Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000284
00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late. 00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time. 00:32 Hi, boys and girls. 00:33 I have been reading the news lately, 00:35 and it tells me that Jesus is coming soon to take us home. 00:39 Now, are the newspapers actually saying that? 00:42 Well, no, not in those exact words, 00:45 but all the things that Jesus said 00:47 would happen in the end times they're happening 00:50 just as He said they would. 00:51 And those things 00:53 are being reported in the newspapers. 00:55 So, we can know His coming really is near, 00:58 isn't that exciting. 01:00 Now, some of you may wonder, 01:01 how can I be ready for Jesus to come. 01:03 Well, it's really very simple, boys and girls. 01:06 All you have to do is pray to Jesus, 01:09 just like this, "Dear Jesus, 01:11 I give you my heart and my life. 01:13 Please change me and make me more like You, 01:16 so I can be ready when You come." 01:18 Now, I promise you boys and girls 01:20 when you pray that prayer, Jesus does hear and answer. 01:24 So, how does that happen? 01:26 Well, Jesus changes you. 01:28 That's right! Jesus does it. 01:30 But, how can you know it's actually happening? 01:33 Well, here is the secret. 01:35 One of the signs that Jesus is changing you 01:38 is that you started to feel very, very sorry 01:41 for the things you've done wrong. 01:42 You'll ask Jesus to forgive you, 01:44 and you want to say, I'm sorry to everyone 01:47 that you've done something wrong to. 01:49 That's exactly what happened 01:51 to the man in our Bible story today. 01:52 We'll meet him in just a little bit. 01:54 But, first let's see what Ranger Dwight is going 01:57 to show us on Nature Time. 02:06 Wow, Kids this is quite a walk almost 02:09 two and a quarter miles on this thing. 02:11 Have you learned anything? 02:12 Yes. I have learned an awful lot of stuff. 02:15 Now, I have a question for you, 02:17 I want to see if you know, we've been walking around this lake. 02:19 Who knows what lake this is? 02:21 I know. What is it? 02:22 Lake Chelan Barge 02:24 Chelan Barge, You got it. 02:25 You kids are great. 02:27 Hi, kids welcome to Nature Time. 02:29 I want to introduce you to 02:30 some of our Kids Time friends today. 02:33 How're you doing kids? 02:34 Pretty good. Good. 02:35 It's been a long walk, hasn't it? 02:36 Yes. Okay now. 02:39 You know, we're here amongst lots of trees 02:41 and we're walking different 02:42 kind of trees, Hardwood. 02:43 We're in some Pine trees right now. 02:46 Now, Ranger Dwight, I've got a question. 02:48 What type of forest is this? 02:50 Well, I could say it's a green forest. 02:53 Well, really it is green, 02:54 at least in the summer times, isn't it? 02:55 But we're gonna talk about that. 02:57 You know, we're right by the lake right now, 03:00 and the trees we've been walking by right now 03:03 is this tree right here. 03:04 I wanna just grab a little branch off here, maybe. 03:09 Now, I want you to smell that. 03:11 What's that smell like to you? Can you tell? 03:16 Umm, that smells good. That smells good, doesn't it? 03:19 That, there is a Cedar tree. 03:21 Now, you know, the Bible talks about Cedar trees. 03:24 You know, the Bible says, that you're like a Cedar, 03:27 you know what, Cedar is big and strong, 03:29 now I'm gonna tell you something about Cedar tree. 03:31 In fact before I do, I wanna show you this. 03:33 Can you tell that there's difference 03:34 between those two needles? 03:36 Yeah. Isn't that something. 03:38 Now, that's one way we can tell 03:41 the different types of trees and every tree 03:43 has this specific purpose. 03:46 Okay, now the Cedar tree that I'm gonna talk about 03:49 has a neat thing that no other tree has. 03:52 You know, the Cedar tree will last almost longer 03:54 than any other tree. 03:55 Do you know when they built log cabins 03:58 and when they have decks and all this kind of stuff. 04:01 I got a log cabin. 