Kids' Time

Esther's Request

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000291

00:01 It's almost time for "Kids' Time." Yeah.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' time Kids' time
00:28 Kids' time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 Our Bible story today is about Queen Esther
00:35 and how she made a very important request to the King.
00:38 And he wasn't the sort of man to listen to just anyone.
00:41 Oh... No.
00:43 In fact, he had killed people who made request he didn't like,
00:46 even his own family members.
00:48 So Esther had to be very careful how she made her request.
00:52 You know, boys and girls, it's wise to be careful
00:54 about how and when you ask for something.
00:57 You have to think about who you're asking,
00:59 where you're asking, and why you're asking
01:00 not just what you're asking for.
01:02 And most of all, it's important to ask God
01:05 whether it's the right thing to ask for.
01:07 If it is, He'll give you the courage
01:09 to make your request known
01:10 in just the right time and place.
01:13 We'll see in our Bible story today
01:14 how God was with Esther.
01:17 Next time, you make an important request,
01:19 I hope you will ask God to guide you
01:21 and be with you, too.
01:22 Well, right now it's time for Nature Time.
01:32 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time.
01:35 This has been a great time for Ranger Dwight.
01:37 We're 2 1/2 miles out of Grand Cayman Island
01:41 and the barrier reef out here. It's amazing.
01:43 And I've got Daniel Stewart.
01:45 Daniel, you know a lot about fish
01:47 and lobster and all kinds of stuff.
01:49 We've just been snorkeling having a great time,
01:51 but everyone calls you Sparrow so I'll call you Sparrow.
01:54 Oh, yeah, that's fine. Okay.
01:56 It's been a nickname, so I had it for a long time.
01:58 Well, Sparrow, under the water,
02:00 the one thing that just amazed me was a fish
02:03 and it looked like a lion
02:04 and I guess you call it a lionfish?
02:06 Yeah, it's a lionfish. And so--
02:09 But this lionfish can you pat it or is it--
02:14 it looked like the mane was sticking out there
02:15 but I don't know, tell me about a lionfish.
02:18 One really can't touch it.
02:19 It's very defensive because it's a predator,
02:22 can eat all the small fish.
02:23 That's why you didn't see many fish like--
02:25 Yeah, I didn't see any fish around that lionfish.
02:29 That's right. So that is a predator.
02:30 You don't want to touch it. You don't want to touch it.
02:32 Not even me, I shouldn't touch it.
02:33 Don't go up and pat this thing. Wow.
02:35 Then you can just swim away from it,
02:37 just look the other way.
02:39 And now has this lionfish always been in these parts here
02:41 in the Grand Cayman Island?
02:42 Well, no, not at all. Okay.
02:44 Definitely last year,
02:45 that's when we start seeing a lot of them.
02:47 So they just kind of-- Just kind of moved in.
02:48 They've moved in. That's right.
02:50 And they are taking the other little fish out right now.
02:51 That's right. Wow.
02:53 Wherever you find a lot of small fish,
02:54 that's where you find lionfish. Wow.
02:56 'Cause they feed off them, you know.
02:57 Well, now the one thing I did see
02:59 that was close by is the lobster.
03:01 Now, I guess, there's more than one species of lobsters.
03:04 What kind do they have here?
03:05 Well, we have the spiny lobster here.
03:06 The spiny lobster and how big does that grow?
03:09 The spiny lobster can grow up to 15 pounds, 12 to 15 pounds.
03:12 Wow. That's pretty big lobster.
03:14 I mean, I'm sure other parts of the world,
03:16 they grow a lot bigger but the spiny one here
03:18 doesn't really get that big.
03:19 Not as big. Exactly.
03:21 Well, they seem pretty big to me. Yeah.
03:23 Now on that note when we were down there
03:25 snorkeling under the water,
03:27 um, I saw this one lobster, it was in a pipe
03:31 and do they like to be inside things
03:33 or they like to be out or what?
03:35 Well, they like to hide especially during the day,
03:37 maybe in the coral or in the pipes
03:39 or anything they find on the bottom
03:41 that they can go into and hide.
