Kids' Time

The Interpreted Dream

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000277

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:03 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time,
00:26 Kids' Time, Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 I'm sure, you've heard
00:34 about prophets in the Bible, haven't you?
00:36 Prophets like Samuel, and Elijah and Moses.
00:39 But do you know what it means to be prophet?
00:42 Is a prophet someone who tells the future,
00:44 or know secrets that no one else knows
00:46 and kind of magical kind of way.
00:48 No, that's not what a prophet is it all.
00:51 A true prophet is simply a messenger from God.
00:54 Someone who receives a message
00:56 from God meant for someone else.
00:59 One thing a true prophet
01:00 never does is take credit for himself
01:03 and the true prophet says,
01:04 God is the only one who knows everything.
01:07 He and He alone has all the answers
01:10 and knows every secret, follow Him.
01:12 Not every prophet is a true prophet,
01:14 some are just pretenders.
01:16 They want all the attention for themselves
01:18 and they want people to follow them.
01:20 Today, our Bible story
01:21 is about a true prophet of God.
01:23 He didn't seek any attention for himself
01:26 and because he was faithful,
01:27 he was able to lead an entire kingdom to know
01:30 and worship the true God.
01:32 He helped people to love and trust God more.
01:36 Boys and girls, whenever you tell others
01:38 about Jesus and point them to Him,
01:40 you are God's messenger too.
01:42 I pray that you'll always
01:44 be a faithful messenger for Jesus.
01:46 Well right now, it's time for, are you ready?
01:49 Maxwell, I think you're ready.
01:51 Maxwell got his eyes open, look at that.
01:54 Maxwell is ready for our Nature Time.
02:04 Welcome to Nature Time.
02:05 I love animals and that's why we're at Binder Park Zoo,
02:08 at Battle Creek, Michigan.
02:09 We're gonna be talking about lemurs today,
02:12 and we've got Rebecca,
02:13 Rebecca, I think you kind of--
02:14 are the expert on lemurs, right?
02:16 I'm, yep, definitely around here.
02:17 So tell me about lemurs.
02:19 I see are these animals, these lemurs.
02:21 Tell me about lemurs.
02:22 Well, actually here at the zoo,
02:24 we have three different kinds
02:25 or three different species as we like to call.
02:28 So right behind us we've our wing tail lemurs.
02:31 And know about here we have our collared lemurs
02:34 or brown lemurs as they're called.
02:36 We also have one solitary guy,
02:39 and his name is Dad,
02:40 they all have names here and he is actually
02:42 a black-and-white ruffed lemur.
02:44 I'm glad we've names, because I'm not to say,
02:46 here lemur, lemur, lemur.
02:47 So it's nice to know we got names.
02:49 Yep, here at the zoo, all of our animals,
02:51 they all have names and that's a great way
02:53 for us to call on individually,
02:55 so they know that we're talking right about that.
02:57 Well that's good, now look at, we're--
03:00 you wouldn't find these in Michigan, would you?
03:01 No, definitely. These guys are tropical animals.
03:04 So they are actually found in one island
03:07 and it's in Africa and its called Madagascar.
03:09 Now kids, I've been to Madagascar.
03:12 One time, it's an island way out Africa,
03:16 and that's-- this is the only place
03:17 they are at it, Madagascar. Yeah.
03:19 Now you got three of them here,
03:20 three different kinds.
03:21 How many different kinds of lemurs are there?
03:23 Oh recently, scientists have found
03:25 there is about a 100 different species
03:28 or kind of lemurs. A 100?
03:30 Yeah. That's a lot. In one island.
03:32 Now do they all have long tails like this.
03:33 Yes, most of them do have long tails
03:36 and actually the reason they have long tails
03:39 is because they jump from tree to tree
03:41 or they climb or they swing and they use those tails
03:44 as balance but they also use them,
03:46 and they can wrap it around their bodies.
03:48 You can actually see behind me,
03:49 one of them got it wrapped around
03:51 and they use that to control their temperature.
03:53 But you say swing,
03:54 so that they swing with their tails.
03:55 No, they actually don't swing with their tails.
03:57 They're not prehensile, so they can't wrap
03:59 around things but they use them as balance.
04:02 So it will keep them high up in the air behind them
04:04 and in that way they can jump around
04:06 without falling out of trees.
04:07 Now Rebecca, I was watching in,
04:09 how they can climb pretty quickly.
04:11 So they must have some pretty good claws.
