Kids' Time

Gideon - Chosen Of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000294

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time. We're gonna be late.
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time Kids' Time
00:26 Kids' Time Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 Are the things you have in your room pleasing to God?
00:36 If an angel were to knock on your door right now and say,
00:39 "Hi, I'm here for a visit."
00:40 Would you run and hide a few things first
00:42 before letting him in?
00:44 Well, the young man in our Bible story today
00:46 received a visit like that once.
00:48 An angel came and gave him a message from God.
00:51 He said to get rid of some of the things
00:52 that belonged to his entire village.
00:54 Now that would be a hard thing to do, wouldn't it?
00:58 But he was very brave.
01:00 He knew that when God tells you to do something,
01:02 it's very important to do it,
01:04 because God wants only what is best for you.
01:07 He never asks you to do anything
01:09 that isn't for your own good.
01:10 After you've watched today's Bible story,
01:13 why don't you ask God
01:14 whether there is anything in your room
01:16 that you need to get rid of?
01:17 You'll never regret it.
01:19 Well right now, it's time for "Nature Time."
01:30 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to "Nature Time".
01:33 I'm on the beautiful Island of Grand Cayman
01:35 and I'm with world renowned marine biologist Dr. Guy Harvey,
01:39 and I'm in his fantastic art studio.
01:42 Besides painting, Dr. Guy, what do you do?
01:44 Tell me about marine biologists.
01:46 Really, my career started out as a marine scientist. Okay.
01:49 I've come by my knowledge of the sea and sea life,
01:51 honestly, through that channel.
01:53 My knowledge of fish has really helped me paint them.
01:56 I love painting.
01:57 And it extended to corals and marine mammals
01:59 and everything else you see around and so.
02:02 Having a formal background, formal training in science,
02:04 it definitely helped my art--
02:05 I can see that.
02:07 Now today, we're gonna talk about,
02:08 they call it Northern Wall here at Grand Cayman.
02:11 Tell me about that.
02:13 The island of Grand Cayman is a seaman,
02:14 the very tip of that
02:16 an under water mountain if you like. Okay.
02:17 And we like to go diving around the edge of that,
02:19 where you go from shallow water which is clean and clear,
02:23 diving over the cliff and you see
02:24 a complete different range of animals
02:26 over the cliff on the flats.
02:28 Now, now I have to interrupt,
02:30 I've been out there
02:32 and you go from may be 60 feet of water,
02:34 kids it's so clear to what--
02:36 how deep does that go just like a cliff?
02:38 Thousands of feet.
02:40 Thousands of feet, can you imagine?
02:41 Not that we go all the way to bottom.
02:43 Most of the life is right around that edge
02:44 and I like to spend a lot of time browsing
02:47 along the edge of the reef.
02:48 We'll find animals
02:49 like this beautiful spotted eagle ray here. Wow.
02:52 They glide along reef.
02:54 You can take pictures of them and some of them,
02:55 they come and go.
02:57 Now they mainly, they are mainly
02:58 just start at that northern wall.
03:00 Normally, but they come in shallow to feed. Okay.
03:02 And you got my favorite, the Nassau grouper,
03:04 we talked about him earlier. Yes.
03:06 This is a wonderful reef predator
03:07 and they prey on the colorful reef fish.
03:09 Now you were telling me
03:11 that this Nassau grouper changes colors.
03:17 They do, when they start to spawn,
03:19 the males become completely dark or brown or black
03:22 with a beautiful white stripe
03:23 through the eye and the white tail--
03:24 Amazing, isn't that neat kids?
03:26 And that's only once a year, though.
03:27 Just once a year, they change color.
03:29 And then you get other colorful creatures
03:30 like the Stoplight parrotfish.
03:32 This is the male and female.
03:34 We get all the other French angelfish,
03:36 gray angelfish, sometimes you meet
03:37 a hawksbill turtle or the very shy green turtle.
03:40 Occasionally you see a,
03:42 you know, a reef shark cruising by,
03:43 stuff like that but you're always looking
03:45 for large fish moving by
03:47 and being an underwater photographer,
03:49 I like to get in and get some good shots.
03:51 The most difficult fish to get is the Queen angelfish,
03:54 'cause they're so shy moving so fast,
03:56 but they're brightly colored wonderful animals to film.
