Kids' Time

The Prodigal Son -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000301

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:03 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' time, Kids time Kids' time
00:31 Hi, boy and girls.
00:32 We all like things to be fair, don't we?
00:35 That's just the way things ought to be, right?
00:37 Well, maybe not.
00:39 We think we're pretty good people
00:40 and deserve the best.
00:41 But what if we're getting a lot better than we deserve?
00:45 The Book of Isaac tells us that even all the good things we do
00:49 aren't worth more than a few dirty rags.
00:51 How can that be?
00:53 Well, I'll tell you.
00:54 It's because everything we do generally has selfish motives.
00:58 That means even the good things we do
01:00 are usually for selfish reasons.
01:02 But here's the amazing thing.
01:04 God sees just how selfish we are
01:06 and He loves us anyway
01:08 and He's standing by just waiting
01:10 to give us much better than we deserve
01:13 if we'll only give our hearts to Him.
01:16 Our Bible story today is about a father
01:18 who was standing by just like God does,
01:20 waiting to give His rebellious son
01:22 much better than he deserved.
01:24 It's a great story and you're going to love it.
01:27 But first, it's time for our Nature Time.
01:36 Hi, boy and girls, welcome to Nature Time.
01:39 We're here in beautiful Australia at the Gold Coast
01:43 and we've got two special friends today.
01:44 Furry, glad to meet you.
01:46 Glad to meet you too.
01:47 And, Harland, nice to meet you.
01:48 Nice to meet you too.
01:50 Well, thank you, I can tell by your accent
01:52 you are an Australian, uh? Yeah.
01:54 Well, tell us about this, this is a shingleback lizard.
01:57 Yep. Okay.
01:58 This is a shingleback lizard, they also get called bobtails,
02:02 stumpy tails, sleepy lizards.
02:05 Okay.
02:06 Yep.
02:07 And it looks like the--the scales are hard.
02:10 So what are they made of?
02:11 They're made of keratin which is the same as their fingernails.
02:14 Okay.
02:15 The scales also look like pine cone.
02:19 Yes, it does.
02:20 And that's great protection and great camouflage as well.
02:23 So again, this--this lizard is it's a shingleback lizard.
02:28 Yep. And it's only in Australia.
02:30 Only in Australia.
02:31 What is it feel like?
02:32 You want to have a feel?
02:34 Wow, kids, isn't this exciting?
02:37 What do you think of that, Harland?
02:40 Is that pretty cool or what?
02:42 It looks like a pine cone.
02:44 It does look like a pine cone.
02:46 And look at this, the head and the tail,
02:50 if there was eyes on that, they look the same.
02:52 So is there a reason for that? Yep.
02:54 Hey, if I can just take back from you.
02:56 When Stumpy, this is Stumpy.
02:59 Stumpy. Yeah.
03:00 When Stumpy get in the wild
03:02 and has to protect herself she will put her head
03:04 and tail together like that, looks like she has two heads.
03:07 You see that, kids.
03:08 And so that confuses her predators.
03:10 They don't know which end to go for,
03:12 that causes a bit of time for Stumpy to get away.
03:15 Now what kind of things does Stumpy eat?
03:18 Stumpy likes all sorts of things she's an omnivore,
03:22 so she likes plants, fruits and veggies,
03:24 insects and meat products like moths and flies. Okay.
03:28 What is it looks like on the bottom of it.
03:30 On the bottom she's really smooth.
03:33 Feel that. Oh, and her tongue is pink.
03:36 Pink? It's quite a purple.
03:39 Oh, yeah.
03:43 Wow, now this doesn't have forked tongue like a snake.
03:47 No. But it's got a long tongue.
03:48 What they do with their tongue is they collect air particles
03:51 and take it back into their mouth.
03:53 They have a little thing called the Jacobson's organ
03:55 on the roof of their mouth
03:56 that let them know whether the things are predator,
03:59 prey, warm blooded, cold blooded,
04:01 whole series of different things,
04:02 helps to find a mate too.
04:04 They got funny ears, they got holes.
04:06 Yep, that's their little holes which are their ears.
04:10 Do they hear pretty good?
04:11 Yeah, fairly good hearing.
04:13 They have to know what's around them in the bush.
04:15 Now, how old will Stumpy live?
