Kids' Time

Caesar Augustus' Decree

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000307

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' time, Kids' time, Kids' time, Kids' time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:32 I love producing Kid's Time programs for you
00:35 because Kid's Time is all about good news,
00:38 the good news that Jesus loves us
00:41 and that He is coming soon to take us all to heaven.
00:44 We'll leave behind this miserable world
00:46 full of sickness and heartache,
00:48 tears and death, I can't wait.
00:51 That's not good news that's great news.
00:53 But have you ever heard news you thought was bad
00:56 and then it turned out to be good?
00:58 Sometimes what we think is good news
01:01 really isn't that good after all.
01:03 And sometimes what we think is bad news
01:05 turns out to be the best news.
01:07 That's what happened to the man in our Bible story today.
01:11 He received what he thought was bad news
01:13 and then an angel came and told him
01:15 it was actually good news.
01:18 And not just for him but for the whole world.
01:22 We'll find out all about it in just a few minutes
01:25 but first it's time for Nature Time.
01:35 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Nature Time.
01:37 We are in the beautiful country of Australia
01:40 actually at the Gold Coast
01:41 but today we're in Currumbin
01:43 at the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary with Tenielle.
01:46 How are you, Tenielle? Yeah, great.
01:47 This is beautiful.
01:48 You're the expert in kangaroos and kid's this is been
01:51 my favorite thing Kangaroos and being able to feed them
01:54 and let them eat from my hand, it's amazing.
01:56 But I want to know a little bit
01:57 more about kangaroos today.
01:59 So tell me, I want to know a little bit about their ears.
02:02 The ears are very big, aren't they?
02:04 And they kind of represent what a rabbit will have.
02:06 And if you watch, if anyone makes little bit of noises
02:09 they can actually rotate those ears all the way around.
02:12 Now those ears are like that for a reason.
02:14 So in the wild there are social animals,
02:17 they are group animal.
02:18 And what they will do is they will sit around like this
02:20 sitting around right now.
02:21 They will use those ears and if I hear any noise
02:23 they will rotate those ears in to the direction
02:25 then they will make a decision.
02:27 As it was lying down and continuing
02:29 what I am doing or is it worth getting up
02:31 and run in them.
02:32 When they run it's a stampede. Wow.
02:35 Just like a deer I guess you could think.
02:36 Well, I don't want to scare them
02:37 because we got a lot of kangaroos here today.
02:40 So what now-- these are pellets
02:42 but what do they eat in the wild?
02:44 Well, in captivity it is kind of hard to represent
02:47 like replicate what they would find in the wild.
02:49 They would take as a very long time to walk around
02:52 and find it can grab every individual grass. Okay.
02:55 And that's exactly what they eat.
02:57 They eat a lot of grasses in the wild.
02:58 They have a bone structure in their mouth
03:00 that is designed for noring on the grass.
03:03 And then they have molars
03:04 at the back of their mouth to chew.
03:06 So obliviously just like the lartades,
03:10 you know they have specific liquid texture,
03:14 nectar eating these guys have pellets.
03:17 And it has all the nutrients
03:18 so every thing they need in captivity
03:20 and its just easier and convenient for us
03:22 so we don't have to--
03:24 I can tell you, kids, they love this stuff.
03:26 And I like feeding to them.
03:28 What about--we're looking earlier at on of the kangaroos
03:32 and they look like it was kind of red on the front of them,
03:34 what was that all about? That just a color or--
03:37 Did you notice that kangaroo was a male.
03:39 Well, I did. I did.
03:42 Well, the males actually have a scent gland on their chest.
03:46 And so I guess it's like a pheromone a lot of--
03:49 oh, hang on you want some more food.
03:51 It's just like a flying foxes
03:53 have it some dogs have it, cats do it.
03:56 They have a scent gland so they scent
03:58 the surrounding environment letting other males know
04:00 that this is my territory and I'm the boss here. Wow.
04:04 So their tails now, their tails are huge.
