Kids' Time

Esther's New Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000288

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time. We're gonna be late.
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:32 Have you ever spent the night alone
00:34 in a strange place away from your family?
00:36 I travel all over the world
00:38 and I love meeting new friends like you.
00:41 But home is still my favorite place.
00:44 And if I had to leave my family behind
00:46 and live somewhere else for the rest of my life,
00:48 I would be very sad.
00:50 Today, we'll hear about a young girl
00:52 who had to do just that.
00:54 One day soldiers came to her house
00:56 and they told her they were taking her far away.
00:59 I'm sure at first she was sad and lonely.
01:02 But she knew God, the King of the Universe
01:05 would be with her and take care of her.
01:07 Boys and girls, although she didn't know it at the time,
01:10 God had a special plan for her.
01:13 And I hope you remember today's Bible story
01:15 whenever you wonder about God's plan for your life.
01:18 The Bible says that all things work together for good,
01:21 for those who love and trust Him
01:23 and that means you too.
01:26 Right now it's time for our "Nature Time."
01:34 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to "Nature Time".
01:37 I am so excited today.
01:38 We are on a Grand Cayman Islands at Dolphin Discovery.
01:41 And we're gonna find all the fun things
01:43 you can do with dolphins, won't that be exciting?
01:45 We're gonna go find Carlos right now the general manager.
01:48 He's gonna share all about this.
01:49 I can't wait, let's go.
02:00 Carlos, you know, I thought there was only
02:01 one kind of dolphin.
02:03 And I hear there's more than one species.
02:04 Yeah, actually you know,
02:06 there's 36 dolphin species. 36!
02:07 36. Right now we have a bottlenose dolphins
02:11 which is the most common dolphin for shows in aquariums.
02:15 It's a very gentle animal.
02:17 Very gentle, well, you know what?
02:18 Miss. Brenda, at many times don't like animals,
02:21 she's kind of afraid of them, but even Miss. Brenda swam.
02:24 You can imagine with the dolphins,
02:26 that's the neat thing you need to see that.
02:27 Good, good, good.
02:29 Yeah, actually, you know,
02:30 you can do a lot of fun stuff with the dolphins.
02:33 You can do a foot push.
02:34 Okay. So what's the foot push? What's the foot push?
02:36 Actually we gonna float into water like superman.
02:38 They will come from behind.
02:39 They're gonna push you with their mouth,
02:41 they're gonna bring you out of the water,
02:42 you gonna be like skiing in the water. Oh, yes.
02:44 Where you're gonna be pushed like this.
02:46 That is amazing. Amazing, yes.
02:47 So how do they-- how they train these dolphins?
02:49 Do they talk to them?
02:50 Do they have a language or what do they do?
02:52 Well, actually they don't speak any language.
02:53 No langua ge. No Spanish, no English.
02:55 No Spanish, no English, no Japanese. Okay.
02:57 So it's very challenging for the trainers
03:00 to communicate with them. I guess.
03:01 They use hand-signals. Hand-signals.
03:03 Hand-signals and they use this.
03:05 Okay. I got it here what that was a sounds like.
03:08 Would you like to hear that, kids?
03:10 Okay, let's do it, let's do, what sound like.
03:13 Actually this is a dog whistle. A dog whistle.
03:16 And it's put it in a frequency that they can hear.
03:19 We call this a bridge. Okay.
03:20 So they can hear us
03:22 when they are performing the jump
03:23 and with this we let them know
03:25 they are performing what we want them to do.
03:26 Once they hear the whistle they know a work comes after.
03:29 A work can be a fish, a rob or the opportunity
03:33 to play with their favorite toy,
03:34 it might be a ball or the hoop and that.
03:37 When we have the show,
03:38 you're gonna see them performing somersaults,
03:41 one of the trainers will do a missile.
03:43 He will go all the way to the bottom
03:44 and come out of the water and jump. Wow.
03:46 And surf standing on the dolphin is amazing.
03:49 That sounds like so much fun. Now it almost looks.
