Kids' Time

Judah Brethren Taken Captive

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000262

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. we're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:23 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time,
00:31 Hi boys and girls, have you ever got into a
00:33 fight with your brother or sister maybe they said
00:36 something about you that you made you really
00:37 mad or maybe they called you a name and you called
00:40 them something even worse. Well there are
00:43 so many things that brothers and sisters fight
00:45 about, but just because it's common for
00:48 brothers and sisters to fight, it doesn't make
00:50 you right does it. You know kids there are
00:52 many ways that we can share Jesus with
00:54 others, but one of the very best ways is to
00:57 choose to get along in your own family.
00:59 Sure there are lot of things that your
01:01 brother and sister might do to make you feel
01:03 like fighting, but as my mom and dad said to
01:06 me when I was little a family is for loving
01:09 each other not for fighting with each other.
01:12 God knows being kind of each other is the
01:14 very best way to solve problems and make
01:16 friends in the family rather than enemies.
01:19 The Bible tells us the long ago there were so
01:22 much fighting among God's family that God
01:25 sent Obed the prophet to give them a very
01:27 special message. What do you think Obed
01:29 told them to do. Well, that's what our Bible
01:33 story is about today, but first let's see what
01:36 Ranger Rod has to show us.
01:44 Hi, Boys and Girls welcome to Nature Time.
01:46 Today, we are in beautiful Western Montana
01:48 at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center.
01:50 It's a beautiful facility, I'm here with my
01:53 great friend Levy. And we're gonna talk just
01:54 a little bit about Grizzly Bears.
01:57 Boys and Girls, besides the horse which you
02:00 all know is my favorite animal in the world
02:02 Grizzly Bear is second. Ranger Rod has spent
02:05 1000s of hours in the back country in the windiness
02:08 hiking backpacking horse packing and in areas
02:12 where Grizzlies are and I've never really had
02:14 a big problem with one, but evidently we are
02:17 here at the Grizzly Discovery Center and
02:19 some of these bears have gotten themselves
02:21 into some kind of trouble because of human contact.
02:24 Could you tell us just little bit about
02:25 that Levy. We have 8 bears here and all of
02:28 our bears are here because of conflicts
02:30 they did have living out the wild,
02:32 we have several bears whose mothers were
02:34 unfortunately shot and killed when they were
02:36 just five months old and we do have a few bears
02:38 here that were able to get into garbage pet food.
02:44 He can now getting in the garbage, wow we are
02:46 watching these bears get in the garbage can
02:48 right now what's the deal with that?
02:50 Well we have a testing protocol here that
02:52 we work with living with wildlife in the IGBC
02:55 and since you need bears to find out of a
02:58 containers bear proof or not manufacture send
03:01 there product here and we give it to the bear,
03:03 sure, to see if they can break into it.
03:04 We tested everything from garbage cans to
03:06 packed boxes to camp casitas. You name it the
03:10 bears have tested it. So these bears there are
03:12 few right now. They are not gonna end of
03:14 being for back into the wild.
03:18 Once they have learned that there is,
03:20 there is a human food source available
03:22 wouldn't be safe for them to put them back
03:24 out in the wild. No what happens with the
03:25 bear with garbage it becomes highly ejected
03:28 to them and once they get the easy food
03:31 source one time though remember that they
03:33 can get it again and again and again and for
03:35 people who don't store their food properly
03:36 and the reward is given over and over again
03:39 that bear is not gonna be able to look wild
03:40 any longer. So when he makes a mistake and
03:43 he never forgets that mistake it becomes
03:46 detrimental to him. Yeah, a fed bear is a
03:49 dead bear and so when we don't store our food
03:52 properly pet food, garbage, bird seed
03:55 like that the bears can pay the ultimate
03:57 price, right, We need to go on our merry way,
03:59 we get to do whatever we want, but the
04:00 bears like in the wild is pretty much over,
04:02 so not only for people who live in bear country
04:05 with their garbage left be careful, but maybe
04:07 even more so with campers, can campers
04:10 effect that I mean if boys and girls come to
04:12 Yellowstone National Park with their family
04:14 is there something they can do, yes, be careful.
