Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000264
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time,
00:03 we're gonna be late. 00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there, 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kids Time, kids Time, kids Time. 00:31 Hi, boys and girls. Do You know, 00:33 what an Idol is? Now, most of the time 00:35 when we think about Idols, we think of images 00:37 or statuses that are made of stone or gold 00:40 or wood that people worship. 00:43 Sometimes people carve them they look like people, 00:45 and sometimes their shape like animals, 00:48 isn't that right, Max? And sometimes they're 00:51 even like make believe creatures that look like 00:53 part person and part animal. 00:54 But they are not God. Satan makes people believe 00:58 that Idols are God with power to make 01:00 bad things happen. So, they worship these Gods. 01:03 But our real God in heaven wants us to worship 01:05 and pray only to him. He wants us to love him 01:09 more than anything else in the whole world 01:11 and you can't do that if you worship idols, can you? 01:14 God gave us two very important commandments 01:17 to warn as about idols. The first says, 01:20 that we should have no other Gods before us 01:22 except the real God in heaven and the second says, 01:26 we should not make any carved image 01:27 or bow down to anything else, but God. 01:30 In the Bible when people turned away from 01:32 worshiping the true God and began worshiping 01:35 idols bad things happened. 01:38 God could no longer blesses people 01:40 and sometimes they were captured by the enemy 01:43 and were taken to prison. That's exactly what 01:46 happened to King Manasseh in our Bible study today 01:48 when he started worshiping Idols but 01:51 he learned a very important lesson in prison. 01:54 I know you will learn a lot from our 01:56 Bible story today. But first, hey, Max, come on 01:59 wake up. You can see Max is so sleepy. 02:01 Let's get ready for our nature time. 02:04 Isn't that? Right, Max. 02:12 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to "Nature Time" 02:15 you know, there is something that 02:16 I do automatically. Every time I go outdoors 02:19 and I can't even help myself and that is 02:21 I watch for tracks. Every time I am hiking 02:24 even when I am riding my car I leave on a 02:26 four mile driveway and if somebody is driven 02:29 in my driveway with a four wheeler or a bicycle 02:31 or a truck with tracks that I don't recognize 02:34 I seem to see it. Well, today we are standing 02:36 here on the bank of the Madison River. 02:38 And I have just found a beautiful track. 02:40 I am so excited about it's a beautiful 02:42 grizzly track. If you notice these grizzlies 02:44 come on and they creek here, 02:46 and if you can see these prints that are made, 02:48 these toe nail marks are way out here just 02:52 beautiful, that's a beautiful track 02:54 I just love it. You know tracks tells us story 02:57 a sort of a story that left behind 03:00 that's not rumoring necessarily unless 03:02 of course as the track left in concrete. 03:04 I have had dog, try to cross cement 03:06 that I was pouring and that leaves the track 03:08 these kind of permanent or maybe you know, 03:10 be you have done this before when you put 03:11 your hand on cement when it before it dries 03:13 and you put out date there that makes 03:15 it permanent. But animal tracks are temporary. 03:18 Unless of course we do something that 03:20 Ranger Rod loves to do 03:21 and that is to take track impressions. 03:24 I would like to show you boys and girls 03:25 just a little bit about this. It's a sort of 03:27 hobby maybe you could take up. 03:29 You can, put track impression of your dog 03:32 or your cat or even your mummy or daddy 03:34 or your brother or your sister or maybe 03:36 there is dear where you live or some kind of 03:38 animal you find the track. 03:39 You can make a track impression. 03:41 Let me show you some examples, 03:42 of some that I have here. 03:47 Well, here we got, in this hand I have got 03:49 a fox track. I don't know if you can see that 03:51 real well, over here, I've got a wolf track, 03:54 a grey wolf track, look beautiful. 03:56 I want to show you a couple of grizzly 03:57 tracks though. Boys and girls, can you believe it, 04:03 look at the size of their print. 04:04 That's a grizzly bear track. In fact, 04:06 it was made right up here in Montana. 