Kids' Time

Hagar's Hope

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000268

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time.
00:03 We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:24 Kids Time, Kids Time Kids Time, Kids Time
00:31 Hi boys and girls, We talk a lot about things
00:34 like faith and love on Kids Time, don't we?
00:37 And you've probably heard the Bible verse that says,
00:39 "The greatest thing of all is love,"
00:42 but that same verse actually names three things
00:45 that are very important.
00:47 There's faith, there's love and one more thing,
00:50 do you know what it is? It's hope.
00:53 Now does that mean hope as in,
00:55 I sure hope I get a puppy for my birthday?
00:57 I don't think so.
00:59 It means something much more important than that,
01:01 something you actually need to live.
01:04 I'm sure you've had days when you woke up
01:06 feeling very sad and hardly able to face another day,
01:10 everyone has days like that.
01:11 May be kids have been mean to you at school
01:14 and you just can't take it anymore.
01:16 It's times like these when we fell hopeless,
01:18 like we just can't go on because life is too hard.
01:22 We're tired and afraid and heart-broken.
01:25 Do you know that Jesus had that feeling once too?
01:27 He understands exactly what it feels like
01:30 and He knows how important it is to have hope.
01:33 Today, our Bible story is about a woman
01:35 who felt hopeless, but God didn't leave
01:37 her feeling that way.
01:39 He took care of her
01:40 and He will take care of you too.
01:42 Don't never forget that, boys and girls.
01:44 Well, now, let's get ready for "Nature Time."
01:56 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to "Nature Time."
01:59 We're here in Grayling, Michigan today
02:01 at Camp Au Sable, and I'll tell you right now,
02:03 we're at this high adventure area.
02:05 And right above us is this zip line.
02:08 I'll tell you what I love having a lot of fun,
02:10 but I'm gonna have a lot more fun
02:11 and so are you because we've got a special guest,
02:13 kind of, to Nature Time, but you know who she is,
02:16 it's Miss Brenda. Hi, Miss Brenda.
02:18 Hello, Ranger Dwight.
02:19 Looks like you're all dressed up,
02:21 ready to do something.
02:22 I'll tell you what, I am, I came prepared today except,
02:24 you know, Miss Brenda has this thing now.
02:26 I agreed to do this program with you,
02:28 but he suggest just that I wear tennis shoes.
02:30 Now anybody that knows
02:31 Miss Brenda knows I don't even own a pair tennis shoes.
02:33 So I compromised, I took off the high heels,
02:36 but I got my platform tennis shoes on.
02:38 Well, that, we're gonna make it work, I'll tell you.
02:40 These are Miss Brenda's tennis shoes--
02:42 Actually they're my platform flip flops, you know. Okay.
02:45 Now Ranger Dwight, I'm in this outfit
02:47 for a reason. Absolutely.
02:49 Not because it's my favorite attire, you know?
02:51 Are you sure? I'm pretty sure about that.
02:54 Well, you know, boys and girls,
02:55 that's exactly right.
02:56 You know, we have this harness,
02:57 because we're gonna be tied to the zip line
03:00 and it's an object lesson with the Lord,
03:02 we have to have all of God's armor on.
03:04 Exactly, I wouldn't be going up there
03:06 at all without some good safety equipment.
03:08 And we're gonna do this probably.
03:10 We're gonna have to pray for Miss Brenda--
03:12 I just want you to know. I think so.
03:13 It's gonna take some faith.
03:14 And I think there's someone up there right now
03:16 that's gonna be going down.
03:17 That's right, that's my friend, Hannah.
03:19 In fact, she is right up there getting ready to go.
03:23 Oh, look at that. Oh, that is awesome.
03:26 Now she doesn't look too afraid though.
03:28 You're not going to either, right?
03:30 You're not gonna scream.
03:31 I can't promise that, but oh, wait a minute,
03:33 there's Lance, look at. Wow! Hey, Lance.
03:35 My friend Lance is getting ready, look at that.
03:37 Wow! There he goes. That is awesome. That is so cool.
03:44 Well, you know what, boys and girls,
03:46 we've got to make sure that in, the Lord,
03:49 in the Bible, that we wear all this equipment,
03:52 it's not really this type with your helmet. No--
03:55 but what you got the Helmet of Salvation. That's right.
