Kids' Time

Star of Light

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000308

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' time Kids' time
00:26 Kids' time Kids' time
00:28 Kids' time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:32 You've probably heard people talk about
00:34 following their dreams.
00:36 Well, for many that means
00:37 becoming rich or famous or powerful.
00:40 Some people even like the idea of being a star.
00:43 Did you know that the Bible talks about following a star?
00:46 But it was the very different kind of star.
00:49 It was a star made of angels and it let the wise men
00:52 who followed it to something much more important
00:55 than riches or fame or beauty or power.
00:57 And after they follow that they were never the same again.
01:01 They came to realize how silly and selfish it is
01:04 to want to be more beautiful
01:06 or famous or more important than others.
01:08 That's the star I hope you'll follow.
01:11 Because boys and girls, it will lead you to Jesus
01:14 our Creator and best friend.
01:17 Well, right now it's time for Nature Time.
01:27 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time.
01:30 This is a great place to be, Australia
01:33 and we're in New South Wales,
01:35 Tweed Coast Hastings Point.
01:38 Andrew, I'm glad you are here to help me out in those things.
01:41 And we got some cool stuff to look at today.
01:43 Show me the first thing, what have you got?
01:45 Well, in here we've got a sea cucumber.
01:49 A sea cucumber.
01:50 Now we wouldn't eat these things.
01:51 Some people do.
01:53 Oh, look at that, kids.
01:55 This is related to a starfish.
01:58 A starfish. Don't look like a starfish.
02:00 No, and a sea urchin with all the spines.
02:03 Brittle star, feather stars they are all in the one group.
02:06 Wow.
02:08 Yes, so this fellow here eats the sand
02:12 and gets his food out of the sand.
02:14 So they call that Eliophagus, sand eating, mud eating.
02:17 Okay. Yeah.
02:19 And it's really cool, kids.
02:20 Now that feels kind of, kind of slimy.
02:23 Something I wouldn't want to eat it all.
02:26 Some things do I like hate them
02:28 and a defense mechanism that they have
02:30 is to actually pass some of their intestines
02:33 out their rare end. That's grose.
02:36 Distract the things that they got to eat that
02:38 and they slowly hopefully get away very slowly.
02:41 Wow.
02:44 Okay, what else, so we got a sea cucumber
02:46 and then we got a sea hare?
02:48 A sea hare. Okay.
02:49 It's like a snail it looks like.
02:51 Yeah, it's like a slug and its got there's little tentacles
02:55 from the side and they say that it looks like a hare.
03:00 And it eats like a hare too. It eats all the sea weed.
03:02 Really? So it's a vegetarian?
03:04 It's a vegetarian. Okay.
03:06 And moves very slowly and if it does get attacked
03:09 this got a little shell down in here
03:11 and it releases this bright purple ink into the water
03:14 and I can't be seen anymore and hopefully don't get eaten.
03:18 Isn't that something, kids, God always has His nature
03:22 with defense mechanisms.
03:24 Purple ink, that's amazing.
03:26 Okay, and then this is a cool thing for me, kids, I love this.
03:30 It's called a sea--
03:32 Squirt. Sea squirt.
03:34 So let's see what happens when you...
03:36 Look watch this now kids, this is so awesome.
03:42 That's a sea squirt. That's a sea squirt.
03:44 So these aren't alive these are just little,
03:46 what are they plants or what? No, they are an animal.
03:49 That's actually an animal? Yeah.
03:51 It has different foam, moldable foam
03:54 that swims like a little fish.
03:56 And then that attaches to the rocks here
03:58 and this is the adult form.
04:00 And it filters the water that's why it squirts the water
04:03 and filters all the food out of the water
04:04 and holds on to some when the tide goes out
04:07 so it doesn't dry out.
04:08 So it doesn't dry out. That is amazing.
04:10 Well, Andrew, it is been a great pleasure to have you here
04:13 telling us all about the sea cucumber,
04:15 the sea squirt and the sea hare.
