Kids' Time

Pharaoh and the Plagues

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000317

00:01 It's almost time for Kid's Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:03 It's time to share there is world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kid's time Kid's time
00:26 Kid's time Kid's time
00:28 Kid's time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls, have you ever had a friend
00:34 who was disagreeable and stubborn?
00:36 If you said the sky was blue, maybe he said, "It wasn't."
00:40 Or maybe you said the food is really good
00:43 and she said, "No, its not."
00:46 There are stories in the Bible about all kinds of people,
00:49 kind people and selfish people,
00:52 people who said yes and people who said no.
00:54 The amazing thing is Jesus love them all.
00:57 In fact, Jesus loves us so much
01:00 that He gives us the freedom to say no to Him
01:03 and all the wonderful things that He has to offer.
01:07 Sadly some of the people in the Bible
01:09 did say no to Jesus and it made Him very sad.
01:13 Wouldn't it make you sad if you told someone you love them
01:15 and offered them a beautiful gift
01:17 and then they said, "No thanks."
01:20 I hope and pray you will always say yes to Jesus.
01:24 Right now, it's time for our Nature Time.
01:35 Oh, hey, kid's, my name is Rich Aguilera.
01:37 And I am taking some pictures of
01:39 some of the amazing nature God made, it's everywhere.
01:44 I'm glad you're with me here today
01:45 because I'm in a beautiful little
01:47 Central American country called El Salvador.
01:50 I've always liked that name, you know why?
01:53 Because it means the savior, isn't that cool.
01:57 There are many wonderful natural things
01:59 here in El Salvador.
02:01 Let's go check a few out, come on.
02:04 El Salvador is the land of volcanoes.
02:08 There's belief to be about 20 volcanoes here.
02:11 About how many volcanoes are there here?
02:14 Twenty. Yeah, about 20.
02:17 That's a lot for a country
02:18 that's about the size of Connecticut.
02:21 We're actually hiking up to the rim of a volcano.
02:24 Come on, let's go.
02:31 We made it to the rim.
02:32 Let's look down into the crater.
02:34 The most recent eruption here was in 1970,
02:38 it's been pretty quite here since.
02:41 The crater is pretty big.
02:43 It's about a mile wide about a third of a mile deep.
02:46 Let's take a picture.
02:54 El Salvador is actually full of mountains and rivers.
02:58 When you put them together what do you get?
03:03 You get a lot of water falls. What do you get lot of?
03:06 Water falls. Yeah, water falls.
03:10 We should go check one out, come on.
03:17 I love visiting waterfalls, there is just something
03:20 amazing and powerful about visiting a waterfall.
03:24 Actually you know what? I'm gonna take a picture.
03:31 Wow, beautiful. Where does all this water come form?
03:34 Well, here it rains a lot.
03:37 Well, after it rains, that rain water
03:39 has got to go somewhere and it goes down hill.
03:49 Wow, this is beautiful.
03:51 I've got to take some more pictures.
04:05 Wow, there are so many amazing things
04:07 to see here in El Salvador.
04:08 But you know what?
04:09 We've only got time to see one more cool thing,
04:12 you're gonna love it, come on.
04:17 There is a creature here that I want you to see.
04:20 And I'm going to give you a couple of clues.
04:22 They live in all of the world's oceans except the Arctic.
04:26 They can also live up to 80 years old.
04:30 And they are born from eggs that are laid here in the sand.
04:35 Do you know what I am talking about?
04:36 Sea turtles. Yeah, sea turtles.
04:40 The mamma turtles come up to the beach
04:42 and lay their eggs right here in the sand.
04:47 They dig holes and then when they hatch,
04:50 they head to the beach.
04:52 Here in El Salvador there is a place where we can go to see
04:56 the little turtles make a run through the ocean, come on.
05:00 Their eggs are about the size of ping pong balls.
05:02 Almost a hundred are born from each hole.
05:05 Ten to thirty years from now these females will come back
05:08 to this exact same beach to lay their eggs.
05:11 Wow, they have a great memory.
05:15 Most of the sea turtles today are endangered.