04:08 You know, you see them in the picture
04:09 but I mean, they are big
04:10 it looks like they-- do they balance
04:11 when they run or what do they use them for?
04:14 Well, as you can see right now the one in front of us
04:16 is using that tail as a sense of support.
04:18 But not only that they can actually--There you go.
04:22 Stand on those tails just like the one tail here.
04:25 And it should lean back and shall use that as a spring
04:28 and in the next minute those feet come out and then yeah.
04:32 I give you little food. Absolutely.
04:34 They love this stuff. They do.
04:36 Must be feeding time. Now can they smell very good?
04:38 They can. They have a big nose for smelling
04:41 but not only that you look around their nose
04:42 and you see little viscous Yes. Just like a cat.
04:44 This is for their sense of balance. Okay.
04:46 And then what about seeing?
04:48 Can they see very good? They can say.
04:50 They have very good eyesight hence
04:52 they have a lot of eyelashes around their eyes
04:54 to protect their eyes too.
04:55 Just like the cheetah the kangaroo have
04:58 a lot of black around their eyes.
04:59 And did you ever know why the cheetah has
05:01 black around their eyes?
05:02 No, but you are the expert, you're gonna tell me.
05:04 It's to reduce glare from the sun.
05:06 Okay. I've seen that before--
05:08 So it's like a pair of sunglasses.
05:10 Yes, okay.
05:11 And the claws, now--you know they put their claws
05:14 on my wrist it looks like they really do some
05:17 heavy duty scratch. It does.
05:20 And they can do some heavy duty scratch.
05:22 And they have very powerful forelimb
05:23 so they actually can grab you.
05:25 That's why we are sitting down right now
05:27 like I said because they will use those--
05:29 as you can say claws before you but check out their toes.
05:33 Have a look at those toes. Yes.
05:36 They actually have three claws on that
05:38 and their middle one is a very powerful toe
05:41 and their toe nail replicates sort of like a hook.
05:44 So that's what you have to watch out it for not the arms.
05:47 Isn't this exciting, kids?
05:49 Well, Tenielle, thank you so much for being
05:51 our expert on kangaroos.
05:52 You've taught me a lot today. You're, right.
05:55 That's Ranger Dwight. Thank you.
05:57 Kids, never forget nature has got second book,
05:59 get out there and take a look.
06:01 Man, I just love feeding these things, look at these.
06:03 I think we have to go get some more food.
06:05 I know, we're gonna have to get some more food.
06:06 I got just a little left here.
06:08 Here I give you a little bit, I'll share, okay.
06:17 The Bible says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world,
06:23 that he gave his only begotten Son,
06:26 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
06:30 but have everlasting life."
06:36 Amazing grace
06:42 How sweet the sound
06:47 That saved a wretch like me
06:58 I once was lost
07:03 But now am found
07:08 Was blind
07:11 But now I see
07:18 Amazing grace
07:24 How sweet the sound
07:29 That saved a wretch like me
07:39 I once was lost
07:45 But now am found
07:50 Was blind
07:52 But now I see
08:00 Was blind
08:03 But now I see
08:21 Welcome to Learning Time. I'm glad you joined us today.
08:24 And today we're in beautiful Collegedale, Tennessee.
08:28 Yeah. Wow, and I'm excited.
08:33 We've got four helpers hear today
08:35 and lets find out what their names are?
08:37 And what's your name? Jade.
08:39 Jade, hey thanks for helping us today.
08:40 And you are? Corey.
08:42 Corey, hey thanks for helping us today.
08:44 And we have over here at the end. Jada.
08:47 Hey, I'm glad that you're here today.
08:48 And we have? Gabriel.
08:50 Gabriel, hey, now you all like science, don't you?
08:53 Yes. Oh, yeah.
08:54 Why do you like science, Gabriel?
08:56 It opens up the world to me.
08:59 It certainly does, doesn't it? Oh, yes.
09:02 Today we have an experiment.
09:04 You know, we're gonna wear some safety glasses.