04:17 That's amazing.
04:18 Kids, never forgot nature's God's second book
04:21 get out there and take a look.
04:23 I want to find something else.
04:24 There are heaps around. Let's go, let's go.
04:34 1 Corinthians 15:57 reads
04:37 "Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory
04:39 through our Lord Jesus Christ."
04:43 I heard an old, old story
04:47 How a Savior came from glory
04:51 How He gave His life on Calvary
04:55 To save a wretch like me
04:59 I heard about His groaning
05:03 Of His precious blood's atoning
05:07 Then I repented of my sin
05:11 And won the victory
05:15 O victory in Jesus
05:19 My Savior, forever
05:23 He sought me and bought me
05:27 With His redeeming blood
05:31 He loved me ere I knew Him
05:35 And all my love is due Him
05:39 He plunged me to victory
05:43 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:47 I heard about a mansion
05:51 He has built for me in glory
05:55 And I heard about the streets of gold
06:00 Beyond the crystal sea
06:04 About the angels singing
06:07 And the old redemption story
06:12 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
06:16 The song of victory
06:20 O victory in Jesus
06:24 My Savior, forever
06:28 He sought me and bought me
06:32 With His redeeming blood
06:36 He loved me ere I knew Him
06:40 And all my love is due Him
06:45 He plunged me to victory
06:49 Beneath the cleansing flood
06:53 He plunged me to victory
06:57 Beneath the cleansing flood
07:11 Welcome to Learning Time. I'm glad you joined us today.
07:15 Hey, have you ever been hot? Yes.
07:19 Or just maybe thirsty? Yes.
07:21 Yeah, but we're outside and we're little hot
07:24 and we might be a little thirsty and this is an experiment
07:26 you can do at home and it might quench your thirst.
07:29 And it's just a lot of fun. So I need my helpers.
07:32 Where is Ashley? Come on up, Ashley.
07:34 And I need Briana and I need Willy.
07:36 So come on up here.
07:38 And you know what, we're gonna have
07:39 to wear some safety glasses.
07:40 Now I like this experiment 'cause you know what,
07:43 everybody can do this at home.
07:44 Isn't that cool?
07:45 All right, so all you need is some things like this.
07:48 You need a straw. I have a straw right here.
07:51 And we have-- well, well, hang on.
07:52 And I have a wooden skewer and that's what you have.
07:55 You gonna hold that up.
07:56 I'm gonna ask Nato. Come on over here, Nato.
07:59 We could-- we're gonna try to film this right here
08:01 so that you can see what we're doing okay.
08:03 So you find a straw, you find the middle of the straw
08:06 and you put a skewer, a wooden skewer
08:09 right through it, just like this.
08:10 And then we're going to take a pair of scissors,
08:11 grab your pair of scissors and then we're going to--
08:13 no we don't want to cut the straw in half
08:15 so we have two pieces but we want to just taking,
08:18 we want to just make a cut in the straw.
08:21 You just make a little cut in the straw,
08:23 don't cut it all the way like that one.
08:25 Don't cut it all the way through there.
08:27 And I'm gonna cut mine just like this.
08:28 And I'll give you mine so here we go, here we go,
08:30 you can use mine now.
08:32 Just like that, okay.
08:33 Anybody else need some help? You need a little help?
08:35 Let's go, let's try to find some help right here.
08:37 So you might need the little help with cutting.
08:39 What we want to do is,
08:40 we want to cut just a little bit of the straw.
08:43 We want some of the straw
08:45 to hang in there just like that, okay.
08:47 Then you can take this and you can bend it up like that.
08:49 You bend it up and we're gonna tape it right there.
08:52 We're gonna tape it where it comes up.
08:54 So you have some tape. So let's look at our tape.
08:56 Let's grab some tape right here.
08:58 Let's try to get it off of our table here.
09:00 All right, here we go. And we're gonna take that.
09:02 Hold that up for me just like that.
