group of whales is called a pod. 05:29 And what's a group of whales called? 05:31 Pod. 05:32 Right, a pod. 05:35 They are pretty active too, 05:37 slapping the water with their tails and jumping. 05:40 That jumping is called breaching. 05:43 What's it called? 05:44 Breaching. 05:45 That's right breaching and it kind of looks like this. 05:50 Sorry about that. 05:53 Wasn't that fun? 05:55 I love taking pictures of nature 05:58 because it reminds me of everything we saw and learned. 06:00 Hey, do you want to see the pictures that I took? 06:02 You can. 06:04 If you just go to the website 06:09 Remember, God is the Creator and nature is His masterpiece. 06:13 See you. 08:44 Hi, kids, welcome to Learning Time. 08:48 I'm glad you joined us today. 08:49 Hey, we're gonna do something with paper. 08:52 So you might want to get a sheet of paper 08:54 while I introduce my helpers today. 08:57 Now let me ask you. 08:58 Where are you from and what's your name? 09:00 My name is Elizabeth and I'm from Saint-Louis. 09:02 Thank you for being here, Elizabeth. 09:04 And what's your name and where are you from? 09:06 My name is Josh and I'm from Marian. 09:08 I'm glad you're here, Josh. 09:09 And our third helper, what's your name 09:11 and where are you from? 09:12 My name is Vanessa and I'm from Ohio. 09:14 Well, thanks for helping me, Vanessa. 09:16 Hey, did you get your pieces of paper? 09:18 So I'm gonna pass our pieces of paper 09:20 out to my helper's right here 09:21 and it's all about folding paper. 09:23 You like to fold the paper? 09:24 Yes! Okay. 09:25 Well, this is a great science of folding papers. 09:28 So what we're gonna do is 09:29 we're gonna take our piece of paper 09:31 just like this and we're gonna start to fold it. 09:33 Go ahead and start to fold it 09:35 and we're gonna fold it just real nice. 09:37 And we're gonna make some very sharp folds 09:40 and press it down really, really hard 09:41 and it looks like it, what? 09:42 It's a triangle! 09:45 Triangle, that's right. 09:46 And so what we're gonna do is 09:47 we're gonna take that big triangle, the tip of it 09:50 and we're gonna fold it back on itself just like that. 09:53 And now what is this starting to look like now? 09:56 House. 09:57 Looks like a house. And you know what? 09:59 Somebody said it might look like-- 10:01 you are trying to build a what? 10:02 Airplane. Airplane, that's right. 10:03 Well, I tell you what? 10:04 Let's try to build an airplane then. 10:06 So here we go creating that, 10:07 fold that in half just like this. 10:09 How are you doing at home? Are you with us? 10:11 Stay with us 'cause the result is really, really cool. 10:14 You really, really gonna like this one. 10:16 All you got it right like that? 10:17 Okay, we're gonna fold that up like that. 10:19 Hey, let me help you little bit right here. 10:20 Let's see what we got. 10:21 Okay, let's fold this just like that 10:23 and we're gonna fold this just like that. 10:26 Okay, put a nice fold there. 10:28 Now an airplane needs two what? 10:30 Wings. Oh, wings. 10:31 That's really helpful if we have two wings 10:32 if we have an airplane. 10:33 So what we're gonna do, we're gonna make 10:35 a little wing right here, 10:36 so we're bend part of that back to make a wing. 10:38 See how we did that? 10:39 We took that and we bent it back to make one wing. 10:42 Now we're gonna make another wing, 10:44 so we're gonna take that and we're gonna bend that 10:47 back to make two wings 10:48 and now it looks like a what? 10:50 Airplane. An airplane. 10:53 But airplanes, this one wouldn't fly very well. 10:55 But let me ask a question. 10:56 Now can we get to heaven by traveling in an airplane? 11:01 No. 11:02 We can't, that's not how we get to heaven. 