Kids' Time

The Good Samaritan

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000311

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:03 It's time to share There is world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share There is a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kid's time Kid's time Kid's time Kid's time Kid's time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:32 You've probably heard the story of the Good Samaritan.
00:35 It's a well known story that Jesus told long ago
00:38 about a man who was beaten and robbed
00:40 while traveling from one town to another on a dangerous road.
00:44 Sadly he was ignored and left for dead by people
00:46 who should've been the first to help him.
00:49 They just walked on by too busy
00:51 weren't caring to lend a hand.
00:53 Eventually, he was helped by a man
00:54 who was considered to be his enemy.
00:57 It would sort to be like you getting bullied
00:59 and beaten up on the playground
01:01 and then getting help by the person
01:03 you dislike the most.
01:05 It would sort to change your view of that person
01:07 wouldn't it?
01:08 That's why Jesus shares a story.
01:11 He wants to change how people see themselves and others.
01:14 He wanted people to know that
01:16 He doesn't judge people the same way we do.
01:19 The Bible says "judge not."
01:22 Well, right now its time for Nature Time.
01:32 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Nature Time.
01:35 We're in the beautiful country of Australia
01:37 and today we've something not really special but mammoth
01:40 with the wildlife sanctuary in Currumbin.
01:42 We have a special person Tenielle not just special but
01:46 you're an expert in these things.
01:48 This is mammoth, this is a crocodile.
01:50 I've never seen something this big.
01:52 I know. Isn't he impressive?
01:54 His name is Holey.
01:55 He is a saltwater crocodile
01:56 and he is a largest reptile in the world.
01:59 Well, how big is Holey?
02:01 Holey, he is 5.1 meters and he is just around a ton but
02:05 we're not gonna go down and weigh him
02:07 so that's just, I guessed to mention.
02:08 In other words, that's why they got the fences around.
02:10 We can't be petting this thing.
02:11 No, definitely not.
02:13 So, there's a good reason kids why we can't,
02:16 they call this crocodile Holey.
02:18 I want you tell the story how this crocodile got its name.
02:22 Okay.
02:23 So, he, Holey, in Australia was actually
02:25 what we call a rogue crocodile.
02:26 A rogue which means?
02:27 He was a bit naughty in the wild
02:29 so you had no other choice but to be relocated
02:31 and put him in captivity.
02:33 And Holey is called Holey
02:34 because he has a reputation
02:35 to put holes in boats.
02:37 Won't to we want to be in a boat if that's around?
02:40 Definitely not.
02:41 But they're amazing species.
02:42 They have so many features about them
02:44 lot of people don't actually realize.
02:46 For an example, when you look at Holey
02:48 do you just think tough, leather wouldn't feel of possible thing.
02:52 I think, I think all kinds of things
02:54 when it's like a bad day. Yeah.
02:56 Well, actually quiet hardly sensitive animals.
02:58 So around Holey's body he has little dots
03:01 which you call pressure dermal receptors.
03:02 And what these receptors do is they pick up vibrations.
03:05 Okay.
03:06 So, every single vibration we make on this boardwalk
03:08 is traveling through the boardwalk
03:10 through the soil into the water,
03:12 and he knows exactly that we are here.
03:13 So, he has very sensitive perception.
03:17 Very sensitive perception.
03:18 It's very useful in the wild for the fact that
03:20 well, he wouldn't come up to us.
03:23 He would wait for us to go down to him
03:24 so what we call an ambushed predator.
03:27 Amazing features not only that their eyes,
03:30 they have a nictitating membrane.
03:32 So, nictitating membrane is like a third eyelid.
03:35 It acts as a paired of goggle so he can see us under water.
03:38 So, we have no chance if we're close.
03:40 Not really.
03:41 Holey would probably take down something,
03:43 you know well, anything that's not bigger than himself.
03:46 So, like how big is Holey?
03:49 Holey is massive and for an example
03:52 it takes about a 190 pounds of pressure
03:55 to break a human forearm.
03:56 Okay. Holey has 3000.
