Kids' Time

Peter's Escape

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000266

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're going to be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so,
00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls, do you know
00:33 that when you follow Jesus, your life is full of blessings.
00:37 But did you also know that as long as we're living
00:39 in the sinful world, bad things will happen.
00:43 That's why I want Jesus to come soon.
00:45 There won't be any bad things happening in heaven.
00:48 Someone I know used to think that bad things stopped
00:51 happening to you once you got baptized.
00:53 Needless to say,
00:54 he was really anxious to get baptized.
00:56 Afterwards, he was surprised when life was still hard
01:00 and things didn't get easier like he wanted them to.
01:03 When he got older he learned in the Bible,
01:05 why bad things happen?
01:07 You see, long ago Satan said,
01:09 God's ways aren't fair.
01:11 My ways are better and everyone should follow me.
01:14 Some of the angels believed Satan
01:15 and stopped loving God.
01:17 So for just a little while, God lets Satan show
01:20 how evil and selfish he really is
01:23 and what kind of a world that it would be
01:24 if everyone follows Satan's ways.
01:27 Boys and girls, we're living in the middle
01:29 of that demonstration right now and it's not fun, is it?
01:32 It's kind of like being in prison.
01:34 But I promise it won't last forever.
01:37 Some day God will say enough is enough
01:40 and He'll set us free from the sinful world
01:42 and all those who love Jesus
01:44 will go to heaven with Him.
01:47 In the mean time he has reasoned
01:48 for the trials that we go through.
01:50 They give us opportunities to show others
01:53 how much we love Jesus and how good his ways are.
01:56 God can use us to change their minds.
01:59 Keep watching and you will see exactly what I'm talking about.
02:02 But first let's get ready for "Nature Time."
02:14 Hey, boys and girls, welcome to "Nature Time".
02:16 We got something super exciting today.
02:19 We're in Grayling, Michigan, at beautiful Camp Au Sable.
02:22 Today we're going to talk about an animal
02:25 that kings used to ride on considered royalty.
02:28 And we're going to talk to Dr. Kitleon today
02:31 and you are the expert on what?
02:33 On donkeys. On donkeys.
02:36 Kings rode donkeys back then, didn't they?
02:37 Yes, they did.
02:38 That's amazing and you know something,
02:41 a donkey as I've been watching them
02:44 and looking at them and getting up close,
02:45 they are little bit shorter than I expected.
02:49 Right, there is--
02:50 there are different types of donkeys, different heights.
02:51 Wow, here we got a donkey right now
02:53 with the kids on, isn't this neat,
02:55 wow! Now this is what kind of a donkey?
02:57 This is a miniature donkey, means it stand at 36 inches.
03:01 Okay. Then they've a standard donkey,
03:02 it goes from 36 to 54 inches
03:05 and they've mammoth donkeys that are over 54 inches.
03:09 Fifty four, so 54 is a pretty good size donkey.
03:11 That's correct.
03:12 Now, I've a question. When I'm out at west,
03:16 I've been out to Arizona, and I love camping
03:18 and being on the outdoors.
03:20 What's the difference between a burro
03:23 that are here at west and a donkey?
03:24 They are both the same thing,
03:26 just different areas of the country
03:27 call them by different names.
03:28 Okay, and do you think that's
03:29 because of maybe more Spanish out there,
03:32 because they call them burros.
03:33 That's correct. Okay.
03:35 Here it comes again kids.
03:37 These are the neatest little animals.
03:38 Now, there is something else
03:40 that I think is really neat about a donkey.
03:43 And that is that they--
03:45 you were telling me that they can hold a quite a lot of load.
03:47 It doesn't look like this one can hold much,
03:49 but they hold a lot of stuff.
03:51 They can hold, well close about
03:53 300 pounds per donkey.
03:55 Three hundred pounds, can you imagine,
03:57 kids that's more than I weigh, a lot more than I weigh.
04:00 Three hundred pounds and then something else
04:02 that's really neat about these donkeys
04:04 that you were sharing with me
04:05 that farmers would put them out in the fields.
04:08 That's correct, especially at west,
04:10 you know, these animals, they help protect
04:13 different herds from different predators,
04:15 coyotes and wolves.