09:03 Can you hold it up there?
09:05 Now I'm going to hold these just like that
09:07 and then what I'm going t do is
09:09 I am going to put a piece of tape right here.
09:12 We're going to tape that up so we're going to tape
09:15 the straw right to the piece of bamboo.
09:18 See how that looks, just like that.
09:20 And what we're making really is a pump.
09:23 It's a pump to pump water.
09:25 And, you know, we need a lot of water when we're hot.
09:27 So, we want to make sure that we're what?
09:30 Drinking what? Water.
09:32 Water, plenty of water everyday especially
09:36 when you are in the hot sun because we can get dehydrated
09:40 and that could be awful, couldn't it?
09:42 There you go and you got yours all done?
09:44 Hey, that one looks good. And what I have right here.
09:46 I have a giant straw.
09:48 And if you have a giant straw you can use a giant straw too.
09:51 It works the same way.
09:52 So I'm gonna get my pieces of tape right here
09:54 that I have right here.
09:55 I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna tape
09:56 the ends of the straw.
09:58 What, right to the piece of wood.
10:00 That's what I have right here.
10:01 Now this is the fun part, are you ready?
10:03 Okay, what I'm gonna do and what you can do
10:05 put yours right in there like that.
10:07 Put yours right there.
10:08 Yeah, that's right turn it right in here.
10:10 And you know what, now what we can do is this.
10:12 We can take and we can spin that,
10:14 spin it and it will pump water.
10:16 Okay, let's go ahead and spin it.
10:18 Can you spin it?
10:19 Can you spin it, I'll spin mine.
10:23 Are you spinning yours? Are you spinning it?
10:26 Yeah, just like that, look at there it pumps water.
10:29 It pumps water right out. Look at that.
10:32 All that water pumps out and it flies out here.
10:36 I think that is so, isn't that cool?
10:38 Yes.
10:39 And you can make this pump at home.
10:41 But you know what, that reminds me of the story
10:44 it's a history lesson in the Bible.
10:46 You remember when Jesus, He was traveling through Samaria
10:49 and He met the Samaritan woman at the well.
10:51 You remember that? Yes.
10:53 And you know what, He ask the woman for water, didn't He?
10:57 Yes.
10:58 And you know what, the woman was said,
11:00 you know, that's interesting.
11:02 Why would He ask her, but Jesus said,
11:05 if you knew who I was because Jesus is what?
11:09 He is the Creator of the world.
11:11 He said, if you know who I was,
11:13 you would ask Me for the living water.
11:15 Now living water is really eternal life
11:18 and God wants to come into our lives
11:20 and He wants to save us.
11:22 Isn't that cool?
11:23 And that reminds me of that song that everybody knows.
11:25 You know that song bubbling over, song?
11:28 Yes. Hey, let's sing it right now.
11:30 Are you ready? Here we go.
11:31 Jesus love is a-bubbling over
11:35 Jesus love is a-bubbling over Jesus love is a-bubbling over
11:42 Hallelujah
11:46 Well, that's interesting.
11:47 Hey, and you can, you can make that,
11:49 you can make that pump at home
11:50 and you can think about that lesson.
11:52 I think that's interesting.
11:53 When we learn about science we learn more
11:56 about our Creator God.
12:09 The star that we have been studying for so long.
12:12 We must be getting closer.
12:15 Surely we are on the right path,
12:17 we must continue to study the scrolls
12:19 for the star would be revealed.
12:21 Yes, this is the one thing that has brought
12:22 we three kings together.
12:24 Yes indeed.
12:25 And the scrolls that I've been studying
12:27 are all indicating that this is a king of kings
12:31 and almighty king who is coming to rule.
12:35 Look the star is back, shining brighter than ever.
12:39 And even the headers themselves are screaming out.
12:43 This must be the birth of the king.
12:45 A king of kings.
12:48 It is time that we should prepare to travel.
12:50 We must travel at night
12:51 so that we can continue to follow the star.