03:59 Did you hear that kids, 3000 which means what I mean,
04:02 how would you relate from a-- well you said 190 or 390 to 3000
04:08 what would be anything that they come up
04:11 with an example so kids would know.
04:13 Just imagine a four wheel drive hovering in the sky
04:16 and on all of a sudden it drops right on to you.
04:18 That's exactly what it is.
04:19 So, 3000 pounds of pressure in Tasmania Devil
04:23 actually has the exact same.
04:25 Now, on this crock I've often watched that
04:30 it has a lot of pressure going down but
04:31 not as much coming up.
04:33 Exactly so the Tasmania Devil they have open and close ability
04:37 so they have that strength of 3000 pounds of pressure
04:40 but the crocodile its only on close.
04:43 So, that's exactly why we tie their mouth
04:45 so that they don't have the
04:46 ability to break through that.
04:48 I see.
04:49 When we catch them of course we're not gonna go tie them.
04:51 I'm not gonna catch kids, that is huge.
04:54 So, what kind of food do they really eat obviously meat but
04:57 how big of an animal they take down?
04:59 They'll take down anything not bigger than themselves
05:01 but what they'll actually do because their,
05:04 their stomach is a size of a basketball
05:06 they can only that one feed half of that one feed.
05:09 So, what they'll actually do is they'll store
05:12 that animal underneath the log, in the water
05:14 and go back to later when they got to be puckish.
05:17 Wow.
05:18 Now I see they've got a lot of ridges on them
05:19 what are those ridges for anything?
05:21 Not just to look pretty.
05:23 Yeah.
05:24 But those ridges actually a very important part of their survival
05:27 that what we call scoots.
05:28 So, there're actually scales. Okay.
05:30 Now this is for two purposes.
05:32 The first one is just like you know
05:34 it has feathers all the way to the toes
05:36 to break up the surface of the air.
05:38 They have it on their back because
05:40 it actually breaks up the surface of the water
05:42 which allows them to be undetectable
05:44 by any prey on the waters edge.
05:47 Wow kids, isn't that-- see God is always
05:50 making things perfect for the environment.
05:53 Exactly.
05:54 So, I wanted to know one more thing
05:55 before we have to close on this is
05:58 how old does these crocodiles live?
06:00 They live up to a 100 years.
06:02 A hundred? Hundred years old, exactly.
06:04 But how old is Holey?
06:05 Forty.
06:07 Forty years oh, man that's amazing.
06:08 So, its healthy young one and very big.
06:11 Well, kids, hasn't this been exciting?
06:13 Tanielle, it is so great that came and
06:16 showed us all about this huge crocodile Holey
06:19 and I promise you I will never get close to Holey.
06:22 Oh, thank you Ranger Dwight, it's been a pleasure.
06:25 Thank you.
06:26 Kids, never forget, nature has God's second book
06:28 get out there and take a look.
06:30 I want to get a better look at Holey but not too close.
06:33 Oh, just jump over now you here at.
06:36 Let's go, let's go check it out.
06:51 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
06:57 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
06:59 And the walls came tumbling down!
07:02 You may talk about your men of Gideon
07:06 You may talk about the men of Saul
07:09 There's none like good old Joshua
07:12 And the battle of Jericho
07:15 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
07:21 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
07:24 And the walls came tumbling down!
07:27 Well, the Lord done told 'old' Joshua
07:30 You must do just what I say
07:33 March round the city seven times
07:36 And the walls came tumble away
07:42 Joshua fought the battle
07:46 of Jericho Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
07:48 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
07:51 And the walls came tumbling down
07:54 Up to the walls of Jericho They marched with spears in hand
08:00 "Come blow them ram horns,"
08:02 Joshua said "Cause the battle is in my hands"
08:06 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho,
08:09 Jericho, Jericho
08:12 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
08:15 And the walls came tumbling down
08:18 Then the lamb ram sheep horns began to blow
08:21 The trumpets began to sound
08:23 Then Joshua commanded the children to shout!