04:16 They would make noise
04:17 and they will chase away from their flock.
04:18 So you are telling me that a burro
04:20 like this could chase away a wolf?
04:23 With the noise it makes and it goes after it,
04:24 yes it can. Can you imagine that,
04:26 that is so neat. Now, I know that
04:30 is a mule and of course I've ridden horses,
04:33 I love horses, so where does a mule come
04:36 in between a donkey and a horse?
04:40 A mule is a result of a cross between a horse and a donkey.
04:44 Okay, so it's a cross between a horse and a donkey
04:47 and you get a mule. And a mule is
04:49 different than a donkey or horse by,
04:51 what's the main thing? Well, they are different,
04:53 because they are infertile like
04:54 means it cannot have babies.
04:56 Okay. And they are stronger
04:57 and that's why they breed them
04:58 that way because of the strength.
04:59 Okay, wow, that's--
05:01 isn't that exciting kids.
05:02 Now, there is something that I never knew
05:05 about a donkey and that is donkeys
05:08 have what they call a cross on them.
05:10 That's correct, if you look at donkeys,
05:12 they are descendant from zebras.
05:14 Okay. And they are related to them
05:16 and they do have a cross
05:17 and I'd say probably 95 to 98 percent
05:19 of donkeys do have a cross.
05:21 Well, on this donkey, I can really see the cross.
05:23 What reminds me that Jesus rode in on a donkey.
05:29 That's correct. And so,
05:30 why would he not ride in on a horse than a donkey,
05:32 is there any suggestion to that?
05:34 Well, we know that kings in the Bible,
05:36 you know, rode on donkeys.
05:38 Okay. And I was talking to you before,
05:40 unless you have to train,
05:41 that's something to do with that.
05:42 Okay. These are more sure
05:44 footed than horses and you look
05:46 at the Middle East that has a lot of rock and gravel.
05:49 So I wonder if that played a part in it too.
05:51 Very well, it could have been and a thing is they could,
05:53 they could hold weight and they are loyal you told me,
05:56 in fact in Numbers 22, we're talking about,
05:59 remember the donkey and Balaam
06:01 and Balaam was beating that donkey,
06:03 but donkeys are so loyal, the finally
06:05 after he was beating because the donkey saw
06:08 the angel boys and girls, the donkey, what,
06:10 finally laid down. Correct.
06:13 And after it laid down,
06:15 didn't the angels speak before to that,
06:17 the donkey actually spoke to Balaam.
06:19 And Balaam didn't even recognize he is talking to a donkey.
06:23 And it said, why would you beat me,
06:25 I've been so loyal to you
06:26 which means that donkeys are very loyal and you know what,
06:29 we know that Jesus is always loyal to us.
06:33 I think this is neat about donkeys.
06:35 Kids, nature has got second book,
06:38 so get out there and take a look.
06:41 See you kids. Bye, bye.
06:57 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
07:06 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
07:14 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
07:23 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
07:32 I looked over Jordan And what did I see
07:36 Comin' for to carry me home
07:41 A band of angels comin' after me Comin' for to carry me home
07:49 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
07:58 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
08:07 If you get there before I do Comin' for to carry me home
08:16 Tell all my friends I'm comin' too
08:20 Comin' for to carry me home
08:24 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
08:33 Swing low, sweet chariot Comin' for to carry me home
08:43 Comin' for to carry me home
09:04 Welcome to "Learning Time." Glad you joined us today.
09:07 Looks like we're gonna be having some milk,
09:08 doesn't it? Yes!
09:10 Well, you know, you and I are just about all grown up
09:12 and we probably don't need milk.
09:14 But you know what, I'll bet you,
09:15 Maxwell, do you think he had milk
09:17 when he was a little puppy.
09:18 Yes! Yes.
09:20 Baby animals need their mother's milk
09:22 when they are just born.
09:24 Now today we've got three helpers
09:26 and let's see, Elgar,
09:28 what is one of your favorite things you like to do?
09:31 Go swimming. Go swimming,
09:32 that's fun, isn't it. Now, Josh, I understand you
09:35 went through something kind of interesting
09:37 in California, what was it?
