Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000302
00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:03 We're going to be late. 00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:24 Kids' time Kids' time 00:28 Kids' time 00:31 Hi, boy and girls. 00:32 When I go shopping I like to look for good deals. 00:36 I want to pay only what something is worth 00:38 and not a penny more. 00:40 But sometimes buyers and sellers don't always agree. 00:44 Some sellers want to sell things for more than their worth 00:47 and some buyers want to pay less than things are worth. 00:50 Our Bible story today is about a seller 00:52 who was willing to give up something very valuable 00:55 just to get something very cheap. 00:57 It doesn't sound very wise to me. 01:00 Boys and girls, if you are looking for a good deal, 01:02 you won't find a better one than what Jesus is offering you. 01:06 Before you were born, 01:08 He knew all the bad things you would do 01:10 and He took the punishment you would someday deserve. 01:13 And now offers you a beautiful life forever in heaven with Him. 01:18 Now that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. 01:20 What do you think? 01:21 Well, right now, it's time for our Nature Time. 01:31 Hi, boy and girls, welcome to Nature Time. 01:33 I am so excited today 01:35 because we're in the country of Australia 01:37 and we're at the Gold Coast 01:38 where many people come just for vacation 01:40 because it's so beautiful. 01:41 Today we are in Currumbin at the Gold Coast, 01:43 a wildlife sanctuary and we have 01:45 a special expert on parrots, right, Teniella? 01:48 Parrots, definitely. 01:50 I must tell you they are parrots, not lorikeets. 01:52 Okay. 01:53 So you know, earlier on we had all these parrots landing on us. 01:57 And I saw you and, you had your arms outstretched, 02:00 parrots were all over on you, having everything. 02:02 Did that scared you at all? 02:04 No, I love it. I love wildlife. 02:07 It won't scare me at all. 02:08 They are very social being, social birds. 02:11 So they love to interact with each other. 02:13 And you'd think that they will be afraid of humans 02:15 but here at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary 02:16 they're used to being fed. 02:18 So they do come down 02:19 and you do get covered in them and I love it. 02:22 I don't know if I would like them 02:23 to fall on me like that, Teniella, 02:25 because have they ever had an accident on you? 02:27 They do. They do. 02:29 They do have accidents. 02:30 You know, they have to do it, 02:32 it's very natural but not only that 02:34 but sometimes you can get a few scratches. 02:36 But they don't mean to hurt you, they are just-- 02:38 Sounds like you love them a lot. 02:40 I do, I do love them. 02:41 Well, you said that there was 02:42 something very special about their tongue. 02:44 Tell the kids about that. 02:46 Okay, well, lorikeets have what we call the brush tongue. 02:48 So the reason why they have this 02:50 is because they like to feed on flowers and nectar. 02:53 And so they land on the plant, 02:55 they will use that brush tongue to actually lap up the nectar. 02:59 And so yeah, that's very-- 03:01 it's a very beautiful thing about them. 03:02 So they mainly will drink instead of eat 03:06 as far as solid food because I notice here 03:09 that it's some kind of special form you have for them. 03:11 In the wild they don't really drink, 03:13 they do use that brush to pick up powder. 03:16 But what this is actually is it's actually a powder solution. 03:20 And it's scientifically made for captive animal. 03:23 So it has all the nutrients, all the vitamins, 03:26 everything they need in the wild. 03:28 And yeah, we have it here. 03:30 It's not a great thing to feed birds in the wild 03:33 but here at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, 03:34 they have been doing it for years. 03:36 And they seem to be-- they seem to be healthy. 03:38 Everyday they come down, 03:39 get their breakfast and their lunch, 03:41 well their afternoon take and they are very healthy. 03:44 You can tell that 03:45 just because they have beautiful rainbow color. 03:47 Well, so now rainbow color, 03:48 is there more than one species of these parrots? 03:52 There are, there are a lot of species of lorikeets. 03:54 In fact here you can find 03:55 two different species of lorikeets. 03:57 You'll find the rainbow lorikeets 03:59 and then you'll find the scaly breasted lorikeets. 