04:12 Actually these guys are unique
04:14 and they don't have claws. No claws.
04:16 They actually have fingernails just like us,
04:18 but they've really sticky hands and feet,
04:21 their pads, in that way they can wrap around things
04:23 and hold on really tight. That's awesome.
04:26 Now how many young do they have?
04:28 They have like one or.
04:31 They can have groups,
04:32 so usually they have about two
04:34 and then actually mom would hang on to them
04:36 and they will crawl on mom's back,
04:37 so if they have more, mom really can't feed them
04:40 or take care of them like she needs to,
04:42 so they have really small amounts of young.
04:44 So when they're young then they hang on to mom's back.
04:47 Yep, they'll hang on to mom's back,
04:49 kind of like piggy back drive.
04:50 Just like you kids sometime, you hang on to mommy.
04:53 When you are walking, you don't want to get lost,
04:55 I know, I used to do that a lot.
04:56 I never want to get lost.
04:57 Exactly, same thing.
04:59 Okay, so now another question.
05:01 How long do you live in their habitat?
05:04 In their habitat, they live usually
05:06 about 15 to 20 years.
05:07 But in captivity with medicine and the right diet,
05:11 they can actually live quite long,
05:13 our black and white rough lemur.
05:15 He is actually 30. He turns 30 in May.
05:18 And that's almost max capacity for lemur in the captivity.
05:22 Well, that's a pretty old,
05:24 I think for an animal anyway isn't it.
05:25 Definitely. Okay now another question
05:28 that I have is that, are they kind of loners,
05:31 or they work together?
05:32 No, they definitely work together,
05:34 they live in social groups,
05:35 usually about 15 lemurs per family you can call it.
05:39 And the female is actually the dominant one or like,
05:43 the mom of the whole group.
05:45 Even over some of the males are the dad's of the group.
05:48 So Rebecca, do they look, can you tell a mom
05:52 from the dad just by looking?
05:53 You can actually tell the difference.
05:54 There's actually a male behind us,
05:56 but they all look the same,
05:58 the only way you're gonna be able to tell
06:00 between the female and the male,
06:01 is the way they act towards each other.
06:03 And I heard that they really get along in groups,
06:06 they work as teams. Yeah, they do work as teams.
06:08 They work together in teams to forage,
06:10 or find food, or even to ward of something
06:14 that's scary to them, a predator.
06:16 So yep, they're really good at working as team.
06:18 Well kids, you know what that's a good spiritual lesson,
06:21 well, that I wanna share with you right now.
06:23 You know, brothers and sisters you need to get along,
06:26 together listen to your mom's and dad's, and get along,
06:28 work in teams because the Bible says,
06:31 one will chase the thousand of like
06:33 and two ten thousand that's a lot.
06:36 Jesus wants us to work together.
06:38 Nature's got second book,
06:39 so get out there and take a look.
06:42 Rebecca, I love lemurs I've never seen them before.
06:58 I'm gonna sing sing sing I'm gonna shout shout shout
07:02 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
07:04 Praise the Lord When those gates are open wide
07:07 I'm gonna sit at Jesus' side
07:09 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
07:11 Praise the Lord
07:13 O, when the saints go marching in
07:17 O, when the saints go marching in
07:21 How I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in
07:28 Swing low, sweet chariot Coming for to carry me home
07:36 Swing low, sweet chariot
07:41 Coming for to carry me home
07:44 This train is bound for glory,
07:47 this train This train is bound for glory,
07:50 this train This train is bound for glory
07:54 Those who ride it, they must be holy
07:56 This train is bound for glory,
07:58 this train Sing, sing, sing
08:02 I'm gonna shout, shout, shout
08:04 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
08:06 Praise the Lord
08:08 When those gates are open wide
08:10 I'm gonna sit at Jesus' side
08:11 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
08:13 Praise the Lord Praise the Lord
08:25 Welcome to Learning Time.
08:27 I'm glad you join us today and I think you're gonna be
08:29 really happy with the results today.
08:32 Looks like we're gonna have a fountain here right?
08:34 Yeah. Yeah.
08:36 Well, we got lots of things up here.
08:38 Let's find out with our helpers
08:39 and we're gonna introduce our helpers.
08:41 I've got Terra.
08:42 Now Terra, what do you want to be when you grow up?
08:45 A nurse. A nurse,
08:46 hey that's a great thing to be when you grow up.
