Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000314
00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:03 We're gonna be late. 00:04 It's time to share There is world out there 00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:11 It's time to share There is a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:23 Kid's time, Kid's time Kid's time, 00:27 Kid's time, Kid's time 00:31 Hi, boys and girls. 00:32 I am looking forward to the day 00:34 when we're all safe and sound in heaven 00:36 and I can't wait to meet each one of you face to face. 00:39 I want to hear all the stories 00:41 about the awesome ways God guided and protected you 00:44 when we were all down here on earth. 00:46 I am sure you'll have some great stories to tell. 00:49 In the mean time I'll keep telling you stories 00:52 about the amazing ways 00:53 Jesus guided and protected people in the Bible. 00:56 I know that Jesus is still protecting His children today. 01:00 Just a few years ago I wrote a book 01:02 about how God protected some people from a huge flood 01:05 during hurricane Katrina. 01:07 They were terrified 01:08 but Jesus was right there with them. 01:11 Boys and girls, there might come a day 01:13 when you face some scary things in your life. 01:15 Maybe you are facing them right now 01:18 but no matter what you are going through 01:20 you are not alone because Jesus is right there with you. 01:24 There is no flood big enough to carry you away 01:27 from your best friend Jesus. 01:30 All right now, it's time for Nature Time. 01:40 Oh, hi kids, it's me, Rich Aguilera. 01:42 I am so glad you are here. 01:44 As usual I am looking around, 01:46 taking pictures at some of the amazing 01:48 nature around here. 01:49 It's everywhere. 01:51 Anyway, I am so glad you are here 01:53 because today, we're going to learn about Mount St. Helens. 01:58 So what's so special about this mountain? 02:00 Something extreme happened here 02:02 in May 1980, it exploded. 02:06 Actually it erupted. 02:09 Mount St. Helens is a volcano. 02:11 What kind of mountain is it? 02:13 Volcano. 02:15 That's right, a volcano. 02:18 So what exactly is a volcano? 02:21 Let me tell it you this way, 02:23 think of our planet as an orange, 02:26 it has an outer peel. 02:31 This is the outer peel and below that 02:34 is the orange juice. 02:36 I love orange juice. I am just kidding. 02:38 Anyway, below the surface of our planet 02:40 it's not orange juice, its hot magma. 02:43 That's like melted rock. 02:45 What's that melted rock called? 02:47 Magma. 02:49 Yeah, magma. 02:51 Hot, hot, hot. 02:52 Sometimes that hot magma gets out 02:56 through a crack in the outer peel of-- 02:58 I mean, the outer crust of our planet. 03:01 The spot where the magma escapes through the crust 03:04 is called a volcano and in 1980 this one erupted. 03:12 Want to see it, its right behind me. 03:14 Check it out. 03:18 You know, it would be great to get 03:20 a good close-up look up there. 03:21 So you know what, 03:22 why don't we take a helicopter ride 03:24 and go up there? 03:26 Eat my orange now. 03:29 Come on, this looks fun. 03:39 The mudflow that followed the eruption 03:41 was devastating. 03:43 Some parts of this river below be got buried 03:45 by up to 600 feet of sediment. 03:49 This mile wide hole caused by the eruption 03:52 is called a crater. 03:54 What's it called? 03:56 Crater. 03:57 Yeah, a crater. 04:00 I've got to get a picture of this. 04:14 Wow, that was awesome but you know what, 04:17 I'd like to get even closer to the top. 04:19 How about we climb to the rim? 04:22 You can come with me, come on. 04:28 The climb takes all day and will take us 04:31 to over 8,300 feet above sea level. 04:35 It's a strenuous climb 04:37 and it requires us to eventually climb 04:39 wearing snow shoes and using walking poles. 