04:17 Twenty to thirty, yep.
04:19 And basically they are also really special
04:21 because they are monogamous.
04:23 They have the same partner all their life.
04:25 That's a good lesson, boys and girls.
04:27 They go looking for their partner every year
04:29 and that of course to mate little shinglebacks.
04:32 It's black like a pine cone.
04:34 Yep, and these ones have one or two lives young every year.
04:39 One or two live,
04:40 so there's probably not a lot of these around.
04:42 Surprisingly, where you go to in Australia
04:45 where these are from
04:46 which is west of the Great Dividing Range,
04:48 about three hours west of the Gold Coast
04:51 you'll find this in large numbers
04:53 right over the Perth.
04:54 It's because a lot people don't live in those areas. Okay.
04:58 And lot things don't want to eat something
05:00 that looks like a shingleback.
05:02 Yeah, I wouldn't want to eat these kids either.
05:05 So now, Stumpy here,
05:07 now how long you been having Stumpy yourself?
05:09 I've had Stumpy probably about eight years now.
05:11 About eight years, that's a long time.
05:12 So he knows who you are? Yeah.
05:14 Wow.
05:16 Furry, thanks so much for taking your time to do this
05:18 and bringing Stumpy, the shingleback lizard.
05:21 And Harland, I am glad that you are here too today.
05:23 I was happy to come. Great.
05:25 Kids, never forget natures' got second book.
05:29 Get out there and take a look. Wow.
05:38 Roman 6:23-25,
05:41 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
05:45 being justified freely by His grace
05:47 through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
05:50 Whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood,
05:54 through faith to demonstrate His righteousness
05:57 because in forbearance God has passed over the sins
06:01 that were previously committed."
06:08 What can wash away my sin?
06:12 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
06:17 What can make me whole again?
06:21 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
06:25 Oh precious is the flow
06:29 That makes me white as snow
06:34 No other fount I know
06:39 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
06:44 This is all my hope and peace
06:48 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
06:52 This is all my righteousness
06:56 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
07:00 Oh precious is the flow
07:03 That makes me white as snow
07:09 No other fount I know
07:13 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
07:26 Welcome to Learning Time.
07:28 I am glad you've joined us today.
07:29 Today we are
07:30 in beautiful Collegedale, Tennessee, aren't we?
07:35 And I've got a lot of helpers here today
07:37 and let's find out who they are and where they come from.
07:39 What's your name?
07:42 Elizabeth. Elizabeth.
07:43 And what's your name?
07:44 I am Lillian. Lillian.
07:45 Hey, thank you both for coming today and helping us.
07:48 We have two gentlemen over here and you are?
07:50 Helsey Jr.
07:51 Hey, I am glad you are here today to help us.
07:53 And our last gentleman? Jacob Lawrence.
07:55 And thank you.
07:56 You guys like science, don't you?
07:58 Yeah. We love science.
07:59 Now, today this experiment-- you cannot do this at home.
08:03 It's something that you have to be in a laboratory
08:05 or in a setting like this, okay.
08:07 We better put our safety glasses on,
08:08 that's a good thing, right?
08:10 We're gonna talk about things that burn,
08:11 and a lot of things burn.
08:13 Do we have anything here that burns?
08:15 What do we have that burns? What do we have?
08:16 A paper. A paper.
08:17 Okay, cool, I am gonna take
08:18 this little piece of paper right here.
08:20 Thanks for having that paper ready.
08:21 And I am going to burn the paper.
08:22 You better step back a little bit though.
08:24 There we go. And we're gonna burn the paper.
08:26 Now paper will burn because all we need to do
08:28 is to get it hot enough.
08:30 In fact everything will burn
08:32 if we can get everything hot enough.
08:34 Look at there, it's turning into ashes, isn't it?
08:36 It is.
08:37 And we're gonna take all those ashes
08:39 we're going to put them in this little container right here.
08:41 Paper-- what is it?
08:43 It's kind of crinkly.
08:44 It's kind of crinkly when it burns, hasn't it?
08:47 Well, what we are going to do this time
08:48 is we're going to add some alcohol and water together
08:52 and watch and see what happens to burning things.
08:55 So go ahead and put some water in here.
08:57 We're gonna put a 100 milliliters
08:59 of water in that container.
