Kids' Time

Belshazzar's Feast

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000278

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:03 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls. Have you ever noticed that
00:34 whenever people celebrate food is usually involved.
00:37 We love to eat, don't we?
00:39 We celebrate birthdays with cake and special treats.
00:42 And at most celebration there is usually
00:44 plenty of food for everyone.
00:46 Now there is a word for big celebrations like that.
00:49 Sometimes we call them feast.
00:51 Now the Bible says, "There is the time for everything
00:53 including feast and celebrations."
00:55 But that means there are also times
00:58 when having a feast or celebration
00:59 is a really bad idea.
01:02 Now that's what our Bible story is about today.
01:04 It's about a king who had a big feast
01:07 when he should have been guarding against the enemy.
01:09 He said, "Forget about the enemy.
01:12 Let's have a feast."
01:13 He was full of pride.
01:14 And he really thought that no one could defeat him.
01:18 You know, boys and girls, we're in a war too.
01:21 And it's a war that Satan is fighting for our hearts.
01:25 He's just waiting to attack when we least expect it.
01:28 And we can never afford to let down
01:30 our guard and forget the enemy.
01:33 You'll hear more about this foolish king
01:35 in our exciting Bible story today.
01:37 But first let's get ready for our Nature Time.
01:47 Welcome to Nature Time.
01:48 Hey, I've got some Kids' Time friends with me today.
01:50 How you're all doing? Good.
01:52 Okay, well you know what?
01:54 I've got a question for all of you today.
01:57 And we're gonna talk about a bird.
01:58 It's a big bird, and it's got a long neck.
02:01 Can you guess what it is? What do you think it is?
02:02 Crane, Flamingo, Roadrunner.
02:04 Oh, man, you--I didn't hear what I wanted to hear.
02:06 But I heard Crane, Flamingo, Roadrunner, Crane.
02:10 But guess what, outside it.
02:12 But I'm gonna give you one more guess
02:13 and this is gonna be a giveaway, okay?
02:15 When you're in your car and your mom and dad has to do
02:19 something with their horn, what does that horn do? Honk.
02:22 It honks, its okay.
02:23 So what would it be? I know.
02:25 What? A Canadian Goose.
02:27 You got it, a Canadian Goose
02:28 and that's what we're gonna talk about.
02:30 In fact, look there's some, going right through woods,
02:32 I hardly ever see Canadian Geese go to the work.
02:34 That's neat, that is so awesome.
02:38 But you know what kids, Canadian Geese
02:40 have an awful lot to tell us about nature.
02:43 Now I got another question.
02:45 When you see them flying in the air,
02:47 how would they fly?
02:49 They fly in a straight line? No.
02:52 How do they fly? In a V-shape. In a V-shape.
02:54 Now I want you put your fingers up like they are.
02:57 Keno, if you have this finger up like this,
02:59 this stands for victory, right?
03:01 Now I wanna share with you about this V.
03:03 Always remember when the Geese are flying
03:05 in that little victory sign, there is a reason for that.
03:08 The lead Goose, it's flying as to work the hardest.
03:12 And as it's flying working the hardest,
03:14 the other Geese in back of that
03:16 with the air flow going over the wings.
03:18 It's easier on the other Geese to fly.
03:21 Now do you think that lead Goose ever gets tired? Yes.
03:25 Well, I be tired, won't you?
03:27 But guess what happens.
03:28 When that one gets tired, they work as a team.
03:30 That's why they have victory.
03:31 Now how many of you have brothers and sisters?
03:34 Okay, are you always nice to them? Sometimes.
03:37 Working together as a team that's how God wants us to be.
03:40 So when those Geese are flying in a V, okay,
03:44 it all works together and they have victory.
03:47 If one falls out and goes back,
03:48 the other one takes the lead.
03:50 They're all leaders and they're all followers.
03:52 They all work together. That is so neat.
03:55 And I want to tell you something else about it.
03:56 Canadian Geese that I just found out.
03:58 You know what, when the mother has eggs,
04:01 she will have from two to five eggs.
04:04 She doesn't lay them all in the same day, surely.
04:06 But she lays them each day.
04:08 So lets take it takes five days to lay five eggs.
04:12 You know when they get ready to hatch.