04:43 Soon we even passed above the clouds. 04:51 What a great feeling to finally make it to the rim. 05:02 Wow, what an amazing view. 05:13 Hey kids, guess what I've found 05:15 on the backside of Mount St. Helens? 05:18 A lava tube. 05:21 This is a tube where that hot magma used 05:24 to flow down from the volcano. 05:26 What's that tube called? 05:27 Lava tube. 05:29 That's right, a lave tube. 05:35 We can actually go down into the lava tubes. 05:38 Come on, let's check it out. 05:44 My flash light, let's go. 05:59 Wow, this is cool. 06:10 Volcanoes are pretty amazing but nothing is more amazing 06:14 than the one who created it all. 06:17 And of course all the pictures we take help me remember 06:20 all the cool nature we saw. 06:22 Hey, if you want to see the pictures, you can. 06:25 Just to our website at 06:28 and click on Nature Time. 06:30 Remember, God is the creator, 06:32 nature is His masterpiece. 06:35 See you. 06:37 Oh-oh. 06:50 Days are filled with sorrow and care 06:55 Hearts are lonely and drear 07:01 Burdens are lifted at Calvary 07:06 Jesus is very near 07:11 Burdens are lifted at Calvary 07:16 Calvary, Calvary 07:21 Burdens are lifted at Calvary 07:26 Jesus is very near 07:31 Burdens are lifted at Calvary 07:36 Calvary, Calvary 07:40 Burdens are lifted at Calvary 07:45 Jesus is very near 07:51 Jesus is very near 08:05 Hi, kids. Welcome to learning time! 08:09 I'm glad you joined us today. 08:11 You know, today we're gonna do 08:12 an interesting science experiment 08:13 and you might have all of these things at home 08:16 but you know what, you got to get permission 08:18 because we don't want you to get hurt. 08:19 But this is gonna be fun. 08:21 And I've got some helpers here today. 08:23 So let me know what your name is 08:26 and where are you from? 08:27 My name is Brian and I am from West Frankfurt. 08:30 Well, good, Brian. I am glad you are here. 08:31 We have another helper and tell us about you? 08:34 My name is Gracie, I am from Tennessee. 08:36 Great, glad to have you, Gracie and... 08:38 My name is Andy and I am from Great Tennessee. 08:42 I am glad you are here too, Andy. 08:44 Now, we've got some things together right here 08:45 and let's check it out. 08:47 First of all we have what, guys? 08:48 Safety glasses! Safety glasses. 08:50 We were safe. Go on and put those on. 08:52 In fact I need to really, really see well, 08:53 so I am going to put my reading glasses on 08:55 underneath my safety glasses, okay. 08:57 so I'll be kind of cool. 08:58 Now we've got a couple of pitcher right here 09:00 or containers and those tin containers 09:02 are going to be filled with some of these items right here. 09:05 So let's see, Andy, what's that in there? 09:07 Yeast. Yeah, it's yeast. 09:10 So, Andy, go and pour the yeast in there, okay. 09:12 And, Gracie, we've got some white stuff in there 09:14 and would you pour that in and that happens to be 09:16 baking soda, okay. 09:18 Just like-- or baking powder or baking soda powder. 09:21 Did you ever get those two mixed up? 09:23 Yes. 09:24 They are different, don't ever get 09:25 them mix up when you are cooking 09:26 because then you are going to have a disaster. 09:28 But this happens to be baking soda. 09:30 And, Brian, why don't you go and pour the yeast in there 09:32 and the baking soda. 09:33 And you know what I've got right here? 09:35 I've got some v-stuff, that's vinegar. 09:38 That's interesting. 09:39 You have vinegar at home, 09:40 but we're going to use vinegar for our experiment. 09:42 Then on this one right here I actually have some H2O2 09:45 and that happens to be Hydrogen Peroxide. 09:48 And you have to be very careful 09:49 with Hydrogen Peroxide, we don't want to eat it. 09:51 But we're not fixing food, are we? 09:52 No! No, not fixing food. 09:54 So what we gonna do is we have the yeast 09:57 and we have the baking... 