Kids' Time

The Burning Bush

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000315

00:01 It's almost time for Kid's Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there is world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kid's time, Kid's time
00:26 Kid's time, Kid's time
00:28 Kid's time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:32 I'm so glad for another day of life, aren't you?
00:36 I'm glad things change everyday
00:37 because each day brings new surprises.
00:40 It means there is all always something to look forward to.
00:43 If you're having a bad day, it won't last forever.
00:46 There is always another day coming.
00:48 One of the things I look forward
00:50 to each year is the changing of the seasons.
00:52 Well, I live in Tennessee we have four seasons,
00:54 hot summers, cold winters and cool falls and springs.
00:58 I especially love fall when the leaves on the trees
01:01 turn bright shades of red and yellow when that happens,
01:05 I know it's a sign that winter is coming.
01:08 Boys and girls just like the trees
01:10 tell me when winter is coming,
01:12 there are sings all around that tell us Jesus is coming soon.
01:16 Everyday we see more sings that his coming is near.
01:19 It's nice to have something
01:21 that wonderful to look forward to, isn't it?
01:24 Well, right now I'm looking forward to Nature Time.
01:33 Oh, hey, everyone. My name is Rich Aguilera.
01:36 And right now I'm checking out some of God's amazing nature.
01:40 It's everywhere.
01:42 I'm so glad you are with me here
01:43 because it's autumn right now
01:45 and it's favorite time of year.
01:47 One of my favorite things to do this time of year
01:50 is to drive around and enjoy this awesome scenery.
01:53 I got my jeep, let's go.
01:59 I'm just glad I live in a place where this happens,
02:02 because I totally love looking at all these colors.
02:09 Ooh, hang on, I've got to pullover
02:12 and take a picture of this road.
02:16 Wow, what an awesome display of colors.
02:23 Wow, beautiful.
02:25 As I was telling you a few things need to happen
02:28 for this magnificent display of art to happen.
02:31 Actually you know what?
02:33 I've got my mountain bike with me,
02:35 we should go for a ride in the woods
02:37 and I'll tell you all about it, come on lets go.
02:45 Fall is my favorite season.
02:48 Do you remember the other word for fall?
02:51 Autumn. Yeah, autumn.
02:58 There are some really cool bike trails around here.
03:01 I got my bike.
03:02 Let's go in there, 'cause will be totally surrounded by trees.
03:20 As I mentioned,
03:22 several things have to happen for this to work.
03:25 First of all it's important to understand
03:27 that trees like to grow in long warm sunny days.
03:32 And they also love water.
03:34 Trees have a very interesting cycle that allows them to grow.
03:39 First of all it's important to know
03:41 the trees breathe just like you and me.
03:44 When we breathe in, we breathe in oxygen.
03:49 What's it called? Oxygen.
03:52 That's right, oxygen.
03:54 But we breathe out,
03:57 we breathe out something called carbon dioxide.
04:00 I can't breathe in more carbon dioxide.
04:03 I need fresh oxygen, where am I going to get it?
04:07 I know, from plants. Plants make oxygen.
04:11 Wow, thanks plants. You guys are awesome.
04:17 Wow, God thinks of everything.
04:32 So here is the thing about plants and Trees.
04:34 They also like to drink and they like to drink
04:37 the same stuff we like to drink, water.
04:41 Trees and plants absorb the water
04:43 through their root system.
04:45 Water travels all through the roots and the trunk
04:49 and the branches all the way to the leaves.
04:52 Without water the trees and the plants will die.
04:55 There is only one more thing trees need,
04:58 you want to guess what it is?
05:00 They need light.
05:03 So what happens during autumn?
05:07 The days get colder, the days get shorter
05:10 and the trees have to prepare.
05:12 Prepare? Prepare for what?
05:15 It's a tree. Can a tree prepare?
05:19 Plants may not have brains,
05:21 but God created them as living things.
05:24 And if water gets struck inside the roots or the trunk
05:28 or the leaves and it freezes during the winter,
05:31 it could be really hard full for the tree.
05:34 So you know what they do?
05:37 They stop absorbing water, and then they drop their leaves
05:41 until the warm weather comes back again.
05:43 Of course, next spring like I said,
05:46 the trees will start growing leaves again
05:48 when the days get longer and warmer and brighter.
05:53 You know, I think God is so creative,
05:55 because as the leaves prepare to fall
05:57 and disconnect they turn into all these amazing colors.
