Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000283
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're gonna be late
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time, Kids' Time 00:31 Hi, boy and girls. 00:33 Imagine there is a very famous man 00:35 that you've been hearing about on TV. 00:37 And he is going around saying 00:38 that a certain group of people is dangerous, 00:40 and they're causing all the problems in the world. 00:43 He is very convincing 00:45 and everyone starts to believe him 00:47 even though it makes no sense at all to think 00:49 that one group causes all the problems in the world. 00:52 They go around chanting, 00:53 "Down with a group, down with a group." 00:55 After a while you start to join in too. 00:58 So you're yelling down with a group, down with a group. 01:01 And then one day that man discovers 01:03 that he has been wrong about the group. 01:05 They are not causing all the problems in the world. 01:08 In fact they have the solution 01:10 to all the problems in the world. 01:11 So he goes on TV and says, 01:13 "I was wrong, that group is right. 01:15 I'm gonna join them." 01:17 Now how would that make you feel boys and girls? 01:20 Would you feel little bit confused? 01:22 I know I would. 01:23 And then I'd have to wonder, 01:25 "Hmm, maybe he's right." 01:28 Well, this very thing happened to our man 01:30 in our Bible story today. 01:32 Only he didn't make his announcement 01:34 on TV or in the news. 01:35 He went straight to the most powerful people 01:38 in the village and told them face to face. 01:41 What do you think happened next? 01:42 Well, you'll find out in our exciting Bible story today. 01:46 But first let's get ready for-- 01:49 let's see if Max is ready. Is Max ready? 01:52 No, Max isn't ready either. 01:55 So let's not miss Nature Time. 02:04 Welcome to Nature Time. 02:05 We're here at Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek, Michigan. 02:08 I'm standing up here in the stage. 02:10 I was just watching a show 02:12 and all these different kinds of animals. 02:14 And, Alex, you were the host of that show. 02:16 It was tremendous. 02:17 Well, thank you, Ranger Dwight. 02:19 We try to do our best 02:20 here at the wildlife discovery theater 02:21 here at Binder Park Zoo. 02:23 And we teach all of the kids, 02:24 all their parents about all the very cool animals 02:27 that live here on earth. 02:29 Well, I thought it was awesome. 02:30 And I see you've got a-- looks like some kind of hawk. 02:32 What kind of a hawk is this? 02:33 That's right. This is a Harris's Hawk. 02:35 I heard not a Harris, but the Harris's. 02:37 A Harris's Hawk, yes. Okay. 02:38 And her name is Anasazi. 02:40 Anasazi, that's a big name kids. 02:43 Yes, it is. 02:44 And she lives actually down in the deserts 02:47 of the Southwestern United States. 02:48 Oh, wow. 02:50 So down in Texas and New Mexico and Arizona. 02:54 Now, now I am looking at-- I see you've got this glove on. 02:58 There's got to be good purpose, 02:59 because I see some sharp talons there. 03:00 Well, they're, they are indeed dreaded away. 03:02 She has really sharp talons. 03:04 And so whenever we work with her, 03:06 we need to wear a very thick leather glove 03:08 just for our protection, 03:09 because even is she wasn't trying to hurt us, 03:11 she could still give us a pretty nasty pinch 03:13 with those very sharp talons. 03:15 I bet--I bet that's where they catch their food, right? 03:17 That's right-- Now, what kind of food? 03:19 They eat all sorts of food. 03:21 Pretty much whatever they can find, 03:23 snakes, lizards, ground squirrels, 03:25 mice, and rats, 03:27 anything running out down in the desert down. 03:29 Now, how long do they live? 03:31 These guys--most birds will live a long time. 03:34 They live up to 30 may be even 40 years. 03:36 That's a long time. 03:38 Now, kids, there is something really special that 03:40 I was learning about this Harris's Hawk, 03:42 and I want Alex to tell you. 03:43 You said they are quite 03:45 a family bird which is different. 03:47 Yes, it is. It's very unusual amongst the hawks and eagles. 03:50 They are actually a family bird. 03:52 They will raise their young 03:53 and then they'll live together in a family group. 03:56 And their young will actually help 03:57 raise the chicks from the next years. 04:00 So they can even have grandparents. 