03:52 Now you have to tell me, Carlos,
03:53 it almost looks like instead of this being work
03:55 for these dolphins they love doing the stuff.
03:58 It's almost like, whether they got a reward for fish or not,
04:00 they just love it.
04:02 Do they, do they like this? They love.
04:04 Actually I don't think they see as a work. Okay.
04:07 Just throw them something they like.
04:08 They love to be with people. Okay.
04:11 So they are looking for the attention.
04:13 So for them it's just,
04:14 it's part of their life, you know.
04:15 We have come to work, they're leaving--
04:17 They come to play. Yes.
04:18 Now, that's--Carlos, I wish I had that too.
04:21 Well, Carlos, I tell you what,
04:22 I am so excited about dolphins.
04:24 I've learned more than I ever have about dolphins.
04:27 And, Carlos, after being here 10 years,
04:30 sounds like you'll know awful lot about dolphins.
04:32 And there's more to learn everyday.
04:34 Everyday there's more to learn. Wow.
04:36 Remember kids, nature's got second book,
04:39 so get out there and take a look.
04:41 Carlos, let's go and do some more tricks with these dolphins.
04:43 Let's go. Let's go. All right.
04:56 Out in the highways and byways of life
05:00 Many are weary and sad's
05:04 Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife
05:09 Making the sorrowing glad's
05:13 Make me a blessing
05:18 Make me a blessing
05:22 Out of my life
05:27 May Jesus shine
05:31 Make me a blessing
05:35 O Savior, I pray
05:40 Make me a blessing
05:45 To someone today
05:58 It's learning time.
06:00 Hey, thanks for joining us today.
06:03 I am glad that you are here
06:04 because we're gonna have some fun with some dry ice.
06:07 Have you ever seen dry ice? Yes.
06:09 We're gonna do something
06:11 maybe you have never seen before using dry ice
06:13 and I need some helpers
06:15 and I have got a helper right over here.
06:16 Now Lulu, what is the most favorite thing you like to do?
06:20 I like to garden.
06:22 Oh, hey that's very helpful too, isn't it?
06:24 Then I have Trinity over here.
06:25 Now, Trinity, are you afraid of something? Yes.
06:28 What? Snakes.
06:30 Snakes. Any body afraid of snakes?
06:32 No. Wow.
06:34 Well, you know we need to respect them, shouldn't we?
06:36 I think so. We have, Claire.
06:38 Now Claire, what is your favorite show?
06:41 Do you have a favorite show?
06:43 Yeah. Kids' Time. Kids' Time.
06:45 I think that's one of my favorite show.
06:47 Hey, let's come on up here.
06:48 Okay, come right around,
06:50 come on my helpers come up here.
06:51 Stand right up there.
06:52 There you go, right here.
06:54 And what do we gonna put on, guys?
06:57 Safety glasses.
06:58 We're gonna put on safety glasses
07:00 because we want to be safe.
07:02 You want to be safe? Yes.
07:03 Oh, I think we want to be safe
07:05 and I'm gonna use these all right over here.
07:07 Hey, you know what I have got right here.
07:09 I have got some stuff in my hand right here.
07:12 What do you think this is? Dry ice.
07:15 It's dry ice.
07:16 You know why they call it dry ice?
07:18 It's dry.
07:19 Because it's dry, that's right.
07:21 If I put it right there, it wouldn't melt,
07:23 it would, what we call sublimate.
07:25 It changes from a solid into a gas and it doesn't--
07:28 Oh, no, no, no...
07:29 It's very cold that's why I am wearing gloves, okay?
07:31 Right, but you know what,
07:33 I want you to wear something on your hands.
07:34 Why don't you put a sock on your hand?
07:36 Do you put socks on your hands?
07:37 No. No, okay.
07:39 Well, put a sock on your hand.
07:40 Okay, you're gonna need a sock. Okay, here we go.
07:42 Now what I'm gonna-- yeah, only one.
07:43 Okay, only one and I'm gonna put
07:45 some dry ice inside of this container
07:47 which has some warm water in it.
07:50 And what do we gonna do. Wow.
