Kids' Time

Solomon's Wisdom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000274

00:01 It's almost time for Kids' Time.
00:03 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time, Kids' Time
00:31 Hi, boys and girls,
00:33 I've been thinking lately a lot about wisdom
00:36 and I realized that it's not that hard to be smart,
00:39 but it's a lot more difficult to be wise.
00:42 After all being smart is just gaining knowledge
00:44 about things like memorizing facts
00:47 but being wise is knowing
00:48 what to do with all that knowledge.
00:51 Yes, wisdom is much harder.
00:53 I once heard a funny saying that said,
00:55 "Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit
00:58 but wisdom is knowing not to put them in a fruit salad.
01:02 Tomatoes mixed up with bananas and pineapple and blueberries
01:05 doesn't sound very appetizing, does it?
01:09 Have you ever had people tell you two different stories
01:11 and you were smart enough to know
01:13 that both stories couldn't possibly be true.
01:16 But how could you tell which story was true?
01:19 That takes wisdom.
01:20 The kind of wisdom only God has.
01:23 King Solomon wanted that kind of wisdom.
01:25 So he asked God for it and God gave it to him.
01:29 So when two people came to him and they told him stories
01:31 that both of the stories couldn't possibly be true.
01:34 He knew how to figure out
01:36 which person was actually telling the truth.
01:39 Boys and girls, why do you think
01:40 that story is in the Bible?
01:42 I think maybe to let us know
01:44 that we can ask God for wisdom too.
01:46 And when He gives it to us
01:48 let's never forget to tell others where it came from.
01:51 Well right now it's time for? It's time for?
01:55 I'm looking to see if Max is ready.
01:57 Max is not. He is still sleeping.
02:00 It's time for "Nature Time."
02:09 Welcome to "Nature Time." I'm so excited.
02:12 We're here at Binder Park Zoo at Battle Creek, Michigan.
02:15 And we're at the eagle habitat.
02:17 And I am with Chuck, Chuck,
02:18 I wanna know more about eagles.
02:20 I think they are an awesome bird.
02:22 What can you tell me about eagles?
02:24 Well, if you guys have seen them recently
02:26 then a lot of stuff that's been out.
02:28 They are a national bird.
02:31 These guys were endangered not all that long ago.
02:35 So endangered which means?
02:36 Which means there were not very many left
02:39 in the United States period. Wow.
02:42 It was quite low like under
02:44 500 pairs of birds at one point.
02:47 That's not very much, kids,
02:48 under 500 birds in all the United States.
02:51 Now in the last few years,
02:53 they have been taken off the endangered species list
02:56 because they have made such a great comeback.
02:58 That's great.
02:59 And we're fortunate enough to have the two behind me
03:01 here on exhibit for people to see.
03:04 That is-- Now eagle, I've always liked eagles,
03:07 Chuck, because they've got, they soar.
03:10 I love the white head and white tail
03:12 but how big are the wings of eagles?
03:15 The eagles, interesting enough,
03:17 they have wingspan that will reach from 6 to 8 feet long.
03:20 Man, that is awesome.
03:24 And I know that there is a eagle you've got made
03:28 as we come into this habitat here.
03:30 And I have Bryce and Brady,
03:32 they've got their hands outstretched.
03:34 And even as wide as that is
03:36 the eagles are bigger than that on their wings.
03:39 Can you imagine, kids?
03:40 That is really neat graphic that we made here years ago
03:44 to show people just how big the wingspan of an eagle is.
03:48 So that when even adult stand up to it
03:50 and their arms don't reach
03:52 the whole length of that wingspan.
03:53 So they're really getting the fact
03:55 as to just how big they really are.
03:56 they are huge and now
03:58 the one thing I love about eagles, kids,
04:00 is they got a white head,
04:02 the bald eagle and a white tail.
04:04 Does that happen at birth or when?
04:06 They are born, kind of like an off-white color. Okay.
04:10 They turn all brown and then usually
04:13 around four years of age that's when they start
04:15 getting the white head and the white tail.
