Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000267
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time,
00:03 we are gonna be late. 00:04 It's time to share there is a world out there 00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:12 it's time to share there is a world out there. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:32 Hi, boys and girls, Jesus loves you so much 00:35 and His love never ends. 00:37 You know, sometimes we forget that 00:39 and one of the ways you can 00:40 tell someone has forgotten about 00:42 God's love is when they try to 00:44 get attention for themselves. 00:46 We all do it sometimes, don't we? 00:47 We want to be popular and we want people to like us, 00:50 even grown ups do that sometimes. 00:53 Our Bible story today is about a grown up 00:55 who decided to get everyone's attention 00:57 by throwing a great big party. 01:00 And he was a king that threw the biggest party ever. 01:05 They ate, and they drank, and they laugh, 01:07 and they told the king how wonderful he was? 01:09 And he loved all that attention. 01:12 He especially loved when they told him, 01:14 he was a God, and they started worshiping him. 01:16 It's never a good thing to draw attention 01:19 to ourselves and accept praise 01:21 for things that God has done, is it? 01:23 In fact, one of the Ten Commandments says, 01:26 "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." 01:29 Now, when we accept praise that belongs only to God, 01:32 we are putting ourselves before God 01:34 and we're forgetting that 01:35 every good gift comes from Him. 01:38 When we really know how much God loves us. 01:41 We feel happy and content inside 01:43 and we don't care whether anyone 01:44 pay us any attention or not. 01:46 Why not let the love of Jesus fill your heart today. 01:50 Well, right now it's time for our Nature Time. 02:00 Welcome to Nature Time. 02:02 I'm having such a great time here 02:03 in Binder Park Zoo, at Battle Creek, Michigan. 02:06 I just got off a train that was painted like a zebra. 02:09 And now, we are in African village, 02:10 we just pass there and we are with Sarah. 02:13 Sarah you are the expert on all these animals, 02:15 where we are at right now? 02:16 This is our African savanna exhibit. 02:18 Wow! That's 18 acres. 02:19 Eighteen acres, as I'm looking 02:21 out here we got zebra, we've got ostrich, 02:24 and we have these birds that was 02:25 really pretty, they are called the what? 02:27 African Crowned Crane. 02:28 African Crowned Crane, and what I really want to 02:31 talk about today though is something 02:33 that's standing right before us, giraffes. 02:35 Yes. They are awesome, I love it. 02:37 You know, kids, I was in South African, 02:39 I went through a safari in a car 02:41 right out in the wild and saw lot of giraffes. 02:44 But I didn't know as much about them 02:45 as I do now, because, Sarah, 02:46 is our expert in giraffes, so, Sarah, 02:48 tell us about these giraffes. 02:51 Well, we have a herd of six out here today, 02:53 three adults and three calves. 02:56 The calves are one seven months old 02:57 and other two are eleven months old. 02:59 Sarah, you were telling me that 03:01 when they are born, they are born how big? 03:04 One hundred fifty pounds, about six feet tall. 03:06 You know, I'm not a lot more than 150 pounds, 03:09 but I'm six foot tall 03:10 and they are born that way, that's big. 03:12 Yeah, and they actually, in their first year 03:14 will grow an inch everyday. 03:16 And so, by the time they are year old, 03:17 they will be twice their size. 03:19 An inch every single day, man. 03:22 Now, it looks like as I'm looking 03:24 at these giraffes right there, 03:26 this big one here, it's got some 03:28 pretty big hooves, it look pretty powerful. 03:30 They are actually and female in order to 03:34 defend her calf will actually has 03:36 a kick powerful enough to take the head off 03:39 of the lion and so pretty powerful. 03:41 Did you hear that kicks 03:42 take the head off of the lion, I don't think, 03:43 I want to be around a giraffe, if he got upset so. 03:46 Let me ask you this, is there any animal 03:48 that would want to attack an adult giraffe. 03:51 If there is a calf present, that would, 03:52 might be a lion that may try to, 03:53 okay, but the female will do 03:55 whatever it can to protect it. 03:57 And, so what about the adults, 03:58 do they ever have any problems? 