09:59 what? What is this? 10:00 Soda! 10:01 Baking soda, we're going to mix them up a little bit. 10:03 Okay, that's what we're going to do. 10:04 Now, the yeast happens to be catalyst 10:06 and a catalyst happens to make the reactions happen 10:09 a lot faster. 10:10 So we're going to get a little reaction. 10:12 I am going to put this-- what? 10:13 What's this, again? Vinegar! 10:15 Vinegar, same kind of vinegar 10:16 that you put on your food or maybe a salad. 10:18 I am gonna pour it right in here 10:19 and let's check it out. Shall we do that? 10:21 Yes! 10:22 I tell you what, Gracie, why don't you pout it in there. 10:24 Here we go, pour it right in there. 10:26 And let's check out, see, 10:27 if get a little reaction take place. 10:28 Okay, all the way in. 10:30 Thank you very much. Here we go. 10:31 And, Brian, here we go. We got what? 10:33 Hydrogen peroxide, put that in there. 10:35 We're going to have a little reaction. 10:37 When that happens-- just like that. 10:38 Thank you very much. And you know what we go? 10:41 We got some reaction taking place, don't we? 10:44 We sure do. 10:45 Now this is what we're going to do, 10:47 we happened to have little stirring rods. 10:48 So I am going to stir a little-- get rid 10:51 of some of these bubbles right here. 10:52 So what happens is we actually have 10:55 some carbon dioxide in there 10:56 because the baking soda and the- 10:59 what it react to? The yeast. 11:01 The yeast, right and the vinegar. 11:02 And it comes up with what? 11:04 It comes up with some... 11:06 Bubbles. 11:08 That's called carbon dioxide. 11:11 You know we have to be very careful 11:12 with carbon dioxide, don't we? 11:14 Oh, we really do because carbon dioxide, 11:16 we can't really breathe if there's 11:17 a lot of carbon dioxide in the air. 11:19 So what I am gonna do is we're gonna light this 11:21 little match. 11:22 Now these two little containers right there 11:24 that we have in front of us, 11:25 that represents the world. 11:27 You know, you and I live in the world, don't we? 11:29 Oh yeah, we live in the world 11:30 but you know what God doesn't want us to be what? 11:33 Contaminated by the world 11:34 because world can really hurt us, can it? 11:37 There's a lot of things in the world 11:38 that can be dangerous. 11:39 But you know what, here, if we are a Christian, 11:41 and we have God's light in us, 11:43 if we are in the world, the world can what? 11:46 Can put out our flame, can it? 11:48 Can put out our influence but let's take this 11:51 and let's put it right down in here 11:53 and what's happening with all that? 11:54 Wow! 11:57 What does that doing right here? 11:58 Its lighting. 11:59 It's trying to flame back up. 12:01 Let's see if we can get rid of few of those 12:02 bubbles right here. 12:03 There we go. 12:04 Wow, what happened? 12:05 And the flame started on fire again, didn't it? 12:08 That's because you know, God wants you and I 12:10 to be the light of the world. 12:12 And for us to be the light of the world 12:13 we need to accept Jesus because if we don't have Jesus 12:16 in our lives what could happen to our Christian influence? 12:18 We could die. 12:19 We could die and we wouldn't be 12:21 a good Christian influence if that happens. 12:23 But if we have Jesus in our lives 12:24 you know what can happen? 12:26 We can regain all of that power 12:29 that God wants you and I to have. 12:31 And that should relight right there. 12:33 Let's give it a little help right there, 12:34 let's get rid of few of those bubbles. 12:35 Wow, look at that and it relights. 12:38 I don't know about you but I want God's spirit to be 12:40 with me and I don't want to be effected by 12:42 other things in the world that can put our what? 12:44 Or light out. 12:45 Because Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:16, 12:48 He says this, He says, "I want your light to shine." 