03:42 But at night, they would come out and--
03:44 Okay, they go out so they do
03:46 their most of their eating then at night?
03:48 At night, right. At night. Okay.
03:50 Now with these lobsters
03:51 how long will they live mostly, you know?
03:54 I would say 10 to 12 years, easy.
03:56 That's a long time for fish, I think.
03:58 Yes, yeah. Wow.
04:00 Now I've got another question about lobster.
04:02 I remember that one time, it's not been this time
04:04 snorkeling but I grabbed the antennas.
04:06 Is that what they're called the antenna?
04:08 Antenna. And they're just powerful.
04:10 They just--I can't imagine how much power they have for...
04:14 They do have a lot of power.
04:15 They use a tail and they use that to pull.
04:18 Now do they have a lot of enemies?
04:19 Is that why they come out at night
04:21 or does other fish leave him alone?
04:23 Well, not really.
04:25 I don't think they have enemies like that,
04:26 you know, but just that they hide
04:27 and awesome fish, I guess, they protect themselves mostly.
04:30 So what do lobsters eat?
04:32 Do they eat other fish like the lionfish or...
04:34 Well, if they can catch it, they eat a lot of fish,
04:37 if they can catch it the scrap from the bottom. Okay.
04:39 You know, fish scraps, you know, right off the bottom.
04:43 Sparrow, it's been fantastic that you were with me today.
04:45 Under the water, in God's nature,
04:47 I've seen so much above the water,
04:49 but the beautiful colors what God has for us
04:52 even under the water it's been great.
04:54 And, kids, it's been great that you've joined us today.
04:56 Just remember, nature is God's second book.
05:00 Get out there, take a look.
05:15 You are my strength when I am weak
05:18 You are the treasure that I seek
05:21 You are my all in all
05:27 Seeking You as a precious jewel
05:30 Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
05:34 You are my all in all
05:39 Jesus, Lamb of God
05:45 Worthy is Your name
05:52 Jesus, Lamb of God
05:58 Worthy is Your name
06:05 Taking my sin my cross my shame
06:08 Raising again I praise Your name
06:11 You are my all in all
06:17 When I fall down You pick me up
06:20 When I am dry You fill my cup
06:24 You are my all in all
06:29 Jesus, Lamb of God
06:35 Worthy is Your name
06:42 Jesus, Lamb of God
06:48 Worthy is Your name
07:04 It's Learning Time. It's Learning Time!
07:06 Hey, thanks for joining us today.
07:08 We've got a special program
07:10 and we're going to use some fire.
07:12 Do you like fire? Yes.
07:14 Well, you know, fire can be our friend
07:16 but you got to have some help when you do this at home.
07:20 You need your parents or your teacher
07:21 or your guardian to help you with this.
07:23 And I've got my helpers. Let me introduce them to us.
07:26 We've got Joey over here.
07:27 Joey, do you have a favorite animal?
07:29 Yes. Our guinea pig.
07:30 A guinea pig. Hey, that's a fun animal to have.
07:33 And we have Danielle.
07:34 Now, Danielle, you have a favorite sport you like to do.
07:37 What is that?
07:38 It's softball. It's softball.
07:40 Hey, that's good to get exercise, isn't it?
07:42 And then we have Darnel.
07:44 Now, Darnel, your favorite subject is what?
07:46 Science. Science.
07:48 Anybody else likes science?
07:49 Yes. Oh, this is great.
07:51 Let me get my helpers to come up here.
07:52 Now today my helpers are going to be observers.
07:56 You know, we learn lots of things by observing,
07:58 by looking and seeing and touching.
08:00 Now today, we're gonna put our safety glasses on, right?
08:03 'Cause we're gonna use some fire.
08:05 Because fire can be our friend and fire can also be our enemy.
08:08 Correct?
08:10 Okay. So what we're gonna do?
08:11 We're gonna try to figure something out here today
08:13 and that is action reaction.
08:16 For every action, there's an opposite but equal reaction.
08:20 There was a very famous scientist, Sir Issac Newton
08:23 and it's his third law of science
08:26 and it talks about action and reaction.