04:17 So they don't have it for almost four years or so?
04:19 Right, no, until they become mature eagles
04:22 that's when they get the white heads
04:23 and the white tails.
04:25 And then-- That's, we get, we get different things
04:27 as we grow up too.
04:28 So it works with the eagles also, huh?
04:30 Yeah, they will live to be
04:33 usually around 30 years old in the wild.
04:37 In captivity there are eagles that have gone close to 50.
04:41 Wow, kids, 50 years. That's a long time for a bird.
04:45 Well, Chuck, something else
04:47 how many eggs does eagles have?
04:50 Eagles generally will lay two to four eggs
04:53 of those usually 75 percent of them will hatch.
04:58 Which means that's a pretty good percentage?
05:01 It's great now. Yeah.
05:02 That it didn't used to be like that.
05:04 But now it is.
05:05 And you know when I see eagles,
05:08 I didn't know about you, kids,
05:09 when I see eagles with their nest.
05:10 They're always up on a high mountain or a cliff
05:12 or in a big tree but do they always nest in those?
05:16 And they always have to be on a high tree
05:18 or on a big cliff or what?
05:20 In areas, they will look for the large pine trees
05:23 to build nest in.
05:24 If they're not available
05:26 they will actually nest on the ground.
05:28 They will nest actually on the ground?
05:29 Yep, they will build nest straight on the ground.
05:31 The nest in the trees can be up to a 1,000 pounds.
05:35 They are actually huge. A 1,000 pounds?
05:37 Listen, kids, just like seven of me.
05:39 That's a huge nest. That's amazing--
05:41 It's a big tree to support that.
05:43 Well, you know, kids, I fly an aeroplane
05:46 but that aeroplane isn't anything how an eagle flies.
05:50 And yet in the Bible in Isaiah Chapter 40 verse 31 it says,
05:54 "Mount up with wings like eagles."
05:56 Which means that an eagle is really something
05:59 it's a graceful bird.
06:01 Nature's got second book. Get out there and take a look.
06:19 God made birds to fill the skies
06:24 God made frogs to eat the flies
06:28 God made owls to just look wise
06:32 But we were made to love the Lord
06:36 Yes, we were made to love the Lord
06:41 Love the Lord love the Lord
06:45 We were made to love the Lord
06:50 That's what we were made for
06:54 God made foxes to be real tricky
06:58 God made worms to be real sticky
07:02 God made spiders to just be yicky
07:07 But we were made to love the Lord
07:11 Yes, we were made to love the Lord
07:15 Love the Lord love the Lord
07:19 We were made to love the Lord
07:24 That's what we were made for
07:28 That's what we were made for
07:44 Welcome to "Learning Time."
07:46 Glad you join us today.
07:47 I've lots of things on the table.
07:49 Looks like we're gonna cook some stuff up, right? Yes.
07:53 Well, today we're gonna show you some interesting things
07:55 that you can do at home.
07:56 And we got three helpers that are going to help us today.
07:59 And Britney Britney, I understand
08:01 you have a favorite sport? Yes, gymnastics.
08:03 Gymnastics and what do you like to do best?
08:06 I like to watch the older kids do their cool stuff.
08:09 Oh, yeah, and the flips and all that kind of stuff.
08:12 Then we have Darnell.
08:13 Now, Darnell, what do you like to do for Jesus?
08:15 I used to play piano
08:16 and I have been playing for five years now.
08:18 Oh, that's wonderful. And we have Jeffrey over here.
08:21 Jeffrey, I hear you have an unusual pet?
08:23 Yeah, I have Iguana
08:26 and I've been training it and I tame too.
08:32 Cool and we got a pet here today, don't we?
08:34 Yeah. Yeah.
08:35 Maxwell is our pet
08:36 and we like to take good care of him.
08:38 Hey, let's get all three of our helpers up here.
08:41 Get behind my table.
08:42 We're gonna be looking at some interesting things today.