04:01 Scaly breasted, now does that mean 04:03 they have scales on them or what? 04:05 No, they don't actually have scales. Okay. 04:07 They have pattern on their chest that looks like scales. 04:11 Looks like scale. 04:12 Yes, so they are grained with yellow 04:13 and it looks exactly like you'd find on the fish, but on a bird. 04:16 Isn't that cool, kids? 04:18 Okay, so now how long do these lorikeets live? 04:21 Lorikeets can live for a very long time, 04:23 in fact when you have one as a pet, 04:25 they take--they can live longer than a dog. 04:27 So it's around 25, 30 years. 04:30 Oh, that's a long time. 04:31 We do have species of parrots here in Australia 04:33 like Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 04:35 that can actually live to 80 years old. 04:38 Eighty years, kids. 04:39 Wow, that's a long time for a bird. 04:41 How many young do they have? 04:43 Well, a lot of different species of parrots 04:45 can have range of young but for our lorikeets 04:49 they will have about two to three babies 04:52 and they will take care of them 04:53 until they're up in the tree and fledging for themselves. 04:56 Does most of them live? 04:58 I mean, does anything get if they have two or three, 05:00 do two or three live? 05:02 Well, we cross fingers that they do. 05:05 Unfortunately, you'll find a lot of things in the wild 05:08 that do affect them 05:09 and cats and dogs is a very big thing, yes. 05:12 Well, kids, you never want cats and dogs around the lorikeets. 05:15 No. 05:16 Wow, you know what it's just amazing to know 05:18 and I was watching all these lorikeets come down 05:21 to feed like hundreds of them. 05:23 How many are here? 05:24 Well, it can range between hundreds and thousands, 05:27 so there's a lot. 05:28 That's a lot of birds, kids. 05:30 Well, Teniella, you are certainly 05:32 an expert on lorikeets. 05:33 Thanks, Ranger Dwight. 05:35 Well, I just want to thank you for being here. 05:37 And kids, never forget, 05:39 nature's got second but get out there and take a look. 05:42 I want to go find some of those lorikeets to land on me. 05:44 Okay, I think we'll just find them. 05:46 Okay, let's go. 05:55 The Bible says in John 4:14, 05:59 "But whosoever drinketh of the water 06:01 that I shall give him shall not thirst 06:03 but the water I give him shall be in him 06:06 a well of water springing up into everlasting life. 06:14 I've got a river of life flowing out of me 06:18 Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see 06:23 Opens prisons doors sets the captives free 06:28 I've got a river of life flowing out of me 06:32 Spring up O well within my soul 06:37 Spring up O well and make me whole 06:42 Spring up O well and give to me 06:47 That life abundantly 06:52 I've got a river of life flowing out of me 06:57 Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see 07:02 Opens prisons doors sets the captives free 07:06 I've got a river of life flowing out of me 07:10 Spring up O well within my soul 07:15 Spring up O well and make me whole 07:20 Spring up O well and give to me 07:25 That life abundantly 07:29 Spring up O well within my soul 07:34 Spring up O well and make me whole 07:39 Spring up O well and give to me 07:44 That life abundantly 07:49 That life abundantly 08:04 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Learning Time. 08:06 As you can see we are outside. 08:08 Isn't that cool to be outside? Yeah. 08:10 Now, the experiment that we're going to do today, 08:12 we got to be outside. 08:14 Now you can't do this at home, 08:15 but we're going to do something really exciting. 08:17 You like loud noises? Yeah. 08:19 And we're going to try to do some work today 08:21 and I've got three helpers. 08:22 I've got Alexander, thanks for helping me. 08:24 I've got Catherine right here and I've got Kristy. 08:27 Hey, we're going to need some safety equipment, 08:29 so go ahead and put on your safety glasses. 08:31 Alexander, he's going to put on a safety shield and a glove. 08:35 And I'm going to put on a glove too. 08:36 You know today we're going to be working with something 08:38 that's very, very cold. 08:40 You won't have this at home, 08:41 it's called liquid air and its liquid nitrogen. 08:44 It is so cold, it's the second coldest liquid 08:46 in the entire universe as far as we know. 08:49 So we're going to grab this little funnel, 08:51 we're going to put some of that liquid air 08:52 right into this bottle right here. 08:54 So, I need for you to step back behind those cones. 