07:51 We are making some carbon dioxide bubbles,
07:54 that's why it's bubbling out right here.
07:56 There we go.
07:57 And you know, look at there,
07:59 and I've got a little tube, oh-oh, look at that.
08:01 Man, don't touch it
08:03 'cause this really, really cold.
08:04 What we're gonna do is,
08:06 we're gonna try to blow some bubbles.
08:07 I am gonna put this in some bubble mix right here.
08:10 Let's see if we can blow a bubble. Wow. Wow.
08:13 Now can you catch a bubble on your hand?
08:16 Okay, hang on.
08:17 And you might even be able to bounce it on your glove.
08:20 Let's see if we can bounce it.
08:21 Okay, there we go.
08:23 Up, it just-- well, it just pop.
08:26 Let's make one over here.
08:30 More in it, it might just be able to bounce it on your glove.
08:34 Oh, no, don't, don't touch this over here
08:36 'cause that's really, really cold, all right.
08:38 Let's dump it in our mix again.
08:40 Okay, there we go. Are there some coming?
08:42 Oh, yeah, you put it right on your glove.
08:44 Can you do that?
08:45 Okay, move over here a little bit
08:46 so that we can get Trinity in here.
08:48 Can you get? Oh, you have busted.
08:50 It went right on your glove and it stayed on your glove
08:52 for a little bit and then it broke.
08:54 I'm gonna put some right here.
08:55 Look at that. Can you bounce it up and down?
08:58 Hey, let's try to make a big one right here.
08:59 Now, what I'm gonna do
09:01 is I'm gonna put this in my bubble mix
09:02 and don't pop it yet, don't pop it yet.
09:04 And then I am gonna have Claire pop it in just a minute.
09:07 Let's see if we can blow a big one right here.
09:09 Not yet, Claire, wait.
09:11 Let's get it. It's biggest, oh.
09:13 And it popped in it.
09:15 Let's try to do another one right here
09:17 and let's check this out.
09:19 Hang on, let's see if we can make a big one.
09:20 Let's see if we can make a big one.
09:22 Oh, how big can we get it?
09:23 I wonder how big can we get it.
09:25 Let's wait until it gets really, really big.
09:27 Wow. Wow. Okay, don't push.
09:28 Don't push on our table
09:30 because it will just move all over the place.
09:32 How big can we get this bubble?
09:34 We get a bigger and bigger and big.
09:36 Oh and it pops, doesn't it?
09:37 Okay, Claire, Claire, get ready to pop it.
09:39 Okay, pop that one. Wow. You see that.
09:43 It just popped, didn't it?
09:45 Now that is really interesting.
09:47 You know, did you see those bubbles? Yes.
09:50 Aren't they fun to play with? Yes.
09:52 But you know what, that's interesting.
09:53 Do they last for a long time? No.
09:55 No. We blow a bubble and what happens to it?
09:58 It pops.
09:59 It pops. It breaks open.
10:01 You know, that's kind of entry.
10:03 You know the Bible talks about life being like a vapor.
10:07 Do vapors last for a long time? No.
10:09 No. They just pop just like those little bubbles,
10:12 they pop and they break
10:13 and they are not fun to play with anymore
10:14 'cause you don't have a bubble anymore.
10:16 But you now what?
10:17 God has prepared a place for us and it's called what?
10:21 Heaven.
10:22 It's called heaven. And you know what?
10:24 I want to go to heaven.
10:25 Do you want to go to heaven? Yes.
10:27 You want to go to heaven? And you know what?
10:28 In heaven our bubbles are our lives which represents that.
10:32 Our lives will live forever.
10:35 And we want to be just a vapor here on earth,
10:37 everything is just kind of a vapor and it vanishes.
10:40 And that's interesting.
10:42 Did you learn something about dry ice? Yes.
10:44 Yeah, we can make really cool bubbles
10:46 but this is a solid, isn't it?
10:47 And we don't get a big puddle underneath there,
10:49 it doesn't change to a liquid,
10:51 it changes from a solid and it goes right in to a gas.
