Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000287
00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late. 00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time. 00:32 Hi, boys and girls. 00:33 Do you think it's possible to sleep 00:34 during a sermon and still get the message, 00:37 its kind of a funny question, isn't it? 00:39 Usually the answer is no, I mean, 00:41 how can you understand what someone is saying 00:43 if you don't actually hear them talking. 00:46 Well, the Bible is full of stories about 00:48 impossible things happening. 00:50 We know that nothing is impossible with God, right? 00:53 Our Bible story today is about a boy 00:56 who slept during entire sermon 00:57 and still got the message anyway 01:00 and so did everyone else who was there. 01:03 Now he didn't get the message by hearing the sermon, 01:06 he got it from what happened after the sermon. 01:10 Are you curious? 01:11 I hope so, because you'll find out 01:13 in our exciting Bible story today. 01:15 But right now lets get ready for, 01:18 wait a minute lets see if Max is ready, 01:19 Max, Max he is still sleeping. 01:23 So let's get ready for a Nature Time. 01:34 Welcome to Nature Time. I am really excited. 01:36 We're at Battle Creek, Michigan at Binder Park Zoo 01:39 and we're gonna be talking about cheetahs today 01:42 and we have an expert on cheetahs, Chuck. 01:44 How are you doing, Chuck? I am doing great. 01:46 And you know what, I am looking at these cheetahs 01:48 and you told me before we start to filming here that 01:51 you actually hand raised one of these cheetahs from birth. 01:55 Yeah, the cheetah that's on exhibit today was born here, 01:59 should be 14 in October this year. 02:02 So you've been here a few years then. 02:04 A few years. Yeah. 02:05 I've been here this is my 19th season at the zoo. 02:08 So you see lot of animals? 02:10 Yeah, on a daily basis. 02:12 What can you tell us about cheetahs 02:13 obviously raising them and that's tremendous. 02:16 They are actually quite adapted to this climate. Okay. 02:22 They don't really mind the snow. 02:23 We take extra precautions with them in the winter time. 02:26 But if you see a cheetah, 02:28 if they're laying out here in the grass 02:30 with all the spots that they have that's for camouflage, 02:33 that's so wonder hiding in the wild when 02:35 they're looking for their prey. 02:37 They are able to blend in well 02:39 with the grasses in Africa, 02:41 it's mostly brown grasses so they blend in quite well. 02:44 So is this cheetah then mainly from Africa, 02:47 is that any other place in the wild than Africa? 02:50 There is a small population left in Iran. Okay. 02:54 And other than that it's all down in Africa. 02:56 So normally, kids, its sounds like 02:58 they normally aren't in the snow 03:00 but you say they adapt well in the snow. 03:01 We had cats that love to come out in the yard 03:05 when there is snow in the winter time 03:06 to play aroundin it, 03:08 some of them act kind o funny the first they ever see it. 03:11 I'll bet they do. Yeah. 03:12 We just we take extra precautions 03:14 in the winter time here with the lot of 03:16 the animals not just these guys, 03:17 but anyone that are from the warm climates. 03:20 So how many, how many babies do they have, 03:23 they have like one? 03:24 They normally have two to four in the litter size. 03:27 And how many do they all survive most of times? 03:31 It's really hard to get them to breed in captivity. 03:33 Is that right. 03:35 Most of the time mother raised 03:39 and that they're usually pretty successful 03:41 depending on you know, in the zoos yes 03:43 'cause they have-- we have vet care, 03:45 animal care staff that's keeping track all of them. 03:48 In the wild probably not as much as so. 03:51 The one on exhibit we hand raised here 03:53 her and her sister, 03:55 because mom wasn't taken care all of them, so. 03:58 Does that happen very often that most of the times kids, 04:01 you know, you got good moms and they raise you fine, 04:03 but apparently sometimes the animals 04:05 they don't they let them go, 04:06 they just don't raise them that well or what? 04:08 Its in zoos it's not as uncommon. Okay. 04:12 In the wild you really can't tell 04:14 because nobody is there watching on them. Okay. 04:17 Plus moms will leave babies to go hunt 04:19 and then come back to them. 04:21 So I have another question, 04:22 what kind of food do these cheetahs like? 04:26 In the zoo they get a commercially 04:28 prepared meat diet. Okay. 04:29 And then they get the knuckle bone once a week. 04:31 Now knuckle I mean, to me those are my knuckles. 04:35 So tell what's a knuckle bone? 04:37 It's just a big bone from mainly from cow or horses. 