04:02 Yes, they can. That's cool. 04:03 And then working together like that you said 04:06 that they have this-- how they harness a cool thing. 04:08 Absolutely. This is cool, kids. 04:10 Harris's Hawks have discovered 04:12 how valuable team work can be. 04:14 So they'll actually hunt together, 04:16 and then share their food. 04:17 Wow, now there is just-- you called that 04:20 like a bumper car or stack up what? That's right. 04:22 It's called stacking 04:24 and it is totally unique to Harris's Hawks. 04:26 What they'll do is Anasazi here 04:28 would be perched on top of a telephone pole or a cactus. 04:31 And another Harris's Hawk, 04:32 someone in her family would come 04:34 and land right on top of her shoulders. 04:36 Wow. That's right. 04:37 And then another bird will land on top of that. 04:39 And they'd all be looking out in different directions, 04:42 looking for something tasty to eat. 04:43 That is so amazing. 04:45 You know, kids, that reminds me 04:46 that we need to work together as families. 04:49 Jesus wants us to do that. 04:51 Now you have another bird too, 04:52 right that you were gonna show us? 04:53 Oh, I certainly do, but before we bring him out, 04:55 I wanna show you kids something really cool. 04:58 Well let see if we can get Anasazi 05:00 to fly back over her perch here. 05:02 This is gonna be neat. 05:03 I haven't seen this yet, kids. 05:05 What do you think, can you go up there? 05:07 Wow, that is so cool. 05:10 So now what other kind of bird have you got? 05:12 This other bird is a little bit different from Anasazi. 05:17 This is Pedro. Pedro. 05:19 And Pedro is an African grey parrot. 05:22 So it's a parrot. 05:23 And you know, kids, parrots usually can talk or mimic, 05:26 is that correct? That's right. 05:28 They can say all sorts of different things, 05:29 but generally they mimic sounds. 05:31 They don't really understand what they are saying. 05:33 Uh-huh, so can it mimic a sound now? He can. 05:37 Let's see if we can get something from him, Pedro. 05:39 What do you think? 05:42 Did you hear that, kids? That's cool. Oh, wow. 05:45 What do you think? Pedro, can I have a nice kiss. 05:48 Well, thank you very much. 05:49 Wow. So how long do parrots live? 05:51 Well, parrots can live up to about a 100 years. 05:55 Longer than me probably. 05:56 Now these can be good pets. They can. 05:59 These can make very good pets. 06:00 But you have to remember they are very, very smart. 06:03 So they take a lot of attention. 06:04 Wow, well, kids, you know something. 06:08 This parrot mimics. You said, Alex, it mimics. 06:11 It really doesn't understand 06:13 if you're saying hi or whistling. 06:14 It just mimics. That's right. 06:16 Well, kids, you know what? 06:18 The only one that we should mimic is Jesus, right? 06:21 Nature has got second book, 06:23 so get out there and take a look. 06:37 In moments like these I sing out a song 06:43 I sing out a love song to Jesus 06:49 In moments like these I lift up my hands 06:55 I lift up my hands to the Lord 07:00 Singing I love You, Lord 07:06 Singing I love You, Lord 07:12 Singing I love You, Lord 07:19 I love You 07:47 Singing I love You, Lord 07:53 Singing I love You, Lord 07:59 Singing I love You, Lord 08:06 I love You 08:12 In moments like these I sing out a song 08:18 I sing out a love song to Jesus 08:24 In moments like these I lift up my hands 08:30 I lift up my hands to the Lord 08:36 Singing I love You, Lord 08:42 Singing I love You, Lord 08:48 Singing I love You, Lord 08:55 I love You 09:10 Welcome to Learning Time. Glad you join us today. 09:13 By the looks of things on the table, 09:15 looks like we're gonna have some fire, 09:16 doesn't it? Yeah. 09:19 It's for that reason that you can't do 09:21 this experiment at home, 09:22 but we're gonna learn a lot about fire. 09:25 And I've got a lot of helpers here today. 09:26 Now, Noah, what's one of your foods 09:29 that you like to cook 09:30 while you're camping? Pancakes. 09:32 Pancake, woo that sounds good to me. 09:34 And, Ethan, what do you like to do 09:37 when you're camping? Fish and stuff. 09:41 Hey, that's a lot of fun, isn't it? 09:43 And, Catherine, where do you like to camp? In the woods. 09:47 In the woods, that's a fun place to camp. 09:49 Hey, why don't you helpers come on up here 09:51 and we've got some safety glasses for everyone. 09:53 Now we're using fire 09:55 so we ought to use what? Safety glasses. 09:58 We ought to use safety glasses. 