04:08 It's beautiful. I love it. Here is another one. 04:17 Right here boys and girls, 04:18 look at that grizzly track. 04:19 Look at those long nails. That's made by an 04:21 impression mode like we gonna do on the track 04:23 that I have got right here behind me. 04:25 This right here is a black bear. Let's get started 04:27 learning how to do a tracking mode? 04:30 We start here, what we gonna need to make 04:32 the impression, some kind of impression material. 04:34 I use a fast joint floor compound. 04:36 Some people like to use it dental mold 04:38 or something like that they mix with some water, 04:41 a container and a stirring stick. 04:43 I gonna pour this in here and stir this up 04:45 and let's pour a more. Where we wanna get 04:49 a nice smooth consistency here, 04:52 right here we got our impression materials 04:54 it's just a quick joint floor compound. 04:59 Alright, we are stirring this up its kind 05:00 of thick right at first. I've already got 05:03 the water added and I've been to mixing it here 05:06 with my stick, that's looking pretty good. 05:14 So, let's go ahead, pour in a grizzly track. 05:20 Alright, beautiful that's flow on right there now 05:22 when you get there on those claw marks, 05:24 make sure that you get the impression material 05:27 all poured in each one of the toes 05:29 and up into the finger nails, nice and deep, 05:31 nice and thick. Alright, boys and girls, 05:33 maybe I will put a little rock or something 05:36 over here it kind a dam it up so that it doesn't 05:38 run all out and ground there. Excellent, 05:43 this is going to be fine. 05:46 That's going to be beautiful. You know, 05:47 boys and girls it takes about 10 minutes 05:49 for that to dry and so I would like to show 05:51 you pretty much what that's gonna look like 05:54 when you saw finished. It gonna look like 05:55 this big grizzly print right here, 05:57 Isn't that beautiful. That's going to be exciting. 05:59 I have got a quick story for you about 06:01 another impression that I found one time 06:03 on hike up in the mountains. In deep snow 06:05 above our knee deep. I was walking down 06:07 this trail and when I come on this horse tracks 06:09 I can dealt by this tracks and this horse 06:11 was getting a little excited and sure enough 06:13 I have come into clearing and this horse 06:15 I can tell by his tracks that he started to bark 06:17 and sure enough not far head. 06:20 Here is the imperium. Some poor cowboy 06:22 that he blocked off in the snow I can see 06:24 that print of his head and his cowboy boots 06:26 and his arms with blown out, well he jumped up 06:29 and took up chasing his horse I could see 06:31 the horse was galloping down the trial 06:32 and here this fellow's footprints were just 06:34 to chase after it. There was 2 miles down 06:37 to the trail ahead and that guy 06:39 had to walk the whole way. 06:40 You know, he left quit an impression. 06:43 It reminds me boys and girls. We all leave quit an 06:46 impression. What you people know about you, 06:48 about the impression that you leave. 06:50 More importantly what do people know about Jesus 06:53 about the impression that we leave. Let's remember 06:56 that our first impression is our best impression 06:59 and that once an impression is made 07:01 it's hard to change. Until next time this is 07:04 Ranger Rod saying let's all enjoy God great outdoors. 07:20 Be a missionary every day, 07:24 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 07:27 Be it in a town or country, Or a busy avenue, 07:32 Africa or Asia, The task is up to you! 07:36 So be a missionary every day. 07:41 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 07:45 The Lord is soon returning, 07:47 There is no time to lose. So be a missionary, 07:52 God's own emissary, Be a missionary today! 07:58 Be a missionary every day, 08:02 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 08:06 Be it in a town or country, Or a busy avenue, 08:11 Africa or Asia, The task is up to you! 08:15 So be a missionary every day. 08:19 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 08:23 The Lord is soon returning, There is no time to lose. 08:27 So be a missionary, God's own emissary, 08:32 Be a missionary today! 08:48 Welcome to Learning Time I'm glad you joined us 08:51 today. So, we've got a very interesting science 08:53 lesson today and I have got three helpers. 08:55 Let's find out who they are? 08:56 I am got Jimmy over here. 08:58 Now, Jimmy when you are not in school 08:59 what would you like to do? 09:00 I like to play outside with my friends. 