08:28 So what I'm gonna do right here is I'm gonna go ahead
08:30 and I'm going to light these little canals on fire
08:33 and we're gonna try to figure out why this works
08:37 'cause we have a candle seesaw.
08:40 Now I don't know if you've ever been on a seesaw or not,
08:43 but they're kind of fun to do, aren't they?
08:45 You like to go on a seesaw? Yeah.
08:48 And, you know, what we've got right here,
08:49 why don't you move back just a little bit,
08:50 so we don't get too close to the fire.
08:52 Now this is kind of like burning your candle at both ends.
08:55 Have you ever heard that?
08:56 Yeah. No.
08:58 Well, that means if you're just doing too many things
09:00 and, you know, pretty soon you get kind of dizzy
09:02 'cause you're just too busy
09:03 and you use up a lot of fuel, don't you?
09:05 Now look here.
09:06 Can you tell me, in fact, how is it going?
09:08 Can you see this one right here?
09:10 This one's working and that one's working.
09:11 How come it goes tipping back and forth, and back and forth?
09:16 What do you see? What?
09:18 The fire is moving. The fire is moving. What else?
09:20 What causes it to tip and then to come back up?
09:23 Oh, because, um, the matter in the,
09:25 um, candle wax is changing 'cause it's melting.
09:29 That's right. As the candle wax melts,
09:31 it drops a little tiny drop right here.
09:33 And that makes this end lighter and so it goes up.
09:36 And this end is gonna be heavier until it drops wax
09:39 and so it just goes teetering back and forth, back and forth.
09:43 Isn't that interesting? Yes.
09:44 So just a little drop of wax can make a difference, right?
09:47 Yes. Right.
09:49 Hey, how about a smile?
09:50 You know, have you ever came across somebody
09:54 that smiled at you and it changed your whole day?
09:56 Yes. Has that ever happened to you?
09:58 Or maybe somebody said a kind word to you
10:00 and it just changed your whole atmosphere of the day.
10:03 Maybe you weren't feeling very well
10:04 and they said, "Hey, good morning.
10:06 How are you? It's good to see you."
10:07 It cheers us up, doesn't it? Yes.
10:09 So the small things in life are very important.
10:12 We can change somebody's outlook on life
10:14 by being that very special person.
10:16 Isn't that cool?
10:18 You know, that's what God wants us to do.
10:19 He wants us to change other's lives by just
10:23 maybe showing his love to other people
10:25 'cause some people don't know the love of Jesus.
10:28 And, you know, every time we learn about science,
10:32 we're learning more about our Creator, God.
10:56 Oh, Harbonnah! Harbonnah!
11:01 Yes, your Majesty. I cannot sleep.
11:04 What is that loud banging outside the city wall?
11:07 I do not know, your Majesty, but I'll find out right away.
11:09 Yes, no.
11:12 Ah, it wouldn't matter if it was still and quiet. I cannot sleep.
11:19 All the time my mind is Queen Esther and her request.
11:23 Do you know that she has asked me
11:25 and Haman to come and join her for yet another banquet?
11:29 Another banquet?
11:31 I do not understand what she's up to.
11:35 How much longer until sunrise?
11:36 6 hours, your Majesty.
11:38 Oh... I can't sleep.
11:42 Harbonnah, bring the Record of the Chronicle
11:47 and read them to me.
11:49 Perhaps, this will help me to sleep.
11:54 Mordecai, the Jew, found out that Bigthan and Teresh,
11:58 two of the kings eunuchs who were door keepers
12:00 to King Ahasuerus' bed chambers
12:02 had plotted to lay their hands on the king and take his life.
12:06 Mordecai reported their plot to the king
12:08 and the two men were put to death
12:10 thus saving the king's life.
12:12 The king consulted with the two princes
12:14 on making a hanging garden.
12:16 No...
12:17 Stop. Mordecai...
12:21 what did we do to honor this man that saved my life?
12:26 Nothing, your Majesty.
12:27 Nothing? Nothing was done for him.
12:29 How can that be? It's not right.
12:34 I need the counsel of an advisor.
12:37 I believe Haman is still working late in the palace.
12:39 Should I go get him, your Majesty?