03:58 What color are those?
04:00 They're a multiple colors of green, yellow, blue and so on.
04:03 And, of course, you're diving on the edge of the ocean,
04:05 so sometimes you'll see passing tunas, rohus, barracudas
04:09 and occasionally the oceanic whitetip shark
04:12 which is I'm working on right now,
04:14 if you want to come over,
04:15 we can go and take a look at my latest piece of work.
04:21 Wow, Dr. Guy, what an awesome painting.
04:24 Tell me about this thing.
04:25 Well, I've just been working on this.
04:27 This is called an oceanic whitetip shark
04:28 and sometimes they come right close to the edge
04:30 of the drop off where we were diving. Okay.
04:32 But they're one of the most endangered sharks now
04:34 because they've been caught in the long line fish net
04:37 targeting tuna and swordfish.
04:39 They've been sold for their long fins,
04:40 these very big fins they have,
04:42 on the Asian seafood market, the Asian,
04:44 you know, the shark fin soup meal
04:45 that has accounted for so many sharks killed.
04:48 They're beautiful animals.
04:50 They're sleek long ocean going and like we said earlier,
04:53 many ocean going fish are accompanied
04:55 by a range of other fish as they make their travels.
04:57 So, so these fish aren't scared of the shark.
05:01 Absolutely not, but if one was to falter or become sick,
05:05 he wouldn't have any problem taking them.
05:06 Is that right? Yeah.
05:07 And they scavenge, they look for young turtles,
05:09 they look for dead and dying whales,
05:12 you know, bits of stuff,
05:13 meat floating on the ocean
05:15 and they are the garbage cleaners of the open ocean.
05:18 Now this is your newest painting right now.
05:20 It's a latest one and it's timely
05:21 because we need to protect this animal worldwide,
05:24 it's very, very low level of population right now.
05:26 So how long you've been working on this?
05:28 A piece like this will take a couple of weeks
05:30 and, of course, the time it takes
05:31 depends on the medium, the size of the piece
05:33 and the amount of detail, scale detail, coloration,
05:36 background whether you're painting sea grass,
05:38 plants all the rest of it, takes a lot of time. So...
05:40 It'd take me forever,
05:42 I'd never get this done, that's amazing.
05:43 Now when do you think you get it done,
05:45 you've been at it a couple of weeks you say,
05:46 or it's gonna take--
05:48 I just finished this yesterday.
05:49 So it's done, it looks done to me.
05:51 It's pretty much done, I signed there already.
05:52 What I do is lacquer it over.
05:54 Put a protection on it and hang it up on the wall
05:57 and see what we can do with it.
05:58 That sure is interesting Dr. Guy.
06:01 But I have to ask you this one last question. What is this?
06:04 This is the bill of a blue marlin,
06:06 about 500 pound fish, may be 10-12 feet long, yeah.
06:10 It's the point on the end of their face,
06:12 it gives them the name billfish.
06:13 They use it for striking their pray and swallowing them.
06:17 They use it defensively for striking
06:19 at the sharks or spearing sharks.
06:21 And also it helps them go through the water
06:23 because they're one of the fastest fish in the ocean.
06:25 Just like that painting on the wall that you painted?
06:27 That's the one there with the marlin
06:29 chasing the tuna, yeah.
06:30 Wow. This is amazing.
06:33 I'm so glad, Dr. Guy, that you spent your time.
06:35 You know-- sure know a lot about
06:36 marine biology and how to paint.
06:38 Kids, this is amazing, isn't?
06:40 This is a long nose. But never forget this.
06:44 Nature's God's second book. Get out there and take look.
06:47 Oh, I just love this painting, it is amazing.
07:01 Let's talk about Jesus the King of kings is He
07:06 The Lord of lords supreme through all eternity
07:12 The great I am, the Way the Truth, the Life, the Door
07:17 Let's talk about Jesus more and more
07:22 Let's talk about Jesus the King of kings is He
07:28 The Lord of lords supreme through all eternity
07:33 The great I am, the Way the Truth, the Life, the Door
07:38 Let's talk about Jesus more and more
07:52 It's "Learning Time."
07:54 Hey, thanks for joining us today.