03:59 They really don't have any predators, humans mainly. 04:02 Now, I see something else they get horns on, 04:04 now what kind of horns are those? 04:06 Those are called ossicones 04:07 and they are actually born with that. 04:08 Ossicones. Ossicones, yes. 04:11 I almost want to say, ice cream cone, 04:12 but they're ossicone. 04:13 They are. So what does that mean? 04:16 When they're born, they are just soft cartilage 04:17 and they lay flat on their skull 04:19 and shortly after birth they will pop-up 04:21 and then they will be as hard as the adults ones. 04:24 Wow! As soon as they grow up. 04:25 That's the, and you know, 04:26 I see that the kids have been feeding it, 04:28 they feed him lettuce, is that right? 04:30 Yeah, romaine lettuce. 04:31 And they, and I see these tongues mainly, 04:34 they look like they are foot long. 04:36 They are, they are. 04:37 And they are different color, 04:38 their front is like black and then they get 04:40 more of a flesh color, is there a reason for that? 04:42 Yeah, and out in the wild when they are 04:45 foraging on Acacia trees, 04:47 the black coloration actually protects their tongue, 04:49 tongue against the sun. 04:50 Against sun, against sun burn that is so awesome. 04:53 I love the way they are checkered, 04:55 they're just, they're just an awesome animal. 04:57 Now I have question, I hope you know this. 05:01 I have seen them lay down, 05:02 how in the world do they ever get up? 05:04 It's kind of awkward though, 05:05 will start by lifting their hind leg at first, 05:08 okay, and then jump to their front feet, 05:10 so it's not a very smooth motion. 05:12 They don't look great, they look little clumsy but-- 05:14 They can't just jump up like you and I. 05:18 You've mention something else 05:19 that I felt was pretty neat. 05:20 You know, kids we have seven vertebrates in our neck, 05:23 seven of them and you were telling me 05:25 that a giraffe as long as that neck is, 05:28 it only has seven also? 05:29 Exactly, yeah, its one thing we have in common. 05:31 Boy! Well, I'm glad of one thing, 05:33 I'm glad I don't have a neck that long. 05:35 Tell, you know, do these giraffes are they, 05:39 are they, when they grow up, 05:40 are they by themselves 05:41 or do they like to be in herds or what? 05:43 They will live in a herd up to 15 to 20 individuals. 05:45 15 to 20 individuals. So one other thing 05:49 I want to share that I think was pretty awesome. 05:51 When all these adult giraffes are eating 05:54 and they are as young, you were telling me 05:56 that there is a special thing that happens. 05:58 Yeah, usually one female will stick 06:00 with the calves while the others go and forage. 06:02 Boy! Kids the mothers have 06:04 to really trust that, don't they? 06:06 Sarah this has been awesome, 06:07 I'm so glad that you've helped us today. 06:09 It's been fantastic. 06:11 Kids hasn't this been neat about giraffes. 06:13 Nature has got second book, 06:15 get out there and take a look. 06:35 When I first fell in love with Jesus, 06:39 I gave Him all my heart, 06:42 and I thought I couldn't love Him more 06:46 than I did right at the start. 06:49 But now I look back over the mountains 06:53 and the valleys where we've been 06:56 and I know it makes me love Him so much 07:00 more than I did then. 07:03 I keep falling in love with Him 07:06 over and over and over and over again. 07:10 I keep falling in love with Him 07:13 over and over and over and over again. 07:17 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by. 07:21 O what a love between my Lord and I! 07:24 I keep falling in love with Him 07:26 over and over and over and over again. 07:59 There's a hand that I hold on to 08:02 through each valley and each trial. 08:06 There's a shoulder that I lean upon 08:09 as I face another mile. 08:13 And there's a love that I can depend on, 08:16 it's fresh and new each day, 08:20 and with love my heart is overflowing, 08:24 that is why I say 08:26 I keep falling in love with Him 08:29 over and over and over and over again. 08:33 I keep falling in love with Him 08:36 over and over and over and over again. 08:40 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by. 08:45 O what a love between my Lord and I! 08:47 I keep falling in love with Him 08:50 over and over and over and over again. 