Kids' Time

The King's Cup Bearer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000281

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late.
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 let's tell them that he loves us so
00:20 let's tell them that he loves us so
00:24 kids' time, kids' time, kids' time, kids' time.
00:32 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 I hope you're having a wonderful day
00:34 wherever you are.
00:36 I know I'm because you're here with me.
00:38 after all you're my friends and even though
00:41 I haven't met each of you face to face,
00:43 I think of you as true friends.
00:45 Have you ever thought about
00:46 what it means to be a true friend?
00:49 It's kind of hard to tell
00:50 who your friends are sometimes though, isn't it.
00:52 Some people are friendly one day
00:54 and not so friendly the next.
00:56 And sometimes they do and say things that hurt you.
00:59 what does it mean to be a true friend anyway?
01:03 there's a verse in the bible that says,
01:05 "one who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace
01:09 will have the king for a friend."
01:12 one who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace?
01:15 hmm, sounds like a true friend to me.
01:18 and you know what, people who have pure hearts
01:21 and speak with grace seem to have one thing in common.
01:24 do you know what that is?
01:25 they love Jesus. and he's their friend.
01:30 we're going to hear about a friend like that today.
01:32 in fact, he was actually a friend of the king.
01:36 and because he had a pure heart
01:38 and spoke with grace, the king was willing
01:40 to do him a great big favor.
01:43 boys and girls, remember,
01:44 you are a friend of the king too.
01:47 and he listens when you talk to him.
01:49 just like the king in our bible story today.
01:51 well right now, before you hear our story.
01:54 we're gonna see what ranger dwight has for us
01:57 on nature time.
02:25 welcome to nature time.
02:27 hey, i'm having a great time here
02:29 in grayling, michigan at camp au sable
02:31 on lake shellenbarger.
02:33 now this lake is not a deep lake.
02:35 it's a clear lake as long as i start running,
02:38 'cause it's a muddy lake too.
02:39 but i found this calm.
02:41 i've been finding all kinds of things here.
02:43 it's amazing what you can find
02:45 when you're snorkeling.
02:46 you know as i was snorkeling, i was thinking about water.
02:49 you know, water is a neat thing.
02:50 just like me snorkeling or swimming,
02:52 you can do all kinds of things in water.
02:54 i was also thinking about how long
02:56 we can live if we didn't have water.
02:59 you know, without food you can live for
03:02 a little bit more than 30 days or a month.
03:04 but without water you can't live even a week.
03:07 water is vitally important.
03:09 the water can be dangerous also.
03:11 you know, when i was in tulsa, oklahoma,
03:14 years ago there was this flood,
03:16 it rained so much, so quick,
03:18 that i remember the next day, driving around
03:21 and i saw cars that were piled up,
03:23 stacked one upon another.
03:24 the power of water is tremendous.
03:27 you know something else, i was thinking about water
03:29 and that is that it covers 75% of the earth.
03:32 can you imagine?
03:33 almost, most of the earth, 75% and out of that 75%,
03:38 there's only 3% that's fresh water.
03:41 now this lake right here,
03:42 lake shellenbarger is a freshwater lake,
03:45 only 3% of all the water is freshwater and out of that
03:50 75% is from the north pole and the south pole.
03:53 you couldn't swim in it, cause it's frozen at all the time.
03:56 now i'll tell you right now,
03:57 we need to be careful about water.
03:59 we need to not waste it.
04:00 with all this pollution that's going on,
04:03 we gotta be careful.
04:04 we need to conserve water.
04:05 do you know, kids,that
04:06 most people take 2 to 3 gallons of water
04:09 just to brush their teeth.
04:11 can you believe that?
04:13 you know, water, we've got to have it.
04:17 now look at this, i want to show you something.
04:19 this is what's on the bottom of this lake.
04:22 it's muddy and yet how does water get cleansed.
04:26 when water's dirty it goes through
04:28 all this mud and sand, it goes down,
04:30 that's what cleanses water.
04:33 you know there is one other fact, kids, about water.
04:36 now this water is about 70 degrees.
04:38 not that warm, not too cold.
04:41 but if it was 40 degrees cooler, just 40,
04:44 i wouldn't be in this water swimming.
04:46 i'd be on walking on the water.
04:48 actually ice.
04:49 and you know what, if you heat this water
04:52 up to 212 degrees, i bet you know, kids,
04:55 it'll be boiling and i wouldn't be
04:56 in this water either.
04:57 you know there's a story in the bible that
05:00 Jesus uses about water.
05:01 you remember that woman at the well.
05:03 and she came to get some water and Jesus said,
05:06 could you give me some water.