08:26 And the walls came tumbling down
08:28 And the walls came tumbling down
08:30 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho,
08:35 Jericho Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
08:38 And the walls came tumbling down And the walls came tumbling
08:41 And the walls came tumbling And the walls came tumbling
08:44 And the walls came tumbling down
08:58 Welcome to Learning Time.
08:59 I'm glad you've joined us today.
09:01 Hey, we've got an interesting science experiment
09:04 and its all about sound.
09:06 I've got some helpers.
09:07 Iny and Melanie,
09:08 if you'll come on up and help us today.
09:11 And we've got Benjamin.
09:13 Benjamin, come on up we need some more help
09:15 and Gabriella.
09:17 Come on up, Gabriella.
09:18 We've got some safety glasses.
09:20 I want you to put some safety glasses on today.
09:22 'Cause we have to protect our eyes.
09:24 'Cause we're all working with scissors
09:25 and they could poke us.
09:26 So, we have to be very careful remember that.
09:28 Now, today we've got some things that
09:31 you can do at home, isn't that's cool.
09:33 If you had permission to do this at home
09:35 what we're gonna do is we're gonna try
09:36 to make the musical instrument.
09:37 Okay. Yeah.
09:39 So let's take a straw, everybody has the straw.
09:41 See the straw right there and you have a pair of scissors.
09:43 Now if you, you know what I forgot my what?
09:46 Safety glasses got to put them on.
09:48 Now, I don't want you to cut the straw in half
09:50 but I want you to cut the straw
09:52 so it's almost in half, okay.
09:54 Not quiet two pieces so.
09:56 I'm just gonna take mine like that and
09:57 I'm just going to cut part of my straw just like this.
10:01 So, if I take it, it just wants to bend.
10:04 See that it just wants to bend.
10:05 Just like that. Isn't that cool?
10:07 Here well, you can take mine
10:09 and this is the end you're gonna put in your mouth.
10:10 I didn't touch that one.
10:12 So that's still pretty still.
10:14 Now, what we're gonna do is
10:15 we're gonna take our little straw
10:16 and we're gonna bend it like this.
10:18 Yeah, there we go take that short end
10:20 'cause one end is short and take the covering of the straw off.
10:24 You got it, there you go.
10:25 And we can put that in our mouth.
10:27 Now if you blow real hard or soft
10:30 you kind to have to figure out how to blow.
10:31 And you might be able to make a sound with the straw.
10:34 Try it. Try that.
10:38 Again it's hard to do but you could,
10:40 you might have practice this.
10:44 And if you put it in your water like this
10:47 sometimes by adding some water to change
10:50 the size of the air in the straw the sound changes,
10:54 the pitch changes try it.
10:58 Well, you're gonna have to practice this aren't we.
11:00 I think so, but you can do that at home and check it out.
11:03 But hey let's point. Let's go to here.
11:05 You know what these are?
11:06 Okay, grab these out of your cup and put your straw down.
11:09 Okay, grab your maneuver cup just like that
11:11 I'm gonna take these cups 'cause I'm afraid
11:13 they just might blow away here today.
11:15 So, we're gonna put these down here.
11:17 Now this is what we call a baster.
11:19 When you are cooking you might want to base something
11:21 you know, add some liquid to some stuff
11:23 or you could turn it into a squirt gun
11:24 but we're not gonna do that, are we?
11:26 Are we gonna do that?
11:27 No. No, not a good idea.
11:28 You know what if you squeeze this bob right here
11:31 go and squeeze yours and see what happens.
11:33 What's inside of there? Water.
11:35 Water is inside of that.
11:36 And so what we're gonna do is we're gonna change the sound,
11:39 the frequency of sound but we're gonna blow on the tip.
11:42 Just like this.
11:43 And if you squeeze the bob this thing down here
11:46 the sound will change.
11:48 See if it can do that.
11:49 Blow real soft.
11:55 Get a sound?
11:56 Yeah.
11:57 Let's see if we can get a better sound.
12:03 Now if I squeeze this and the water comes up
12:05 that changes the size of the air column
12:07 and the sound ought to change.
12:08 Let's check it out.