04:15 They can keep a clean camp, we teach,
04:17 wow, we keep about we teach about keeping
04:20 a clean camp, if you cook what to do at
04:23 those dishes, what to do with your clothes,
04:25 if you made a smoking barbecue smell,
04:27 alright, from your toothpaste, to your sacks.
04:31 Again if you got to keep yourself safe in
04:34 bear country you can't expect the bear to
04:36 know what to do when you show up, but you
04:38 need to know what to do when you show up
04:41 a bear country. Now, you've mentioned
04:43 some about even some of the smaller things,
04:45 how did as a bears know just tell us little bit
04:47 about, about their abilities to open things
04:50 and find things, they can, their sense of smell
04:51 is their greatest sense of smell, one of the
04:54 things we do here at the center is we hide
04:56 food for the bears when they come out to the
04:57 habitat, oh well, I can put one tiny little
04:59 grape in a rock field over there, one grape in
05:04 50 rocks they are gonna to go to the one
05:06 rock that has the grape on there.
05:08 The bears have a great sense of smell
05:09 definitely, isn't there interesting? Well would
05:12 these bears put on quite a show is that
05:14 boys and girls can see while they are digging
05:15 into these containers and they are actually
05:17 out there bouncing on this container,
05:19 they learned pretty fast then how to get into
05:22 a human food source. What about automobiles
05:23 and other things, are there other things
05:24 besides just dumpsters or packs, back packs
05:28 the bears can get into. If you have food in
05:31 your car and you leave the window down
05:32 just this much a bear can get into the car
05:35 and get the food. Right, throughout
05:37 Yellowstone there are all kinds of food
05:39 boxes that campers made to put their food in
05:41 and again hiking in bear country with a bag
05:44 pack full of food, if you are out in the bear
05:46 country that's a bad idea. What do you have do
05:48 to do if you have food in the bear country,
05:50 we don't have a bag pack, so what do you
05:51 have to do with that food. Well they do
05:53 make food storage containers that have been
05:55 tested here that are considered bear proof.
05:57 So obviously if you are camping, there is all
05:59 kinds of lessons to learn here at the
06:01 Discovery Center on how to stay safe in
06:03 bear country. Levy you have a beautiful
06:05 facility here, I'm so impressed and this is a
06:07 great place, no families are invited.
06:09 I would suggest that every family that comes
06:11 to Yellowstone National Park spent
06:13 sometime here at the Grizzly Discover Center.
06:15 There is no guarantee you're gonna to see a
06:16 grizzly bear while you're out there in the
06:18 back country or driving on the Grand Loop
06:20 Road, here you well, but if you come,
06:22 here we're gonna to see one, definitely,
06:24 guaranteed at least, at least seven,
06:27 at least seven, fantastic. Alright boys and girls
06:30 that's all the time we have fun we sure
06:33 enjoyed watching grizzly in stone trying to
06:35 get into these containers until next time this is
06:38 Ranger Rod saying let's all
06:39 enjoy God's great outdoors.
06:56 God is so good, God is so good,
07:08 God is so good, He's so good to me!
07:19 He answers prayer, He answers prayer,
07:30 He answers prayer, He's so good to me!
07:41 He is coming soon He is coming soon,
07:52 He is coming soon, He's so good to me!
08:02 Yes, he is good to me.
08:18 Welcome to learning time. I'm glad you joined
08:21 us today. You know by the looks of these
08:22 things on the table kind a looks it's like
08:25 it's gonna be interesting doesn't it. Yeah,
08:29 well hey, let's introduce our helpers because
08:30 I'm gonna need some help with this science
08:32 experiment and I've got Annie over here
08:34 now Annie you know if raining outside
08:36 would you rather play indoors or outdoors?
08:39 Indoors, I would too that's a safe place to be.