03:57 You've got the Shield of Faith.
03:58 God's armor. God's armor, every bit of it.
04:01 And we're gonna get ready right now,
04:02 now are you ready, Miss Brenda?
04:04 I don't think I could be anymore ready.
04:06 Okay, okay, well, you might wanna say
04:08 a pray for Miss Brenda, but she's getting ready
04:10 to go up right now. So let's go.
04:12 All right, here we go. Okay.
04:34 Okay, kids, now I've said that you're gonna have to pray
04:36 because you can hear her yelling already,
04:38 but that's why we wear all this stuff right here.
04:40 She's gonna be up there,
04:41 it's gonna be fun, you're gonna enjoy this.
04:43 I'm so excited to watch her go down that zip line,
04:46 I bet you are too.
04:47 Okay, Miss Brenda, you look like
04:49 you're long ways up in the air, are you sure, you're ready?
04:52 I think, as ready as I'll ever be.
04:54 And hey, boys and girls,
04:56 I also have this cool camera right here
04:59 that you're gonna ake this ride with me.
05:02 Are you ready? Plug your ears
05:04 'cause she might me screaming, boys and girls.
05:05 Oh, no, here we go.
05:10 Oh, oh, oh no, I changed my mind.
05:25 Oh, no.
05:40 Okay, Ranger Dwight, I did it, now it's your turn.
06:07 Wow! That was pretty brave of Miss Brenda wasn't it?
06:10 This is an awesome look, she did a great job.
06:13 Okay, kids, here we go, I'm gonna go now, here we go.
06:16 Oh, wow! This is awesome!
06:19 Okay, kids, always remember,
06:22 God's nature is His second book,
06:23 get out there and take a look.
06:32 [music]
07:34 Welcome to "Learning Time," glad you join us today.
07:37 You know, looks like we're gonna be,
07:38 I don't know, does that looks like soup to you? No.
07:42 It's not soup, its bubble mix.
07:44 And we're gonna have some fun with bubbles right here.
07:46 And looks like we got a lot of good helpers,
07:48 I have Mr. Farley, here, Mr. Farley is gonna help me,
07:50 you know, he's been a missionary for 15 years.
07:54 Wow! And so he's gonna help us do our experiment,
07:58 and that'll be really fun.
07:59 So we've got our first helper, Elisha.
08:01 Now do you have a favorite pet?
08:04 Yeah, I like hamsters.
08:07 Hamsters, hamsters' a lot of fun, aren't they?
08:09 Yeah. I know we have Justin.
08:12 Now, Justin, do you have a favorite sport? Baseball.
08:15 Baseball, you know, baseball is a lot of fun,
08:17 isn't it? Yeah.
08:18 We can have a lot of fun doing sports.
08:20 Now we have our last helper Lori,
08:22 Lori, what do you want to be when you grow up?
08:26 A veterinarian and a teacher.
08:28 Veterinarian and a teacher, that would be a good thing
08:30 'cause you know what, Maxwell might need a veterinarian.
08:34 Let's have our helpers come on up here,
08:35 come on up here and we have some safety glasses,
08:38 what does that mean, guys? Danger, danger.
08:41 It means we have to protect our eyes.
08:44 And Mr. Farley is gonna put his on too,
08:46 and that's gonna be great, let's go ahead
08:47 and get these on right here, right.
08:49 Now, you know, today, we're gonna be using
08:51 our bubble mix
08:52 and bubble mixes are a lot of fun.
08:53 Let me move this out of our way,
08:54 just a little bit over here.
08:56 And I have something very special in this balloon,
08:58 something very special happens to be a gas,
09:01 there's gases in balloons.
09:02 And this gas isn't helium
09:04 like we would normally have a helium balloon
09:06 that would fly in the air, but this gas is hydrogen,
09:09 it's a very interesting gas.
09:11 Now have you ever broken a balloon? Yes.
09:15 And they pop, don't they? I step on it, it pop--
09:17 Well, instead of breaking balloons
09:18 we're going to break bubbles
09:20 and so we're gonna make some bubbles,
09:22 I'm gonna put some of this hydrogen gas
09:23 right into our bubble mix right here.
