Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000318
00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're going to be late. 00:03 It's time to share There's a world out there 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:11 It's time to share There's a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:24 Kids' time, Kids' time Kids' time, Kids' time 00:28 Kids' time 00:31 Hi, boys and girls, I know a little girl 00:34 who doesn't like anyone telling her what to do. 00:37 Even if someone tells her to do something 00:39 that would make her very happy 00:40 because she was told to do it, she won't 00:43 even if it's for her own good. 00:45 Boys and girls, I'm afraid 00:46 we're all a little bit like that sometimes. 00:49 None of us really like to be told what to do, do we? 00:52 It seems kind of silly though if someone who loved you 00:55 told you to do something that would save your life, 00:58 wouldn't you do it? 00:59 Well, all the things God asked you to do are good things 01:02 that make your life better 01:04 and when Jesus comes into your heart 01:06 suddenly it starts making sense to obey God. 01:09 It's like the lights came on and now you can see clearly. 01:13 Our Bible story today is about some people who obey God 01:16 and their lives were saved. 01:19 Why not invite Jesus into your heart today? 01:22 He will turn the lights on for you too. 01:25 Well, right now it's time for "Nature Time." 01:34 Oh, hey, kids', it's me Rich Aguilera. 01:37 As usual I'm taking pictures of 01:39 some of the amazing nature that God has made. 01:42 And today, I'm taken a picture of Mount Hood here in Oregon. 01:46 Mount Hood is no ordinary mountain, 01:49 it is a volcano. 01:51 What kind of mountain is it? 01:53 Volcano. 01:54 That's right a volcano. 01:56 A volcano is vent in the earth's crust 01:59 were lava and steam escape. 02:02 This volcano is dormant that means it's not active, 02:06 that means we can get a lot closer, come on. 02:11 Mount Hood is actually the tallest mountain in Oregon 02:15 reaching over 11,000 feet above sea level. 02:18 Right here we're already at 6,000 feet above sea level. 02:22 Come on. 02:28 Well, this is as far as we can go in a car. 02:31 From here on up we have to go on foot 02:34 and the best way to go on foot is by wearing snowshoes. 02:38 Let's get our snowshoes on. 02:44 Snowshoes are great because they are wide 02:47 and they spread the weight out so we don't sink in the snow, 02:49 plus, they have these cool cleats on the bottom 02:53 to help us grab on the snow so we don't slip. 03:03 All right, we are ready. 03:05 Let's climb. 03:14 Hiking is great exercise. 03:17 We should all do exercise 03:19 and it's important to have the right gear too. 03:22 Right now we are walking on a glacier. 03:25 That means it's a place where the snow falls faster 03:28 than it leaves. 03:30 So what is all this old snow and ice called again? 03:34 Glacier. 03:36 That's right a glacier. 03:38 Snow is really heavy 03:40 so over a time the weight of it compacts down 03:44 and squishes it into very dense ice. 03:47 There are some glaciers here on Mount Hood 03:50 that are over 300 feet deep. 03:54 Wow. 04:01 Did you know that glaciers such as this one 04:04 which is on the side of a mountain 04:06 is actually sliding down slowly? 04:09 It's own weight is pushing it down the hill. 04:14 Along the way we need to keep our eyes open for crevices. 04:19 Crevices are giant cracks in the snow and ice 04:22 that come down as the glacier is moving downhill. 04:25 What are they called? 04:27 Crevices. 04:29 That's right crevices. 04:31 Let's keep our eyes open for those. 04:36 Wow, we are getting higher and higher 04:40 and it's an amazing view from up here too. 04:42 We're even higher than the clouds now. 04:45 Wow. 04:58 Earlier I mentioned that this was a dormant volcano. 05:02 That means that at any moment 05:03 it could technically wakeup again and be active. 05:07 The last time Mount Hood erupted 05:09 was about 100 years ago 05:11 and even though they call it a dormant volcano, 05:14 there's still is some activity at the bottom near the base. 05:18 There are hot springs that come up to the surface. 