04:14 You would think that okay,
04:15 there will egg that was laid first would hatch first.
04:18 That's not what happens.
04:21 Each egg, five of them I say,
04:23 they hatch on the exact same day.
04:25 Now that's another object lesson,
04:27 you why because I'm older than you kids are, right?
04:30 Just a little bit, right? Yeah.
04:32 Okay, so I'm a little bit older.
04:34 But you know what when we see Jesus,
04:36 we'll get to see Jesus at the same time
04:39 just like those Geese hatch all at the same time.
04:42 Isn't that neat? Yeah.
04:43 Okay, now something else.
04:46 A Canadian Goose, when they get married--
04:49 well, they don't really get married like moms and dads.
04:51 But they mate.
04:52 Do you know what, they mate for a lifetime?
04:54 They are so loyal. That's amazing, isn't it?
04:58 They never leave each other and I'll tell something else.
05:00 When those Canadian Geese are flying
05:02 and if one of those Geese
05:04 when they're flying get hurt, guess what?
05:06 Two other Geese will go out of formation and land
05:10 with that Goose and will stay with that Goose
05:13 until it either heals or until it dies.
05:15 That would be a sad thing, wouldn't it? Yes.
05:18 And you know something else.
05:19 The head of those Canadian Geese are awesome.
05:21 They got some cool markings on them.
05:23 But now I'll tell you something else.
05:25 You don't want to go up and try to pet those Geese.
05:27 They've got a crazy honk.
05:28 And I'll tell you they've got a pretty mean bite.
05:30 You don't wanna try to grab them
05:32 even though they're very, very pretty.
05:34 Nature is God's second book.
05:36 Get out there, and take a look.
05:37 Hey, kids look at--look at those Geese
05:39 over there crossing the road.
05:41 You wanna go and see if we can catch them? No.
05:43 No, but we can follow them.
05:45 Let's go, okay. Ready, let's go.
06:04 There is none like You
06:11 No one else can touch my heart like You do
06:17 And I can search for all eternity Lord
06:23 And find, there is none like You
06:30 Your mercy flows like a river wide
06:37 And healing comes from Your hands
06:43 Suffering children are safe in Your arms
06:51 There is none like You
06:57 There is none like You
07:04 No one else can touch my heart like You do
07:10 And I can search for all eternity Lord
07:15 And find, there is none like You
07:24 There is none like you
07:42 Welcome to Learning Time. Glad you joined us today.
07:46 Well, we've got some interesting things up here.
07:48 And I've got some stuff in my hand.
07:49 I wonder what these are going to do.
07:52 But you know we've got four helpers
07:54 and so I've got a question for our helpers today.
07:56 The question is what do you like to do
07:59 best during the summer time?
08:00 Say why don't we ask Max that.
08:02 Maxwell, what do you like to do best in the summer time?
08:06 Well, what do you think
08:07 Maxwell likes to do guys? Sleep.
08:11 Oh you think, he likes to sleep, doesn't he?
08:13 Hey, let's start up with Cynthia.
08:14 Cynthia, how about you?
08:17 I'd like it when my parents
08:19 take the family to a water park.
08:20 Yes. How about it Kelly? How about you?
08:23 I like to read. Oh, that's great.
08:26 And Abigail, how about you?
08:29 What do you like to do best in the summer time?
08:31 I like to ride horses.
08:33 Oh, that's fun, isn't it? And Jocelyn,
08:35 what do you like to do best in the summer time?
08:37 I like to swim at the swimming pool.
08:39 Oh, that's fun, isn't it?
08:40 Hey, I wanna get my helpers.
08:42 Come on up here.
08:43 Come on right behind my table right here.
08:45 And let's find out what these little tiny things are.
08:48 Are they tiny at all?
08:50 Oh, what do they look like guys? Marbles.
08:54 Look like marbles, don't they?
08:55 Yeah, they do, don't they? Well, I'll tell you what?
08:57 Here why don't you hold one of those? Here we go.
08:59 You can hang on to that,
09:00 Jocelyn, and Abigail, here we go.
09:03 And I've got one here for Abigail.
09:07 Here we go, we get.
09:08 Everybody has got, you got one.
09:10 What do they look like? Marbles.
09:12 What they feel like? Mushy.
09:15 They feel what? Mushy.