09:39 I was sleeping one morning and I just felt
09:41 the bed shake and I fell off and I just looked out
09:44 at the window and I just saw all the ground
09:46 like cracking up and stuff, it was an earthquake.
09:49 Wow! That's pretty serious, I'm glad you survived.
09:52 Now we have Caitlyn. Now, Caitlyn,
09:54 do you collect something.
09:56 Yes, I collect rocks.
09:58 Oh, and you got a couple of nice ones. Yeah.
10:01 Well, I heard rock gunning is really, really special,
10:04 how many of you collect rocks? They are very interesting.
10:07 Now I need my helpers come on up here,
10:08 because we're going to do an interesting experiment.
10:10 We're going to be using some milk.
10:13 Now milk is a very interesting thing and, you know, what?
10:16 This milk has just got a little thin layer of milk right here
10:18 and what we're going to do is we're going to have them
10:20 put some food coloring, some drops of food coloring
10:23 in the milk, so there is four colors.
10:26 Right. Yes. Okay.
10:27 And so why don't you take one of these colors
10:30 and put two drops in the middle of some place
10:32 and then get another color and drop some more.
10:34 We want every color two drops in the center,
10:38 but don't put them on top of each other,
10:39 just kind of spread them out.
10:41 Now milk has proteins and it has vitamins
10:45 and it also has fats in it and some other stuff,
10:47 but you know milk is mainly made of water.
10:50 Now water has a lot of bonds.
10:54 Water likes to hang on to each other
10:55 and so the water is having a very strong bond
10:59 in the surface right here
11:00 and is supporting all the fat and the proteins.
11:03 And we're going to have them do something special
11:05 as soon as they get all those drops in.
11:06 Isn't that colorful, can you see the colors?
11:09 No, no!
11:11 They are very colorful,
11:12 they are putting two drops of the red,
11:15 two drops of the blue, and two drops of the yellow,
11:19 and two drops of the green,
11:20 and it kind of looks like a party in there, doesn't it?
11:23 Yeah. But, you know what, those drops are just
11:25 staying right where they are,
11:26 because water has a surface tension
11:28 and its just kind of holding on right there.
11:30 But you know what?
11:31 We can do something to break the surface tension
11:34 of the water and we've got a T-tube.
11:36 You guys want to pick up your T-tube.
11:39 Well it has a handle on it,
11:40 so grab it by the handle just like that.
11:43 And what I'm going to do is I'm going to have Josh,
11:45 would you dip your T-tube right into the soap for me,
11:48 okay, just dip it right into the soap,
11:50 the soap is right here in our little caps,
11:51 okay. Let's do Josh first, okay.
11:53 Okay. Now Josh,
11:54 why don't you go ahead and ooh, what's happening?
11:57 Wow! You put that right in there,
11:58 just hold it right in there,
11:59 just hold it right there and hold it there.
12:02 You see what's happening with those colors.
12:04 Wow! Hey, lets try yours,
12:06 you want to put yours right in the center,
12:07 get it full of soap and put it right there
12:10 in the center of your plate. Okay, put it right there
12:13 and hold it right there, wow! Wow!
12:16 You see how those colors all spread out,
12:18 that was amazing.
12:20 Okay, I will go ahead and do yours,
12:23 put it right in the center right there
12:24 and see what we can come up with here, wow! Wow!
12:28 Now what happened you guys,
12:30 what happened when you put the soap in there,
12:33 what happened? They spread apart.
12:34 The colors, it just spread apart,
12:36 the bonds that take all that water
12:39 and hold it together just release
12:41 the whole of water in those fats,
12:43 in those proteins and it mix them all up.
12:46 Did we come up with more colors than four? Yes, yes!
12:50 Yeah, we picked up all the complementary colors
12:53 that those four colors make,
12:54 isn't that interesting. Yeah, yeah!
12:57 And you can that at home and it's really a lot of fun.
12:59 But you've got to be careful with food coloring,
13:01 because that will stain your clothes,
13:03 just like it stained my finger right here.
13:05 That soap reminds me of you and I,
13:08 because you and I sometimes,
13:10 have you ever been to some place
13:12 where people weren't, maybe very friendly
13:16 and you kind of walked into a crowd of people
13:17 and they weren't very friendly.