05:21 There's actually a different kind of volcanic activity 05:24 that happens at the top near the crater, 05:26 they are called fumaroles. 05:28 Fumaroles are where gases and steam escape 05:31 from the mountain. 05:33 What are they called? 05:34 Fumaroles. 05:36 That's right fumaroles. Let's keep going. 05:44 Awesome. 05:47 You know, taking picture is a great way 05:49 to remember all the stuff that we've learned. 05:52 Remember, if you want to see some of the pictures 05:54 that I've taken, just go to our webpage 05:56 at 06:00 and click on Nature Time. 06:02 Well, I've had a ton of fun exploring Mount Hood with you. 06:07 Remember, God is the Creator, nature is His masterpiece. 06:13 Well, it's time to get down off this mountain. 06:17 Fortunately, there's a fun and fast way to get down, 06:21 it's called glissading. 06:23 Come on. 06:39 Psalms 23 06:41 "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. 06:44 He makes me to lie down in green pastures. 06:48 He leads me beside the still waters. 06:50 He restores my soul. 06:52 He leads me in the paths of righteousness 06:54 for His name sake. 06:56 Yea, thou I walk through 06:57 the valley of the shadow of death, 06:59 I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, 07:02 thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 07:05 They preparest a table before me 07:06 in the presence of mine enemies. 07:08 They anoint us my head with oil, my cup runneth over. 07:12 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me 07:14 all the days of my life 07:15 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." 07:22 The Lord is my shepherd The Lord is my shepherd 07:27 The Lord is my shepherd And I shall not want 07:33 The Lord is my shepherd The Lord is my shepherd 07:38 The Lord is my shepherd And I shall not want 07:43 He makes me to lie down In green pastures 07:48 He leads me beside still waters 07:55 He restores my soul 07:58 And guides me where I go 08:04 The Lord is my shepherd The Lord is my shepherd 08:09 The Lord is my shepherd And I shall not want 08:14 The Lord is my shepherd The Lord is my shepherd 08:19 The Lord is my shepherd And I shall not want 08:33 Hi, kids, welcome to Learning Time. 08:36 Hey, I'm glad you joined us today. 08:38 And by the looks of things, looks like 08:40 we're gonna have a dinner party, right? 08:41 Yeah. Well, really we're not. 08:44 But, hey, before we get started 08:45 let's go ahead and introduce our helpers. 08:47 And all I need is your name 08:49 and just tell us where you're from. 08:51 My name is Catlin 08:52 and I'm from Martinsburg, West Virginia. 08:54 I'm glad you're with us, Catlin. 08:55 And you are? 08:56 My name is Hope and I'm also from West Virginia. 08:59 Great. I'm glad you're here too, Hope. 09:00 And you? 09:01 I'm Caleb and I'm from Townsville, Illinois. 09:03 All right, Caleb, I'm glad to see all of you. 09:05 I'll tell you what, let's put on our safety glasses. 09:08 You know, have you ever broken anything? 09:09 Have you ever broken anything? Yes. 09:11 Yes, on purpose? 09:12 No. No, I hope no. 09:14 Well, you know, what we're gonna do, 09:15 we're gonna break something on purpose. 09:16 So it's just to show you 09:18 that we're dealing with some breakable things 09:20 and it's kind of fun to break things 09:21 sometimes, isn't it? 09:23 Yes. Yes. 09:24 And here why don't you go ahead and take this plate? 09:26 Now what we have is, we have a rock. 09:27 Now normally you don't drop plates on rocks, 09:29 but we're gonna ask you to drop a plate on rocks. 09:32 And you know, if you don't safety glasses like we do, 09:34 just move back just little bit because the pieces just might, 09:37 you know, fly around a little bit. 09:38 Okay, are we ready? Yes. 09:40 All right, how about a countdown three to one? 09:41 Let's go. Three, two, one and... 09:45 Wow. Did you see? 09:47 And come on back here, come on back here. 09:49 Well, you made a mess. 09:50 Now when you make a mess, who cleans it up? 09:53 Don't say mom. Don't say that. 09:55 Okay. So here we're go. 09:56 You know, if you make a mess than you should clean it up. 09:59 So what we're gonna do today, 10:00 this is a very interesting science experiment 10:02 and this experiment deals with pressure 10:05 which is interesting. 