12:22 Isn't that fun?
12:23 And you can do that at home.
12:25 Now what changed the sound?
12:27 The amount of water.
12:28 Right, the water change the, what?
12:31 The air column, the size of the air column.
12:33 Do you know what?
12:34 Has anybody ever been mean to you
12:37 or said something's about you
12:39 or did something to you that wasn't nice?
12:41 Yeah. Yeah.
12:42 Well, what's our response sometimes?
12:44 Sometimes we do what?
12:46 We do not nice things back, right?
12:48 Is that a good thing?
12:50 No. Oh, no.
12:51 You and I ought to do good things to people
12:53 that might use us or might treat us badly,
12:56 shouldn't we? Yes.
12:57 But, what is that response?
12:59 How do you respond when something happens to us?
13:03 Well, you know what, our sound or what we talk to them about
13:08 or how we reply has something to do
13:11 with the amount of water in this thing to change.
13:14 But you know, it's the amount of God's spirit
13:17 that's within us.
13:18 We get God's spirit by reading the Bible, don't we?
13:22 We get God's spirit by praying and meditating.
13:24 So, I want my sound to be what, pleasant don't you?
13:28 Yes.
13:29 Why don't you?
13:30 And we don't wanted you give back meanness for meanness,
13:33 do we? No.
13:34 No, we're supposed to give back good for meanness
13:37 and that now makes us more God like, doesn't it?
13:39 Yes.
13:40 I think, that's just so cool.
13:43 But you know when we learn about science
13:45 we learn about our Creator, God.
13:54 Where are those boys?
13:55 They should've been here by now.
13:57 They left early this morning, its getting dark.
13:59 Why are you so worried about your sons?
14:02 They'll be home soon.
14:03 I have an important meeting that I've got to get to in Jericho.
14:06 And they've got to get home soon.
14:08 Jericho? Jericho?
14:10 Tonight, master?
14:11 You can't go tonight its dangerous.
14:12 I have to. It's already settled.
14:13 But obviously these men will robber.
14:15 It's settled, I've got to go.
14:17 Father? Father? Father?
14:20 We had the great sales today.
14:23 Good job, boys.
14:25 Good job.
14:26 I'm very proud of you.
14:29 I want to reward good work like that.
14:31 Thank you. Thank you.
14:32 Now I've to get going.
14:33 God bless.
14:34 Bye, father. Bye, father.
14:36 God be with you.
14:37 Master, you forgot the bag.
14:38 I know you boys are hungry,
14:40 as you wish you have the blessing.
14:42 Dear, Lord.
14:43 Thank You for the great day we've had today and
14:45 thank you for this food and watch our father
14:47 as he is on his journey to Jericho.
14:55 Oh, it can't be much harder to Jericho.
15:00 Kill. Kill.
15:07 Rob. Rob.
15:08 Rob. Oh, my God.
15:10 Hey, hey, let's go.
15:12 Let's go.
15:28 Priest, you'll help me, won't you?
15:30 Please, please come back.
15:33 Come back.
15:44 You are disgusting you need what?
15:45 Help me please.
15:47 No, I got to get out of here.
15:48 Come back please, help.
15:52 Oh, Lord anyone help me, Lord.
16:01 Looks like those thieves and robbers
16:03 had been at it again.
16:04 Help me. Help me, please.
16:07 Please, help me.
16:08 Friend, I'm here to help you.
16:11 Thank you. I will not leave you.
16:13 Oh, thank you.
16:18 You're too weak to travel far.
16:21 I will take you on my donkey to Jericho
16:24 to get you help.
16:25 Please, please help me.
16:28 I'm so sorry for this.
16:33 I'll stay with you. I will not leave you.
16:40 It's going to be okay.
16:42 Thank you.
16:44 I thought no one would save me.
16:47 I'm a friend and I'm here.
16:52 We're close, we're almost there.
16:55 I'm here for you. It's okay come on.
16:59 Almost there, take it easy.
17:01 Now go down. I'm here for you.
