Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000299
00:01 It's almost time for "Kids' Time."
00:03 We're gonna be late. 00:04 It's time to share, there's a world out there 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:11 It's time to share, there's a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:24 Kids' time Kids' time 00:28 Kids' time 00:31 Hi, boys and girls. 00:32 Do you know what it means to make an investment? 00:35 Let me tell you a story. 00:37 One Sabbath morning my friend Mark went to Sabbath school 00:40 and the teacher gave each of the children $5 00:42 and told them to invest the money and make it grow 00:45 and then bring all the money as an offering for the Lord. 00:49 Now Mark decided he would invest in popcorn. 00:52 He bought a few kernels of corn and he popped them, 00:54 then sold the popcorn and he used the extra money 00:56 he made to buy even more kernels of corn. 00:59 And he kept doing this until he had made $50. 01:03 And he'd only started with $5. 01:05 Now that's what it means to make an investment. 01:08 But it doesn't have to be with money. 01:09 You can invest anything and make it grow. 01:12 Think of all the blessings God has given you. 01:15 Our Bible story today is about three men 01:18 who received a gift and were told to invest it. 01:21 Not all of them were wise like Mark. 01:23 You'll find out what happened 01:25 but first it's time for Nature Time. 01:34 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Nature Time. 01:37 What an exciting time I'm having 01:39 and I'm with a world renowned marine biologist, 01:42 Dr. Guy Harvey. 01:43 And, Doctor, it is so nice 01:45 that you are just taking your time 01:46 to share with "Kids' Time" today. 01:48 We've got this stingray. 01:49 I want to know everything I can about it. 01:52 It's neat. 01:53 Could you--this is neat as you can see it. 01:56 Ranger Dwight, this is one of my favorite places to be. 01:58 We are at the Stingray Sandbar here 02:00 in North Sound, Grand Cayman. 02:01 This is where the stingrays hangout. 02:03 They have been here for years. 02:04 People have been feeding them. 02:06 People have been coming here 02:07 and swimming with them like this. 02:09 And they are here every single day of the year. 02:12 But yet we're not in a zoo. Absolutely not. 02:15 This is in the wild and these aren't tame really. 02:17 No, these are wild animals. 02:18 We are not in a fence enclosure. 02:20 They come here voluntarily. 02:22 Because they probably like food. There you go. 02:24 It's a unique situation with the shallow water, 02:27 the sandy bottom and tons of rays. 02:29 And tons of rays and they get plenty of food 02:31 because other people come to feed them. 02:33 Every day the tourists come here. 02:34 About a million people a year come here. 02:36 A million people. Wow, kids, that's a lot of people. 02:38 Now they have to take a special food. 02:41 It doesn't hurt for the people to feed them? 02:43 Well, the guys bring fish or they bring squid mostly. 02:46 Okay. That's what the rays normally feed on. 02:47 But in the wild they feed on baby clams, 02:50 squid, fish, mollusks like 02:52 little clams and stuff like that. 02:55 They do that by--they dig up these buried items in the sand. 02:58 They sense it under the sand 02:59 using their ultrasonic sensors and they excavate. 03:02 They blow away the sand, 03:03 expose the food item and jump on it. 03:05 And you can feel how powerful their jaws are. 03:07 Oh, they are powerful. 03:08 And I hear them, how they are sucking. 03:10 Absolutely, and one thing 03:13 you want to be afraid of out here is the mouth. 03:15 It's the mouth. If they do bite, yeah. 03:16 Wow. This is so awesome. 03:19 Isn't this awesome, kids? Now how long do these live? 03:23 These are very long lived animals. 03:25 They may live 40 to 50 to 60 years. 03:27 Some of the older rays here are at least 60 years old 03:30 according to the old timers. 03:32 And because they've tagged them or something they know? 03:35 Exactly, and the same animals have been coming for decades, 03:38 not years but decades. 