09:25 And so it's gonna bubble away.
09:28 Whoa. Wow.
09:31 Oh, yes, squeezed that over there.
09:32 No, just like that,
09:33 and that kind of makes a mess, doesn't it?
09:35 Now what I'm gonna do with this?
09:37 Now I'm gonna get my hand wet
09:39 because I need my hand wet for this little experiment.
09:42 Now if water, water puts out fire, doesn't it?
09:45 Yeah. Because it cools it down.
09:47 Now I'm gonna take all of these bubbles,
09:49 I'm gonna take some of those bubbles--
09:51 Wow! Why is it?
09:58 Why is it going over there--
10:00 Why do you supposed that went flying in the air.
10:04 Yeah, hey, let's find out
10:05 what does gonna happen to this one.
10:07 We're gonna have Mr. Farley light the bubbles in my hand.
10:10 Wow! Wow.
10:12 Did you see that? Yeah.
10:15 What happened to those bubbles in my hand?
10:17 It's on fire, it blew up. It blew up.
10:20 Did you think that soap bubbles can blow up? No.
10:24 No, but we didn't have regular air
10:27 in there, did we? No.
10:29 What kind of gas did we have in there? Hydrogen.
10:32 Hydrogen gas, did you notice that
10:34 some of those bubbles, where did they go? Up.
10:38 Well, it went clear to the ceiling
10:39 because hydrogen is the lightest gas
10:42 that we know of, and you know what,
10:43 God put hydrogen in our Sun,
10:46 there's more hydrogen in our Sun than any other place
10:49 in the entire solar system. Yeah.
10:51 Do you think that's a good idea? Yeah.
10:54 You know, anytime God produces or He creates
10:57 and He puts things in place,
10:59 it's a good idea, it's a very good idea.
11:02 In fact, but you know what,
11:03 I have those bubbles in my hand
11:05 and what did Mr. Farley do to those bubbles?
11:07 Burn them up. He burned them up.
11:09 And he lit the match, but did my hand burn? No.
11:13 Now the question is why didn't my hand burn?
11:17 Because you had water on your hand. Yeah.
11:20 That's right, what I did to my hand first? You wet it.
11:24 I put it in the water and so I had water all over my hand.
11:27 Then we had that big flame,
11:28 remember the big flame? Yeah.
11:30 Well, but, my hand didn't burn up, did it? No.
11:33 But you know what, that water protected my hand
11:36 from getting burned, didn't it? Yeah.
11:38 And that's a very good idea.
11:40 You know what, in water there's lot of--
11:43 when we study about the Bible
11:45 and we learn some Bible stories,
11:46 we learn about water.
11:47 Water is a very interesting thing,
11:49 isn't it? Yeah--
11:50 You know what, when Jesus went to the Jordan River
11:53 and John the Baptist was there, what did John the Baptist do
11:56 with Jesus and water. Baptize Him.
11:59 He baptized Him and you know what,
12:00 and if you and I accept Jesus Christ
12:02 as our personal savior and we are baptized
12:05 and we're submerged in the water and we come up,
12:08 we have a new life, don't we? Yeah.
12:10 And we are saved in God's kingdom
12:12 when we accept Him, just like my hand was safe
12:15 from those flames and that's really cool.
12:17 Well, remember, when we learned
12:19 more about science,
12:21 we learn more about our Creator, God.
12:34 What a wonderful day it is,
12:36 welcome, welcome all, family and friends
12:39 to this wonderful celebration of life.
12:43 Can you all believe that so many years ago,
12:45 God promised to me, Abraham,
12:48 and my lovely, wonderful wife, Sarah, a son?
12:52 And today we celebrate the life of our son, Isaac.
12:58 Can you believe that I'm over a 100 years old?
13:05 This is the happiest day of my life
13:08 and I'm, my heart is just full of joy. Amen.
13:12 Now let's ask God's blessing on Isaac.
13:17 Dear Father God, I pray to you now
13:21 and I come to you with a thankful heart.
13:23 Thanking you for fulfilling your promise of a son,
13:28 this wonderful son, Isaac.
13:31 And God, I pray your blessing on him
13:34 and his household forever.
13:36 Dear Lord, and thank you for, Father God,
13:39 for all your blessings and all your promises.
