Kids Time

Crippled Man Healed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000263A

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:11 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls. Aren't you thankful that
00:33 God made you, who you're, have you ever
00:36 met someone, who couldn't you, or hear
00:38 or speak? There are many people in this
00:41 world, who have born with the part of their
00:42 body that just doesn't work like it should.
00:46 Sometimes babies are born blind or death.
00:48 And sometimes they're born with something
00:50 wrong with their legs, so they can't walk.
00:52 Now, here is a question I have for you.
00:54 If you're born with something wrong with
00:56 your legs ands someone came up to you asked,
00:59 would you like to have a million dollars or
01:01 would you like to have healthy legs?
01:03 Which would you chose? I know what
01:05 would choose? I would want to have legs that work.
01:09 Our Bible story today is about a 40 year old man,
01:12 who had been crippled all of his life.
01:14 In Bible times, they didn't have wheelchairs
01:16 to help people get around, no, if you're
01:19 crippled, you had to be lye on your friends to
01:21 pick you up and carry you, wherever you
01:23 wanted to go and that would have been a
01:25 pretty miserable life, wouldn't it?
01:27 But, before we find out, what happen to the
01:29 cripple man, let see what Ranger Rod has to
01:32 show us today on Nature Time.
01:42 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Nature Time.
01:46 Oh! I love this, isn't this beautiful.
01:47 This is exciting, you know, one other thing
01:50 that I love about outdoor recreation
01:53 bag packing, packing you know; the horse
01:55 back riding does the adventure of it.
01:58 You know, my wife, my lovely wife Marsha,
02:01 sometimes she get a little bit concerned
02:02 about Ranger Rod first for adventure.
02:06 You know, it doesn't bother me to sea a big
02:08 grizzly up in the forest, and as long as we
02:11 keep a save distance, I just love to view wild life.
02:14 Even sometimes that they still
02:16 little on the edge of danger. In fact, one
02:18 time I crawled underneath a great
02:20 spruce tree that was kind a sit up and get
02:22 close to a, a mount lion. And she was get and
02:25 closure to me and I didn't know it.
02:27 And I'm better underneath this tree.
02:29 That's the close encounter.
02:31 One time Ranger Rod even jumps out of
02:33 airplane 5,000 feet. Now, I did have a
02:36 parachute on. I wanted to be saved.
02:39 Boys and girls, one other things about
02:41 bag packing that's I think its adventures
02:44 because sometimes you got to do
02:45 water crossing. Now, I will admit that, if I can
02:51 get across without getting my feet,
02:53 I will do that first. I always look for a,
02:55 maybe the good sturdy log crossing the log is
02:59 the, is a good idea. As long, it is not too wet
03:01 or slippery. You got to be really carefully,
03:03 where you put your feet because fallen off a log,
03:06 where you put your feet because fallen off a log,
03:07 not only can you get wet, but you might even
03:09 get hurt. So, cross the log carefully, just one
03:11 foot at a time. In fact, that good idea about log
03:14 crossing, see of your dad or grandpa or
03:17 something you know, could actually climb the
03:20 log for you. And put it in your backyard.
03:24 You can practice on it. Another good way to do
03:27 a stream cross you know, rock the rock,
03:30 as long as not too slippery be careful.
03:33 One way that sometimes you have to
03:35 cross rock, I can't find the dry crossing is to
03:38 cross and get a wet, but you don't want to get
03:41 your hiking boots lead. So, I usually carry and
03:43 all types of sneakers or maybe,
03:45 if there a sandals. Some like these here.
03:47 Now, you want to make sure that you have a good
03:49 back strip on them. You don't want them to
03:51 slop off. They got a fit securely.
03:54 So, one I usually you use have a tail guard on
03:55 them, but in all fair attention, she is alert.
03:58 Don't try to do it flip flops or some little slip
04:01 onto you, you might loose in the river.