07:57 We got a special day,
07:58 but you know, I'm gonna ask you a question
08:00 and be honest with me.
08:01 Have you ever broken anything made out of glass? Yes.
08:05 Well, you're gonna be surprised today
08:07 because we're gonna try to on purpose
08:09 break a glass today. Ooh.
08:11 Yeah. I'm gonna need a helper, though,
08:13 and I've got Prem over here.
08:15 Prem, what do you like to do in your spare time?
08:18 I like to swim.
08:19 Swim, okay swimming is a great thing to do in your spare time.
08:21 Why don't you come on up here?
08:23 Let see what we've got.
08:24 Since we're gonna try to break glass today,
08:26 we probably ought to wear what?
08:28 Safety glasses.
08:30 Safety glasses, so go ahead
08:31 and put those on and that would be good.
08:33 That protects us here today.
08:34 Now, the glass that we're gonna try
08:36 to break is this right here.
08:38 You know, what this is? A beaker.
08:40 It's a beaker, that's right.
08:41 Why don't you hold that for us in your hand
08:43 and what we're gonna do here today
08:44 is we're gonna try to break the glass
08:47 by bombarding it with sound waves.
08:50 Would that be cool or what?
08:52 Yes. Yes.
08:53 It will be, so here, take this in one hand,
08:55 okay like this and just tap that.
08:58 Can you hear that sound? Yes.
09:00 Now that's a certain frequency.
09:01 Now these beakers, they're made in Germany,
09:04 and you know, they make good glass, don't they?
09:06 Oh, sure, so it's very good glass, hit it again.
09:09 Now what we have over here,
09:10 let me show you some of these pieces of equipment.
09:12 We have an amplifier.
09:14 It's gonna amplify the sound, make it loud when we want it.
09:18 Then right here we have what we call an oscilloscope
09:20 actually it's not an oscilloscope really,
09:22 it's a--it gives us wave forms, okay?
09:26 And we're gonna try to get different frequencies of sound.
09:29 We're gonna try to match that sound.
09:31 Hit it again, Prem.
09:32 We're gonna try to match that sound
09:35 coming from our wave generator.
09:36 And if we can do that and bombard it
09:38 with enough of those frequencies,
09:40 it might just get all of those molecules
09:43 that are holding this glass-- making this glass up
09:45 and it will just start to jiggle 'em enough to break it.
09:48 You want to try it?
09:49 Yeah. Yeah.
09:51 Okay, cool. Why don't you set that right there, Prem.
09:52 We're gonna set that right here.
09:54 There you go, set it right there.
09:55 We're gonna kind of balance that.
09:57 I'm gonna hold it off just a little bit,
09:58 okay, cool, all right.
10:00 And then, hey, let's go and turn the amplifier on,
10:02 go and turn that on.
10:04 We're gonna turn our wave generator
10:05 just turn that on right here.
10:07 We got powered up that's what we need
10:09 and then we're gonna put this safety shield up right here
10:12 because when glass breaks,
10:14 sometimes what does it do? Shatters.
10:16 Scatters all over, that's absolutely right.
10:19 And then what we have right here is a little straw.
10:21 Now I'm gonna hand the straw to you, Prem.
10:23 I want you to put the straw inside the beaker.
10:26 When we get the frequency to match
10:28 the frequency of the glass beaker,
10:31 the straw is going to dance surround a little bit,
10:34 it's gonna start to vibrate
10:35 and then I'm gonna turn the volume up little bit
10:37 once we found that very, very special resonant
10:40 frequency of the beaker and it's gonna dance around
10:43 and pretty soon, we hope it's gonna what? Shatter.
10:46 Gonna shatter, and hey, I tell you what,
10:48 it's gonna be loud,
10:49 so you guys need to cover your ears
10:51 while we're trying to do that.
10:52 And we're gonna step.
10:53 Why don't you come back here with me right here?
10:55 Okay, we got our safety-- once you come way over here,
10:57 actually why don't you stand right here?
10:59 This would be great.
11:00 And I have my ear protectors as this is going to be loud.
11:03 I'm gonna put this in here.
11:05 Might take us a little bit to do that.
11:07 Let me get this ear protector in right here, okay.
11:09 Everybody needs to cover their ears
11:11 with your hands cover them up.
