Kids' Time

Mistaken For Gods

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000286

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 Do you know what faith is?
00:35 Is it simply believing that something is true?
00:38 How do you know faith when you see it
00:39 and how can you tell whether or not you have faith?
00:43 Those are important questions, aren't they?
00:46 And where do we find answers
00:47 to all our important questions?
00:49 That's right, the Bible, God's word.
00:52 Bible stories aren't there just to entertain us.
00:54 Although, they're very interesting, aren't they?
00:56 Each Bible story teaches us something about God
01:00 and something about ourselves.
01:02 Today we'll hear how Paul
01:03 and Barnabas met a crippled man,
01:05 and told him to get up and walk.
01:07 They noticed him listening as they preached.
01:10 And they sensed he was a man of faith.
01:12 And he was.
01:14 How do we know?
01:15 Because of what he did,
01:16 not because of what he said.
01:18 We'll find out what he did, a little later.
01:21 Now you think that all the people would have been happy
01:24 that, Paul and Barnabas, were healing them.
01:26 And they were, well, for a while,
01:29 until Paul and Barnabas, told them to stop doing bad things.
01:33 Boys and girls, when you have faith,
01:35 you're happy to hear and-- to do, whatever God asked.
01:39 You know, that anything He asks,
01:40 is for your own good, because He loves you.
01:44 Today, I would like you to pray and ask God
01:46 to give you the faith, that you need to follow Him.
01:49 Because He is the only one, who can give it to you.
01:52 Right now, let's get ready for a Nature Time.
02:02 Welcome to Nature Time, you know,
02:04 one of my favorite animals are monkeys.
02:06 And we're here in Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek Michigan
02:10 and we're in the monkey area.
02:11 I love this and I know you will too.
02:13 And we're with Becky, a monkey expert,
02:15 I've been talking you, Becky.
02:16 You know, lot of our monkeys.
02:18 Yes. We actually have
02:19 two species of monkeys on this exhibit.
02:21 We've Colobus and black Mangabeys.
02:23 So Colobus and black Mangabey, manga-gi manga, what?
02:27 Mangabeys. Mangabeys, okay, Mangabeys.
02:30 Now that's what we're seeing right now,
02:31 that's a Black Mangabey.
02:33 And that's, that's the youngest
02:35 that we've watched.
02:36 And what's that monkey's name?
02:38 Her name is Joojie.
02:39 Joojie, okay.
02:41 Now what-tell me about these monkeys.
02:44 Well, these guys are similar
02:45 in a lot of ways to the Colobus,
02:47 but they're also very different.
02:48 They have five fingers on their hand,
02:50 just like humans do.
02:51 But the Colobus only have four on their hands.
02:53 So why did this got kind of jabbed on.
02:57 The Colobus live in trees, and they eat mostly greens,
03:00 like leaves that are in the trees.
03:02 And they actually have special enzymes
03:03 in their stomach that help them digest leaves
03:06 that most other primates can't.
03:08 So something else that I think is cool,
03:11 is the--now what's that monkey
03:14 call again the one with the white tails.
03:15 A Colobus monkey. A Colobus monkey.
03:17 And you said, when they were born,
03:19 they were born, they are born all white.
03:21 Yep, they are born all white. And then they grow,
03:23 when they matured they get their black hair.
03:25 Now I have never seen a monkey tail look like that.
03:29 It's when you see them jumping from tree to tree,
03:31 it kind of comes out like a cape,
03:33 the white on their back.
03:34 Yeah. It's kind of like superman.
03:36 That is neat kids,
03:37 and now do they use--
03:39 they look too pretty to use their tails.
03:41 Do they use their tails wrap around and swing with it.
03:43 No, they do not use the prehensile tail,
03:45 but they'll use it for balance.
03:46 Balance. Now what about the other ones,
03:48 the Black Mangabeys.
03:49 They have a little more use in their tail,
03:52 but they mostly use it for balance as well.
03:54 So are these monkeys, you know,
03:57 before I ask that question since this one moved over,
04:00 this is Joojie, right? Yeah. Case on our, Joojie,
04:02 I can see this pouches on their jaws
04:06 is-and you told me they keep their nuts in there.