13:18 Had it ever happened to you?
13:19 Yes, yes! But, you know what,
13:21 you and I can show that we're happy
13:23 and that we're very pleasant people
13:25 and we can start to break up
13:27 that kind of tension that might be in a group,
13:29 so that group can,
13:31 can-- look at all those pretty colors,
13:33 specially in this one and those right there,
13:34 they are making one color out of it,
13:35 they are mixing it so much.
13:37 But, you know what,
13:38 Jesus can use you just like we use a soap.
13:42 We can break that surface tension
13:43 and we can get people to shine
13:45 and we get people to be more friendly
13:47 than what they were before.
13:49 That's what Jesus wants you and I to be.
13:51 He wants you and I to be the light of the world
13:54 and so that everybody can have a great time.
13:56 You now, when we learn more about science,
13:59 we learn more about our Creator, God.
14:13 This bread, this looks real to me.
14:16 Yeah, may be we can help Peter, a good friend.
14:18 Have you heard, have you heard,
14:20 Herod has arrested Peter. Oh, no!
14:23 I know, they are going to kill him,
14:24 I just can feel it.
14:26 What's going to happen to us?
14:27 It's been this way since
14:29 Jesus was crucified here in Jerusalem
14:31 Oh, I know, I just know we all can be dead soon.
14:35 But God will take care of us.
14:37 We need to get together and pray.
14:39 Would you call all the believers
14:40 here in Jerusalem, I know it's late tonight,
14:42 but we must get together and pray.
14:44 At your house, would that be good? Yes.
14:46 Yes, be careful, be careful. I can't be sure.
14:48 I will, see you in a bit.
14:49 Okay, bye, bye. Let's go.
14:54 Get on here and you're going to sit here out
14:55 in that corner,
14:56 there right in that corner there, all right.
14:58 With that corner with us sitting here,
15:00 well, he can't go anywhere. He is not going anywhere.
15:01 Check that shackle over there,
15:03 make sure it's tight.
15:04 This shackle is tight. Yeah, okay.
15:05 Peter, you are not going anywhere.
15:07 No one has escaped from our prison,
15:09 no one. Neither will you.
15:11 My God is able to save me if He chooses.
15:13 Your God doesn't have a key to these shackles.
15:15 And you will be here. Look at him sleep.
15:21 How can he sleep, I wouldn't be able to sleep
15:23 if I know what he was going to face in the morning.
15:25 If I was facing that, I couldn't sleep, could you?
15:27 I couldn't sleep.
15:29 Although, feeling a little tired though.
15:36 Peter, wake up.
15:37 Hurry, get your shoes and your coat, follow me.
15:48 Let's go Peter.
15:55 Your shoes, follow me, follow me
16:18 Who is it? It's Peter.
16:21 It's Peter, no, no, it couldn't be Peter.
16:25 Everyone, it's Peter, it's Peter at the door,
16:28 it's Peter right on there.
16:31 It's Peter. Yeah! Peter, Peter.
16:37 Okay, okay, okay, all right,
16:39 I'll tell you what happened.
16:40 Quite you are going to wake up the whole city.
16:43 Tell us what happened? Okay, okay, all right.
16:47 Well, as you know,
16:48 Herod had captured me and thrown me in prison
16:51 and I'm sure all you good folk were praying for me.
16:54 Yes, we were.
16:56 As I was chained in between
16:57 two guards in the inner part of the prison,
17:00 I had fallen to sleep in full faith
17:02 and assurance that God would take care of me.
17:04 Well, I woke as someone was tapping me on the arm
17:09 and I looked up and there was a bright light shining
17:12 and it was an angel of the Lord.
17:15 Angel! Angel! Yes, she helped
17:17 and so she said get up
17:20 and put your sandals on
17:22 and put on your coat and follow me
17:24 and so I did and my chains,
17:26 I looked and they had fallen off my arms.
17:30 And the doors swung open silently and at this point,
17:33 I thought it was a dream or a vision
17:35 and I walked out into the street
17:37 and all of a sudden, the angel was gone.
17:40 And I realize that I was standing
17:41 in the middle of the street
17:43 and it was not a dream and it was not a vision.