05:17 That means they're at risk of becoming extinct.
05:21 What are they at risk of becoming?
05:23 Extinct. Yeah, extinct.
05:25 That means there is none more left in the world.
05:28 That would be sad.
05:30 Hey, let's go cheer on the little turtles.
05:32 Oh, I can't forget, let's take some pictures too.
05:54 Let's let him go now. Go little turtle, go.
06:03 You know, taking pictures is a great way
06:05 to remember all the stuff we saw.
06:07 You want to see the pictures I'm taking
06:09 and some other notes?
06:10 Go to our web page at
06:16 and click on Nature Time.
06:17 There is a bunch a cool stuff to see there.
06:20 Well, I've had a ton of fun checking out
06:22 the nature here and El Salvador with you.
06:25 Remember, God is the Creator, nature is His masterpiece.
06:30 I'm gonna take more pictures.
06:47 We set our work aside
06:50 We leave our cares behind
06:53 On this day of Sabbath rest
07:01 On this your holy day
07:05 We come to give You praise
07:07 On this day of Sabbath rest
07:14 Sabbath rest
07:16 Sabbath rest
07:18 Holy rest
07:20 Holy rest
07:22 On the day He set aside
07:25 Hallowed, blessed and sanctified
07:28 Sabbath rest
07:30 Sabbath rest
07:32 Holy rest
07:34 Holy rest
07:36 Out of all the week the best
07:39 We have come to be blessed
07:43 On this day of Sabbath rest
07:49 Sabbath rest
07:52 Sabbath rest
07:53 Holy rest
07:55 Holy rest
07:57 On the day He set aside
08:00 Hallowed, blessed and sanctified
08:03 Sabbath rest
08:05 Sabbath rest
08:07 Holy rest
08:09 Holy rest
08:11 Out of all the week the best
08:14 We have come to be blessed
08:18 On this day of Sabbath rest
08:33 Hi, Kids, welcome to Learning Time.
08:37 Hey, I'm glad you joined us today.
08:39 Today, we have an eggs-clusive lesson for you.
08:43 Have you ever had an egg? Yes.
08:45 Well, we're gonna use some eggs today.
08:47 And I have two helpers.
08:49 Let me go ahead and introduce our helpers for us.
08:51 And I need to know your name and where are you from?
08:53 My name is Emily, I am from West Frankfort.
08:56 Well thanks for helping us today and you are?
08:58 My name is Gabby and I'm from well, Tennessee.
09:00 Well, thank you, Gabby.
09:01 Now we're gonna use some safety glasses,
09:03 so let's go ahead and put those on, we want to be safe.
09:06 Now we're gonna be using some things
09:07 that you have around the house.
09:09 But you need permission because we are gonna use some fire
09:12 and we need help when we have fire, don't we?
09:15 Yes. I think so.
09:16 Let's see what we've got right here.
09:18 We actually have, oh, we have some eggs.
09:19 So let's just try to get an egg out here
09:22 and what I am gonna do is,
09:23 I am gonna put some, what kind of candles?
09:26 Birthday candles. Birthday candles, that's right.
09:28 But it's not a birthday cake and no one's having a birthday.
09:30 Could you hold that for me? Thank you.
09:32 Let's grab another egg right here,
09:34 these eggs are little bit slippery
09:35 so we're gonna have to use a little paper towel again on it.
09:38 Let's put this birthday candle on this one as well.
09:40 Now these eggs are hard boiled, that means they've been cooked.
09:44 They are not raw at all. Can you hold that for me?
09:46 Now this is a very interesting lesson
09:48 because we see them in our science text book sometimes.
09:52 But it's-- this is a different one,
09:54 because we're gonna try to defy gravity.
09:57 You've to fool gravity. Have you ever fooled gravity?
09:59 No.
10:00 Okay, this is what we're gonna do.
10:01 I'm gonna have you hold that bottle
10:03 upside down just like this.
10:04 I'm gonna take this egg.
10:06 I am going to get some water on the egg.
10:08 Now this is how this lesson is supposed to work.
10:11 I am going to take these candles.
