Kids' Time

Joshua & The Gibeonites

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000293

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time. We're gonna be late.
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:32 I love sharing stories with you about
00:34 how God has been working in people's lives
00:36 since the world began.
00:38 Even when evil people do evil things
00:41 or good people make big mistakes,
00:43 God works in amazing ways
00:45 to bring good out of those bad choices.
00:47 And in the end it's always clear
00:49 that God is good and kind and true.
00:52 He's the only one who can be trusted.
00:54 Today's Bible story is about Joshua
00:57 who made a very big mistake.
00:59 I'm so glad God is willing to forgive us
01:01 when we fail and He saves us from our sins.
01:05 Boys and girls, if you've made a big mistake
01:07 like Joshua in our Bible story, ask God to forgive you
01:10 and ask Him to make something good
01:12 come out of all the mess you've made.
01:15 Then sit back and watch what God can do,
01:18 all because He loves you so much.
01:21 Well, right now it's time for-- Max, can you wake up?
01:25 Max, wake up.
01:27 Nature time.
01:35 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time.
01:37 I am excited today.
01:38 We're at the beautiful Grand Cayman Islands
01:40 out on the water with Dr. Guy Harvey.
01:42 Please call me Dr. Guy.
01:44 Okay, well, Dr. Guy,
01:45 where are we at in the water today and what are we doing?
01:48 We're about 60 feet out
01:49 from the Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman Island.
01:52 We're gonna go on a dive
01:53 on a brand new artificial reef called Kittiwake.
01:56 Now, this artificial reef-- it's a boat, it's a ship?
01:59 What is it? It's a ship.
02:01 In fact, it's about 250 feet long.
02:02 It was sunk in January here.
02:05 And many people like to dive on wrecks and so we added
02:07 it to our repertoire of dive sites here in Cayman Islands.
02:10 And it's become a fantastic dive site.
02:13 And you're going to show me what when we're down there?
02:15 Well, over a period of time,
02:17 wrecks get colonized by marine life.
02:19 And it starts out with algal growth
02:21 and then fish start to feed on the algae.
02:23 Bigger fish start to feed on the fish and gradually,
02:26 you got a whole new marine ecosystem
02:28 evolving on this one site.
02:29 And it's very exciting to watch it happen.
02:31 I can't wait, let's get started.
02:32 You ready kids? Let's go.
02:34 Let's take a trip down to the ship.
02:36 Let's get wet. Okay.
02:41 Guy, you ready? I'm ready, Ranger Dwight.
02:43 Okay, let's go.
04:03 Awesome. Hey, Ranger Dwight. What a great dive.
04:08 Oh, wow, it was fantastic.
04:11 Superb. Yeah, that was great.
04:13 I saw all kinds of things in there.
04:15 Even got to steer the boat, the ship.
04:19 Awesome. That was great.
04:23 Well, Dr. Guy, I mean,
04:24 that was absolutely amazing to me.
04:27 It doesn't get much better than that, Ranger Dwight.
04:29 The growth on the wreck is quite substantial now,
04:32 there're lot of algae on it.
04:33 And even though it's been there for six months,
04:35 lots of fish are on it.
04:36 We saw lots of jacks and little chromis
04:38 and small barracuda, some bigger snappers.
04:40 All kinds of life attracted to the wreck.
04:42 It was great.
04:43 And how long was that ship again how--how many feet?
04:45 It's 250 feet long. Wow.
04:47 It's an Ex-U.S Navy submarine rescue vessel.
04:50 Yeah, and it said-- I saw a sign
04:52 that said US something or other on it so--
04:54 Yes, that's Kittiwake, was the name.
04:55 Okay. That's what it was.
04:57 And then how deep did we go down there?
04:59 We went right to the bottom at 60 feet
05:00 which is a comfortable dive and as you saw,
05:02 lots of people are snorkeling too.
05:04 So it's great for the kids.
05:05 This is a great sight for the kids
05:07 because they can interact with the wreck
05:08 just as we can down below.
05:09 It was great and at the very back end of the ship,
05:12 I got to stand by that propeller.
05:13 That was a huge propeller down there.
05:15 Can you imagine the amount of--thousands of miles
05:17 that ship has done on that prop?
05:19 It must have done a lot and then also I noticed
05:21 that one of the engines that were down, that was like a V12.
05:24 The pistons were dead but the top was off, so.