09:59 Grab a pair of those, right here, 10:01 and let's put them right on your face. 10:03 There we go, cool. 10:04 Now fire is a very interesting thing. 10:06 Fire is our friend, 10:08 and also fire can be our enemy, right? Yeah. 10:10 Yeah, have you ever been burnt 10:12 like burnt your finger or something? Yeah. 10:15 So we don't want to get burn today, 10:17 but you've to stand back just a little bit, 10:18 so we don't move the table. 10:19 I'm gonna take a match, and I'm gonna light it. 10:21 And my match box is closed. 10:22 That's very important 10:24 and you shouldn't have matches by yourself. 10:25 You should be with your parents, 10:27 your teachers, or your guardians 10:28 because matches can be a real problem for us. 10:31 So I'm gonna ahead and light my match. 10:32 We're gonna light our little candle right here. 10:35 Now in order for that candle to keep burning, 10:37 there is three things that a candle needs 10:39 or that a fire needs. 10:41 Oh, let's see. 10:43 How about air, you think air? Yes. 10:44 Air is one of those things? 10:46 Yeah, you and I need air too. 10:47 So let's see what we got here. 10:49 Now, Ethan, can you take this jar? 10:51 And I'll kinda help you. 10:52 Okay, let's turn it upside down. 10:53 Can you come closer right over here? 10:55 We're gonna put the jar right over the candle. 10:56 We're gonna take away one of the three things 10:59 that a fire needs and that is what? Air. 11:02 Air, oxygen. Let's put it right on top. 11:04 Okay, move closer, come on. 11:05 We're gonna put right on top. 11:07 I'll help you, come on up here. 11:08 Put it right up here. 11:09 All right, there you go. 11:11 We want to put it right on top of here. 11:12 Okay, let go, let go of it, let go of it. 11:14 Is that candle going to run out of air? Yeah. 11:18 That's right. The flame needs oxygen in order to burn. 11:21 And pretty soon the flame is gonna go 11:22 dimmer and dimmer and dimmer. 11:25 Is it getting dimmer? Yeah. 11:27 Right now, it's using up the oxygen inside 11:29 and pretty soon it's just going to go out. 11:31 Oh, it's really getting dimmer now. 11:33 Wow, well, that's just one of the things that we need. 11:35 A fire needs to have what? Air. 11:38 Air. You know, another thing that fire needs is fuel. 11:43 A fire needs something to burn, doesn't it? Yeah. 11:46 What do you burn? 11:47 Do you burn--do you take in any food everyday? 11:49 What do you burn? I burn marshmallows. 11:52 You burn marshmallows. 11:54 And you know, we've taken food, don't we? 11:56 And the food is our fuel. 11:57 Hey, did the flame go out? Yeah. 11:59 I tell you what, I'm gonna take this off here. 12:01 And we're gonna light that back up again. 12:02 Now what we're gonna do is 12:04 we're gonna take away the fuel. 12:06 The fuel for a candle happens to be the wax. 12:10 But you know what, the wax doesn't burn. 12:12 The wax actually has to turn into a vapor 12:14 and then it burn, okay? 12:15 Come on, light candle. 12:17 Sometimes fires are hard to start aren't they? 12:18 Okay, there we go. 12:20 Now what we're gonna do right now 12:21 is we're gonna take away the fuel. 12:23 So here is what we're gonna do. 12:24 Oh, let's see. Here we go. 12:26 You wanna check this out, Noah? 12:28 Now grab a hold of this. 12:29 We're gonna put that right at the base of the flame. 12:31 We're gonna make sure that it doesn't get any wax. 12:33 So we're gonna put it right there. 12:34 That's right, we'll put it in further 12:36 and further and further just about like that 12:37 we're gonna take away some of that wax 12:40 so that it can't burn. 12:41 We're gonna try to see what we can do. 12:43 We've got the--got a lot of air moving around here. 12:46 And look, look its getting dimmer, dimmer, 12:48 and dimmer and it's kind of-- Out. 12:51 And its out, okay, you can take that away. 12:53 So we took the fuel away. 12:54 When we take the fuel away and the air, 12:56 what happens? It goes out. 12:58 It goes out. Here, let's try one last thing. 13:00 Let's light this back again. 13:02 Now what we're gonna do is 13:03 we're going to take away the heat. 13:06 If you'll take heat away from a fire, 13:08 do you think it can stay burning? No. 13:10 No because sometimes, we put what? 13:12 We put water on a fire. 13:14 So that's what we're gonna do. 13:15 Do you wanna grab and hold this, 13:16 and I'll help you. 13:18 We're gonna put this. 13:19 Can you move a little closer? Can you move a little closer? 