11:04 Hey, let's try something else. 11:06 Now take the wings and fold them back like this. 11:09 Can you fold them back like that? 11:10 Yeah, fold the whole thing back, just like this, 11:12 just like that, just like this, here we go. 11:15 And now what we're gonna do 11:16 is we're gonna start to make a tear. 11:19 Now we've got several sheets or layers of paper, 11:22 so we're gonna start right here 11:24 where we had this little bend for our wings 11:26 and we're gonna start tearing this all the way down. 11:29 You need some help starting it? 11:30 Okay, let me help you. Well, well, let me help you. 11:32 Okay, let's go ahead and-- Okay, what we need to do is 11:36 we need to get our wings done. 11:37 Okay, so let's get our wings done 11:40 and then we can start to tear. 11:41 So we must start with our wings 11:43 'cause that gives us a nice line. 11:45 Now we're gonna go ahead and start to tear it. 11:47 Right like that but you not-- if you have trouble tearing it 11:49 like I am then we can use a pair of, what? 11:53 Scissors. Scissors. 11:55 So we can use a pair of scissors. 11:56 Be careful when you use scissors. 11:57 Now we can start to tear that down. 11:59 There you go, you can start to tear it down. 12:00 You need some help tearing it down too? 12:02 So let's get our pair of scissors. 12:03 Now we're gonna start to tear this down 12:05 and start to tear it down 12:07 just right there, just like that. 12:09 Okay, there you go. 12:10 Now, we're gonna-- Oh, you need some help too? 12:12 Okay, here we go. 12:14 And we're gonna start tearing it down 12:16 but don't tear it all the way down to the end. 12:18 When you get down towards the end like this 12:21 than we're gonna tear it out a little bit 12:23 towards the outside. 12:25 So I've got it torn down about like this. 12:27 Now I'm gonna start tearing it down and out just like that. 12:31 Now what is that look like when we have it like that? 12:33 A rocket. 12:34 Looks like a rocket. 12:35 Can we get to heaven by using a rocket? 12:37 No. 12:39 We can't get to heaven in a rocket. 12:41 So, you know, how do we really get to heaven? 12:44 Can't get going in an airplane to get there? 12:47 And we can't travel in a rocket. 12:49 So how do we do that? 12:50 So what we do is we take our thumb 12:52 and we put it right here underneath all of those. 12:54 Look at there we got all of these pieces of paper 12:57 right here that we've cut or we've torn. 12:59 Then you take your thumb and then you make all of that 13:02 come up like this and what happens? 13:04 Wow. Wow. 13:06 Now is this how we get to heaven? 13:08 Yes. 13:10 We get to heaven because Jesus came to this earth 13:13 and He died to save us from our sins 13:16 and He wants you and He wants me 13:17 to accept Him as our personal Savior 13:20 and that's what I want to do. 13:22 Do you want to do that too? 13:23 Yes. That's right. 13:25 And we get to heaven because of the cross 13:28 and the sacrifice and the gift of Jesus to us. 13:31 That is cool, isn't it? 13:32 Yes. 13:34 It's a wonderful thing. 13:36 When we learn about science 13:38 we learn more about our Creator God. 13:49 My son, I told you to let them go. 13:55 I'm sorry. 13:57 Oh, my son. 13:59 My first born son. 14:02 Oh, my god. 14:10 I blame you for this, priest. 14:12 Me? 14:13 You and your worthless gods you pray to. 14:15 What about the plagues? 14:17 These useless magicians I have. 14:21 Perhaps I think maybe 14:23 the Egyptian gods were displeased 14:26 with your choice to force Moses and his people 14:30 to stay here in Egypt. 14:32 I doubted-- 14:33 I beg of you, Pharaoh, allow him to take this people 14:36 and his plagues and his God out of Egypt. 14:38 I send them already, leave me. 14:40 Yes, Pharaoh. 14:41 Right away, Pharaoh, and I apologize once again 14:44 for failing you this time. 14:45 It won't happen again, I--I-- Moses? 14:50 Aaron? 14:53 It's good to see you. 15:03 Rise up and go. 15:06 Take your women and your children. 15:11 Go and pray to your God. 15:13 Take your plagues as well... 15:16 and bless me. 15:19 Go now. 15:20 It will be as you say. 15:24 We will go immediately. 