08:42 I've got Noah over here, now Noah do you have
08:44 any brothers and sisters? Yeah, tell us about
08:47 their ages. Well I have baby brother that's
08:51 three and baby sister that one. Oh cool hey,
08:54 is anybody at your house use diapers? Yeah,
08:56 oh good because your experience with
08:58 diapers and our science experiment today
09:01 has to do with diapers and staying dry.
09:04 Well, I've got Venice over here, now Venice
09:06 let me ask you a question have you ever
09:08 been all wet? Yes, yeah would you like to be wet?
09:11 Sometimes, sometimes then how do you dry
09:13 off anyways, with a towel sometimes,
09:16 with a towel sometimes. Well today we're gonna
09:18 to be talking about staying dry in a
09:20 different way. So hey let me get my helpers
09:23 come on up here, I want you to put our
09:25 safety glasses on, come on up.
09:26 There you go and grab a pair of safety glasses
09:29 because we're gonna to do an interesting
09:30 science experiment. Now this science
09:33 experiment you know you can do at home,
09:35 but you need to get permission first and
09:37 what we need is some of these right here
09:40 what are these guys diapers, they are diapers
09:44 and diapers keep us dry don't they. Well,
09:46 they sure help don't they. Well today what
09:48 we're gonna do is we're going to take a
09:50 diaper or these diapers apart. Have you ever
09:53 been taken a diaper apart, no. Oh, well this
09:55 out to be fun shouldn't it. Yeah, well here,
09:57 here is the diaper for you and here is a
09:59 diaper for you. Now this is how we're gonna
10:01 do it. You actually have to open the diaper
10:03 up okay, we're gonna open it up just like this
10:05 oh yeah that looks pretty nice doesn't it?
10:07 Yeah, and it's nice soft, it has nice soft
10:10 material in there and then we're gonna take
10:13 the inside, inside apart just like this little bit
10:16 okay I'm gonna help you with yours side
10:18 and then you know what here feel this over here.
10:20 Can you feel the inside, can you feel
10:22 something on yours that that feels like its
10:25 kind a little granules of stuff like sand, no.
10:28 Now hey would they put sand in diapers.
10:32 No, would they put sand in diapers? No, oh
10:35 I hope not, you might get sand in your diaper
10:38 but you know that's probably from playing,
10:39 but you know what instead you know what
10:41 that is, that is actually a chemical inside
10:44 that's why it feels kind a sandy.
10:46 Is that interesting yeah. Now what I want
10:48 you to do is this, I want you to take that
10:49 and just kind of tear it apart and just kind of,
10:51 do you look at all of that kind of dust stuff
10:53 just sticks right on the table. Yeah get all of
10:56 those little granules. Now those granules
10:58 happen to be a compound that we called
11:01 sodium polyacrylate and that's a hard thing
11:04 to say isn't it? Yes, yes, sodium polyacrylate
11:08 you know what it is it's a chemical that when
11:10 water touches it actually absorbs a
11:13 tremendous amount of water and it holds the
11:15 water in the diaper. Now, don't you want
11:18 diapers to hold water. Oh yeah, we want
11:21 diapers to hold lot of water don't we.
11:23 Because you know the worse thing to do is
11:25 to have a diaper that leaks isn't that crazy.
11:27 Yeah, we don't want look crazy leaking
11:30 diapers. Okay now what we're gonna to do
11:31 oh yeah we don't wanna breath this stuff
11:32 and what we're gonna to do is we're just
11:34 gonna to put the stuff here on the floor.
11:36 Let's get rid all of this here and we're gonna
11:38 get rid of all of the fluff, okay, so we're
11:41 gonna try to get all of that chemical out of
11:43 there okay. That's right we gonna put all the
11:45 stuff on the floor, I wonder whose gonna
11:47 clean that up, I don't know. Okay, alright
11:51 and then here. Okay, I'll take this and let's
11:53 get these all fuzzy parts off okay,
11:55 all we have are those little granules.
