Kids' Time

Daniel Dares To Pray

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000279

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time.
00:02 We're gonna be late
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time
00:31 Hi, boy and girls. Do you ever worry
00:33 about what others think about you?
00:35 Does it change the way you act around them?
00:37 Do you ever feel ashamed or embarrassed
00:40 to have others see you pray?
00:41 You know, it is always been my practice
00:43 to bow my head and pray over my meals,
00:45 even when I'm in public
00:47 and other people are watching.
00:48 Some people think it's great, but people,
00:51 who don't love Jesus may think,
00:52 it's a little silly.
00:54 I do it anyway, because my relationship
00:56 with Jesus is far more important to me
00:58 than what other people think.
01:00 That was true of the brave man
01:01 in our Bible story today.
01:03 But he wasn't just praying over a meal,
01:06 and he didn't just have to worry
01:07 about what other people thought of him.
01:10 He had to worry about being killed, that's right.
01:13 But this man didn't care
01:14 what other people thought of him
01:16 and he didn't care if he was killed either.
01:18 No law on earth was going to keep him
01:21 from praying out in the open
01:22 just as he always did to the God of heaven.
01:26 Now that took a lot of courage,
01:28 didn't it boys and girls?
01:29 And God blessed him for his courage.
01:31 We'll find out how in just a little while,
01:35 but first lets get ready for our Nature Time.
01:45 Welcome to Nature Time.
01:47 You know, I love animals so much
01:49 and we're at Binder Park Zoo,
01:50 so I can see all these animals
01:52 and you can see them too
01:53 right here at Battle Creek, Michigan.
01:56 Alex is here and gonna help us
01:57 with some of these animals.
01:58 Alex, what did you got today?
02:02 Well, Ranger Dwight, I have two domestic rats.
02:05 Rats. Yep,
02:07 they might not be your favorite animals,
02:09 but they are a great animal to work with here in zoo.
02:12 Rats are really, really smart animals.
02:15 So I just have to be honest kids,
02:18 I am not a rat lover, around our house
02:20 we don't like rats around.
02:22 But I was watching in your nature show Alex,
02:25 was that these two rats that were running?
02:27 Yes it was. And it was pretty cool kids
02:29 watching them what they were doing.
02:30 They are a smart little animal, aren't they?
02:32 They are very, very smart and they're also very agile.
02:35 They're really fast and they have great claws
02:38 on all four of their little feet.
02:39 So they can climb up anything,
02:41 I can hear little paws climbing on your shirt.
02:44 Now can I pat one of these things?
02:45 You sure can.
02:47 I think I will kids, I don't think
02:48 I've ever pat a rat in my life.
02:50 Oh, they got kind of nice fur.
02:52 And one of the coolest parts
02:53 is actually if you wanna pat their tail. Wow.
02:57 Most people think that their tails
02:59 are completely hairless.
03:00 But they're actually very, very soft
03:02 and they covered with lots of tiny little hairs.
03:05 That is amazing.
03:07 So now how many little ones will a rat have?
03:10 Like a litter or what-- how many?
03:12 Yeah, they will have a litter
03:13 and they can have up to 12, 15
03:16 maybe even 20 babies at a time.
03:19 Twenty babies, that's a bunch.
03:21 That is. But fortunately for us
03:23 rats don't live a long time,
03:24 because if they did producing that many babies
03:27 there would be rats everywhere.
03:29 Well I am glad we don't have rats everywhere now.
03:32 We're gonna be talking about another creature
03:37 that don't like these rats too.
03:38 That's right. We should probably
03:40 get these rats out of here
03:41 before we bring our next animal in
03:43 Kids' this is amazing.
03:45 Wow, look at this thing.
03:47 These two animals don't get along.
03:50 Wow, do you see that kids'?
03:52 Wow, look at that.
03:53 Now this is a-- obviously this is a snake
03:56 but what kind of a snake?
03:57 This is called a Dumeril's Ground Boa,
03:59 it's also called the Madagascar Ground Boa.
04:01 So it's a boa. And this is in Madagascar
04:05 which is an island of Africa. Yeah.
04:08 And it's only found there you say.