09:06 Now so go ahead and put your safety glasses on
09:08 because we're gonna be using some things
09:10 that we don't want to get in our eyes.
09:11 Now you can do this experiment at home
09:13 but you're gonna need some help.
09:15 Make sure you get some help.
09:16 And the question here today is, have you ever seen clouds?
09:20 Yes. Oh, yeah.
09:22 We see clouds outside all the time.
09:25 But hey, have you ever seen a cloud in a bottle? No.
09:29 Well, that's what we're gonna try to do today.
09:31 So in order to do this you're gonna need a bottle.
09:34 So I've picked a 2 liter bottle
09:36 and we're gonna need some alcohol.
09:38 Now we use alcohol sometimes in a first-aid kit, don't we?
09:41 Yeah, and so--and sometimes we can sterilize things
09:44 and maybe you have you hurt yourself
09:46 and you might want to clean it up with some alcohol.
09:48 So I'm gonna take little bit of alcohol
09:49 and I'm gonna squirt a little bit of alcohol
09:51 in this bottle right here, okay.
09:53 And I'm gonna put this lid back on it.
09:55 I'm gonna put it down here so be out of our way.
09:57 Now we don't want to get that in out eyes, do we?
09:59 You what to get alcohol? No, I don't think so.
10:01 I think it would burn wouldn't it.
10:02 It really would.
10:04 Now, in order to make this cloud in a bottle
10:07 we're going to take this little valve right here.
10:09 Now, you know, car tires have little valves like this.
10:11 That's what this is, we have a foot pump.
10:13 Now Corey, I'm gonna have you pump
10:15 some pressure into this bottle.
10:17 But first what I have to do is,
10:18 I have to press this in here.
10:20 So let's see if we can get this going right here.
10:22 We've got to press this valve in here
10:23 and it's really hard to get in there.
10:25 Okay, now Corey is gonna press this in here.
10:29 Go ahead, keep going.
10:30 And we're gonna try to get
10:31 maybe 20 pounds of pressure in the bottle.
10:34 Now what's happening right now is--
10:36 the molecules of air are being heated up
10:39 because when you press air and put pressure on air
10:43 it warms up the water molecules and the air molecules.
10:46 We can't see any of those
10:47 water molecules in here, can we?
10:49 I don't think we can. Keep going. How are you doing?
10:51 Okay, might want to do it real quicker
10:54 make sure that doesn't fall off of the table.
10:55 Very good, don't trap your hand under there.
10:58 There you go.
10:59 All right, keep going, keep going.
11:01 All right about to,
11:03 are we ready to see a cloud in the bottle? Yes.
11:05 We're gonna take the pressure,
11:06 there is high pressure in the bottle.
11:08 Now we're gonna take the pressure off
11:10 and we're gonna have low air pressure.
11:12 All right, how about a 3, 2, 1.
11:13 Let's go 3, 2, 1 and-- Wow, look at that.
11:20 Hey, what I want us to do, there is our cloud.
11:22 Now can you pump that up?
11:24 Let's go ahead and put high pressure
11:26 in that low pressure area.
11:27 Now watch and see what happens.
11:29 When Jade, when she presses that and we're compressing--
11:32 what's happening to our cloud?
11:35 It's going away and it's just clearing up.
11:38 Isn't that interesting?
11:39 I think that's really interesting.
11:42 Okay, stop right there.
11:43 Let's take the pressure back off. Wow.
11:45 And there is our cloud again. How cool is that.
11:48 Well, let's see, you know what we might be able to do
11:50 this with the regular bottle.
11:52 So here is the regular bottle right here.
11:53 Hey, why don't you try?
11:55 You can have that bottle, okay. And let's find out--
11:57 Oh, we've got another bottle right here, here you go.
11:59 Try your bottle right here.
12:00 We've got some more bottles right here
12:02 and here you can try this bottle right here.
12:04 There you go.
12:06 So what we're gonna do is we're gonna put
12:07 a little bit of this inside.