09:02 Hey, that's sounds interesting to me. 09:04 And I have got Elizabeth right here. 09:05 Elizabeth, what do you like to do 09:06 when you are not in school? 09:07 I like to go swimming. Go swimming. 09:09 You like to go swimming in a swimming pool 09:11 or where do you go swimming? 09:12 Swimming pool or a lake, or the beach. 09:14 Hey, that's really, that would be refreshing your 09:17 day we aren't able to do that. 09:18 And we have Derris so there, Derris, 09:21 now when you are not in school, 09:22 what do you like to do if you not eating. 09:24 I love jumping up, jumping off the tree into 09:27 and jumping in. That's sound like a lot of fun, 09:29 doesn't it? Say I want all of my helpers come 09:31 up here, my three helpers. 09:32 As you are coming down I want you to look 09:34 at his ball. Can anybody tell me what this ball is? 09:36 Ping pong. Well, it's a ping pong ball, 09:39 and ping pong is kind of neat sport, isn't it? 09:41 Now today, we gonna, I gonna give each one 09:43 of my helpers a ping pong ball. 09:45 This one for Elizabeth and Derris, right here 09:47 and one for Jimmy. Now, what I gonna ask to do is, 09:50 what I gonna ask you to do just throw out to 09:51 somebody. Can you do that? Go ahead, 09:52 throw yours at a time and we gonna throw that 09:55 out here. Now, you know it's very, 09:56 very difficult to throw a ping pong ball really, 09:59 really hard. Now, the science experiment today 10:02 goes like this. We're gonna try to throw a ping pong 10:04 ball so hard and so fast that it will go right into 10:08 the can. Will that be interesting to do? 10:10 Okay, now you guys are gonna help me to do that. 10:12 Now we gonna put this whole ball in a sealed cane 10:14 holder. So it won't move around, alright, 10:17 and then I am going to take this ball 10:18 and put it into the pipe and just a second. 10:20 Derris, we got some tape there just right 10:22 beside you. If you hand me that piece of tape 10:24 I gonna put that tape on the end of this 10:26 big piece of pipe right here. This pipe is 10 feet long 10:30 and it's kind of like a plumbing pipe made out 10:32 of PVC plastic. So, I gonna seal the end of that pipe 10:35 with the tape just like that. Then we gonna come 10:38 down to the other end. Jimmy you got a piece of 10:40 tape right in front of you. If you could hand me 10:42 that piece of tape oh in a Just a second 10:45 because I gonna put the ping 10:46 pong ball right inside the pipe. 10:48 And you can hear when it clangs at the end. 10:50 Are you ready to listen for it? Okay, let's put it 10:52 right there. Put my microphone right there 10:54 at it. And it hit the bottom. Okay, I heard 11:03 that hit just like that and I gonna go ahead 11:05 and seal this, your are putting the ping pong ball 11:07 in there so that we can shoot it out with the air 11:10 pressure that's on you and I'm ready now. 11:14 Now, what I gonna do is I gonna to aim this 11:16 right out our can and this is our little can holder. 11:19 Put this right like that. Now, we gonna have 11:21 to protect everybody because that ball is 11:24 going to be going several hundred miles an hour. 11:26 Is that fast several hundred miles an hour? 11:29 Yeah. Well, our guys would things so. 11:32 And so we got the safety shield. 11:34 Put that safety shield right about there. 11:36 Then I have got some cloth. It's very, very 11:38 strong piece of double cloth and that's going to 11:42 protect us as well. Now, all I need to do 11:44 now is to get our glasses on. Can you put 11:47 your safety glasses on? Because we wanna be 11:49 really, really safe. Now, I am gonna put mine on 11:52 as well because we really need to protect our eyes. 11:55 We never do anything to hurt our eyes, do we? 11:57 No. Not. Good idea. Now, today we are going to 12:01 actually take the air right out of the pipe 12:02 and so we gonna have to vacuum the pipe. 12:05 Is anybody have a job vacuuming? 12:07 Oh! Yes. It's only job that I found that you can 12:09 find money. They will found money while you are 12:11 vacuuming? Yeah. Yeah, Oh! That's a great job to 12:13 have around the house. So, I gonna turn the pump on. 12:16 When I turn the pump on we gonna take the air out 12:18 of the pipe and then all of a sudden when we give, 12:21 I gonna give you a count down, it goes 3, 2, 1, 12:23 you can cover your ears and now I am gonna take 12:26 the pairs of scissors and I am gonna poke a hole right 12:28 in that piece of tape. The air pressure that's around 12:31 you and I right now is gonna rush into the pipe, 12:33 push the ping pong ball out in and hit the can. 12:36 Are you ready? Yeah. Okay, well let's turn the pump 12:39 on. We can hear that. I gonna pull my ear protectors 12:42 on because it really, really loud. 12:44 So, whave we have got right here. Okay listening 12:47 to the pump. 12:48 As soon as the pump gets ready I am going to make 12:50 this thing go bomb. Are you ready? 