13:43 Amen and amen, amen.
13:47 Continue to eat and enjoy this wonderful day.
13:52 My father has never told me anything like that.
13:55 Mother, shouldn't that me in the place of Isaac,
13:57 I was the promised son, wasn't I?
13:59 See, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
14:01 I mean, Abraham makes all this fuss over Isaac,
14:05 it's Ishmael who's his firstborn son. That's right.
14:08 It's Ishmael who fulfilled God's promise to Abraham,
14:12 and it's Ishmael who is going to inherit everything
14:13 Abraham has when Abraham dies.
14:16 And who does Sarah think she is anyway,
14:19 how dare she put her spoiled child
14:22 in the place of my beloved son?
14:25 I mean, think about it, think about it,
14:27 I'm the young and beautiful, Sarah is old and ugly,
14:32 worn out--and she's so demanding too.
14:36 Tell me about it.
14:37 All day long, it's "Hagar, do this,"
14:39 and "Hagar, do that," and "Hagar, clean the dishes,"
14:43 "Hagar, clean the tent and make dinner,"
14:45 I mean, who does she think I am?
14:47 Her servant. I'm not bragging.
14:48 That's all that matters. That's right.
14:50 That's the main thing, that's the main thing.
14:52 Isaac, go over there. Wonderful thing.
14:55 Abraham. Yes, yes, yes, yes--
14:57 Abraham, that Hagar and Ishmael,
15:01 they have got to go.
15:02 Sarah, what's wrong?
15:03 She, look at her over there
15:05 she is talking about me all the time to the servants.
15:09 She has got to go, they've got to go
15:11 get out of here, it's not gonna--
15:13 But Hagar is my wife and Ishmael is also my son,
15:16 they're our family.
15:17 They have got to go, they are nothing but trouble,
15:21 our son, our son Isaac is
15:24 the promised one, not her son.
15:27 They've got to get out of here tomorrow, tomorrow morning.
15:29 Sarah, let's settle down, I will talk to God.
15:33 And I will take care of this in the morning.
15:36 Please, let's attend to our guests, please my wife.
15:53 Good morning, mother. Good morning, son.
15:55 What's the breakfast? I'm like really hungry.
15:57 Well, servants are preparing it right now
15:59 and maybe we can go and see what they're doing--
16:01 Hagar, Hagar, please come.
16:03 What's wrong? I must speak with you.
16:04 What's wrong, Abraham, you look troubled?
16:06 I'm very sad in my heart and I must do something
16:08 that I do not want to do.
16:10 What are you talking about--
16:11 But I must send you and Ishmael away.
16:14 What? Father, I mean.
16:15 I love you, son, I love you, son.
16:18 But God will take care of you. You can't do this.
16:21 God will take care-- We have to go.
16:22 We must have peace in this household.
16:24 Now please go before, before Sarah awakens.
16:27 Please go, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
16:31 Mother, why, why is father doing this?
16:47 Ishmael, I can't believe, I can't believe my son died.
16:54 Oh, God in heaven, why allow him to come and to die?
17:03 Hagar, don't be troubled, don't be afraid. Angel.
17:13 The Lord has heard the cry of the boy.
17:16 Get up and raise him up for the Lord
17:20 will surely make of him a great nation.
17:26 A well, water, water, Ishmael, Ishmael,
17:32 son, wake up, wake up, son, look water.
17:36 We're saved, Ishmael, we're saved.
17:39 God has given us some water,
17:42 oh, thank you, Lord, thank you.
17:45 Oh, Ishmael, God promised
17:47 He will make of you a great nation.
18:04 Revelation 22:12 through 14 "And behold,
18:08 I'm coming quickly, and My reward is with Me,
18:12 to give to every one according to his work.
18:15 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,
18:19 the First and the Last.
18:20 Blessed are those who do His commandments
18:23 that they may have the right to the tree of life,
18:26 and may enter through the gates into the city."
18:32 There's gonna be a picnic in heaven
18:35 And I'm gonna be there
18:38 There'll be a great big table in heaven
18:42 with plenty of food to share
18:45 With bread and punch and watermelon too
18:49 There'll be enough, even for you
18:56 Come go with me to the picnic in heaven
18:59 I want you with me at the picnic in heaven
19:03 We're gonna have fun at the picnic in heaven
19:06 I'm going, how about you Jesus wants you there too.