08:57 We need a little safety, okay. Here we go. 08:59 I am going to pour some of this 09:01 and I am going to pour very, very carefully. 09:03 And we're going to fill up, not fill up, 09:05 we're going to put maybe a100 ml or so of this. 09:09 Why don't you just, 09:10 can you ladies step back just a little bit. 09:11 Okay. There we go. 09:12 We need little safety zone. 09:14 Now when I start pouring it makes a cloud. 09:16 Can you see the cloud? Yeah. 09:17 Yeah, I can see the cloud too. 09:19 It makes a cloud because it condenses 09:22 the water molecules in the air and it forms the cloud. 09:25 Now, I can tell, I am trying to look right here, 09:28 there's a lot of fog and cloud in front of my eyes right here. 09:31 And let's see what we've got. 09:32 Okay, I think that's just about what we need, just about there. 09:35 You can take that funnel off, Alexander. 09:37 There we go. 09:38 And you know what you need to do now? 09:41 You need to run way up there to the hill, 09:43 we need a safety zone for you. 09:45 Yeah, go. Okay. You need to run up there too. 09:47 Go ahead girls, run up there. 09:48 Now, what I am going to do, 09:50 we're going to take this bottle right here which is full, 09:52 this much of liquid nitrogen. 09:54 We got little too much, I am going to pour 09:55 some of that on the ground right over here. 09:57 I am going to carry it over here. 09:58 So I am carrying it. 09:59 I want you to listen to me because this liquid nitrogen 10:02 is boiling away inside this two liter bottle. 10:06 Now, it's going to be boiling 10:07 and as it boils it changes from a liquid to a gas. 10:10 We're going to have so much pressure inside of this bottle 10:13 that the bottle is going to break open 10:14 and it's going to make a loud noise. 10:16 So are you ready for that? Yeah. 10:18 Okay. Here we go. 10:19 I am going to put the cap on 10:20 and I am going to drop it in this barrel. 10:22 The barrel has water in it 10:23 and that helps it to blow up real quick. 10:26 Okay, here we go, put it right there like that 10:29 and I am going to put it there. 10:30 And I am going to run away. Run away, run away. 10:33 And it's going to go, how about a countdown? 10:35 Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, 10:41 four, three, two, one. 10:45 And it's going to make a big noise. 10:48 Wow. Just like that. Wow. 10:51 Hey, come on back over here, 10:52 come on back right there, right over here. 10:55 And you know what we are going to do, 10:56 we're going to pour some more water in here. 10:58 So let's go ahead, 10:59 we're going to put a little more water in there. 11:00 No, no, over there. 11:02 We need you over there. 11:03 Right, we just like this. 11:05 Now, what we're going to do, 11:06 we're going to fill up another bottle. 11:08 We're going to fill up one more bottle today. 11:11 Yeah, let's come back over here. 11:12 Alexander, are you ready? 11:14 Are you ready for one more bottle? Yes. Yes. 11:18 Okay. All right. 11:19 Step back behind the cones, step back behind the cones. 11:24 All right, here we go Alexander. 11:25 Now, did we do any work that time? No. 11:29 No, it made a big loud noise. 11:30 Did you hear the noise? Yeah. 11:32 Did you hear the cloud? Yes. 11:34 But we didn't do any work. 11:36 Let's see if we can do some work this time. 11:38 Are you ready? Okay, here we go. 11:39 I am going to take this, 11:40 we're going to fill this up again. 11:42 Okay, ladies, move back a little bit. 11:44 All right, here we go. 11:45 We're going try to put 11:46 about the same amount of liquid nitrogen in here. 11:51 Notice, we're still making a cloud. 11:53 What are clouds made out of? Water. 11:56 Water molecules, that's right. 11:58 Well, it's really cold in the clouds right here, 12:00 in cloud right here. 12:01 It's really cool. I like this. 12:03 It's hot outside. 12:04 I think we're ready, Alexander. 12:06 There we go, we're going to put this down. 12:08 Now you know what's going to happen? 12:09 We're going to do this again, 12:10 but we're going to change something. 12:12 I am going to put this in that barrel again, 12:14 that cut of barrel, we're going to have a countdown 12:17 but I am going to take that blue trash can. 12:19 Can you see the high blue trash can? Yeah. 12:21 I am going to turn it upside down. 12:23 Put it on top of that barrel. 