03:40 And so you could tell-- being around here 03:42 you could tell that this is-- I mean you would know it, 03:46 just like I would know you. 03:47 Yeah. And this is the male. 03:49 He's got these claspers here. 03:50 It's an adult male. Okay. 03:51 Now this doesn't have a tail because why? 03:54 Well, a shark would have come and bitten it off. 03:55 Oh, really? Sharks are the main predators here. 03:57 We've got hammer heads, tiger sharks and reef sharks. 03:59 They prey on stingrays. 04:01 And look that one there 04:02 has a big bite out of his fin, right there. 04:04 So he had a close encounter with the shark. Yeah. 04:07 So you're telling me that basically 04:09 if it wasn't for sharks these wouldn't really have a predator 04:12 that will be against these stingrays. 04:13 Exactly right. Nobody here kills and eats them. 04:16 There's no use for them whatsoever 04:17 except from a tourism point of view. 04:19 And they are bottom feeders, 04:20 so they probably help keep things cleaned up, too? 04:22 Absolutely. They maintain the ecological balance of the reef 04:25 and the shallow reef areas. 04:26 And they are after all flatten sharks. 04:28 They're predators themselves. 04:30 You can see from the fins that are extended. Yes. 04:32 They are used to a life on the bottom. 04:34 They don't have the big long tail and the shark tail. 04:37 They don't need that. 04:38 So they fly along in very, very shallow water 04:40 using their wings as you can see to propel them along. 04:43 Now how fast-- has it ever been-- 04:45 how fast do they go? Do you know? 04:47 They can move pretty quick. 04:48 I'd say they move 10-15 knots. Wow. 04:50 And, you know, that's all they got to-- 04:52 hat's fast, kids. 04:53 In their defense. 04:54 Yes. Now another question. 04:56 How deep do they go? 04:57 You say mainly they are in shallow water. 04:59 They are mostly in shallow water 05:00 but I've seen them out on the deep reef and, 05:02 you know, they are out there, prizing, 05:03 scavenging the bottom. Okay. 05:05 But they don't live in very deep water. 05:07 Isn't that exciting, kids? 05:09 They are just as home here in the shallows as they are. 05:14 Well, Dr. Guy, thanks so much 05:15 for taking your time to be with us. 05:17 Kids, this is great, isn't it? 05:20 But never forget, nature's got second book, 05:22 get out there and take a look. 05:24 Let's go find some more. 05:25 Let's go catch another one. Okay, let's go. 06:43 It's Learning Time. 06:46 Hey, thanks for joining us today. 06:48 Looks like we're gonna have some fun 06:50 with some water, right? Yeah! 06:52 Well, we just might see water do something kind of special, 06:55 may be you've never seen before. 06:57 We got some helpers who are gonna help us with this. 06:59 Now, Miles, what's the most interesting place you've been? 07:02 Jamaica. Jamaica. 07:04 Wow, that's an interesting-- I've never been there. 07:06 That would be fun to go there, wouldn't it? 07:08 Yeah. Yeah. 07:10 Caleb, what do you--what's the most interesting thing 07:12 you like to do? Play baseball. 07:14 Play baseball. 07:16 That sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it? Yeah. 07:18 And we have Andy way over there. 07:19 Now, Andy, what do you like to read about? 07:22 History. History. 07:24 You know, history is a lot of fun to read, isn't it? 07:26 You can learn a lot by reading history. 07:28 Hey, let's get our helpers over here 07:30 and we're gonna put some, what on? 07:32 Safety glasses. Safety glasses on. 07:35 We're gonna be very safe today. 07:36 Now this is score. Here you go. 07:38 You can put those on. 07:39 Now today we have some water. 07:40 Now there's water right in here in this jug right here. 07:43 But I am gonna ask you a question. 07:44 Have you ever seen water go uphill? No. 07:47 Because it usually goes where? Downhill. 07:50 Usually goes downhill. 07:52 Well, today we're gonna try to get water to go uphill. 07:54 Will that be fun to see? 07:56 Yes. Okay. 07:57 Because we're gonna use a hose, 07:59 now you can't do this at home without help 08:02 because you might get all tangled up in your hose. 08:05 Actually, we're gonna use the hose 08:07 and it's what we call a siphon. 08:09 We can get water to come up a hill 08:12 if we fill a hose up with water. 08:15 So what I have in here is water. 08:17 I'm gonna put this hose right in here. 08:18 Okay, now, Caleb, what I want you to do is this. 08:21 I want you to hold that hose up just like that. 08:24 Right, there you go. 08:25 And you know what I'm gonna do? What? 08:26 I put fresh water in here 08:28 and I am going to use this like a straw. 