08:48 Then I've got Kara over here and now Kara,
08:51 what you play an instrument, don't you?
08:53 Yes, I play the piano.
08:55 A piano, I like piano music, that's great.
08:58 Then we have Samuel over here.
08:59 Now Samuel, you have your favorite animal?
09:01 Oh, oh, it's a parrot. A parrot.
09:05 Wow, I never had parrot,
09:06 but I think that would be fun to have.
09:07 Hey, while we get our three helpers
09:09 come on up here behind on table.
09:11 We got to be very careful today
09:12 that we don't shake things up, right? Yeah.
09:15 Oh, yeah, come over here.
09:17 Let's see what we got right here.
09:18 Now this is the classic-- like classic experiment.
09:22 And it's called the Mentos experiment.
09:24 Okay, it's world famous.
09:26 What is this thing right here, guys?
09:28 A soda bottle.
09:29 It's a soda bottle. That's right.
09:31 Then we have all this plumbing,
09:32 it looks like we've been to the plumbing store, right.
09:35 Yes. All these pipes and things,
09:37 and we got a towel underneath here,
09:39 that's kind of--when you see a towel under stuff,
09:41 what is that remind you that might happen?
09:44 It might make a mess. It might make a mess.
09:46 And we may but that's okay, because we have Maxwell
09:48 over here and he just might like to lick everything up,
09:52 right? Yeah.
09:53 I wanna do that.
09:54 Okay, well here is the set up guys.
09:56 We got our soda, right here, okay
09:59 and then we've got all this plumbing pipe here
10:02 and then when we got these cups, we have six cups.
10:04 What we're gonna try to do is this?
10:05 We're gonna try to serve the soda in those six cups.
10:11 But we're not gonna pour them in there,
10:12 that be kind of boring, wouldn't be?
10:14 Yeah. Yeah.
10:15 Instead, we're going to release some Mentos candies
10:19 right into that soda pop bottle.
10:20 Now we have a little magnet right here
10:22 and that magnet is hanging on to little nut,
10:25 it's a little hexagonal nut,
10:27 then we got four of these little Mentos candies.
10:30 Now you might know what candies are,
10:31 and they're full of what? Sugar. Sugar.
10:34 Okay, you got cup in front.
10:35 You want to take that little cup in front right here.
10:37 Go head, take that cup and you can take the Mentos candy out.
10:40 If you want to, you can put it into your mouth,
10:42 you can just put right into your mouth if you want to.
10:43 But you don't have to eat this if you don't want to.
10:45 Does it taste kind of interesting?
10:48 The candy taste sweet? Yeah.
10:50 They do, and they're loaded with what?
10:52 Sugar. Sugar, sugar.
10:54 And that sugar, it feels very smooth in your mouth
10:57 if you put it in your mouth, but you know what,
10:58 it's not smooth at all.
10:59 If you look at that sugar underneath the microscope
11:01 or the surface of this,
11:03 it look like the Rocky Mountains,
11:04 that little sugar,
11:05 it looks like this jagged boulders and rocks,
11:08 but and what happens when we release
11:10 this little magnet right here.
11:11 Now Terra, that's what your job is going to be.
11:14 She is going to take the magnet not yet,
11:16 we're gonna give her countdown.
11:17 She's gonna pull the magnet away
11:19 and that's going to drop the little steal nut
11:21 or the ball right down in those Mentos candies,
11:24 and we're only using four of them,
11:26 gonna mix into that sugary...
11:29 what is that stuff? Soda. Soda.
11:31 Hey what's inside soda that gives a lot of bubbles?
11:34 Carbonate. Carbonation, its called carbon dioxide,
11:37 this little carbon dioxide bubbles,
11:39 there are going to cling right to those little sugar particles.
11:42 And about zillion, billion of them,
11:45 are going to gather together putting a tremendous pressure
11:48 and we're gonna have our soda fountain.
11:50 Now are you ready? Yeah. Okay, all right.
11:52 Now, Terra, can you hang on to that,
11:54 just hold it so it doesn't move, okay.
11:56 And you can hang on to this side so it doesn't move,
11:58 and Terra, are you ready? Let's give her countdown.
12:01 Three, two, one. Pull that off there.
12:04 Pull that off there, and it's-- Wow! Wow!
12:09 Oh mine. Wow, give them a nice hand.
12:15 And we got our fountain. Wow. Isn't that cool?
12:20 Now that's a great way of serving up
12:22 a little beverage every now and then.