12:54 Yes, yes. Guard, we leave in the hour.
12:56 Let that the camels and the men
12:57 let them know immediately.
12:59 And I want to bring him the purest of Persian gold.
13:04 And I will bring the finest of Arabs myrrh.
13:07 And I will bring from India the most exquisite fragrance.
13:10 Fit for the king of kings.
13:13 Let us prepare to depart. Yes, yes.
13:22 How much longer must be continuously
13:23 pound over these scrolls?
13:26 We must not become discourage.
13:28 I know we have been here a long time,
13:30 it is a long journey but the answer
13:33 will be found in the scrolls.
13:35 Did God not give us all dreams,
13:36 dreams of the coming of the new king?
13:39 Yes, we are all kings but this king is like no other king.
13:45 We must find Him. We must find the new king.
13:49 Brethren, I've been studying the scrolls
13:52 and I believe Jerusalem is where we should be going.
13:55 Jerusalem, that make sense. It is Jerusalem.
14:00 Look, the star is back
14:02 that must be the way to the Jerusalem.
14:05 Guard, prepare the camels we'll leave immediately.
14:07 Hurry, let's us gonna start.
14:09 We must follow the star, we must follow the star.
14:11 Let us hurry.
14:16 Where is he, he suppose to be here by now.
14:19 Where is he?
14:22 Father. Father.
14:23 Bow.
14:25 You are only a priest, my son.
14:28 Rise.
14:30 So tell me is it true are those rumors true?
14:32 Yes, I was just in the marketplace
14:34 and I overheard it through wise men saying
14:35 they have been looking for the new king.
14:37 So they have come through worship Him.
14:40 So this is what are we going to do.
14:42 You are to go to find these three wise men
14:48 and invite them to my palace tonight for a private banquet.
14:52 And also go to the priest and inquire
14:59 where is this king supposed to be born.
15:04 Yes, we might just help them find this king.
15:10 So why are you standing for?
15:11 Go, go and do what I say, go.
15:14 Yes. Yes, your majesty.
15:19 Nobody will take my kingdom off my hands
15:23 'cause I am the only king, the only king.
15:34 How are you feeling? What a wonderful food.
15:39 Enough, enough. Yeah, you try this.
15:42 Thank you.
15:44 So tell me why would you come
15:49 from your faraway lands to Jerusalem, my kingdom?
15:55 To visit another king?
16:00 That is a good question, King Herod.
16:03 Just born, they also saw and I have studied the stars
16:06 for many, many years.
16:08 We recently have noticed a unique star in the sky
16:12 one we have never seen before.
16:15 It is brilliant.
16:17 The colors are amazing,
16:19 and as we have determined this is no ordinary star.
16:24 It must be a star announcing the arrival of a new king.
16:29 You see, we realized this was not just about
16:32 another king this was a sign of the king of kings.
16:37 Yes indeed.
16:38 One in which that can be no equal.
16:40 It's right. In power or wisdom.
16:42 Yes.
16:43 That is why we have traveled so far is so that you might
16:46 find this new born king and worship Him.
16:50 It's true.
16:53 King Herod, perhaps there is some information
16:55 that you may share with us that will help us
16:57 to find this new born king.
17:01 Of course, Sarcelles, do have this scroll
17:05 that the priest gave you?
17:08 Let's read it.
17:09 It says, "But you Bethlehem and the land of Judea
17:13 are not the least among the rulers of Judea.
17:16 For out of you shall come a ruler
17:18 who will shepherd my people Israel."
17:21 That is most of Jerusalem.
17:24 Yes, indeed and look it is getting darker
17:27 even as we speak.
17:29 Yes, we must be on our way.
17:31 Your majesty, we thank you for your kind hospitality.
17:36 You have been very helpful.
17:38 We ask that we be excused so that we might search out
17:42 this new born king in Bethlehem.
17:45 Yes, the star will soon appear
17:46 and we must follow that star.
17:49 Well, of course I excuse you.