04:02 And I got my deck made out of Cedar wood, 04:05 you know why, do you have a guess. Why do you think? 04:08 Hardwoods are strongest. 04:10 It's not the strongest. 04:11 That's a good thought. 04:12 You know, Hardwoods are stronger than Pine trees. 04:15 But a Cedar tree, I think, 04:17 it's because it's out here it will last and last. 04:20 Other tree even Oak tree will rot not a Cedar tree. 04:24 Same with the Redwood, 04:25 but we don't have any Redwood here that's on California. 04:28 But here, a Cedar tree is tremendous. 04:30 Now, kids I wanna share object lesson with you. 04:33 You know, I live in Montana for quite a few years, 04:36 and it snowed up to five feet, you know what. 04:38 How tall are you? 04:40 Four. So, you're about four foot. 04:42 And it was five foot on the level in the winter time. 04:46 And when it snowed, it snowed a lot. 04:48 We've all Pine trees out there in Montana. 04:50 And I was looking to Pine trees one day 04:53 and all the bowers of Pine trees kind of go up. 04:56 And I thought they are so beautiful, 04:59 but this one morning I was sitting 05:02 in my living room looking at all the snow come down 05:04 and as the snow built and built, 05:06 the Pine trees started 05:08 going down and down the bowers, 05:11 but the more they went down the prettier 05:13 those trees became and you know 05:15 the object lesson of that. 05:16 The snow was what color? 05:18 White White. And the Pine trees are? 05:21 Green. Green. And-- the Pine trees bowers 05:23 were up but when the snow got they went down, 05:25 and you know, the Lord taught me a lesson. 05:28 He taught me this, kids that when Jesus 05:32 is surrounding us, when we allow Him to shine through us, 05:37 we became purer not because of ourselves, 05:39 but because of Christ, 05:40 and He talks about being whiter than what? 05:42 Snow. Snow. And so that guess, 05:44 snow that was on those Pine trees was bowing it down 05:47 it was like they were very humble. 05:48 But let me tell you it look more beautiful 05:51 than that tree by itself. 05:52 Now, we're gonna talk about 05:54 another Pine tree in just a minute. 05:56 It's a Tamarack tree. 05:57 It's the only tree, Pine tree that loses its needles 06:02 in the winter time. All the rest of them stay green. 06:04 Isn't that gonna be cool? You wanna see that? 06:06 Yes. Kids, nature's got second book. 06:10 Get out there and take a look. Are you ready, kids? 06:13 Yes. Let's go find that Tamarack tree. 06:15 This is gonna be neat. You'll love this tree. 06:43 I'm satisfied with just a cottage below 06:49 A little silver and a little gold 06:55 But in that city where the ransomed will shine 07:00 I want a gold one that's silver lined 07:06 I've got a mansion just over the hilltop 07:12 In that bright land where we'll never grow old 07:18 And some day yonder we will never more wander 07:24 And walk on the streets made of purest gold 07:52 I've got a mansion just over the hilltop 07:57 In that bright land where we'll never grow old 08:03 And some day yonder we will never more wander 08:09 And walk on the streets made of purest gold 08:26 Welcome to Learning Time. 08:28 I'm glad you've joined us today. 08:29 You might wanna go to the kitchen 08:31 or your grocery cupboard and get some rice 08:33 'cause we're gonna have a rice experiment. 08:36 How about that? Do you like rice? 08:38 Yes. You know what, Maxwell, 08:40 do you think Maxwell would like rice? 08:43 Yeah. No. I know dogs like rice. 08:46 Hey, we've got a lot of helpers here today. 08:48 And we're gonna start off here with Simon. 08:51 Now, Simon, what do you wanna be when you grow up? 08:55 Daddy. You wanna be a daddy. 08:57 Yeah, that's a good thing you wanna be. 08:59 Yeah, you've got a nice daddy, don't you. 09:01 Yeah, and Holly, what is one of your favorite hobbies 09:04 or things that you like to do? 09:07 I like to read and I also love water sports. 09:12 Oh! That's a good thing. 09:14 How many of you like to read? 09:16 Oh! Reading is very, very important. 