08:30 Is this a big straw? Yes. 08:32 It's a really big straw. 08:34 And I'm going to take this 08:35 and I'm going to kind of sip up the water. 08:38 And as soon as it comes up here 08:40 I'm gonna let it go, I'm gonna put it right in there. 08:42 But you know what, it might make a mess, 08:44 so what--we ought to use what? Paper towels. 08:47 Probably we have to use some paper towels underneath here. 08:50 And if you get wet, it probably won't hurt. 08:52 Are you ready? 08:54 Yes. Okay. 08:55 And I'm gonna start doing this. 08:56 How about a countdown? I might need it. 08:58 Three. Three. 08:59 Two. One. 09:04 What's happening? Hold it up, Caleb. 09:06 Is water going up the hill? Yes. 09:08 Is it coming down my hose? Yes. 09:11 You know, look at all the water. 09:12 The water is going down, down, down 09:14 but the water level is going down, 09:16 but the water is going uphill. Uphill. 09:19 Have you ever thought you'd see water going uphill? No. 09:23 It goes uphill. 09:24 You know, there are some things 09:26 that seem just really impossible like, you know? 09:29 Have you ever seen anything that you thought was impossible? 09:31 Yes. Yes. 09:33 But then sometimes in science 09:35 we do things that look impossible 09:37 or you might think is absolutely impossible 09:40 but it is possible if we use the principles of science. 09:44 Isn't that cool? Yes. 09:46 So we can take something like the water in this jug right here 09:50 and we can make it go uphill 09:52 and then we can capture it in a container below 09:55 the level of that original water. 09:58 Now that's what we call a siphon. 10:00 Siphons are really interesting. 10:03 And we use siphons sometimes to do just that. 10:06 Transport some liquids from one place to another place. 10:10 And that is the principle called siphoning. 10:13 Now, you know, sometimes things seem impossible. 10:16 Now sometimes we have problems in our lives that we think, 10:19 "Oh, man, I've got so many problems 10:21 and I just don't know how to solve it." 10:23 Well, we had water in this pitcher right here in this jug. 10:26 We wanted to get it down here 10:28 and without pouring it from one place to the other 10:32 we could use a hose. 10:34 The hose allowed us to transfer that water. 10:37 You know when we reach to the point in our lives 10:40 where things seem impossible, 10:42 'cause sometimes we have problems that seem so big, 10:45 we don't know what to do with them. 10:47 I'll bet you, if we could ask Jesus to help us, 10:50 could He help us with those problems? Yes. 10:53 He could help us. Just like this hose. 10:55 This hose helped us to get off a siphon 10:59 so that we could drain all the water here. 11:01 Jesus is always ready to help you and to help me. 11:05 All we have to do is what? Ask. 11:08 Ask Him, that's right. 11:09 You know the Bible says, "Ask, 11:11 and you shall," what? 11:13 Receive. "Receive." 11:14 Sometimes we don't receive because we don't what? Ask. 11:18 We don't ask. 11:20 So let's ask for help. 11:21 Jesus will always help us. 11:23 And, you know, that's a neat principle 11:25 in science of siphon. 11:27 And, you know, that was fun. 11:28 Wasn't it fun? Yes. 11:29 You might want to try this but you might need some help 11:32 because we're dealing with pitchers of water and tubing, 11:35 but it's really fun to do. 11:36 And when we learn more about science 11:39 we are learning more about our Creator God. 11:50 Oh, yes, my servants. 11:53 I am to be away on business 11:54 in a far-away country for a few days. 11:57 Therefore, I'm providing each of you 11:59 with a specific number of talents to be used, 12:01 not for your whimsical pleasure but for investments, 12:05 for profits, for the furtherment of the kingdom. 12:09 Servant number one, to you I'm entrusting five talents. 12:13 Thank you, my lord. 12:15 And to servant number two, two talents. 12:18 Thank you, master. 12:19 And servant number three, one talent. 12:24 Invest wisely. One. 12:27 Is there a problem, 12:28 servant number three with the one talent? 12:30 No, master. Not at all. 12:32 One talent it is. Good. 12:35 Now go. 12:36 Oh, and servants, 12:38 upon my return I expect a good report. 12:43 Yes, my lord. Thank you. 12:44 Yes, master. One talent. 