10:13 We are gonna light these candles on fire just like that.
10:16 And what we gonna do is
10:17 we're gonna heat some air inside of that bottle.
10:20 The air is going to expand
10:22 and some of that air is going to come out.
10:25 And then I am going to seal off the opening of the bottle
10:30 and we are going to want that egg.
10:32 Because we have low air pressure in the bottle
10:34 high air pressure should push.
10:36 Wow.
10:38 Hey, that was something, wasn't it?
10:40 Yes.
10:41 Go ahead and turn that up side down.
10:42 Let's put it over here, we've got the other egg.
10:45 Now you know what we're gonna do, this is interesting
10:47 because we can make a neat spiritual application.
10:50 'Cause you know, gravity pulls us down, doesn't it?
10:53 Yes.
10:54 But you know, not only does gravity pull us down
10:56 but there is a lot of things in this life
10:58 that pull us down like, the worries and cares, right,
11:01 and sickness and all the other things
11:03 and maybe some of the bad things in this world.
11:05 But you know what we're gonna do?
11:06 We're going to take that little egg
11:08 and we're gonna get this wet right over here.
11:11 I want you to take that bottle and hold it upside down.
11:15 Because you know what, God want you and I not to be
11:18 dragged down by the cares and worries of this world.
11:22 And all the things all the bad things, that's right.
11:24 And so you know what we can do as Christians
11:26 we can ask for God's spirit with us
11:29 and we can pray for Him to help us to overcome
11:32 those bad things in this world and He will.
11:35 So that's what it is. This is the flame.
11:37 This is the fire like the Holy Spirit
11:39 coming into our lives
11:40 after we accept Jesus and He will help us.
11:43 So we are going to put that right in here just like that.
11:46 And so we are gonna heat that up,
11:47 remember that air is escaping, it's hot
11:50 and it's going right out of the bottle.
11:52 And just hold up right up here just like this
11:54 and then when I think I've got rid of most of that hot air,
11:58 I can put it there.
12:00 Now what's gonna happen? Wow.
12:04 And God draws us out of this care of this world.
12:08 And He wants us to be the light of the world, doesn't He?
12:11 Oh, yeah, you know what, I don't want to be dragged down
12:14 by the things of this earth, do you?
12:16 No.
12:18 No, there is some bad stuff out there.
12:19 There is drugs, sometimes people take drugs
12:22 and use drugs to feel good.
12:24 We don't have to do that as Christians, do we? No.
12:27 We don't have to watch the movies that are bad
12:30 that a Christian wouldn't want to watch.
12:32 Because we want to have our lives
12:34 be a witness to Jesus, don't we?
12:36 Yes.
12:37 And so by prayer and by study you know what happens?
12:41 God can take all those cares of this world
12:44 and He can just like we defied gravity with this little egg,
12:47 and we can-- He draws us to himself, isn't that cool?
12:51 Yes. Wow.
12:52 And I want to be close to God. You want to be close to God?
12:55 Yes.
12:56 I do too, I want to feel good about this stuff,
12:59 but you know what?
13:00 We just are here on planet earth and you and I,
13:03 we cannot defy gravity.
13:04 Can we? No.
13:08 It's just one of those natural laws.
13:10 You know what, someday we're going to defy gravity.
13:13 Actually, you know what, Jesus is coming back again.
13:16 Isn't He? Yes.
13:17 That's what He says I-- He has gone to prepare a place for us.
13:21 He's gonna come back because He wants
13:23 to take us to live with Him forever.
13:25 Isn't that cool? Yes.
13:27 I think so too.
13:28 And every time we learn more about science
13:31 we're learning more about our creator, God.
13:43 My son, what news have you to report on the slave
13:45 in the building of the pyramids?
13:47 Father, we need more slaves either that
13:49 or we're gonna have to work them harder.
13:50 I know we need more slaves
13:53 but we'll have to make to do with what we have.
13:55 We don't have slaves... What is it?
13:59 Oh, great Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron
14:01 have a message from their God.
14:02 Moses and Aaron, back with another message from your God,
14:06 and pray tell what is it this time?
