Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000261
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:11 it's time to share there is a world out there. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:32 Hi boys and girls, do you like to go shopping with 00:34 your mom or dad, I bet you do and isn't it fun to get 00:37 something new especially if you get a really, really 00:41 good bargain. I love to get bargains, don't you Max? 00:44 do you like bargains? He is not going to tell us. 00:47 But when I was a little girl, we didn't have much 00:50 money, but I do remember how much fun it was to go 00:53 downtown and I'd look at all those store windows 00:55 and see all those real pretty dresses and the fun 00:58 toys, and I would dream about how great it would be 01:02 if I just had enough money to buy all the things that 01:04 I wanted, even though I still don't have a lot of 01:08 money, I enjoy looking at all the beautiful things, 01:11 but there is one day of the week that I do not go 01:15 shopping, and tha is the Sabbath Day, 01:18 because God says that he doesn't want us to buy 01:21 and sell on his special day. He wants us to keep it 01:24 holy and to worship him. Now, we can't be looking at 01:27 all those things in the store and bargaining for 01:30 lowest prices, and still be worshiping God at the same 01:34 time, can we? Well, the Bible story today is about 01:38 people buying and selling on God's Sabbath. 01:41 But before you are going to here that story, 01:44 let's get ready for Nature Time. 01:54 Hi boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time. 01:56 You know we are here in beautiful Western Montana. 01:58 In fact I've got a group of young people here with me 02:00 right now, and I'd like to tell you a great story, 02:03 one that is real, it happened to Ranger Rod. 02:05 I live way up in the mountains of Montana 02:08 and one morning early in the spring I went off for 02:10 a hike. Now, one of the things I love to do is 02:12 I love to track animals. So, I got on this big fresh 02:15 grizzly track, and I'm tracking it in the snow 02:17 early in the spring, tracking this grizzly track. 02:20 This grizzly is moving on through the timber, 02:22 I'm being careful because I don't want to really 02:23 catch up with him; I just like to see him way off in 02:26 the distance. Well, I come upon this beautiful meadow 02:29 and I think to myself I bet that grizzly is out there 02:31 in the meadow, and so I get out my binoculars 02:34 and I look out in the meadow, 02:35 out in the middle of meadow I see that there is an elk 02:38 carcass, a predator like these beautiful wolves 02:41 we have here behind us, has killed an elk 02:44 and they have been eating on this out in the meadow. 02:47 And so I get really excited now the grizzly bear is 02:49 probably out there right. Sure, so I look all around 02:52 the meadow, I don't see him, there is some snow patches, 02:54 so I head out there. I want to get out in the middle 02:56 of the meadow where if I have to see this grizzly 02:58 bear I get some time to maybe get out my bear spray 03:01 or at least talk to him to make sure he knows that 03:03 I'm a human and give him a chance to back away. 03:06 I get out in the middle of the meadow, and I look 03:09 and I see what I think is a dead wolf. 03:12 I get upset, I love wolves they're beautiful, 03:14 and so I look at this wolf laying on the ground 03:17 flat out, just completely flat on the ground, 03:20 and I started to get a little upset. 03:22 Oh somebody has shot one of my wolves 03:24 and they live all around my house. I look around 03:28 and I see another dead wolf, I thought oh oh somebody 03:31 has put some poison on this elk carcass 03:34 and they've poisoned two of my wolves. 03:36 Then I look over to my side here and I see another one, 03:40 I counted them, there were eight dead wolves laying 03:43 all around me, I had walked right in there, 03:45 I've never seen them laying in the snow, 03:47 and I started to feel kind of bad, really bad, 03:50 somebody killed off my whole pack of wolves. 