12:41 Bring Haman to me and, Harbonnah, you can be dismissed.
12:44 Yes, your Majesty. Mordecai.
12:54 Your Majesty, how might I,
12:57 your most humble and loyal advisor, be of service?
13:01 Haman, what should be done
13:06 for the man in whom the king delights to honor?
13:13 What His Highness should do is take this man,
13:18 dress him in your finest robes, set him atop your horse,
13:23 and put the royal crown upon his head,
13:27 then send him through the streets
13:29 led by someone proclaiming,
13:31 "Thus is the man whom the king would desire to honor."
13:37 Yes.
13:38 This is why you are my most trusted advisor.
13:46 I wish for you to go and do exactly as you have said.
13:50 Select my finest robe, put him upon
13:54 my most majestic white horse, dress him in the finest of garb
14:01 and then parade him before all of my people
14:04 throughout all of my kingdom that everyone may know
14:08 that this is the man that I delight to honor,
14:14 this man who saved my life.
14:19 Now go and do all this and more
14:24 for Mordecai, the Jew.
14:28 Yes, your Majesty, as you wish, your Majesty.
14:45 Tomar, all that noise out there, it's driving me crazy.
14:49 All day it's been on in the streets.
14:51 Do you know what is going on?
14:53 I heard there's some sort of a parade with the king.
14:56 Parade with the king?
14:58 Never mind that, Haman needs to be here now.
15:01 He has that banquet to attend tonight
15:03 with the king and the queen.
15:05 He should be here now.
15:07 Thus shall be done to the man-- Haman?
15:09 What is he doing running in front of the king's horse?
15:13 Thus shall be done to the man--
15:16 Well, never mind that.
15:18 Tomar, go open the door, quickly.
15:22 We need to get him ready.
15:23 We do. He will be late.
15:27 Haman. King--
15:29 Haman, come here.
15:31 The horse. The horse?
15:33 Why were you running in front of the horse? Thirst.
15:36 Tomar, water, get him some water.
15:39 Well, Haman, I have some good news for you.
15:42 The gallows are ready. They're finished.
15:46 Forget the gallows. I went to the king suggesting--
15:51 to suggest that we hang Mordecai--
15:54 Right.
15:56 And the king says to me-- What did he say?
15:58 "What shall we do with that whom the king would honor?"
16:02 And you told him?
16:05 I suggested that we put him in a crown
16:09 and the king's finest garments
16:11 and set him atop the king's horse
16:13 and have him paraded around throughout the city
16:16 with someone in front of him
16:18 saying that very same thing thinking that I,
16:22 the second most powerful person in the city,
16:25 would be the one he would honor.
16:27 Right, and that made no sense.
16:28 Why were you running in front of the horse?
16:31 He ended up putting Mordecai on top of the horse
16:34 and ordered me to parade around in front of him
16:37 saying that line over and over again.
16:40 I've been saying it all day to myself,
16:42 it's the worst idea I've ever had.
16:45 Haman, I don't like this. I don't like this.
16:50 This is not what had intended. This is not our plan.
16:54 Perhaps, I could still salvage the plan tonight
16:58 by talking to the king at the feast.
17:00 Haman, we will not prevail against Mordecai.
17:07 Quickly.
17:11 We are here for Haman.
17:14 I'm almost ready.
17:16 My Lord Haman, it is time for the banquet.
17:18 The king demands your presence at once.
17:21 Let's go.
17:36 Your Majesty, this is an excellent feast,
17:41 even finer than the last.
17:43 Indeed.
17:44 You know,I've really been enjoying all the time
17:46 that you and I and your queen have been spending together.
17:50 I almost feel as if I'm one of the family at this point.
17:53 Wonderful, wonderful.
17:55 And bring me a report
17:56 of the one I chose to honor this Mordecai, Jew.
18:02 He is doing quite well.
18:05 He, uh, he mounted the king's horse
18:08 and was lead around the city. He--
18:10 And you paraded him for all the people to see?
18:13 Yes, I did. Splendid, splendid.
18:16 Through the whole city.
18:18 My Queen, this is a glorious feast,
18:23 even more splendid than the night before.