09:03 Okay, we have a 100 in there yet?
09:05 Yes, we do. Okay.
09:06 So go ahead and let's pour it in there.
09:07 We'll put it in here.
09:09 Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna add
09:10 a little bit of the sodium chloride in here.
09:13 That way we can see the flame a little bit better.
09:15 Because, you know, when an alcohol flame is burning
09:17 sometimes you can't even see the flame.
09:19 It can be colorless.
09:21 So we're gonna put a little color in there, okay?
09:23 All right, that sounds good to me.
09:24 So we're gonna stir this up a little bit.
09:26 Now what we need is 100 milliliters of alcohol.
09:30 You may have some alcohol at home
09:31 and by the way you cannot do this experiment at home.
09:34 We're just gonna do it here
09:35 and you can watch and you can learn
09:37 from this experiment today.
09:38 So we're gonna put 100 milliliters
09:40 and they are measuring very careful.
09:42 We should always measure really careful.
09:44 You got it just about there?
09:46 Okay, good.
09:47 And let's go ahead and you can just pour that in there.
09:49 And don't forget to put the cap on
09:51 because we got to put caps on things
09:53 otherwise you might spill it, okay?
09:55 We're gonna stir this around
09:56 just a little bit just like this.
09:58 Okay.
10:00 Now, do you have any more paper?
10:02 Yep.
10:03 What? Paper.
10:04 I mean, that's--it's made out of paper, isn't it?
10:07 Yeah. It's a $20 bill.
10:09 Well, I don't know, do you think it will burn up?
10:11 No. Maybe.
10:13 Well we got--well, maybe. Okay.
10:15 Well, let's see what we've got.
10:16 I'm just going to go ahead.
10:17 We're going to put this right in this water,
10:20 and what else is in there?
10:22 Alcohol. Alcohol.
10:24 Now, we know that water doesn't burn, right?
10:26 Right. Yes.
10:27 But alcohol does burn.
10:29 Let's see what we got right here.
10:30 Here we go, we gonna drip a little bit in here.
10:32 Let's get our fire again.
10:33 Step back, step back, we're going to
10:34 get some flames right here.
10:36 And the $20 bill out to burn right up, right?
10:39 There it goes and it's all consumed.
10:41 Is it consumed? No.
10:43 Oh, no, it's not consumed,
10:45 it's a little warm but what happened?
10:47 The water did what?
10:48 Put off the fire.
10:50 Right, the water protected the bill from getting burned.
10:53 Well, here, I'll give that back to you.
10:55 Hey, you know what I have here?
10:57 What is that? Cloth.
10:59 A piece of cloth, in fact it's a handkerchief.
11:01 But you know it's not made of paper, is it? No.
11:05 No, it's not made of paper
11:06 but I am going to get this really, really soaking wet.
11:08 Let's get this thing soaking wet.
11:10 Okay, here we go.
11:12 Now we have a water, alcohol mix, right?
11:15 That's what we have in this handkerchief right here.
11:17 I am gonna go ahead
11:18 and we're gonna get this all spread out.
11:20 You got to move back right here.
11:22 Now there we go.
11:23 All right, are we ready? Yes.
11:24 Okay, let's take our little match right here.
11:27 Let's go ahead and fire this thing up.
11:28 Let's see what happens when we get this thing to burn.
11:31 Wow, and my--
11:32 Wow.
11:34 Yeah, my handkerchief is burning all up.
11:37 I won't be able to us it again, will I or maybe I will.
11:42 You can. Well, look at that.
11:44 Well, isn't that interesting?
11:45 Feel that, it's warm, isn't it?
11:47 Yeah. But did it burn up?
11:48 No. No.
11:50 You know it didn't burn up.
11:52 It didn't burn up
11:54 because what protected the handkerchief from--
11:57 Water.
11:58 The water protected. That's right.
12:00 The alcohol would like to burn and it did burn
12:03 but the water protected it.
12:04 You know what, you know,
12:05 God wants us here on planet earth, right?
12:08 And in fact we have to live in this world
12:11 but you know God can protect us from things
12:15 that are really bad from that we shouldn't be into, right?
12:18 Well, like all of the different things
12:20 that we could be getting into that you know,
12:22 are evil type of things and we shouldn't spend time with
12:25 but God can send His spirit, His Holy Spirit
12:28 and what's what the water does to it, it protects us.