11:56 Can you see those granules, it looks like
11:59 sand doesn't it or sugar or salt, now let's pile
12:01 it all up in the pile, shall we do that,
12:03 pile it all up in the pile right there. Okay
12:05 your help is needed, okay. Now you can do
12:07 this at home, but don't put your stuff on the floor.
12:11 Okay now I'm gonna take all this fuzzy stuff
12:14 off okay and so all we have is that big
12:17 pile of stuff. Ah, here we now, this is great
12:20 now what we're gonna do is this, I'm gonna
12:22 have them put all those little granules in this
12:23 cup, I want you to hold the cup and we're
12:26 gonna, no we just gonna go ahead and
12:27 shovel here, can you hold it right there.
12:28 Yeah there you go and go nicely right in here
12:32 and we're gonna put it all in there,
12:33 keep put the cup back on the table
12:35 and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna add
12:37 some water very, very quickly you want to
12:38 add water in there, okay real quick just
12:41 dump it all in and you know what happens
12:42 those little granules are going to absorb
12:45 all of water. So that the water is going to be
12:47 held in jell, so it won't come out of the cup
12:50 and that's going to be very interesting.
12:52 And that's what happens in our diapers
12:55 because we don't want all that water to come
12:56 out and we don't want that water to come out
12:58 at all. Now this may take just a little more
13:01 time here and see what we got over here
13:03 okay hope we don't run out of time for that
13:05 to happen, but it doesn't happen very
13:07 instantly and it's going, it's going, it's going,
13:10 as we are getting more and more gel
13:12 in there and hang on to it. Let's see what's
13:14 happening in fact you can see can you see,
13:16 can you see how it looks kind of little
13:18 whitish in there, yeah that's it's starting to
13:21 turn into a gel and it's almost all gelled up
13:24 isn't that interesting. Now you know what
13:26 all of the compounds that we have they all
13:29 come from people that know chemistry and
13:32 they mix different compounds together
13:33 to get some very interesting reactions
13:35 to take place and it's almost there isn't it?
13:38 We got just a little more to happen right
13:40 over here and you know we can do,
13:43 now that doesn't look like it's much liquid
13:45 in there does it. No, no not at all, and if we
13:48 can wait just a little more time right here
13:50 we can actually take this and we could turn
13:53 it upside down and the water will stay right
13:56 in the cup and that should be interesting
13:57 shouldn't it. And so, so let's try that.
14:00 I'm gonna turn this upside down look at there,
14:03 did it come out of the cup no, no it's all there
14:07 and that's what happens in a baby diaper
14:09 isn't that cool. Yes well I think so too.
14:12 Well remember Boys and Girls whenever we study
14:15 about science we learn more about our creator God.
14:29 Aha, but elders are we winning the war in Judah.
14:33 Yes, we win in the war, but I'm not so sure
14:35 if this war is as what God would want
14:38 us to be doing. We've got to do what we
14:41 think is right yes, I think we need to go to war
14:45 against Judah that win, we're doing that and
14:48 I understand we are winning. Well, we have
14:50 a responsibility of we do to God, but we have
14:52 responsibility to this city as well. Yes,
14:56 we do. What's going on, hey, hey stop, stop,
15:04 sit on right there, don't stop,
15:06 sit on right there, stop what you're doing,
15:08 get out, get out, sit out you're looking
15:11 you look at my eye, stop, stop,
15:14 what are you doing, we are brothers
15:17 and sisters here, we all worship the same God,
15:20 how far have we fallen, listen to me Israel
15:26 look back at your history.
15:31 Abraham by faith follow God, Enoch walked
15:38 with God, Moses, remember the cloud,
15:42 remember the cloud that led it by day
15:44 and the Fiery Pillar by nine, Joshua choose
15:48 you this day when he was served,
15:50 God never wanted this war and this fighting.
15:53 What are we doing, we've fallen away from God,
15:59 when we hurt each other God hurts,
16:02 when we reject each other God is rejected.