09:18 And Joshua, do you have a favorite animal? 09:22 Yes. Which one? I like the tiger. 09:25 Tiger, why a tiger? 09:26 I like the tiger because like the stripes, 09:29 like black or an orange or black and white whatever. 09:34 I just like it 'cause it's so organize 09:36 and like the stripes are in its place. 09:39 It is and it's a great camouflage, isn't it. 09:41 Yes. Hey, let's get our helpers up here. 09:43 And I want them behind the table, 09:44 and do we have something that they need to put on? 09:47 Safety glasses. Let's put our safety glasses on. 09:51 I'm gonna put them on to because 09:52 we have some very sharp things over here. 09:55 And we have some pieces of bamboo 09:57 and we call this what? 09:58 What are these? We have a name for them. 09:59 Skewers. They're skewers, aren't they? 10:02 Yes. Yeah. So, we're gonna try to do something interesting. 10:05 Now, we have some containers and those containers 10:07 have rice that we all love to eat. 10:09 And that's a very good food by the way. 10:11 And so here, Simon, why don't you try this. 10:13 Let's take this container. 10:14 Can you put your skewer in there? 10:16 Do you think Simon, can pick up the entire container 10:19 and the rice as he pulls up on his skewer. 10:23 Do you think he can do that? 10:24 No. Give it a try, pull it up. 10:26 Check it out. It didn't work, did it? 10:29 No. No. Well, I'll tell you what, 10:31 let's try something different. 10:32 We've got another container right here. 10:34 Now, why don't you try yours? 10:35 Now, that is a different container, 10:37 different shaped container. 10:38 It's a bottle with rice in it and give it a pull up 10:41 and see what if it's going to. Did it work? 10:45 No, I wonder what's wrong. 10:47 Can you figure out what's wrong? 10:50 The rice isn't strong enough to hold it down. 10:53 That's right, the rice isn't strong enough. 10:55 Now that, you haven't tried yet, have you. 10:57 Okay. Well, here I'll tell you, 10:58 you can either try this one or you can try that one. 11:00 Which one would you like to try? 11:02 Okay, give it a try, here we go. 11:03 He's gonna stuff it down in there. 11:05 All of those little rice kernels are setting 11:07 and it's not working either. 11:10 Do you think it's possible? 11:11 Yes. How many of you think it's possible? 11:14 Well, I'll tell you, I've got another container. 11:15 You know, does mine looks like yours? 11:17 No. What! This doesn't look like that one. 11:22 Well, yeah. Yeah. 11:24 I think-same like that one. 11:26 Now, I'm gonna take my little skewer 11:28 right here and I'm gonna put it right inside 11:30 because it's full of rice. 11:32 Theirs was full of rice too. 11:33 I'm ready to pull up. Are you ready? 11:36 Yes. All right. How about a countdown here? 11:38 Three, two, one, let's pull it up and. 11:43 Wow! Oh my. Now, how, can you explain that? 11:50 What do you think happened? What's going on? 11:51 Isn't that rice in there? 11:54 Yeah. I think like the rice is so tight, 11:56 like it's like all bunched up together 11:59 when you stick it in there. 12:00 It doesn't wanna come out. 12:01 That's exactly right. 12:03 Give him a nice hand. 12:07 It's so tight in there, you know, 12:09 the rice reminds me of people because there's lots of rice 12:13 in there, there's about seven billion people living 12:15 on planet earth right now. 12:17 You know, do you think that Jesus 12:18 wants to save all of them to live with Him forever? 12:21 Yes. That's right. 12:23 That's what He wants to do but, you know what, 12:25 it's just like this, if you go like that put it in there 12:27 and if the rice represents people and, you know what, 12:30 a lot of people just don't want to go to heaven, 12:32 because they don't know about Jesus, 12:34 they haven't heard about Him. 12:36 But, you know what, our job as Christians 12:38 is to give them information right, 12:41 to share Jesus with them. 12:42 And so I'm gonna push down on my rice. 12:45 I'm gonna push it down. We're gonna pack it in. 12:47 It's just like putting the love of Jesus 12:50 into their hearts if they don't know Him and then, 12:52 we're gonna pull it up. Are you ready to pull this thing up? 12:55 Yes. Okay, pull it right on up. 12:57 Pull it up. Wow! Look at that. 12:59 Give him a good hand. 13:01 And you can set it on down. 13:03 Wow! I don't know about you, 13:04 but I wanna share Jesus with others, 13:06 so that Jesus can share His love with them 13:10 and He will save all of them for His kingdom. 