09:17 Mushy, they feel mushy.
09:19 Oh, you think they're fish eyes? No.
09:21 No, they're not fish eyes. They're very special.
09:23 In fact, they used to start their life out this small.
09:26 Look at those little tiny things in there.
09:28 You see those little things.
09:29 They were that tiny. They were that tiny.
09:32 And we put them in water
09:33 and what happened to them? They grew.
09:35 They grew. Hey, let's try little experiment with that.
09:37 You know you can do it.
09:38 I want you to hold them up just like this
09:39 out in front of your-- out in front just like that.
09:41 Put your arms straight out and look through that.
09:43 You can get another one because
09:44 you know your's broke, didn't it?
09:46 Here we go, just set yours down on the table.
09:48 There you go, Jocelyn.
09:49 I give you another one and just go ahead.
09:51 What do you notice when you look through it?
09:53 What happens everybody? They're upside down.
09:56 Everybody's upside down.
09:57 Now that's interesting, isn't it?
09:59 Because you know that works just like our eyeballs do.
10:02 Do you know what our eyeballs do?
10:04 They turn everything upside down
10:07 and then our brain flips it back over,
10:09 isn't that cool? Yeah.
10:11 Aren't you glad, you don't see
10:12 everything upside down? Yes.
10:14 I am too. Your's broke too.
10:15 Here you can have mine.
10:16 You can set yours down right on the table.
10:18 Now that's interesting because these are
10:20 what we call polymers.
10:22 And polymers are long chains of molecules.
10:24 And these are made out of polymers.
10:26 And they started their life out
10:27 just like this in these little tiny,
10:29 little beads about three millimeters.
10:32 And then we added water to them
10:33 and they're called hydrophilic polymers
10:36 because they like water.
10:37 They just love water. How many of you like water?
10:41 It's very important to drink a lot of water, isn't it?
10:43 Hey, well, here's another little experiment
10:45 that we could do.
10:46 And you know, hey just put that.
10:47 It's okay if it broke.
10:48 You can put half of that on,
10:49 just take that little water marble.
10:51 We call these water marbles.
10:52 And put out right on top of your finger like this.
10:55 Can you put it on top of your finger?
10:56 You can get another one out of there.
10:58 And what do you notice when you look
10:59 at your fingerprint, what do you notice?
11:02 What do you notice? Does it get bigger? Yes.
11:05 Yeah, it's like our magnifying lense.
11:08 It's actually like a lense which is very interesting.
11:11 Well, you know what I'm going to do.
11:12 I have a bunch of those right in here.
11:14 In fact, I'm gonna put mine back in there.
11:16 And what do you see when you look inside of here?
11:19 What do you? You see some colors? Yeah.
11:22 I see some colors.
11:23 But you know what's happening?
11:24 The light is being reflected, it hits those water marbles
11:28 in it just jumps back out at us.
11:30 Some of the light goes right through the water marble
11:32 and then it comes back out another--in another angle.
11:36 But here is what's going to happen.
11:38 I want you to watch real carefully.
11:40 I'm gonna pour some water in there.
11:42 And as I pour the water in there,
11:44 I want you to tell me what you see?
11:49 What do you see?
11:51 What do you see? They're rolling.
11:53 What do you see? They're disappearing.
11:56 What do you see underneath? Jesus.
11:58 We see Jesus.
12:00 Did you see Jesus before we pour water in there? No.
12:04 No, because you know what it just reflected
12:06 all the light around and mixed up all of those colors
12:09 we couldn't see it.
12:10 And that's what happens sometimes
12:11 because sometimes in our lives,
12:13 we get so busy that we don't even see Jesus.
12:16 Other things crowd him out.
12:18 But when we spend time to pray and we study,
12:21 we go to church in Sabbath School and we meditate,
12:24 then we can see Jesus, isn't that cool? Yeah.
12:28 That is really cool.
12:29 Well, you know every time we learn more about science,
12:33 we learn more about our Creator, God.
12:51 King Belshazzar, not that I don't have
12:54 confidence in this nation's great power.
12:57 King Cyrus' army, they still surround the camps,
13:00 shouldn't we at least have
13:01 some guards posted, just in case.
13:05 Prime minister, you worry too much.
13:09 Let me tell me something.