04:41 Okay, just a big bone, okay. 04:44 So what else about cheetahs, 04:45 now there is one thing that I know 04:46 and that is cheetahs are pretty fast. 04:50 Cheetahs are pretty fast since I've been here 04:53 cheetahs were thought to run 60 miles an hour 04:56 now its increased to 70 miles an hour. 04:59 But that is when they are at the last point 05:03 of chasing their prey I don't see in impala 05:06 or gazelle and they use their burst of energy 05:09 to actually catch it. 05:11 The problem is if they use too much of the energy 05:15 then they can't protect the prey if they catch it, 05:18 so the hyenas and the lions 05:20 can come and take it from them. 05:21 So they have to, so they have to do that, 05:22 you know, kids, as we were driving here 05:25 there was a speed limit sign of like 55 mile an hour 05:28 you know, if that cheetah was running at 70, take it, 05:32 I mean that's fast 70 mile an hour 05:35 but they can't do it very long. 05:36 It's for just a short period of time. 05:39 Wow, that is tremendous. 05:41 Nature's got second book. 05:42 So get out there and take a look. 06:07 God bless families everywhere, loving people who truly care 06:15 Kind and giving in all they do, 06:18 they let the love shine through 06:22 God bless families great and small, 06:26 fathers, mothers and children all 06:30 Daily offering thanks anew, 06:33 they let the love shine through! 06:37 God bless families far and near, 06:40 homes of happiness, hearts of cheer 06:44 Like the family Jesus knew, 06:47 they let the love shine through! 06:51 God bless families old God bless families new 06:58 Made of people like me and you! 07:18 Welcome to Learning Time. Glad you join us today. 07:21 By the looks of the things on the table, 07:23 looks like we're gonna have a fire, 07:24 doesn't it? Yeah. 07:27 Well, don't worry about it 07:28 because we've got Maxwell, 07:29 Maxwell is going to be our fire dog. 07:32 How about that? Yeah. 07:34 Yeah, and we've got a fire extinguisher. 07:36 Now you can't do this experiment at home, 07:38 but it sure is a lot of fun to watch. 07:40 And I've got three helpers. 07:41 I've got Kaylie over here, and now Kaylie, 07:44 what's your favorite breed of animal? 07:46 My favorite animal is the horse 07:48 and my favorite breed of course 07:50 is Arabian and Thoroughbreds. 07:52 Yeah and they are beautiful animals. 07:54 And we have Joshua over here. 07:55 Now, Joshua, I heard that you broke some bones, 07:58 you want to tell me about it? 07:59 Yes I did break some bones I was in the car wreck 08:03 and I broke bones in my neck C4 and C5. 08:07 That's pretty serious, isn't that? 08:08 It was and I'm very glad to be alive. 08:10 I am glad that you are here too. 08:13 And we have Sara over here. 08:14 Now, Sara, what do you like to do for Jesus? 08:17 I like to thank. 08:19 Oh, and that so wonderful thing to do, isn't it? 08:22 Hey, let me get my helpers to come on up here 08:24 and I'm gonna have them come way over here 08:27 because we want you to be far enough away from the fire, 08:30 so that we don't get burned, okay. 08:32 And lets see yeah, move over just here a little bit. 08:34 You know what, since we're using some flames and fire, 08:37 what should we wear? Safety glasses. 08:40 We should be wearing some safety glasses. 08:42 Okay, and so here's a pair for you, 08:44 Joshua, and, Sara, there's a pair for you. 08:47 Thank you. You are welcome. 08:49 And, Kaylie, there's a pair for you. 08:51 You think I had to wear a pair? Yes. 08:53 Yeah, let's get this on here. 08:54 Okay, now I'm going to put our little 08:55 fire extinguisher down here, 08:57 but its there ready for us. 08:58 Now today we're gonna be using some fire 09:01 and I've got a little cup 09:03 and I've little sponge in here 09:05 and we've got a little bit of fuel in there. 09:06 And we're gonna start a little fire 09:08 and you know what, this fire 09:09 kind of reminds me of something. 09:11 You know, we have a book in the Bible called James, 09:13 you know, James talks about fire and he says, 09:16 you know, that words are kind of like fire, 09:18 a little fire is not very harmful, is it? 09:21 No, but if the fire gets out of control, what could it do? 09:25 It could be very dangerous. 