18:27 But I tell you, keep me in suspense no longer.
18:31 I have come prepared to hear and to honor your request
18:37 even up to half of my kingdom.
18:43 If I found favor in your sight, oh, King,
18:46 and if it pleases the King,
18:48 I ask you to grant me my life at my petition
18:52 and my people's at my request.
18:55 We are being singled out to be killed and destroyed, my King.
18:59 Now if we were just to be sold,
19:02 I would've held my tongue. But we're to be killed.
19:04 We're to be destroyed
19:06 and our property sold and confiscated.
19:10 How dare anyone choose to bring you harm?
19:12 Who is responsible for this?
19:14 It's that wicked man. It's Haman.
19:17 Haman. Not Haman, my most trusted advisor.
19:22 How can this be? You betrayed me.
19:25 I am filled with rage. I am ready to take you.
19:32 No, no, no, no, your Highness, you can't let them do this.
19:36 You're my only hope. I had no idea you were a Jew.
19:39 I never would've given that order if I know.
19:41 Haman, stop. No.
19:43 Will you assault my Queen in front of my very own eyes?
19:48 I had no idea. Seize him.
19:51 No, no, no, no.
19:55 No. Stop.
19:57 Take him from my presence.
20:00 Your Majesty, Haman built a 75-foot gallows for Mordecai.
20:04 Knock that...
20:05 You build gallows to hang the man who saved my life?
20:10 No. I, you don't understand--
20:13 Now let his fate be yours.
20:18 Hang Haman-- No.
20:21 From his own gallows. No, no.
20:28 My Queen, my Queen, did he harm you?
20:30 No, I'm fine, my King.
20:31 Thank you for saving my life and the lives of my people.
20:34 Oh, I'm so glad you're all right.
20:37 I heard your requests and I granted it this day
20:42 but I long to do more for you and your people.
20:46 This day I shall elevate to a position of leadership
20:51 Mordecai, the Jew and I am confident
20:56 that the god of Mordecai will save your people.
21:01 He's not only Mordecai's god, my Lord,
21:04 he's my god as well.
21:18 B-I-B-L-E That's the book for me
21:22 I stand alone on the Word of God
21:25 The B-I-B-L-E
21:35 B-I-B-L-E That's the book for me
21:39 I stand alone on the Word of God
21:42 The B-I-B-L-E
21:51 Hi, boys and girls,
21:52 it's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
21:55 And today's book is,
21:58 you guessed it, it's by Miss Brenda.
22:00 It's called "Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories Volume 2."
22:04 And it is full of wonderful character building stories
22:07 to help you be more like Jesus.
22:09 And some of Miss Brenda's stories are in here,
22:12 but I've also invited bestselling authors
22:14 and friends of Miss Brenda to be part of this project
22:17 and they shared their stories too.
22:19 You're gonna love them.
22:20 Listen to some of the titles. Oh, they're exciting,
22:22 "Polly's Pride", "Losers Win",
22:24 "Bringing Up Bozley," "A Joke on Mama,"
22:27 I wonder what that's about, huh?
22:28 And we have "Buried Treasure."
22:31 We have "Dangerous Duke."
22:33 We have "Bobby's Big Adventure,"
22:34 "Runaway Jumper," "Puddle Chasers,"
22:36 "Curious Jordan," and we have the "Prize Winning Wahoo,"
22:40 whoo, I wonder what that is.
22:41 And then we have "Bad, Bad Blackie,"
22:43 "The Bear Scare," "10K Race,"
22:46 "Lawnmower Caper," now I can tell you something,
22:49 my grandson's favorite is the "Lawnmower Caper."
22:52 I have had to read that so many times to him.
22:55 So you're gonna love these stories,
22:57 boys and girls, and best of all,
22:59 these stories are designed to bring you closer to Jesus.
23:02 So you'll want to get the entire set,
23:05 we have volumes 1 through 10, "Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories."
23:09 Well, I am excited I have a basket full of mail.
23:13 I love your letters.
23:14 I love hearing from you, boys and girls.
23:16 And today we are going to read some of your letters right now.