04:09 That's right that is the only place
04:11 in the whole world where these snakes are found.
04:13 Now how big will this one get.
04:15 This one will probably get to be about eight
04:17 or nine feet long. So--
04:18 I mean that's like, wow.
04:19 Yeah, little bit bigger than she is right now.
04:22 Now how do they like a rat or rabbit--
04:26 or whatever how do they kill their prey?
04:28 That is a very good question.
04:29 This is actually what we call a constrictor.
04:31 If you can see she's kind of wrapping around my hand.
04:34 They're very good at that.
04:36 So this is a non-venomous snake it doesn't have fangs.
04:39 I am glad about that kids.
04:40 It's like say a rattlesnake. Yeah.
04:42 Exactly I probably wouldn't be holding it if it were.
04:45 You know, I saw that just a little bit ago
04:47 we had Melissa another one of the park
04:50 people here and the kids,
04:52 some of the Kids Time kids were petting it.
04:53 So this obviously is a tamed one.
04:55 That's right. This snake has lived here
04:57 its entire life and it is very friendly.
05:00 And it's just a great experience for kids
05:02 to find out that snakes aren't really slimy.
05:05 They're actually very dry and smooth.
05:07 So I can touch this.
05:08 Now, you know, kids this is really neat.
05:10 My grandson Brady, he touches
05:13 and he already said Alex, he said,
05:15 oh that feels like a basketball.
05:17 And it kind of does, it's got that scale
05:20 that feels almost like a basketball cover.
05:21 It does kind of feel like a basketball.
05:23 Now when they--now how many young do they have?
05:25 They will lay eggs.
05:27 They usually lay between 20 and 30 eggs
05:29 probably for this species of snake.
05:32 And they--once they lay them,
05:33 they'll move on and those little baby snakes
05:35 will hatch out and they'll be on their own.
05:37 Right away. Yep.
05:38 Well, and then how long do they live?
05:41 Reptiles in general will live a long time.
05:44 So snake like this would probably live
05:46 20 or maybe even 25 years.
05:48 That is a long time.
05:50 Well, you know kids, I was thinking
05:52 as Alex was telling me that these snakes will,
05:56 they squeeze that's why they're called constrictors,
05:58 Boa constrictors. And they will squeeze
06:00 their prey and you know what?
06:01 That should be a lesson to us
06:03 we should never let go,
06:04 Alex, didn't you say that.
06:05 They can hold on for hours. They can.
06:08 So we need to hold on to Jesus kids.
06:10 Alex, thank you so much for being with us here.
06:13 I appreciate it.
06:14 My pleasure, Ranger Dwight.
06:15 Nature's got second book,
06:17 get out there and take a look.
06:20 This is neat.
08:50 Welcome to Learning Time.
08:51 I'm glad you joined us today.
08:53 You know, how many of you have friends?
08:55 Anybody have friends?
08:56 Yeah, and I'm sure that everyone knows someone.
08:58 Now look at Maxwell down here.
09:01 Now, if Maxwell was walking down the highway
09:03 or down the side walk in your neighborhood,
09:06 would you know that it was Maxwell? Yeah.
09:09 All right, if you knew Maxwell well enough
09:10 you would know that it was Maxwell.
09:12 You certainly wouldn't know--
09:13 you certainly wouldn't get him confused with a cat,
09:16 would you? No.
09:18 I don't think so. Well, you know,
09:19 it's probably a little easier
09:21 to think about people that you know.
09:23 Sometimes we see them just for a glance
09:26 and we know who they are,
09:27 because we recognize them by their features.
09:30 Now I've got something special I want to show you,
09:32 I have a picture of a friend of mine and oh,
09:35 you know what? We need some helpers.
09:37 Oh, I forgot, I forgot about my helpers.
09:40 Now, Noah is gonna help us. Now, Noah
09:41 you have an interesting dog, don't you?
09:45 Well, my dog is sort of like Maxwell,
09:47 but he has one eye
09:48 and he's a little bit smaller.
09:49 Wow, that's interesting.
09:51 Well, and Noah is gonna help us today and Maloney.
09:55 What do you want to be? A veterinarian.
09:59 Wow, and that's kind of cool, isn't it?