12:30 And God wants us to protect,
12:32 to be protected from all the things
12:34 that the world can give us that are bad.
12:36 And, you know, every time we learn more about science
12:39 we learn more about our Creator, God.
12:52 There you are, father.
12:54 What's he doing here?
12:55 He comes here everyday in search of your brother.
12:57 I know he does and I wish you would stop father
13:00 because you know that he's not going to return,
13:02 ungrateful swine. But he's my son.
13:05 Just as you are my son and I love you, Levi.
13:08 I love him just as much.
13:11 Now the work needs to be done still
13:12 and you know he's not going to come back
13:14 and do it so, so I'll take care of it.
13:17 Don't expect me back in time for supper.
13:19 There's too much that needs to be done.
13:22 Do you really thing your son will ever some home?
13:25 One day he's bound to come home.
13:31 Wait, is that someone coming?
13:36 It is, it's my son.
13:40 Oh, yes, you are home.
13:42 I knew you'll come.
13:44 Father, I did exactly as Levi said.
13:47 I squandered my inheritance--
13:48 Love you so much son.
13:52 I love you so much.
13:53 I don't deserve this welcome.
13:55 I should be a servant in your house.
13:57 You are my son.
13:58 You are my son, you'll never be a servant.
14:00 Milka, quickly kill the fatter calf
14:03 and send to all our friends.
14:05 We're having a celebration tonight.
14:07 My son has come home.
14:11 So there I was, alone.
14:16 Once my money was gone
14:17 I was abandoned by everyone I counted friend.
14:20 All your money?
14:23 Every last bit of it.
14:26 I didn't know what to do so I came home.
14:30 I apologized to my father and he forgave me.
14:35 I didn't deserve his forgiveness but he gave it to me anyway.
14:42 He even put this ring on my finger.
14:44 Oh, no. Look, look.
14:46 Didn't deserve that either.
14:51 What's--what's going on? Levi.
14:53 What's wrong?
14:54 I must warn you.
14:56 Of what?
14:57 Your brother has returned.
14:58 What?
14:59 Yes, but wait.
15:02 He's changed, he's different now.
15:05 I don't care if he's changed.
15:07 But wait, Levi. Levi, please.
15:10 Please son, why are you so angry?
15:13 Why am I so angry?
15:15 You know why I am angry.
15:16 You know what he did to you.
15:18 For so long he's been gone without so much as a word,
15:21 not a message, nothing, and now he comes back
15:24 and you throw him a party.
15:26 I have worked so hard for you,
15:28 when have I ever received a party like this?
15:30 But Levi, Levi, he's my son, he's your brother.
15:35 He's been gone and he was dead to us and now he's back.
15:39 Everything I have is yours.
15:42 Please son, won't you come back
15:45 and celebrate that he's alive again.
15:50 Please.
15:54 Please, son.
17:24 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
17:27 And today's book is called Bill's Battle of the Bull
17:31 and Other Bush Adventures by Errol Wright.
17:34 All these stories took place in Australia.
17:37 I love the beautiful country of Australia
17:39 but most of all I love all the people there.
17:42 Let's listen to see what this book is about.
17:45 "There's a stray bull in our cow paddock!"
17:47 Bill shouted to his dad as he trotted up on his horse.
17:49 "I can't stop what I am doing just now.
17:51 Quick, take the dogs back with you
17:53 and see if you can get them to chase him back into the bush."
17:57 Bill calls the dog to hill,
17:58 hoping that they would keep
18:00 out of range of the bull's nasty horns.
18:02 He headed back down the hill to the flats
18:04 where the small heard like to graze
18:07 followed by his four unsuspecting dogs
18:10 and--I am not gonna tell you the rest.
18:13 You'll have to get the book,
18:14 Bill's Battle of the Bull
18:17 and Other Bush Adventures by Errol Wright.
18:20 Well, right now I'd like to introduce you
18:21 to a very special friend of Miss Brenda's,
18:24 her name is Yasmin.
18:25 Hi, Yasmin. Hi, Miss Brenda.
18:27 Welcome to Kids' Time.
18:29 Now this isn't the first time we seen each other, is it?
