Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000265
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share 00:13 there's a world out there; let's tell them that 00:17 He loves us so. let's tell them that He loves us 00:22 so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:32 Hi, boys and girls, have you ever met someone 00:34 really, really mean. I mean somebody so 00:37 mean that you could be scared of them? Probably 00:40 the meanest people in the world are those who are the 00:43 enemies of Jesus. When you don't have God's love 00:46 in your heart, Satan can led you to do some awful, 00:49 terrible things. Satan is God's enemy and Satan 00:53 wants to destroy God's people, but I have some good 00:57 news for you even though there is a terrible battle 01:01 going on between Satan and his evil forces fighting 01:04 against God, God is stronger and in the end God will win 01:09 the battle between good and evil, and that is good news, 01:12 isn't it? Today in our Bible story you're going to meet 01:16 the meanest women in the Bible. She hated God and she 01:20 wanted to destroy God's people, she was so mean that 01:24 even her servants were afraid of her 01:26 In fact, she was so mean her very husband who was 01:30 the King was terrified of her, she was indeed 01:34 a wicked, wicked queen. Do you know who I'm talking 01:38 about? I'm not going to give you anymore hints, 01:42 but you're gonna want to keep watching to see 01:44 what lesson God tries to teach this very mean 01:47 woman, but right now let's see what Ranger 01:50 Rod is going to show us? 02:00 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time 02:02 isn't this spot beautiful? You know, I love to pitch 02:05 my tent right here, plenty of peace and quiet, 02:07 plenty of fire wood, and plenty of water, 02:10 you know water is so important when we're in 02:12 the back country, not only is it fun to play in 02:15 and is it fun to fish in, but it's also 02:18 very important for washing and, and for cooking, 02:22 most importantly for drinking, I'd like to talk 02:25 just a little bit about drinking water in the back 02:27 country. Now, if you're camping at a pull-in 02:29 camp site, they will probably provide water 02:31 for you, but you're on a backpack trip 02:34 or a hiking trip, it's so important to stay hydrated, 02:36 that means to drink plenty of cold, fresh water, 02:40 you don't want to be able to do that on your hiking trip, 02:42 so that you don't get dehydrated, get extra tired 02:45 and get into some kind of trouble for it. 02:47 Boys and girls, water is one of the most important 02:50 things that God has given for our bodies. 02:52 I want to talk just for a minute about cooking, 02:54 if you need to cook or bathe in the water that you find 02:57 in the back country always be sure that your cooking 03:00 water or your dish water that you wash your dishes 03:03 with that you boil it, if you take it right from a stream 03:06 or from a lake make sure that it doesn't have a, 03:08 a source of pollution that's coming into the river 03:11 or coming into the lake. Boil your water for 03:13 a couple of minutes, it's safe then to wash your 03:15 dishes and then to cook with. Also if you're going 03:19 to bathe in that water make sure that it comes from 03:21 a clean source and never boys and girls, 03:24 I know that most sporting goods stores sell what they 03:27 call a bio-degradable soap and we should use it in the 03:30 back country, but it's not safe to put the suds 03:34 or put the soap directly into the water source, 03:36 this kills fish and it damages and harms the little 03:40 microorganisms and the little things that live 03:42 in the water, but what we do is we, 03:45 Ranger Rod always takes a collapsible bucket with 03:48 him on a camping trip and a backpack trip. 03:51 And I use this, I put some water in there, 03:53 I pour the soap in, get it all nice and steady, 03:57 wash my dishes there, take it to some place 03:59 well away from the water source, dump it out, 04:02 same if I need to take a bath rather than jump 04:04 right in the creek and get in there with my soap, 04:08 I'll get in there and get nice and wet, 04:10 then I'll take my soap and my bucket of water, 04:12 then I'll head up into the trees and well away 04:14 from the water source to take my bath. 04:16 Again never put even biodegradable soap 04:19 directly into a lake or a stream. 