09:27 Very dangerous, it could burn us up. 09:28 Well, what we gonna do right here is 09:30 we're gonna try to make a tornado, 09:32 a fire tornado and so what I'm gonna do actually, 09:35 I'm gonna spin this little turntable right here 09:38 and you know what, its just kind of stays 09:40 as up regular flames and hot air goes where, 09:43 does hot air go up or down? Up. 09:46 Its goes up so hot air is going up 09:48 and the screen wire that we have right here. 09:50 If I rotate the screen wire, 09:52 its gonna cause some air to come 09:55 at a right angle to the hot air coming up 09:57 and we're gonna end up with a tornado 10:00 and that's what a tornado is, isn't that cool? Yes. 10:03 So lets see if it'll work, here we go, 10:05 so were gonna check this out right here 10:07 and we're gonna spin there, 10:10 wow, can you see that tornado? Yes. 10:14 Now that's what we call a fire tornado 10:17 and you know what, fire fighters 10:20 rather sometimes they have to fight fires 10:23 that are tornados, because you know what happens, 10:26 the hot air going up 10:27 and cooled air comes in along side of it makes that tornado. 10:31 And sometimes those fire tornados can go up 10:34 about one kilometer high 10:36 and so it can go way up high 10:37 into the trees a little tiny fire. 10:39 Well, you know, James is talking about 10:41 our words has been fire. 10:43 A little fire can hurt us, but you know what, 10:46 it can get out of control. 10:48 Have your words ever gotten out of control? Yeah. 10:52 I mean, have you ever said something mean, 10:53 or bad, or something about someone? Yeah. 10:56 They can get out of control 10:57 and our words can destroy us and people. 11:00 You know, we have a saying 11:01 and the saying goes like this, 11:03 you know what, sticks and stones 11:04 will break my what? Bones. 11:06 Bones, but sometimes we say words were what? 11:10 Never hurt us. Never hurt us. 11:11 But that's not true because words can hurt us 11:13 and our tongue can hurt people as well. 11:15 Well, you know what, I think we better go ahead 11:17 and put this little fire, I'm gonna move this over here 11:20 and we're gonna take some heat 11:22 and oxygen right out of it 11:23 because we're gonna get all smoked up here, 11:25 aren't we. Yes. 11:28 Well, you know, I don't know about you, 11:29 but I want my words not to be 11:32 an outraging fire, how about you? Yeah. 11:35 Yeah, what kind of word should we speak? 11:38 Kind words and loving words. 11:40 Kind and loving words, 11:41 that's very important, that's right. 11:43 And you know, when we learn more about science, 11:46 we learn more about our Creator, God. 12:10 I'm tired. 12:13 I know you are tired and its laden, 12:14 and Paul has been speaking a long time 12:16 but he is leaving Troas tonight. 12:19 We don't know when we'll see him again. 12:20 Lets, lets listen to everything he has to say. 12:25 My dear, dear friends of Troas, 12:30 I will thank my God, every time I remember you. 12:37 Amen. Praise the Lord. 12:39 You have been so kind 12:40 and you have been so patient 12:43 as we have preached of Jesus 12:45 and Him crucified. Jesus. 12:48 And you have provided for our every need. 12:51 We can never repay you. 12:54 Oh, we thank you. 12:55 But I want to remind you of the great love 13:00 that Jesus has for each one of you, 13:04 for the old and for the young alike, 13:07 there is no God like our God. 13:10 Amen, amen. 13:13 Our God provided for us from the foundation of the world. 13:19 He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to live 13:25 and to walk among us, and to be our example, 13:28 and to be our Savior. Amen. 13:34 We crucified Him upon a cross 13:38 and He paid the penalty for your sins. 13:42 Thank you, Jesus. And for my sins. 13:46 And when He died, they placed Him in a tomb 13:50 and some believe that Jesus was dead and gone, 13:55 but we know, because people saw first hand 13:59 that our Jesus rose from the grave. 14:03 He was triumphant over death 14:06 and He lives today for you and for me 14:11 that we might have the gift of eternal life. 14:14 There is no God like our God. 14:19 I must leave you, 14:24 but God has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. 14:32 And He has provided for His son 14:34 Jesus Christ to come back again. Amen. 14:38 And to take us to heaven to be with Him 14:41 where Jesus is, that you and I might live forever. 14:48 Wait, wait stop, please people, 14:53 pray you must pray for Eutychus. 14:57 Jake, come with me, we will go to the boy-- 15:00 We need to pray-- Pray for this boy. 15:07 Eutychus, Eutychus, are you okay, 15:09 oh, no, oh, no he's dead, 15:12 no he's dead-- its too late, 15:14 its too late, no its too late-- 15:15 Eutychus, are you all right. 15:18 Paul, Paul he's over here. 15:21 Do not trouble yourselves over this. 15:24 God will take care of it. 15:28 My dear, Eutychus, Father God, 15:34 according to Your will in the name of Jesus 15:38 breathe life into young Eutychus' body 15:43 and we'll give you the honor, and the praises, 15:47 and the glory, amen. 15:52 He's moving. He's moving 15:54 Eutychus. He's alive. 15:56 He's alive. He's alive. 