10:54 I think that's really cool.
10:56 And you know when we study more about science,
10:59 we learn more about our Creator, God.
11:20 Enter.
11:25 Long live the King.
11:27 What is it?
11:28 I have brought you Vashti's crown.
11:32 My Queen's crown.
11:39 My precious Vashti.
11:43 I have committed a great mistake.
11:47 I should have never asked you to parade yourself
11:50 and all your beauty for all to see.
11:53 I should have never banished you from the kingdom.
11:57 It was the drink that made me mad.
12:00 Oh, I am a foolish, foolish king.
12:06 My Lord, might I ask you a question?
12:10 Yes, Haman.
12:12 You are the King.
12:13 Are you not of all of Persia?
12:16 Yes. I am King Xerxes.
12:20 Then why mourn this one woman, this Vashti.
12:25 Why not have all the virgins of our land,
12:29 all the maids brought before you.
12:31 Have them made beautiful and then you can choose
12:34 from any one of them to be your queen.
12:38 And I could choose
12:40 from amongst all the beautiful virgins in my land.
12:45 Haman, this is a splendid idea.
12:51 You are a wise man.
12:54 And I shall reward you for your wisdom.
12:57 Now go, bring unto me
13:00 all the virgins of the land of Shushan
13:02 and bring them here to the palace
13:04 that I might view them and then choose a new queen.
13:10 As you wish, my Lord.
13:12 Go, go quickly.
13:23 Uh, bread.
13:27 Father, you want a kai?
13:28 When I was in the market place today,
13:30 I heard everyone talking about Queen Vashti
13:32 and she'd been banished from the palace.
13:35 Do you know why this has happened?
13:36 What's going on in the palace, father?
13:38 Why was Queen Vashti banished?
13:40 She was banished because she stayed true to her convictions
13:42 and did not follow the rule of the King.
13:45 And now the king has decreed that all the fair maidens
13:48 from all the land be brought to the palace
13:51 to be considered as the new queen.
13:53 And soon I fear you will share that same fate.
13:56 Oh, no.
13:57 I am sure that's why the soldiers
13:59 were following me today.
14:00 When I was in the marketplace,
14:02 I could tell that they were looking at me
14:04 and I think when I tried to walk home
14:06 they were following me.
14:08 I think soon they will be here and when they come,
14:10 we have to make sure that you have a different name,
14:12 a new name, a Persian name,
14:15 Esther, my little star.
14:18 That's what you gonna be, Esther, my little star.
14:19 You mean I can't be called Hadassah anymore?
14:21 No, never again. You must be called, Esther.
14:23 They must never know that you are a Jew.
14:26 Just Esther. Okay, let us pray.
14:29 God of our fathers, please be with Esther
14:32 as she goes through these trying times ahead. Oh!
14:36 Wear you faith. Wear your faith.
14:37 Please open it up.
14:40 What do you want here?
14:41 Where is the girl? Where is the girl?
14:43 What do you want here?
14:44 We saw her, we followed her. Move back.
14:46 What are you doing? Leave her alone.
14:47 Look, what we have here. Aha.
14:49 Take that veil off.
14:52 That's the one I saw in the marketplace.
14:54 Uh, she is pretty.
14:56 We're gonna get a good reward for her.
14:59 Leave her alone.
15:00 It's the King's business, stand back.
15:03 Just remember the God of our father will be with you.
15:05 God, be with me please God. My God be with me.
15:08 God of our fathers, please let us to know
15:11 that You are with her always.
15:24 We're finished here.
15:26 Guards, take them to their quarters.
15:31 It's okay, Abigail. It's gonna be okay.
15:34 Wait, not this one.
15:38 Young woman, what's your name?
15:40 It's Esther, sir.
15:41 Do you know why you're here?
15:42 Yes, to serve the king.
15:45 My name is Hegai
15:46 and I'm in charge of the king's harem.
15:48 It's my duty to prepare you to go before the King.
15:52 Hedic, we have a special young lady here.
15:54 I want you to prepare the very best quarters for her,
15:58 all right? Yes, sir.