12:25 And you might not have all that stuff to do that with.
12:27 You know, that reminds me,
12:28 because we have some carbon dioxide
12:30 in that solution, right? Yeah. We can put gases and liquids.
12:34 But we have to do that under a tremendous amount of pressure,
12:37 but all those little gas bubbles came out
12:39 and they attach themselves around those little sugary
12:42 particles on our candy
12:43 and we had an explosion kind of, didn't we? Yeah.
12:47 Filled up all those bottles but you know that reminds me
12:49 of something, you know, that carbon dioxide
12:52 which is in that liquid, kind of reminds me
12:54 if you and I, are you and I in the world? Yeah.
12:57 I mean, we're in the world, we're right here,
12:59 but you know what.
13:00 If we want to have a lot of power,
13:02 we have to do what?
13:03 We need to able to focus in on Jesus, don't we? Yeah.
13:07 Well, so carbon dioxide bubbles focus altogether
13:10 and they all gathered around those little sugar particles
13:13 and man there was a tremendous
13:14 amount of energy to fill those cups.
13:16 Wow, that's an interesting experiment.
13:19 You know, every time we learn more about science,
13:22 we learn more about our creator, God.
13:40 Daniel. Have you heard from Daniel yet?
13:42 No, I'm waiting myself. He better hurry.
13:45 The king wants to know what that dream was,
13:47 he wants to know the meaning of it,
13:48 and he wants to know and if he doesn't here soon,
13:50 heads are gonna roll. I know it's my head too.
13:52 But then, you better hurry. Here comes Daniel now.
13:55 Daniel, was your God able to reveal to you
13:57 the meaning of the dream. Of course he was.
13:59 My God is a good guy, He hears and answers prayers.
14:03 He showed me the king's dream
14:05 and He gave me the interpretation.
14:07 Blake, you must take me to King Nebuchadnezzar right away.
14:10 Let's hurry.
14:19 Don't worry you Majesty, everything will be all right.
14:22 That should be here by now.
14:24 What's taking him so long, I'm Nebuchadnezzar,
14:26 king of all Babylon. Of course, you are.
14:28 But these things take time. My patience go thin.
14:32 I'm sure they'll be here soon.
14:35 They have to be. Oh, king live long.
14:39 I have found a man from among the Hebrew captives,
14:42 who can tell you your dream. Bring him to me.
14:45 Enter. Daniel. Rise, rise.
14:49 Do you know, the dream that I've been dreaming,
14:53 have you come and tell me this.
14:54 I cannot. What? Servants.
14:58 However there is God in heaven,
15:01 a revealer of ministries and He can.
15:05 As for you king, you were laying on your bed.
15:09 You were worried about the future,
15:11 worried about your kingdom, and as for me,
15:14 God did not give me this interpretation
15:16 because I'm wise and great,
15:18 He gave it because He cares about you
15:20 and He wants you to know what the future holds.
15:23 Yes, continue.
15:24 In this dream, you saw a magnificent statue. Yes.
15:28 The head was made of pure gold.
15:31 Gold, that's it.
15:32 The chest and arms were made of silver.
15:36 The belly and thighs of the statue
15:38 were cut of a pure bronze. Yes.
15:40 The legs were of iron
15:42 and the feet was a mixture of iron and clay
15:46 and as you watch this statue admiring its magnificence,
15:50 a giant rock which was not cut by human hands,
15:54 hurdle out of the heavens and crushed the statue,
15:59 grinding it into a million pieces
16:01 and then that rock, grew and grew
16:04 until it filled the entire earth,
16:06 that was your dream and this is the interpretation.
16:10 That head of gold represents you oh king of kings.
16:16 You are grandest kingdom ever,
16:18 but after you will come another kingdom
16:22 and just like silver is inferior to gold.
16:24 This kingdom will not be as glorious as yours.
16:28 Then after the kingdom of silver will come a kingdom of bronze,
16:31 then a kingdom of iron which will be strong.
16:34 Then there will be kingdoms of clay and iron,
16:38 and then the rock which you saw that is the kingdom of God.
16:43 It will wipe out the kingdoms of men,
16:46 it will establish itself.
16:48 And that kingdom oh, king will last forever.
16:51 This is your dream and the interpretation is true.
16:59 I hereby revoke my decree
17:01 of execution on all the wise men of my kingdom.
17:06 And you Daniel,
17:09 I promote you to be ruler
17:13 of the entire prophets of Babylon.