04:22 Most importantly boys and girls never drink water 04:25 right straight from an open water source, 04:28 you know Ranger Rod used to say, I live in Montana 04:31 I drink anything that's wet, well three years ago 04:35 Ranger Rod took a drink out of a nice, 04:38 cold stream not far from his home and I got a nasty 04:42 little bug, I've got to tell you, I got Giardia, 04:45 that's a terrible bug, I was so, so sick for weeks 04:49 I was terribly sick just from drinking that 04:52 beautiful water. We can't see with our eyes some 04:55 of the bugs that are in there. So now Ranger Rod 04:58 always filters his drinking water. There are several 05:02 different kinds of filter, one that you might be 05:04 familiar with, that you have seen before is simply take 05:06 off the top, dip it in the water, there is a filter in 05:09 here and you drink from the hose and your water's 05:12 filtered, that's great for a day hike or 05:15 if you're gonna have some other way to filter water 05:18 for maybe for cooking or for using in another way. 05:23 I prefer to use a pump filter, with a pump filter 05:27 you can drop one in the river or the lake, 05:31 put the other end of your water bottle 05:33 and you can pump it. Now, you've got fresh clear 05:36 filtered water that you can use for cooking 05:39 or drinking or if you're gonna make something 05:41 that like if you're gonna make some pudding 05:43 or something that you're not gonna boil for 05:45 several minutes, you wanna use filtered water, 05:47 I use filtered water for everything, 05:49 it's the safest way. You know, boys and girls the 05:52 sad statistic is that 14,000 people die every single 05:58 day from impure water. Isn't that sad, 06:02 that's over five million people a year that die 06:04 from drinking water that's not clean. 06:07 Boys and girls, Ranger Rod wants to mention 06:10 that we need to filter more than just our water. 06:13 We should filter what we see, we must filter 06:16 what we hear and what we you know, 06:17 what we do the best way to filter what we see 06:20 and hear and do is to ask Jesus, 06:22 to decide from the scriptures, from the Bible, 06:25 what would Jesus do in my situation, 06:27 he is a perfect filter for us. Boys and girls I want 06:31 to remind you, always filter your water, 06:34 always keep your heart pure and clean. 06:37 Until next time, this is Ranger Rod saying 06:39 let's all enjoy God's great outdoors. 08:49 Welcome to Learning Time. 08:51 I'm glad you joined us today. You know, 08:53 I've got a question for you? Have you ever 08:55 gotten a stain on your clothes? Yes, you can be 08:59 in a whole lot of trouble if you will stain your clothes 09:02 and I've got three helpers with me, 09:03 we're gonna find out about stains today. 09:06 And I've got Daniel over here. Now, Daniel have you 09:09 ever, do you know what it is to make something 09:12 disappear? Yeah. Well, what happens, 09:14 you don't see them anymore. 09:19 You just don't see them anymore, 09:20 that's exactly right and that's what I want 09:23 my stains to do, if I ever get them on my clothes 09:25 and I have Lushawn over here. 09:27 Now, let me ask you a question, have you ever 09:30 stained your clothes? Yes. Oh! What did you get 09:33 on your clothes? Mud, food. Your food, you know, 09:40 you know, that food can stain your clothes. 09:42 How many of you've ever stained your clothes by 09:43 putting food on? Oh! Bad news stain, isn't it? 09:46 That's right, and I've got Rachel over here, 09:48 now Rachel have you ever made anything disappear? 09:55 Yeah. Yeah and like what? Cereal. Cereal! 09:59 Well, when you ate cereal and it disappears 10:03 and some of us make money disappear, 10:06 have you ever had money disappear, no, yeah, yeah. 10:09 That means when you spend it, that's absolutely right. 