09:04 Welcome to Learning Time. Glad you turned in. 09:07 I bet you thought maybe you were tuned into 09:10 a cooking channel, ha! Yeah. 09:12 Well, we got some food up here, 09:14 but I don't think we are gonna eat them. 09:15 And we've got lots of helpers 09:17 and let see who we got over here. 09:19 Now let see-- Lupe, hey, 09:23 do you have a favorite animal? 09:25 Yes, it's a dog. 09:26 A dog, kind of like Maxwell? 09:29 I have one, I have one. You have one dog. 09:32 Yeah, we got one dog too, we got Maxwell over here. 09:34 He sure likes to be a part of us, doesn't he? 09:36 Yeah. Now, we have Cole on, 09:39 Cole, do you, do you have 09:41 a favorite animal? Honeys. 09:43 Yeah, that's good to have favorite animals. 09:45 And you and Kenzie is also gonna help us. 09:47 So why don't you all three of you 09:48 come on up here, we got some safety glasses, 09:51 that means we don't want to get things in our what? 09:54 Eyes. Our eyes, that's right. 09:57 You know, and I have a helper too, 09:58 I've got a chef and we've got Chef Rivera to come out, 10:02 Angie Rivera is gonna come out 10:04 and we got a food item, what's this? 10:06 Cabbage. It's cabbage, that's right. 10:09 And Kenzie, why don't you come on up here, 10:11 let's have a step right up here. 10:12 So you can see everybody help her up right here. 10:15 Now, this is cabbage, now a cabbage 10:17 is an interesting animal, isn't it? 10:19 No. No, it's not an animal. 10:23 All right, now, now our chef here, 10:26 Angie Rivera, he is going to take some of this red what? 10:29 Cabbage. Its red cabbage. 10:31 Now red cabbage has a very interesting property, 10:33 because it has a chemical in it 10:35 that will react to acids and bases 10:38 and that's what we are kind of 10:39 talking about right now. 10:40 And so, why don't you go ahead, 10:41 he is gonna put about six or eight leaves 10:44 into that blender right there and mix those 10:46 all up for us, and in a minute 10:47 its gonna make a really, really loud noise. 10:50 Now the very special chemical 10:51 that God put in the red cabbage is anthocyanin 10:55 and what it does is its indicator for pH. 10:58 It tells us if things are too acidy, 11:01 or if they are too alkaline and that's interesting. 11:04 And God created our body, 11:05 so that we have a pH of about seven. 11:07 And have you ever heard of battery acid? 11:10 Yeah. Yeah, has a pH of about one, 11:12 and then we have soaps and detergents 11:14 that are way over and about the number 14 11:16 or go ahead and soup that for us. 11:18 Hold your ears, here it goes makes a loud noise. 11:20 Wow, gonna blend that all up. 11:30 You're all color. 11:38 We're about done. 11:43 Okay well, do you like that color? 11:45 Yeah. Okay, lets take that top off for us, 11:46 what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pour 11:48 some of this right into our cups right here. 11:49 Man, that's a pretty color, look at that color. 11:52 Let me pour it in here, get a little warmer here, 11:54 We've got some cups, I gonna pour 11:56 some of that into our cups, 11:57 pour little bit into that one, 11:59 pour little bit into this one right here. 12:00 I love that color. Oh, and we got 12:03 some more over here and that is red cabbage juice 12:06 and I don't think I want to drink it. 12:07 And cabbage juice may not smell all that good either. 12:10 Now what we're gonna do is, 12:11 we are we gonna try to get some of these. 12:13 I will hand that to you chef. 12:14 And we got some items right here, 12:16 this happens to be a distilled vinegar. 12:18 And vinegar happens to be acetic acid. 12:20 Can you help me with this dear, 12:22 can you put your glasses back on. 12:24 Can you pour a little bit of this in there for us, 12:26 can you pour little bit in there. 12:27 I will help you. Keep pouring yeah, 12:29 there we go, pour some of that in their. 12:31 Wow! Did something happen to the color? 12:33 Yeah. Yeah, 12:35 what happen to the color? It changed didn't it? 12:37 It changed to little pink, that means that-- 12:40 what was this again? 12:41 Oh, yeah white vinegar, its an acid. 12:43 Then we got some lemon juice, 12:44 you wanna grab a hold of that, 12:45 can you pour a little bit of lemon juice in there. 