11:13 And let's turn this on.
11:15 Can you hear that sound? Yup.
11:17 I can hear that sound, it's kind of loud, isn't it?
11:20 And I'm trying to get the right frequency.
11:28 Can you hear the frequency go up and down?
11:30 Yeah. Okay.
11:31 Let's try to get that little straw
11:33 to bounce around a little bit.
11:39 Let's see.
11:58 Oh, wow!
12:02 Did you hear that? Yeah.
12:03 Wow! Did you hear that? Yes.
12:06 Wow. What happened to the beaker? It broke.
12:10 It broke, and you know why did it break?
12:12 What were we trying to do?
12:14 Trying to make the frequency to bombard it and to shatter it.
12:17 That's right, we got the same
12:19 resonant frequency of the beaker,
12:21 a tremendous amount of energy
12:23 we put right into that beaker, isn't that cool? Yes.
12:26 That was cool.
12:28 You know what that reminds me of?
12:29 You know that there are all kinds of frequencies around
12:32 but we can't hear them.
12:34 We have to have a receiver to hear them.
12:36 But you know, Jesus wants to speak
12:38 to our minds and our hearts doesn't He? Yeah.
12:40 He really does.
12:42 And you and I have to be in tune with Jesus,
12:45 with His call for our life and He'll fill us with power.
12:49 Hey, that beaker had a tremendous amount
12:51 of power and-- Yeah.
12:52 So much power it just shattered it all to pieces.
12:56 Well, you'll have to mark that up,
12:58 this is another glass that you helped to break.
13:01 And you know what, boys and girls,
13:03 when we study about science,
13:05 we learn more about our creator, God.
13:16 Looks like we've just about cleaned up in this town.
13:19 There is nothing left.
13:20 Hey, what is that?
13:22 Hey, get her here. No, no.
13:24 Give it to them. No. No.
13:27 Give it-- silence, Israelite women.
13:30 It's for my children.
13:32 Do you think Midianites care about your children?
13:34 My children are gonna starve. No.
13:38 Here, give that your children. Go.
13:41 No. Go.
13:42 I have to find Gideon, I have to find Gideon.
13:46 What do you guys looking at?
13:51 Gideon, Gideon, they did it again.
13:54 I was in the marketplace
13:56 and I got just a little bit of food for my family
13:58 and look, they took it, all of it.
14:01 Who took it?
14:02 The Midianites, who else has been stealing all our food?
14:06 They're that close already?
14:07 That's why I'm hiding trying to thresh wheat for my family.
14:10 They're in the marketplace stealing from everybody.
14:12 You better hurry. What I'm gonna do?
14:15 I have nothing to feed my family.
14:17 Here, I'll share some of my wheat with you.
14:20 Oh, Gideon you are so kind. Oh, thank you--
14:25 Hide it. Oh, yes.
14:27 And hurry home, hurry.
14:28 Yes, and you be careful too. Hurry.
14:30 Oh, man, oh, God help us,
14:36 if you don't do something, we're all gonna perish.
14:39 The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!
14:47 If the Lord is with me, then why is all this happening to us?
14:51 What about the miracles our fathers told us about?
14:53 And now he's forsaken us and delivered us
14:55 into the hands of the Midianites.
14:57 Do not be afraid, Gideon, for the Lord is with you
15:01 and you will deliver the Israelites
15:03 out of the hands of the Midianites.
15:05 Have I not sent you?
15:07 How am I supposed to save Israel?
15:10 My father's clan is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh,
15:13 and I'm the least in my father's household.
15:17 Go in this might of yours
15:19 and you will defeat the Midianites
15:21 as if they were one man.
15:24 If I found favor in your sight,
15:26 then show me a sign that it is You who talk with me.
15:29 Do not leave for I pray,
15:31 until I return and bring an offering to you.
15:34 Go. And I will be here, when you return.
15:43 An angel of the Lord talking to me?
15:48 Oh, I better hurry. I pray he's still there. Tastes just right.
16:02 I'm so glad you're still here.
16:10 I pray my offering is acceptable.
16:13 Place it on the rock.
16:32 I have seen the angel of the LORD face to face!
16:36 Peace be with you,
16:38 now go I want you to destroy all the altars of Baal.