12:52 Yes. Okay, right now give me a count down. 3, 2, 1, 12:59 let's check it out. Woh! Hey did you hear that? 13:05 Yes. Well, did you hear that guys. 13:08 Yeah. Hey, look at what we have right here. 13:10 Hey, I have got this little ball right here. 13:12 Oh! You know, what, hey, is that, 13:14 have a dent in there? Yeah. Oh! Check that ball out. 13:16 Hey! Let's check out our can. 13:18 Well, hey, woh! Look what happened? 13:23 What happened to that can? 13:25 That destroyed, the way through the can 13:28 didn't it? Yeah. Well, now that's interesting. 13:31 And yeah, Do you know that when we have things 13:35 going very, very fast they have a tremendous 13:37 amount of power, don't they? Yeah. I wanna thank 13:41 my helpers for helping me today. 13:43 You did a great job and it really work, 13:45 didn't that? You know, every time we learn 13:47 more about science we learn more about our creator God. 14:00 And another thing, what now? 14:02 Husband I want all those graven images, 14:05 I want every single one out of the house. 14:08 Can't you come up something a little different? 14:11 You know, what all the wickedness in this city, 14:15 look at that, look at those men fighting over there. 14:17 Well, listen here wife, I don't have time to worry 14:21 about the wickedness. I am working myself to the 14:23 pond every day, yes, making my golden images. 14:27 And where it has gotten you old king Manasseh 14:29 for that fact. Look at him he is in a prison, 14:31 and he worshipped those Gods and they have done him 14:34 no good. I can't worry about the king today. 14:37 He has got his own problems. I'm saying 14:39 look what we've got, you know what, 14:40 there is so much wickedness and they are stealing 14:43 and everything going around in here. Wait a minute! 14:45 Is that a kind of place you want to live? 14:47 Right now all I want to know where's that God 14:50 I made the other day. I put it in right in the living room 14:52 when you came home, it was gone, where is it? 14:54 You know, what we need. We need you to be the priest in 14:57 our home to the God. Priest? Only to God in heaven. 15:00 Look what my Gods that I have made, 15:02 your God has done nothing for you. 15:03 Oh! See something is happening! What's that? 15:06 Something is happening, something, 15:08 I told you something is happening, isn't my fault. 15:17 People of Jerusalem. King Manasseh has 15:20 returned from the prisons of Babylon. 15:23 Bow the knees to the king. 15:40 Please rise. I've many things 15:45 to say to you people of Israel. 15:49 I became your king at the age of 12 years old. 15:53 And as I grew I looked more to myself 15:58 and less to our God. It was a very bad decision. What! 16:02 I was not a good king. I asked for your 16:09 forgiveness. It's good to be home. 16:12 I must tell you what happened when I was taken 16:14 prisoner. Alone in a cell, it's easier to hear 16:20 God's voice, God's merciful loving, forgiving voice, 16:26 His merciful loving, forgiving voice, you know, 16:30 Israel, you remember Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, 16:33 you remember Enoch and Noah. These people listened to 16:37 God and God blessed. When we don't to listen to God 16:44 we break our relationship with Him and things 16:48 come in to take the place of God, you know, 16:50 what I am taking about and I led you in this. 16:54 I led you in this. But in prison, 16:58 I discovered a very important principle about 17:01 the God we loved, the true God, 17:03 the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob not 17:06 these Gods of wood and stone and gold, no, 17:09 you can't make a God. God is God. Oh! Yes. 17:15 I learned that as I confessed my sins, 17:19 He was faithful. He was just to forgive me of my sins 17:24 and then cleanse me. He is such a good God, 17:27 but now I must ask for your forgiveness as a 17:31 very bad king. I looked to myself. 17:35 I took my eyes off the God and focused on the 17:39 blessings of God. I must never do that again. 17:43 Please we must turn back to God. 17:45 We must put away our Idols. 