12:47 I wonder if it's gonna turn the color, 12:48 go ahead pour it in, pouring faster, faster 12:51 more, more, more, more what's happened to that? 12:53 Okay right here. It changed color didn't it? 12:56 Yeah. That's right, 12:57 because lemon juice has some acid in as well. 13:00 Then we have a soft drink. 13:02 Now remember we don't wanna drink 13:03 a lot of soft drinks, because they are 13:04 not that good for us, so are they. 13:06 Oh, now let's put it in this one, 13:07 can you reach over here, yeah, okay, move around. 13:09 Pour it in there, keep pouring, 13:11 pour the whole thing in there if you want, 13:12 just pour it all in there, and what happens to that? 13:15 You can you can stop about, 13:16 real about there, and it changes color, 13:19 because that has an acid in it too. 13:21 And you know, can you handle this one right here, 13:22 can you hold that one? 13:23 Can you pour that into there, 13:24 because that happens to be liquid detergent 13:27 and it happens to be alkaline, it's a base. 13:30 And just pour the whole thing in that one 13:32 and it even made it more what? Purple. 13:35 Purple. That right. 13:36 And then we have some of these little antacid things 13:39 that people have an upset stomach, 13:41 they might put that in a drink to calm their, 13:44 acid down in their stomach. 13:45 And that will turn it back 13:47 another color that's interesting. 13:49 But you know, God prepared 13:50 all of those colors for us, and also our body 13:53 is have to have the right pH balance. 13:55 And if we have the right diet you and I, 13:58 our body will be just right. 14:00 You know, when we learn more about science, 14:03 we learn more about our creator God. 14:20 Did I tell you, that this is a very good wine. 14:23 This is the best party in Cesarea. 14:27 Cesarea, you know, why? 14:29 Because they had the best wine. 14:31 King Herod's wine, he is the king. 14:34 King Herod. He is a very nice king. 14:36 Well, he has got lot of good wine. 14:38 Let's bring the wine. Where is the wine? 14:40 Hey, we got to refill. Oh, thank you, thank you. 14:43 Where is the wine? I got some here. 14:44 Yeah, fill it right to the top. 14:46 I'm gonna go and mingle. I'm a mingle. 14:49 That's the good idea. I go, I go, hello. 14:59 This how they continues. I'm so tired. 15:02 It feels like this party has been going on forever. 15:05 Oh, I'm tired of this drunken feast. 15:07 Also crazy. I know it, 15:09 they call King Herod good, he is so wicked. 15:12 I know, they just like him 15:13 to throw a drunken feast like these. 15:15 You know, what King Herod did? 15:17 What he did? He killed James. No! 15:19 Yes, he wanted the apostles of Jesus. No. 15:22 And then he tried to kill Peter, 15:23 he put him in prison. Is he still there? 15:26 An angel of the Lord delivered. 15:29 Oh, really. Oh, God is so good. 15:32 He is, and He is all powerful 15:34 and someday they are gonna find that out. 15:36 I think Herod is gonna meet his end someday, 15:38 if he doesn't change his plans. 15:40 All right. I can assess more deaths. 15:51 Bow to knee, the great King Herod enters. 16:05 My people, my people, rise, rise. 16:11 Welcome to my palace. 16:16 I have invited you here on this day 16:20 as I have prepared a great feast 16:23 to honor the goodness of King Herod. 16:29 So eat and drink and make merry 16:35 as we celebrate the greatness of the kingdom of Herod. 16:47 That's not the voice of a man, 16:49 that's the voice of a God, he is our God. 16:54 No, no, I'm not a drunk, 16:58 I have been stricken with death, oh, oh! 17:11 Yes, he has been stricken with death, 17:13 but that's a judgment of God, for He has said, 17:16 "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." 17:23 You need to repent people, you need to repent. 17:30 You need to repent. Ask God for forgiveness. 17:33 God, is the only God. 17:34 He is the only God in heaven. 17:36 You must know this, God is the only true God. 17:43 That means he is not a God. 17:55 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 17:59 I will sing, I will sing. 18:03 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 18:07 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. 18:10 With my mouth will I make known 18:14 Your faithfulness, your faithfulness. 18:18 With my mouth will I make known 18:22 Your faithfulness to all generations. 18:27 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 18:31 I will sing, I will sing. 18:35 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 18:39 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. 