18:31 No, in fact, Yasmin helped Miss Brenda
18:35 out on a very special project.
18:37 When I was writing my book Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories
18:41 and volume 4 I had a special call--special story
18:45 called Blanca's Christmas Wish.
18:47 And it's a story of a little girl that was disappointed
18:50 with what she got for Christmas.
18:52 And so I needed a little girl
18:54 and the story took place in Mexico.
18:57 So I needed a little girl that was Spanish
18:59 that could pose for pictures for my story.
19:02 And guess what, I posted it on Facebook
19:05 and her mom happen to contact me and said,
19:08 "My daughter would be willing to do that
19:10 and I am a photographer, I could take the pictures."
19:13 I was like, thank you, Jesus.
19:15 And so let me show you picture of--
19:17 this is the picture of Yasmin in the book.
19:21 Here, this one right here first.
19:22 She had to look surprised when she open the box
19:26 and found a pair of blue jeans.
19:28 And on this picture over here
19:30 she had to act like she was crying.
19:33 And did you know she cried real tears on cue
19:35 just like that for the picture
19:37 and you can see the tears on her cheeks.
19:39 God really blessed, didn't He?
19:41 Well, thank you Yasmin for that.
19:43 Did you have fun taking those pictures? Yes.
19:45 How did you get to cry like that,
19:47 right at the right second?
19:49 I thought something really sad.
19:51 You thought of something sad.
19:52 Well, that was good and I really appreciate
19:54 what you did for Miss Brenda.
19:55 That was awesome.
19:56 And now I want to--I invited you to come be on Kids' Time
19:59 because you do something really special
20:02 to share Jesus, what is that?
20:05 I take these bags--
20:07 You make bags of love, don't you?
20:09 And what did you put in those bags?
20:11 We put Goldfish, socks--
20:13 Let's pull out some of those things
20:15 and--well, you have it.
20:17 Well, let me share-- we can show this one.
20:19 You have got warm socks and here it looks like.
20:22 And you've got some Goldfish crackers
20:26 and you got some basil and you got some raisin.
20:31 Little bit snack, a raisins and a can of soup.
20:34 And you've got some fork and spoon.
20:38 You got some water even a toothbrush
20:41 and some toothpaste in here.
20:43 And you have a can, a little Granola bar.
20:47 And then you have something really special.
20:51 Look at that, it's a brand new Bible.
20:54 You just hold it like that, yes.
20:57 You can put that bag back over there.
20:59 Isn't that wonderful, boys and girls?
21:01 And so you have all those really cool things in your bag
21:05 and I noticed on the outside, that is a Ziploc bag.
21:08 On the outside it says, God loves you.
21:10 And I love what you do with these bags.
21:13 Tell the boys and girls what you do.
21:16 We fill--
21:19 You fill up the bags.
21:20 We fill up these bags
21:22 and then we just drive around the neighborhood
21:25 and then me and my brother Antonio
21:30 and myself we're trying to look
21:35 for a homeless person and then--
21:38 When you see one.
21:39 When we see one we stop the car, we tell our dad--
21:42 To stop the car, you see a homeless person,
21:44 stop the car, dad.
21:45 And then you--
21:47 And then we get out of the car,
21:49 we grab the bag and give it to the homeless person
21:52 that's and then we say--
21:55 Jesus loves you.
21:57 I love when you told me that.
21:58 Jesus loves you and you hand them the bag.
22:01 Isn't that nice?
22:02 And what do people say when you say that?
22:04 What do they do? They say thank you.
22:06 Are they pretty surprised that you would jump out
22:08 and hand them these wonderful bag like that?
22:10 Yeah. Awesome.
22:12 Now you've been doing this for a while.
22:13 Tell me how does it make you feel
22:15 when you are helping someone else?
22:17 Really surprised and happy. And happy.
22:19 And it's--and now your whole church
22:22 helps put together these packets, don't they?
22:24 They contribute, your whole church got involved
22:27 and they help give you the stuff to put in the bags
22:30 and then who helps you put the stuff in the bags?
22:33 My dad. Your dad.
22:36 Well, that's good and I bet your mom works out
22:38 and helps you too, doesn't she?
22:40 And your bother, and then you always keep this,
22:43 I like this, boys and girls because they told me
22:44 they always keeps these bags in their car ready to hand out.