12:48 What am I supposed to do with one talent? 12:50 May be five. This is ridiculous. 12:54 I've never been so insulted. 13:03 One talent. 13:05 What am I supposed to do with one talent? 13:08 Give me five, may be ten, 13:11 I could have done something with them. One? 13:15 I should just bury this thing. 13:17 Dig it up when he comes back. 13:19 He wants to invest it in something, 13:20 he can do it himself. 13:22 Now where to put it? 13:24 Where will it be safe? 13:27 Excellent. 13:41 Perfect. 13:42 It should be safe there until I return. 13:45 One talent. 13:57 Hello, how are you doing today? 14:00 Doing excellent work. 14:01 Good job. 14:04 Great. Now I have one talent and fleas. 14:07 Eber. Hegar. 14:09 Eber. How are you doing-- 14:10 Look at these baskets, they are incredible. 14:12 Baskets? The workmanship is fantastic. 14:15 A wonderful investment for our master. 14:17 Baskets? 14:19 Yes, I've heard about Hegar's mini baskets. Yes. 14:22 The market is all abuzz about your mini, mini baskets. 14:27 You shall be very successful, I'm sure. 14:31 Jayden, my old friend, 14:33 it seems you have invested your talent in produce. 14:36 Yes, a great investment indeed. 14:39 I'm working very hard 14:40 so that the money I make goes to our master. 14:42 It's a great investment. 14:44 So both of your talents in produce? 14:48 Excellent. Good luck with that. 14:50 You will need it. 14:53 What am I going to do with one talent? 14:55 Hey, hey, the ruler is coming. 14:58 You must come at once. Me? 15:00 The ruler is coming. You must come at once. 15:01 Why would he return so soon? 15:04 This is unexpected. 15:05 I should not have buried my talent the way I did. 15:08 I will unearth it at once. 15:16 Master. Welcome. 15:18 It's been a long trip for me. 15:20 Tell me where is servant number three? 15:22 I saw him in the market place, master. 15:24 He was attending to some small business on your behalf. 15:28 He should be here shortly. No matter. 15:29 Well, servant number one, I could use some good news. 15:31 What have you to report about the talent? 15:33 I have taken the five talents you've given me, my lord, 15:36 and invested them as best as possible. 15:39 I have 10 here for you. I hope that-- 15:43 Oh, magnificent, servant number one. Thank you. 15:46 You have thought well, planned wisely. 15:50 And I will give you more responsibility, 15:52 plenty more where that came from in the future. Thank you. 15:54 We'll celebrate. 15:56 Number two, your report. 15:57 Wine please. 16:00 My master, you have given me two talents 16:04 and as you have taught me, 16:05 I invested wisely 16:07 and turned them into four talents. 16:09 You have doubled my investment. 16:12 Very good, servant number two. 16:14 Once again, thinking, wise planning. 16:17 I did my best, my master. 16:18 You've done well with responsibilities I've given you 16:21 and I will give you more responsibility 16:24 in the future. Thank you. 16:26 We too will celebrate. 16:29 And, servant number three. 16:32 Master. Please approach. 16:36 Your report of the talent I gave you? 16:38 My report? 16:40 Well, the good news is 16:43 I did not lose any of my master's money. 16:48 Yes, yes, I see that, servant number three. 16:52 Bad news is that instead of investing in something silly 16:57 like baskets or produce, 17:01 I instead dug a hole and buried it. 17:09 Servant number three, 17:12 do you think your master to be a greedy master? 17:16 Not at all, master. 17:17 Well, obviously you must not know me 17:20 so well to think that I am as a no-minded 17:22 to want you to invest only in my own kingdom. 17:26 Not exactly, I-- 17:28 Anyone beyond and you does it not stand your reason 17:31 that I would have you invest 17:34 in the way that I prescribed? Well-- 17:37 For goodness sake, servant number three, 17:39 could you not have at least put the talent in a bank 17:42 where it could draw interest. 17:44 I see now that I can't trust you now, can I? 17:47 The moment that you see something 17:49 that goes the other way of what you are thinking 17:51 you chose to go the other way 17:52 for self preservation, don't you? 17:54 Actually, I was-- 17:55 Oh, give me the talent! Give it to me now! 17:59 I'll give it to someone else 18:00 who has my kingdom and well being in their mind 18:03 and their good fortune and their good graces. 