03:55 Then I noticed that one of them was still alive, 03:57 in fact he was kind of norm and chewing 03:59 and I looked at him through my binoculars 04:00 he wasn't very far away, and I could see 04:03 he was actually chewing on a bone. 04:06 I thought well there is nothing wrong with that 04:08 wolf, then I looked over with my binoculars at a wolf 04:11 right beside me and I could see that his chest was 04:14 starting to was moving up and down, up. 04:18 He was just sleeping, you see when wolves eat 04:21 they eat a whole lot all at one time, and they have 04:23 filled themselves all up and they have just decided to 04:26 take a nap. And Ranger Rod had walked right into the 04:29 middle of a whole pack of gray wolves, and they were 04:33 all around me, and I was thinking now what I am going 04:36 to do. Well I thought I had just back out of here real 04:38 slow and I won't disturb them but I noticed right 04:41 beside one of the wolves is two beautiful elk antler 04:46 sheds, some big bull had dropped his antlers there in 04:48 the meadow, and Ranger Rod loves antler sheds, 04:52 and that is the passion, I look for them all the time, 04:55 and here they are these two beautiful elk sheds 04:58 laying there. Well you know what I decided there is no 05:01 way I am leaving this meadow without those elk sheds 05:04 even if I got to take on that whole pack of timber of 05:08 gray wolves. Well so what I decided to do 05:11 was I'd wake him up, how do you wake up a sleeping wolf. 05:16 I don't know, I was trying to think of something too, 05:18 so I decided well I called my dogs by whistling to him, 05:21 so maybe I'll whistle at these wolves. 05:24 So I gave them a little whistle kind of this. 05:29 Instantly every wolf was up, I had all these 05:32 beautiful big golden eyes all looking at me, 05:36 and there was one over here, there was one here, 05:38 one here, a couple over there, and another one here. 05:41 I was surrounded by wolves. Well, a couple of them 05:44 right away just trotted off into the woods, 05:47 but one of them was pretty interested in me 05:50 and it looked like a female because she was kind of 05:52 slender and tall, and I thought kind of Mary here 05:55 and I thought well you know that one wants to be kind 05:58 of friendly. So, I kept an eye on her, the rest of 06:01 them went off into the timber, this one started 06:03 trying towards me but when she noticed that all the 06:06 rest were gone, she decided to leave too. 06:08 Of course I grabbed my antler sheds and tied them 06:11 on my pack and I headed almost quick as I could. 06:13 So that I could tell my lovely wife Marsha 06:15 what I have found, what I had seen, 06:17 it was a great experience, in fact one of the best of 06:19 my life, as far as getting out in the wild and seeing 06:21 these beautiful wolves. You know boys and girls, 06:25 the Bible says that someday wolves will be tamed; 06:28 we don't have worry about them or be a little nervous 06:30 if we come into a pack of them, in heaven we will be 06:32 able to pet them. Big grizzly bears, lions, 06:35 wolves, all these creatures that are here on this earth 06:38 we have to be a little bit careful of, 06:39 there they'll all be tamed and friendly. 06:41 I look forward to going there and spending time, 06:44 don't you? Yes. 06:45 Alright boys and girls until next time this is 06:49 Ranger Rod saying lets all enjoy God's great outdoors. 07:10 Don't run ahead of the Lord. Don't run ahead of the Lord. 07:14 Don't run ahead, don't run ahead of your angel. 07:19 Don't run ahead of the Lord. Don't run ahead of the Lord. 07:23 You're still to hear the voice of the Lord. 07:28 He would never lead you the wrong way, 07:33 The way to sorrow and death. 07:37 He will always lead you the right way, 07:42 The way of purpose in life. 07:45 So, don't run ahead of the Lord. 07:48 Don't run ahead of the Lord. 07:50 Don't run ahead, don't run ahead of your angel. 07:55 Don't run ahead of the Lord. Don't run ahead of the Lord. 08:00 You're still to hear the voice of the Lord. 08:04 He will lead you moment by moment. 08:09 In paths of conquests and joy. 08:13 So you cannot leave by your feelings, 08:18 Your only safety is in his word. 08:21 So, don't run ahead of the Lord. 08:24 Don't run ahead of the Lord. 08:27 Don't run ahead, run ahead of your angel. 08:31 Don't run ahead of the Lord. Don't run ahead of the Lord. 08:36 You're still to hear the voice of the Lord. 08:40 You're still to hear the voice of the Lord. 08:45 You're still to hear the voice of the Lord. 09:02 Welcome to learning time. 09:03 I'm glad you've joined us today, 09:05 and we've got a couple of balls up here. 09:07 Well, look at there they're different shapes and sizes, 09:09 you want to play ball? Yes. 09:12 Well, if they were going to play ball, 09:13 but we are going to have an interesting science 09:15 experiment. And I've got some helpers; I've got Roy 09:17 and Al over here. Now Roy and Al, do you would like to 09:19 play ball? Well, what do you like to play? Football. 