10:01 Yeah, very good. And Nathan,
10:04 what do you like to do best?
10:06 I like to make movies.
10:08 Cool, making movies.
10:10 Well, all of those things are very interesting.
10:12 And I want my helpers to come on up here.
10:13 And if you would just stand over here
10:15 and I have got something underneath this towel
10:18 that I want to show you, okay.
10:19 I want to you back up a little more,
10:21 because I'm gonna need a little bit space over here.
10:23 Now, I brought a picture of someone that I know.
10:27 It's a personal friend of mine
10:28 and I don't know if you know this friend or not,
10:30 but you just might, okay.
10:32 Let's see, it's under this little towel right here.
10:35 And how many friends do you have Melody?
10:37 Oh, like two.
10:41 Got two friends.
10:42 Yeah. Hey, friends are important,
10:43 aren't they Nathan?
10:44 They really are.
10:46 Well, let see what we got over here.
10:47 And I'll, first I will show you.
10:49 You recognize this person? Yeah.
10:51 How many of you recognize this person, anybody?
10:52 Miss Brenda. Recognize this person.
10:57 Yeah. I know this person,
10:58 how many of you know this person, raise your hand?
11:01 Okay, you guys all know this person. Yeah.
11:03 Okay what was that-- what did you say?
11:05 It's upside down. It's Miss Linda.
11:07 Its upside, oh, I am sorry,
11:09 the picture is upside down.
11:11 I turned it, I got it off here
11:13 and I turned it, I flipped it--
11:15 it supposed to be the other way, isn't it?
11:17 Okay, so here we go.
11:18 Let me turn it the right way, there you go.
11:21 Check this out.
11:23 Do you like that?
11:25 You like this better.
11:27 You don't like this better.
11:28 Did you see that?
11:30 Wow. Wow.
11:33 Well, now wait a minute, now wait a minute
11:35 are you trying to tell me that you like
11:37 my friend's picture better upside down. Yeah.
11:42 Do you like it better upside down? Yeah.
11:45 Well, isn't that amazing?
11:48 Well, you know what?
11:49 We've kind of doctored up the picture of Miss Brenda,
11:52 haven't we? Yeah.
11:53 Yeah, really, really good.
11:56 And I hope she forgive us for doing this.
11:58 But it's really a good science example.
12:00 You know what happens?
12:03 You know what happens?
12:04 When you and I look at somebody
12:06 when we're visiting our friends,
12:07 you know what we do?
12:08 We key off of their eyes
12:09 and their mouth. That's right.
12:10 We look at their eyes and their mouth.
12:12 But this picture being,
12:14 right side up has her mouth and eyes upside down.
12:18 But when I put the picture completely upside down,
12:22 it doesn't bother us as much
12:24 because her eyes and her mouth
12:26 are both right side up.
12:29 Don't you like that better? Yeah.
12:31 Don't you like that worse? Yeah.
12:34 Okay. And you know what in order for us
12:36 to make sure that we know
12:37 what Miss Brenda really looks like.
12:40 We got a picture that's not doctored up at all
12:42 and here it is.
12:44 Isn't that the way she looks? Yeah.
12:46 Isn't that the way she looks? Yeah.
12:48 And everything is right where it should be
12:51 which is really the way it should be.
12:53 Well, you know what?
12:54 That kind of reminds me of something.
12:56 Because you know sometimes you
12:59 and I might look at the world
13:01 and sometimes it doesn't, doesn't make much sense.
13:05 Because it just kind of looks upside down to us
13:07 so like her mouth and her eyes.
13:09 But you know we can't tell
13:10 what the world is about sometimes
13:12 without you and I getting close to Jesus and the Bible.
13:16 And the Bible can help us to figure out the world,
13:19 because sometimes the world doesn't make
13:21 much sense to us, isn't that great? Yeah.
13:24 That's what I want to do.
13:25 And you know what? Next time you look
13:27 at your friends think about it.
13:29 Next time you look at anyone just think about it.
13:31 We look at their eyes and we look at their mouths,
13:33 we just don't look at all the rest of their features
13:36 and if they're upside down it really bothers us,
13:38 doesn't it? Yeah.