14:08 It's the same message, Pharaoh.
14:11 Our God has called us three days
14:13 into the wilderness to worship Him.
14:15 You must let them go.
14:17 You claim your God sent you here to me,
14:21 with a message demanding that I release the Israelites.
14:25 A God I've neither seen nor heard.
14:28 I have demands of my own.
14:31 Show this God of yours to me here and now.
14:38 Behold, Pharaoh, the rod of God.
14:45 Silence.
14:47 Magicians, show these Hebrews your power.
14:50 Yes, master.
14:57 Their rods turned into snakes too.
14:59 It would appear, Hebrews that you are not
15:02 the only magicians in all the land of Egypt.
15:04 Behold the rod of God.
15:11 We can't do that. It's eating that snake.
15:18 Now it's turning back into a rod.
15:20 They are my slaves and I will never let them go from Egypt.
15:27 Pharaoh, because you would not listen to the word of a Lord,
15:30 plagues will fall on you and your people.
15:33 Leave my court, both of you. Out of my sight.
15:37 As you wish.
15:46 You think they can be bizarre and it shook me
15:48 to get my slaves, that will never happen.
15:53 Do you think there really be plagues?
15:55 They have got one God, my son, but we have many.
15:58 Trust me we will win in the end.
16:02 Yes, we will win.
16:10 Father. Father. What is it, son?
16:12 The whole city is in an uproar about them
16:13 trying to water their sheep.
16:15 And its blood father, it's real blood.
16:18 It's not what-- what's going on.
16:20 Moses, Moses is what's going on.
16:23 Just earlier today I was at the Nile River to take my bath
16:26 and who shows up but Moses.
16:28 That staff of his and he points it to the river
16:32 and next thing I know,
16:33 the entire Nile River is blood, pure blood.
16:35 And this, I just turned upside down
16:37 sticking up the entire river.
16:39 Father, something must be done.
16:41 We cannot allow them keeping here
16:42 fearing in our lives like this.
16:43 Something will be done about Moses, I assure you.
16:47 I at least have fresh water in this place.
16:49 Servant, fresh water for my son and myself.
16:53 If he thinks he can just walk into a place make any thing
16:58 do blood anything he--
17:02 What madness is this? I want Moses dealt with now.
17:07 I don't care who you have to talk to.
17:09 Majors, magicians, physicians, go take care of Moses
17:12 and I want him dealt with now.
17:13 Yes, father way to way.
17:22 Well, how nice to finally have a peaceful meal together.
17:26 Is it not? Very nice.
17:27 See but father, what about all those plagues,
17:29 how can you say that?
17:31 Don't even get me started on plagues.
17:33 I have had lice for weeks. Lice?
17:37 Have you slept with foul with there over you jumping.
17:40 And all of those-- What about those awful flies?
17:43 Flies and frogs are nothing compared to lice.
17:46 No, no you slept with a frog? I slept twice.
17:50 I just look at you and it is so disgusting.
17:52 May be she can't forget
17:53 about the livestock that how it all died.
17:54 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:55 The livestock probably died from lice,
17:58 it's everywhere out there.
17:59 I'm beginning to feel like we would have better off it Moses
18:03 and his people had just left Egypt in the first place.
18:06 Yes. No.
18:09 Do you realized to whom you speak?
18:12 Have the Gods taken totally away your senses.
18:17 I am Pharaoh, ruler of all that I see.
18:28 The Gods will provide. Will they not high priest?
18:33 Yes, yes eventually, yes.
18:36 But aren't you afraid of another plague?
18:39 What more can they do to us?
18:42 Why don't we just, eat, drink and be merry, happiness.
18:49 Yes. Servants.
18:55 To Pharaoh. To Pharaoh.
19:09 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
19:12 And today's book is called Guide's Greatest Hero Stories
19:16 by Lori Peckham and it is filled with wonderful,
19:20 exciting, character building stories,
19:22 you will not want to miss.
19:24 Guide's Greatest Hero Stories.
19:27 I'm excited today because I can't wait
19:30 to introduce you to our guest.
19:32 Her name is Demi. Demi, welcome to Kids Time.