09:22 Football, that's an interesting game isn't it, 09:24 I think so too, but I don't have a football up here 09:27 today, but maybe next time we will do something with a 09:29 football. And I've got Luke over here, now Luke you 09:33 have a favorite sport, don't you? Yes. 09:35 Now when you are just hanging out, 09:36 do you play sports when you hang out? 09:37 Sure, yeah. What do you do? Soccer. Soccer. 09:42 Wow, you're around a bunch of people that play 09:43 soccer huh. Well, I don't have a soccer ball up here 09:46 but that will be fun anyways, 09:47 and this is almost like a soccer ball, isn't it? Yeah. 09:50 Yeah, we have Elizabeth over here, 09:52 now Elizabeth you're from where? Canada. 09:55 Canada, they don't play ball in Canada, do they? No, yes. 09:58 What do they play mostly? Hockey. 10:00 They play a lot of hockey, don't they, 10:02 well come on up my helpers. 10:03 Let's come on up here, we've got some safety glasses, 10:05 why don't you put those safety glasses on, 10:07 because those balls just might hit us in the eye, 10:10 that's not a good idea, isn't it? I don't think so. 10:13 Here we go, here we go, you got those there, 10:14 we got some glasses right here. 10:16 Well, we do have a basketball right here, 10:18 and you know what we're going to do. 10:19 We are going to find out about these balls, 10:21 because these balls have energy in them. 10:23 They really, can you see the energy in these balls. 10:25 No. No, I can't either, but we are going to demonstrate 10:27 the energy in the balls. So why don't you come over 10:30 here Roy now why don't you come up front right here. 10:32 What we are going to do is we are going to have him 10:34 bounce this, but not bounce the ball, 10:36 but just drop the ball. So, why don't you hold it just 10:38 about like that. Alright now right now that ball has 10:41 some energy in it, can you see the energy? 10:43 No. It'd be fun if we could see the energy, 10:46 but we can't see potential energy, 10:48 that's the kind of energy it has right now. 10:50 So, it's this high right here and he is going to 10:53 drop it, and after he drops it, I am going to figure 10:55 out how high it bounced. Okay. Let's give him a 10:57 count. Okay, let's give him a count down, 10:59 so we'll know. Roy, are you ready. 11:01 Okay, he's all practiced up, how about a countdown, 11:03 five, four, three, two, one, drop it. Okay right there, 11:09 grab that ball back, okay grab that ball, 11:11 and it bounced this high, did you see 11:12 how high it bounced. Yes. 11:14 As soon as he let it go, it had energy that we call 11:17 kinetic energy. Okay, hey thank you. 11:19 Alright, let's get to our next ball up here. 11:21 Okay and okay go ahead and you can stand right here, 11:24 and I am going to put this ball back, 11:25 so it will be out of our way. Alright, are you ready 11:27 to drop that ball. Okay, it's this high that's how 11:30 high we are dropping both of these balls, 11:31 and we are going to find out if it has a lot of energy 11:34 in it too, I think it does. It's what kind of energy 11:36 right now? Potential energy. Potential energy. 11:38 Alright, are you ready, countdown five, four, three, 11:43 two, one, and gonna be dropped and it went this 11:46 high. Okay, right like that, so both balls 11:48 were not as high as when they started right. 11:51 Right. Because they've lost a little bit of that energy 11:54 or at least height. Hey Elizabeth, come on over 11:56 here, this is very interesting, and grab 11:58 that basketball. Now we're going to have Elizabeth 12:00 drop the ball from the same height approximately just 12:03 like this, okay. Alright now, but we're going to do 12:06 something different. Now I've got this little ball 12:08 and we're going to set it right on top just about 12:11 like that, you are going kind of have to balance 12:12 that. Both of those balls have what kind of energy? 12:15 Potential energy. Potential energy, 12:18 and when she drops them, they're going to have 12:19 kinetic energy, but you know when the ball drops 12:21 and it hits on the floor it compresses a little bit, 12:24 the bottom squishes out a little bit, gets flatter, 12:27 and then it compresses and then it expands back to the 12:30 same size. Well this time the basketball is going to 12:33 give this little tiny ball a tremendous amount of 12:37 energy, it may go flying through the roof is that 12:39 okay. Okay. 12:41 No, it won't go, but if it comes your way just give 12:43 it a, just catch it if you can. Alright, lets bounce, 12:46 I'm thinking same height. Okay, lets give her a 12:48 countdown five, four, three, two, one. 12:52 Wow, it almost hit me. Well, let's try that one 12:56 more time why you about took my head off. 12:59 It went zoom did you see that. Yes. 13:02 Thank you very much. Okay, let's try that again, 13:04 but it sure went high it went higher than my head. 13:06 Okay are you ready. Now don't aim at me, okay. 13:11 Here we go, same height another countdown five, 13:13 four, three, two, one. Wow. Wow. 13:19 All the way up there, and we about lost the flowers, 13:23 that is still bouncing, it's got a lot of energy. 