13:11 We just need to make this party.
13:13 Get a little alive, okay.
13:15 But I've got a great idea.
13:17 Guard, we want to make this party a little better.
13:22 I want you to go and get the goblets that
13:24 King Nebuchadnezzar took from
13:26 the temple, the Jewish temple.
13:28 Bring them here, so we can drink from them. Yes, King.
13:32 Us, we're about to raise this party
13:35 and get it a whole lot better.
13:36 I say it isn't wise to get the goblets
13:39 from the sacred temple? Yes, my king.
13:42 Oh, thank you.
13:46 Here, yes.
13:49 Ah, this is this--look
13:51 there is no sacredness in these goblets.
13:55 These are supposed to be from
13:56 the Gods of Judah, the Israelites God.
14:00 There is no sacredness in these goblets.
14:03 If we just only have some wine then we can make a toast.
14:06 Bring the wine, so we can make a toast to our Gods.
14:11 Oh, yes, when we have the wine,
14:14 we'll have a toast and we'll have a feast.
14:17 As you wish sir. Thank you.
14:20 Let's have a toast.
14:22 Here now let's drink. Oh, look.
14:29 Who wrote it on the wall?
14:31 Who can read the burning,
14:33 I will give anyone a scarlet robe,
14:36 and a gold chain around a neck.
14:38 Oh, the guard, we don't have the vision,
14:39 at least have someone read this. Yes, yes, sir.
14:42 Oh, King forever, there is only one person
14:45 who the spirit of the living God dwells
14:48 and he is in this kingdom. Who is that?
14:50 He is full of wisdom and all that his name is Daniel.
14:53 You might call Daniel because he is the only one
14:55 that can tell you the interpretation.
14:56 Guard, quick, go summon Daniel here at once.
14:59 Yes king, yes king, I shall go now.
15:02 Oh, prime minister, this doesn't look good.
15:06 Daniel, Daniel, I've heard of him.
15:08 He will solve the mystery word.
15:09 Daniel, oh, is this the Daniel they were talking about?
15:12 Yes, yes. One of the--one of your grandfather's side.
15:15 Daniel. Can you interpret it?
15:17 Daniel, I've heard much about you.
15:20 I've heard that the spirit of the God
15:21 in heaven lives in you.
15:23 I've heard that you have wisdom that excels in you.
15:26 Oh, Daniel, if you can read the writing on the wall,
15:29 I'll give you a scarlet covered robe.
15:32 I'll give a gold chain around your neck. Yes.
15:35 Daniel, I'll make you the third highest ruler. Yes. Daniel.
15:41 Oh, king, keep your honors and your gifts.
15:45 But I'll give you the interpretation to this dream.
15:48 King Nebuchadnezzar learned an important lesson
15:51 that there is only one true God.
15:54 You have forgotten this lesson
15:56 and you have mocked this God.
15:59 You're using His sacred vessels in this wild party.
16:02 You praise the Gods of gold and silver and stone and wood.
16:07 These Gods do not see.
16:08 They cannot hear and they do not know.
16:11 But the one true God
16:13 who holds your very life in His hands.
16:15 You have defined Him and failed to glorify Him.
16:20 This message is from Him.
16:24 Mena Mena Tekel Uparson.
16:28 Mena, the days of this kingdom are numbered and are over.
16:34 Tekel, tekel, you've been weighed in the balances
16:38 and found wanting,
16:41 Impedes, your kingdom will be handed over
16:45 to Medes and the Persians. Oh, no.
16:49 Oh, King, the Medes and the Persians,
16:51 they are everywhere,
16:52 the city of Babylon They are everywhere.
16:56 They are everyone king.
16:57 So let's go. We'll fight everyone, quick.
17:02 Let's go, let's fight to the end.
17:04 You may fight and will change nothing.
17:07 God has spoken and your kingdom is over.
17:16 Get this bench away.
17:18 Our kingdom is over. Oh, no. Like our king.
17:25 Our kingdom is over.
17:31 They're coming to attack.