12:51 Do you want your light to shine? 12:53 Yes! 12:54 I want my light to shine, 12:55 I want my light to shine for Jesus. 12:57 That's what I want to do. 12:59 This is a great experiment to show that 13:01 I want that light in my life. 13:03 You know when we learn about science 13:05 we learn more about our creator God. 13:15 Man, I am telling you, today is so hot. 13:19 Feeding the sheep, watering them, 13:22 pulling that up from the well, this just been-- 13:25 It can be ensued off for me. 13:26 Hey, well, what are you doing here? 13:27 What are you doing here? 13:29 This is our well. 13:34 Go! 13:36 Move. Now, move. 13:38 I think he's of royal blood. 13:39 Go. I'll kick you right now. 13:42 Ladies, well is yours. 13:45 Get all the water you want for your flocks. 13:47 It's all yours. 13:49 I-- we'll water our flocks later. 13:55 Girl's, we've got to go tell father. 14:07 Jethro my dear, I'd love to fix you 14:09 some thing special for dinner tonight. 14:11 What would you like? 14:14 You know my favorite dish is. 14:16 Oh yeah. Those lentils of yours. 14:18 Those are the best of our menu. 14:20 You got me hungry just thinking about it. 14:21 Father! Father! 14:25 Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 14:27 Wait, wait. 14:29 First of all what you all doing home so early? 14:33 Oh, we all going to go in one of the-- 14:35 Wait! 14:36 Zipporah, please, tell me what's' going on? 14:39 Okay, let me just catch my breath. 14:40 We went to the fields to water the flock 14:42 just as you asked. Right. 14:44 When we went to well to draw the water 14:46 those shepherds were there again. 14:47 What? Do they-- 14:49 Sit down, sit down. 14:50 Wait till you hear what happen next. 14:51 Well, this man came out of nowhere and rescued us. 14:56 What man? What man? 14:57 We don't know. 14:58 We've never seen him before. Where's he at? 15:00 Well, he looks foreign and maybe Egyptian. 15:03 He's still back at the well. 15:04 Egyptian! Yes. 15:06 Look, you need to go back, find this man, 15:08 bring him back here so that I can thank him properly. 15:10 All right, let's go. 15:11 Let's go, girls, we'll do it. 15:13 Let's go. 15:14 Believe those shepherds? 15:15 No. 15:16 Oh, every time, they always there with some, 15:19 always there with some-- 15:23 Oh, where is he? 15:24 Where is he? He's right there. 15:26 Thanks he's here. Thanks he's here. 15:28 Ladies, is everything all right? 15:30 Yes. We're fine. 15:32 We just wanted to thank you for rescuing us 15:34 from those shepherds. 15:36 In fact, our father would like to meet you. 15:38 I could take you to the house now. 15:42 My sisters will finish watering the flocks. 15:44 I would love to meet your father but first, 15:47 may I help you water your flocks. 15:49 Oh, he's so nice. Just indeed. 15:52 Yes. 15:54 Thank you, you are most kind. 16:05 On behalf of myself, my wife and seven daughters, 16:10 welcome to our home. 16:12 Jethro, thank you for your hospitality. 16:14 This is wonderful. 16:15 No, thank you for what you did for them back 16:17 at the well, I heard all about it. 16:19 I am very much appreciative. 16:21 I was glad that I could be there. 16:23 Thank you. Thank you. 16:25 And now that we have this glorious meal before us, 16:28 let us pray, shall we? 16:31 Oh, great God, please bless this food, amen. 16:39 Zipporah, can you please be our guest. 16:41 Yes, mother. 16:45 Now, I can't help to notice that you are from royal blood. 16:50 So what brings you this far without any-- any 16:53 belongings or any guards? 16:58 I am Moses. 17:00 Moses. I am of royal blood. 17:03 At my table? Moses. 