10:06 Now what I'm gonna do is 10:07 we're gonna try to take this glass jar right here 10:10 and we're gonna try to get the glass jar 10:12 to pick up our plates. 10:14 Have you ever seen a glass jar pick up a plate? 10:16 No. 10:17 Well, it's gonna happen today. 10:19 So what we got, we got these all napkins 10:20 'cause, you know, if we're gonna have dinner party 10:22 you got to have a napkin with you, don't you? 10:23 Good idea. 10:24 All right, so here's what we're gonna do. 10:26 What we do-- this is a very interesting 10:27 science experiment. 10:28 It's in a lot of science books. 10:30 We're gonna take this little fire right here, 10:32 this little match. 10:33 You gonna burn this piece of paper, 10:34 put it right inside of that little jar, 10:36 we're gonna heat up the air inside the jar. 10:38 Now the air is going to expand 10:39 and then we're gonna take the jar, 10:41 we're gonna turn it upside down, 10:42 right on top of this napkin. 10:44 Now what I want you to do 10:45 go ahead and try to lift that jar up 10:47 and lift the plate up with it and is it going to-- 10:49 is it going to work? 10:50 No. No. 10:52 You know what, its not gonna work 10:53 because there's something missing. 10:55 We're not getting a good seal. 10:57 So I tell you what, let's try this again. 10:59 This time you're gonna need another napkin 11:01 'cause you ruined that one. 11:02 And then we got some water. 11:04 What I want you to do is I want you to pour this water 11:06 on your napkin. 11:07 Pour-- just pour it right on your napkin 11:09 and the water is gonna give us some really, really good seal 11:12 because we have this partial vacuum 11:13 right inside of our jar 11:15 and all we need then is a good seal 11:18 and the air pressure is going to make that plate 11:20 go all the way up in the air. 11:22 All right, so here we go. 11:23 We're heating up this air, the air is escaping 11:27 and it's expanding the air molecules expand. 11:29 I'm gonna put this right on down-- 11:30 right on top of your's just like that. 11:32 Now just go ahead and try to lift it up slowly. 11:35 Whoa. 11:36 Wow! 11:38 Look at that. Hey, this is interesting. 11:40 Okay. Hey, hold on. 11:41 Hey-- are you ready to do yours? 11:43 Okay. All right, all right. 11:44 So what we're gonna do, 11:45 we're gonna get yours, all ready to go. 11:46 We're heat up the air in here. 11:47 Here we go. Oh, here we go. 11:49 We're gonna heat up the air, we're gonna put that in there 11:51 and we got that air going just like-- 11:53 you have water on there right? 11:54 It's gonna make a good seal. 11:56 I'm gonna turn this upside down just like that 11:58 and give it a try. 12:00 Wait. Wow. 12:02 Look at that. Wow. 12:03 How about that? 12:04 What made the difference? What makes the difference? 12:06 Water. The water. 12:08 Now I think that's interesting. 12:10 Are you ready? Yes. 12:11 All right, we're gonna put yours just like that 12:13 and try yours too. 12:15 See-- look at that. 12:16 Wow. Wow. 12:18 And those plates are heavy aren't they? 12:19 Yes. 12:20 And we know what happened to the plate that 12:22 you dropped it, what? 12:24 It broke. It broke. 12:25 Do you know that reminds me of something? 12:27 I kind of, it's a neat spiritual application 12:29 because, you know, you know, Jesus wants to lift us up. 12:33 Don't you want to be lifted up? 12:34 Yes. Yes. 12:35 And we can be lifted up if, you know, 12:37 if we ask Jesus into our heart. 12:39 It's kind of like that water that you added to the napkin 12:43 and that water gave us a good seal. 12:45 Well, Jesus wants to lift us up. 12:48 He wants us to be a shining light for Him, 12:51 who we need to be able to reflect 12:53 His love to other people. 12:55 We can do that if we ask Him. 12:58 And you know, the water is kind of like the Holy Spirit. 