18:53 Hi, boys and girls, its time for 18:54 Miss Brenda's book of the day. 18:57 And today's exciting book is 18:59 "Siege at the Gates" written by 19:01 Thurman C. Petty, Jr. and its all about 19:04 the Bible story of Hezekiah, 19:06 Isaiah and a very wicked king. 19:09 You won't wanna put this book down. 19:11 Well, I'm excited today, it's a very special program, 19:14 because we have our first place winner 19:17 with us from our Kids Time website contest. 19:20 And let's meet her right now. 19:21 I want you to meet Naomi. 19:22 Hi, Naomi, how are you doing? Good. 19:25 And you brought two of your friends with you. 19:27 You brought Hannah, and also Sarah. 19:30 I want to ask you what do you do to share Jesus, 19:33 because for our contest, all kids everywhere 19:36 had to write in and tell me what they do to share Jesus. 19:38 And then we chose the first place, 19:40 second place and third place winner 19:41 and you are first place winner. 19:44 So tell me what you do to share Jesus? 19:46 I have a club for my friends 19:48 where we learn how to share Jesus. 19:50 So, you kind of teach them 19:52 how to share Jesus, is that what you do? 19:53 And you kind of all get together and do things? 19:56 We live in different states. Okay. 19:58 So we email and stuff, and I have, 20:04 I send what I call a starter sheet. 20:07 To give them ideas and ways on how they can witness. 20:11 So you basically, you started a club, 20:14 and you get kids, you can live in any state, right? 20:17 And you give them criteria or things to go by, 20:20 then given him a starter sheet 20:21 and tell them and you want them working for Jesus 20:23 wherever they are, correct? 20:25 And about how many kids did you have singed up 20:27 in your club doing this? I'm about 15 right now. 20:31 Fifteen kids, that's wonderful. 20:34 So tell me some other things and suggestions that you 20:36 give them and what are some of the criteria? 20:42 What are some other things that you tell the kids, 20:44 you give them suggestion to do? 20:46 Some of them are making cards for people, 20:49 donating money to a magazine called Real, 20:52 which is God outreach magazine. 20:56 Going to the nursing home, and giving guides to people. 21:02 That's awesome. And Hannah 21:05 what some of the things you do in your club? 21:08 I hand up brochures about evangelistic meetings 21:11 and other types of meetings to my neighborhood and town. 21:15 That's wonderful, and Sarah what do you do? 21:19 My Dad manages radio station, 21:21 so I do Id's for it and things like that. 21:25 So what you mean, Id's? 21:27 Like, to like identify which station it is 21:31 and yeah, it's a Christian station. 21:32 So you donate your time on a Christian station? 21:34 Yeah. That's awesome. 21:36 And what is the, the biggest reward 21:38 you have from, from witnessing for Jesus? 21:41 It's like a great feeling. 21:44 Now are you recruiting others to witness for Jesus too, 21:47 so that you can keep the club's growing? 21:49 Yeah, we like tell our friends, 21:51 so it gets wider and wider. 21:53 So that you can keep on recruiting, 21:55 so if you have, boys and girls, 21:57 that want to join this club, they could do that too. 22:00 Or Boys and girls, you could even start 22:01 your own recruiting club and get everybody 22:03 to encourage them to share Jesus, 22:05 wouldn't that be awesome? 22:06 I wonder how big that could be. 22:07 I'd like you to somebody start that 22:08 and comeback next time and tell me about it. 22:10 I'd like that, won't you? 22:12 That, is there are any wonderful expediencies 22:14 that you've had Naomi from, from starting this club? 22:20 I enjoy watching my friends getting involved. 22:23 And have you, have you notice 22:25 that they seem closer to Jesus 22:27 once they start working for Jesus? 22:29 May be. May be, I can tell you 22:32 that I know the more we do for Jesus 22:34 that and the more we spend time with Him, 22:36 and the more we shine for Him, 22:37 because we can't share what we don't have, can we? 22:39 So we have to have Jesus loving us, 22:41 to be able to share it. 22:42 And so the close the more we share, 22:44 then the more we're praying and ask God 22:47 to be in our hearts, in our lives we will grow 22:50 and have a closer walk with Jesus 22:51 and that's awesome, isn't? 22:53 I want to thank you so much, and you wanna stay in 22:55 and help me read some letters here? 22:57 I've got a letter here from Riverside, California. 