13:12 Isn't that a good idea? 13:13 Yes. And you know when we learn more 13:16 about science, we learn more about our Creator, God. 13:33 God. Excuse me. Isn't that Saul? 13:44 You mean Saul, the one that persecuted 13:47 all of those followers of Jesus in Jerusalem here. 13:50 Yes. I believe that's him, that's him. 13:53 Are you sure? Yes, that's him. 13:55 Oh, I think he doesn't recognize us. 13:58 Sir. Yes. What is your name? 14:01 My name is Barnabas. 14:03 Barnabas. My name is Saul. 14:06 Saul. I've heard that name. 14:09 Are you a believer in Jesus? 14:11 I am a follower of Jesus, yes. 14:13 Could you take me to see Peter? 14:17 Why? I want to see Peter 14:20 and to confess to him, 14:21 how sorry I am for persecuting God's believers. 14:25 How do I know you've changed? 14:29 I have changed. I too believe. 14:31 Jesus has spoken to me. 14:32 I have heard His voice. 14:34 He has opened my eyes, 14:37 and I want to tell Peter 14:38 that I am now a believer. 14:40 Come with me, please. 14:50 For God so loved the world, 14:52 that He gave His only begotten Son, 14:55 what this is mean and what is referring 14:57 to is where Jesus died on the cross. 15:00 Excuse me, let me see who's at the door. 15:04 Barnabas, my friend. 15:06 Good to see you. 15:08 Come in. Come in. 15:10 Thank you, thank you. 15:13 Why have you brought Saul here? 15:15 Wait, wait. Listen, he's a different man. 15:18 No, no. He had my 15:20 elderly parents killed. 15:23 He put them to death. 15:24 And about Steven. 15:27 He is no longer a persecutor. 15:30 He wants to meet with you. 15:31 He wants to tell his story. 15:33 Please, let him speak. 15:37 Good people, I come in peace. 15:41 Can you forgive me for the evil 15:44 and the wrong that I have done? 15:48 I am so sorry for the pain I have caused you. 15:54 Your parents, your loved ones, your family members, 16:01 God I have asked for forgiveness and now, 16:04 I ask forgiveness from you. 16:08 I am a changed man. 16:11 God has taken the hatred from my heart 16:15 and He has replaced it with His love. 16:20 Can you forgive me for what I have done? 16:25 Listen, we've all sinned. 16:28 The only way we can forgive Saul, 16:31 is by letting God's love and His forgiveness 16:34 flow through us to him. 16:37 We can't do it on our own. 16:39 Remember, God so loved the world 16:44 that He gave His only Son, Jesus, 16:46 that whoever believes will not perish, 16:51 but have everlasting lives. 16:54 I cannot change the past, 16:57 but I vow this day to never repeat it. 17:02 I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, 17:06 and I want to proclaim His message to everyone 17:10 who will hear the good news 17:12 of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 17:14 I forgive you, Saul. 17:16 I forgive you. I forgive you too. 17:22 God bless you. 17:24 I forgive you. And God bless you. 17:26 I am so sorry. 17:30 Come, we must, we must embrace him, 17:33 he's our brother now. 17:35 Amen, that's right. 17:39 Praise God for the power of Jesus. 17:42 Thank God. God be with all of you. 17:44 God bless you. 17:45 God give you His peace. 17:46 God grant you His forgiveness and may He deliver. 17:50 Praise the Lord. Amen. 18:03 Paul who had been called to tell people about Jesus 18:06 wrote a letter to the church in Corinth. 18:08 He told them that just as Jesus loves everyone, 18:11 no matter who they were, 18:13 He gives us His Spirit that we may be one in agreement 18:16 and love for each other. 