17:17 Truly, your God is the God of all gods.
17:26 Lord of all kings and reliever of secrets.
17:33 Praise the Lord.
17:34 Thank You God. Thank You.
17:52 Father Abraham had many sons
17:56 And many sons had Father Abraham
18:00 I am one of them and so are you
18:04 So let's just praise the Lord Right arm
18:07 Father Abraham had many sons
18:11 And many sons had Father Abraham
18:15 I am one of them and so are you
18:18 So let's just praise the Lord Right arm, left arm
18:23 Father Abraham had many sons
18:26 And many sons had Father Abraham
18:30 I am one of them and so are you
18:34 So let's just praise the Lord
18:36 Right arm, left arm, right foot
18:39 Father Abraham had many sons
18:43 And many sons had Father Abraham
18:46 I am one of them and so are you
18:50 So let's just praise the Lord
18:53 Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, Chin up
18:57 Father Abraham had many sons
19:00 And many sons had Father Abraham
19:04 I am one of them and so are you
19:08 So let's just praise the Lord
19:10 Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot,
19:14 Chin up, turn around
19:16 Father Abraham had many sons
19:19 And many sons had Father Abraham
19:23 I am one of them and so are you
19:27 So let's just praise the Lord
19:29 Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot,
19:33 Chin up, turn around, sit down
19:48 Hi, boys and girls,
19:49 it's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day.
19:53 And today's book is called Amelia, the Flying Squirrel.
19:57 And it's written by a very good friend of Miss Brenda's,
19:59 his name is Joe Wheeler and he writes incredible books,
20:03 this one is all about God's little creatures.
20:06 And I happen to have a very good friend.
20:08 In fact she is Miss Brenda's production assistant,
20:11 Melisa, who loves squirrels.
20:13 So I think I should get this one for her, don't you?
20:16 Amelia, the Flying Squirrel. Well, boys and girls.
20:19 I wanna introduce you to a special guest
20:21 I have with me today and his name Matale.
20:24 Hi Matale. Hi.
20:25 I'm so glad you're with us today.
20:27 Now you do something very special to share Jesus.
20:31 What is it? Science.
20:32 Science, now what you mean by that?
20:36 Well, I go to people's home when they're sick
20:41 and shut-ins and those in nursing homes.
20:49 And what do you do when you go there?
20:51 Do science experiments.
20:53 And who did you learned that from?
20:55 Ben Roy. And Ben Roy is on Kids' Time, isn't he?
20:58 And he is in charge of our learning time segment.
21:01 And so you're good friend of Ben Roy, aren't you? Yes.
21:04 And he had to teach you
21:05 how to do the science experiments? Yes.
21:07 And do you watch Kids' Time and learn how to do
21:09 some of the science experiments on kids' Time?
21:11 Yes. That's good, isn't it?
21:13 Yeah, I love to--I love to watch those science experiments.
21:16 So what kind of experiments do you do?
21:19 I see, you've got something special here,
21:21 what did you bring with you today?
21:23 A ring and chain. A ring and chain,
21:25 okay so what can you do with that?
21:28 This chain represents Satan and his temptations. Okay.
21:35 This ring represents us. All right.
21:40 We like to play around to Satan's temptations.
21:46 And we just keep on playing around.
21:50 And then one day we get caught.
21:55 Well, that's true, isn't it?
21:57 Shall we'll be playing around with Satan's temptations.
22:00 No. No, because that's what happens, isn't it?
22:04 And do you show people that when you go to visit with him.
22:06 Sometimes. Sometimes.
22:08 What is your favorite experiment,
22:10 this is a pretty good lesson, isn't it boys and girls.
22:12 I've learned something about that,
22:13 'cause that's a wonderful way to illustrate.
22:17 What happens if we start listening to bad music
22:20 or we watch things on T.V we shouldn't watch
22:22 or we're playing bad video games.
22:24 All those things are Satan's temptations
22:27 to draw us away from Jesus.
22:29 And that's not good, is it?
22:30 So I think that's a wonderful illustration.
22:33 What are some of your favorite experiments
22:35 that you've done?
22:37 I don't know. You don't know.
22:39 Do you like doing the experiments? Yeah.
22:43 Can you think of another one that you do with Ben Roy?
22:50 I do a lot. You do a lot of his.
22:53 Now have you met him in person? Yes. Yes.
22:56 I think you should come and be with me
22:57 on Learning Time this year.
22:58 What do you think about that? Okay.