17:45 And so I looked around
17:47 and I was in the familiar pat of town
17:48 and I was right by here, so I came
17:51 and here I am now. Praise God!
17:57 Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters,
18:01 we have a God who is able.
18:04 Our God is mighty
18:06 and there is nothing that He cannot do.
18:19 In 1 Peter 3:8,
18:21 we can find Peter writing a letter
18:22 to a church intriguing them saying,
18:25 "Finally all of you being of one might having
18:29 compassion for one and another,
18:30 love is brethren, be tender hearted, be grace."
18:37 Would you walk by on the other side,
18:40 If someone called for aid.
18:44 Would you walk by on the other side,
18:47 Or would you be afraid.
18:52 Cross over the road, my friend,
18:55 Ask the Lord His strength to lend,
18:59 His compassion has no end, Cross over the road.
19:07 Would you walk by on the other side,
19:10 If you saw a loved one stray.
19:14 Would you walk by on the other side,
19:17 Or would you watch and pray.
19:22 Cross over the road, my friend,
19:25 Ask the Lord His strength to lend,
19:28 His compassion has no end, Cross over the road.
19:36 Would you walk by on the other side,
19:40 When starving children cried.
19:44 Would you walk by on the other side,
19:47 And would you not provide.
19:51 Cross over the road, my friend,
19:55 Ask the Lord His strength to lend.
19:58 His compassion has no end,
20:03 Cross over the road. Cross over the road.
20:21 Hi, boys and girls,
20:22 its time for Ms. Brenda's book of the day
20:26 and today's book is a very special book to Ms. Brenda,
20:29 do you know why?
20:30 Because I wrote it along with a very close friend
20:34 to Ms. Brenda's, Dr Kay Kuzma
20:35 and its Prayer Promises for Kids
20:38 and its full of all kinds of prayers
20:41 claiming Bible promises for things that kids pray about.
20:45 So if you go and look on every page,
20:47 there is pictures on every page of different things
20:50 you want to pray about
20:51 and there is a prayer
20:52 claiming Bible promise for that need.
20:54 Its an awesome book,
20:55 in fact you will recognize a lot of the kids
20:57 that are in the book, because some of them are,
20:59 some are our Kids Time singers,
21:00 so you'll recognize they posed pictures for me
21:02 and a couple of special pages I want to show about.
21:06 Look at this one right here, this is my grandson Jason,
21:09 and he is on the prayer with blessings from God
21:13 and then look at here,
21:16 of they are sharing here is both of them right there,
21:18 there is Michael and Jason,
21:20 and there is another picture of Michael
21:21 and there too so you will see lot of pictures.
21:23 It's a wonderful book to teach you
21:26 how to pray claiming Bible promises.
21:28 You wont want to miss this book.
21:31 Well, I've a very special program
21:33 planned to you today boys and girls,
21:35 because I wanted to share with you
21:37 about our Kids Time website.
21:39 Its something Ms. Brenda has been praying
21:40 and praying for about long time
21:43 and God answered my prayer in such an awesome way,
21:45 he sent me two wonderful friends
21:47 and very talented
21:49 that created this website just for you.
21:52 I want to introduce them to you right now.
21:54 I'd like you to meet Mellissa and C Q,
21:57 thank you so much for both of you
21:59 for what you have done for Kids Time.
22:00 I can't even tell you how much I appreciate it,
22:03 you donated all your time
22:04 and I know how much you love Jesus.
22:07 It really just blows me
22:09 away the amount of talent God gave you to do this
22:12 and that you are using this talent for Him.
22:15 Mellissa, tell me, maybe I wish we play a roll,
22:18 we got some video and let the kids see
22:21 what we're talking about and can you to jump in there
22:23 and tell them what we're looking at.
22:24 Let's begin. Okay.
22:26 Forward, you are seeing now is the home page,
22:28 it comes up with the globe that spins,
22:31 are representing the fact that Kids Time
22:32 is all over the world.
22:34 And then as the world comes in,
22:36 it brings up the icons,
22:38 different pages that kids can click on,
22:42 I mean go to what represent again Kids Time,
22:44 and all the many sections and segments.
22:48 We have lots of areas to go to,
22:51 the kids are going to have hours of fun on there.