22:48 So when they are driving around
22:49 and they see someone like we said,
22:51 now you just saw someone that was under
22:53 and over--sitting under an over path
22:56 and you said, "Dad, stop the car quick.
22:57 We need to get-- there's a homeless man."
23:00 And they stop, daddy stopped the car real quick
23:02 and you got your bag and you ran out
23:03 and gave him the bag.
23:05 And that was really special, wasn't it?
23:07 And I bet he was happy. He was.
23:10 And how-- and just tell all the things
23:13 that you got in there,
23:14 you help meet their physical needs with the socks
23:17 and you know the warm socks and the food
23:20 and the water but you also help meet the spiritual needs
23:24 because they included a Bible.
23:26 Isn't that awesome, boys and girls?
23:28 Yes, a beautiful Bible.
23:31 Well, Yasmin, I want to encourage you
23:32 to keep sharing Jesus
23:33 because it's a wonderful thing you are doing.
23:36 And boys and girls, that's something
23:37 you could probably do wherever you live.
23:40 You just--you could put your own things in
23:42 and pray about you know,
23:43 getting the people to help you and maybe go to your church
23:46 and say, would you help us sponsor this?
23:48 And what an awesome way to share Jesus, I love that.
23:53 Well, let's read a couple of letters right now.
23:55 And let's see, I got a letter here
23:57 and this is from, from Maine.
24:01 And let's see, dear Miss Brenda,
24:04 I love Kids' Time and Kids' Time Praise
24:06 and I watch every chance I get when I go to my grandma's house.
24:10 It said, would you please pray, could you pray for my cousins
24:14 and I also would like you to send me
24:16 the Bible studies please.
24:17 Love Casey.
24:19 And so Casey, I would be happy to send you those Bible lessons
24:24 and also encourage your cousins to sign them up,
24:26 sign up for them and also your friends.
24:28 That's a good way to share Jesus, isn't it, Yasmin?
24:30 Yes, it is.
24:31 Sign up as many kids as you can for the Bible lesson
24:34 and you can do that by just go to our
24:38 and right online on our website you can sign up for.
24:42 Oh, can you hold up this picture for me, Yasmin, please.
24:44 And I've got three dollars in here.
24:48 Thank you. Let' see who this is from.
24:50 It says they are from Porterville, California.
24:53 Dear Miss Brenda, hi.
24:55 My name is Noah and my brother and I like to watch Kids' Time.
25:00 My favorite part is Learning Time
25:02 and my brother Mike and I like to share Jesus
25:05 by passing out tracks
25:07 and we pass them out to people in the parking lots.
25:09 My hope is to be in Learning Times someday.
25:12 Thank you from Noah.
25:14 Well, Noah, that's an awesome way to share Jesus.
25:17 Thank you for the money for Kids' Time
25:19 because that goes to help a lot of kids too.
25:21 And also I want to tell you, you can be on Learning Time.
25:24 Go to our website,
25:29 or go to my website
25:32 and my schedule is posted there.
25:33 You'll see when we are taping Learning Time
25:35 and you can come and be a part of it.
25:37 We would love all the kids, we can't have too may kids.
25:40 So we would love you to come and be on Learning Time.
25:44 All right, I think we have time for one more.
25:46 This one is from Katelyn in Martinsburg, West Virginia.
25:51 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Katelyn,
25:52 I am 13 yeas old and I've an older brother that's 18
25:56 and I share Jesus by playing my violin in church.
25:59 And I would like to join Kids Club please.
26:01 And I have a really cute doggie,
26:03 he's a white Maltese and he's very playful.
26:05 And it said, I really like to watch Kids' Time
26:08 and also I want to join the Kids' Time website.
26:12 And here is the picture of her dog that she drew.
26:15 Look how adorable that is.
26:17 Isn't that cute? Oh.
26:18 Isn't that cute?
26:19 Well, Yasmin, thank you so much
26:21 for being a part of the program today
26:23 and I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus
26:25 and thank you for encouraging others.
26:27 Remember boys and girls, It's Kids' Time to share Jesus.
26:53 Kids' Time.
27:16 Kids' Time.
27:17 Kids' Time. Kids' Time.
27:20 Kids' Time.


Revised 2014-12-17