05:26 Was it only one engine that made that ship go?
05:29 Do you know or some other one?
05:30 I don't know about the details of it
05:32 but they take most of that stuff out to clean the ship.
05:33 This ship is the cleanest wreck in the Western Atlantic.
05:36 It was beautiful.
05:37 I just couldn't--I can't imagine, it was fantastic.
05:40 Now the one fish that I saw,
05:42 the biggest one that was down there
05:43 that was some kind of a snapper?
05:44 Yeah, there were two big snappers there.
05:46 One is a dog snapper
05:47 which is a reef fish and a cubera snapper.
05:49 And they're both top reef predators
05:51 and they'll be looking out for those little herbivores
05:52 I was telling about earlier.
05:54 And they take advantage of the feeding opportunity
05:55 and they snag one every so often.
05:57 Now, there was some others--some jackfish or something and--
06:00 Lots of jacks. What do they look like?
06:01 Lots of jacks and the jacks love the structure.
06:04 And often there's a big school of all size
06:06 that come around here.
06:07 You see other rays and fish and turtles and stuff like that.
06:10 But they all come and go.
06:11 The residents are the guys who are feeding on the algae.
06:15 But what was exciting to me is we came back up,
06:18 and was it the smokestack?
06:20 And you went down there and filmed me.
06:22 I got to go down that smoke stack.
06:24 That was a long ways down.
06:25 You can go right to the bottom of the ship
06:27 through that smokestack.
06:28 That was tremendous.
06:30 And then the other thing that was so cool was,
06:31 I was able to, you know, steer the ship, kids.
06:34 That was so neat, even though I wasn't really steering,
06:36 but that the steering wheel, I was able to steer that thing.
06:39 Actually, they left a lot of stuff on that ship.
06:41 They did, and that's why wrecks
06:42 are so interesting for us divers.
06:44 You know, people always, you know,
06:46 interested about the history of the vessel, where it went,
06:48 what it did, what it was used for.
06:50 And if it's a real ship wreck, you know, who perished?
06:53 Dr. Guy, this is fantastic.
06:54 And I want to thank you for taking your time
06:56 to go diving with me today.
06:58 Kids, this is fantastic.
06:59 Never forget, nature's God's second book.
07:02 You've got to get out there and take a look.
07:04 Dr. Guy, where are we going next?
07:05 We're gonna go and see some stingrays.
07:06 Oh, let's go. I can't wait.
07:08 Let's go. Okay.
08:06 It's Learning Time!
08:08 Hey, thanks for coming to Learning Time.
08:10 And we've got a very special program
08:12 and it looks like we got a balloon.
08:14 I wonder what's inside the balloon.
08:16 Well, I think we're gonna find out.
08:18 And I've got three helpers with me today.
08:20 First of all we have Caleb over here.
08:22 Now, Caleb, I understand you collect--
08:24 what do you collect anyways?
08:26 I collect coins. Coins.
08:28 Foreign and...
08:29 Well, I collect foreign coins and--
08:31 That's from all around the world, right?
08:32 Yes. Hey, that's pretty interesting.
08:34 Anybody else collect money?
08:36 Oh, that's interesting. Good.
08:38 And then we have Justin over here.
08:39 Now, Justin, I understand you like to do stuff on computers.
08:43 What do you like to do on computers?
08:44 I like to animate. Oh, animation.
08:47 Hey, that's fun, isn't it? Cool.
08:49 What do you like to animate? Stick people.
08:51 Oh, that's interesting.
08:53 Now we have a special guest over here.
08:56 Does anybody know who this is?
08:57 Miss Brenda. Miss Brenda.
09:00 Now I think, you know,
09:01 you talk about a couple of very interesting people.
09:03 Who are those people you talk about all the time?
09:06 Oh, I think the boys and girls know.
09:08 I talk about my grandsons. What are their names?
09:11 Michael and Jason. Excellent.
09:14 Hey, well, come on up here, guys,
09:16 and let's find out what's inside of those balloons.
09:18 Okay, so, Caleb, why don't you stand right over here?
09:21 We got Justin in the center,
09:22 we got Miss Brenda right up here.
09:25 Now, you can't do this at home, boys and girls.
09:28 So we're gonna do it right here. But you know what?
09:30 We're gonna make a big noise
09:31 and so when we have a countdown today, the countdown goes what?