08:44 And remember you can do these at home
08:46 and it's really a lot of fun.
08:47 Do get permission, otherwise you're gonna get
08:49 kicked out of the kitchen, all right?
08:50 Okay, so here I have a couple of containers.
08:53 Now this is a large container
08:55 and this is a small container, right? Yeah.
08:57 So which one has the most amount of volume?
08:59 That's volume is the amount of stuff something can hold.
09:02 This one right here,
09:03 it's a lot larger, isn't it guys? Yeah.
09:06 This is a lot smaller.
09:07 Well, today we're gonna be
09:08 doing something all about volume.
09:10 Because volume can really play tricks in our mind sometimes.
09:13 And I have this piece of material right here.
09:15 This is a piece of plastic, right? Yeah.
09:17 Now if I take this plastic and I can roll it up like this
09:20 and tape it and that's what we have right here.
09:22 We have a very tall cylinder,
09:24 but it's not big around, but it's tall,
09:26 and then I've taken the same piece of plastic
09:29 and I've rolled it up and I've taped it just like that
09:32 so it becomes fat and it's shorter.
09:34 See this one is fat and it's shorter.
09:36 So the question is, which one will hold more macaroni
09:41 or which one will have the most amount of volume?
09:44 What do you think?
09:46 Tell me. That one.
09:50 Well, I am not sure and so let's find out, shall we?
09:52 So let's have--so what we're using right here is,
09:54 we're using somewhat? Macaroni.
09:56 Yeah. I don't really like macaroni.
10:00 Well, you know you don't have to like it,
10:01 don't eat this, okay,
10:02 because some of it's been on the floor.
10:04 So let's go ahead and take our big fat cylinder right here.
10:07 You can hold, well, let's just keep that here.
10:10 And let's go ahead and I'm gonna pour this in
10:11 and you guys can make a funnel with your hands little bit.
10:14 So we don't get too much on the floor
10:15 otherwise Maxwell will eat it all up.
10:18 Won't he? So let's pour it in here.
10:20 We're gonna fill it up right to the brim.
10:22 Here we go and then we're gonna get this thing
10:23 all the way up to the top.
10:24 Let me know, when you think it's full.
10:26 Is it full? Full.
10:27 Okay, it's full.
10:28 All right, now what we're gonna do
10:29 since these cylinders are open at both ends
10:31 they don't have any bottom or top.
10:33 We're gonna take and we're gonna pour
10:35 all of these into there.
10:36 So I tell you what, let's do it.
10:38 Why don't you make another funnel with your hands?
10:40 And I'm gonna pour this in. Are you ready, guys? Yeah.
10:42 Okay, we're gonna see if we can,
10:44 you know, I don't wanna spill too much of this here.
10:47 So we're gonna fill this up.
10:48 Let's fill this cup up just like that.
10:49 Okay it's full. Okay, set the cup up here.
10:51 We're gonna try another cup here.
10:53 And so we're gonna get another cup full, okay.
10:55 Help me with our funnel. Thank you very much, cool.
10:58 We're gonna fill this one up.
11:00 Well, just like that, all right.
11:02 And here is our third one.
11:03 Wow, we've got two full cups
11:05 and we've got some for our third cup.
11:09 That's how much this one holds.
11:11 One and what, two and what, just a little bit.
11:14 Hey, let's try our little small cylinder.
11:16 Small round, but it's a very, very tall.
11:18 Okay, are you ready? Yeah.
11:19 Okay, help us with our funnel.
11:21 Let's fill this thing up. Here we go.
11:24 Wow, we're going all over the floor, that's okay.
11:26 Maxwell will eat all that up for us maybe.
11:29 All right, let me know when we're full.
11:31 Okay, we're full, let's find out.
11:33 What do we have now?
11:35 All right, we're gonna pour this one right into here.
11:37 So here help me with that funnel again.
11:39 We have a human funnel.
11:40 Okay, set it on the ground now or in the floor, here we go.
11:43 We're gonna put it right here. We're gonna fill this one up.