04:03 And you know, what the fish don't need your
04:05 shoe in their living room. It become to a river
04:09 all that's duty have been too fast. Anything over
04:11 you knees, you're gonna have to do a
04:13 two person crossing. Sometimes when you're
04:17 making that crossing, tracking balls coming
04:20 very and you're gonna want to have to use
04:22 these tracking balls to stabilize you.
04:25 Remember underwater rocks are very slippery
04:27 and you want to be very, very careful.
04:29 Don't cross water, even the tracking balls, if the
04:32 water is over your knees. That requires two
04:34 people. My son-in-law Jedi and we did a
04:37 swift water cross in a deep water to show you
04:40 boys and girls exactly I was done.
04:43 The first thing of course, we're gonna
04:45 show here, find the good spot cross.
04:47 Never cross above a falls, never cross above
04:50 anything is too dangerous, big rapids.
04:53 You're gonna want to make sure that you
04:55 unsnap your weights buckle before you
04:58 wait into the water. Notice here that, we're
05:01 holding on each others arms. Once facing
05:03 upstream, one facing downstream.
05:05 Cross very carefully, one step at a time, being
05:08 careful in every single step, make sure
05:11 you plan it, every single step, go slowly.
05:14 You can see here the water is getting deep,
05:15 it's time to pushes out of the river, sleepers
05:18 downstream, be careful boys and girls.
05:20 Never, never, never do this without
05:22 adult supervision. Make sure your mom and
05:24 dad are there with you to practice playing in
05:27 water, or anytime you play in water.
05:28 It is potential for danger, be careful.
05:32 You know, boys and girls the Bible says, that
05:34 in heaven, there is a river clears crystal that
05:37 flows out of the throne of God.
05:39 Sometime, I wanna flow on that river,
05:40 I want to play in that river, would you
05:42 boys and girls, wouldn't you like to be there?
05:45 We can practice our deep water crossing,
05:47 we can swim in a beautiful river, we can
05:50 play in that river, we can drink from that river.
05:53 God has prepared it especially for us.
05:56 Boys and girls I want to meet you there, each
05:57 one Ranger Rod plans on be in there.
06:00 I hope you do too. And till next time,
06:03 this is Ranger Rod saying, let's
06:05 all enjoy God's great outdoors.
06:23 Its a highway to heaven None can walk up there
06:30 But the pure in heart Its a highway to heaven
06:36 I am walking up the kings highway
06:41 My Way Gets Lighter, My Load Gets Brighter
06:45 Walking Up The Kings Highway
06:49 There'll Be A Blessing, You'll Be Possessing
06:53 Walking Up The Kings Highway
06:57 Its a highway to heaven None can walk up there
07:04 But the pure in heart Its a highway to heaven
07:10 I am walking up the kings highway
07:14 If You're Not Walking, Start While I'm Talking
07:18 Walking Up The Kings Highway
07:22 There'll Be A Blessing, You'll Be Possessing
07:27 Walking Up The Kings Highway
07:30 Its a highway to heaven None can walk up there
07:37 But the pure in heart Its a highway to heaven
07:43 I am walking up the kings highway.
07:55 Welcome to Learning Time. I'm glad you join us today.
07:58 Now, I have got a bunch of sticks in front
08:00 of me right here. Now, we're gonna do
08:01 something that he might be able to do at home,
08:03 but first I'm gonna need some volunteers.
08:05 And I have got some helpers; I have got
08:08 Hannah over here. Now, Hannah do you have
08:10 good balance? Slighter, slighter you know,
08:14 do you ever do anything that's take good balance?
08:17 Yeah. Like what? When, I'm doing monkey bars
08:24 that takes good balance to sand and I fall
08:28 And that takes good balance all the time,
08:30 doesn't it? That's right. And we have Caleb
08:32 over here. Now, Caleb you've good balance,
08:34 don't you? Yes. You know, and we were
08:37 talking about something that takes very good
08:39 balance. Do you want to share that with us?
08:42 Back about a year ago me and my dad have
08:44 roof the house, put singles on it.