10:11 Hey, I need my helpers to come on up here, 10:13 we're gonna make something disappear up here, 10:15 come on up and help us, we've got some safety 10:17 glasses, why don't you put some of those safety 10:19 glasses on today? Because we're gonna use 10:22 something that's going to be kind of strong, 10:24 we don't want to get things in our eyes, okay, 10:26 you all ready to go. Okay, why don't you step up here, 10:29 Lushawn let's get you up here, there you go. 10:32 Now, do you know what I have right here, 10:34 I've got some Kool-aid, you know, Kool-aid is a 10:36 drink, isn't it? Yeah. But you know what, 10:39 you know, there is some stuff in Kool-aid 10:40 that can stain your clothes. Have you ever gotten 10:43 Kool-aid on your clothes? No, no, no but hey have 10:46 you ever gotten Kool-aid on your clothes? 10:47 No. Well how many of you've gotten Kool-aid? 10:50 There is some people, because it can stain. 10:52 And stains are bad news and sometimes it's hard to 10:55 get rid of stains. So, what we're gonna do I poured 10:58 a little bit of Kool-aid in this glass, 10:59 could you pour that in here, right in here we have water 11:02 and usually you know, add Kool-aid water, 11:05 so why don't you go ahead and put that in there 11:07 and see what Oh! That's interesting 11:08 and could you stir that up for us Rachel, yes, 11:10 stood on up right there, whoa, just okay, 11:13 just like that and take the thing out. 11:15 Now, that is red, now that is interesting 11:18 because it could stain our clothes and if that 11:21 was us, and we had stains on our clothes we would, 11:24 what does your mom usually do or 11:27 whoever does your laundry, what do they usually 11:28 put in your laundry to take stains out. 11:30 You have any idea? Soap. Soap, that's right 11:33 and then we use some other things besides soap, 11:35 do you know, what it is? Detergent. Detergent, 11:38 and I have got some stuff right here, 11:39 what could does be? Bleach. Bleach 11:41 that's right and bleach is very strong. 11:43 Now if you do this experiment at home 11:45 you have to be careful because bleach is not 11:47 a good thing for us to get on our hands, 11:49 it's not a good thing for, for us to even breath, 11:51 so we're gonna be real careful with today. 11:53 Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pour some of 11:55 this bleach into this glass right here, 11:57 okay just like that, pour some of that right in there 12:00 just like that, now don't drink that okay. 12:04 Now, drinking bleach is very, very dangerous 12:05 and we don't want you to do that. 12:07 So remember to get some help, if you're do this. 12:09 Now, what I would like to have you do, could you, 12:11 Lushawn, could you do this for us, could you take 12:13 that bleach and could you pour into there for us, 12:16 just, just real slowly, we don't want to spill it, 12:19 we don't want to overflow it, let's see if the 12:20 bleach can take all of that redness. 12:23 Oh! What, what's happening to the color? 12:25 Whoa! More little more, now little more 12:29 and right there, okay stop, is the color, 12:31 is the color gone? Yeah, yeah. The color is gone, 12:35 do you know what happens when you 12:37 and I get stains on our clothes because have you 12:40 all three of you had stains on your clothes? 12:41 Yes. Oh! Yeah and it makes a stain on our clothes 12:44 like maybe a grass stain and in order to get 12:47 that grass stain out we have to use some of this 12:50 stuff, what's that? Bleach. Bleach, now bleach 12:52 is very interesting because bleach has a lot of 12:55 oxygen in it and it's really the oxygen that helps us 12:59 to get rid of that stain, but you know what happens 13:01 when we put bleach in our clothes to get the stains 13:04 out, do you think the stain actually goes completely 13:08 away? No, no it doesn't at all, but the bleach does 13:12 something interesting, the bleach takes the color 13:15 out of our stain. The stain's still there, 13:18 but it takes the color out, so we don't see the