23:00 Do you think the boys and girls around the world
23:02 should come and join us on Learning Time too.
23:04 Yes. Oh, we'd love them.
23:05 We have a lot of fun here, don't we?
23:07 All right. I think that would be good boys and girls.
23:09 But I'd like to read you a couple of letters.
23:11 I have one here and this one is from Zambia.
23:15 And let's see here, let's,
23:17 watch this--who's this letter from, ooh, a nice picture.
23:20 Can you hold this up for me, Matale, please.
23:22 And this letter, nice looking young man.
23:25 He says, dear Miss Brenda,
23:27 I greet you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
23:30 And my name is and I don't know how to pronounce it
23:32 and I'm gonna spell it to you.
23:33 C-H-I-L-E-S-H-E. Chileshe, I'm not sure.
23:40 So and he says, he is 14-years-old
23:43 and he he's in grade eight.
23:45 And he loves watching Kids' Time.
23:48 He says especially Nature Time and Praise Time.
23:51 And he said that he loves the Lord and he said,
23:54 that he loves and respect Jesus Christ
23:56 and that he wants to have a closer walk
23:58 with God as his personal Savior.
24:00 He said he really would like to join our Kids Club,
24:03 so he can learn more about Jesus.
24:04 He said, this is me in the photo.
24:06 Please send me the lessons. God bless you all.
24:09 Well, thank you so much and we are glad
24:12 that you are watching Kids Time
24:13 all the way over there in Africa.
24:15 And we'll make sure that we get you those lessons.
24:17 We have another one here. Thank you so much, Matale.
24:20 You're such a good help, here in another picture,
24:23 you did such a good job.
24:24 I'll have you do that again, okay.
24:26 And this one...
24:28 let me open it up and find out where's from.
24:30 Boys and girls, I love getting your letters,
24:32 I love seeing your pictures,
24:33 and I love hearing what you do to share Jesus.
24:36 This is dear Miss Brenda, I hope you got my first letter,
24:39 I really do love Kids' Time, it's wonderful
24:42 and I have a new prayer request,
24:44 my cousin Nellie is eight-months-old
24:46 and she was a preemie baby and she is not developing right,
24:50 one of her muscles is not good,
24:52 for she is still cannot crawl.
24:54 And I baby sit her a lot, can you please pray for her.
24:57 Also I want the Bible studies please.
24:59 Thank you so much, Regan.
25:01 And Regan, I would be happy to give you those
25:03 and let's boys and girls,
25:04 let's all pray for Regan's cousin,
25:07 who Nellie, okay.
25:09 Because I believe in the power of prayer.
25:11 Do you believe Matale that Jesus answers prayer?
25:14 Yes, I do. Okay, let's see this right here.
25:17 All right, this oh, let's read a email.
25:20 This one is from Rihanna and it says, she's age nine.
25:25 She says, dear Miss Brenda,
25:27 can I have the Bible studies please
25:29 and I also want to be baptize.
25:31 I wanna new life with Jesus
25:33 and I want to be baptize as soon as I can.
25:35 It says, my favorite part of our Kids' Time
25:37 is Learning Time, I love science that's my favorite.
25:41 Thank you, Rihanna.
25:42 And look here is a girl that like science
25:44 just like you, Matale.
25:46 So maybe you've given her some good ideas today.
25:49 Let's see, how about another email,
25:52 I think we've time for that, says,
25:53 dear Miss Brenda, my name is Shakeel
25:56 and I love watching Kids' Time.
25:58 I'm nine-years-old, I love Jesus,
26:00 I love telling others about Jesus too.
26:02 About two weeks ago in my church
26:04 we had a open air service
26:06 and I was one of the main speakers,
26:08 I want to be pastor, when I grow up
26:10 and I want to know that
26:11 you would pray for me on Kids' Time.
26:13 Thank you, Shakeel. So boys and girls,
26:15 let's pray for Shakeel and leading in his life
26:19 and he lives in Africa.
26:21 He doesn't me where in Africa.
26:23 But we know God knows, so let's pray for Shakeel.
26:25 Can you put that on your prayer list too.
26:27 Yes, I will. That's wonderful.
26:29 Well, thank you, Matale for joining today.
26:31 How old are you? Seven.
26:32 Seven-years-old, and boys and girls,
26:34 he loves to share Jesus.
26:36 Well, that's all the time we had today.
26:38 Until next time
26:39 remember Boys and girls it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17