06:02 God is the most amazing artist in the universe.
06:06 I've got to take some more pictures.
06:10 You know, taking pictures is a great way
06:12 to remember all the stuff we learned.
06:14 If we want to see any of the pictures
06:15 that we have been taking,
06:17 you can go to our website at
06:22 and click on Nature Time.
06:24 Remember, God is the creator,
06:26 nature is his masterpiece, see you.
06:44 He's able, He's able I know He's able
06:50 I know my Lord is able to carry me through
06:55 He's able, He's able I know He's able
07:01 I know my Lord is able to carry me through
07:06 He healed the broken-hearted and set the captives free
07:12 He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see
07:17 Because He's able, He's able I know He's able
07:23 I know my Lord is able to carry me through
07:36 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Learning Time.
07:40 Hey, I'm glad you joined us today
07:42 and I've got a special helper with me
07:44 and I want you to tell everybody
07:45 what your name is and where are you from?
07:47 My name is Mateo and I'm from Puerto Rico.
07:50 Cool, I'm glad you are my helper today.
07:52 And I want Mateo to put on this space shield right here.
07:56 Okay, go ahead and put this on.
07:57 And you know, I want to tell you something about Mateo,
07:59 because Mateo does these type of science experiments
08:03 at his church all the time.
08:05 And so that's why I asked him to do this,
08:06 'cause he works with fire.
08:07 But this takes fire and it takes some eggs.
08:10 Now, we like eggs, right? Yes.
08:13 Well, some people like eggs and these are eggs
08:15 and they are actually raw eggs
08:18 that we took all the stuff out of them.
08:21 You see, we put a little hole right there
08:23 and then put another hole right here.
08:25 And we took all of the yolk
08:27 and all the stuff that's in the egg out of it.
08:30 And so it's just a shell, it's like an eggshell.
08:34 It's really not an eggshell but it's an egg, it's all shell.
08:37 You get what I mean? Yes.
08:38 Okay, all right. So this is what we're gonna do.
08:40 Today we have an interesting lesson
08:42 and the lesson is all about
08:44 one of the most abundant elements
08:46 that we have that God created in the universe.
08:48 Do you know what that is?
08:50 What's the most abundant element?
08:52 I'll give you a hint, it starts with H.
08:56 Yes? Helium.
08:57 Oh, close. What? Hydrogen.
09:00 It's hydrogen you guessed it, hydrogen.
09:02 So here is what we're gonna do, this is the experiment.
09:04 Remember, you can't do this at home.
09:05 Now I want you guys to move way back there
09:08 because we're dealing with hydrogen.
09:11 There we go we're dealing with hydrogen.
09:13 Now hydrogen is very interesting.
09:15 I have a hydrogen balloon right here.
09:17 Now hydrogen is the most abundant element
09:19 that we know of in the entire universe.
09:21 Now hydrogen has a lot of energy
09:23 and it's a green form of energy.
09:25 That means it's really good for our environment.
09:28 So I have this hose right here,
09:29 I'm going to set this down right in here.
09:31 And what we're gonna do,
09:32 Mateo is I'm gonna take this little egg right here
09:35 and I'm going to fill it up with some hydrogen gas
09:38 through that little hole.
09:39 So here we go, we're gonna fill this up
09:40 just like this from that balloon.
09:42 We got some hydrogen in it just like that.
09:45 And we're gonna put this egg right on here just like that.
09:49 Come on Mateo, we're ready for ignition.
09:50 So go and pick up the lighter,
09:52 I'm going to peel this tape off of the top hole.
09:54 Remember hydrogen is a very light gas
09:56 and it wants to go up.
09:58 So as soon as I take it off you light on fire.
10:01 Here we go, go to the next one, okay, go to the next one,
10:03 go to the next one, go to the next one,
10:04 go to the next one, that's right.
10:05 Just hold, oh, here goes one, keep going, keep going.
10:09 That one right here,
10:10 and then this one right one here.
10:11 And that one right there. And this one right here.
10:13 Oh, that one, hey, how about those other two over there,
10:15 let's check those two out, did they go?
10:19 Oh, try that one.
10:22 Wow, here let's try this one again down here.
10:27 Wow, hey, come on back here. Wow, did you hear that?
10:31 Well, all of that energy wasn't
10:33 that a tremendous amount of energy.
10:34 Yes. Well, that's what we are talking about,
10:37 that green energy because that hydrogen is green energy.