15:59 You fell from the window, 16:01 but God has given you your life back, son. 16:05 Yes he's alive, yes. 16:07 You got to tell the others you must tell, Eutychus. 16:09 Clean him up. 16:11 The others are praying for you in the room. 16:13 Lets go show them the God has given you a life, 16:16 yes, yes, Eutychus. 16:22 He's alive, he's alive. He's alive. 16:24 It's a miracle, Eutychus is alive. 16:27 Oh, praise the Lord, what a miracle. 16:30 He's alive, it's a miracle. 16:32 Praise the Lord-- Eutychus is alive, 16:35 he's alive, he's alive-- 16:39 My dear, dear friends, 16:42 Jesus has given the life back to Eutychus. 16:47 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 16:49 Only the true God has this power. 16:52 There is no God like our God. 16:58 Eutychus, you now have a story to tell. Amen. 17:04 Jesus loves you, and Jesus loves you, 17:09 and you, and you, and you. Praise God. 17:14 And just as Jesus has commissioned me 17:17 to tell the good news of the gospel. 17:20 You too have been commissioned to tell the story 17:27 of the love that Jesus has for you. 17:31 Amen. Will you tell that story? 17:35 Yes, I will. 17:51 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king 17:58 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king 18:05 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king 18:11 Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the king 18:18 No more cryin there, we are going to see the king 18:25 No more cryin there, we are going to see the king 18:32 No more cryin there, we are going to see the king 18:38 Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the king 19:11 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king 19:17 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king 19:24 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king 19:30 Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the king 19:36 Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the king 19:56 Hi, boys and girls. 19:57 Its time for Miss Brenda's book of the day 20:00 and today's book is called "Blondie's Big Ride" 20:04 and its about a beautiful palomino horse 20:07 and it is written by Heather Grovet 20:09 who is an incredible author 20:11 and she loves to write stories about horses too, 20:13 so you will love this book "Blondie's Big Ride". 20:17 Well, boys and girls I want to introduce you 20:19 to two guest I have with me today. 20:20 They are very special to Miss Brenda. 20:23 They are contest winners, 20:24 that's right they won the contest from our 20:27 Kids Time website 20:31 Let me introduce you right now to Melanie and Jasmine. 20:35 Thank you guys so much for being with us today 20:38 and I think Melanie, you won this contest, 20:40 didn't you? Yes, I did. 20:41 And I would like you to tell me what it is that you-- 20:45 I know we had a contest where kids could write in 20:48 and tell me all the ways 20:50 that they share Jesus, right? Yes. 20:51 And so you were one of the contest winners. 20:54 What place did you win? 20:55 I won second place. 20:56 Second place, what did you do to share Jesus? 20:59 Well, I have a Bible club at my home every Saturday. 21:03 A Bible club and how did you organize this? 21:06 Well, with my friend Jasmine and my other two friends, 21:10 we like sharing stories with other children 21:14 and we like reading the Bible and singing songs. 21:16 And we like to make sure that kids understand the Bible, 21:21 so we ask them to, what we ask them to 21:26 explain what this first means and other else. 21:30 So you kind of teach them right about Bible. 21:31 You don't just give them a Bible text 21:33 but you actually teach them about what 21:35 the--what the Bible text is all about, right? Yes. 21:38 And have you had any really cool experiences doing that. 21:40 Was there any reactions from some of the kids or-- 21:42 Yes. Tell me about it? 21:44 One of my friend got, she actually felt that 21:47 she should get baptized. 21:49 Really, she made a decision to be baptized, 21:51 that's wonderful and how long ago did you start this? 21:56 I started I think a couple of months ago, 22:01 I forget which one but its-- Right. I started in-- 22:04 And is it something you want to keep doing? 22:06 Yes I do, I enjoy everything. 22:10 What about you, Jasmine, what do you do in this club? 22:14 Well, I help Melanie and we decide what to do 22:18 before we start the Bible club and-- 22:22 You sing songs? Yeah. 22:24 What some of the favorite songs they like to sing? 22:29 Well, we mostly sing. 22:35 I forgot what else it's called. 22:37 Songs like, do you have any idea, 22:39 Melanie, songs like Jesus loves me, and Do Lord. 22:44 Some of my favorites are, 22:45 I'm go to sing, sing, sing, I'm go to shout, shout, shout, 22:47 do you like that? 22:48 We like those songs that are more we like to get up, 22:51 like father Abraham so-- 22:53 With the actions. 