13:40 Well, remember when we learn more about science,
13:43 we're learning more about our creator God.
14:01 Oh, the music is so relaxing, isn't it your majesty?
14:06 Indeed it is my queen.
14:07 But this is a happy time.
14:10 Today I'm going to appoint three of my wise men
14:13 as governors of all my rulers.
14:15 Oh, how wonderful.
14:16 Wonderful indeed.
14:18 Oh, King Darius live forever,
14:20 your rulers have arrived.
14:21 Send them in.
14:22 You may enter.
14:32 Today, I King Darius has special news.
14:37 As leader of the Medes and Persians,
14:41 king of the most vast empire.
14:44 Appointing over 120 rulers
14:47 to rule over my territories and provinces.
14:50 I have chosen you three to be governors
14:54 over my 120 rulers.
14:57 Thank you your majesty.
14:58 You will not be disappointed your majesty.
14:59 I intend not to be.
15:01 For you will report back to me every month,
15:03 everything you see and hear. Is that understood?
15:07 Yes, your highness. Yes. Yes.
15:10 That is all, you may leave me now.
15:12 Thank you your majesty. Thank you.
15:13 Daniel. Sir.
15:14 Please remain. I would like a word with you.
15:17 Excuse me. Yes, sir.
15:20 That was quite a supper
15:22 we had the other night, wasn't it?
15:26 Look on the baker's face
15:28 He had the no idea what I did to his pies.
15:31 You are a prankster. Daniel.
15:34 Can't believe that, King Darius
15:37 having Daniel stay back. Hebrews.
15:40 What' so good about him.
15:41 Man, we're the Persians.
15:42 Hebrews. We are special.
15:44 Stop now. Not the Hebrew slave.
15:47 We need to come up with the plan.
15:49 Yeah, we got to get rid of him.
15:50 Tired of. We got to.
15:51 Yeah. A decree,
15:55 because Daniel prays to his God
15:56 everyday three times. Yeah.
15:59 We need to have the king sign a decree that says--Yeah.
16:03 Everybody worship him for 30 days. Yeah.
16:06 Thirty days, sure. We close in him.
16:08 And if they not follow the decree.
16:10 Starve lions den. Yeah. Yeah.
16:13 Once and for all.
16:14 Yeah, let's go talk to the king.
16:19 It is a matter we are gonna
16:20 discuss about it other time. Thank you sir.
16:22 You may leave me now. Thank you.
16:27 Oh, King Darius, three of your officials
16:29 request an audience. Send them in.
16:32 You may enter.
16:36 Oh great wise king live forever. Live forever.
16:39 Speak, what is the nature of your business.
16:41 King you are the greatest. The greatest.
16:42 The greatest king. Indeed I am.
16:44 You're like a God to us, your majesty. Of course.
16:46 There is no one like you.
16:48 Of course, there's no one like your king.
16:50 And your majesty because you're so great
16:52 and so wise, we thought
16:55 that maybe we could worship you for 30 days. Yes.
16:58 Thirty days of worshipping your king. Your majesty
17:01 We wish like a queen.
17:03 We think that you should sign a decree your majesty.
17:06 A decree to worship your king. Yes. For 30 days.
17:09 If a person doesn't bow to you, your majesty,
17:11 throw him in the lions den.
17:13 In the lions den, indeed.
17:14 Your majesty, you must do it.
17:16 What a magnificent idea. Make it so scribe.
17:18 Yes your highness.
17:19 You will make this decree effective
17:21 immediately with the king signet ring.
17:22 Yes your highness. Go now.
17:24 You're the greatest your majesty. You're the greatest.
17:26 I like what I am hearing from my counsel.
17:30 You may leave me now. Thank you your majesty.
17:33 Thirty days this calls for celebration music.
17:37 What a magnificent idea of worshipping their king.
17:41 You deserve it your majesty.
17:42 Indeed I do my queen.
17:45 Indeed I do.
17:51 Oh Lord God of heaven, you created everything
17:55 and you alone deserve worship and praise.
17:59 I can't worship the king,
18:01 because you are my God.
18:02 There is no other being in the universe
18:05 that I can worship.
18:11 Hey, guys you look at him.
18:15 Daniel's praying. Our plan worked.