08:47 And so you have, you have good, so where as
08:49 you fall of the roof, right. Yes. Yeah, but
08:51 boys and girls you don't want to climb on the
08:52 roof, but Caleb well enough to help his
08:55 father and that's a really good job, isn't it?
08:57 And it takes good balance, otherwise you
08:59 might fall and I'm glad you didn't fall, but I'm
09:01 glad you help to your father, do that work
09:03 and that's interesting. Now, Commeal you,
09:07 do you like gymnastics? Yes. And, what, what
09:10 do you like to do in gymnastics.
09:11 Cartwheels. Cartwheels, so you need good balance
09:14 for cartwheels, yes, yeah I could never do a
09:16 good cartwheels. Well, today it's all about
09:18 balance. I need my, I need my helpers to
09:20 come up here and stand behind this little table.
09:23 We got a bunch of sticks. Now, in order, first you
09:26 have balance, we're gonna need to do
09:28 something very carefully. Now, I can, I can stand
09:31 on my, my one leg and then pretty soon I will
09:34 fall off, if I don't have good balance and can
09:36 you pick one of those sticks up, why don't you
09:37 each one of you pick up a stick? Okay, can you
09:39 put your finger underneath that stick for me?
09:41 And try to balance it, just on your finger.
09:43 Can you do that? You first what they have to
09:46 do is find the, what is the board. What do you,
09:48 what you have to find? Middle.
09:49 The middle, the exact middle is called a center of
09:52 gravity, isn't it? And look it's balancing on
09:55 a finger, and it's balancing on all their fingers,
09:57 Wow! Give them a good hand, we're gonna doing that.
10:00 Okay, but you know, that was kind a simple,
10:03 we're give them a little bit of a harder problem
10:07 because what the task is for you guys to do.
10:09 And you can work together on, that's right,
10:10 you can hand each other these little sticks.
10:12 It's to try to take, I'm gonna set this first one.
10:14 Okay, this one has to stay here. I'm gonna
10:16 landed up with the edge of the table.
10:18 Okay, and then they're gonna try to mix all of
10:21 these other ones, and they are trying to stack
10:23 them onto this one right here.
10:25 And the trick is this. Now, Commeal the end
10:28 one right here is gonna be the last one,
10:29 it's gonna go on the top. After you stack all these
10:32 together, okay, and the, the trick is, is to make
10:35 this one the last one to stick over the edge
10:38 of the table. That's right, it's going to be
10:40 way in front of the edge of the table.
10:42 What do you think, they can do that? Yes. Okay,
10:45 alright, let see were they can do, go ahead.
10:47 And try and, and, hand themselves and let see,
10:50 if we can get this, so, I don't know, if it's gonna
10:51 work. Now, you can try this at home, but you
10:53 got, you can do this with books.
10:55 And you know, won't break, if you, if you
10:57 drop them, but they're gonna use these sticks.
10:59 And they're stacking them and what they're
11:01 trying to find is the center of what? Gravity.
11:05 Gravity and the center of the gravity, if we're
11:07 gonna balance the center of gravity always
11:09 has to be on which you're balancing on.
11:12 Oh! like my foot right here. Oh! Center of
11:15 gravity has to be wide stretch over my foot.
11:17 Otherwise I'm gonna fall over. How many of
11:19 you ride a bicycle? Oh! Cool, you know,
11:21 the center of gravity had to be right over
11:24 those two wheels you know, line with those wheels.
11:26 Otherwise you're gonna fall off your bike.
11:28 How many have you ever fallen on from bike?
11:29 Yeah, I have too. You know, that's why we
11:32 have to wear helmets, because you can get
11:34 fallen off your bicycles. Hey, how are they
11:36 doing? Good. Pretty good, okay and keep
11:39 going guys. Now, remember that last
11:41 board is gonna have to be way out over here.
11:43 So, they may have to shift the center of
11:46 gravity around in order to get that happening
11:48 right here. Now, this is a classical experiment is
11:51 called the leaning tower of Lera kind of
11:54 interesting title, isn't it? Hey, how are you
11:57 doing right here? Okay, that boards gonna have
11:59 to go way forward to be, wo, wo, wo.