19:35 Hi, it's good to be here. I'm excited.
19:37 Now you came a long way to be here.
19:39 Where did you come from? Washington State.
19:41 Washington State, and tell me Demi,
19:43 what does Jesus mean to you?
19:46 He means a lot, I love Him with all my heart.
19:47 You do and you are--
19:50 do you have a lot of ways to witness for Jesus?
19:53 You do?
19:54 Tell me what do you do share to Jesus?
19:55 I know you came here today
19:56 to share something with the boys and girls.
19:58 And I was really touched, it really touched my heart
20:00 what you did and I would like to hear what it is and why?
20:04 Well, I like summer camp and I just loved it so much
20:08 and I wanted other kids that wouldn't be able to go there
20:10 because they might have low income families
20:12 or something like that.
20:14 And so I raised money--
20:15 Now wait a minute, so you went to the camp,
20:17 you had such an awesome time
20:19 that you really started thinking
20:20 about all the other kids that didn't get a chance to go.
20:23 Isn't that awesome, boys and girls,
20:25 where she must be thinking of others
20:27 and that's what God wants us to do.
20:28 And so you were thinking about all the boys and girls
20:30 that couldn't afford to go.
20:31 So what did you do?
20:34 I raised money by one of my family friends
20:37 that has lot of horses and they are like really outdoors.
20:40 What's his name? His name is Jay.
20:42 And we raised money by--
20:44 he gave us some grass seed that he had left over
20:46 from grass seeding his pastures.
20:49 So he grows it and he had some left over,
20:51 so he gave it to you.
20:52 Yeah, and so we got a couple of thousand pounds of grass seed
20:56 that consists orchard grass and alfalfa
21:01 and both of them are stock feeding, grass seed.
21:05 Now here's the picture that--
21:07 She showed me this picture boys and girls.
21:08 Here is the picture, you with your dad and your brother.
21:11 What's your brother name? Dustin.
21:13 We can't see his face in this picture but,
21:15 wow, that's a lot of grass seeds.
21:17 Yeah.
21:18 And for those of you that might not know what--
21:22 the alpha, alpha seed looks like,
21:24 here's the picture right now that she showed me.
21:26 And it's got a big huge scoop of alfalfa seed,
21:29 isn't that-- looks kind of pink?
21:31 Yeah.
21:32 Is that what the color it is
21:33 or is it just looked like that on camera?
21:35 It look like that because there is a covering
21:36 that they put on the top and grow and to--
21:39 To help it grow, so that's good.
21:41 So now you have all this seeds, how much seeds did he give you?
21:44 It was a couple of thousand pounds
21:46 and there was a couple thousand of pounds
21:49 of orchard grass and alfalfa.
21:52 And we re-bagged it and sold it online.
21:56 And like that eBay or...
21:58 And how long did it take you to bag all that?
22:02 It took us like a couple of days
22:05 and we would do it constantly,
22:06 like we bag for couple of hours a day
22:08 and then we'd go the next day and do it.
22:10 And then how long did it take to sell it off?
22:12 It took a couple of months,
22:14 took about three or four, five months.
22:16 And how much money did you raise?
22:18 We raised over $2,000. Over $2,000!
22:23 Can you believe that, boys and girls?
22:24 That's amazing, isn't it?
22:26 Just because she had a desire to help somebody else.
22:31 I'm sure that was a-- you sent a lot of kids to camp.
22:34 Did you ever know who that money benefited?
22:37 We have no idea who that benefited.
22:38 Well, something else I'm curious about.
22:40 Did you neighbor ever find out
22:42 what you did with this grass seeds?
22:43 Yeah, and he's really happy that's what we did with it.
22:45 That's wonderful,
22:47 isn't that such an incredible idea boys and girls,
22:49 and I'm really proud of you that you didn't just go to camp
22:52 and have a great time, but you thought of others,
22:54 and that's what the Bible tells us.
22:56 That God wants us to think about others
22:58 and I love the Bible text
22:59 "And as much as you've done into the least of these
23:01 my brotheren, you have done it unto me."