17:16 Dear God, please watch over this poor wounded man
17:20 and give him the strength
17:21 so that he may return on to his family.
17:24 I've done all I can and now leaving him in Your hands.
17:41 There you are in keeper.
17:43 Thank you for bringing my donkey around.
17:45 The wounded man is resting comfortably now
17:47 and I'm sure he'll be fine.
17:51 Here's the money for the rent of the room.
17:56 This is more than what you owe.
17:58 I want to make sure my friend is well taken care of
18:01 until he is able to return home.
18:03 If he needs to stay longer then charge it to my account
18:05 then I'll gladly pay you when I return to Jericho.
18:08 You do know that if this man had you found
18:10 dying on the side of the road,
18:12 would have spit in your face and walked away
18:14 yet you take care of him
18:16 like a father takes care of his own son.
18:18 I've made my golden rule to love everyone
18:22 like I love my own son.
18:25 If only we all practice that rule.
18:28 If only, my friend.
18:30 I glad be on my way now.
18:32 May God be with you.
18:34 And you too.
18:41 Where am I? Where am I?
18:46 You are in my inn and we've been taking care of you
18:48 for the past two days.
18:51 I have a family, I got to get home.
18:54 It's too late to now.
18:56 But there is a group leaving in the morning for Jerusalem
18:58 you should go with them.
19:00 I don't have any money I can't pay them.
19:02 The Good Samaritan took care of that.
19:05 Lay back down, relax
19:07 and I'll go get you some food and water.
19:19 Master, I'm so sorry you are so much pain.
19:22 I can't believe those robbers did this to you.
19:24 I just praise God
19:27 because He sent that Samaritan man to help me.
19:32 Father, you felt so kind that Samaritan man was
19:35 that he will give you his own robe.
19:38 Yeah, more than that's priest who had done.
19:40 He didn't even look at you.
19:42 And what about that Levi,
19:43 I mean he just stopped to stare, didn't care.
19:47 And I always thought we were better than those
19:49 heathen Samaritans.
19:51 But doesn't God love everyone?
19:53 Yes, He does.
19:55 And I'm keep earnest that this house
19:58 is gonna follow God's golden rule.
20:02 "Do unto others as we would have them do unto us."
20:06 Yes, sir. Yes.
20:08 I love you, father. I love you, father.
20:18 The Bible says in Psalm 118:14,
20:22 "Lord is my strength he is my song,
20:25 He has become my salvation."
20:35 You are my strength and I'm weak
20:39 You are the treasure that I seek
20:43 You are my all in all
20:50 Seeking You as a precious jewel
20:54 Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
20:58 You are my all in all
21:04 Jesus, Lamb of God
21:12 Worthy is Your name
21:20 Jesus, Lamb of God
21:27 Worthy is Your name
21:35 Jesus, Lamb of God
21:43 Worthy is Your name
21:50 Jesus, Lamb of God
21:58 Worthy is Your name
22:05 Worthy is Your name
22:20 It's time for Miss. Brenda's, Book of the Day.
22:23 And today's book is called "Best Ever Mission Stories 2."
22:28 And it's Charlotte Ishkanian
22:30 and it's full of wonderful stories
22:32 from all over the world.
22:33 Boys and girls, you won't want to miss this book,
22:35 "Best Ever Mission Stories 2."
22:38 Well, I have an exciting program plan
22:40 because guess what,
22:41 I have a special guest and my guest is Maxwell.
22:44 Hey, Maxwell can you open your eyes for boys and girls.
22:46 Come on you can do it oh, good boy.
22:50 Well, we want to read some letters
22:51 don't we about to the boys and girls today.
22:54 And I have got lots of letters I just reach to my basket.
22:56 I love getting your letters, boys and girls
22:59 and all the ways that you tell me
23:00 how you shared Jesus.
23:02 And I think that is really wonderful.
23:05 And Maxwell can you stay awake long enough
23:07 we can use just read this together.
23:08 You love it when I read letters to you, don't you.
23:11 What a good boy. Isn't he a good boy?
23:13 All right this one coming from Jamaica.
23:16 Oh, and I have a picture here.