16:05 Please it's time to turn back to God.
16:09 Remember Joshua's words chose you this
16:12 day then you will serve don't look at the
16:15 other nations for your way to look.
16:17 Look to God soldiers you are sons of God,
16:21 Captis you are sons and Goddess of God.
16:24 Please, remember who you are, do not follow
16:29 the ways of the world, let's turn back,
16:32 let's repent, let's accept his forgiveness
16:35 in this grace. He has never left us,
16:38 but we break his heart, please put down your
16:42 swords trust in God. He will fight for you.
16:47 Please, he is ready to begin again.
16:52 He'll never leave you or forsake you.
16:56 Please let's restore our worship of God,
17:01 delivers from ourselves God. People we must listen
17:08 to prophet Obed, guards you shouldn't have
17:11 brought the Captis here.
17:14 We have offended God enough already,
17:17 don't add to our sins in our grief.
17:19 Go leave us now, leave us, bring our Captis food,
17:26 bring them water, bring them clothes,
17:29 let us take care of our brethren, oh,
17:31 brothers forgive us. We have sinned not only
17:34 against God, but we have sinned against you too.
17:38 May God have mercy on us, forgive us for
17:42 what we've done. Treat them, hold them,
17:46 cleanse their wounds, give them clothes,
18:16 with the ways we restore each other.
20:52 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's
20:54 Book of the Day and today's book is called
20:58 Passionate Prayer and I kind to know the
21:00 author to this book because guess what
21:02 Ms. Brenda wrote this book. It's called
21:04 Passionate Prayer and it's my own personal
21:07 answer to prayer stories and you can read all
21:10 about it there stories here when I went to the
21:12 mission field for the very first time
21:14 and there is people that I've prayed about
21:16 and it's the wonderful worship book for you,
21:18 but I want to tell you today's guest actually
21:21 has a story in this book and her name is
21:24 Sara, Sara welcome back to the program.
21:27 Hi, I'm so excited to have you back.
21:30 Do you know Ms. Brenda was just talking to
21:32 you a few minutes ago wasn't a day it was
21:33 five years ago, when you first came to be on
21:37 Kids Time right yeah. Can I tell the
21:39 boys and girls a little bit about your story?
21:41 Yeah they can read all about it my book
21:43 it's called Sara make a wish in my book
21:45 Passionate Prayer, but in the book I tell all
21:50 your story, where Sara had a brain tumor
21:53 and that make to wish foundation where she
21:56 lives came out to her house and offered to
21:58 make her wish or whatever she wanted,
22:00 she could've gone to Disneyland or you know
22:02 met the President or met a famous movie star
22:05 and the only thing Sara wanted was to
22:08 be on Kids Time. And then make a wish
22:10 foundation for you and your whole family
22:13 out here to 3ABN to be on Kids Time
22:16 and you got to do a program with
22:17 Ms. Brenda didn't you. Yeah and you sing
22:19 with Buddy and the Kids Time singers was that
22:21 fun? Yeah, it was fun and Jesus healed
22:25 you didn't he? Aha isn't that good and you share
22:29 Jesus everywhere you go don't you. Aha.
22:32 Well that reminds me I see a lot of eye
22:35 glasses here. So tell me what are you doing
22:38 to share Jesus with these? Well, there the
22:41 kids and someone in Africa, in Africa,
22:49 can I tell the boys and girls what happened?