09:35 Three and two and one. You have got to cover your ears.
09:39 And we just put our hands,
09:40 we put our hands right on our ears.
09:42 It's very important,
09:44 because it's going to be a very, very, loud noise.
09:47 You know, what we need.
09:48 We might need some safety glasses.
09:50 So let's put those on today.
09:51 Okay. Okay.
09:53 And we're gonna use Miss Brenda first.
09:55 How about that?
09:57 This is actually Miss Brenda's
09:58 very first time on Learning Time.
10:00 So thank you for inviting me. Oh, no problem.
10:02 Okay, first of all we got to put
10:04 some of this soapy solution on your hands.
10:05 So just kind of dip your fingers there
10:07 and just get the palms of your hands, uh-huh.
10:09 Just get the palms of your hands wet.
10:11 Okay, there you go. We want to keep them wet, okay?
10:14 Now inside of this balloon, I have what water is made of,
10:17 it's hydrogen and oxygen, kind of interesting.
10:20 We breathe hydrogen and oxygen all the time.
10:23 And so what I'm gonna do right here is
10:24 I'm going to blow some bubbles and I'm gonna ahead and do this.
10:28 Then we gonna have you-- hold your hands
10:29 way out just like this.
10:31 And I'm gonna take the little burner right here
10:33 and I'm gonna light those bubbles on fire.
10:35 And we're going to see and hear some rocket fuel
10:38 because we make rocket fuel by using hydrogen and water.
10:42 So let's go ahead and make some of those bubbles right now.
10:44 I don't know about this, boys and girls.
10:45 What do you think, should I be scared?
10:47 No. No.
10:49 No, we shouldn't be scared.
10:51 All right, let's get this going here.
10:53 We're gonna make some nice bubbles
10:55 and then she's gonna put them in her hands.
10:57 Okay, so let's get those going right here.
11:01 You see those bubbles?
11:03 They are hydrogen and oxygen bubbles
11:06 and we're gonna make a bunch of them, she's gonna...
11:07 Should I be wearing those earplugs first?
11:10 Oh, you want to? I think I might.
11:12 I think I--just hold on one second.
11:14 I thought you had earplugs in.
11:15 I'm so sorry. All right.
11:17 I forgot all of that there. Okay, no problem.
11:21 Okay, here we got enough bubbles I think right here.
11:23 So what I'm gonna do is
11:25 I'm gonna turn this little valve off.
11:26 Oh, right here.
11:28 Okay, why don't you scoop those up?
11:29 Scoop them up in your hands. Just get the bubbles right here.
11:32 Okay, remember you got to hold your ears.
11:34 All we want is the bubbles. Okay, hold your ears.
11:37 How about a countdown, let's go, hold your ears guys,
11:39 three, two, one and...
11:46 Wow, did you hear that? Are you okay?
11:50 Are you okay? Here we go right off.
11:52 You're next. Come on, Justin.
11:54 Hurry up here, Justin. Hurry, Justin.
11:56 You want to do this.
11:58 Come on, get your hands wet over here.
12:00 Get on what? Are you okay, Miss Brenda?
12:02 I'm scared.
12:04 If you're scared, you don't have to do this.
12:07 You don't have to do this.
12:08 You want to do it? I don't like odd noises.
12:11 You don't? You don't want?
12:12 Okay, all right. Okay, no problem.
12:14 Okay, okay, all right. Move back over here.
12:17 Move back over here. Okay, hurry up, here we go.
12:21 I didn't wet my hands.
12:23 Oh, yeah, you got to get your hands wet.
12:24 There you go--okay, there you go.
12:26 All right. Okay, that's fine, that's fine.
12:28 Take your hands out. Take your hands out now.
12:30 Okay, we're gonna get enough bubbles built up right here,
12:32 so this thing will work for us.
12:34 Wow, was that loud or what?
12:36 Yeah. I think so.
12:39 Okay, scoop those bubbles in your hand.
12:41 There we go. Countdown, cover your ears.
12:44 Three, two, one and...
12:50 Well, how about that? Isn't that cool?
12:54 Yeah. That was cool.
12:56 But you know what, boys and girls, you know what?
13:00 That was fun.
13:01 But you know what, you know, look at your hands.
13:03 Did your hands get hurt or injured?
13:05 No. No.
13:07 Their hands didn't get hurt or injured.