17:53 But whenever you find this king
17:59 come back to me
18:01 because I want to worship this king too.
18:05 As you wish. By your leave.
18:13 On to Bethlehem.
18:17 Nobody, nobody will take my kingdom away from me,
18:23 do you understand that?
18:34 John 3:14-19 says
18:37 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
18:40 even so must the Son of man be lifted up,
18:43 that whosoever believeth in him
18:45 should not perish, but have eternal life.
18:48 For God so loved the world,
18:50 that he gave His only begotten Son,
18:53 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
18:56 but have everlasting life.
18:58 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world,
19:01 but that the world through Him might be saved.
19:04 He that believeth on Him is not condemned,
19:07 but he that believeth not is condemned already,
19:10 because he hath not believed in the name of the only
19:13 begotten Son of God.
19:15 And this is the condemnation,
19:17 that light is come into the world,
19:19 and men loved darkness rather than light,
19:21 because their deeds were evil."
19:30 The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin
19:35 The Light of the world is Jesus
19:41 Like sunshine at noonday, His glory shone in
19:46 The Light of the world is Jesus
19:52 Come to the light, 'tis shining for thee
19:57 Sweetly the light has dawned upon me
20:05 Once I was blind, but now I can see
20:13 The Light of the world is Jesus
20:29 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
20:33 And today's book is an exciting book
20:35 called "Canyon Girl" by Paula Montgomery.
20:39 Oh, it's a wonderful book.
20:41 It takes you all the way back to the olden times.
20:44 It said, Some of Big Enough's adventures
20:45 are funny, some are frightening.
20:47 But behind them all lies the hope of fertile green valley
20:51 to the west that may be just a pipedream.
20:54 And it said, through her everyday life
20:56 and her grandmother's stories, Big Enough deals with roundups,
21:00 rattlesnakes, and all the excitement
21:03 of dangers of life in the old wild west.
21:06 Doesn't it sound good, boys and girls?
21:08 Well, you want this book
21:09 "Canyon Girl" by Paula Montgomery.
21:12 Well, I can't wait for you to meet our guest today.
21:15 She is an exciting and vivacious young woman
21:18 I can't wait for you to meet her.
21:19 Her name is Mandy.
21:21 Mandy, welcome to Kids Time. Thank you.
21:23 I am so excited you are here today with me
21:26 and I can't tell you how much I love your enthusiasm
21:29 that I very first thing I met you what did you say to me?
21:33 Hello, Miss Brenda.
21:36 And you told me how much are excited
21:38 about being on Kids Time I saw.
21:39 Wow, that's great, boys and girls.
21:42 Tell me, Mandy, what do you do to share Jesus?
21:46 Well, me and my father went to a homeless camp
21:51 which is called Camp of Hope and we fed them
21:54 some apples and some water.
21:58 We also-- my neighbors
22:00 we let them come to VBS with us two times.
22:06 So they learn a lot and they loved it,
22:10 they didn't come after that but they did come to church with us.
22:14 Oh, that's good.
22:15 You invited them to church
22:17 and what did they think about that?
22:19 Oh, my they loved it.
22:21 They did?
22:22 It's awesome to share to Jesus isn't it?
22:24 It's a lot of fun.
22:26 Well, tell me what else experiences have you had?
22:29 Oh, when we were passing out literatures,
22:32 me and my school pass out
22:33 literatures if we can for the church.
22:37 There was this man he always comes to--
22:42 it's this evangelistic meeting with the church.
22:45 He always comes nowadays
22:47 from when me and my classmate we sent it out to him
22:53 and he is been coming to since that very day.
22:55 Oh, and are you praying for him?
22:59 See it's important when we witness
23:00 for Jesus to pray, isn't it?
23:02 Yes because we want to make sure that everything
23:05 we're doing is something that God is behind it,
23:09 because if we're doing it on our own doesn't matter
23:11 how many good the stuff we're doing.