13:21 Can you move around here? 13:22 And we're just gonna try to take the heat 13:23 away by putting that little coil right 13:26 on top of there and look we took 13:28 the heat away from the flame. 13:29 And what's happening to our flame? 13:32 This is going out. 13:33 It went out. So we need all three things. 13:36 You know that reminds me of something. 13:38 Do you know what that you and I need 13:39 three things for our lives, don't we? Yeah. 13:42 That's right, we need exercise keeps us strong. 13:44 We need what? We need spiritual help, don't we? 13:47 Yeah. That's right. 13:49 And what's another thing that we need? Water. 13:51 Air. Food. 13:54 You need food too, don't we? 13:55 We need all three of those things 13:57 and it keeps us strong for Jesus. 13:59 And we can Him with others. 14:01 You know, every time we learn more about science, 14:04 we learn more about our Creator, God. 14:20 Brother Ananias. We're glad to see you. 14:22 I cannot believe we're once again 14:25 in your home with Brother Saul. 14:29 I never thought I'll be saying Brother Saul. 14:33 The power of Jesus is amazing. 14:36 We're so thrilled-- 14:38 we're so thrilled to have you all here. 14:40 And so thrilled to hear what Saul has to say 14:43 about what the Lord has been doing in his life. 14:44 Isn't it a miracle, I mean, here we were in Jerusalem 14:48 running away from this man. Yeah, that's right. 14:50 And now we're in Damascus breaking bread with Him. 14:53 Only God can perform such a miracle. Yes. 14:55 I'm so sorry for the evil that I have done 14:58 and the persecution that I brought upon God's believers. 15:02 God has forgiven you. We have forgiven you. 15:05 We have forgiven you. Yes. 15:06 Thank you, God is good. Amen. Amen. 15:09 Let's have the blessing. 15:11 Dear, heavenly Father, thank you 15:13 for bringing this body of believers here. 15:15 Thank you for Saul. 15:16 Thank for what You've done. 15:18 Thank you for the food You always provide. 15:20 Amen. Amen. Amen. 15:24 Brother Saul, it's so good to see you eating again. 15:28 Thank you and it is good 15:30 to finally be able to see you. Amen. 15:36 That must have been pretty scary to be blind. 15:40 When I was blinded by the light, 15:42 I had no idea what was going to happen. 15:45 But God has been faithful 15:47 and He has brought me to believers' homes 15:50 who have shared with me and taken me in 15:53 and clothed me and fed me. 15:55 God is so wonderful. Amen. Yes. 15:58 That's the way of Jesus. 16:00 We take care of one another. 16:02 He takes care of us 16:03 and we pass the love onto everyone else. 16:06 But I must tell you, with more zeal 16:10 than I persecuted the Christians. 16:12 I must tell others of the great love 16:16 that Jesus has for each one of us. Amen. 16:19 And when we're finished here, when we're finished eating, 16:22 take me to the marketplace that I might share 16:26 the love of Jesus with those who do not believe. 16:29 Amen. Amen. 16:30 I wanna be with you, Saul. Yes. 16:32 But I want you to know that there might be some 16:35 that might not be so happy about your changed life. 16:39 I know there're some who'll not believe. 16:42 But I am a changed man. Oh. 16:45 Those things that were in the past are behind me. 16:49 I must forget them and press forward 16:52 for the prize of the high calling of God 16:56 in Christ Jesus. That's right. 16:58 Amen. Amen. Amen. 17:07 It's a nice market, Saul. 17:09 This is a busy marketplace I can see that. 17:11 Brother Saul, hi. Would you tell my friend about Jesus? 17:15 Oh, it would be joy to tell you about my Jesus. 17:19 For you see, I was on the road to Damascus, 17:23 when a great light came from the sky. 17:26 It cast me to the ground and my eyes were blinded. 17:30 Good people brought me into the city 17:32 and fed me and clothed me 17:34 and took care of my every need, 17:36 and they told me that they were believers. 17:40 And God has showed me that 17:42 I too should be a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. 17:46 The old Saul would persecute the followers of Jesus. 17:51 But the new Saul believes on 17:54 the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 17:56 And I have been commissioned to tell others 17:58 of the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 18:02 He loves us and He saves us for His kingdom. 18:05 No, he tells lies. He is Saul, he tells lies. 18:08 We must get rid of him. 18:10 We need to call the guards. 18:12 Saul, we need to get you out of Damascus right now. 18:19 We'll find a way to get you out of Damascus tonight. 