13:08 Water has hydrogen and oxygen
13:10 inside the water, very, very powerful.
13:12 And God put that power in there.
13:14 But you know, because their hands were wet,
13:16 because your hands were wet,
13:18 they were insulated from all of that energy.
13:21 And they didn't get hurt at all
13:23 because their hands were wet with soapy water.
13:26 You know, that's what God wants to do in our lives.
13:28 He want's to insulate us from all of the things
13:31 that the devil wants to affect us with.
13:33 You know, I'm glad that that happens in my life, aren't you?
13:37 You know, when we study more about science,
13:39 we learn more about our Creator, God.
13:53 Is that bread?
13:54 That's all moldy, oh, it's disgusting.
13:57 Oh, it's perfect. It's perfect.
14:00 Why are we doing this anyway?
14:02 I have devised a plan to save us Gibeonites
14:06 from the hand of Joshua.
14:07 And his all powerful God. Yes, yes.
14:11 It is very important that Joshua not know
14:15 that our Gibeonite people are right next to him.
14:19 We must make Joshua believe
14:21 that we're from a far away country.
14:24 That is why you need to look as ragged and dirty as you can.
14:29 Your wineskins must look old. That is key.
14:32 You must approach Joshua tired and weary.
14:36 From afar.
14:38 Make him believe you're from far away.
14:40 Joshua and his nation are destroying
14:45 every nation in Canaan and our nation is gonna be next.
14:50 Yes. We have to hurry.
14:52 I think they're ready.
14:54 Then go and deliver us from the hand of Joshua.
14:59 Fear not my, Lord. We will have this treaty.
15:02 Do not disappoint me. Yes.
15:06 Remember, you've traveled a long distance.
15:09 Yes. Long, tired.
15:11 Oh, this has to work. It will work.
15:13 This plan has to work.
15:14 It will work. I know it will work.
15:16 It's the only way that will save our people.
15:17 I know this plan will work.
15:28 What a victory we had at Jericho, was it not, Caleb?
15:31 Yes. The Lord surely blessed Joshua.
15:35 Visitors.
15:40 Joshua, commander of the Lord's army,
15:44 we are ambassadors from a far away land.
15:48 We've come in hopes of securing a peace treaty
15:51 after hearing of your many victories
15:54 and how powerful your Almighty God is.
15:57 Your accent seems strangely familiar.
16:01 How do I know you're from as far away as you say?
16:03 Our clothes are tattered. Our food.
16:07 This bread was fresh when we left
16:09 and our wineskins are empty.
16:12 There's no need to eat that moldy bread.
16:15 Caleb, please share some of our food with them.
16:17 Of course. Here.
16:19 Share this amongst yourselves.
16:24 The parchment, please. Yes, Joshua.
16:29 This goes against my better judgment
16:37 but who am I to deny an ambassador
16:42 from such a far away land?
16:50 Here, take this in good faith.
16:53 Thank you. Thank you.
16:54 Have some food for your journey.
16:57 Thank you. God bless.
16:59 Be sure to fill your wineskins up with fresh water.
17:05 Commander, do you really think that they were from a far land?
17:12 I can read neither hearts nor minds.
17:15 I don't know, Caleb.
17:16 I should have counseled with God.
17:19 I should have counseled with the Lord.
17:31 Joshua, Joshua.
17:33 These so called ambassadors, they are no ambassadors at all.
17:37 They're the Gibeonites, our neighbors
17:39 who have deceived us and betrayed us.
17:41 Get up, my men.
17:42 We march to Gibeon at once
17:44 but not for the purpose of annihilation.
17:46 I intend to fully honor
17:48 this so-called peace treaty of theirs.
17:50 For though they openly deceived us,
17:52 they did so for the purpose of peace.
17:54 Mark my word, God is my witness,
17:56 they shall forever be our slaves.
17:59 Yes, commander. Men, to arms.
18:03 Let us go.
18:13 Our messenger should have returned by now.
18:15 Yes, it should have been.
18:17 It should have been hours ago,
18:18 I don't know what could have stopped him.
18:19 Something must have gone wrong.
18:21 The plan was perfect. The plan was perfect...
18:23 We got it. We have it. Yes, yes.
18:27 My lord, as commanded we have acquired the treaty.
18:31 Yeah. Well done.
18:33 Well done. We have the treaty.