19:23 Hi, boys and girls.
19:24 I'm so glad you joined us for "Sharing Time today."
19:26 I have so many wonderful guests,
19:29 I can't wait to introduce them to you,
19:30 but first it's time for Miss Brenda's book of today.
19:36 And today's book is a very special book
19:38 by Tina Kahrs and Noni Beth Gibbs
19:41 called "Rahab's Promise."
19:43 And it's all about Rahab,
19:45 the story of Rahab in the Bible.
19:46 You're gonna love this book, Rahab's Promise.
19:49 Something else that you're gonna love
19:51 is all our guests today and let's see
19:53 if Miss Brenda can remember all their names.
19:56 Let's see here, we're gonna start
19:57 right over here with Lainey, right? Yep.
20:00 Lainey and then we also have Hailey
20:03 and we have Vicky over here and then we have Lexi
20:06 and we don't want to forget Hadley, hey, Hadley.
20:09 I'm so glad you're with us today
20:11 and you're kind of like to be down there by Maxwell.
20:14 Now everybody knows Maxwell, don't they? Yep.
20:16 Well, Lainey, I want to welcome all of you girls to the program,
20:19 but you won our contest winner, you were our third place winner
20:23 on our Kids Time website contest.
20:27 In fact, boys and girls, if you go
20:28 to our Kids Time website
20:33 We always have a contest going
20:35 and so you can enter contest too
20:37 and you might be our next winner.
20:39 But I'm so excited,
20:40 tell me the contest was to tell me,
20:43 what you do to share Jesus, right?
20:45 And tell me, what did you do to share Jesus?
20:49 Well, we give these prayer pals that are bigger
20:53 and we give them to other people
20:54 with our names on them.
20:56 Okay, when you say prayer pals,
20:58 each one of you have a prayer pal
21:00 and that's a special stuffed animal.
21:03 Can Miss Brenda see one of yours?
21:05 Look, there's that cute little dog here, kids
21:07 and there's a little tag on the collar,
21:10 a little ribbon around each one of that,
21:12 I noticed each one of you have
21:13 a little ribbon and a tag, now what is that for?
21:16 I see the tag, what is that for?
21:18 The tag is for putting the names on
21:22 and you put your name on one of them
21:23 and give it to somebody
21:25 and you keep one with their name on it.
21:28 And it reminds you to pray for them
21:29 every time you see it.
21:31 That's a very-- very, very, nice
21:34 awesome way to pray for people, isn't it?
21:36 And reminds you to pray for that person
21:39 and did you pray, what name did you get,
21:41 did you remember? I got Hannah.
21:43 You got Hannah's name,
21:44 and do you pray for Hannah still?
21:45 Yeah. That's very good.
21:47 And whose name did you get? Montgomery.
21:51 You got Montgomery, okay and--
21:53 I got Lily. And you got Lily.
21:56 And, Lexi, who did you get? Holland.
21:59 Holland, that's wonderful, all of you has now,
22:02 so you went, you had a big party, didn't you? Yep.
22:05 And you had these stuffed animals
22:07 with the different names written on each one--
22:08 How about me?
22:10 Oh, Hadley, we don't want to forget you.
22:12 No, who did you pray for?
22:16 Amy Grace. Amy Grace.
22:18 Amy Grace. Ava Grace, okay.
22:21 Ava Grace, okay.
22:22 Now I'm sorry Miss Brenda doesn't want to forget you,
22:25 oh, isn't that cute?
22:27 So you all had such a wonderful party.
22:29 Now you have a picture of that party, did you-- Yep.
22:31 Can you show us the, boys and girls at home that picture?
22:33 I'm sure that looks like a whole lot of fun
22:36 and each one of you are holding up your prayer pals.
22:39 That's awesome, I love that, hold it nice and still.
22:42 So they can see, get a nice close-up shot of that,
22:45 that is wonderful.
22:46 And they're all excited about,
22:47 did the kids like that idea? Yep.
22:49 And they, and they, I so I bet,
22:51 now was this a sleepover that you had?
22:53 No, it wasn't a sleepover,
22:54 it was just a valentine party.