12:09 Let's put a little bit in it's inside.
12:11 Little bit of alcohol, okay and put the cap on.
12:15 Put the cap on and then squeeze the bottle.
12:18 Okay, put the cap on and then squeeze the bottle.
12:21 If we can squeeze it real hard and then let the pressure off
12:25 we might be able to get a cloud in the bottle.
12:27 Are you ready?
12:28 Okay, so squeeze it real hard,
12:29 you might want a help for squeezing bottle.
12:31 You got to that cap on,
12:32 there you go squeeze it and let the pressure out.
12:35 Oh, I'm not seeing anything, are you?
12:37 No. We just need more pressure.
12:40 But you know, that's what happens when we have weather.
12:43 When we have high air pressure,
12:45 we have fare weather and that's warm, isn't it?
12:47 Usually in low air pressure we have lousy weather sometimes.
12:53 Well, you know the cloud in the bottle
12:55 that reminds me some times that you know,
12:57 God has water vapor all over in the air.
13:01 And that water vapor it turns into a cloud
13:04 when it condenses just like the cloud in our bottle.
13:07 And that cloud it waters earth, doesn't it?
13:10 Without that cloud Planet Earth is going to be dry
13:13 and that's not the good thing, isn't it?
13:15 So God has that water cycle.
13:17 You know, every time we learn more about science,
13:21 we learn more about our creator, God.
13:32 Joseph, you've been keeping yourself quite busy
13:34 since Mary has been gone.
13:35 Yes, I really miss her.
13:37 Do you know when she'll be retuning?
13:39 No, but I hope it soon.
13:41 You know, I saw a caravan arriving from Judea earlier.
13:45 Do you think she'll be on that?
13:46 One would only hope. I really miss her.
13:48 I can't wait for her to be hear.
13:52 Here you go. Oh.
13:53 I think oh, this will do for you.
13:55 Thank you. Thank you, ma'am.
14:00 There is Mary now, Joseph. Really, Mary.
14:08 Mary, you're with child. Yes, but I can explain.
14:12 No, no. I think you just need to go.
14:15 Joseph, there was an angel.
14:16 You know, you're parents are really worried about you,
14:18 you need to go.
14:19 Please, Joseph.
14:21 No, I said, go and don't bring me
14:24 any more of those barley cakes either.
14:31 Joseph, she doesn't look like much of a virtuous woman to me.
14:35 You just say the word and I'll arrange for the stoning.
14:39 There'll be no stoning. But, Joseph, she disgraced you.
14:44 No, you need to go. I need to be alone now.
15:00 I cannot disgrace Mary. But I can't marry her.
15:06 I can't eat, I can't sleep. What are people gonna think.
15:14 I know, I'll put her away secretly.
15:20 Joseph, Joseph son of David,
15:23 do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.
15:26 For what is inside of her is conceived of the Holy Spirit.
15:30 She shall bring forth a son and you'll call Him Jesus.
15:35 And He shall save His people from their sins.
15:40 God sent an angel to speak to me.
15:44 Joseph, a poor carpenter.
15:49 The baby is the waited Messiah.
15:52 And Mary, she is blessed among all woman.
15:58 I must marry her, right away.
16:03 Oh, what a donkey. So sweet.
16:09 How are you doing? I'm doing really well.
16:11 But that's not too much I guess.
16:27 Hear ye hear ye.
16:30 By order of Caesar Augustus
16:34 the entire world is to be registered.
16:39 This census will be taken in the city of your birth.
16:44 This decree is effective at once.
16:47 Those who refuse to cooperate will suffer
16:50 the most dire of consequences.
16:57 So it was written. So it shall be done.
17:02 Let's go. Excuse me, sir. Sir.
17:07 But my wife she is about ready to give birth
17:09 and I just-- we can't do this.
17:11 We have a three days journey. Is there anything you can do?
17:15 That sounds just awful, friend.
17:18 Unfortunately that problem is entirely yours to deal with.