04:08 They keep all different types of fruits in there.
04:10 They store it, and then they eat it later.
04:12 She's the youngest and so the least dominant,
04:15 but she's quicker than her mom.
04:16 So she grabs as much food as she can
04:18 and stores it in there and then eats it, when she wants too.
04:20 So even monkeys can be selfish,
04:22 they are shouldn't be, but they, but they can be.
04:25 Now this other ones here,
04:27 I've seen that on the on a cage right now.
04:30 How long do these monkeys live?
04:33 About the same or they're different?
04:35 I would say that the Mangabeys
04:37 tend to live a little longer.
04:38 We have a 30-year-old female in here.
04:41 Okay. And a 26-year-old male
04:42 and the Colobus live in the, you know, mid-20s.
04:46 Okay, now something out that I thought
04:48 was pretty amazing.
04:50 These monkeys are the smallest monkeys
04:52 over these other ones with the white tails.
04:54 And the Colo- what is it again?
04:56 Colobus. Colobus, man, I can't-kids that,
04:58 those are hard words for Ranger Dwight.
05:00 But the Colobus are lot bigger
05:03 and yet you're telling me these little monkeys,
05:06 these black Mangabeys are the ones
05:08 that rule the roost so to speak.
05:09 Yep, and so when they're put on exhibit,
05:13 the Black Mangabeys, they pick up
05:14 all their little pieces of fruit and vegetables
05:18 and they eat them, store them in their cheek pouches
05:20 and the Colobus, they have bigger,
05:22 they have greens and they have bigger vegetables.
05:24 But the black Mangabeys get to chose first.
05:26 Okay. But at night,
05:28 when they go into the building to go to sleep,
05:31 they're separated. So the-- Colobus have time by themselves
05:33 to eat and what they want.
05:35 So they get fed well now.
05:36 Can you get it, you're on these monkeys all the time,
05:39 can you get into these cages, with the monkeys?
05:42 No, you cannot. We use protected contact. So-
05:46 A protected. So what does that mean protected?
05:49 That means, that there's always a cage,
05:51 fencing between me and when I'm training them
05:54 I ask them to do stuff,
05:55 so that we can do it better with the vet, so it's easier.
05:59 So I have to desensitized them.
06:01 So let's say I needed to give you a shot.
06:04 Well, I wouldn't just wanna give you a shot. I would pork you-
06:07 I wouldn't want you to give me a shot anyway.
06:08 So we touch them where we usually give them a shot.
06:11 Okay. So they're used to that sensation.
06:13 Okay. So that when it's time for the shot,
06:15 they're not scared. It's not a big deal.
06:17 Yep. Wow. Well, Becky,
06:21 you told me that you can't-anybody
06:23 just can't come in and feed these monkeys.
06:25 Right, this isn't like the giraffe feeding deck.
06:27 Okay. The primates, they get enriched everyday,
06:29 'cause they're so smart.
06:30 And enrichment is anything from a different smell
06:33 like perfumes or they watch TV sometimes.
06:36 TV, that's something. Yep, they watch movies.
06:39 Or we give them different foods
06:40 and nuts are one of their favorite things.
06:42 They don't get them everyday,
06:43 but we brought them special for you.
06:45 And guess what, kids, Becky said that,
06:46 I could be special and-- I could feed these monkeys.
06:48 And I'm gonna do that.
06:50 Nature's got second book, get out there take a look.
06:53 So I can just throw these nuts out right now?
06:55 Yeah, and they'll go get them. Oh, wow, this is cool.
06:57 Look at that jaw, they're fast.
07:00 Now I'll throw out in there two.
07:03 That is so neat. I love feeding monkeys.
07:25 Have you a heart that's weary
07:34 Tending a load of care
07:43 Are you a soul that's seeking
07:52 Rest from the burdens you bear
08:00 Do you know my Jesus
08:09 Do you know my friend
08:17 Have you heard He loves you
08:26 And that He will abide till the end
08:37 Who knows your disappointments
08:46 Who hears each time you cry
08:55 Who understands your heartaches
09:05 Who dries the tears from your eyes
09:12 Do you know my Jesus
09:21 Do you know my friend
09:29 Have you heard He loves you
09:38 And that He will abide till the end
09:47 And that He will abide till the end
10:13 Welcome to Learning Time.