18:25 Brother Saul, we're praying for you. 18:28 The Lord loves you and He is always with you. 18:32 And may the grace and peace of our the Lord 18:34 Jesus Christ be with you. 18:52 I'm inright, outright, upright downright happy all the time 18:58 I'm inright, outright upright 19:00 downright happy all the time 19:03 Since Jesus Christ came in I gave my heart to Him 19:07 I'm inright, outright, upright downright happy all the time 19:13 I'm inright, outright upright 19:16 downright happy all the time 19:18 I'm inright, outright, upright downright happy all the time 19:22 Since Jesus Christ came in I gave my heart to Him 19:26 I'm inright, outright, upright downright happy all the time 19:40 Hi, boys and girls. 19:41 It's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day. 19:45 And today's book is called "The Open Gates." 19:48 It's a story of Cyrus, Daniel, and Darius. 19:51 And it's written by Thurman C. Petty Jr. 19:53 And I can tell you this looks like 19:55 one exciting book, "The Open Gates." 19:59 Well, boys and girls, there is an exciting program 20:01 here on Sharing Time for you, 20:03 because I want to introduce you to 20:04 some wonderful guests of mine. 20:06 I would like to introduce you to Cynthia. 20:09 And, Cynthia, you've brought somebody with you. 20:10 Who did you bring? 20:11 I brought my twin brother Miles. 20:13 Your twin brother Miles, I just wanted to see 20:16 if you'd say that, and we are so excited. 20:18 How old are you? Eleven. 20:20 Eleven years old and let me ask you this. 20:24 What do you do to share Jesus? 20:25 I have a friend. 20:28 She lives in the neighborhood, and we play together often. 20:32 And her family doesn't go to church, 20:34 so she goes to church with her mother friend on Sunday. 20:37 And I gave her a Kids' Time Bible study 20:41 about what the Bible says about the Sabbath 20:45 and showed her Exodus 28 through 11. 20:48 And she was interested, 20:51 and she's planning to come to church with us. 20:53 Wonderful, that is that you should sign up 20:56 for our kids called Bible lessons. 20:58 Have you thought about that. 20:59 Yes, and you can even sign 21:01 tell about our Kids' Time website 21:02 and she can sign up for Bible lessons 21:04 right on the website. Okay. 21:06 Wouldn't that be a good idea? Yes. 21:07 Oh, that's wonderful. 21:09 And Miles, what do you do to share Jesus? 21:11 Well, I try to be the healthiest person 21:12 as I can be and try and I try to make 21:15 and help other people who have made healthy choices. 21:18 What kind of healthy choices do you make? 21:20 Well, my grand-- well, my family, 21:24 they don't eat that very healthy. 21:26 So I try to get them to eat more fruits and vegetables 21:28 and to be as healthy as they can, 21:30 because they have a lot of medical problems. 21:33 So I would like them to be healthy 21:34 and I really to help my grandfather 21:36 because sometimes-- he has Alzheimer's. 21:38 And sometimes he's sad, 21:40 so me and my family go over to sing to him. 21:42 And so that we can make him feel better 21:44 when he is not that happy. 21:45 Oh, that's a wonderful thing to do. 21:47 And it's really important 21:49 that we take good care of our bodies. 21:51 You know, the Bible says, 21:52 "Our bodies are the temple of God." 21:54 And that's--if our bodies are temple of God, 21:56 we've gotta take care of them, don't we? Yes. 21:58 So what are some of the things that you would tell, 21:59 boys and girls to do-- to eat healthy? 22:02 Okay, fruits and vegetables is one, I like that idea. 22:04 But how about drinking lots of water. 22:06 You need to drink lots of water, you need exercise. 22:08 And exercise too. That's awesome. 22:10 What do you do to exercise? 22:12 Well, I play-- I play a lot sports. 22:14 I like to ride my bike. 22:15 I like to run. I like to walk. 22:16 It sounds like you like to do 22:18 a lot of outdoor sports. Yes. 22:19 Yes and that's wonderful way to exercise. 22:21 Well, I think that is a very good idea 22:23 and a wonderful way to witness to Jesus. 22:25 And if you can share with others, 22:26 you know, we don't wanna preach at people, do we? 22:28 We don't wanna to be nagging. 22:30 But be a witness is wonderful. Yes. 22:32 So, well, let's read some letters here. 22:35 I love your letters boys and girls. 22:37 I have one here from Hawaii. 22:40 Oh, let's see who is writing me from Hawaii. 