12:01 Now, we're gonna have to adjust those boards,
12:03 aren't they? If you could see the backside of
12:06 these boards, it's looks like little stares.
12:08 And that's called a harmonic sequence,
12:10 sales boards are based out, just right and they,
12:13 they, they adjusting everything.
12:15 They're finding tuning everything, and looks
12:17 like their just about there. And how it's tipping a
12:20 little bit isn't it? And look at there.
12:22 Did we get there? Yeah. Yeah, they got there,
12:25 give them a hand. That is so cool.
12:31 Now, this look little bit impossible at first,
12:33 didn't it? I mean how could you, how could
12:35 you suspend that one board over the clear
12:38 over the edge of the table, but you know,
12:40 what the center of gravity is right there.
12:43 That's interesting, hey, I want to thank my
12:45 helpers for helping me do that. That was a lot
12:47 of work, isn't it? Yeah. There was kind a fun.
12:49 I hope you can try this at home.
12:51 You know, boys and girls, whenever we learn more
12:54 about science, we learn more about our creator God.
13:07 Oh! Be carefully you're hurting me.
13:09 Just relax down. Oh! That's alright.
13:12 You have been doing this 40 years now
13:13 Oh! Don't you. You know, we're not
13:15 gonna hurt you. Born a cripple, how
13:20 didn't I feel this?
13:21 Okay, let's bring your hand. Be careful.
13:29 Okay, okay. Oh! Just, just go,
13:32 leave me alone. Here is your bag.
13:37 Oh! Oh! Jesus, look at Jesus, I got no hoping
13:44 factors, no hope for nobody, anybody
13:46 I know, I know, but don't give us
13:48 Just leave me alone, just go.
13:50 Okay, okay, we will back to get you later
13:54 today. It doesn't matter. Ah!
13:59 Ah! Does you feel that? Ah!
14:03 How long have you been cripple?
14:10 40 years. 40 years, listen, look
14:15 at us. Silver and gold, we do not have, but
14:21 what we have, we give to you, alright, in
14:24 the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I have
14:27 saying to you, arise. Are you gave me? I
14:44 feel like, I got dwelling forever, I
14:49 have been healed. You, do you
14:53 recognize me, do you recognize me. I am
14:55 the man that guarding that gate for 40 years.
14:58 And this man, no, I don't know, not us,
15:00 Jesus of Nazareth, not us. You, you, his power,
15:07 Jesus of Nazareth. Look at me. He is
15:10 He is saying, he is saying people Nazareth. Do
15:17 not be surprise, do not be astonished. It was
15:22 not else, it was Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus.
15:25 Who you crucified? Jesus. He resurrected Jesus
15:29 heal this man. Look at me, look.
15:34 The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, you took
15:39 Jesus in crucified, Jesus, Jesus.
15:47 You crucified, you must repays, and turn
15:51 your sins loose, come to Jesus. Come to Jesus.
15:56 Oh! Guard, guard arrest this man.
16:04 Take him away, take him away, take him away, take him away.
16:13 Take him away, take him away, take him
16:16 away. Take him away, just make sure that you're
16:25 Jesus, Jesus has been resurrected. He is
16:30 alive. Look at me, I can walk, I can run, I
16:34 got my family. Jesus is alive, Jesus is alive.
19:37 Hi, boys and girls. It's time for Ms. Brenda's
19:40 book of the day. And today's book boys and
19:43 girls is called Shoebox Kids Bible
19:46 stories, book 2 by one of my favorite authors
19:48 Jerry D. Thomas, and I'm highly
19:50 recommend this book. You will so much
19:52 about Jesus. Someone else you can learn so
19:55 much about Jesus about is our guess
19:57 today. She is the founder of my Bible
19:59 first ministries. And I want to introduce you
20:02 to Sherry Mill. Sherry Mill, thank you so
20:04 much for coming today. And also for
20:06 your two friends, Caleb and Hannah
20:08 that came with you. And do you have
20:10 created an incredible amount of material to
20:14 help children learn about Jesus, haven't
20:16 you? The Lord is blessed
20:17 with this Ministry and I'm very grateful
20:20 otherwise he is help us pretty.