13:00 God will send us His spirit 13:02 and then His spirit will act in us 13:03 and that is really cool, isn't it? 13:05 Yes. I think so. 13:06 Hey, pick those up once more. 13:08 Let's see we can get all three picked up? 13:10 Oh, that one finally lost its seal, 13:12 need some more water. 13:13 That's interesting. 13:14 Now, you know, when we learn about science 13:17 we learn more about our Creator God. 13:39 Father, I can't take this boils. 13:42 They hurt. 13:45 Everyone has them. 13:47 The servants have them. 13:49 The guards have them-- you have them. 13:53 Can you do something? 13:56 Fear not, son. 13:57 Fear not. 14:00 Call the high priest. 14:03 Hail Mighty Pharaoh. 14:06 May heal it forever and all of his-- Move. 14:12 What you new? Sorry. 14:14 In all of his glory. 14:17 Pharaoh, might I sit down? 14:20 Oh, thank you. 14:23 You're too kind. 14:28 I have boils everywhere on my face, my hands, my feet, 14:35 I even had boils on my-- I've boils everywhere. 14:39 Can't you do something about these 14:41 inseparable plagues? 14:42 I've tried, your highness. 14:44 I went to the priest at the temple 14:47 but no one was there, 14:48 they are all gone due to the boils. 14:51 I went to consult the magicians 14:53 but no one was there due to-- 14:55 Yes, yes, boils. 14:56 Yes. 14:58 I've tried everything I can think off, 15:00 nothing seems to work. 15:01 Can't you do what Moses did? 15:03 Throw the ashes in the air, give the Hebrews the plagues 15:06 seem to work well enough for them. 15:08 Ashes? 15:10 Try ashes? 15:12 I mean yes. Yes, your majesty. 15:15 Out of the way. 15:16 I'll try the ashes at once. 15:19 But could we please consider the possibility of 15:22 maybe just sending Moses and his people away? 15:26 Never! 15:28 I own all of you. 15:33 I command you to fight this God. 15:37 Go get another priest 15:40 and make sacrifices to the gods. 15:42 Yes, mighty Pharaoh. 15:43 How do the descents do the magic? 15:47 Wherever they are where is that famous wall? 15:49 I'll try to track them down and try the ashes. 15:54 Who knows the God of Moses has in stall for us? 15:59 What indomitable plague is next? 16:12 My people, listen to the word of the Lord. 16:14 Yes. 16:15 Tonight, tonight at midnight the angel of the Lord 16:19 will pass through the land 16:21 and the first born of all will be killed. 16:26 From the house of Pharaoh to every house in Egypt, 16:30 even the first born among all the animals will die. 16:34 It's true. 16:35 Listen carefully to the word of the Lord. 16:38 Every family should gather into their home 16:41 and take a lamb and slay it, 16:45 take the blood from the lamb with hasten 16:48 and put it on the doorposts and on the lentil of your home, 16:52 in the home that you eat the Passover. 16:55 Remember to cook the lamb with fire. 16:59 Don't eat the raw 17:00 and don't eat it boiled in water, 17:02 eat it with better herbs and with bread, 17:05 with no yeast in it, no leaven, and then eat it all. 17:12 Leave nothing until the morning. 17:13 What you don't eat burn it with fire. 17:16 Make sure you eat the entire sacrifice 17:20 with your coat on 17:21 standing with your staff and your sandals. 17:25 This is the Passover 17:27 and tomorrow we will be leaving Egypt. 17:30 Yes. Yes. 17:32 We live in the peace. 17:35 Remember, remember God has a plan for us. 17:40 When He sees the blood on the doorpost, 17:42 the angel of death will Passover our homes, 17:45 no one will be hurt in our homes. 17:47 Praise God. Praise God. 17:49 And this is God's instructions. 17:51 This is what we should do. 17:53 We're gonna do it. 17:56 We'll obey. 17:57 We'll do. We'll do it, yes. 18:35 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day. 18:39 And today, boys and girls, 18:40 these are really special books. 18:42 These are audio books and they are audio books 18:45 that Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories. 18:47 We have volume 1, we have volume 2, 18:51 we have volume 3, we have volume 4 18:54 and we have volume 5 18:57 of Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories 18:59 and they are filled with character building stories 19:01 just for kids. 19:02 All true for kids of all ages. 19:04 It's Miss Brenda's voice reading the stories, 19:07 so you can listen to bedtime stories 19:09 and with Miss Brenda reading your bedtime story to you, 19:12 you can listen to in a car when you're driving along 19:14 or you can put them on your iPod's and listen. 