22:44 And Miss Brenda has been there several times. 22:46 And I had an opportunity to speak over there. 22:48 In fact, I was recently over in the island in Kauai. 22:51 And so I'm gonna say, hi to all my new friends over there. 22:53 This says, "Dear Miss Brenda, remember me? 22:55 I am the boy who asked you for an activity book 22:58 and wrote you a letter. 22:59 And said please pray for our family. 23:02 One of our--oh, please praise for my neighbor's family. 23:06 One of their sons just died. 23:08 And please right back to me, love, Micah." 23:11 Well, Micah, thank you. 23:12 And yes, we would like to pray for your friend 23:14 who--their son that died. 23:16 And I want you to know that 23:18 Jesus does hear and answer our prayers. 23:20 Uh, let's see I have an email I'd like to read to you. 23:23 This says, "Dear, Miss Brenda, I love Kids' Time very much. 23:26 I enjoy watching it everyday. 23:28 It says Kids' Time truly blesses my heart 23:31 and brings me closer to God. 23:32 This program has inspired me to share 23:35 the love of Christ to everyone I know. 23:37 I am looking forward to seeing Jesus coming soon. 23:40 I obey the Ten Commandments and I love my Jesus. 23:43 Thank you for your hard work. 23:45 Keep making Kids' Time programs, love, Britney." 23:47 And she is 11 years old from Jamaica. 23:49 Hey, she is 11 years old too. 23:51 And then let's just see out over here 23:53 what one should I read. 23:55 Oh, let's try this one over here. 23:56 Nice, big, brown envelope 23:58 and this one is some from France. 24:00 Let's see who's writing me from France. 24:02 And this says, "Dear, Miss Brenda, 24:06 thank you so much for the Bible lessons. 24:09 They really make me feel better and on my sad nights. 24:14 I hope that I could learn more about God. 24:17 Bless you much for all your work on Kids' Time. 24:19 Have a good day and it's love," 24:23 I can hardly read this, but it's Silivina. 24:28 So I'm not sure how you pronounce that. 24:30 But up above there is another name 24:31 and it says Caroline. 24:33 So may be it's written in a different language 24:34 and that's why I couldn't read it. 24:35 So Caroline, thank you so much 24:37 and you know, Jesus is a great comfort on sad times. 24:41 And also He is a wonderful comfort 24:43 at anytime of the day. 24:45 I love to pray to Jesus all day along. 24:47 So you don't just have to wait 24:48 till night time to pray to Him. 24:50 And I'm gland the Bible stories 24:51 your studies you're enjoying. 24:53 I have another email here. 24:54 That says, "Hi, Miss Brenda. 24:56 I was wondering if I could sign up for Kids' Club please. 24:58 My granddad is a pastor 25:00 and he does installations for 3ABN. 25:02 Sometimes I go with him. 25:04 He now lives in Timaru. 25:07 And I can't go with him as much as I used to. 25:10 Last year, I was baptized and by my granddad. 25:13 I have read your books, and I love them. 25:16 And I want you to know that I love Kids' Time, love Megan." 25:19 And she is 13 years old from New Zealand. 25:22 Well, that was a nice letter, wasn't it? 25:24 Let's see what we've got in here. 25:26 This one is from Evan. 25:27 And let's see what's Evan has to say. 25:29 Evan is from Maryland. 25:31 And it says, "Dear Miss Brenda, 25:33 I would like to join Kids' Club and learn more about Jesus. 25:36 I am going to be seven years old, 25:38 and I share Jesus by helping my mom give food baskets 25:41 and bags to our neighbors that need help. 25:43 And it said, have a good day 25:45 and keep making more Kids' Time programs, love Evan." 25:48 Well, thank you Evan for that. 25:50 And we'll get you signed up for Bible study lessons too. 25:53 We have another one right over here, 25:55 and this is from Nassau, Bahamas. 25:58 I have been to Nassau many times, boys and girls. 26:00 And we've got a picture. 26:01 Can you hold that picture up for me please? 26:03 "Dear, Miss Brenda. 26:05 It says I am eight years old 26:07 and I live in Nassau, Bahamas, and I love Kids' Time. 26:11 I was fortunate enough to be interviewed 26:13 by you when you came to the Bahamas. 26:15 Could you please send me Bible lessons? 26:17 I want to be baptized soon, love, Kew Pithius." 26:20 Absolutely, I'll send those to you. 26:22 We're all out of time today. 26:24 I want to thank Cynthia and Miles for being here. 26:26 Keep sharing Jesus, won't you? 26:27 Well, boys and girls, 26:28 remember its Kids' Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17