16:00 I need to go see to the other ladies.
16:02 Hedic will be right back.
16:04 And he will take you to your quarters.
16:08 Oh, God of my fathers,
16:11 I don't know what my future holds in this palace,
16:14 and I don't know what's going to happen.
16:18 I don't want to be queen.
16:20 I just want to go home to Mordecai.
16:22 I miss him so much.
16:26 But I know, I know you have a special plan for me.
16:30 And I choose to trust You, no matter what.
16:48 I've been redeemed I've been redeemed
16:51 By the blood of the Lamb By the blood of the Lamb
16:53 I've been redeemed I've been redeemed
16:56 By the blood of the Lamb By the blood of the Lamb
16:58 I've been redeemed By the blood of the Lamb
17:01 Filled with the Holy Ghost I am
17:03 All my sins are washed away
17:06 I've been redeemed
17:09 And that's not all, and that's not all
17:12 There's more besides, there's more besides
17:14 And that's not all, and that's not all
17:17 There's more besides, there's more besides
17:19 And that's not all there's more besides
17:22 Been to the river and I've been baptized
17:24 All my sins are washed away I've been redeemed
17:38 Hi, boys and girls.
17:39 It's time for Miss. Brenda's, "Book of the Day."
17:43 And today's book is an exciting book.
17:45 It is God's book.
17:47 It's called the "The Remnant Young Scholar Study Bible."
17:50 And normally, I tell you all about "My Book of the Day."
17:53 But I'm not gonna do that today.
17:55 No, because I have two very special guests
17:58 that know all about
17:59 and I want them to tell you about it.
18:01 One is no stranger to Kids' Time
18:03 and in fact it's none other than our very own Ranger Dwight.
18:07 Thank you so much, Ranger Dwight, for being here.
18:09 Oh, it's exciting to be here, Miss. Brenda.
18:11 And it's great to be with the kids today.
18:12 Oh, I am excited to hear
18:14 and you brought somebody special with you today.
18:16 Who? I want you to introduce him.
18:17 Who did you bring with you?
18:19 Oh, Miss. Brenda,
18:20 this is none other than my brother Rudy.
18:21 He's my-- I call him my little big brother
18:23 'cause he's actually younger but he's big as I am now.
18:27 And your brother does something very special for Jesus.
18:29 What does he do?
18:31 Well, Miss. Brenda,
18:32 Rudy is the president of Remnant Publications
18:34 and he is one of the people that help
18:37 put this Bible together for the kids.
18:39 Wow, Rudy, thank you. Welcome to Kids' Time.
18:41 First time here, I appreciate it.
18:43 Well, you have--
18:45 really you're doing a lot of work.
18:46 It's a lot of work, I know being president
18:47 of a big publishing company, isn't it? Yes, it is.
18:50 And you've got some other children's books too
18:52 that you do, but this is really something very special,
18:55 targeted just four kids, isn't it?
18:56 Absolutely.
18:58 This has been a wonderful project for the kids.
19:01 Nothing could be better than this.
19:03 Well, I know that you brought me a DVD
19:05 and I'd like to show that to the kids.
19:07 Boys and girls, I think
19:08 before we get in to start talking about it.
19:10 I'd would like to show you
19:12 a little bit about this study Bible
19:14 and it just comes to life.
19:16 Let's take a look.
19:20 The Young Scholar New King James Bible
19:23 is easy to read and understand.
19:25 We've also included a simplified dictionary
19:28 and concordance to help your child
19:29 get the most from your new Bible.
19:32 With faith infirming articles, covering the 2300 Day Prophecy
19:36 to the stunning shoots of the sanctuary.
19:38 Your child won't be left behind,
19:41 when it comes to grasping the most exciting
19:43 and stunning facets of the Bible.
19:46 Made your Bible events and journeys are plotted
19:49 on colorful maps that will help your child
19:51 to explore a new lands and times.
19:55 Beloved children offers Brenda Walsh
19:57 and Kay Kuzma present inspiring prayer promises
20:00 for kids for issues your child maybe facing today.