22:55 And the kids like that, don't they? 22:56 Yeah. Oh, that's wonderful. 22:59 And let me ask you this. 23:00 Do you think you've inspired anyone else 23:02 to start Bible club as well? 23:04 Yes. You have? 23:05 So how many Bible clubs do you think 23:07 have started because of this? 23:08 I'm not really sure because a lot of my friends 23:11 they likes talking to other kids 23:13 about my Bible club. 23:15 They do? So what gave you the idea to start it? 23:18 Well, I was thinking about one day 23:21 and it just hits me like I felt that 23:24 I should share more about Jesus 23:26 because I love praying and I love the Lord, 23:29 so I just felt that I should share 23:31 the love with everyone. 23:33 And so I gathered up Jasmine, and my other friends 23:35 and I decided-we decided we should start a Bible club. 23:39 And how do get kids to come to your club? 23:43 Well, at my church I like to ask other kids, 23:46 if they would like to come, and at my school too. 23:50 So that's a good thing too and probably neighborhood. 23:52 If you met someone in the store, 23:54 you could tell them to come on over, couldn't you? 23:56 Well, boys and girls isn't that inspiring? 23:58 What a wonderful way to share Jesus. 24:00 Just start a club in your own home, 24:01 have kids all come in 24:03 and really just teach them about the Bible. 24:04 Sing songs and read the Bible 24:06 and you can tell them Bible stories 24:08 and what a way to share Jesus, isn't it? 24:10 Well, I want to thank you, 24:11 congratulations on being our contest winners 24:14 to Melanie and Jasmine, so thank you 24:16 for being here on the program. 24:18 Well, would like to listen to some of our letters? 24:21 I love it boys and girls, when you write to me. 24:23 I love all the letters I get 24:24 and I specially like when you give me some pictures in, 24:26 so I can see what you look like. 24:28 Right now this letter I'm gonna read is from Grenada, 24:32 let's see what you to say over here. 24:34 It says dear Miss Brenda, my name is Moses 24:37 and I'm 13 years of age and I share Jesus 24:40 by giving scriptures cards 24:42 and I pray for others including you. 24:44 I will be grateful for you to please send me a Bible 24:47 and a hymn note together with an activity book, 24:49 a cook book and some also Bible studies. 24:51 I love you and deserve and you deserve 24:53 a lusty thank you for Kids Time. 24:55 You are truly special to me, love Moses. 24:57 And, Moses, I want to thank you 24:59 so much for your letter. 25:01 You can get all those things on our website 25:03 and that you could also sign up 25:07 for your Kids Club lesson. 25:09 Go to Kids Club and you can choose to take it online 25:11 or get them in the mail. 25:12 And when you finish all the lessons, 25:15 Miss Brenda will send you a Bible absolutely free, okay. 25:19 So thank you so much for your letter 25:20 and thank you for your prayers, 25:21 I really appreciate it. 25:22 Boys and girls, I love it when you send me letters 25:24 saying you're praying for me, 25:25 that's the best thing anybody could say to me. 25:27 All right this one here, lets see 25:29 it's from Australia and lets see its says, 25:33 dear, Miss Brenda, my name is Keenika, I'm 11 years old. 25:37 We were at 3ABN last year 25:39 and we were there the same time you were, 25:42 but we missed you because we stayed in our room 25:44 and had a great big breakfast 25:46 and so when we got out too last you were gone. 25:49 Anyway we hope we can see you again soon. 25:51 God bless, Keenika. 25:53 Well, Keenika, I'm sorry I missed you too. 25:55 So next you come, let's make sure 25:56 we can get together and see each other 25:58 and Miss Brenda will give you a great big hug, okay. 26:00 Well, I think we have time for one quick-one more. 26:04 Let's see this one is from South Africa 26:07 and let's see what they have to say. 26:08 Dear, Miss Brenda, my name is Desha, 26:10 I'm 8 years old and I share Jesus 26:13 at school with my teachers 26:15 and I also gave them some Steps to Christ. 26:17 I'm in the third grade and I love Jesus, love Desha. 26:21 Well, Desha, thank you so much 26:23 and I want you to keep sharing Jesus, won't you? 26:25 Well, we're getting really close to out of time, 26:27 I want to thank you, Melanie, 26:29 I want to thank you, Jasmine, 26:30 for being a part of our Kids Club contest 26:33 and also congratulations on being the winner. 26:36 Keep sharing Jesus, won't you? 26:37 Well, that's all the time we have today. 26:39 So until next time boys and girls, 26:41 remember its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17