10:41 Because we get hydrogen from renewable resources.
10:45 And you know that's the best way
10:47 to treat our earth, isn't it?
10:48 Yes. Let's use energy--
10:50 And it doesn't pollute anything,
10:51 there is no pollution at all.
10:52 It's just some water vapor in the air.
10:54 You know, when God created the earth
10:56 he created the earth perfect, didn't He?
10:58 Yes.
11:00 And He gave us the Garden of Eden
11:01 He told Adam and Eve, He says Adam and Eve,
11:03 yes I want you to take good care of the garden right?
11:05 Yes. That's right.
11:07 And that's what we're supposed to do today.
11:08 So we can use some power like this,
11:11 some energy like that maybe to turn engines and things.
11:14 So we don't pollute the air.
11:16 I don't want to pollute the air do you?
11:18 No. No.
11:19 And you know when we learn more about science
11:22 we are learning more about our creator, God.
11:35 Zipporah, what brings you here? Hello, Moses.
11:37 Please sit down. Thank you.
11:40 It's been such a long morning I thought you might be hungry,
11:42 I brought you some lunch.
11:44 I'm hungry. You are so good to me.
11:47 I try to be good to everyone, I mean.
11:52 Yeah, the sheep look wonderful.
11:56 I hope they haven't been much trouble to you.
11:58 No, no, it's been a pleasure to be here
12:02 in your father's house and tend the sheep.
12:06 They are many more now than they were.
12:08 Yes, I see.
12:11 Well, you certainly look like a shepherd now,
12:13 not like the Egyptian when you came.
12:16 It pleases you?
12:18 Well I-- oh, father,
12:21 I was just bringing Moses his lunch,
12:24 I thought he might be hungry.
12:27 I'm gonna go and see if mother needs anything.
12:30 I'm quite sure she does. Goodbye, Moses.
12:34 Bye, Zipporah.
12:40 Jethro Moses, please.
12:46 So what brings you here?
12:47 Well, first of all I can't help but to notice that you,
12:52 you have your eye on my daughter, Zipporah.
12:57 Zipporah? She is beautiful.
12:59 Well, all of your daughters they are all beautiful.
13:02 Well, that's one-- Thank you.
13:04 Well, that's one of the reasons why I came here today.
13:08 I like to see if you like to take her hand in marriage.
13:12 Zipporah? Yes.
13:14 Zipporah? Yes.
13:17 I would love to. That settles it.
13:22 We're now family. Absolutely. Zipporah. Zipporah?
13:28 There will be a wedding, you'll be my son.
13:31 I'll be proud to be your son. Family.
13:35 Absolutely. Zipporah, made this.
13:39 Oh, it's good.
13:43 It is my great pleasure
13:45 to stand here amongst friends and family.
13:48 We gathered here today to witness
13:51 and celebrate the holy union of my dear friend Moses
13:57 and my lovely daughter Zipporah.
13:59 God has not called you to be fearful, but to be a peace.
14:03 That desires for you to be harmony
14:05 with him and each other.
14:09 To support one another and care each others burdens
14:12 even during the difficult times.
14:16 Moses, you are the provider to protect her,
14:20 the priest of the family,
14:22 it is your duty to bind your family with love.
14:28 And Zipporah, my lovely daughter
14:31 it is for you to be the sweet fragrance of the home.
14:34 To care for the needs of your family and support your husband
14:38 and together seek the Lord God almighty in all that you do.
14:44 Moses and Zipporah,
14:47 may the Lord richly bless you as man and his wife,
14:52 as father and his mother for generations to come.
15:04 Moses, do you take Zipporah to be your lovely wife?
15:08 I do.
15:10 Zipporah, do you take Moses to be your husband?
15:14 I do.
15:18 Please join your hands.
15:24 What God has brought together let no man put us on it.
15:29 I now present you as husband and his wife.
15:42 Ladies and gentlemen let's eat, let's drink and be married.
16:09 Mother the bread is ready.
16:11 Thank you son, there is a basket on the table,
16:14 could you please put the bread inside?
16:15 Yes, mother. Thank you.
16:17 Son, you know, I must leave this morning
16:19 I'll be gone tonight.
16:21 Go to the mountain of God to Horeb to take the phlox.
16:24 Can I go with you father?
16:25 Not this time, maybe another time, another time.
16:28 Stay here I want you to watch over your mother
16:30 and watch over your brother and watch things for me.