11:47 Okay, let me know when we are full. Full.
11:49 Okay, we're full and then we got another one right here.
11:52 All right, now let's put it over here
11:53 so we don't get it mixed up.
11:55 All right, here we go, make that funnel again.
11:57 We're gonna put this, wow, just like that.
12:00 Hey, let's check it out. Let's answer our question.
12:03 Which one of these, the big fat one but short
12:07 or the tall one, which one had more volume?
12:11 The fat one. The fat one.
12:13 Because it filled up how many?
12:15 One, two and about a quarter. And this one only held two.
12:19 You know, that's interesting,
12:21 because things aren't what they seem sometimes.
12:23 What you and I see isn't necessarily true or real.
12:27 And sometimes we, you know, we judge people
12:29 by what we think, we see.
12:31 We should never do that
12:32 because we can't judge people by what we see.
12:35 Sometimes what we see can fool us
12:37 and I don't wanna be fooled by what we see.
12:39 Do you wanna be fooled? No.
12:41 No, Jesus wouldn't want us to do that.
12:43 Remember when we learn more about science,
12:45 we learn more about our creator, God.
13:01 Your majesty, your top adviser
13:03 request permission to speak to you.
13:05 So granted. You may enter.
13:11 Long live, King Solomon. Rise, top adviser.
13:16 Thank you my Lord.
13:18 My Lord, I wish to tell you that
13:21 I think it's a very wise choice
13:24 that you have chosen
13:25 Benaiah to be over the entire army.
13:29 Benaiah has been very faithful to me my top adviser.
13:33 But as far as my wisdom, you should know I certainly
13:38 could not have come with that on my own.
13:42 My king, whatever do you mean?
13:45 The Lord God, top adviser.
13:47 For God came to me in a dream and said,
13:50 "Ask what shall I give you?"
13:53 And I said to Him, "I am but a child,
13:56 knowing not whether to come in or go out."
13:59 Therefore I asked our God for wisdom
14:03 so that I might correctly judge his people.
14:08 Therefore God has indeed honored his promise to me.
14:14 I see, my king. Get away from me.
14:16 Give me back my baby, my baby. Stop.
14:19 Your Highness, I tried to stop them.
14:21 They pushed by me, I couldn't stop them.
14:24 Your majesty, this is my child.
14:27 She is trying to take it from me--
14:28 She is lying, she is lying, this is my baby--
14:30 Oh, be quiet. Give me back my baby.
14:31 Silence, take the baby.
14:44 Speak, well, your majesty,
14:47 this woman and I live in the same house.
14:50 Not too long ago I had a son.
14:52 Three days later she had a son.
14:54 And one night while she was sleeping
14:56 she rolled over her baby and killed him--
14:58 Don't believe her, she is lying.
14:59 That is my child.
15:00 Anyway, then in the middle of the night
15:03 while I was sleeping she took her dead son
15:06 and replaced it with my baby child.
15:08 You are lying, this is my baby.
15:09 You are lying. Enough.
15:12 Guard, bring me a sword. King.
15:19 I want you to cut this baby in half--
15:21 No, no, no, don't cut my baby.
15:23 Give half to one woman
15:25 and the other half to the other woman.
15:27 Give him to her, that's not my baby.
15:29 Don't we each get a part of the child?
15:31 No, please give him to her, don't cut my child.
15:34 This is the true mother of the child.
15:38 Return the living baby to her.
15:40 That's not fair. Your majesty that's not fair.
15:44 Woman, you will leave my presence and my throne room
15:48 while you still have a life immediately now, now. No.
15:54 Oh, my precious baby. Oh, thank you, your majesty,
16:01 thank you so much, thank you so much.
16:04 May the God of Israel go with you my child--
16:06 Praise God, who gave you the wisdom.
16:08 God bless you my child.
16:10 Thank you so much, oh my, baby.
16:16 My king, oh, my king, I can see now
16:21 that the God of heaven has truly blessed you with wisdom.