17:49 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
17:53 Sing His mercy and His grace
17:58 In the mansions bright and blessed
18:01 He'll prepare for us a place
18:05 When we all get to heaven
18:09 What a day of rejoicing that will be
18:13 When we all see Jesus
18:17 We'll sing and shout the victory
18:36 When we all get to heaven
18:40 What a day of rejoicing that will be
18:44 When we all see Jesus
18:48 We'll sing and shout the victory
18:52 While we walk the pilgrim His pathway
18:56 Clouds will overspread he sky
19:00 But when traveling days are over
19:04 Not a shadow, not a sigh
19:07 When we all get to heaven
19:11 What a day of rejoicing that will be
19:15 When we all see Jesus
19:19 We'll sing and shout the victory
19:23 We'll sing and shout the victory
19:40 Hi, boys and girls.
19:41 It's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day.
19:44 And today's book is by Bradley Booth,
19:47 Plagues in the Palace.
19:49 And it's a wonderful Bible story.
19:52 Bradley Booth is a friend of Miss Brenda.
19:54 I've known him for a lot of years.
19:55 And he writes awesome books.
19:57 You are gonna want this one, Plagues in the Palace.
20:01 But today I have a special guest with me.
20:02 I'd like to introduce you too.
20:04 Her name is Joanna. Hi, Joanna. Hi.
20:06 Thank you for being here with me on Kids' Time.
20:09 And I know, you and I have
20:10 something really special in common.
20:12 What do you think that is?
20:13 We both love Jesus. That's right.
20:15 We both love Jesus.
20:16 And we also both love to share Him, don't we?
20:19 Tell me what it is that you do to share Jesus.
20:22 There are big ministry, we used to share Jesus
20:24 in their little everyday things
20:26 to share Jesus. That's right.
20:27 So I organize a toy jive and for homeless people.
20:33 And I would get this box and decorate it
20:36 and I'd put it in my church.
20:38 And they would ask-- and I would ask
20:41 people to put toy-- To donate,
20:43 like to donate toys and things for your church.
20:45 Yeah and then we would take it to a homeless shelter
20:47 and because I couldn't work with the kitchen
20:49 and the bigger stuff, I passed out toys
20:53 to the homeless children while they were having supper.
20:55 Because there's a lot of boys and girls
20:57 that don't have homes.
20:58 And you know, we take so much for granted.
21:01 You got your--you know, your closet
21:03 and pull out whatever you want to play with,
21:04 but you know, if you're in a homeless shelter,
21:06 you don't have a toy cars to play with,
21:08 they probably need toys.
21:09 So that was really an awesome thing to do.
21:12 What else have you done to share Jesus?
21:14 Well, a little everyday thing is to just be a good friend.
21:18 I have some health issues
21:20 where I get sick really easily.
21:25 And still I know what is like to be different
21:29 and so I--when I have new kids around and things,
21:32 I try to be a good friend and help them feeling good,
21:35 that they are not different.
21:36 Oh, you know, that is a very big ministry right there.
21:40 In fact, you call that a little everyday ministry,
21:42 but that is a very important ministry
21:44 to always be kind to others especially if there's people
21:47 that are little bit ifferent than us.
21:49 You know, some kids are going to make fun.
21:51 But that's not the right thing to do, is it?
21:53 No and because well, God created us all different
21:55 for a reason and we embrace each other's differences.
21:58 And that's the good thing to do.
22:00 So is there anything else that you've had
22:02 any good experiences, you can talk to me
22:04 about what you've done to share Jesus?
22:05 Well, once I was riding bikes with my friend
22:09 and we--and she asked me about the Sabbath
22:12 and so I said, "Well, it's in Exodus 20."
22:17 It says, "Remember the Sabbath day,
22:19 and keep it holy." She said, "Show me."
22:21 So we went into my garage.
22:23 And we got out a Bible and I looked up
22:25 Exodus 20:8-11 and I showed it to her,
22:28 and she liked it.
22:29 She did. So it's pretty easy to understand, isn't it?
22:32 Because God didn't say,
22:33 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
22:34 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work.
22:36 But the seventh day is the Sabbath."
22:38 That He didn't--He didn't say in the Bible.
22:40 It's the eighth day or the third day,
22:42 He said the seventh day, didn't He?
22:44 And so that's pretty special.
22:46 Somebody said, "Does it really matter
22:47 what day we worship?"
22:48 And I say, "Well, it matters to God.
22:50 It matters so much to God that He wrote it not once
22:53 but twice with His own finger on a tablet of stone."