10:15 Glad you tune in today.
10:16 Hey, today we're gonna be building something,
10:18 doesn't it look like we're gonna be building stuff?
10:20 Yes. Or maybe we can build
10:23 another dog house for Maxwell.
10:24 How about that?
10:25 Yeah. Well, Maxwell
10:27 has a pretty neat dog house over here.
10:29 You know, we're gonna need some helpers with this,
10:31 'cause this is kind of a puzzle.
10:33 You know, sometime science is kind of puzzling,
10:35 don't you think? Yeah. Well, this is really
10:38 a fun puzzle and I've got four helpers
10:40 and I've got Hanna over here.
10:41 Now, Hanna, which is your favorite planet?
10:44 Probably, Saturn.
10:47 Saturn is a pretty neat planet, isn't it?
10:49 You've been there? No. No, okay.
10:52 Now we've got another helper over here.
10:54 Now, Mindy, what is your favorite,
10:59 where do you like to visit? Your place of visit.
11:02 Swimming pools.
11:04 The swimming pool, they're mine too, I think.
11:07 And David, David what do you like to do?
11:12 I'd like to play the piano.
11:14 The piano, that's a nice instrument, isn't it?
11:16 Well, did you bring one today?
11:18 No. No, it kind of hard to lug around, aren't they?
11:20 Yeah, I'm glad that you're here.
11:22 Then Britney, what do you like to do?
11:25 Well, I like to sing.
11:26 You like to sing. Well, you sing in church?
11:29 Yes, sir. Oh, that's pretty, isn't it?
11:31 Well, I think that's a nice talent to have.
11:32 Well, hey, let me get all our four helpers to come up here.
11:34 You come up right behind my table.
11:36 And we got some stuff on the table.
11:38 What are those things anyways?
11:40 They're big nails.
11:42 Okay, now here's the challenge.
11:43 You like puzzles and challenges?
11:45 Yeah. Okay, well, here's the science challenge.
11:48 So we've got 10 nails and-- what you're supposed to do.
11:50 You two ladies, you're gonna work with these 10 nails
11:52 and you two are gonna work with these 10 nails.
11:54 So what we're trying to do is we're trying to get
11:56 all 10 nails to balance on top of that one nail.
12:00 Do you think, you can get them all to balance?
12:01 Yes. Oh, give it a try.
12:03 Go ahead and try different things, different ways.
12:05 You think they can do it?
12:06 Yes. Well, it seems the little impossible
12:10 and I don't know, but they're trying it
12:12 and let's see what if they can get oh, she's almost,
12:14 they've got, or they two-they're almost had two,
12:16 try not to mess up the board or to move the board,
12:19 'cause then they'll fall over.
12:21 So if you can get them, they got two, all right,
12:22 they got two, good.
12:24 You have, give them a hand.
12:26 And they're trying to get two.
12:27 Well, they're trying to get,
12:29 maybe you never know.
12:31 Wow, well, hey, would you like a little help?
12:34 Yes. How about the hint?
12:35 Think we have to give them a little hint.
12:37 Yeah. Okay. And this is something
12:39 that you can try at home and it's really, really fun.
12:41 So grab 10 nails, and I'm gonna show you on here.
12:44 I'm gonna explain to you what to do.
12:46 So take one of your nails and put it this way, okay.
12:49 Then we're gonna take our four more nails,
12:52 we're gonna put four this way.
12:54 And then we're going to stagger
12:55 the nails and put four this way,
12:57 so every other one had an end point.
13:00 Go and do that. Every other one,
13:01 we're gonna stagger them.
13:02 We're gonna put all of those nails on one nail
13:05 and then we're gonna end up
13:06 with one nail left of our ten nails.
13:09 And then I'm gonna show you what to do with our last nail.
13:11 Now what we're gonna do with our last nail,
13:13 is we're gonna put it right on top of those nails, okay.
13:17 Put it right on top of those nails, okay.
13:20 And if you pick them up very carefully,
13:23 go ahead and pick them up very carefully.