16:43 Yes, I will go.
16:49 Gideon, I found the last of the idols.
17:02 I'll meet you guys back in the hideout. Okay.
17:06 Gideon, are you sure God told you to destroy all these idols?
17:11 The brethren are gonna be quite angry
17:13 when they find out about this.
17:15 What about the anger of our God at us worshipping other Gods?
17:19 And, yes, God told me to destroy all the altars of Baal.
17:23 He has delivered us into the hands of the Midianites
17:25 because we have worshiped these false Gods
17:28 and these Gods are only wood and stone.
17:30 But our God is all powerful and some day soon,
17:34 He will deliver us out of hands of the Midianites
17:37 for He alone will we serve.
17:40 He alone is God and I, for one am going to serve God.
17:45 Then, Gideon, we shall serve God together.
17:49 Come, Purah, let's go make an altar to the one true God.
17:53 May God be with us.
18:11 Father I adore You
18:16 Lay my life before You
18:20 How I love You
18:25 Jesus I adore You
18:30 Lay my life before You
18:34 How I love You
18:39 Spirit, I adore You
18:44 Lay my life before You
18:48 How I love You
18:53 How I love You
19:08 Hi, boys and girls.
19:09 It's time for Miss Brenda's "Book of the Day."
19:12 And today's book is called "The Cat in the Cage"
19:16 by my very good friend Jerry D. Thomas.
19:18 He's a wonderful story teller.
19:21 And in this book, it said it's full of exciting stories,
19:25 packed full of adventure for you to read by yourself
19:28 or with someone or to your family.
19:30 These brand new stories are funny,
19:31 exciting and full of good ways to handle the problems
19:35 that every kid has.
19:37 You are gonna want this book, "The Cat in the Cage."
19:41 Well, I'm excited, boys and girls.
19:43 Today I'm going to share some letters with you.
19:46 And I love that about "Sharing Time."
19:47 It's all about sharing all the ways
19:51 that we can witness for Jesus.
19:53 And this first letter is from McLean, Virginia.
19:56 And let's see what this letter is about.
19:59 Oh, I have a very nice picture
20:02 and here it looks like a boy and a girl,
20:04 I wonder if they're brother and sister.
20:06 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda, we want to join kids club."
20:09 And it said, "We watch you at our grandma's house
20:12 whenever we spend the night with her."
20:14 And it said, "My name is Max and I'm 8 years old
20:17 and my sister's name is Juliet and she is 6."
20:20 And it says, "We love 'Kids' Time'
20:22 and we have a new bird and it doesn't tweet very much.
20:26 Please pray for Gilbert, our bird.
20:28 Love, Juliet and Max."
20:30 Well, you know, I'm glad you said that, Julie and Max,
20:33 because there is not anything too small or too big
20:36 that we can't pray about
20:37 and God cares about your little bird Gilbert.
20:40 So that is, it's a good thing to be praying about everything
20:43 and we can certainly pray that your bird is happy
20:46 and will tweet a little more, okay?
20:48 All right, let see.
20:50 We have a letter here from Greenacres, Florida.
20:54 Let's see this is from.
20:55 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda,
20:56 my name is Adriana and I'm 9 years old
21:00 and I live in Greenacres, Florida
21:02 with my dad and mom and little brother Zachary."
21:05 It said, "Please pray for my mom and dad,
21:07 so they can start taking us to church
21:09 because we really want to go to your church, Miss Brenda.
21:12 Please sign us for kids' club lessons,
21:14 so we can learn more about Jesus.
21:16 May God bless you. Adriana."
21:18 And, Adriana, that is a wonderful thing.
21:21 You keep praying and asking Jesus
21:24 to see if He would make possible that you could go to church too
21:27 and pray for your mom and dad
21:29 that God will impress upon their hearts.
21:33 All right, let's see.
21:34 We have letter here, and let's see, read this one,
21:36 it is from, oh, let's see, it's from Sweden.
21:41 Let's see, this is from Joshua.
21:44 And it says, "Dear Miss Brenda,"
21:46 it said, "I'm almost 5 years old.
21:49 My mom is helping me write my letter,"
21:51 it said, "I live in Sweden
21:53 with my mom and dad and my brother
21:55 and we love to watch your program on the computer."