22:56 Okay, so just a party.
22:58 And I understand that there are,
22:59 that there were sometimes they were some hard feelings
23:02 among some of the girls and some of the friends
23:05 that they weren't really getting along and talking,
23:07 but after you did the prayer parties,
23:10 and the prayer parties,
23:11 what kind of changed things, didn't it?
23:13 And people started having more love in their hearts.
23:15 You know, that's the thing when Jesus is in our hearts,
23:18 boys and girls, it's really hard
23:21 not to show God's love to everybody,
23:23 whereas God is love.
23:24 So God is in our heart,
23:26 we're gonna shine out to everyone.
23:27 I love Jesus, don't you, girls? Yes.
23:30 And I know that you're wonderful prayer warriors.
23:33 Let me ask you, Hadley, you want to come up
23:34 and sit with Miss Brenda for a minute.
23:36 I want you tell the boys and girls,
23:38 I know, let me give the little
23:39 prayer pal back there we go, you need a hand up here,
23:41 okay, here we go.
23:43 Now, I know, that you like to pray,
23:45 what do you like to pray for? For mommy, daddy.
23:53 For mommy and daddy and, mommies and daddies,
23:55 they need lots of prayer too, don't they?
23:57 And I know, Hailey, you had a wonderful experience
24:01 where you were praying for a little boy in your class
24:03 I understand you had a classmate
24:05 that didn't always treat you very nice
24:07 and he kind of acted naughty sometimes.
24:10 And you started praying for him, tell me about it.
24:14 When it was a night time, I told mommy to--
24:24 You told your mom all about the little boy,
24:26 and she encouraged you to pray for him, didn't she?
24:30 And I pray for him.
24:33 And I understand you even woke up
24:35 a few minutes in the night, didn't you?
24:37 And I pray for him when I woke up in the night
24:41 and even in the morning,
24:43 then the next day he'll be good.
24:47 So the next day you got to school
24:48 and he was good all day, wasn't he?
24:50 So good in fact that his teacher even commented
24:54 about what a good boy he was all day.
24:56 Did you know that Jesus had answer your prayer?
24:59 Did you remember to thank Him?
25:01 It's always good, boys and girls,
25:02 that when Jesus answers our prayers
25:04 that we always say thank you.
25:07 We want to always give God the credit and say thank you.
25:10 So now I understand too now, all these little prayer pals,
25:14 they didn't just stay at their party.
25:16 These little prayer pals now have turned into
25:18 a whole ministry these girls have
25:20 and they give them to anyone that they feel needs prayer
25:24 and so I know, recently, Lainey,
25:25 you went to the hospital
25:26 and you gave him to a sick boy.
25:28 You gave one and had his name on it
25:30 and let them know that your whole family
25:32 was praying for him, right? Yes.
25:34 So what a wonderful ministry, boys and girls
25:36 that you could do at home too where you could get,
25:39 take any stuffed animal,
25:40 just tie a little ribbon around him,
25:42 a little tag with your name on it,
25:44 so they know who's praying for them.
25:46 And I think that's an awesome way
25:47 to share Jesus, don't you? Yep.
25:49 And has this been a good experience for you, girls?
25:52 Yes. It has.
25:53 And I want to encourage you to keep praying
25:56 and don't stop praying
25:58 not only for your prayer pal buddies,
26:00 but pray for each other.
26:02 And let's pray for our family members,
26:04 let's just pray because the privilege of prayer
26:07 is always ours, but the power in prayer is always God's.
26:11 Did you know that, boys and girls? That's right.
26:14 So Jesus loves that when we talked to Him.
26:17 Do you know when the best time to talk to Jesus is?
26:20 Every single day, at any single time.
26:23 That's right.
26:24 All the time we can talk to Jesus,
26:25 we don't just have one time a day
26:26 that we talk to Jesus, do we?
26:28 So we can talk to Jesus any time.
26:31 Well, boys and girls, all right,
26:32 that's all the time we have right now.
26:34 I want to thank you girls for being with us today.
26:36 And until next time, remember, boys and girls,
26:39 you want to help me.
26:40 It's Kids Time to share Jesus' love.
26:44 Bye, bye everybody.


Revised 2014-12-17