17:06 I am a price of Egypt-- I was a prince of Egypt 17:10 but I tell you my story since I am in your home. 17:15 I wasn't born Egyptian, I was born of a slave woman, 17:18 a Hebrew woman. 17:19 And I found myself in the home of pharaoh, 17:22 adopted by his daughter. 17:26 But I had so many opportunities, 17:29 I was educated in the ways of the Egyptians, 17:31 all the wisdom, all the knowledge, 17:34 the military and I did great campaigns 17:37 through the years, blessed. 17:39 At the same time I learned about God, 17:41 the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 17:44 and it was difficult because inside of me I was angered, 17:50 I was frustrated by the bonds that my people, 17:54 the Hebrews have. 17:56 And I knew that I could do some thing, 17:59 I could deliver them, I have the power to do that. 18:03 One day when doing the work for farewell, 18:07 I went into the field with the slaves 18:08 and I saw task master beating one of the Hebrew slaves, 18:12 one of those of my own people. 18:16 It angered me so much, 18:18 I took my hands and I killed him. 18:20 I killed that man, he was an Egyptian, 18:22 he was a task master. 18:24 Now, I had to leave, I am a fugitive 18:31 and that's why I find myself here. 18:35 Wow. 18:37 You know it is clear that you come to me 18:39 with a heavy heart 18:41 I am a priest of the most high God 18:45 and it was that God who brought you here to our home. 18:50 So we are pleases-- 18:51 Let's some cloths for out guest, 18:53 could you-- would you get him, please? 18:54 Yes, father. Thank you. 18:58 First thing you must do, I encourage you, 19:01 I encourage you to ask for forgiveness 19:06 and pray dearly and continually. 19:11 God has a plan and purpose for you 19:13 that He will see you through. 19:15 Thank you. 19:17 Thank you. 19:18 Let's eat, shall we? 19:31 Good. 21:17 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day. 21:21 And today's book is 21:22 an exciting book, boys and girls. 21:25 It's called "60 Years of Guide." 21:26 It's an anniversary special put together by Lori Peckham. 21:29 She's a good friend of Miss Brenda's. 21:31 And I am telling you, Guide Magazine is 21:34 really famous for putting out 21:36 some wonderful faith building stories. 21:38 You are not gonna want to miss this book, 21:40 "60 Years of Guide." 21:42 Well, something else you're no going to ant to miss 21:45 and that's our guests today. 21:46 We have an exciting program for you, 21:48 we have a guest all the way from California, 21:51 her name is Christie. 21:52 Hi, Christie, and thank you for coming to Kid's Time. 21:55 Hi, Miss Brenda, I am so glad to be here. 21:58 Well, I am excited you are here too 22:00 and you brought somebody special with you. 22:01 Who do you bring? 22:02 My mom. You brought your mom. 22:05 And mom, what is your name? 22:07 My name is Ninah and others call me Liliya, 22:11 that's my real name. 22:12 That's your real name. 22:13 And where are you originally from? 22:14 I am from the Philippines originally. 22:15 From the Philippines. 22:16 Do you know, Christie, we have lots of kids 22:18 that that have been on Kids' Time 22:19 from the Philippines. 22:21 And we're excited that you're here 22:23 and tell me what do you do to share Jesus? 22:26 Well, I like to help orphans 22:31 and I live to give them sweets parties 22:33 and build playgrounds for them and-- 22:36 Well, just back up just a minute 22:37 because I think mom can shed a little light on 22:40 why you have such a passion to help orphans. 22:43 Why do you think that is, mom? 22:45 Why does she has such a passion to help? 22:46 Well, when Christy was 22 months we adopted her. 22:52 So you were an orphan? 22:53 Yes. 22:54 Oh, and so you have a special love for other ones 22:57 that are orphans, don't you? 22:58 Yes. 22:59 Now for those people that don't-- 23:00 there lots of kids watching, maybe that don't even know 23:02 what an orphan is. 23:03 What is an orphan? 