18:18 He wrote in First Corinthians 12:13, 18:21 "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, 18:25 whether Jews or Greeks, whether slave or free; 18:28 and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." 18:32 I am the church, you are the church 18:36 We are the church together. 18:40 All who follow Jesus all around the world 18:44 Yes, we're the church together 18:49 The church is not a building, 18:51 The church is not a steeple 18:53 The church is not a resting place, 18:56 The church is a people 18:59 And when the people gather 19:01 There's singing and there's praying 19:03 There's laughing and There's crying sometimes 19:06 And All of it saying 19:09 I am the church, you are the church 19:14 We are the church together 19:18 All who follow Jesus all around the world 19:21 Yes, we're the church together 19:26 We're many kinds of people 19:29 With many kinds of faces 19:32 All colors and all ages, too 19:34 From all times and places 19:36 I count if I am ninety 19:39 Or nine or just a baby 19:42 There's one thing that I'm sure about 19:45 And I don't mean maybe 19:49 I am the church, you are the church 19:54 We are the church together 19:58 All who follow Jesus all around the world 20:02 Yes, we're the church together, 20:06 Yes, we're the church together 20:22 What you're doing, you're getting all comfortable 20:23 this time for Sharing Time. 20:25 Hi, boys and girls. 20:26 I was trying to get Max to stand up for you, 20:28 but he looks like he's getting ready to sleep again. 20:31 Well, right now, it's time for Ms. Brenda's book of the day. 20:35 And today's book is an exciting 20:37 book called Fire in the Gates. 20:39 It's by Thurman C. Petty Jr. and it's all about Jeremiah, 20:43 Nebuchadnezzar and all of big huge war 20:46 and a big army down here lots of fire. 20:49 You're gonna want to read 20:51 this book called Fire in the Gates. 20:54 Well, right now, Ms. Brenda, 20:56 has a special guest to introduce you to, 20:58 but he's not sitting here 20:59 in the couch with me in the studio, no. 21:02 He is a missionary and he lives far, far away right now. 21:07 Let's see if He is on the phone right now with me. 21:09 J.D, are you there? 21:10 This is Ms. Brenda from Kids Time. 21:14 Can you hear me J.D? 21:16 Hi, Ms Brenda, how are you? 21:17 I am doing good. 21:18 You sound like you're a long way away. 21:21 I'm so excited. 21:22 You're a missionary, aren't you? 21:25 Yes. Now, you live here in the United States, 21:27 but where are you a missionary at right now? 21:31 I'm a missionary in Taiwan. 21:34 You're a missionary in Taiwan. 21:37 And tell me what do you do to share Jesus in Taiwan? 21:42 I help my daddy sing songs at the church. 21:45 And when I go to the park, I told the kids, yeah I feel, 21:50 I know what it means, 21:51 Jesus loves you and I am learning more 21:57 Chinese to tell the kids more about Jesus. 22:02 Oh, so you're learning even more Chinese, 22:05 that is wonderful. 22:06 And I would love you to come to Kids Time 22:10 some time and tell me all about it and bring 22:12 some pictures to show me. 22:14 Do you think you could do that? 22:16 Yes. Would you like that? 22:18 I'd love to. Oh, J.D, I think that'd be wonderful. 22:22 So, let's plan new ticket when you get back 22:25 from being a missionary, you come on Kids Time 22:27 and tell me all about it, all right. 22:29 You got it. Okay. 22:32 Love you J.D. Keeps sharing Jesus, all right. 22:35 All right, bye, bye now. 22:38 Bye, bye now. Oh! Wasn't that precious. 22:42 Look, Maxwell, you missed J.D's phone call. 22:45 He is sound asleep again. 22:48 Well, boys and girls, I loved getting all your letters. 22:52 And today, I have a letter from Reilly from Canada, 22:56 and let's see what Reilly has to say. 22:58 And I'm glad you sent me a picture. 23:00 Boys and girls, I love it when you send me the picture 23:02 and I can see what you looked like and get it open here. 23:06 And let's see, we got a picture here. 23:08 And what a handsome boy you are, Reilly. 