13:24 Try to keep them all together
13:26 and then see if you can get those nails.
13:29 Yes, yes, to a balance right on top of there.
13:32 May have to move them around
13:33 a little bit to see if they're gonna--Wow, look at that.
13:37 Give them a hand and look it over, wow!
13:43 That is amazing. You guys did great.
13:47 Now did you think you would be able to do this
13:49 at the beginning? No.
13:51 No, it seems rather impossible,
13:53 isn't it? Because you know what,
13:54 each one of those nails had a position, right.
13:57 Every nail had a job, a job to hold itself in place.
14:01 And that reminds me of something interesting,
14:04 because you know what,
14:05 everybody has a purpose, don't they?
14:08 That's right, God has, has a purpose for everyone
14:11 and everybody has a purpose and together
14:14 we can do work for Him, can't we?
14:16 We can be a witness for Him.
14:17 Just like, you know, the apostles,
14:19 you know, when Jesus was here,
14:20 those apostles turn the world on fire for God,
14:23 'cause they work together.
14:25 Every nail is working together.
14:27 And look at this, you put your little finger out,
14:29 Britney, and look, I can put this little bird
14:31 right on her finger, and it balances.
14:33 Because why? Because all of the weight
14:37 is below and we're balancing at and the weight
14:40 is just right and it doesn't even fall off, doesn't it?
14:43 That is so cool.
14:44 You know what, I want a balanced life,
14:46 don't you wanna balanced life?
14:48 Yes. Yeah. I want my life to balance like this,
14:51 and there's a lot of people that can help us,
14:53 to balance our lives and we are all supported
14:57 by a nail and the nail here represents who?
15:00 Jesus. Yes, the nail represents Jesus in a way,
15:04 because you know, Jesus was nailed to the cross, wasn't He?
15:07 Yes. Because of that, you and I can have salvation through Him.
15:11 Aren't you glad for that?
15:13 Yes. I am too.
15:14 You know, every time we learn about science,
15:16 we learn more about our Creator God.
15:32 My good people, great peace will come upon your heart,
15:38 when you know and believe that the God
15:42 of all creation loves you with all of His heart.
15:47 Barnabas, do you believe?
15:49 Yes, Paul, we've come to Lystra
15:51 to tell you about Jesus.
15:53 He lived, He was crucified,
15:55 and He arose from the dead.
15:57 He is God with us.
15:58 Our living God loves you today
16:01 with all the love that He has.
16:04 Great peace is yours.
16:08 I can see that you are a man of great faith,
16:14 but you cannot walk.
16:17 In the name of Jesus, stand up straight,
16:24 on your feet and walk.
16:30 I believe, hey, I believe in Jesus.
16:33 Praise God. Praise Him, praise Him.
16:36 I believe Him. Thank you, thank you. I believe in Jesus.
16:41 Jesus has healed me.
16:43 Jesus has healed me. I can walk, I can walk. He's the true God.
16:47 We're men. Believe in Jesus. We're not God.
16:52 Believe in Jesus, Jesus, it is Jesus.
16:54 Do not worship us. It is Jesus who has healed.
16:57 We are not God. No, we are not God.
16:59 We are human, we're men like you.
17:02 There is only one God. Yes, they're men,
17:08 they are trouble makers, they're trouble makers.
17:10 Just take them out and stone them, stone them.
17:13 Take them out and stone them, stone them, stone them.
17:27 Paul,are you alive? Is Paul okay?
17:30 Paul, he's breathing. He's alive. Oh, man.
17:35 Can you sit up, Brother Paul?
17:37 You've been here so long. Oh, my good friends.
17:40 We couldn't find you. Yes, I'm alive, I'm alive.
17:45 They cannot kill me.
17:47 Praise God. I will preach the good news again.
17:52 Yes, you will, Paul. God is so good.
17:53 He has healed me and now He has saved you, Brother Paul.
17:56 Surely, all things work together for good,
18:00 to those who trust God. Yes drink, you are blessed.
18:04 Praise the God. Brother, are you all right?
18:16 John 14, 1 through 6, "Let not your heart be troubled,
18:21 ye believe in God, believe also in me.