16:33 Yes, father. Go now, go on.
16:41 Moses. What's troubling you? Yes.
16:44 You know me too well, Zipporah. You know me too well.
16:48 Of course I do, we've been married for so long.
16:51 Now we have two fine boys, I should know you.
16:54 They are fine boys they have looks--
16:56 They have the looks of their mother, that's for sure.
16:58 But they have the strength of their father.
16:59 You are trying to change the subject, Moses.
17:02 There is something bothering you, could you please tell me.
17:06 You should know, it's my people,
17:09 they are still in Egypt, they are still bondage.
17:13 I pray for God will bring a deliver the--
17:16 Do something, something will happen.
17:18 It's hard for me to stand here
17:21 and have such a lovely home with you and my people.
17:25 It's always on my mind, that's why--
17:26 That's why I leave tonight.
17:28 I have to thank, I have to thank.
17:30 I understand, I really do. And I must be going.
17:33 Boys, your father is leaving now.
17:36 Gershom, please bring his rod
17:37 and Eliezer the basket that we've prepared.
17:44 Thank you, boys, thank you. I made your favorite.
17:48 I notice.
17:51 My favorite bread, your mother's bread.
17:55 You are so good to me my love, so good to me
17:58 since the beginning, since we met.
18:03 As I go on my journey, let's pray,
18:04 let's pray for Gods protection.
18:08 God in heaven we thank You for all
18:10 and who You are and what've done for all of us.
18:13 We ask for Your protection on my home,
18:15 on my wife, on my sons and as I go this way.
18:20 As I ahead to Horeb that You be with each and every one of us.
18:25 Thank You oh, God, amen. Amen.
18:36 Moses. Moses.
18:43 Here am I. Take off your sandals Moses.
18:48 For the place you are standing is Holy ground.
18:56 Who are you, Lord? I'm the God of your fathers.
19:01 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
19:05 I have surely seen the oppression
19:07 of my people who are in Egypt.
19:10 And I have heard their cry, because of their taskmasters.
19:14 I know their sorrows.
19:18 I have come down to deliver them
19:20 out of the hand of the Egyptians
19:22 and to bring them up to a land flow with milk and honey.
19:27 Come now I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring
19:31 my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.
19:37 Who am I that you would send me to Pharaoh?
19:40 And lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?
19:45 I will certainly be with you.
19:53 I can't speak well.
19:56 Moses, who made your mouth?
20:01 Lord, forgive me.
20:06 I will send there in your brother to speak for you.
20:14 All that you've asked me,
20:18 I will do, I will do.
20:43 Beautiful, beautiful, Jesus is beautiful
20:50 And Jesus makes beautiful things of my life
20:57 Carefully touching me, causing my eyes to see
21:04 That Jesus makes beautiful things of my life
21:12 Beautiful, beautiful, Jesus is beautiful
21:18 And Jesus makes beautiful things of my life
21:25 Carefully touching me, causing my eyes to see
21:31 That Jesus makes beautiful things of my life
21:49 It's time for Miss. Brenda's Book of the Day.
21:52 And today's book is very special boys and girls.
21:55 Because it's Gods holy word and it's paraphrased
21:58 by my very dear friend Dr. Jack Blanco.
22:02 And it is really amazing and it's simple to read
22:05 for boys and girls of all ages you won't want to miss
22:08 The Clear Word for kids.
22:11 Something else you won't want to miss
22:12 is our guest we have today
22:14 she is someone very special to Miss. Brenda,
22:16 Tiara welcome to the program.
22:18 Hi.
22:19 I'm so excited to have you here.
22:21 You are very special to Miss. Brenda,
22:23 I've known you all your life
22:25 your dad is our Kids Time director.
22:27 Yeah.
22:28 And so you've been around Kids Time along time haven't you?
22:31 I have, yeah.
22:32 So you know a lot about sharing Jesus.
22:34 What are you doing now?
22:35 What have you been doing lately?
22:36 Well, I've been sponsoring a child
22:39 from Haiti for the past three years.
22:41 An orphan right? An orphan, yeah.
22:43 That's right and what give you that idea
22:45 that you'd want to do that?
22:46 Well, about three years ago my dad went to Haiti
22:49 to build a little program.
22:52 And I saw that there is a big earthquake there,
22:55 so I asked him, I was like, hey, can I sponsor a child?
22:58 And he is like, yeah, sure, whenever we get the chance.