23:13 Did you know the Bible says it is for nothing,
23:15 boys and girls?
23:16 In Matthew 7:21-23 it tells us
23:19 that unless we are doing the will of our Father
23:21 which is in heaven, unless we're doing
23:23 what God wants us to do doesn't matter
23:25 if we're doing all this wonderful things Jesus said,
23:28 He will say it's for nothing, He will say He never knew us.
23:31 We need to be making sure
23:32 that we're doing what God wants us to do, isn't that exciting?
23:35 So mark that down in your Bible
23:37 where you gonna always remember we want to be willing, obedient,
23:40 and joyful about whatever it is God wants us to do.
23:44 Well, I want to read some letters,
23:46 will you help me this morning? Oh, yes.
23:47 Okay, I love to get the letters, boys and girls,
23:49 there is so exciting.
23:50 Oh, one I've got a picture.
23:51 Will you hold this picture up, Mandy, for me please?
23:54 A handsome young man there
23:55 and he is from Liberty Lake, Washington.
23:58 And let's see who this is.
24:00 It says, "Hi, Miss Brenda, my name is Andrew
24:03 and I am five years old.
24:04 My Mommy is writing this letter for me
24:06 because I can't write yet.
24:08 I love Kids Time and Tiny Tots
24:10 and I watch them all the time."
24:12 It said, "I also love Praise Time.
24:14 And I love to share Jesus
24:17 and I love to sing for Jesus all the time."
24:21 Says, "I share Jesus by helping my mom at home
24:24 and playing nice with the kids
24:25 and telling them all about Jesus.
24:28 Can I signup for Kids Club, please?
24:30 Thank you for Kids Time, love, Andrew.
24:32 And my favorite hymn is "I love to tell the story."
24:36 I like that Hymn too, don't you, Mandy?
24:37 Well, thank you, Andrew.
24:39 Yes, we'll get you signed up for those Kids Club lessons
24:41 and when you are all done with those lessons
24:44 Miss Brenda is going to send you a free Bible, okay.
24:47 And let's see we've got a letter over here.
24:49 Where is this letter from?
24:51 And see no picture in this one, Mandy,
24:54 so hold up, but this one is all the way
24:57 from Trinidad and Tobago.
24:59 Let's see said, "Dear, Miss Brenda."
25:03 It says, "How are you? I do hope that you are fine.
25:06 My name is Gabriel and I am 10 years old,
25:09 and I love your show very much.
25:11 I enjoy Story Time and I would like to join
25:14 the Kids Club, please."
25:15 It said, "I spread God's word by inviting
25:17 my school friends to church.
25:19 And I also sing at church."
25:21 See you invite people to church too, don't you?
25:24 Says "I would like you to please pray for me
25:26 and also pray for my aunt who has stopped believing in God.
25:30 She don't go to church anymore.
25:32 Please pray for her to accept God back into her life."
25:35 And it says "I love my aunt very much
25:37 and I want to see her in heaven.
25:39 Thank you, in advance.
25:40 May God continue to bless you love, Gabriel."
25:43 Well, Gabriel, I want to encourage you
25:45 to keep praying for you aunt.
25:47 Do you know, it's wonderful
25:48 that when we pray for each other,
25:50 we don't just pray for our own family either,
25:53 we don't pray for just, you know,
25:54 our own things that we want
25:56 but we need to pray for others.
25:57 And so I want you to encourage
25:59 boys and girls all around the world.
26:00 Would you pray for Gabriel's aunt too please
26:02 and let's all pray for each other
26:04 that makes Jesus so happy.
26:07 Well, I don't think we have time for anymore letters.
26:09 Mandy, it was such a joy having you with us.
26:11 I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus, won't you?
26:14 All right, well, that's all the time we have today
26:17 until next time remember its Kids Time to share Jesus.
26:39 Kids' Time
27:01 Kids' Time Kids' Time
27:03 Kids' Time Kids' Time
27:05 Kids' Time


Revised 2014-12-17