20:05 In simple language, all Bible book introductions
20:08 written for young people will help your child
20:10 understand what the Bible really meant
20:12 to those who wrote that
20:14 and what it means to them now.
20:17 More than 45 full colored kid friendly pictures by expert
20:21 illustrators will help make Bible stories more real
20:24 and accessible for your child like never before.
20:28 Our Bible study chance for children
20:30 will ingrain precious key Bible truths
20:32 of the last days into your child's heart
20:35 well installing Bible study principles
20:37 for a life time of richer and deeper study.
20:40 And last but certainly not least,
20:42 we've included more than 200 quotes
20:45 from the powerful pen of Ellen White,
20:47 combined with art work that will engage
20:49 your child's mind and heart for years to come.
20:52 This awesome exclusive feature will draw your loved one
20:55 into the arms of the Creator
20:57 and explore the deeper meetings of scripture.
21:00 So don't starve your child of the word.
21:03 Provide the best nourishment possible
21:05 that will take him or her
21:07 to the next step of their spiritual development.
21:10 The Remnant Young Scholar Bible is an all in one,
21:13 all you need resource to help
21:14 your child grow in faith and wisdom.
21:21 Wasn't that exciting, boys and girls.
21:23 I can tell you, Rudy,
21:25 I am just really excited about this Bible.
21:27 Tell me what is it about this whole project?
21:30 Do you think, it stands out the most for you?
21:32 What do you think is the kids gonna like the most?
21:34 I think the kids are gonna like the pictures the most.
21:36 I mean, there's so many things
21:38 that we're gonna talk about
21:39 but the pictures illustrate the Bible stories.
21:41 And I just think that's probably
21:43 the greatest asset that this Bible has.
21:45 That's true. Kids learn by pictures.
21:48 I think we all do. Adults do too. Yeah, I do.
21:50 That's true. And plus there's such incredible artist.
21:53 Who are the artists that painted?
21:55 I've looked through these pictures and they are amazing.
21:56 They absolutely are, Lars Justinen
21:59 and his daughter did the illustrations
22:01 and she is a youth herself. Oh, wow.
22:03 So it's coming from somebody that's young.
22:05 I mean, this is all set up for kids.
22:07 And you know, Miss. Brenda,
22:08 my favorite thing is, is the Bible.
22:09 I have such a burn for young people
22:11 and kids to understand the Bible
22:13 in such a way that it makes it practical,
22:16 it's not like oh, wow, this is boring
22:17 this is 4, 5 thousand years ago, it's not for me.
22:20 It's today, it's for them.
22:22 And these illustrations, the comments
22:25 make the Bible come alive.
22:27 It's exciting too. It is true.
22:28 If it's exciting to me I know
22:29 it's gonna be exciting for the kids. Exciting too.
22:31 And also one of the other artists was Darrel Tank.
22:33 He's one of my favorite artist. Yes, absolutely.
22:35 And amazing. I'm a artist myself.
22:37 I do oil paintings and I'm not in their league.
22:39 I'm telling you, this is incredible.
22:41 Absolutely incredible.
22:43 Can I share with the boys and girls
22:44 what I am excited about too?
22:46 I love that. All right.
22:47 Well, boys and girls, I want you to see
22:49 this book is called "Prayer Promises for Kids."
22:52 And Miss. Brenda wrote this book
22:54 along with my friend Dr. Kay Kuzma
22:56 and it's full of Bible promises and it's to teach kids
23:00 how to pray claiming Bible promises.
23:02 Well, guess what?
23:04 When Rudy approached me
23:07 as President of Remnant Publications
23:09 and he approached me and said,
23:10 would we consider being a part of this study Bible.
23:13 We were so excited about that, and of course we said, yes.
23:17 So in the back of every single one
23:19 of these study Bibles is this book.
23:22 This book is in the back, isn't it?
23:23 And so it's an incredible.
23:26 God put these promises in the Bible for reason. Yes.
23:28 And it's an incredible way to pray.
23:31 You know, I pray claiming Bible promises all the time.