15:28 Aaron, instruct all the people 15:31 as they leave to collect all of their back wages 15:34 for the Egyptians. 15:35 You must go. I will tell the Moses. 15:49 The Hebrew's are leaving. 15:50 I want to go too. 15:52 Please, can we come with you? 15:53 Yes, yes, come quickly. 15:55 Come quickly. We've got to hurry. 16:03 One other things, Mary, and what I want to tell you is 16:05 that my heart aches just to know that 16:08 it's like ten plagues 16:09 and Pharaoh's people are suffering, 16:12 the water turning to blood. 16:14 And what about the locus that ate up all the crops? 16:16 I know. I know. 16:17 What about the life all over their bodies 16:19 and the boils on their skin? 16:21 And that their darkness not even God changed His mind. 16:23 Well, Lord gave them so many opportunities. 16:25 Yes. 16:27 The hell that fell, 16:28 all these signs, all these opportunities, 16:30 they didn't take him until the tenth one. 16:33 Yes, and to think it took the death of his own son. 16:37 The death of his own son. 16:39 His first born but because we obey God. 16:42 That's right, we placed the blood over them 16:45 to work for our safe being of the Lord cast-- 16:48 Cast over because yes, now we're free. 16:51 I can't believe that I don't even know 16:52 what it feels like to be free, but we must hurry. 16:55 Come, come, Moses, even now 16:58 and Aaron are waiting for us by the pyramids 17:01 with all our flocks and our people. 17:03 We have-- we are going to the Promise Land. 17:06 Yeah, the Promise Land. 17:07 To the Promise Land. The Promise Land. 17:10 It's great. 17:15 Promise Land. 17:26 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day. 17:30 And today's book is an exciting book 17:32 called Calamity Jane, 17:34 A Wise Old Raccoon by Sam Campbell. 17:37 And it is really a fun story 17:39 about this little raccoon right here. 17:41 And just-- something else special about this book 17:44 our own Kids' Time graphic designer 17:46 Chrystique Neibaue, 17:47 she designed this cover. 17:48 She's an amazing graphic designer. 17:51 Her design firm, I think it's called CQ Graphic Design. 17:55 And she--we call it CQ lovingly around here 17:58 but didn't she do a wonderful job? 17:59 So thank you, CQ, and thank you Sam Campbell 18:01 for such an awesome book, Calamity Jane. 18:05 Well, boys and girls, I'm introducing 18:07 something new to you today 18:09 and I would love to hear from you all over the world 18:12 no matter what country you live in, 18:13 you can be on Kids' Time. 18:15 All you need to do is send me a video of you reciting 18:19 your favorite Bible text. 18:21 Wouldn't that be awesome? 18:22 And then I can show it here on Kids' Time. 18:24 And our very first one is here today her name is Laya 18:28 and she's all the way from Ontario, Canada. 18:31 Let's hear her favorite Bible text. 18:36 Hi, Miss Brenda, my name is Laya and I live in Canada. 18:40 My favorite Bible verse is found in Psalm 34: 8-13. 18:45 "O taste and see that the Lord is good, 18:48 blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. 18:51 O fear the Lord, ye His saints, 18:53 for there is no want to them that fear Him. 18:56 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger, 18:59 but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. 19:03 Come, ye children, hearken unto me, 19:05 I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 19:08 What man is he that desireth life, 19:10 and loveth many days, that he may see good? 19:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, 19:14 and thy lips from speaking guile." 19:17 Psalm 34: 8-13. 19:21 Oh, thank you, Laya. 19:23 Wasn't that beautiful, boys and girls. 19:25 And I hope I get lots and lots of videos 19:29 and clips from all the boys and girls around the world 19:32 that we can show here on Kids' Time. 19:34 And I want you to start memorizing your scriptures 19:37 and learning about your best friend Jesus 19:40 through God's word. 19:41 Well, I also want to say a special thank you today 19:45 to E T Everett. 