18:17 Oh, Daniel's gonna be lions food tonight.
18:19 Let's go tell the King. Yeah, let's go.
18:24 Please give me strength to obey you to stand strong
18:28 even if it cost me my life.
18:31 I am your servant.
18:33 I am your man and You are my God.
18:56 I cast all my cares upon you
19:03 I lay all of my burdens
19:08 Down at your feet
19:11 And anytime, that I don't know
19:15 What to do
19:18 I will cast all my cares upon you
19:25 I will cast all my cares upon you
19:32 I lay all of my burdens
19:37 Down at your feet
19:40 And anytime, that I don't know
19:44 What to do
19:47 I will cast all my cares upon you
19:54 I will cast all my cares upon you
20:12 Hi boys and girls,
20:13 its time for Miss Brenda's 'Book of the Day.'
20:17 And today's book is called
20:19 Guide's Greatest Mystery Stories
20:22 by a very good friend of Miss Brenda's
20:23 and an incredible author Lori Peckham.
20:26 You will not want to miss this book
20:28 'Guide's Greatest Mystery Stories.'
20:31 Now what is not a mystery
20:33 is why our guest is with me today,
20:35 because our guest loves sharing Jesus.
20:39 And his name is Luke.
20:40 Luke you've been here before
20:41 welcome back to the program.
20:44 Nice. It's nice to be back.
20:45 Well, I'm excited I know that we share
20:48 a passion for witnessing, don't we? Yep.
20:50 And I always inspired by all the things
20:53 that you always do in something
20:54 to share Jesus. And you have something
20:57 very interesting in your lap. What is that?
21:01 Your Kids Time special funds.
21:03 Well, let's hold it real still so our cameras
21:04 can get a good look and show
21:06 the boys and girls at home.
21:07 Wow, that's an awful lot of money.
21:11 Can I see that?
21:12 Let's there is a lot of money in here.
21:15 How did you get all this money?
21:17 We sold the Kids' Time dogs and the scarves.
21:21 So you decided to start selling
21:23 some Kids' Time products, didn't you?
21:25 And in fact, Luke is wearing a Kids' Time t-shirt.
21:28 And he's got a Kids' Time scarf on
21:31 and that's one of the Maxwell scarves
21:32 and you can wear them or you can put them
21:34 on an animal that the wonderful way
21:36 to share Jesus, isn't that Luke?
21:37 Because kids' see that Kids' Time logo
21:40 and they go, "Ah, excuse me.
21:42 What's Kids' Time?"
21:44 And guess what?
21:45 You get a little chance to tell them, don't you?
21:48 And isn't that? Now hold, now hold out
21:49 some of those other scarves you have over there.
21:51 You have seven and there's four colors.
21:54 There's yellow, there's orange,
21:56 and green and there's also red one
21:58 which you're wearing
21:59 and do you have a personal favorite Luke?
22:03 Probably the yellow.
22:04 Probably the yellow,
22:05 I think that's a very popular one as well,
22:07 lot of kids' like the yellow.
22:09 Max looks also awful good in yellow. But honestly Max
22:14 has more close than Miss Brenda I think.
22:16 Because he has a scarf that matches everything
22:19 that Miss Brenda is wearing so he has lots of colors.
22:22 But we are offering four of those colors
22:25 to kids who want them.
22:26 So they're wonderful to wearing.
22:29 For girls to wearing in their hair as a bandana.
22:32 Guys can wear it like you're wearing Luke
22:34 is it just scarf around your neck.
22:37 Some kids have purchased quite a few of them
22:40 and tied them together and then use them for a belt
22:42 and that was really cute.
22:43 So there's many, many ways to wear them.
22:46 Now--I--this is when you brought a case of these
22:49 and sold them, right? Yep.
22:51 So let me put this money down over here.
22:54 And you know I don't happen
22:56 to have a knife with me boys and girls.
22:58 But our favorite floor director does, Larry.
23:01 Let's ask Larry. Larry can you come on in
23:04 and say hi to the boys and girls
23:05 and help us out here. Okay.
23:07 When kids come and take Kids' Time
23:09 with Miss Brenda one thing they love
23:11 and they always tell me how much they love Larry.