23:05 Well, an orphan is a child that doesn't have a mom or dad. 23:10 Doesn't have a mom or dad, and so you adopted Christie 23:13 when she was 22 months old. 23:16 And I can see the she is a light in your life. 23:19 Oh, yeah, she is. 23:20 When this all started, when she was six-years-old 23:25 and we decided to visit the Philippines 23:28 and took her back on her first return visit 23:32 to her orphanage there. 23:34 When she was six? 23:35 When she was six and we brought-- 23:37 what did we bring? 23:38 Cake and ice cream. 23:40 To your orphanage to for you to celebrate your birthday, 23:42 that is really awesome. 23:44 So what did-- how did-- were the kids excited? 23:46 What did they think 23:47 when you brought cake and ice cream? 23:48 What do you think? 23:50 Well, they were-- 23:52 when they were eating it 23:53 their faces were very happy, so. 23:57 Oh, and did that make you happy? 23:58 Yes. 24:00 It always makes us feel happy 24:01 when we're helping someone else, doesn't it? 24:02 Yes. 24:03 So we came back to California and she woke up from a nap 24:09 and went and sought me out and said... 24:12 what did you say? 24:14 Mommy, I feel bad for the orphans 24:17 that don't have mommy and daddies. 24:20 Yeah, and so I asked her, what do you want to do? 24:22 I want to give them cake and ice cream. 24:25 So they can be? 24:27 Happy. 24:29 That's real-- and that was a good idea, wasn't it? 24:32 Yeah. 24:33 So tell me, through all of these what has evolved? 24:35 And you brought some pictures with you. 24:36 Do you have pictures that we can show, 24:38 maybe you can hand me. 24:39 So we have what-- the first program 24:43 that we came out of that was we call-- 24:46 what did we call it, sweetie? 24:47 We call it, sweets for the holidays. 24:49 Sweets for the holidays, and look at the-- 24:51 Yeah. 24:53 And it says right there on the cakes, 24:54 sweets for the holidays. 24:55 That is nice. 24:56 And what else, did you brought 24:57 some other pictures for us? 24:59 Yeah. 25:00 And so there's a picture of all the kids enjoying. 25:04 Oh. 25:05 This is actually at her orphanage. 25:08 Oh, isn't that-- they do looks happy, don't they? 25:12 Yes, they do. 25:13 And then what else do you think kids like to do? 25:17 They love to play so I wanted to start a program 25:20 that would build playground for orphanages. 25:22 Oh, that's a good idea too. 25:25 What did we call it? 25:26 Happy places. 25:28 Happy places and that's' one of the playgrounds you built? 25:30 I am sure that kids were really excited about that, 25:34 weren't they? 25:35 Because long after cake and ice cream was gone 25:37 you did have something to play on 25:39 and the memory to know that somebody 25:41 came back and cared for them. 25:43 And you have another picture? 25:44 Yeah. 25:45 So actually what we wanted to do eventually is? 25:50 We wanted to start like a K.R.I.S. campus. 25:53 And what is that? 25:55 And that is where kids and orphans can learn 25:59 how to read and write and like it will help them 26:04 grow and have a better life later on. 26:07 That's wonderful, this actually 26:09 because of your idea it has really evolved. 26:12 This is now an international program, 26:13 isn't it? 26:15 Yes, it is because we actually-- 26:16 You want to hold that up for kids to see. 26:18 Yeah, the K.R.I.S. Charitable Foundation. 26:21 Kids Rise and Inspire and Soar. 26:23 I love that. 26:24 Well, I want to thank you both for coming 26:26 and sharing how you-- 26:28 what you've done to share Jesus. 26:29 And boys and girls, I hope that's inspired you 26:31 to do something for others. 26:33 Remember it's Kids' Time to share Jesus. 27:17 Kid's time Kid's time, Kid's time Kid's time, 27:21 Kid's time Kid's time |
Revised 2014-12-17