23:00 And I've got a picture, Sarah 23:02 would you mind holding this up for me? 23:04 And it says dear Miss Brenda, 23:06 I love Kids Time and I share Jesus 23:08 by selling cookies that my brother 23:11 and I make and we also, we sell them 23:13 and give the money to missionaries. 23:15 And it says, can you please 23:16 sign me up for the Kids Club lessons. 23:19 My favorite part of Kids Time is Learning Time. 23:21 Thank you so much love Allison. 23:23 And thank you Allison, there is the picture 23:25 of her with her bunny isn't it? 23:26 And let's see, we have another letter 23:29 over here, it's from Ethiopia. 23:31 Let's see what we have to see here in Ethiopia. 23:36 And it says, dear Miss Brenda, 23:39 my name is Maria Rebecca, 23:41 I am 11-years-old and I love Kids Time, 23:43 especially Praise Time, and Learning Time. 23:46 Learning Time is kind of popular, isn't it? 23:48 It says, and I watch it every weekend, 23:50 I share Jesus by helping my Mom at home 23:53 and friends at school. 23:55 Most of my classmates are Christians, 23:57 so it's easy to talk to them about Jesus. 23:59 And it says, I have five sisters and four brothers. 24:02 Could you please send me the Bible lessons 24:04 and I would like to have them very much, 24:06 love Maria Rebecca. 24:07 And Maria Rebecca, all the way in Ethiopia, 24:10 you better believe we well send you those lessons, okay. 24:13 And you know she brought out 24:14 something its good point, didn't she? 24:16 She said, it's easy when you are 24:18 talking to another Christian. 24:19 But sometimes not so easy when you 24:21 have somebody that's not a Christian, right? 24:23 So just pray and ask God to give you the words 24:25 and He will help you be a good witness. 24:28 Oh, another picture, I love your pictures boys and girls. 24:31 What a beautiful girl and this one, 24:34 let's see where it's from, it's from Tanzania. 24:38 And it says, dear Miss Brenda, 24:39 my name is Alice, I'm 12-years-old 24:42 and I am from Tanzania. 24:43 I really love your show Kids Time. 24:45 And it says, I share Jesus by helping 24:47 many needy people and I give them my clothes. 24:51 I also tell my friends about Jesus 24:52 and I also sing in my church. 24:54 I would like to get the Bible lessons 24:56 that you talk about. 24:57 I love you Miss Brenda, Miss Linda, and Miss Cinda 25:01 and also I love Ben Roy. 25:03 And I would also like to see be in your Bible story. 25:06 If you can please help me do that, love Alice. 25:08 Well, Alice I'd love to have you be in our Bible stories. 25:11 In fact, boys and girls, I invite everyone to come. 25:13 Anybody who wants to you can be in our Bible stories, 25:16 just go to my website 25:17 click on schedule. 25:19 And you will be able to see 25:21 when all of our programs are taped. 25:22 I'm always looking for kids for Learning Time 25:24 to be here and I need kids for our Bible stories too. 25:28 So that would be wonderful to have you, 25:30 and I love to have you on them. 25:31 Let me see if I have time for one more quick letter. 25:34 This one is from Jamaica. 25:36 And let see, that says, Manchester, Jamaica. 25:41 Dear Miss Brenda my name is Dyane, 25:44 and I'm 12-year-old. 25:45 And recently I've been following 25:47 your spiritual educational programs called Kids Time 25:50 and I must say I like it. 25:52 In sharing Jesus I visit to share in, 25:54 I participate in prison ministries around the world 25:57 and in my community. 25:58 It says, I've decided that I would really 26:01 like to learn more about Jesus. 26:03 Therefore I would like to be a member 26:04 of your Kids Club please. 26:06 And it said, I look forward to getting 26:08 your new Bible, love Dyane. 26:10 So thank you Dyane, thank you for your letter. 26:12 Yes, we will get you singed up 26:13 for those Kids Club lessons. 26:15 And I want to thank you girls for being with us. 26:17 Congratulations Naomi, keep sharing Jesus, wont you? 26:20 Boys and girls, that's all the time we have today. 26:22 But I want to encourage you to do more, won't you? 26:25 Remember wherever you go, whatever you do, 26:27 it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17