17:22 But sir, is there--
17:30 Joseph, my wife and I, we will be more than happy
17:34 to look after Mary while you're gone.
17:36 I go where my husband goes.
17:38 And you know, with God
17:40 we can do anything and He will protect us.
17:44 Come on, Mary.
17:45 We'll have to leave right away in the morning.
17:47 I'll see you in the morning then.
17:55 Joseph, I'm ready. Mary--
17:58 Good morning, Joseph. How is your sleep last night?
18:01 Very well, thank you. Excellent.
18:02 Is there anything else so I can do for you? Yes.
18:05 Will you be able to watch
18:06 my carpenter shop while we are gone?
18:08 It would be my pleasure to watch your shop until you return.
18:11 Thank you, my friend. Mary, let's go.
18:18 Travel safely. Thank you.
18:20 God be with you. I'll be praying for you.
18:22 Good bye. Bye, Jeddah.
19:56 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
19:59 I can see this book, boys and girls,
20:01 its called Scrapbook Stories of Ellen White
20:04 and it's written by Ernest Lloyd
20:06 and it's a collection of wonderful stories for children
20:09 by the great author, Ellen White.
20:12 You're gonna love this book,
20:13 Scrapbook Stories of Ellen White.
20:16 Well, our guest today boys and girls,
20:18 is no stranger to Kids Time
20:20 and in fact he's been here several times
20:22 and I love it every time he comes
20:24 and I think you will too.
20:25 I would like to introduce you right now to Samuel.
20:28 Hi, Samuel. Hi.
20:30 It's so good that you could be back with us today
20:32 and tell us you're always doing
20:34 something exciting to share Jesus.
20:35 What are you up to lately.
20:37 Well, I've been up to my TV show
20:39 that has been where airing--
20:42 started airing in October till today.
20:46 Wow, what is it about? It's about the simple truths.
20:50 No adding or no taking from.
20:54 And you--and is it you preaching? Yes, ma'am.
20:57 So now some people that might--
20:58 this might be the first time
21:00 they have ever watched Kids Time
21:01 and they don't have never seen you before
21:03 so can you tell those our viewers
21:05 what it is that you do to share Jesus.
21:07 Well, what I do to share Jesus,
21:09 I preach all around in cities, churches, sometimes outside.
21:16 And anywhere you can preach for Jesus
21:17 you like to preach, don't you?
21:19 Yes, ma'am.
21:20 And how long have you been preaching?
21:21 I've been preaching since I was three.
21:26 Three, and how old are you now?
21:27 I am seven. You're seven years old.
21:29 What grade are you in? I'm in third grade.
21:31 In third grade. You like school? Yes.
21:34 Do you get a chance to witness at school?
21:36 Yes, ma'am. You do.
21:38 Listen, I want to know would you be willing--
21:40 maybe share with just a small part of your sermon on Job.
21:43 I understand you recently completed
21:45 a wonderful sermon on, on the life of Job.
21:48 Would you like to do that? Yes, ma'am.
21:50 Okay, you pretend Miss Brenda is a huge congregation
21:53 and you just start preaching.
21:54 Okay? Okay. Job lived with his wife.
21:58 Job had seven sons and three daughters
22:02 all grown with families of their own.
22:04 Job loved God and worships Him every day.
22:07 One day the devil came to God and said,
22:10 you've blessed Job with everything.
22:13 This is the only reason why Job prays you.
22:16 If You will take all Your blessings away from Job,
22:20 Job would no longer praise You.
22:22 God says to the devil, do what you want but do not touch him.
22:27 So the devil left Him and began his evil work.
22:32 Suddenly a messenger came to Job and saying,
22:35 all your oxen and donkeys are gone.
22:38 All the men that helped you are gone.
22:40 While the messenger was still speaking,
22:42 a second messenger came and said,
22:44 a huge fire has killed all the sheep.
22:47 And still a third messenger arrived saying,
22:51 some thieves came and stole all your camels.