18:25 In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so,
18:28 I would have told you.
18:30 I go to prepare a place for you.
18:32 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
18:35 I will come again, and receive you unto myself,
18:38 that where I am, there ye may be also.
18:41 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
18:44 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest
18:48 and how can we know the way?
18:50 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,
18:54 and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but me."
19:00 Early in the morning I say my prayers
19:03 I brush my teeth, and I comb my hair
19:07 I get all dressed and I go on stage
19:11 Living healthy, wealthy, and wise
19:15 I kissed and hugs my mommy and dad
19:19 We have worship and that makes me glad
19:22 Eat breakfast and say now that's not bad
19:26 Living healthy, wealthy, and wise
19:30 We rush right out to a busy day
19:33 My dad to work get me to play
19:36 But we're never too busy to stop and pray
19:40 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
19:44 Later in the day when dad just phones
19:47 Moms get pretty with her hair all combed
19:50 The fruits on the table, is most like home
19:54 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
19:58 We all preach and I get the dishes done
20:01 Then it's time for some splash of fun
20:04 Sometimes we read, sometimes we write
20:08 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
20:11 We finished our day with family prayer
20:15 Thanking God for the love we share
20:18 We say to each other how much we care
20:24 Living healthy, wealthy, and wise
20:36 Good boy, you're a Max.
20:37 Yes, very good boy.
20:39 Hi, boys and girls.
20:40 I'm just telling Maxwell, what a good boy he is.
20:43 You know, he loves to get all your cards
20:45 and letters too, don't you Max?
20:47 He's settle in there now,
20:48 because I'm sure he's gonna go right to sleep.
20:51 But right now, it's time for Ms. Brenda's book of the day.
20:55 And today's book is an exciting book called
20:58 "Curse Proof," by Eric B. Hare
21:00 and it's full of wonderful mission stories
21:02 you won't wanna miss it.
21:04 Curse Proof, by Eric B. Hare.
21:06 Well, today, I have some wonderful letters
21:09 I want to share with you and I'm trying to figure out
21:10 which one do I read to you first?
21:12 Because there are so many I want to share.
21:13 So I'm just gonna just open the first one
21:15 and let's see who it's from.
21:17 Now this one,
21:18 let's see doesn't tell me in the outside.
21:22 Oh, it's from St. Lucia, I read the stamp.
21:24 And here it is, it says, "Dear Ms. Brenda,
21:28 my name is Lavern, and I enjoy Kids Time program.
21:31 My favorite part is Praise Time.
21:33 I would like to have the Bible lessons please.
21:36 I watch my two cousins do it,
21:37 and I'm very interested.
21:39 I'm not an Adventist,
21:40 but I want to know more about Jesus.
21:42 And I want to go to church with my aunt.
21:45 I hope God answers my prayers so that one Saturday
21:49 I can see my mother in church too.
21:51 She was an Adventist before, so please pray for her.
21:54 I want her to close the rum shop and give her life to God.
21:58 From Lavern, please pray for Mom."
22:02 Well, we will pray for your mom.
22:03 Boys and girls, let's all pray for Lavern's mom
22:05 that she will give her heart to Jesus.
22:07 And Lavern, don't you give up,
22:09 you keep on praying, okay.
22:11 And be a witness to your mom around the house.
22:13 Let her know that Jesus lives in your heart, okay.
22:17 All right, we have another one here.
22:19 And this is from Carbondale, Illinois,
22:22 that's not very far from where Ms. Brenda's right now.
22:25 And this says, "Dear Miss Brenda,
22:27 my name is Nayim, and I hope I'm pronouncing that right,
22:30 it's And N-A-Y-I-M.
22:33 And I love the Lord and I really love the Bible.
22:37 I read it everyday and it says,
22:38 "And I pray and I give things for everything to God.
22:41 And I can't wait for God's second coming
22:44 and I can't wait to go to heaven.
22:45 I hope other kids love the Lord
22:47 and I hope they read their Bibles everyday, too.
22:50 I hope that all children will learn more about Jesus
22:53 and we'll be thankful for what He's done for them.
22:55 Oh, yeah, and I pray for you too,
22:57 Ms. Brenda, God bless you.