18:36 We have the treaty. We have the treaty.
18:40 Yes. What?
18:42 What? Joshua?
18:46 Joshua? Citizens of Gibeon.
18:48 I have-- I have the treaty.
18:52 Had you dealt truthfully with me,
18:55 we would have accepted you as one of our own,
18:58 one of our own countrymen.
19:00 But since you knowingly practiced deception--
19:03 No. Listen to my words.
19:06 From this moment on, you are never to be freed.
19:10 You're slaves for the rest of your lives.
19:12 No. No, Joshua.
19:13 You will be our water carriers, our woodcutters.
19:19 No. No.
19:20 For the house of God for the rest of your lives.
19:26 I have spoken.
19:28 Joshua, all that you say we shall do.
19:35 We shall do. We shall do.
20:05 Behold, behold
20:08 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
20:10 Behold, behold
20:13 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
20:15 If anyone hear my voice If anyone hear my voice
20:19 And will open, open, open the door
20:22 I will come in
20:24 Behold, behold
20:27 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
20:29 Behold, behold
20:31 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
20:34 If anyone hear my voice If anyone hear my voice
20:38 And will open, open, open the door
20:41 I will come in
21:01 Behold, behold
21:03 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
21:05 Behold, behold
21:08 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
21:10 If anyone hear my voice If anyone hear my voice
21:14 And will open, open, open the door
21:17 I will come in
21:29 Hi, boys and girls.
21:30 It's time for Miss Brenda's "Book of the Day."
21:33 And today's book is a very special book,
21:36 it's called "Adam and Eve."
21:39 And it's all about the story in the beginning of the Bible
21:43 when God created man.
21:44 You're gonna love this story,
21:46 it's by a very special friend of mine.
21:47 Her name is Ruth Redding Brand
21:49 and she's a-- really an amazing author.
21:52 And she tells a story in such a gripping and telling way
21:55 I don't think you gonna want to miss it.
21:57 This book is called "Adam and Eve."
22:00 Well, I have a very special guest with me today.
22:03 Her name is Rachel
22:04 and I'd like you to welcome her to the program.
22:06 Thank you, Rachel, for being on Kids' Time.
22:08 Happy to be here.
22:10 Now tell me, what do you do to share Jesus?
22:12 My church sets up a booth at festivals around the church
22:16 and I give out literature to all the kids.
22:19 You do? What kind of literature you give out?
22:21 Guides, insights--
22:24 Magazines for kids? Yes, magazines.
22:26 Oh, that's wonderful.
22:27 And have you had any experiences like
22:29 when you pass them out to people,
22:30 do they generally take them or is it difficult passing out
22:34 or do they say no, no, I don't want them
22:35 or do the majority of people seem happy to get it?
22:38 Majority of kids who come by the booth
22:40 are happy to get something
22:41 but the adults aren't always so open.
22:43 Not so open. But the kids usually are?
22:46 And you pray about it first before you even start?
22:48 Always. Always.
22:49 And keep praying about it
22:51 when you--after, I mean, at the end of the day
22:53 after you've passed all that out.
22:55 Do you know why you want to keep praying about it? No.
22:58 The reason you want to keep praying about it
22:59 is because you want God to keep sending His Holy Spirit
23:02 to just rain down into the hearts of those who received it
23:05 and keep doing that good work inside of them.
23:07 And maybe they'll give their heart to Jesus.
23:09 Wouldn't that be wonderful? Yes. Yes.
23:11 So you always want to pray about anytime, boys and girls,
23:14 that God allows us the privilege of witnessing for Him,
23:17 don't forget to pray and ask Jesus
23:19 to keep watering those seeds
23:21 that He has planted and used you to plant
23:25 so that the hearts will be won for Jesus.
23:27 Well, I have some letters to read.
23:30 Would you like to help me?
23:32 I have--let's see, I found some special letters this morning
23:34 and I love, boys and girls,
23:35 getting all your letters. Let's see here.
23:39 Oh, this letter is from Ellie
23:41 and she's from Melrose, Minnesota.
23:44 And--oh, there's a nice picture of Ellie.
23:47 Look at the picture of Ellie right here.
23:48 You can see her.
23:50 And that's a pretty picture Ellie,
23:52 right in front of her piano. I wonder if you play the piano.
23:55 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda,
23:56 thank you so much for the gift of the prize.