23:01 So then a couple months later a guy came to our church
23:04 and asked if anybody wanted to like sponsor,
23:06 so I asked my dad and that's how we got here.
23:10 Now how much that costs to sponsor a child?
23:12 It costs $20 a month.
23:14 Now are you rich, Tiara? I'm not rich.
23:16 Then who do you find the money for--
23:18 To sponsor a child?
23:20 Well, I help my mom a lot, like I help her in the yard
23:23 and I do dishes and I vacuum.
23:25 So I just kind of help her around the house.
23:27 You earn the money by doing chores?
23:29 Mm-mm. That's wonderful.
23:30 And now I understand you have a trip coming up soon
23:34 that your dad is gonna take you to Haiti.
23:36 Your dad's actually been there 10 times.
23:37 He has a real heart for the people
23:39 that are suffering there, doesn't he?
23:41 Yeah. And your mom does too.
23:43 So your dad's getting ready to take you to Haiti.
23:45 In fact would you come back and tell us
23:46 what your trip was like and when you go?
23:48 Oh, yeah.
23:49 I would like that, but you were getting ready to go
23:51 and you are going to--
23:53 This trip is gonna be special why?
23:55 Because I'm going to meet the girl
23:56 that I've been sponsoring.
23:58 For the first time, isn't that awesome boys and girls?
24:00 I'm so excited, I definitely want pictures.
24:03 I know your dad knows how to use a camera,
24:05 so you tell him we want video
24:07 when you meet her for the first time, okay?
24:08 Yeah.
24:09 And you come back and tell us about it,
24:11 but you brought some with you.
24:12 Now you call these love bundles.
24:14 And what do you have in that a love bundle
24:17 and also do you have a picture of your--
24:19 Of the girl you've been sponsoring.
24:21 Yeah, I do have a picture, so...
24:23 Can you hold that up to the camera there,
24:25 so just right over there to hold it up
24:27 and say what's her name?
24:28 Her name is Camene Paul. Camene Paul.
24:32 And how old is she? She is 14.
24:34 She is 14 years old.
24:36 She is going to be so excited to meet you.
24:39 You know, Tiara I'm glad God's given you a passion
24:41 in you heart to help the children in Haiti.
24:44 Boys and girls, many don't realize
24:46 but because of that earthquake
24:48 literally over a hundred thousand
24:50 children became orphans.
24:51 And over three hundred thousand or more lost their lives.
24:54 So it was really a terrible devastating
24:57 and they are still suffering today, aren't they?
24:59 So they still need our help
25:01 and you are going take her something very special.
25:04 You have a gift beside you,
25:05 you're actually going to give her in person, what is that?
25:08 Well, we call it a love bundle. A love bundle.
25:11 Would you mind just taking some of that stuff out
25:13 and we want to peek within that love bundle, don't we?
25:15 We want to see what's in there. Okay, we've got hair clips.
25:19 Hair clips, yes. And we got shoes.
25:22 Shoes, some flip flop there.
25:24 We got a skirt. Clothes.
25:27 And lots-- Some more clothes.
25:29 Now that's good, things you think she would like.
25:32 Towels. Towels.
25:34 And wash clothes. We got a hat.
25:36 A hat, oh, that so cute. Oh, she is gonna love that.
25:40 And just say, it's some personal things
25:42 that she is gonna enjoy.
25:45 That is wonderful, now have you made other a love bundles?
25:49 I have, our church has made like 65 each year.
25:53 So I always help out with that and it's a lot of fun.
25:56 It is and so you're gonna take some of those over to Haiti
25:58 with you aren't you when you go?
25:59 We're gonna pass them out, so...
26:01 Well, that's wonderful I want to thank you so much
26:04 for coming here today, Tiara and sharing this with me.
26:06 You know boys and girls I've seen some of that video
26:08 and that footage of those boys and girls
26:10 that are just devastated over there
26:12 because of the earthquake is just will break your heart
26:15 and Jesus wants us to do more to help them, doesn't He Tiara?
26:19 He wants us to reach out and do others.
26:21 And just think for $20 a month
26:23 you maybe able to sponsor a child
26:24 and if you would like to that why don't you write to Tiara
26:27 and she will tell you all about it
26:29 you can send it Miss. Brenda here at 3ABN.
26:32 Well, thank you so much for joining us.
26:33 Thank you, boys and girls.
26:34 Remember, wherever you go,
26:36 whatever you do it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17