23:11 It says, "Dear Ms. Brenda, 23:13 I am ten years old and I love Kids Time." 23:16 It said, "Please send me the Activity Book 23:19 and also sign me up for Kids Club lessons. 23:21 I wanted to ask you if you had Kids Time 23:26 in other languages. 23:28 If so not, I think you should because 23:30 they need to learn more about Jesus too. 23:32 Sincerely, Reilly." Well, you know, you're right, 23:35 Reilly that Kids Time I don't think it's in other languages, 23:38 but I do think sometimes they subtitle, 23:41 so maybe that's one thing that 23:43 we should pray about it, isn't it. 23:44 May be that will be added to our program. 23:47 This one is from Papua New Guinea. 23:50 And let's see, there's some. 23:51 Look at this envelope, boys and girls. 23:53 Isn't that not awesome, 23:55 all those stamps all over the place. 23:57 Okay, let's see, Dear Ms. Brenda, 24:00 and this one's from Melisa. 24:02 It said, "My name is Melisa and I'm 14, 24:05 and I've come from Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific. 24:08 I love watching Kids Time and I share Jesus 24:11 by signing my friends up for Kids Time Club Bible lessons." 24:14 And it said, "I think that's a wonderful 24:16 way to share Jesus. 24:18 And I also love to learn more about our Creator 24:21 and the Son of God. 24:22 I decided to write and ask you for those lessons, 24:25 so I could learn more too. 24:26 Yours truly, Melisa." 24:28 Well, Melisa, thank you for writing 24:29 and we will get you signed up for those lessons, okay. 24:32 All right, we have another one right over 24:34 here from Richmond, Virginia 24:36 and let's see who's writing from Richmond, Virginia. 24:39 It says, "Dear Ms. Brenda, I'd like to share Jesus 24:42 by sharing with others and I also give 24:45 food and crafts to people when they are sick. 24:48 I love to paint pictures and cards for people too. 24:51 And I have a lot of fun making those cards. 24:53 Can I please sign up for Kids Club, love, Emma." 24:56 Yes, Emma, you can sign up for Kids Club 24:58 and you're never too old 25:00 or too young to sign up for Kids Club. 25:03 Let's see I'm just gonna feel around 25:05 my basket over here and let's see, 25:06 there's one here from Nassau, Bahamas. 25:10 Let's see what we have over here. 25:12 And this one says, "Dear Ms. Brenda, 25:15 I've always dream of coming to Kids Time 25:18 since I love to watch Kids Time on weekends, 25:21 and I know that your show is just for kids, 25:23 but I think everybody loves it. 25:25 It say, I like to watch you and your sister's cook too. 25:28 I like to watch the Nature Time 25:30 and I love singing and well, I like everything, 25:33 but mostly I just like your show 25:35 about how much you worship God." 25:38 It said, "Have a nice day, your friend, Timon." 25:41 And so, Timon, thank you for your letter 25:43 all the way over in Nassau, Bahamas. 25:44 Ms. Brenda's actually been to Nassau on many times, 25:47 and I love it over there. 25:50 Let's see we have another over here from Nassau, 25:52 so I'll try to get a different country. 25:53 This one is from Ontario, Oregon. 25:57 Let's see what this one's from. 25:58 And it says, "Dear Ms. Brenda, 26:00 please enroll me in Kids Club, please. 26:02 My name is Tenessa and my brother's name is Tyler. 26:06 We both love Jesus. 26:07 He is our best friend. 26:09 We always watch Kids Time. 26:10 I love Kids Time and I learn more about Jesus, 26:14 love, Tenessa." 26:16 Well, Tenessa, thank you so much for sending that. 26:19 I wanna thank you, boys and girls, 26:21 for all your cards and letters. 26:22 I love hearing from you. 26:24 I really, really love when you write and tell me 26:26 what you do to share Jesus. 26:28 So, can you do that? 26:29 I would love to hear from you and also, 26:32 I want to encourage you to witness everywhere you go, 26:34 you know, do something special to share Jesus 26:37 and then write and tell me about it. 26:38 And don't forget to send your photograph. 26:40 It's all the time today. 26:42 Remember, it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17