20:22 Well, you have such a, best supply of
20:25 material things from my Bible lessons and,
20:28 an forever age and, what are the age that
20:31 you will send you provide material for
20:33 us. We go all the way
20:34 from birth, right up to the junior age.
20:36 Oh! Right up to the junior. And do you
20:38 think, this plans to go routine and, and
20:40 youth. We're looking at some
20:42 plans for some older children, yes.
20:44 Okay, by that time they're not children
20:45 anymore, that's right. God has still
20:47 messages for them for the young people,
20:49 exactly, yes he does. Now, I want to tell to
20:51 you boys and girls, something that we're
20:54 telling you for the first time. Here on
20:56 Kids Time, my Bible first has agreed to
20:59 allow us to put Bible lessons, their Bible
21:02 lessons on our Kids Time website. So, that
21:04 you can take them online. And we're
21:06 gonna having up for you very soon and
21:08 just go to
21:11 And you will be able to take those Bible
21:13 lessons and something else that I'm excited
21:15 about that Sherry tells me, it's happening
21:17 very soon. For the time, ever we will
21:20 also be able offer these Bible lessons in
21:23 Spanish. And this is the first, we have had
21:25 kids club lessons, that you know, being out
21:27 for about 8 years now on Kids Time, but
21:30 we've never been able to offer them in
21:32 Spanish and to allow us to do that Sherry, I
21:35 don't know, how thank you. I'm really,
21:37 I'm so, I know, it's gonna bless kids
21:38 around the world. Currently, we have on
21:42 Kid in rolling kids club all 14, 000
21:45 children. Oh! That's wonderful. From over
21:47 a 100 different countries around the
21:48 world, write this very minute or in rolled on
21:50 our kids club Bible lessons. So, can you
21:52 imagine, how much that's gonna just
21:55 multiply that kids where I gonna be able
21:57 to see. And, and these lessons read these
22:00 lessons, absorbed the Bible truth in these
22:02 lessons. I'm so excited. I'm too because our
22:05 whole purpose in this Ministry, like your
22:07 Ministry is to get children into the word
22:09 of God. Exactly, exactly, now I want to
22:12 ask to your friends here Caleb, you have
22:14 taken this Bible lessons, you're
22:16 having, tell me, what do you think about
22:17 them? I really like them and,
22:19 but I something I learn from them
22:21 what's to be neat and tidy.
22:23 Now, how did you learn to be neat and
22:25 tidy from the Bible lessons?
22:26 Well, I was talking about the sanctuary
22:28 and how neat and tidy the sanctuary was
22:30 And so that that make you decide in your
22:32 heart that you should be neat and tidy.
22:34 Yeah. Boy, I bet your mom and dad
22:35 describe for that. And Hannah, what, what
22:38 did you learn from these Bible lessons,
22:40 you have completed them correct?
22:41 Yes, we will learning about the Ten
22:43 Commandments and I was reading how
22:45 taking God's name in vane, you can do that
22:47 by your actions and your words. So, we
22:50 need to be careful what we saying to you.
22:51 That's true, there is a lot of lessons like that
22:54 in there. What was your favorite part
22:56 about taking the Bible lessons?
22:57 I like that prayed at the end of the lesson
23:00 that we can apply to our day, what we
23:02 have learn from the Bible.
23:04 And, and did you take the lessons were it
23:07 was like a daily lesson, you did little
23:08 bit each day. So, it doesn't overwhelm
23:11 you and you can learn little bit and observed
23:13 that, you know, learn to be ignore and, and
23:15 what was your, what your favorite time of
23:16 day to study here this lesson?