12:25 And what do you think that trash can is going to do? 12:27 Go up. 12:28 Well, let's find out. You got to go up there. 12:30 Get out of the way. 12:31 I am going to come down here. Here we go. 12:37 Wait, let me get this all set up. 12:39 We get this real close by over here. 12:41 All right, here we go. 12:42 All right, all right. 12:43 And we've got right there like that. 12:47 I am going to put this down, 12:48 I am going to put this right on top. 12:50 Here we go. 12:51 How about a countdown? Let's go. 12:53 Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, 12:58 five, four, three, two, one. 13:03 And there we go up in the air. 13:08 Wow. 13:11 Well, come back down here and let's talk about that. 13:15 Wow, wasn't that great? Was that great or what? 13:19 Wow. But you know what, now-- 13:22 yeah, come on around, come on around. 13:24 You can come on in, come on around. 13:26 Did you see that barrel go way up high up in the air? Yeah. 13:30 Now, the first one that blew up, 13:32 the first bottle that we blew up, 13:33 it just made a loud noise but we didn't do any work, 13:37 we didn't focus the energy. 13:39 The second one that we just did, 13:41 what did we do, we focus the energy in the trash can 13:46 and it went up like a rocket. 13:48 You know, that's exactly what Jesus was talking about 13:52 when He gave us Matthew 6:33 13:56 because He said, you know what, 13:57 if you want to accomplish a lot of things 13:59 He says, seek me first. 14:01 That's right, seek ye first, the kingdom of God. 14:04 If you and I focus on Jesus, 14:07 He will give us everything that you and I need. 14:10 Isn't that cool? Yeah. 14:11 So let's focus our lives on Jesus 14:13 like we focus that energy from the bottle 14:15 and we shot up that rocket 14:17 and we can do wonderful things for Jesus. 14:19 Isn't that cool? Yeah. 14:20 I think so. 14:22 When we learn about science, 14:24 we learn more about our creator, God. 14:34 Tell me about the Hunt, Esau and your hunt. 14:36 Tell me about the hunt, I want to hear about the hunt. 14:39 Oh, father, listen to this, listen. 14:41 There I was, me and the lion. 14:44 A lion you say. 14:45 Yes, a lion, yes. Okay. 14:48 He's over on the ridge 14:50 and as I reach for my bow and my arrow 14:52 and I lifted up the bow and arrow 14:54 and I released the arrow, it went flying through the air 14:57 and it nailed the lion in the heart 14:59 and he dropped dead, father. 15:00 You are such a good hunter. 15:02 I knew you could do it. 15:04 You are such a wonderful hunter. 15:05 You're good, so wonderful. 15:07 Good evening, father. How big was the lion? 15:08 Good evening, father. 15:10 Tell me, show me with my hand. 15:11 Father, this is Jacob. 15:12 This big. Tell me more. 15:16 Father, I brought you some bread for mother. 15:18 What about, where you with the hunt, Esau? 15:20 Father, I was south of here. 15:21 Father, father, I made you some goat cheese, it's your favorite. 15:25 Jacob, I am not interested. 15:27 Oh, father, I live for the hunt. It is excellent. 15:30 And I lived to hear the stories of the hunt, they excite me. 15:34 Oh, father has no time for me. 15:37 All he cares about is Esau. 15:40 I need to go talk to mother about this. 15:49 Hello mother. 15:50 Oh, son. 15:52 I am so frustrated. 15:53 What's the matter? 15:54 Please pull up a stool and sit with me. 15:56 Have some cheese. 15:58 Isn't this the cheese that you made for your father? 16:01 Yes, it is. 16:02 I try to give it to him but Esau was there. 16:05 Esau was telling his wild hunting stories 16:08 and had some meat there. 16:09 He wasn't interested in the cheese 16:11 that I spend so hard today making it, 16:15 but Esau telling him the stories and everything. 16:18 It just made me realize that Esau is clearly his favorite. 16:22 He has no time for me. 16:24 Do I have a chance to get the birthright blessing? 16:27 Yes, you will. 16:28 The angel came and told me so. 16:31 He told me that the older son will serve the younger son. 16:35 You will receive birthright blessing. 16:38 Your father would never go against God's will. 16:41 Oh, I hope so. 16:43 That birthright blessing is the thing that I want most. 16:46 And you will have it. 16:47 Mother, you always knows what to say to make me feel better. 16:51 Well, you are my favorite son. 16:54 Thank you. 16:55 Well, I better be going, I have lots to do tomorrow. 16:57 What do you have planned tomorrow? 