23:13 Larry is always there helping us everyway he can.
23:16 And now he's gonna help open our box.
23:18 So when you order a box of Kids' Time dog.
23:22 Watch out what we have?
23:24 Can you grab one of those and let's put one,
23:26 oh, look how soften.
23:27 Can you put one on your lap there
23:29 and the boys and girls can see.
23:31 Isn't he cute boys and girls?
23:33 Look at his little yellow scarf
23:35 with the Kids' Time logo on it.
23:37 And he even has a special tag on his ear where he--
23:41 where we have the Kids' Time website.
23:42 So this is our witnessing dog
23:44 and you give away a Maxwell dog
23:46 then you also are giving a way an opportunity
23:49 for that child to go to the Kids' Time website
23:51 and learn more about Jesus, isn't that awesome? Yeah.
23:54 And where they hard to sell? No.
23:57 No. What do you think, do you have any good ideas
24:00 of ways to talk people in buying those? Yeah.
24:05 What did you do?
24:08 I just told them that they're nice for birthday gifts,
24:11 and Christmas and all those other things.
24:15 Did you tell them how soft and cuddly they were? Yeah.
24:18 They are the very soft and cuddly, aren't they?
24:20 I showed them mine that I have it at my house.
24:24 And you also have some postcards here,
24:26 can I see those cards?
24:28 And do you have something else over there.
24:30 Is there another card over there lying there?
24:33 No, but there's this check
24:34 that my grandma wrote for some money.
24:38 Kids' Time special fund.
24:41 Where you tell your grandma
24:42 thank you very much for that, I appreciate it.
24:45 You see boys and girls, Miss Brenda
24:46 doesn't have a budget for a Kids' Time.
24:49 Now we have been on the air for ten years
24:51 and whenever I need something on the program
24:53 I got to raise the money for it.
24:55 And so there is a special fund if you checks
24:57 as Kids' Time special fund and I can see this one
24:59 does then that goes in a special fund
25:02 that Miss Brenda get to decide
25:03 how the money is used.
25:04 So if I need more material
25:06 to make costumes for our Bible stories.
25:08 If I need some pottery or if I need some things
25:10 to make our Bible stories better
25:12 or if I need things for the program
25:14 then I have some money
25:16 that I can use to help make that happen.
25:17 And it just makes our programs better.
25:19 I want you to continue sending money
25:20 and for the production for Kids' Time,
25:22 because it cost a lot of money
25:24 to produce this program.
25:25 But don't forget my special fund either,
25:27 I appreciate that.
25:29 Well, we also want to encourage you,
25:30 can you hold this card up Luke?
25:32 And this is our special card that tells
25:35 all the boys and girls about our Kids' Time website
25:38 and you can actually print those yourself.
25:40 Go to and you will find them
25:43 on our Kids' Time website.
25:44 You can print them off and pass them out everywhere.
25:46 And what a wonderful way to share Jesus
25:48 to tell them about our website.
25:50 Did you know on our website?
25:51 Yes, there's lot of contest, and games, and puzzles,
25:54 but the most important thing that I love
25:55 is that you can take Bible studies on our website.
25:58 So we want to just spread the word everywhere
26:00 to for kids to go to
26:04 Well, I want to thank you Luke
26:05 for coming here today.
26:06 And I tell you just inspired me, you inspired others
26:09 to do something more for Jesus.
26:12 Boys and girls that this is something
26:13 that you would like to do,
26:14 maybe you want to order your own case
26:15 and you can start selling Maxwell dogs too.
26:17 I want to make sure you order
26:18 during non Sabbath hours.
26:20 We don't buy or sell on the Sabbath, okay.
26:22 But it is awesome idea and I hope you can do that too.
26:24 And you can order your Maxwell scarves
26:26 and there are lots of other things.
26:27 So take a look on our website.
26:29 Well that's all the time we have today.
26:31 Luke, thank you for coming.
26:32 Maybe, you'll be here next year to do this again
26:34 I can't wait to see what you come up with.
26:37 But until next time boys and girls,
26:38 I want to encourage you
26:39 to get out there and share Jesus.
26:42 I want you to tell everyone you know,
26:43 because it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17