05:08 and Jesus said, you know,
05:09 water that i can give you, you'll never thirst.
05:11 and she said, i want that water.
05:14 and he says, i'm that water.
05:15 you know, boys and girls,
05:17 Jesus made water so important that
05:18 he even used himself as a parallel.
05:21 you want that water, i want it.
05:24 i love finding stuff like this.
05:27 nature's God's second book.
05:28 get out there and take a look.
05:30 i'm going to do some more snorkeling.
05:31 see you later.
05:48 this is the day, this is the day
05:52 that the Lord has made that the Lord has made
05:56 we will rejoice, we will rejoice
05:59 and be glad in it and be glad in it
06:03 this is the day that the Lord has made
06:06 we will rejoice and be glad in it
06:10 this is the day, this is the day
06:13 that the Lord has made
06:31 this is the day that the Lord has made
06:35 we will rejoice and be glad in it
06:38 this is the day, this is the day
06:42 that the Lord has made.
06:55 welcome to learning time.
06:57 glad you joined us today.
06:59 now today we're going to use some things that
07:00 you might have at home.
07:02 And this is really fun to do.
07:04 and I've got a bunch of helpers here today.
07:06 now let's see, I've got Allison over here.
07:08 Now, Allison, do you have any pets.
07:11 yes, we have a dog and a cat and rabbits and a frog.
07:17 well, that's a lot of pets. it's nice to have pets.
07:20 and Britney, what do you want to be when you grow up?
07:23 i want to be a doctor.
07:25 a doctor, that's a good thing, isn't it.
07:27 that's right.
07:28 and darnell, you've a favorite story.
07:33 what? you've a favorite --.
07:35 what do you like to do? what do you want to be?
07:37 oh! why do you have to laugh?
07:43 do you have a favorite animal? a snake.
07:46 a snake. is a snake an animal?
07:49 yeah. that's your favorite animal.
07:52 hey, let's get our helpers up here.
07:54 come on up here.
07:55 let's find out what we got.
07:56 we got some interesting things up here on the table.
07:58 first of all we got some little containers right there.
08:01 and we got some socks.
08:02 do you have any socks at home? yes.
08:04 okay, so you can get out of your socks
08:07 and you can make some blue stuff like we have here.
08:09 it could be yellow or it could be green.
08:11 what do you suppose is in there?
08:13 soap.
08:14 that's right, it's soap and a mystery ingredient.
08:18 i'll tell you about later.
08:19 so what we're gonna do is, we're gonna take these
08:20 little pipettes right here.
08:22 here, hang on to that pipette.
08:23 you can hang on to a pipette.
08:25 we use pipettes to transfer liquids
08:27 from one place to the other.
08:28 it's kind of like a big eyedropper.
08:31 now what we're gonna do with these pipettes is
08:33 we're gonna cut the ends of them off.
08:34 so go ahead and-- now how about the other end.
08:36 about that end. we're gonna go like this.
08:38 i'm gonna trim these off.
08:40 just like that and we'll turn it around
08:41 so we can cut these.
08:42 we're gonna trim these off.
08:43 and now they make a perfect bubble maker.
08:47 and so, put those right inside of your bubble mix.
08:51 okay, just like that, and if you take them out
08:54 and then you can blow very slowly
08:56 and let's make some beautiful bubbles.
08:57 here we go. oh, mine popped.
09:01 how's yours doing?
09:03 cool! wow! okay, try it again
09:05 and this time we're gonna shake the bubble off
09:07 and we're gonna try to catch it in your other hand.
09:09 let's go. blow it up.
09:12 shake it off and see
09:13 if you can make it bounce in your hand.
09:16 oh, it didn't bounce in my hand.
09:17 is your going to bounce?
09:18 kind of shake it off. shake the bubble off.
09:20 so, there you go and make it bounce.
09:22 it's not bouncing, is it? are they bouncing bubbles?
09:25 no. no, well you know what.
09:28 it's all about the secret ingredient
09:30 and you've to have the right thing.
09:31 hey, you got a stuff in front of you.
09:33 what are these guys?
09:34 socks. they're socks.
09:35 so get your clean socks out
09:38 and put it right on your hand.
09:39 okay, we're gonna put it right on our hand,
09:41 our clean sock just like that.
09:43 okay and then we're gonna blow some bubbles.
09:45 we're gonna make those bubbles land on our clean socks
09:48 and you just might be able to bounce some bubbles.
09:51 are you ready to do that?
09:52 yeah. let's give it a try.
09:53 okay, dump it in there, dip in there, blow a bubble,
09:57 shake it off of your little bubble maker thing.