19:16 So it's a wonderful way to listen to the stories 19:19 and if you have the book and you're younger child 19:21 you can't read yet, 19:22 there's a little bit ding that tells you 19:24 when to turn the page so you can get the books 19:26 and then listen to the audio books, 19:28 isn't that cool for kids? 19:29 Yes. 19:31 Hey, do you think all the boys and girls will enjoy these? 19:33 Yes. 19:35 During non Sabbath hours you can call or-- 19:38 3ABN to order some or you can go online at 19:44 Well, I'm really excited that, boys and girls, 19:46 I have a lot of kids with me here today 19:49 and I want to welcome 19:50 the Thompsonville Christian Academy. 19:52 Welcome, kids. 19:54 And I'm really excited that-- 19:55 yeah, you're glad to be here on Kids' Time? 19:57 Yes. 19:58 Well, we've their teacher with us today Miss Haney. 20:00 Miss Haney, welcome to Kids' Time. 20:02 Thank you. 20:03 And I want to thank you so much for-- 20:06 just all your support of Kids' Time 20:07 throughout the years. 20:08 Boys and girls, Miss Haney is the most awesome teacher 20:11 and anytime that Miss Brenda has needed kids 20:14 to come and be on the program, 20:15 and sometimes I've come running into her 20:17 schoolroom during the middle of the day 20:19 and I'm gonna, Miss Haney, I had somebody cancelled. 20:20 And I need a-- I need somebody that help me out here. 20:23 And she says, who do you need? 20:24 And she will call the parents real quick, get permission 20:26 and I'm out the door with those kids 20:28 and on the way to the set. 20:29 And you've done that for me so many times 20:31 and I want to thank you. 20:32 But you have really done something special 20:35 with these kids here. 20:36 Miss Brenda went to church my entire life 20:39 and I've never had the privilege 20:40 of what these boys and girls have right now. 20:43 They have a teacher who is passionate 20:45 about soul winning and passionate about music. 20:48 So, how did this music ministry started in your school? 20:50 Well, I started when I was teaching 7th and 8th grade. 20:54 I didn't realize when I accepted the job 20:56 that I had to teach music-- 20:58 Now, are you a musician yourself? 21:00 No, I'm not. 21:01 You're not? No. 21:02 And when I started teaching 21:03 all I knew were three or four chords on the guitar 21:06 and that was about it 21:07 and that's where the program started 21:09 and it's grown from there. 21:10 That's amazing. 21:12 And so you have all your students, 21:14 how did they get involved in the-- 21:15 does everyone, everyone get involved 21:17 or do you just if they want to? 21:19 No, we have everybody involved. 21:21 We play for worship everyday 21:23 and so everybody has their own instrument, 21:26 everybody plays and-- 21:28 Now we see a lot of guitars here. 21:30 So is it just guitar? 21:31 No, we've expanded. 21:32 We now have strings and Woodwind, Brasswind, 21:35 so we've got trumpets and flutes 21:37 and violas and cellos and a little bit of everything. 21:40 And you take turns on worship or what? 21:43 Yes, some worship couple of days with guitar 21:47 and then one day with strings, one day is Woodwind, Brasswind. 21:50 Wow, that's amazing. 21:52 You know, you have so many students here 21:54 but Caleb is here with us today. 21:56 And, Caleb, you have been with Miss Brenda in Kids' Time 21:58 for a lot of time. 21:59 In fact, I want to thank you for helping us out 22:00 in Learning Time today. 22:02 But, Caleb, what does this music ministry 22:04 mean to you personally? 22:05 It means a lot because we are able to go 22:08 and spread the God's word through music 22:11 and I always told my mom that 22:14 I want to be a musical evangelist 22:16 so it really helps there and-- 22:18 You want to be a singing evangelist for Jesus don't you? 22:21 And this is a good background to help him do that. 22:25 Hey, kids, do you love being part of this music ministry? 