23:03 So that is a really awesome idea.
23:06 So do you have any other witnessing ideas coming up?
23:09 Who knows, God might give us some more ideas.
23:11 He might and you just pray about it.
23:13 Boys and girls, I want you to pray too
23:15 and ask God, what do you have for me to do?
23:17 What can I do to witness for You
23:19 and God will give you those ideas.
23:22 Well, I have a couple of letters here.
23:24 Don't you love all the letters
23:26 that we read on sharing time, Demi.
23:28 I have a wonderful time reading.
23:30 And boys and girls, I have-- Oh, they have a picture.
23:33 Would you mind holding this picture for me
23:34 so the boys and girls can see this?
23:36 Handsome boy right here and it says, dear Miss Brenda,
23:39 I'm excited to see you in Michigan.
23:42 You came to my home church in Midland.
23:44 Please can you sign me up for Bible lessons
23:47 and the activity books, and I share Jesus by inviting
23:50 my friends to vacation Bible school.
23:52 And I also had a Christmas party for kids
23:55 that don't know about Jesus, love, Copper.
23:58 And then I got a PS and it said, I think it's very cool
24:02 that you came to my church this year in Midland
24:05 and also you visited this year my grandparent's church
24:10 in their home church and Royal Oak,
24:11 in Auckland, New Zealand.
24:13 And then you were at my cousin church,
24:15 Wahroonga, Sydney, Australia.
24:18 And also my parent's church in Arena,
24:20 New South Wales, Australia
24:23 and thank you for a busy year you had.
24:26 Love, Cooper.
24:27 Well, it has been a busy year
24:28 and I think I went to Australia three times this year already
24:33 and I had an amazing time and cooper
24:35 I had a great time at your church too in Midland,
24:39 and I love your pastor.
24:40 You tell you Pastor Cory Herthel hello,
24:43 from Miss Brenda and that she loves him, okay.
24:45 Let's see I think we might have time for another letter.
24:48 I will take that picture from you.
24:49 Can you hold this one up?
24:50 Oh, and this girl has a beautiful little cat.
24:53 It says, dear Miss Brenda,
24:55 I like kids time and I love Maxwell.
25:00 So why is he so sleepy?
25:02 I share Jesus by giving out text to my neighbors
25:05 and I'm eight years old and I love cats.
25:07 Said please pray for my brother and sisters
25:10 who are not Christians and I want them to love Jesus.
25:13 Thank you for Kids Time, love Emma.
25:15 And it says, could you read my letter on Kids' Time please?
25:18 And I just did, Emma.
25:20 And it doesn't tell me where you are from,
25:22 but I want to thank you for writing and Maxwell,
25:25 there is a secret why Maxwell is so sleepy
25:27 but I'm not gonna tell you right now.
25:29 In my bed time story books that Miss Brenda wrote,
25:32 it's called Miss Brenda's Bed Time Stories.
25:33 Buy them one, there is a story in there
25:36 that tells you the secret,
25:37 why Maxwell is the sleepiest dog ever.
25:41 And weren't you surprised that how sleepy Maxwell is?
25:43 Yeah.
25:44 Well, I can tell you this much little hand,
25:46 Maxwell's sleepy because Jesus makes him sleepy.
25:49 Now are you curious?
25:50 That's Miss Brenda's Bed Time Stories volume 1,
25:53 the story is in it.
25:54 Well, thank you so much Emma for writing
25:56 and I want to thank you Demi, for being with us today.
25:58 I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus, will you?
26:01 Yep.
26:02 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you
26:03 to keep witnessing for Jesus.
26:05 There are so many ways and so many ideas out there
26:08 that you could do something for Jesus too.
26:11 And I want you to pray and ask God,
26:12 what is that He wants you to do for Him?
26:15 Can you do that?
26:17 Well, thank you for joining us today, Demi.
26:19 God bless you, boys and girls.
26:20 Remember its Kids' Time to share Jesus.
26:39 Kids' time
27:01 Kids' time Kids' time
27:03 Kids' time Kids' time
27:05 Kids' time
27:09 Kids' time


Revised 2014-12-17