16:44 I believe for every drop of rain that falls
16:50 A flower grows I believe that somewhere
16:58 In the darkest night a candle glows
17:06 I believe for everyone Who goes astray
17:13 Someone will come to show the way
17:21 I believe oh, I believe I believe above a storm
17:32 The smallest prayer will still be heard
17:40 I believe that someone in that great somewhere
17:46 Hears every word
17:51 Every time I hear a newborn baby cry
17:58 Or touch a leaf or see the sky
18:05 Then I know why I believe
18:14 Every time I hear a newborn baby cry
18:20 Or touch a leaf Or see the sky
18:27 Then I know why I believe
18:35 Then I know why I believe
18:57 Hi, boys and girls,
18:58 it's time for Miss Brenda's "Book of the Day."
19:01 And today's book is called "God's Ten Promises."
19:05 And it's a book all about helping children
19:07 understand God's Ten Commandments.
19:10 It's written by Kimberly Tagert-Paul.
19:12 You will want to read this book "God's Ten Promises."
19:17 Well, I'm exited today, boys and girls,
19:18 I have a wonderful guest I'd like to introduce you to,
19:21 his name is Isaiah. Hi, Isaiah.
19:23 Hi, Miss Brenda.
19:24 I'm so glad that you're here on Kids' Time with me.
19:26 I'm glad to be here.
19:27 Tell me where you're from?
19:29 I'm from Orlando, Florida. From Orlando, Florida.
19:32 Is it pretty hot down there most of the time?
19:33 It's pretty warm. Pretty warm.
19:35 Tell me, what do you do to share Jesus?
19:38 What I do to share Jesus is I do monologues
19:40 and I take the Bible characters from the Bible
19:43 and I take my monologues that I do
19:45 because I'm a professional actor and I mix them together.
19:49 So I tell the Bible stories in first person.
19:51 In first person?
19:53 Now you're saying you're professional actor,
19:54 where have you acted?
19:55 Well, I've gone to California and I've done feature films.
19:59 I've done independent films.
20:01 I've done short films for schools in UCF.
20:05 So can I ask you to come
20:06 and do Bible stories with us? Of course.
20:08 All right, then I'm gonna book you for next year.
20:12 Okay, that's fabulous.
20:13 Wonderful, so now these monologues that you do,
20:16 they're really basically to make the Bible story
20:19 come to live, right? Of course.
20:20 Do you have a short one you can do for me right now?
20:22 I do actually. Okay, let's hear it.
20:25 This is entitled "The Birth of Jesus."
20:27 And it's about God giving Mary the son she always wanted.
20:34 Awesome, Yes, of course, okay.
20:38 Mary, Mary you are chosen by God
20:40 to give birth to our savior
20:42 and such a willing so were you.
20:45 Joseph, Joseph, why couldn't you believe?
20:49 Only when an angel appeared before you did you believe?
20:52 And dear Mary, Mary, Mary,
20:56 what a privilege God has given you
20:57 to care for and raise the King of Kings?
21:02 Joseph and Mary, oh, what a journey before you?
21:05 But your faith helps you endure
21:08 what God had planned for you.
21:10 Mary, Mary, how great with the child you must have been?
21:14 Finding no woman therein.
21:16 What was it like in the manger?
21:19 Mary, Mary, how precious is your first born son?
21:24 Lying in the manger wrapped in swaddling clothes.
21:27 Joseph and Mary,
21:29 how melodious is the heavenly host of angels?
21:32 Praising God and saying, glory to God in the highest.
21:37 Peace on earth. Goodwill toward man.
21:40 The savior of the world is born.
21:43 Angels announce His birth. Hallelujah.
21:48 O Lord, how eternally grateful we are
21:51 that you died to save us on the cross
21:54 and live to be glorified. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Amen.
22:01 Amen and amen. Tell me that was incredible.
22:06 Tell me where do you go and did you do this
22:09 in churches or schools
22:11 or where do you get your contacts?