stain, 13:22 is that cool or what? Yes, Oh! Yeah, I love science 13:26 and maths, chemistry and you know what you know God 13:29 made all of those compounds, 13:31 all of those elements and people have made like 13:33 bleach out of it to take stains out and God can take 13:37 the stain out of our hearts by us accepting 13:41 him as our savior. Well hey, I want to thank our 13:43 helpers today and you know, boys and girls 13:46 when we learn more about science, 13:47 we learn more about our creator God. 13:58 Where is the King, I have been waiting for him, 14:01 Queen Jezebel is gonna blame me for this, 14:04 I know it, I just know she will. Away, away, 14:07 where is the King? King enters the palace. 14:11 Your majesty, I'm so glad that you're here. 14:14 Guard assist him, tell me how that it go on 14:16 Mount Carmel? It was an incredible day, 14:19 in all my life I have never witnesses such an event. 14:22 Wonderful, we heard a little bit about it here at 14:25 the palace, but listen we, we have a problem your 14:28 majesty. A problem? Yes, Queen Jezebel is very upset 14:32 about something. Oh! She's been ranting 14:34 and raving around the palace all day long making 14:37 everyone miserable. No. Yes, and she is demanding 14:40 your presence immediately. No, we must not keep her 14:44 waiting. Oh! Your majesty, you look good, 14:48 she can't defy you this time. 14:50 Oh! But I'm confident she will find a way. 14:57 I'm waiting all day for King to have, I wait for no one, 15:02 do you hear I wait for no one. 15:04 Yes, my lady. What have you now? 15:06 Bread my Queen, it's freshly baked today. 15:10 Stale bread. Stale bread, you wouldn't. 15:13 Death to you. Stale bread, how dare you? 15:16 Lida, fix my table, yes ma'am. 15:18 I don't know how you get me some of these servants 15:19 around here, I can't believe it. 15:22 Oh! Oh! I can't stand this, get this mess cleaned up, 15:25 get it all cleaned up right now, I can't stand it. 15:27 Sorry, my queen. Is that you Ahab I hear, 15:32 Yes, my queen, my queen. Don't you look good? 15:38 But not as, not as good as you. 15:41 That you get you nowhere. 15:44 I want to know where you have been all day? 15:49 And let me tell you this had better be good 15:52 and don't you leave out one little detail or else. 15:57 Sit, There has been an amazing day my queen, 16:02 Oh! Amazing day, it has, the challenge has been set 16:05 forth, 450 Prophets of Baal were assembled 16:08 and the Elijah the prophet. Do you not think I know 16:12 how many prophets of Baal there are? 16:14 Well, let me tell you what happened? 16:15 They see erected alters, the Prophets of Baal 16:19 erected an altar, Elijah erected an altar 16:21 and they put fire and they put the sacrifice on the, 16:24 on the wood, but there was no fire set in either 16:27 of the alters and the prophets of Baal 16:30 called to their God all morning, all noontime, 16:34 all afternoon. Of course they answered, 16:35 Baal long live Baal. No, my queen, no my queen, 16:39 there was no answer from the Gods of Baal. 16:42 That should have cried harder, 16:43 they should have cut themselves, 16:44 pick that up, didn't I tell you to pick that up? 16:46 Yes, yes indeed they did, the prophets cut themselves 16:49 and the blood flood, but no fire came down 16:52 and finally the prophets of Baal were exhausted. 16:57 Of course, Baal did it then, then the fire came down. 17:02 No, my queen, no response from the Gods of Baal. 17:07 Baal always response. But then Elijah called upon his 17:12 God in heaven to send a fire down to consume 17:16 the altar. Elijah. Always Elijah. 17:18 But before he did that, he poured water on the altar. 17:21 What a fool. My queen, not once, not twice, 17:25 but three times they poured water, 17:27 water flood off the altar. 17:29 It sounds like something Elijah would do. 17:32 It was in the trenches flowing down from the altar 17:34 and then he prayed to his God in heaven. 