18:05 Guard, 18:08 throw this worthless servant out into the streets. 18:11 No. Master-- 18:13 Let him well gnash his teeth over what he has done. 18:15 I'll invest wisely next time. It rubs. 18:22 It is to see that takes my talents 18:27 and uses them for the goodness of my name. 18:31 You have done well, my faithful servants. 18:34 Come, let us celebrate. 18:39 If only all my servants were as faithful as you. 19:01 Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do 19:06 Do not wait to shed your light afar 19:11 To the many duties ever near you now be true 19:17 Brighten the corner where you are 19:21 Brighten the corner where you are 19:26 Brighten the corner where you are 19:31 Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar 19:36 Brighten the corner where you are. 19:50 Hi, boys and girls. 19:52 It's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day. 19:55 And today's book is called "Curse-Proof." 19:58 That's kind of a strange title, isn't it? 20:00 And it is by beloved author Eric B. Hare. 20:04 And Miss Brenda grew up on stories by Eric B. Hare. 20:07 I know you're gonna love this incredible book 20:09 and it's about a boy in Burma. 20:12 Eric B. Hare actually was a missionary in Burma 20:15 for many, many years 20:16 and he's written some incredible mission stories 20:19 and you are not gonna want to miss this one either. 20:22 Something else you're not gonna want to miss 20:23 and that is hearing all your letters today. 20:27 Boys and girls, I'm gonna read some of your letters 20:28 that come from all over the world. 20:30 And I absolutely get so excited 20:33 when I get letters from you telling me how you share Jesus, 20:37 telling me how much you love Jesus 20:39 and especially how much you witness for Him 20:41 and all those witnessing experiences. 20:44 So I want to encourage you to send me the letters. 20:46 You can send it to me right here at 3ABN 20:49 and also some of them I pick to read on the air, 20:51 others go on our website. 20:53 You can go to kidstimeforjesus. org, 20:59 and you can look at all your letters on there. 21:03 I post them with your pictures 21:04 and it's a wonderful way to share Jesus 21:06 to all the other boys and girls 21:07 that go look at the website. 21:09 So today let me just grab some of your letters. 21:12 I'm so excited about what we have to share over here. 21:15 And this one, the first one here, 21:18 let's see where this is from. 21:19 And it says it's from, I believe, Guyana. 21:23 And let's see-- oh, we've got a nice picture. 21:26 I love it when you send your pictures, 21:28 'cause then I get to see what you look like 21:29 and all the boys and girls get to see 21:31 how what you look like, who's writing the letter. 21:33 So be sure and send me your pictures. 21:35 Here's a handsome man right here. Let's look at this. 21:37 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda, 21:39 I am a boy and my name is Shakeel." 21:43 It said, "I am in grade 2 and I live in South America." 21:47 It said, "I am 7 years old 21:49 and I'd like to join Kids' Club please. 21:51 I enclosed a picture of myself. 21:53 From your friend, Shakeel." 21:55 Well, Shakeel, thank you so much for your letter 21:57 and we'll get those Kids' Club lessons out to you right away 22:00 and I know you are going to enjoy them. 22:02 They are absolutely free. 22:03 They don't cost a thing and when you are all done 22:06 with the lessons Miss Brenda is going to send you 22:07 a brand new, beautiful, free Bible. 22:11 Okay, let's see we have another one over here. 22:12 This one is from Kansas. 22:14 Another handsome boy that has sent us a picture of himself 22:19 and let's see what he has to say. 22:21 There he is, right there. 22:23 "Dear Miss Brenda, I like to watch Kids' Time every day. 22:26 My name is Nathaniel and I'm 11 years old. 22:29 And I share Jesus by copying Bible verses 22:32 and I have my mom print them on the computer 22:35 and I send them to my uncle in Africa who is a missionary. 22:39 Please send me an activity book, please. 22:41 My favorite parts of Kids' Time 22:42 are the cooking and learning time with Ben Roy. 22:45 I'd also like to join Kids' Club please. 22:47 Thank you very much, love, Nathaniel." 22:50 Well, thank you, Nathaniel. 