19:47 She designed a basket just for us for Kids' Time. 19:51 It's called a Sharing Time basket 19:52 and look at this, boys and girls, 19:54 isn't this beautiful 19:56 and it has a place for all the letters. 19:59 It is so designed just for us and it fits the letters 20:02 just for our Kids' Time 20:04 and it's the called the Sharing Time basket. 20:06 And ET has a special website where she designs baskets 20:10 with spiritual themes to them. 20:12 All you have to do is go to her website. 20:14 Go to, basketsbeadsandmore-- 20:19 20:21 and you can see all her baskets 20:23 including our Sharing Time basket 20:25 and there's even a Kids' Time basket. 20:26 You will not want to miss those. 20:29 Something else you're not gonna want to miss is 20:31 we've a very special guest with us today. 20:34 And she has come from long way away, 20:37 all the way from Tasmania in Australia 20:40 and I want you to welcome Taylor to the program. 20:42 Taylor, thank you so much for being here. 20:44 Thank you for inviting me. 20:45 Well, I am so excited. 20:47 You're wearing a really cool T-shirt. 20:50 Tell me about that? 20:51 Well, a couple of months ago 20:54 I went on to the Kids' Time website 20:56 and I did the monthly contest and a few months later 21:01 I received a package in the mail 21:03 and I had the Kids' Time T-shirt. 21:05 You won the contest, didn't you? 21:07 Were you excited? Yes. 21:09 And I'm so excited but you also wrote me a letter 21:13 and you're now here on the program. 21:15 But God really worked out 21:17 something special for us to meet, didn't He? 21:19 Yes, He did. 21:20 Boys and girls, I was recently in Tasmania 21:22 and I was able to speak at your church. 21:25 What church was I at? 21:26 You're at Rosny Seventh-day Adventist Church. 21:29 That's right, right there and I was like--you say that 21:31 'cause that's a hard word for Miss Brenda to say 21:33 so I was like to tell you what it was. 21:35 And I was able to speak at your church 21:38 and after I was through speaking 21:40 we were in the lobby and I was signing books 21:43 and you came up to having me sign something 21:48 and someone was with you and tell me-- 21:51 I was so blown away, someone shared with me the story 21:54 about how you witnessed to not only her mom 21:59 but her grandma and all three of you 22:02 were baptized? 22:03 Yeah. 22:06 Well, when-- 22:07 When you went to a Christian school? 22:10 Yes, I went to a Christian school when I was six 22:13 and I come home everyday to listening Christian songs 22:17 and sharing with my mom what I've been-- 22:20 what I had learn that day. 22:22 And she pick up little things and just watch me 22:26 and she knew the influence getting on to me 22:30 but she let me grow. 22:31 But she wasn't a Christian? 22:33 No, she wasn't a Christian at all. 22:36 But she could see a change in you 22:38 because you were sweeter and well and, 22:42 and how you handled problems with differently 22:45 before you had given your heart to Jesus 22:48 you tended to be a little bit more harder 22:50 when you were-- had a conflict 22:53 and what happened after you met Jesus? 22:55 Well, I started to do with the things better 23:00 and I also got very defensive off 23:04 if someone said something that wasn't-- 23:08 that was against Jesus 23:09 and they were saying bad things about Him 23:12 and I would say, that's not right. 23:16 You didn't want anyone to say anything 23:17 bad about your best friend Jesus 23:19 and you want to make sure they knew Bible truth. 23:21 And so your mom started 23:23 noticing a big difference in you 23:25 and that started making her want to read 23:28 and learn more about Jesus. 23:30 And one thing, boys and girls, I love about what Taylor did. 23:34 She didn't just try to just preach her mom 23:36 and teach your mom all the things 23:37 she studied in the school by, say this is mom, 23:39 this is right, you're doing wrong. 