23:58 I won the prize on the Kids' Time website.
24:01 I like it a lot and I really enjoy your show
24:04 and I like your book 'Passionate Prayer'
24:06 and I purchased one and I enjoy it a lot.
24:08 I'm praying for you in His blessings, Ellie.
24:11 1 Titus 4:12,
24:14 'Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young,
24:17 but set an example for the believers in speech,
24:20 in life, in love, in faith and in purity.'"
24:23 And that was from Ellie.
24:24 Thank you, Ellie, so much for that.
24:26 And it sounds like Ellie
24:27 really likes her Bible text, doesn't she?
24:30 Let's see, we have another one.
24:32 Let's take one over here. This one is from Ethiopia.
24:35 Let's see what's-- who is writing to us from Ethiopia.
24:38 And his name is Salem.
24:41 Let's see-- let's see and Salem gave me
24:45 a little note here that says you're treasure to God.
24:49 And we're all treasures to God, aren't we?
24:51 Because Jesus loves us so much.
24:53 "Dear, Miss Brenda, thank you.
24:54 I really enjoy the Bible lessons
24:56 and I want to thank you for my activity book.
24:59 I share Jesus by giving my money to the poor.
25:02 And I also see that they feel really happy about that.
25:05 I told my people in my country Ethiopia about Kids' Time
25:09 and I really enjoy 'Cooking Time' with Katie
25:11 and I like sharing letters with you on 'Sharing Time.'
25:14 Your's truly, Salem."
25:16 And he's 10 years old from Ethiopia.
25:18 Well, Salem, thank you so much for your letter.
25:20 And I want you to keep telling boys and girls
25:23 about our Kids' Time and keep praying
25:25 and asking them to-- ask God to just help them
25:28 to give their hearts to Jesus, okay?
25:31 Let's see we've a letter from Kelly,
25:33 and she's from Wendell, North Carolina.
25:36 And let's see what Kelly has to say.
25:39 Not a picture in this one. It says, "Dear, Miss Brenda.
25:42 My name is Kelly, and I'm 12 years old
25:44 and I've been witnessing to all of my friends."
25:48 And it says, "One of them was going to be Christian
25:50 but then she moved to Connecticut
25:52 and it's hard to call her.
25:54 I have two brothers, one of them is nine
25:57 and the other is seven and my sister is four
25:59 and I love all of the stuff on Kids' Time.
26:02 They love Kids' Time too,
26:04 especially when you read the letters."
26:06 It says, "Kevin is the one who's nine
26:08 and he and I are going to church camp and I can't wait.
26:13 Well, thank you so much for the activity book
26:16 and I love to witness for Jesus. Love in Christ, Kelly."
26:20 Kelly, thank you so much for your letter
26:22 and it sounds like she loves to witness to Jesus, doesn't it?
26:25 Let's see over here, we have one here from Saint Lucia.
26:29 Saint Lucia, let's see.
26:31 Oh, and I can see, you've got a picture on this one
26:33 and it says, "Dear Miss Brenda, how are you? My name is Linke.
26:37 And I hope I said that right, Linke.
26:40 And I'm six years old.
26:42 I have one brother and four sisters
26:44 and I really love your show.
26:45 But Miss Brenda, can I tell you something,
26:47 it's a little too short."
26:50 It said, "I share Jesus by going to church
26:54 and I tell my friends about Jesus.
26:56 This is a picture of me and my brother
26:58 and I want one of your activity books
27:00 and your Kids Club lessons please."
27:02 And I'm gonna turn it over here,
27:04 so you can see that there is a nice picture.
27:07 Look at that of him and his brother.
27:10 So thank you, Salem for that very much.
27:13 I think we might have time for another one.
27:16 Let's see this one is from Davenport, Washington.
27:19 Oh, can you hold this picture up for me please?
27:21 And let's see, this one says,
27:23 "Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Alyssa
27:26 and I love Jesus so much and I worship him every day
27:30 and I thank God that He created this world.
27:33 He is so amazing.
27:35 I love Him so much and I can't believe He died for me.
27:38 I'm 13 years old and I love Kids' Time.
27:41 P.S. I want the Bible studies. Love, Alyssa."
27:44 Well, thank you so much, Alyssa, for that letter.
27:47 Thank you, Rachel, for being on Kids' Time.
27:49 Boys and girls, remember wherever you go,
27:52 it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17