23:34 But I know that there are lot of adults
23:37 they don't even do that.
23:38 And so they are not teaching their children
23:40 to pray claiming Bible promises.
23:41 Well, guess what?
23:43 Now when they get the Remnant Study Scholar,
23:45 Young Scholar Bible they will not only be able
23:48 to look at all the pictures, see how the study helps.
23:51 But they can look in the back
23:52 and there's things that kids pray about.
23:54 They can go back there
23:56 and learn to pray claiming Bible promises.
23:58 I love that.
23:59 And once again not to go over it so much
24:02 but that every promise has a picture. Yes.
24:05 Once again the pictures, just--
24:08 it says the whole thing, almost as important.
24:10 That's right. As a promise.
24:12 But the combination is just fantastic.
24:13 It's amazing, that's right.
24:15 And because the picture goes along
24:16 with what's going on in that particular prayer
24:19 that the child is praying about it
24:20 and these are things that kids pray about.
24:22 You know we have-- afraid of the dark,
24:24 you know, may be doing your homework,
24:26 choosing the right friends, you know,
24:28 some other things that kids are facing today,
24:30 it's all things that kids pray about.
24:33 So everything in this particular scholar Bible is geared,
24:39 how to bring kids closer to Jesus.
24:40 That's right. You know, Miss. Brenda,
24:41 I have looked at a lot of Bibles in my day.
24:44 And usually lot of times you have a Bible
24:45 with a picture so kids like it.
24:48 But this truly is a Bible for the young people,
24:51 for the kids, it's amazing and you know.
24:53 You know we've asked what the ages are
24:54 and it's I think, Rudy, what is that between what?
24:56 Oh, it's 7-12, however.
24:59 I personally gonna be studying out of this Bible.
25:02 And I'm just over the 12 year mark.
25:04 Sometimes I don't act that but I'm just over 12 year mark.
25:07 But there is something for everybody
25:09 not just the Bible but colors,
25:11 you know, we've got one for the--
25:12 I've got a blue one and it's got a picture of a lion.
25:15 That's right. Let's show them.
25:16 We got a blue one here.
25:17 We have a beautiful lavender one.
25:19 I think I want this lavender one.
25:21 Can I have that one, Rudy?
25:22 You can have that. Okay.
25:24 But we have a pink one here.
25:25 A beautiful pink one too. The girls are gonna love that.
25:26 And also there's one with the picture of Jesus. Yes.
25:29 I really like this one too,
25:31 where they have the picture of Jesus with all the children.
25:34 Just an amazing and also I like inside
25:37 where you have all the comments. Yes.
25:38 You know where you can go through
25:40 and it kind of gives light
25:41 and explains what's going on. That's right.
25:43 And I think also there is Bible prophecy in here. Yes.
25:46 I think there's-- Sanctuary.
25:48 The Sanctuaries in there.
25:50 Talks about the sanctuaries in there.
25:51 There is study helps as you mentioned earlier
25:54 but it goes through a Bible chain,
25:56 goes from one subject to another to another.
25:58 So they can learn to give Bible studies
26:00 even as a young child,
26:02 they can learn to give Bible studies right from the Bible.
26:05 So it's really exciting.
26:07 Oh, it is exciting and I want to tell you, boys and girls.
26:10 I wish I could sit here and talk about this all day,
26:12 I am so excited about this project.
26:14 You're gonna wanna get one
26:15 and you can order yours right here at 3ABN
26:17 during non Sabbath hours, so anytime during the week
26:21 and during business hours
26:22 you can order directly right from 3ABN.
26:25 So I want to thank you, Rudy, for being with us today,
26:27 Thank you, Ranger Dwight,
26:28 always a pleasure to see you.
26:30 Boys and girls, I want you to remember
26:32 that wherever you go, whatever you do
26:34 I want you to keep shining for Jesus.
26:36 Remember it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.
26:54 Kid's Time.
27:17 Kid's Time.
27:19 Kid's Time.
27:21 Kid's Time.


Revised 2014-12-17