22:56 I think it's pretty important to God.
22:58 What do you think Joanna? Yes. I do.
23:01 Well, I wanna encourage you to keep sharing Jesus.
23:03 I think that's awesome.
23:05 And also may be you can talk to your friends
23:07 and get them all excited about sharing Jesus.
23:09 And now may be next time come back
23:11 and would you bring some friends with you.
23:13 Would you like to do that? Yes.
23:14 Well, let's read some letters from boys and girls.
23:16 I love hearing your letters.
23:17 This is one from St. Lucia.
23:19 And oh, and you sent me a picture and I love that.
23:23 Let's see, you stapled this, but I'll take it off
23:26 so that you can--Joanna, hold that up for me
23:28 if you would, please.
23:29 Said, "Dear Miss Brenda, how are you
23:31 and all of those that are involved in Kids' Time?
23:34 My name is Niyala.
23:37 And I have two sisters Naira and Naika.
23:40 We are from St. Lucia. And we enjoy watching Kids' Time.
23:44 I share Jesus by praying for my family and my neighbors.
23:47 I have a prayer ministry.
23:48 Please send me your Bible lessons please
23:50 and an activity book.
23:52 This is the photo of my family.
23:54 And I'm the one standing with my arms folded.
23:57 Your sincerely, Abigail."
23:59 Well, Abigail, thank you so much for that letter
24:01 and also for sharing the picture.
24:03 And we'll get those Bible lessons right out to you, okay.
24:07 All right, let's see this one's from Ethiopia.
24:10 And let's see who's writing to us in Ethiopia.
24:14 And it's Beza, I don't know if that Beza or Biza
24:18 I'm not quite sure, says,
24:20 "Dear Miss Brenda, I love Kids' Time.
24:22 I watch it day and night.
24:23 And I like sharing Jesus.
24:25 I share Jesus with my school friends
24:27 and please pray for my brother for his scholarship.
24:30 He really needs it. Thank you.
24:32 I love you, Beza."
24:34 So thank you so much and here's a picture.
24:36 I wanna you hold that up so that
24:37 they can see what Beza looks like.
24:39 While I'm getting the next letter right here.
24:42 Okay, this one is from the Bahamas.
24:46 And let's see-- boys and girls,
24:48 I'm gonna be coming to the Bahamas soon again.
24:50 I've been there many times
24:51 and I'm coming there to speak again.
24:52 So I hope I get a chance to see you.
24:54 Says, "Dear Miss Brenda, I watched you on TV
24:56 and Kids' Time is really good.
24:59 I tried to call you once when I was really, really sick
25:02 because I wanted you to pray for me.
25:04 I missed watching Kids' Time when my satellite is out.
25:08 I missed everyone in Kids' Time.
25:11 And I also have your autograph.
25:13 Love, your friend Maya."
25:14 And so Maya, may be when I was there before,
25:17 you got my autograph.
25:18 Well, I wanted to tell you that
25:20 I want you to keep on watching Kids' Time.
25:21 If your satellite goes off,
25:22 you can even watch on the internet.
25:25 That's right boys and girls,
25:26 you can go to and click watch now.
25:30 And you can watch right on the internet.
25:32 Isn't that awesome?
25:33 So I think we have time for one more letter.
25:35 And this one is from Australia.
25:38 And there is lots of pictures here.
25:40 Oh, an artwork here.
25:42 can you hold this up for me? Nice artwork.
25:44 They drew a picture of a wallaby.
25:46 And says, "Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Jason.
25:50 And I have a sister name Shenal.
25:52 And I am six years old, and I love sharing Jesus.
25:55 I am from Australia."
25:57 And then there's other letter says,
26:01 "Dear--oops, I got a picture.
26:02 Can you hold that up for me please?
26:04 "Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Shenal and I'm 10 years old.
26:08 And I really love your Kids' Time program.
26:10 So my favorite part is Ben Roy in Learning Time.
26:12 I share Jesus by making gift cards with Bible verses
26:16 and giving them to everywhere I go. Love, Shenal."
26:19 Thank you so much Shenal for your letter.
26:21 I wanna thank you Joanna for coming here
26:23 and telling us how you share Jesus.
26:25 Boys and girls, whatever you do, wherever you go,
26:27 it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17