10:00 here we go and see what you can do.
10:01 yeah, you're gonna have to put the sock on your foot.
10:03 now that's good, no you're right, you're doing right.
10:05 here we go. there we go.
10:07 and blow it up. shake the bubble up.
10:11 and see if you can make it, oh, bounce.
10:13 Wow! Whoa! Whoa!
10:14 look at hers and her bubbles.
10:16 look at that, it's a bouncing bubble.
10:18 look at that. oh, do another one.
10:22 that is so cool and look at that and they just,
10:26 they just, they just like to bounce.
10:28 isn't that cool? oh, yeah.
10:29 see if you can bounce that one.
10:31 that is interesting. isn't that interesting?
10:34 yeah.
10:35 Now you can make bubble mix at home
10:37 by adding some liquid detergent to water.
10:40 But you know what, they won't bounce like these
10:43 because this is the extraordinary ingredient.
10:46 it's glycerin and glycerin is very interesting.
10:49 you add a little glycerin to it
10:51 and then the bubbles will bounce.
10:53 isn't that interesting? yes.
10:55 wow, you know,
10:56 we made something ordinary, ordinary bubble mix.
11:00 We made it into something extraordinary
11:02 by adding glycerin.
11:04 you know that kind reminds me of people sometimes.
11:06 Because you know what, some people are just extraordinary.
11:09 you know, people that are very, very special.
11:11 You know anybody special people.
11:13 how many of you know special people?
11:15 you know, they're very special people that
11:16 I know have Jesus in their hearts
11:19 and everybody can see that in their lives.
11:21 And that makes them extraordinary.
11:24 That's interesting.
11:26 Well, I want to you have fun making bubbles at home
11:28 and maybe you can make those extraordinary bubbles
11:31 by adding an extraordinary ingredient like glycerin.
11:34 you know, every time we learn about science.
11:37 We're learning more about our creator, God.
11:55 Hananiah!
11:58 brother Nehemiah, how are you?
12:00 Oh, I'm doing well.
12:01 it's so good to see you. yes.
12:03 now, Hananiah, tell me,
12:04 do you have any news from Jerusalem?
12:06 News, but not good news, brother.
12:09 The walls have been broken down
12:11 and the gates are gone and we're just despised there.
12:18 Hananiah, this is not good.
12:20 I wished there was something I could do to help.
12:23 you can pray for us, brother.
12:26 yes. I could do that.
12:30 you know, Hananiah, I love my God
12:35 and I love my people.
12:37 I just long to do something.
12:40 please pray for us.
12:42 we need God's intervention, brother.
12:44 I, I must go now.
12:46 I understand, God be with you.
12:48 God be with you. and I will pray.
12:50 I will pray. thank you.
12:54 oh, father. oh, God.
12:58 this hurts so much. my people, your people, God.
13:03 your people, they're sad. they're dejected right now.
13:08 father, there's got to be something that you can do.
13:12 oh, I leave this within your hands, father.
13:15 help your people. God, please.
13:19 oh, I must go. ah, I have to see the king.
13:30 oh, this is not good at all.
13:32 he looks so sad and everyone knows that
13:36 the king doesn't allow anyone to be sad in his presence.
13:38 yeah. or it's off with his head.
13:41 here he comes. oh yeah.
13:48 long live the king. oh, Nehemiah.
13:51 my king, how was your rest last night.
13:54 very restful indeed, Nehemiah.
13:57 And I must say, it's so refreshing for someone
13:59 to actually care about my well being.
14:02 most people only flatter me when they want something.
14:05 oh, king, you're so kind.
14:08 my king, would you like some fresh grape juice.
14:11 it sounds delicious.
14:13 oh, as usual, let me taste it first.
14:15 of course. yes, my king, it is right.
14:22 add some grapes my queen. yes, my queen, some grapes.
14:29 magnificent. is something wrong?
14:35 I detect sadness in your eyes.
14:40 Yes, my king. I'm sad.
14:44 I'm sad because of my people
14:48 back in Jerusalem they're dejected.
14:54 The walls they're down. the gates are broken down.
15:01 they've been burned down, my king.
15:04 they need help.
15:06 Nehemiah, do you have a request of me.
15:11 You're one of my most trusted friends.
15:14 Tell me what is in your heart.
15:17 i would like to be able to go back
15:20 to help with the kingdom.
15:23 I would like to have two letters, my king.
15:26 one for the governor, so I can pass through
15:30 and another letter to give to the keepers of your forest.
15:34 So I may get some timbers to help rebuilt the walls.