22:52 We'll get you signed up for those Kids' Club lessons 22:53 and how wonderful that you have an uncle that's a missionary 22:56 and you can help support your uncle. 22:58 That's a way to share Jesus. 22:59 You are absolutely right and keep doing that, okay. 23:03 We have another one here from Westbury, New York. 23:07 And let's see if there's a picture in here. 23:09 And there is. 23:11 Let's see, right here there's a picture. 23:12 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda, 23:14 my name is Frangine and I'm 7 years old. 23:17 I'd like an activity book please." 23:19 It says, "I share Jesus by telling 23:22 about Jesus to my neighborhood friends. 23:24 I love Jesus very much and I very much love Kids' Time. 23:29 Please give Max a great big hug for me." 23:32 And it said, "Love, Frangine." 23:34 And look, she has drawn a picture. 23:36 I got to show your picture right here that she's drawn. 23:40 Look at that. It says-- 23:41 Here she's got a picture of Miss Brenda 23:43 and she drew a picture of herself right there. 23:45 Isn't that cute? 23:47 And she says, "Give Max a big hug." 23:49 Well, Max is sleeping right now 23:51 as you can see like Max likes to do. 23:52 He's the sleepiest dog ever 23:55 but when he wakes up I'll make sure 23:57 that Miss Brenda gives him a little hug for you, okay. 24:00 Let's see over here now. 24:01 We have one from Hadassah. 24:04 And, Hadassah, let's see where you're from. 24:06 You're from Missouri. 24:08 And I like the nice big letter from Hadassah. 24:10 Let's see what we've got going on in here. 24:13 And, oh, and a beautiful picture. 24:15 Thank you, for sending your picture, Hadassah. 24:18 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Hadassah. 24:20 And you say it like this, H-a-d-a-s-s-a-h. 24:23 I am 14 years old 24:25 and I really got hooked on Kids' Time 24:27 when I came to my grandma and grandpa's house. 24:29 And I'm glad to say that I love Jesus, thanks to 3ABN. 24:34 My favorite part is Praise Time 24:35 because I like to sing and I play a flute. 24:38 I share Jesus by telling everybody in my class, 24:40 and I go to a public school, about my faith 24:43 and I tell them about the Sabbath. 24:45 Pretty soon when my veggies are ripe 24:48 I will give those away to my neighbors too. 24:51 And I will use them to share Jesus. 24:53 I can't wait to get more lessons from you. 24:56 I'm taking your Kids' Club lessons 24:57 and they are really a blessing to me. 25:00 Well, I love the Lord so much 25:02 and I love how you share Jesus, too. 25:04 Here's my picture. 25:06 I've got to go to worship now. 25:07 Your sister in Christ, Hadassah." 25:09 And, Hadassah, thank you for that letter. 25:11 It sounds like you really witness everywhere you go. 25:14 And, boys and girls, that's really 25:15 what we all need to be doing. 25:16 There's so many wonderful ways that we can share Jesus. 25:20 And if you've got a special way 25:21 that we haven't shared yet on Kids' Time, 25:23 I'd sure like to hear from you, okay. 25:25 Take time and write me a letter. 25:27 All right, this one is-- oh, I've got another. 25:29 This is from Drew. 25:31 And let's get Drew's picture up here. 25:33 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda, I love Jesus very much 25:37 and I would like to tell everybody about Him." 25:40 It said, "Could I have a Kids' Time activity book please? 25:43 Your friend, Drew and I am from Missouri." 25:46 Well, thank you, Drew. 25:48 Yes, we'll get some Kids' Club lessons out to you, too. 25:50 I love it, boys and girls, 25:52 that you're signing up for these lessons. 25:53 Let's see if we have time for one more 25:56 and it's--let's see right here. 26:00 I almost dropped that one, didn't I? 26:02 And it says, "Dear Miss Brenda," 26:05 it says, "Guess what? 26:07 Sixth grade is easier than I thought. 26:09 Thanks for encouraging us to do our best for Jesus 26:14 otherwise I would just be horrible at it." 26:16 It said, "I guess that my satellite needs to be fixed 26:19 so I can see more of 3ABN. 26:22 I love 'Kids Time.' Love, Meghan." 26:25 And Meghan, thank you for your letter. 26:26 Boys and girls, I wish I had more time 26:28 to read all the letters in my basket 26:30 but until next time remember, it's Kids' Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17