23:41 You just loved your mom to Jesus, didn't you? 23:43 Yeah. 23:44 And you also had an opportunity 23:45 to witness to your grandma who you call nan. 23:47 Yeah. 23:48 And so-- can we show some pictures of your baptism 23:52 because all three of them were baptized together. 23:55 Here's the picture right now of your nan's baptism 24:00 and then we've a picture of your mom being baptized. 24:03 Yeah. 24:04 And we've a picture of you being baptized. 24:08 Look at that and look how happy she looks 24:10 and a picture of all three of you together. 24:13 Wow, God used you in an incredible way to witness. 24:16 Now tell me what are you doing-- 24:19 Did you just witness to them 24:21 and now you're not witnessing anymore 24:22 or how do you feel about that? 24:26 Well, I do bookmarks and I make them 24:31 and I give them out to people, anyone 24:35 and I've also invited my friends to come to church. 24:39 Now you brought some of your bookmarks with you, didn't you? 24:42 And in fact when you told me about this, I was thinking. 24:46 Are these mine? 24:48 And all of these have pictures from Australia on them. 24:51 Yeah. 24:52 And I loved it because when you told me 24:54 about the bookmark ministry you said, 24:56 I've taken on your bookmark ministry. 24:58 So did you learn about that, Miss Brenda? 25:00 Yes. You did. 25:02 And I really appreciate what you're doing. 25:04 Tell me you had a chance to witness also 25:06 to other kids of your age. 25:10 A month ago I wanted to get my friends 25:14 come to church with me 25:15 but she always had things coming up 25:17 and she wasn't able to come. 25:19 One weekend I said, are you able to come 25:23 and she says I sure am. 25:25 And I said, well, you can invite all your friends as well 25:28 and she said, I don't know I will see. 25:32 And that same week, that was fair on that same day 25:38 and I said, Lord, please don't let her 25:40 refuse the church. 25:42 Because you thought she might go to the fair 25:44 instead of going to this big like a circus or kind of event. 25:49 And I was praying, Lord, let her rain or something 25:53 and but she still wanted to come 25:56 and she brought two of her other non-Christian friends 26:01 and she wasn't a Christian at all. 26:02 And it went ahead rain too didn't it? 26:04 Yes, it did. 26:06 Isn't God good how He answers prayers, boys and girls? 26:09 Isn't that amazing? 26:11 And so--that now you got them excited about coming 26:13 and learning about. 26:15 Now what about signing them for our Kids Club lessons? 26:17 Yeah, I've signed up my friend Olivia for Kids' Time lessons 26:21 and she should have them soon. 26:22 Oh, that's wonderful. 26:24 Boys and girls, that's one way you can witness is 26:26 get your friends and your playmates 26:29 to sign up for Kids Club lessons 26:32 and then when they are all done with all the lessons, 26:34 I send them a free Bible and it's a wonderful way 26:36 to learn more about Jesus. 26:38 And also join our contest. 26:40 Get involved on our website, 26:43 and you can get involved right there on our website. 26:46 So that would be good too. 26:47 So I know that you have a lot of 26:50 witnessing opportunities 26:52 and you even had an opportunity, 26:53 I wish we had more time to talk about, 26:55 but you had an opportunity even witness on your horse. 26:57 Yes. 26:58 And you love horses, don't you? 27:00 My friend Olivia also is doing as well. 27:03 And so you raised a lot of money for-- 27:06 We raised $450. 27:13 $450, that's amazing. 27:15 Well, Taylor, you keep shining for Jesus, won't you? 27:17 I will. 27:18 And I want to thank you so much for coming 27:20 all the way from Tasmania. 27:21 Boys and girls, I want you 27:23 to do more for Jesus, won't you? 27:25 Remember wherever you go, whatever you do 27:27 it's Kids' Time to share Jesus. 27:39 Kids' time 28:02 Kids' time, Kids' time Kids' time, Kids' time 28:06 Kids' time |
Revised 2014-12-17