17:39 I have never witnessed an event like this in all 17:42 my life, when he finished his prayer fire came down 17:46 and consumed the altar, it consumed the wood, 17:48 it consumed the sacrifice, it, it soaked up 17:51 and dried up all the water in the trenches, 17:54 it was amazing. Are you mad? Are you mad? 17:59 No, I'm only telling you what happened, 18:01 I'm telling you the events of the day. 18:03 Elijah's God sent fire down. So, what did Baal do? 18:07 What did my prophets do? They could nothing. 18:12 Nothing? They could nothing, 18:16 no God's responded. You're telling me that 18:23 they stood by there and did nothing, 18:25 I'm going to have to have a talk with them. 18:27 They are gonna have another gathering to do 18:29 this all over again. Something went wrong, 18:32 I've got to have a talk with the prophets. 18:34 Only Elijah's God sent fire down to consume the 18:38 sacrifice, I saw it with my own eyes. 18:40 I want the prophets here right here 18:43 and I'm going to have a talk with them. 18:44 Where are they? Oh! My queen, my queen. 18:50 Where are the prophets? Elijah, Elijah did it, 18:54 Elijah called for all. Elijah did what? 18:57 He called for all 450 prophets to be killed. 19:05 Am I hearing right. The prophets of Baal are dead. 19:09 All of them are dead in God. Get out of my sight Ahab, 19:14 I don't want to see you, get out of my sight. 19:16 I tell you believe this, what are you telling me, 19:19 they're dead? He's got to pay, he's got to pay, 19:23 stand up when I talk to you stand up. Sorry, my lady. 19:26 I want you to go find Elijah. Yes my queen. 19:29 I don't care where you have to look. Yes my queen. 19:30 I want you to tell him by this time tomorrow. 19:33 Yes, Elijah is going to die, did you hear me, 19:36 yes my queen. He is going to die. 19:42 Oh! Jezebel, Jezebel, will you never learn the true 19:49 God of heaven always wins. 20:02 Memorizing Bible verses is fun, try it, 20:06 Psalm 34:8 to 13. Oh! Taste and see that the 20:11 Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusts in him. 20:14 Oh fear the Lord, you his saints, 20:16 for there is no want in them that fear him. 20:19 The young lions lack and suffer hunger, 20:23 but they that seek the Lord shall not lack any 20:25 good thing. Come, you children, hearken unto me; 20:29 I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 20:31 What man is he that desireth life and loveth 20:34 many good days, that he may see good. 20:36 Keep thy tongue from evil and 20:38 thy lips from speaking guile. 20:46 He's still working on me 20:50 To make me what I ought to be 20:54 It took him just a week to make the moon and stars 20:58 The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars 21:02 How loving and patient He must be 21:06 'Cause He's still working' on me 21:11 I really ought to be, a sign upon my heart 21:14 Don't judge him yet, there's an unfinished part 21:19 But I'll be better just according to His plan 21:23 Fashioned by the Master's loving hands 21:27 He's still working on me 21:31 To make me what I need to be 21:35 It took him just a week to make the moon and stars 21:39 The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars 21:43 How loving and patient He must be 21:47 'Cause He's still working' on me 21:51 He's still working on me 22:09 Hi, boys and girls it's time for Ms. Brenda's 22:11 book of the day, and today's book is called 22:14 The Case of the Secret Code by Jerry D. Thomas Book 2. 22:18 It's one of the Shoebox Kids book. 22:20 Boys and girls this is an awesome book, 22:22 I happen to be a personal friend of Jerry Thomas 22:24 and I know for a fact that he is one incredible author, 22:27 you will want this book. Well, I want to introduce 22:30 you to not one, not two, but three very special guests 22:33 I have today. Meet Ananda, Jordan, and Patricia, 22:37 thank you for being on Kids Time today girls. 22:39 Let me ask you what do you do to share Jesus. 22:43 We share gift baskets. Gift baskets and I can see 22:49 you've got one here that you brought with you 22:51 and you've got lots of toys and things in it, 22:53 but what do you else do you have in that basket? 