22:55 Yes, because what happen was it when
22:59 Ms. Brenda went to Africa and that story
23:01 when I went to Africa in this book too boys
23:03 and girls that chapter is called Broken
23:06 Glasses Broken Dreams and in it. I tell the
23:10 story about a little boy that couldn't go to
23:13 school anymore because somebody stepped
23:15 on this glasses and he didn't have any
23:18 glasses and Ms. Brenda didn't have any
23:19 glasses to give him and when Sara found out
23:21 I was first going to Africa you spent
23:24 a 100 dollars of your own money didn't you
23:28 out of your savings and you brought eye
23:30 glasses Ms. Brenda took them over to Africa
23:32 myself didn't I, but we ran out of glasses the
23:35 first day. Boys and girls needed those glasses
23:38 so much that they were gone and when
23:40 I came back from Africa and Sara would
23:42 asked me she goes Ms. Brenda tell me about
23:44 the boys and girls they got to have the glasses
23:46 and I share with her a little boy, they didn't
23:48 get to have glasses and he got kicked out to
23:50 school because he couldn't see and that
23:52 really you, that gave you a passion to wanna
23:55 help boys like him didn't it, yes. So you started
23:58 asking everybody you know if they could
24:00 give you glasses didn't you. Yeah and
24:03 what are these, are these one of you collected
24:05 yeah and there is over 100 eye glasses here
24:08 is in there yeah. And you want me to take
24:12 those to Africa yeah, but Ms. Brenda is that
24:14 how you are going to get into Africa because
24:15 Ms. Brenda doesn't have another trip schedule.
24:18 How we're gonna to get those to Africa,
24:20 you don't know, no. But guess what
24:22 Ms. Brenda has a surprise for you, I know
24:24 how you're gonna get these glasses to Africa
24:27 boys and girls do you want to know.
24:30 The family that is in this book that adopted
24:33 a little African baby that was in the story too
24:36 yeah, they are here today Ray and Jackie
24:38 come on out. They were here on Kids Time,
24:42 yeah come on out we are so excited to have
24:46 Ray and Jackie broadcast with us
24:47 and they have a continued ministry over to Africa
24:50 don't you. We do, what is some of the things
24:52 that you are doing in Africa? We're shipping
24:54 40 foot containers the big ones that go on
24:56 the ship and on the trains and we put glasses
24:58 in them if we can get them and we put
25:00 clothes and food for the kids and shoes, shoes
25:03 and story books, lots of stuff and your whole
25:05 family works in this doesn't don't they,
25:07 that's right. You have a big warehouse,
25:08 where you collect things because you live in
25:10 Canada, we do yeah. And I'm so excited
25:12 now would you be willing to take these
25:15 eyeglasses, Sara has been saving them up
25:16 can you take those to Africa, where
25:18 she can see, absolutely, the kids they get
25:20 those eye glasses yes we'll definitely,
25:22 we love to, and Jackie do you have an idea
25:24 of how Sara could find out who actually get
25:26 these glasses. Well Sara, we work with
25:28 an optometrist in Africa and he goes out
25:32 and delivers the glasses and we will go with him
25:35 and take pictures and video. So that you can see
25:37 these glasses go to the children there. Yeah,
25:40 isn't there wonderful yeah. Boys and girls,
25:42 if you would like to help Sara and the
25:44 Boys and Girls in Africa with eye glasses
25:46 if you go to our
25:49 website. Just
25:52 and you click on Sharing Time there is an
25:55 address there for my sharing time coordinator
25:56 her name is Dennis Wolff, that's Sara's mom
25:58 and you can send all the glasses to her
26:01 she will make sure Ray and Jackie get them
26:03 and they will personally send those take those
26:06 glasses to those boys and girls in Africa
26:08 and guess what maybe in next sharing time
26:11 Ray and Jackie. Do you think you can come back
26:13 and show that video? We can, I would love for that,
26:16 won't you boys and girls, I would love that,
26:17 I love helping others and you know that is
26:20 really sharing Jesus yeah. I wanna thank you
26:23 so much Ray and Jackie for all you doing
26:24 for the boys and girls in Africa.
26:26 I want to thank you Sara and for bringing
26:28 your Dad here with us. We didn't even get a
26:30 chance to introduce Dad did we. No,
26:32 and she Dad doesn't wanna talk a lot,
26:34 I promised him he wouldn't have to,
26:36 but I'm so glad that he is here today and that
26:38 you're here and I wanna encourage you to
26:40 keep sharing Jesus. Boys and girls remember
26:42 wherever you are its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17