22:54 And still a fourth messenger arrived
22:57 with the horrible news of all and it said,
23:02 your sons and daughters were eating together
23:04 when suddenly a huge wind blew and the house fell on them.
23:09 Job was so sad. He lost everything.
23:12 He lost his land. He lost his animals.
23:15 He lost his sons and daughters.
23:18 But you know what Job did?
23:20 Job fell to his knees and said the Lord has gave
23:25 and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
23:29 After all these bad things happened to Job,
23:32 still he praised God.
23:34 A wonderful story.
23:35 I wish we had time to hear
23:36 the rest of that don't you, boys and girls?
23:39 I want you to encourage you to keep on preaching for Jesus.
23:42 Will you? Yes, ma'am.
23:43 And do you have a lot more stories like that to share?
23:45 Yes, ma'am.
23:46 So if someone wanted to have you come and speak
23:48 at their church boys and girls,
23:50 what you do is you contact
23:51 Miss Brenda at
23:56 You can email me there
23:57 and I will get the information to your mom, okay.
24:01 Because we don't give information from kids
24:03 just to protect our children.
24:05 So if--do you like going to other churches?
24:07 Yes, ma'am.
24:08 So you do and you always give God the glory.
24:11 Yes, ma'am. That's right.
24:14 Well, what is your most favorite experience
24:17 you've had from after preaching that you've talked to someone?
24:20 Is anybody told you that their heart was touched for Jesus?
24:23 Yes, ma'am. A lot of people. They have.
24:26 And so what is the, what is the most--
24:28 did you have a special experience of somebody
24:30 that has shared with you what it meant to them?
24:33 Well, some people have told me
24:35 that it really have blessed their heart.
24:38 Some people told me keep on preaching for God
24:42 no matter what's in your way.
24:43 Absolutely and that's is great advise, isn't it.
24:47 Well, I would like to read some letters.
24:48 We get letters from all over the world here
24:51 and I love reading your letters, boys and girls.
24:53 Please keep sending them to me and telling me
24:56 what you do to share Jesus.
24:58 Let's go to this envelope right over here.
25:00 We've got lot of letters in my basket.
25:02 And this one is from Trinidad and Tobago
25:05 and there is a picture.
25:06 Well, do you mind holding this picture up for me, Samuel?
25:08 Sure.
25:09 So the boys and girls can see who wrote the letter.
25:11 It says, dear Miss Brenda, my name is Hakeem
25:13 and I'm 11 years of age and I'm from Trinidad and Tobago
25:17 and I love watching Kids Time
25:19 since I love Learning Time because I can learn
25:21 more about my creator God.
25:24 I would like you to send me the Bible lessons please
25:26 and I would join Kids Club.
25:28 And I also share with my friends in Sabbath school.
25:31 I would love to take the lessons.
25:33 Well, it's your friend, Hakeem.
25:34 And Hakeem will get those lessons to you out.
25:36 Boys and girls, do you know that's one way
25:38 you can witness for Jesus is to encourage your friends
25:40 to sign up for Bible lessons.
25:42 They can do to
25:45 and click on, just click on Kids Club
25:47 and you can sign up for the lessons.
25:49 Isn't that awesome?
25:50 I think I have another letter over here and another picture.
25:53 Can you help me hold this one up too?
25:55 And this one says, dear Miss Brenda,
25:58 my name is Victoria and I'm from Zambia.
26:01 I love to listen to Kids Time programs
26:03 and I watch Kids Time everyday.
26:06 Please continue to make new programs and it said also.
26:09 This photo is of me and my two big brothers Randy,
26:12 Vector and of Joy the biggest sister.
26:16 I thank you, for Kids Time. Love, Victoria.
26:18 Well, thank you for your letter, Victoria.
26:20 We'll get you on those lessons right away.
26:22 Samuel, thank you for joining us once again.
26:24 Keep sharing Jesus, won't you? Yes, ma'am.
26:26 Because remember boys and girls,
26:27 wherever you go whatever you do it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17