15:37 and a fourth request, my king,
15:40 a guard detail to keep us safe.
15:44 Oh, how long will you be gone, when can I expect you back?
15:48 oh, my king.
15:50 I'll be back as soon as the gates have been rebuilt.
15:55 as soon as the walls are back and up.
15:58 I shall return, my king, and return to you.
16:04 That, the nerve of Nehemiah.
16:06 I mean not only does he wanna leave the kingdom,
16:09 but he's asking for enormous amount of riches.
16:13 unbelievable. oh!
16:15 I'll tell you this is not good.
16:17 The king is really gonna be mad now.
16:19 Oh yeah. Let's get out of here.
16:20 I don't wanna be around for this explosion.
16:22 nor do I.
16:26 my dear, Nehemiah.
16:29 of course I'll grant your request.
16:32 i will send with you my personal guard
16:35 and my money from the king's treasure.
16:40 you see, Nehemiah,
16:41 you're not like most people who constantly ask me
16:45 for things for their well being.
16:48 You're always thinking of others and blessing them.
16:54 may your God go with you!
16:56 thank you, my king. thank you, my king.
17:04 I've never seen such devotion. have you, my queen?
17:08 No, never. he really must love his God.
17:23 Hi, boys and girls.
17:24 it's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day
17:27 and today's book is called
17:28 a perfect star by Heather Grovet.
17:31 you won't wanna miss this book.
17:33 something else you won't wanna miss
17:34 is my very special guest today.
17:36 I have with us, Mary Margaret
17:38 and she is going to tell us the story of Jonah.
17:43 hi, miss Brenda. nice to see you.
17:46 nice to see you too.
17:47 and I'm so glad that you came to tell us the story.
17:49 you wanna start the telling the boys and girls the story.
17:51 Look right into that camera right there
17:52 and tell us the story.
17:54 okay. All right.
17:57 Long, long ago there was a man named,
18:00 Jonah who lived a good life
18:02 and now always obeyed God's laws.
18:04 He thought of himself as a true man of God.
18:08 Jonah was a hard worker.
18:09 through his labels he was able to buy chickens
18:12 and a donkey and a goat.
18:15 One day God spoke to Jonah.
18:18 Jonah! What? Jonah. what was that?
18:23 Am I hearing things? Jonah, I'm the Lord God.
18:27 there is a city called Nineveh faraway.
18:30 it is filled with people that have become wicked lives.
18:34 they've forgotten about kindness and helping others.
18:37 why are you telling me about them, God?
18:40 Because I want you to go there
18:43 and tell those wicked people,
18:44 I'm going to destroy them and their city
18:47 because of their wicked ways.
18:50 yes, Lord, I will go, but they won't listen.
18:54 they're evil.
18:55 the more Jonah thought about it, more uneasy he became.
19:00 That night Jonah did not sleep very well.
19:04 No, they'll hurt me. Nineveh is so far.
19:09 they'll laugh at me.
19:10 No. Jonah was denying God's plan for him.
19:15 Nineveh, those people don't even know about God.
19:20 Why should they believe me?
19:22 They might even try to kill me.
19:25 The more Jonah thought about those wicked people
19:28 the more frightened he became.
19:30 He decided to run away from God.
19:34 That very night, he packed his clothes
19:36 and hurried to the seaport.
19:40 The next morning he saw a ship
19:42 that was getting ready to sail far across the sea.
19:46 oh, who goes there? Jonah, sir.
19:49 Please, captain, let me come with you.
19:51 I'll give you all my money for a place on your ship.
19:54 Ah, looks like trouble to me.
19:56 Yes, I wonder why he's running away from.
19:58 Jonah boarded the ship and hid deep in the holes
20:03 as far away from God as he could.
20:06 At last he heard the noise of the anchor
20:08 being drawn up onto deck.
20:11 At last we're heading out to open sea.
20:13 God will never find me now.
20:16 Oh, I'm going to have a new life for myself.
20:21 As soon as the ship was far from land.
20:24 God send a storm, for no one can hide from God.
20:29 God sent great casts flying over the sea.
20:32 Men on deck, we're taking on overboard.
20:36 Captain, we're sinking.
20:38 We need to abandon the ship throw the cargo overboard.
20:42 all the sailors rushed inside the ship.
20:44 Look, he's sound asleep, we need all hands on deck.
20:47 Hey, wake up. wake up.
20:49 come, we have no time, so wake him now.
20:52 as the sailors rushed off, Jonah woke from sleep.
20:57 outside it was dark as night.
21:00 The sailors began to throw the cargo overboard.
21:03 Jonah ran upon deck.