22:56 Books that share Jesus. Books that tell about Jesus 23:02 and what do you do with these baskets, 23:04 do you make up a nice basket and you have got 23:05 all kinds of nice little things and goodies in 23:09 there, but you also have a lot of books about Jesus. 23:11 What do you do with that basket? 23:14 We take them our neighbor's house, 23:16 neighbors houses and we will put them on their steps. 23:20 So they can be surprised and learn more about Jesus. 23:23 So, you, so what do you do, you don't wanna ring 23:25 the doorbell and say hi to them. No, what do you? 23:28 We wanna make it a surprise, so we like kind of 23:31 sneak up there. Oh! So, they won't see us coming. 23:35 So, you be really quiet, so you sneak up there 23:38 and you put the basket on the steps 23:40 and then who rings the doorbell? No one. No one, 23:44 you don't ring the doorbell, you just leave it on the 23:45 back, on the steps and then you kind of run away. 23:47 Do you ever hide in the bushes so you can kind of 23:50 see if somebody gets it. No, we just leave. 23:53 You just, you just run, so that you don't get caught. 23:55 So that you can. Do you think anybody's figured out, 23:57 who's leaving all the baskets. Probably, 23:59 yeah because we sometimes got caught. 24:02 Oh! You did. And when you get caught what do they say, 24:05 hey comeback here. Thank you. 24:09 And they say thank you, that's really nice, 24:11 now I understand also that you Patricia you, 24:14 you've preached before, how old are you? 24:16 Nine. You're nine years old and what did you preach 24:19 about? Jesus. You preached about Jesus, 24:23 laws and the Ten Commandments. 24:25 And what, what organization was that with? 24:27 Jerry Hamm. Ms. Jerry Hamm, that's a wonderful 24:29 organization, isn't it? Boys and girls maybe 24:31 that's something that you might want to consider doing. 24:33 Well, I would like you girls to be with me for a 24:35 minute, I'm gonna read a couple of letters, 24:37 we just have a few minutes left. Can you help me? 24:39 Maxwell is falling asleep again. 24:41 I know Maxwell is always falling asleep, isn't he? 24:44 Can you hold that for me please and let's just 24:46 read this letter real quick. I've got a couple of 24:50 letters in here, this one says, Dear, Ms. Brenda oops, 24:55 can you please give this book, 24:57 this letter to your sisters on Tiny Tots from 25:00 my brother. Okay, I will give that one. 25:02 And now, let's see what this letter says, it says, 25:05 dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Sherice and I'm in second, 25:08 and I'm the second born of twins, 25:10 I'm seven-years-old and I share Jesus by praying 25:13 and visiting those who are sick. 25:15 I pray with my father and mother too 25:16 and I love my family and friends. 25:19 And I help my mom by keeping my room clean, 25:21 washing the dishes, wiping the table, 25:23 hanging out the clothes and sharing with my sister. 25:25 My mom has a new baby and I sing for her 25:28 when she cries. I also help to bathe 25:30 and comb her hair. We love Kids Time from Sherice. 25:33 Well, thank you Sherice and Sherice is from Jamaica. 25:36 And let's see, if I have time for one more 25:39 and can you hold this one up for me please. 25:41 And this one just says, dear, Ms. Brenda I like to 25:45 share Jesus and I like to cheer up sad people, 25:48 it says I give them some favorite toys, 25:50 I would like to join Kids Club please, 25:52 I like nature time and singing time and learning 25:55 time and well, I like it all. Thank you, for your hard 25:58 work, love Daniel. And Daniel is from 26:02 British Columbia. McBride, British Columbia. 26:05 Well Daniel, thank you for your letters, yes, 26:06 I will get you signed up for Kids Club. 26:08 Boys and girls if you want to join Kids Club, 26:10 just go to, 26:14 click on Kids Club and you can sign up too. 26:16 Thank you, girls for being with us today, 26:18 I appreciate it, Ananda, Jordan, and Patricia 26:21 keep sharing Jesus, because boys and girls 26:23 wherever you go, whatever you do, remember that Jesus 26:25 loves you, and it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17