22:27 Yes. 22:29 And it's amazing. 22:30 Do you love homework? 22:32 No. 22:33 Do you love music homework? 22:34 Yes. 22:35 Hey, that's a good way teachers, 22:37 that are watching this program you got to listen up. 22:39 You would, way to have kids love their homework. 22:43 Miss Haney, could the kids sing a song for us? 22:45 Sure. 22:46 We could-- there's a couple of songs we can do. 22:48 Do you know Rejoice in the Lord Always? 22:51 Yes. 22:52 Let's see that. Okay. 22:53 And I think Tren, you have a intro for us, okay. 23:02 Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say Rejoice 23:09 Rejoice in the Lord always 23:12 And again I say Rejoice 23:15 Rejoice, Rejoice And again I say Rejoice 23:21 Rejoice, Rejoice 23:24 And again I say Rejoice 23:27 Oh, that is really good. 23:29 And I can tell they are singing-- they really-- 23:31 do you, boys and girls, love Jesus? 23:33 Yes. 23:34 Well, let's sing another song. 23:36 How about "Father, I Adore You" 23:38 Is that the way it is? 23:39 Okay. 23:40 Tren, I think you got the intro on this too. 23:50 Father, I adore You 23:55 Lay my life before You 24:00 How I love You 24:05 How I love You 24:10 Oh, that's beautiful. 24:12 And, boys and girls, 24:13 do you enjoy being part of a music ministry, 24:16 were you reaching out and you're witnessing? 24:17 Yes. 24:19 Miss Haney, tell me-- 24:21 where do you take your music ministries? 24:25 Do you go outside of the classroom? 24:26 Yes, we do. 24:27 We do things in the classroom like we said the worship, 24:30 but we also go where people ask. 24:33 We visit churches, nursing homes, 24:35 we've done vespers programs and midweek programs as well. 24:40 Basically anywhere God wants you to go. 24:41 Wherever He asks we go. 24:43 That's awesome. 24:44 Sometimes we get asked too many times. 24:47 Well, but wherever God asked you? 24:48 That's true. 24:49 So when you're praying about it, 24:50 you don't have to worry. 24:51 When God's asked you to go, 24:53 He's gonna make it plain and clear. 24:54 So if you-- This is true. 24:55 So all you have to do is pray about it 24:57 and know which ones God want you to accept. 24:58 Absolutely. 24:59 And He has led in this program all the way. 25:02 And also I understand you also have some 25:04 scripture reading in the programs? 25:05 We do. 25:07 We have a lot of responsive reading 25:08 and Anoy when she goes with us leads in that. 25:11 So, Anoy, can you tell us about 25:13 one of your favorite Bible text for us? 25:15 Well, mine is Matthew 5:16. 25:17 "Let your light so shine before men, 25:20 that they may see your good works 25:21 and glorify your Father in heaven." 25:24 Oh, that's beautiful. 25:25 That's one of my favorite text too. 25:27 And I want to just ask you, Miss Haney, 25:30 what are your plans for the kids 25:34 in this music ministry? 25:35 Do you have, you know, plans were you're going to 25:39 travel maybe even to cross the seas 25:42 or do you have more localized plans? 25:44 Well, right now our plans are localized. 25:47 God hasn't given me any mandate to go overseas yet. 25:52 But if somebody overseas was willing to sponsor you, 25:54 do you come to their country to sing, would you be willing? 25:57 Oh, absolutely. Wherever He leads we follow. 25:59 Would you love that kids? Yes. 26:01 Now and I want to just encourage you 26:03 to keep witnessing for Jesus. 26:04 You know, this is an amazing ministry, 26:07 boys and girls, and I love your smiles. 26:08 Don't you-- are you watching their happy faces? 26:11 I really love kids that are on fire for Jesus 26:15 and these kids I got to tell you 26:16 they shine for Jesus. 26:18 And I have to tell you Miss Haney, 26:20 you are a wonderful example 26:22 and you paint a beautiful picture of Christ to this kids 26:25 and I encourage you to keep on shining for Jesus. 26:29 And, boys and girls, I look forward. 26:31 Won't you help me? 26:32 Remember, boys and girls, it's Kids' Time to share Jesus. 26:54 Kids' time 27:16 Kids' time Kids' time 27:19 Kids' time Kids' time 27:21 Kids' time 27:25 Kids' time |
Revised 2014-12-17