23:18 And let me hold up the picture for you just like that.
23:21 And it says, dear Miss Brenda, my name is Tahir
23:24 and I live in Jamaica.
23:26 I would like to join kids club.
23:28 I am ten years old and I tell children at my school
23:31 about God all the time.
23:33 I share with my friends when they do not have any lunch.
23:36 And I watch Kids Time a lot.
23:38 I'd like you to pray for my mom and dad
23:40 that they will come to know God too.
23:42 Thank you for reading my letter, love, Tahir.
23:45 Oh, Tahir, we will definitely
23:47 pray for your mom and dad
23:48 and boys and girls, around the world
23:50 I want you to be praying for Tahir's parents too, will you.
23:52 We want them to know and love Jesus.
23:55 And we have another letter from Jamaica and this one is,
24:00 let's see this one's from Ashley.
24:02 Says, dear Miss Brenda, I've been enjoying the lessons
24:05 that I'm taking and I love them.
24:06 Are there any more lessons when I'm finished with these?
24:09 I would like some more so that I can be more faithful to God
24:13 and that one day soon
24:14 I will give my life over to Him to help others.
24:17 It's said, I'm asking you to please pray for my family
24:20 my mom is having a very hard time
24:22 as my dad is not behaving himself
24:25 and he is not kind to my mom.
24:27 What can I do to help her?
24:29 I don't like it when my mom is sad.
24:32 So, please would you pray for her
24:34 and that we can worship to God together as a family.
24:37 Love, Ashley.
24:38 Ashley, you know you are doing the right thing by praying
24:41 and taking it to Jesus because Jesus hears
24:45 and answers our prayers and keep praying for your mom.
24:49 Don't stop praying ever.
24:51 Jesus loves you and He loves your mom and dad too.
24:54 Let's see we have one here
24:56 and this is from Trinidad and Tobago.
24:59 Oh, look at this, boys and girls.
25:00 I have a nice letter.
25:02 Look at this homemade card.
25:03 Isn't that adorable?
25:04 And let's see and this got a nice heart in here
25:09 that was drawn.
25:11 It's beautiful.
25:12 Oh, I got a picture so we know
25:14 who has actually sent it.
25:15 Maxwell, lift his head for that one.
25:16 He says, oh, I want to see that pretty little girl.
25:19 See that over there?
25:21 Let me see what the letter says here
25:23 and I'll try the hold this up to you and get a better picture.
25:26 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Taylor and I'm nine years old
25:30 and I live in Trinidad and Tobago.
25:32 I love your program very much
25:34 and I love every part of the show.
25:36 He says, I share Jesus by giving people cards about Him
25:39 and how He died on the cross.
25:41 And He died for them.
25:43 I'm starting a Bible club for kids in my area,
25:46 please pray for my family and pray that
25:48 I'd be able to have a good Bible club for Jesus, from Taylor.
25:51 Oh, Taylor, that's a wonderful idea.
25:54 Isn't that boys and girls, we all need to be doing it,
25:57 if something that we can't do witness for Jesus.
26:00 And now let me see if I have time for
26:01 one quick letter over here.
26:03 This is from Bakersfield, California and oh,
26:06 there's a lot's of things over here to show.
26:09 And a homemade card and it said, Dear Miss Brenda,
26:13 this is from Jeremiah.
26:15 Says my name is Jeremiah, I'm six years old.
26:17 I love Kids Time, I watch it everyday.
26:19 I'd like to receive the Bible and the lessons please.
26:23 And I like the science experiments very much.
26:27 I love it when Miss Brenda reads letters on Sharing Time.
26:31 Love, Jeremiah."
26:33 Well, Jeremiah, I'm so glad that
26:35 you are watching the program
26:37 and now your letter was read on the air.
26:39 I want you to keep sharing the Jesus everywhere you go.
26:42 Well, Maxwell, did you stay awake at all?
26:44 Oh, he's still thinking about waking up.
26:46 There you go.
26:47 But that's all the time we have time isn't it?
26:50 So until next time remember
26:51 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17