17:47 We must restore the relationship that God is 17:51 calling us to. We would be light to the other worlds, 17:53 not to look at the other nations and follow their 17:57 ways. We must be a light to the world. 18:00 Praise God. Praise God. The only way we can do it, 18:05 is by restoring him on our minds and hearts 18:08 and worshiping him daily. Yes, yes, yes. 18:13 And then his spirit will work in us to will 18:16 and to do according to his good pleasure. 18:19 Please look back at our fathers. 18:23 You've heard all the stories and how they led, 18:26 but also remember the stories were, 18:29 they didn't follow God and what happened. 18:32 Please we can't humble ourselves 18:35 when the spirit of God comes in. 18:36 He humbles us. Yes. Please I want to be a king 18:42 who realizes that God is the heavenly king. 18:48 Yes. Please go to your homes, have time alone, 18:54 think about by God's power what, 18:56 what you can get out of your life, 18:58 so that God may fill it more and more. 19:01 Yes. Yes. May this be a nation of people 19:04 who turn back to God and not worship ourselves, 19:08 not worship the Idols, but worship the true God of 19:10 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yes. Yeah, God, we've got 19:19 to give rid of false Gods. That's right. 19:22 Let's go. That's right. We've got get rid of our 19:25 false God. Everyone to their homes, 19:26 give rid of your false Gods. Wife, I want you to go home, 19:33 and I want you to get rid of every God that I made. 19:37 I am going to the high place and every God that I made 19:40 with these hands I want to give rid of it. 19:42 I don't want to ever be away from my God again. 19:45 And these rings, take these rings, 19:48 get rid of it. I don't want them in my home. 19:50 Thank you husband, thank you. 19:52 How praise God, praise God. 21:11 Hi, boys and girls, It's time for Miss Brenda's 21:13 "Book of the Day" and today's book 21:16 is the wonderful book called 21:18 "Jenny's Cat-napped Cat". Can you imagine that 21:21 sounds exciting, doesn't it, and it's from 21:23 Jerry D. Thomas and I would tell you this. 21:25 Jerry Thomas is a wonderful, wonderful 21:28 friend of mine and I can tell you he writes 21:30 awesome books that you will want to get 21:31 this book Jenny's Cat-napped Cat. 21:34 Well, something that you will also want to a pay 21:38 attention to today is our program because 21:40 we are talking about some cats, but today 21:43 we are also featuring dogs. And I want you to meet, 21:46 Amanda. Miss Amanda, I am so thankful that 21:49 you are with us here today, 21:50 so happy to have you. 21:51 Thank you. You will always be special to Miss Brenda. 21:53 Boys and girls, do you know why, because 21:56 it is Miss Amanda that helped me find Maxwell. 22:00 And Miss Amanda, you run a animal shelter 22:03 for dogs and cats. And I came and I was there 22:08 for you to able to help us match up with Maxwell 22:10 and I tell you Maxwell has been perfect 22:13 for the program. We love Maxwell 22:15 and I can tell you Max just loves 22:18 Kids time, he is our Kids Time dog. 22:20 Yeah. And you brought somebody special with you. 22:22 Who did you bring you with you today? 22:23 This is Malboo and Malboo is 2 years old 22:26 and we call her Heinz 57 dog, because 22:29 we don't exactly know what kind she is? 22:31 Okay, sometime they make the best pet though, 22:33 don't they? Because they get the best of all 22:34 different kinds of dogs. She's a great kid 22:38 friendly dog and that's one of the reason 22:39 I have wanted to bring her to kids time. 22:41 I was wishing we had some cameras that could 22:44 shown when Maxwell first met Malboo. 22:46 Now, she is like Maxwell is going to go to sleep. 22:48 Everybody knows Maxwell sleeps, but it was when 22:51 they first met they really had lot of fun together. 22:53 Yes, they really had at all. They did, 22:55 and so Maxwell like okay and met her 22:57 and he is going to go ahead and go to sleep. 22:58 Have do you ever met a dog that sleep 23:00 just much as Maxwell? 23:01 No I haven't, but I think deserves it. 23:05 He, just is happy and contended and we can 23:07 harm about the time they sleep 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 23:10 and start the program. Yes, he has had gone 23:11 and he just goes to sleep. 23:13 But not this Malboo do that? 23:15 No, Malboo is little bit more active. 