16:59 I am going to make lentils stew. 17:02 Mmm, I just love your lentils stew. 17:05 And mother, I love you. 17:09 And I love you too son more than you'll ever know. 17:20 Jacob, here are those herbs you wanted. 17:22 Oh, thanks, Stolla. 17:24 I am almost there, this is really good. 17:26 Just need a few more of these herbs. 17:27 That looks really good Jacob. I just love your lentil stew. 17:31 Thanks for your help, really appreciated. 17:33 Yes. Keep grinding on those. 17:35 Oh, no, here comes your grouchy brother, Esau. 17:39 Oh. Oh, my back it beats, yes, it smells good. 17:45 Oh, wow, I could smell this from the long ways away. 17:50 What is it? 17:51 Lentils. Oh, starving. 17:53 There's no meat in it, you are not going to like it. 17:55 I don't care. I am starving, I need some. 17:58 Put your hands away. Get your hands away. 17:59 I haven't eaten a long time. 18:01 Don't remember the last time I've eaten. 18:04 Are you really that hungry? Yes. 18:06 You want some lentils? 18:07 Yes, I am starving. 18:08 You are going to eat lentils? 18:10 Yes, I am hungry, look at me. 18:12 I am about to die. 18:14 Are you willing to trade something for it? 18:16 Like what? 18:19 Maybe the birthright blessing? 18:21 Yeah, birthright blessing. 18:23 What good is that to me, I am about to die from hunger. 18:27 Sure. 18:29 Make me an oath. An oath. 18:31 Yeah, make me an oath 18:32 and I'll give you a big bowl of this. 18:35 You mean like, I Esau, first born son of Isaac 18:39 give my birthright blessing to my younger brother Jacob. 18:42 Yeah, yeah. Is that good. 18:43 That's great. I can have the food. 18:44 You can have it. 18:45 Here, have some in a big bowl and have some bread. 18:48 Eat up. I can't believe it. 18:53 I got the birthright blessing. 18:55 It's all mine. It's all mine. 19:10 My Father is omnipotent 19:15 And that you can't deny 19:19 A God of might and miracles 19:25 'Tis written in the sky 19:30 It took a miracle 19:35 To put the stars in place 19:40 It took a miracle 19:45 To hang the world in space 19:50 But when He saved my soul 19:56 Cleansed and made me whole 20:03 It took a miracle 20:07 Of love 20:11 And grace 20:29 It's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day 20:32 and today's book is called Ruggy, 20:34 the Mountain Buck written by Mabel Earp Carson. 20:38 It's an exciting story, boys and girls of a boy name Danny 20:41 and his very special pet, a deer. 20:45 And oh my, did that have some fun adventures. 20:48 You won't want to miss Ruggy, the Mountain Buck. 20:52 Well, I'd like to introduce you to a very special guest 20:55 and somebody that I really I'm so glad 20:58 they are here on Kids' Time today. 20:59 His name is Joshua. Hi, Joshua. Hi. 21:03 Thank you so much for coming 21:04 and being on Kids' Time with Miss Brenda 21:06 and tell me what do you do to share Jesus? 21:09 Well, I can-- well, I preach and I sing and I have a booklet-- 21:13 You preach and you sing? What do you preach? 21:17 Well, I preach at all nations 21:20 Seventh-day Adventist church in-- 21:22 Well, you preach in churches, all different ones, haven't you? 21:25 Yes. And do you love preaching it for Jesus? 21:27 Yes, I do. 21:28 And what is your main topic you love to preach about? 21:31 The second coming of Jesus. 21:33 The second coming of Jesus. 21:35 And God really impressed you to preach about that, didn't He? 21:39 Yes, ma'am. 21:40 So much so that you have-- you brought a book in here, 21:43 kind of a story of how God inspired you 21:45 to preach about that. 21:46 Can you hold that up for the boys and girls to see? 21:48 And you didn't write this by yourself, right? No. 21:51 No. It says Jesus' second coming, it's for real. 21:55 And there's a picture of you, 21:57 you know, looking at Jesus' second coming. 21:59 Can I have a-- can I look at that book? 22:02 And this is really quite a story in here. 22:05 And if boys and girls wanted to get a copy of this book, 22:08 I can have you just contact me 22:13 and I'll be happy to pass on 22:15 that information to Joshua's parents. 22:17 We don't give out information 22:19 about children here on Kids' Time 22:20 just to protect our kids. 22:22 So if you'd like to get a copy of that book, 22:24 just email me and I will forward that email 22:26 on to your mom, okay? 22:28 Thank you. We will do that. 22:29 So tell me when you preach about Jesus' second coming, 22:32 what are some of the things you talk about? 22:35 Well, I talk how He's coming back 22:39 and you need to repent 22:42 and how Satan is going to try 22:44 and get you not to get ready for Jesus. 