22:54 The page you're seeing now is the Kids Club lessons
22:57 which mimic the lessons that we have.
23:01 You get to the mail.
23:02 Yeah, and we got contest which is the kids love and--
23:08 Kids Zone, that have the games that they can take,
23:10 look at the Maxwell's Games.
23:11 There is Maxwell's, Maxwell's page
23:13 and Maxwell has his own page, yeah.
23:16 And all his games and things like that.
23:19 So that was wonderful to look at
23:20 and while that well the spinning you see,
23:25 you hear the kids some theme song,
23:26 right. Yes, we do. Awesome!
23:27 Now tell us more in detail
23:31 when they-- about the contest, I know because it's popular.
23:35 Oh, yeah, absolutely.
23:37 Each three months usually is how long a contest run.
23:41 We choose something that the kids
23:42 can do an activity,
23:44 a drawn contest, or writing contest,
23:46 or photography contest,
23:47 the kids will summit their entries
23:49 and three months go by and we'll judge the entries
23:53 and we have three age groups that we judge by
23:57 and we'll take first, second, third place,
23:59 so the kids that win,
24:01 then we get a prize from Kids Time.
24:03 And what some of the co-prizes we've had.
24:06 Oh, we've had this Maxwell dog.
24:08 Oh, we want to show you look at this,
24:09 we have, look at Maxwell sleeping on here
24:11 and we have little stuffed Maxwell right up here,
24:15 little stuffed Maxwell with its little Kids Time
24:18 scarf on just like the real one,
24:19 isn't it soften.
24:23 I love this little Maxwell dog too.
24:25 So enduring that, so we have a place
24:27 you can actually purchase items
24:28 on the website during non Sabbath hours.
24:30 Yes. You can go there
24:31 and I think you can purchase scarves even too.
24:34 We have our Kids Time
24:37 designer for Bibles Time stories.
24:39 She makes all kinds of these Maxwell scarves
24:42 and you can order them right online
24:44 in all different colors, isn't the cool.
24:46 And that's a wonderful way to share Jesus.
24:48 Yes, absolutely. And so what is,
24:52 and I know that the Kids Club lessons,
24:54 tell me a little bit more about that,
24:55 how do you sign up and do they have choices.
24:57 Well, you can go online and sign up
24:59 and you can send them by mail
25:00 or if you rather take them online.
25:02 We often online for those kids
25:05 that can't afford postage
25:06 or just may be they live far away
25:09 from a post office. Right.
25:11 And so they can just sign up online
25:12 and take the same exact lessons online
25:14 and--as fast as they want.
25:16 As fast as they want, yeah, absolutely.
25:17 And then when they are done, what we give them.
25:19 We give them a free Bible and a Kids Time Activity Book,
25:22 we'll send. Now C Q Neibauer,
25:23 how long did it take you and Mellissa
25:24 to complete this website.
25:26 Took us about a good six months or more,
25:28 solid man hours,
25:29 there is a lot of hours behind it.
25:30 I'm sure there was, it was incredible.
25:32 And how can boys and girls find our website.
25:35 They can go to
25:40 and that's the number 4 or F-O-R. Either way.
25:43 Yes, and they can also either go to
25:48 and click on kids and you can reach it there too,
25:51 so there are several ways you can go there.
25:52 Need to find it. Well, boys and girls,
25:54 I also want to share something with you.
25:56 I get thousands of letters
25:58 every single month from all over the world,
26:00 from all of you writing me letters
26:02 and I love to get them, but I can't possibly
26:04 into every single one of them myself.
26:07 And so I have some help.
26:08 God send me somebody special to help me
26:10 and she is sitting with me today.
26:12 I'd like you to meet my executive assistant, Mellissa.
26:14 And Mellissa, thank you so much
26:17 for the hours and hours you spend helping Ms. Brenda.
26:20 I couldn't do this without both of you,
26:22 I know God send both of you into my life
26:26 to help make Kids Time better
26:28 and so I want to thank you for that.
26:29 Well, boys and girls,
26:30 that's about all the time we have today.
26:32 I want to encourage you to check out this website.
26:34 Remember again,
26:39 And remember boys and girls,
26:40 wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:42 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17