23:18 She got little nervous right now because 23:20 she has been on the shelter for a while 23:21 and we had a long car ride to get here 23:24 and she seeing more people and she don't know 23:26 what to do with herself, but she is doing pretty good. 23:28 Well, I want you to come today Miss Amanda, 23:30 because I would like you to share with the 23:31 boys and girls about, some of the things about 23:35 if you're going to own a pet. 23:36 What is some good tips you can give 23:39 boys and girls. How to be a good pet owner? 23:41 Well, I think one of the things that you make sure 23:43 that you find the right dog for your family. 23:45 Most people are ready for puppies 23:47 and they get a puppy and they chew 23:49 and go party in the house and they don't know 23:51 what to do with themselves, so I would said, 23:53 go to a shelter, find an older dog that you know 23:56 the personality is going to be like make sure 23:58 that good fit for your family. Another thing 24:00 that kids can do is make sure that they make 24:02 them apart of their family and they don't put them 24:04 lease in the backyard and only see them when 24:07 it's time to feed in the water. 24:08 It's really fulfilling to have that extra member 24:11 of the family with four legs and a tail. 24:14 Yes and It's kind a sad for me, when I see, 24:17 you know, dogs out on the chain that just 24:19 running back in forth because they look 24:22 like just yarning to cut for a tension. 24:24 And most of them are and unfortunately 24:26 you know you heard lot about dog bites, 24:28 most of the dogs that bite probably, 24:31 almost the 100 percent of the dog is that bite are 24:33 one that just don't how to act with the people 24:35 on their chain so. It's always important 24:37 when you see a dog that you don't know 24:39 to not go up to them, don't grab them. 24:41 Let them smell you and then you only 24:43 if they're friendly dog or not. 24:44 Now if someone came to the animal shelter 24:46 and they were looking for a pet, are they able, 24:50 could they come as many times 24:51 they wanted to come and spend time with it. 24:53 Absolutely we always suggest that people find 24:56 the right match for their family even if they got, 24:58 come 5, 6, 7 times. It's always best to make sure 25:01 that you are 100 percent sure, because 25:03 it's not just something you're getting 25:04 for a couple weeks, right. This is a lifetime. 25:07 That's right and they become a member 25:08 of your family, absolutely. Now just as you know 25:10 something nice to have, and there is lot 25:13 of love it and bonding that takes place. 25:15 Yes, that I would find there is most people 25:16 were picked a dog out and then they will come 25:18 to meet that dog and falling love with the 25:20 different dogs, so it's all about find 25:21 in the right match for your family. 25:23 Now it's only thing in specific that boys and girls 25:25 you should like telling about really good things 25:27 to do just be a good to take care of that pet. 25:29 Make sure that you always give them good food, 25:32 lots of water, brush them out. You know, 25:34 you have to give them baths all the time 25:35 that everyone's in a while will be good, 25:37 play with them and just share your love 25:39 with them. Another thing that kids can do 25:41 and found to be really fulfillingness they can 25:43 actually work with their dog and take him 25:45 to children's hospital and nursing homes 25:47 to share not only their love of their pet, 25:49 but their pets love with the people 25:50 who are able to have pets with their own. 25:52 That's a wonderful way to share Jesus, 25:54 isn't it boys and girls to do that? 25:55 I think that's a wonderful idea, 25:57 and is there, is finding a pet at the animal 26:02 shelter something you would highly recommend? 26:04 Absolutely, there are so many pets 26:06 they don't have homes and unfortunately 26:07 some of them have to give, put the sleeps 26:09 so the more pets that are adopted from 26:11 animal shelter the more chance that the pets are 26:13 in the dog pounds themselves will find 26:15 a place will they have a chance to get a good home. 26:17 That's really important, boys and girls, 26:20 I would like to encourage you to visit the animal 26:23 shelters and maybe it something you could do 26:25 to just help play and help out. Well, Miss Amanda, 26:28 thank you again for coming. 26:29 I want to invite you come next time to coming 26:31 and keep coming back 26:32 and share your wonderful tips with us. 26:34 Remember boys and girls, wherever you go, 26:36 whatever you do it's kids time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17