22:49 Now, when you say repent, some boys and girls maybe not-- 22:51 they may not know what repent means. 22:53 What is repent mean? 22:54 That's a big word for some kids. 22:56 Well, repent means to turn to Jesus and give him your life. 23:01 And when we repent we're really asking Jesus 23:04 to forgive us for our sins, right? 23:06 We want Jesus to forgive us of our sins, 23:09 so that we can give our heart completely to Jesus, right. 23:12 And do you have, 23:13 do you had some wonderful experiences preaching that news, 23:16 that good news that Jesus is coming soon? 23:18 Yes, ma'am. 23:19 You have, oh, that's wonderful. 23:21 Well, I've got some letters here. 23:22 Would you like to listen to some of the letters, boys and girls? 23:24 I love all the letters that you sent to me 23:27 and I specially love all the ways that you share 23:30 how you witness for Jesus. 23:33 And so let's read one right here. 23:34 This one is from Arizona and let's see who this is from. 23:38 Oh, you send me a picture, I love getting those pictures. 23:40 Can you hold this picture for me please? 23:43 And it says, dear Miss. Brenda, 23:46 thank you very much for doing God's work. 23:48 My name is Turray and I am 10 years old and I love Jesus. 23:53 I also have a three year old sister 23:54 that I enjoy being a big brother to. 23:57 It said, I also have grandparents 23:59 who live in Arizona and they sure love 3ABN. 24:02 It said, here's the picture of me 24:03 with my granddad's fishing pole. 24:05 I like to fish, play games and knitting 24:09 and also being on the computer 24:12 and I am blessed to have such a big family. 24:14 It said, thank you for reading my letter on the air 24:17 and I ask for prayer for my family please 24:20 especially for my dad who is in prison. 24:22 I'll continue to pray for you and your family and Kids' Time. 24:26 Yours very truly Turray. 24:28 Turray, yes, I would be willing to pray for your dad 24:31 and also I want to ask boys and girls around the world, 24:34 let's pray for Turray's dad that is in prison right now, okay? 24:38 And does Jesus answer prayers, Joshua? 24:40 Yes. Yes, He does. 24:42 Let's see what we have here, I got one over here and it says, 24:47 this one is from Ringgold, Georgia 24:50 and this one says, dear Miss Brenda, 24:53 I share Jesus by preaching 24:54 and talking to people about prophecy. 24:56 See, Joshua, there's lots of kids that love 24:58 to preach and share Jesus. 25:00 It said, one such person that I share Jesus 25:03 to is a lady at the hair salon who does my mom's hair. 25:07 She's very interested in Bible prophecy 25:09 and the last time we went to the hair salon, 25:11 I gave her some literature with the postage paid card 25:15 to send for free Bible studies. 25:17 And I'd like to get the next set of my Bible study guides please. 25:21 Sincerely, Elisha. 25:24 And it said, my brother's name is Samuel like the prophet. 25:27 Well, thank you so much. 25:28 I will make sure that we get 25:30 your next set of lessons out to you. 25:32 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you 25:33 to sign up for our Kids' Club lessons. 25:35 You can sign up for our lessons, 25:38 just go to and you can sign up 25:41 for lessons right there. 25:42 And encourage all your friends to sign up as well. 25:45 Maybe we have time for one quick lesson-- letter. 25:48 This one is from Jamaica. 25:50 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Candice and I am from Jamaica. 25:53 I am 10 years old. 25:54 I love to watch Kids' Time 25:56 and I want to understand more about the Bible. 25:59 So I am asking please if I can be 26:01 a member of Kids' Club and take the Bible lessons. 26:03 I share Jesus by playing the violin for the elder people 26:07 and also the ones who are sick. 26:09 God bless Kid's Time, I love it. 26:11 Love, Candice. 26:12 Candice, we'll make sure we get out those Bible lessons to you 26:15 and I am glad that you are witnessing for Jesus 26:18 and keep singing ad sharing Him, won't you? 26:20 Thank you, Joshua for being on the program with us today. 26:23 You keep preaching for Jesus, all right? 26:25 Yes, ma'am. All right. 26:26 Boys and girls that's all the time we have today, 26:28 but remember wherever you are, wherever you go, 26:31 it's Kids' Time to share Jesus. 26:54 Kids' Time 27:17 Kids' Time Kids' Time Kids' Time 27:25 Kids' Time |
Revised 2014-12-17