21:05 only one thing will save this ship.
21:09 Stop, stop, you must drown me into the water instead.
21:15 What are you saying?
21:16 We can't throw an innocent man into this angry sea.
21:19 listen, God has sent this storm to punish me.
21:25 PUNISH. Why?
21:27 I tried to run away from him. and now he has found me.
21:33 If we throw him over now, he'll surely drown.
21:37 But the wind and the waves are too much for us.
21:39 We have no choice.
21:41 The sailors grabbed Jonah and threw him into the sea.
21:46 The sea became calm.
21:50 down, down, down into the sea went Jonah,
21:55 gasping and nearly gasping and nearly drowning.
21:58 But God was not yet finished with Jonah.
22:01 He sent a big fish to swallow Jonah in one gulp.
22:07 Jonah found himself in the stomach
22:09 of a great fish.
22:11 Oh, it's so dark here.
22:14 What will become of me now? maybe God will still hear me.
22:19 Jonah turned to the Lord. Lord, thank you for saving me.
22:24 Inside the fish, Jonah prayed for three days.
22:28 I'm sorry, trying to hide from you.
22:31 Please let me out of this terrible place
22:33 and I will do as you commanded.
22:37 And God heard Jonah. and knew he had changed.
22:41 he made the fish spit out Jonah on to the land.
22:45 Thank you, merciful Lord, for delivering me safely to land.
22:51 Now, Jonah, go to Nineveh and tell those wicked people,
22:54 I'm going to destroy them.
22:57 Yes, Lord, I'm listening. I'm on my way.
23:01 Jonah entered the city calling to the people.
23:05 People of Nineveh, listen to me,
23:09 The Lord God will destroy you and your city.
23:13 Stop your wicked ways. What?
23:16 Did you hear that?
23:18 You have angered God.
23:20 He says, the Lord is angry with us.
23:23 Why what have we done? You are vain and selfish.
23:28 Maybe if we change our ways,
23:30 We've been too concerned with our fancy clothes.
23:34 You are greedy and unkind.
23:37 You should share riches with the poor.
23:39 You are wasteful as the poor starve.
23:43 We've been eating too much
23:44 and not caring about our hungry neighbors.
23:47 It's true, we've been selfish.
23:49 God will punish you.
23:52 we must all pray to the Lord for forgiveness.
23:55 The people heard Jonah pray to God
23:58 and began to mend their ways.
24:01 Meanwhile, Jonah climbed a hill about the city
24:04 and sat down to watch God destroy it.
24:07 he waited and waited. I feel like a fool.
24:12 all my work has wasted. God is not destroying Nineveh.
24:17 Jonah. yes, Lord. Jonah, will you never learn my love.
24:23 my love is great. it is greater than my anger.
24:27 and it is for all of my creatures.
24:30 Didn't I give you one another chance.
24:32 Yes, you did.
24:34 So I'm giving the Ninevites another chance.
24:38 Go now, Jonah, and try to love as I do.
24:41 And you will be a true man of God.
24:44 Yeah. yes, oh God, he has forgiven us.
24:49 Yeah, hurrah, hurray.
24:52 So, Jonah began his long journey home
24:56 and tried to love as God had taught him.
25:00 the end.
25:02 Oh, Mary Margaret that was so precious.
25:05 I don't think, boys and girls,
25:06 I've heard the story of Jonah
25:08 in such an amazing and beautiful way.
25:11 I wanna thank you, Mary Margaret,
25:13 so much for coming and being here today.
25:15 You tell other Bible stories too.
25:16 don't you. Yes, ma'am.
25:18 How old are you? Seven.
25:20 You just turned seven last week didn't you?
25:23 Yes, ma'am.
25:25 And tell me what's your favorite thing that
25:28 you love to do for Jesus?
25:32 I like to pray to him.
25:34 you'd like to pray to him I like to pray to Jesus too.
25:37 And I understand you also like to sing for Jesus.
25:41 yes, ma'am.
25:42 Maybe you would comeback sometime
25:43 and sing for Miss Brenda.
25:45 yes, ma'am.
25:46 I would like that very much and you --
25:48 and you have two other--
25:51 you've brother and a sister, don't you?
25:53 yes, ma'am.
25:54 and do they love Jesus too?
25:56 Yes, it's important to have God in your heart you know.
26:00 Yes, it is.
26:01 Well, I couldn't have said it any better, boys and girls.
26:04 What an incredible guest you've been.
26:07 Thank you, Mary Margaret, for coming here
26:08 to share Jesus to millions of people around the world.
26:11 That's all that time we have today.
26:13 It's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17