22:59 Love, your show and I love Kids Time.
23:02 Jesus is coming soon.
23:04 Love, Nayim." Well, Nayim,
23:06 thank you for that wonderful letter and yes I'm so glad
23:09 I can hear it in your letter that you love Jesus.
23:11 And I can't wait to be your neighbor in heaven soon.
23:14 I think, Jesus is coming soon,
23:15 don't you too, boys and girls?
23:17 All right, let's see, this one is from New Zealand.
23:22 And it said, "Dear Ms. Brenda, thank you for Kids Time.
23:26 We think it is so much fun, we love it.
23:28 Last September our church
23:29 ran a holiday program, just for kids.
23:32 And I shared Jesus by giving out the Kids Time website
23:36 and a set of the amazing adventure DVDs.
23:39 Love, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, and its says,
23:42 Maxwell's missing muffins,
23:44 it's lots of fun on your website, I love it.
23:46 Thank you, Elizabeth."
23:48 Well, do you know what Elizabeth is talking about?
23:50 She's been to the Kids Time website
23:52 and there's a special game on there.
23:54 If you go to
23:59 and click on Maxwell's picture.
24:01 You'll find lots of games there
24:03 and one of them is called Maxwell's missing muffins
24:06 and you're gonna love that too.
24:09 Let's see, there's one here,
24:10 that's from I think this is from Dominican,
24:13 I think I have a picture, I feel in here, I do,
24:16 let me just hold this picture up for you.
24:18 Says, "Dear Miss. Brenda, it say greetings to you,
24:21 in the name of Jesus my name is Irijhaneil.
24:24 And I am a student at the school here.
24:28 I'm also a member of the church.
24:31 I love to watch Kids Times and I enjoy the program
24:34 so much especially story time.
24:36 I would like to receive one of your Kids Time Bible lessons.
24:40 How could I go about obtaining them?
24:42 My hobbies are watching TV,
24:44 Kids Time and drawing and reading
24:46 and I'd like to be a pastor and the firefighter someday.
24:51 Love, and I cannot pronounce the name.
24:54 It's I-R-I-J-H-A-N-E-I-L. Irijhaneil, Irijhaneil,
25:01 I'm not quite sure. But, boys and girls,
25:03 when you write your-give me a way to sound
25:06 out your name and I'll try even harder, okay.
25:08 But thank you so much and I appreciate your picture
25:11 and keep sharing Jesus, won't you?
25:14 All right, I think I have time for another one.
25:16 This one is from Tanzania.
25:19 And let's see what's going on in Tanzania.
25:22 It's kind of, this letter opens from the side.
25:25 And I wonder if there's a picture inside of it.
25:27 Feels like there is and there is.
25:29 Let's hold this up for right here and here's a picture
25:32 of her name is Elise,
25:33 it's written on the back of the picture.
25:35 It says, "Dear Ms. Brenda, hi, my name is Elise,
25:38 and I am 12 years old.
25:39 And I just love Kids Time."
25:41 It says, "I share Jesus by telling my friends
25:44 about Him and sometimes I sing
25:46 and I used to give my clothes to orphans,
25:49 the ones that didn't fit me anymore.
25:52 Said, I would like to be a Kids Club's member
25:54 and receive your Bible lessons please.
25:57 If you want to call me, here's my phone number,
25:59 Elise." Well, thank you, Elise,
26:01 for your picture and your letter
26:02 and yes we'll get those lessons out
26:05 to you right away all the way in Tanzania.
26:08 Let's see there's another one here from the Philippines
26:11 and I think there's a picture in here too.
26:14 And yes, here it is.
26:16 And it says, "Dear Miss. Brenda,
26:18 how are you? My name is Tina,
26:20 and I'm 16 years old.
26:22 And it said, "And I love Kids Time.
26:23 I hope I'm not too old to join the club, please,
26:26 'cause I love your lessons."
26:28 It said, "Here's a picture of me.
26:30 Thank you for this wonderful show."
26:31 It says, "Can you please be a friend of mine in heaven."
26:36 You know what, I would love to do that.
26:39 Well, boys and girls, that's all the time we have today.
26:41 So until next time remember, its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17