23:19 And so let me grab some of these over here
23:21 and just see what you're doing to share Jesus.
23:26 The first one here is from Bobby and Patrick
23:28 and they're from Nassau, Bahamas.
23:31 And let's see, ooh, I have a picture, too.
23:34 Thank you for your pictures.
23:35 I love to see what you look like.
23:37 And here it is. Here's Bobby and Patrick.
23:39 Says, "Dear Miss Brenda," says, "we love to share Jesus
23:43 every where we go and we want to thank you
23:45 for coming to Nassau, Bahamas
23:47 because we got to meet you.
23:49 And we would like the Kids' Club lessons please.
23:51 We love 'Kids' Time.' Sincerely, Bobby and Patrick."
23:55 Well, thank you so much and I'm glad I got to meet you.
23:57 I've been to Nassau, Bahamas several times
24:00 and I sure love it there.
24:02 And I have a special friend
24:04 that I'd like to say hi to over in the Bahamas, too.
24:06 And his name is K.C.
24:07 And, K.C., Miss Brenda loves you
24:10 and your mama, Aunty Gwen, too.
24:12 All right. We have a email I want to share with you.
24:15 And this one is from Port of Spain
24:18 and it's from the country of Trinidad
24:20 and it's from Brandon, he's 10 years old.
24:23 "Hello, Miss Brenda, how are you?
24:25 I enjoy 'Kids' Time' very much.
24:27 Live is very hard for me since my father died last year.
24:32 He was shot and it has been very hard
24:34 for my mother ever since his death.
24:36 But she still tries her very best to love us
24:39 and teach us about Jesus and how to worship
24:41 and to also keep the Commandments."
24:44 And it said, "Please pray for our mom
24:48 who is sad and pray for us, too.
24:51 We love Jesus though
24:52 and we can't wait to meet you in heaven.
24:55 Love, Brandon.
24:56 And please," PS, "send me the 'Kids' Time' lessons."
24:58 Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, Brandon.
25:01 And, you know, Jesus loves your dad even more than you do.
25:04 And I can tell you someday soon when we get to heaven
25:06 there's not gonna be anymore tears.
25:08 There's not gonna be anymore death.
25:09 There's not gonna be anymore sadness.
25:11 Won't that be wonderful?
25:12 I can't wait to go to heaven and be with Jesus.
25:16 All right, this letter let's see over here.
25:18 Oh, this one's from Ethiopia.
25:19 Let's see what's going on, oh, nice big letter, too.
25:22 Big envelop from Ethiopia.
25:23 Let's see what we got inside here.
25:26 Okay, we got a little bitty letter from big envelop.
25:29 Wow, it says, "Dear Miss Brenda, it's nice to write to you again.
25:33 I am still watching your program day and night."
25:36 And by the way her name is Beza
25:37 and let us just put little Beza's picture over here
25:39 so you can see her.
25:41 And it said, "It's fun and very happy program that you have.
25:44 Thank you for the Kids' Club lessons.
25:46 I'm on lessons 5 and 6 now and they are great.
25:51 I really love them and have fun doing them
25:53 and sharing the lessons with my friends.
25:56 They don't believe in God
25:57 but I said that they still need to believe in Jesus
26:00 and I am witnessing to them.
26:02 My dad sometimes watches 'Kids' Time' programs too.
26:05 And when he watches, he always thanks God for 'Kids' Time.'
26:09 I love 'Kids' Time.' Thank you for the lessons.
26:11 God bless you. Beza."
26:13 And thank you, Beza, all the way over there from Ethiopia.
26:16 You know, boys and girls,
26:17 I want to encourage you to send me your letters,
26:19 tell me what you do to share Jesus,
26:21 and be out witnessing for Him every day.
26:23 It makes God so happy
26:25 when we're willing to share our faith with others.
26:27 Well, unfortunately, that's all the time we have today.
26:30 Until next time, remember it's "Kids' Time" to share Jesus.
26:54 Kids' time.
27:17 Kids' time. Kids' time.
27:19 Kids' time. Kids' time. Kids' time.
27:25 Kids' time.


Revised 2014-12-17