23:19 We will do that just after we get up. In the
23:22 morning. In the morning time and
23:24 then we doing a family worship as
23:25 well. And family worship, I
23:27 love family worship, don't you? Now,
23:29 Sherry, I have just a little bit of time here,
23:31 but I would like to, to show our Sabbath
23:34 school teachers around the world that
23:35 might be watching, a moms and dads that
23:36 wanting materials to help teach the
23:38 children, can we just briefly go through,
23:41 what we have, what are my favorites, if
23:43 you would mine is the memory worship, as I
23:45 could have that. Oh! That's, that's a
23:46 favorite with the children too. We will
23:48 start with this one. I love this little book
23:51 look boys and girls where you can, you
23:53 has a memory verse with the picture for
23:55 each one and it's you just turn it, turn the
24:00 pages and each memory works as a
24:01 beautiful pictures. Is this perfect for little
24:03 hands and it's so cute to watch little
24:06 children, you cannot reach it, hold that
24:07 little memory verse book, and as they
24:09 through the pictures, recite the memory
24:11 verses to your own, knows that all the way
24:13 that do it for the whole corners just
24:15 really precious. I always remember
24:16 memory verse, 13 Sabbath I was up to
24:18 right and decided, that's right. And we
24:20 don't that anymore, do we, we need to be
24:22 learning and the Bible verse in our heart.
24:25 it has to be in their minds.
24:26 This is that you in your level
24:28 to little different it has trivia question, if for
24:30 them to asking children, little
24:31 different. She covering the lesson
24:33 and, and lots of ways for them to close each
24:36 other. So, they know, they know their
24:38 memory verses as well. As what they
24:39 were learning in the lesson for that week?
24:41 That's awesome. And you also not just
24:44 briefly wanted to say tune, you have, you
24:46 have the Bible lessons for every age. We do,
24:48 And I'm really like to your posters.
24:51 You have quite of posters that handed, if
24:53 you would just hold up there, I love this
24:54 one. It is the, the 66 books of the Bible
24:57 and it teaches the kids about what is going
25:01 on an each part of the Bible, exactly,
25:02 exactly. So, that you know, that these are,
25:04 these books in Bible teach about the minor
25:06 prophets, these are the major prophets that
25:08 you have poetry, you have history and on
25:10 and on. What a wonderful way to
25:11 divide down and, and let kids, kids are
25:14 visual. They are getting the big picture
25:16 of the Bible. By that time, they finish these
25:17 lessons, if they started when they were
25:20 incredible; they have been through them in
25:21 the Bible. The entire Bible from Genesis to
25:24 Revelation at least six times, awesome, they
25:26 know, the whole great controversy story of
25:29 how sin came into the room, God's
25:31 wonderful salvation and how applies to
25:33 them. Where they good into it. That's
25:35 wonderful, but just briefly, we have a few
25:38 more seconds here in the program that, you
25:40 have all the Bible lessons, you have
25:43 posters, you have memory verse books,
25:44 and I like this. You're gonna one, how can
25:47 they get your catalog? They can go to our
25:49 website
25:51 We also have an 1800 number in there that
25:54 they can call. And I, I gave that to you, I, I
25:57 should have memorized. It's
25:59 18772425317. Okay, okay,
26:03 somebody on the phone all the time there.
26:05 And we will just put that up, so they can
26:06 also copy it down and if they don't happen to
26:08 the internet, but if you do, it's just
26:10 Right. And here
26:12 you've got a catalog with all, all your. And
26:14 one thing I really appreciate to that they
26:16 are all very inexpensive. You
26:19 know, they're, that's right, they're not,
26:20 you're not trying to make a fortune out of
26:22 this, you're really, your heart is in the
26:23 Ministry, that's right, and, and also your
26:26 ASI members. And I'm really, I love of
26:28 that organization. Well, I wish we have
26:30 more time, we don't, I wanna thank you
26:32 Sherry for coming and Hannah and
26:33 Caleb. And I want to ask you to keep on
26:36 sharing Jesus. Keep on doing, doing thank
26:38 you. You know, boys and girls, wherever
26:40 you go, whatever you do it's
26:42 Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2018-07-25