21:59 It said, "We specially love Ranger Jim,
22:01 the science experiments with Ben Roy
22:04 and we would like to join your kids' club please."
22:06 And it said, "We like to share Jesus
22:08 by helping with our chores at home.
22:11 God bless you. Love Joshua."
22:13 Well, Joshua that is a wonderful way to share Jesus.
22:16 It makes Jesus happy when we mind our moms and dads
22:19 and when we do our chores.
22:21 Let's see, I have one from South Africa.
22:24 Let's see who this is from.
22:26 Oh, I've got a nice picture.
22:29 Thank you, boys and girls for those pictures.
22:32 Here she is, it says, "Dear Miss Brenda,
22:35 my name is Sanaliso and I am 7 years old
22:38 and I live in Cape Town, South Africa."
22:41 And it says, "I wake up every morning
22:44 not to miss your program because I love 'Kids' Time.'
22:48 Please pray for me and my sister Laisso."
22:53 I'm not sure if I said that correct,
22:55 but, Sanaliso, thank you so much
22:57 for your letter and keep watching kids club
22:59 and I'm glad you can wake up early in the morning
23:02 and start your day and really thinking about Jesus.
23:05 We should all have our special time
23:07 in the morning to spend with Jesus.
23:09 All right, this email is from the State of Washington
23:14 and oh, we've got a picture in this one too.
23:17 And it says, "Dear Miss Brenda,
23:19 my name is Austin and I'm in the third grade."
23:23 It said, "I share Jesus by being kind to people
23:26 and helping with different chores in my family."
23:29 It said, "I also like to read
23:31 to my sister and brother out of the Bible.
23:33 I love 'Kids' Time.' Sincerely, Austin."
23:37 Well, thank you, Austin, and, you know,
23:39 I'm glad you take the time to read
23:40 to your brother and sister from the Bible
23:43 and that's a way to share Jesus too.
23:46 All right, we have one here from Paterson, New Jersey.
23:49 Let's see who's writing us from Paterson, New Jersey.
23:52 And we have a picture.
23:54 And it says, "Dear Miss Brenda,
23:56 my name is Andrew and I'm 5 years old
23:59 and I watch 'Kids' Time' a lot and I love it."
24:03 It said, "My favorite part of the program is 'Learning Time.'
24:06 And I share Jesus by loving everyone
24:08 and being kind to my little brother.
24:10 Please may I sign up for kids' club?
24:12 Thank you so much, love Andrew."
24:14 And Andrew, yes, you can sign up
24:16 for the kids' club Bible lessons
24:17 and I want to encourage you, boys and girls,
24:19 to come and be on "learning time" with me.
24:21 I need lots of boys and girls to be on "learning time."
24:24 So if you would like to go--
24:26 to be on "learning time" with me,
24:28 just go to our "Kids' Time" website
24:30 which is
24:33 and it will tell you all the ways
24:35 that you can be on "Kids' Time," okay?
24:37 What a beautiful picture.
24:39 Let me put that up so that you can see it.
24:41 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda,
24:42 my name is Kayla and I'm from
24:44 the beautiful Island of Saint Lucia
24:46 and I'm 10 years old and I love watching 'Kids' Time.'"
24:51 It said, "It is a very interesting program
24:53 and it teaches me a lot about Jesus
24:55 and I really do love Jesus.
24:57 I also love to take part in the activities to glorify my Lord.
25:01 He's so good to talk to us.
25:03 I want all the little children around the world
25:06 to put Jesus first in everything that they do."
25:09 And it said, "Here is a picture of my brothers,"
25:12 and it said, "and they love to praise Jesus too.
25:15 I love 'Kids' Time' very much
25:17 and I would like to join your activity club.
25:20 Please send me lessons, so I can learn about Jesus.
25:23 Sincerely, Kayla." Well, thank you so much.
25:26 We'll get those lessons right out to you Kayla.
25:29 Boys and girls, why don't you write me a letter today?
25:32 Until next time, it's "Kids' Time" to share Jesus.
25:53 Kids' Time
26:16 Kids' Time Kids' Time
26:18 Kids' Time
26:20 Kids' Time Kids' Time
26:24 Kids' Time


Revised 2014-12-17