22:13 Well, this was actually my first monologue I ever did
22:17 and I did it for a Christmas program at my church.
22:20 And people were just so blessed by it
22:22 and they came up and told me that you are very good.
22:25 I enjoyed listening to you.
22:27 And it makes me feel very good because if only one person
22:32 got to know Jesus that day it was all worth it.
22:35 And I glorify God-- Yes.
22:37 For giving me this talent and giving me the opportunity
22:40 that He has given me to go and say these monologues.
22:43 Because while I was in California,
22:46 my aunt with me, my aunt went with me
22:50 and she contacted different churches
22:52 and they wanted me to do my monologues.
22:54 And when I did them I mean it was just,
22:56 it felt so good and it was really in the moment
22:59 and it was one of those moments where you say,
23:01 thank you, Jesus for being with me
23:03 through this time. Amen.
23:05 Because-- Always give God the glory.
23:06 Exactly because without Him none of this is possible.
23:09 Amen, that's right.
23:11 You know, boys and girls,
23:12 if you wanted to get in touch with Isaiah,
23:15 all you have to do is write to me
23:17 and send your letters to Miss Brenda at 3ABN
23:21 or you can email me at
23:25 and I will be happy to get the messages to him.
23:28 And I'm sure that you would love an opportunity
23:30 to witness it at their church too, wouldn't you?
23:33 Definitely, of course.
23:34 Awesome and I'm counting, I need you for Bible stories.
23:37 Well, listen, I'd like to read a couple of letters.
23:40 And I have a picture here.
23:41 Would you like to help me, Isaiah,
23:42 hold that picture up, that cute little girl there?
23:44 This letter is from Vernal, Utah
23:47 and lets see what this letter has to say,
23:49 it says, "Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Catlin
23:53 and I'm five-years-old and I want to join Kids' Club.
23:56 Please send me the Bible lessons."
23:57 It said, "Thank you and I look forward to your response. P.S.
24:00 Please praise for my family to being God's family.
24:03 I want them to be baptized and I wanna be baptized too.
24:06 Love, Catlin."
24:07 Well, Catlin, yes and, boys and girls,
24:09 let's all pray for Catlin's family
24:10 that they can come to know Jesus
24:12 and give their hearts to Him
24:13 and that's what it's all about,
24:15 isn't it, Isaiah? Yeah, definitely.
24:16 All right, this letter is from Trinidad and Tobago.
24:19 Have you ever been there? No, I have not.
24:21 You know, Miss Brenda has not been there yet either,
24:23 but I would like to come someday.
24:25 It says, "Dear Miss Brenda, hi, my name is Anisha,
24:29 and I'm 11-years-old
24:30 and I want to join the Kids' Club Bible Lessons.
24:33 When my cousins were there doing their Kids' Time Lessons
24:37 it encouraged me to join too.
24:39 My aunt told me to write you a letter
24:41 and that you would let me be your member of your club.
24:44 I now live with my cousins, aunt and grandmother.
24:47 Love, Anisha."
24:48 We'll get those lessons out to you right away.
24:51 Well, Isaiah, I'm just so thankful you're here today.
24:54 How old are you? I'm 13.
24:55 You're 13 and how long you've been doing this?
24:58 Two years. For two years.
25:00 Isn't that amazing, boys and girls?
25:01 And what do you think the most rewarding thing
25:04 about what you do is?
25:05 The most rewarding thing,
25:06 well, over the time of these monologues
25:10 I've had adults and children come up to me and say,
25:13 I've done a great job but one in particular
25:17 this little girl come up to me and she said "Isaiah,
25:21 I love listening to you and you are one of the reasons
25:25 why I wanna become baptized
25:27 and I wanna get to know Jesus."
25:29 And that right there,
25:30 I mean it just touched my heart. Absolutely.
25:33 And I thanked Jesus for that, I thanked Him. Amen.
25:35 Well that's all the time we have today, boys and girls.
25:38 Thank you, Isaiah, for being here
25:39 and remember wherever you go,
25:41 whatever you do it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17