13:27 You know that is extremely interesting because there 13:29 is a tremendous amount of energy when we took two of 13:33 those together and that's great. You know what, 13:35 you know when God made the universe, he made it with a 13:37 tremendous amount of energy, that energy is all 13:40 around us. Without that energy you and I wouldn't be 13:43 able to survive isn't that cool. Yes. 13:46 And I want to thank my helpers; you did a great job 13:48 with that today. And you know boys and girls 13:50 when we learned more about science, 13:52 we learned more about our creator and that's God. 14:13 Sir, sir, would you happen to be merchant here? 14:18 I am. Oh kind sir, do I have a deal for you. You do? 14:23 You see this beautiful piece of carpet. I see it. 14:26 Now, this is the last day of the week, so I tell you 14:28 what I'm going to do. I am going to make this real 14:31 cheap 'cause I just know this would look just 14:33 beautiful in your house. Okay, well let me see. 14:37 Now this is the end of the week. Yes, I know that. 14:39 And I have still though this beautiful gem. A gem! 14:44 This is a precious gem. Sir, that may be precious 14:47 but I want you to take your hand and rub it over the. 14:50 I see, I see it's thick, and it's nice, 14:53 I like the design, but this is a precious gem. 14:56 Sir, look at the colors in this piece of carpet. 14:59 Alright, I'll tell you what I have a second one. 15:03 Now this one is even more precious than that one. 15:05 Sir, that's a nice offer, but it's almost an insult 15:09 when you're talking about a wonderful piece 15:11 of carpet like this. Alright then, 15:12 I have a goat over here, and this goat has cost me a lot. 15:16 Yes. And you can do a lot with that goat. 15:21 I can, what can I do with a goat sir. 15:22 Well, you can trade that goat. Trade it. 15:24 You can trade that goat and. Why Timothy look at you, 15:27 you're so handsome in your Sabbath outfit. 15:31 Why are people buying and selling on a Sabbath mother. 15:36 Timothy, they don't keep the Sabbath like we do. 15:40 When God created the world, he created the Sabbath, 15:45 he created all the trees, and the grass, and the 15:48 animals that we see. He created all of that in 15:51 six days, and then on the seventh day he created the 15:55 Sabbath, and that was the day we are to rest 15:58 and worship God. He is the Lord of our Sabbath. 16:02 Remember how I taught you in the scriptures 16:05 about the fourth commandment. Yes. Yes, 16:10 and remember how I also taught you 16:12 what we are to do on the Sabbath. Yeah. 16:14 We get to go the temple and worship God. Yeah. 16:18 And we can sing praises there. Yeah. 16:20 And then we can also read scripture and learn 16:24 scripture, and put it in our hearts and treasure it. 16:28 We can also go and visit the poor. Yeah. 16:32 And the sick. Yeah. 16:34 And help them and show Jesus love to them. 16:37 We can do all of these things on the Sabbath. 16:39 Isn't that neat? Yeah. 16:41 And we can sing praises to him. 16:44 Do you remember that song that I taught you? 16:47 Remember that one? No. 16:50 The one about the Sabbath, do you remember that song? 16:52 Yeah. Can you sing that for me? 16:57 I can't remember it mother. 16:59 I'll help you. I'll start it out. Yeah. 17:01 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 17:08 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work. 17:15 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of The Lord thy God 17:21 in it thou shalt not do any work, 17:24 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, 17:28 thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, 17:32 nor the stranger that is within thy gates 17:37 For in six days The Lord made heaven and earth, 17:41 the sea, and all that in them is, 17:44 and rested the seventh day: 17:47 therefore The Lord blessed the Sabbath day, 17:52 and hallowed it." Oh, that's perfect Timothy. 17:56 You do remember it. I'm so proud of you. 17:59 I would like to pray for you now. 18:02 Mommy wants to pray for you. 18:05 Lord God of the Sabbath, 18:06 I pray now that you will bless my son Timothy, 18:10 that you will help him to honor you all the days 18:14 of his life, and as he grows that he will want to 18:17 serve you in all that he does and says. 18:20 Thank you Lord. Amen. 18:23 Can we go to the temple how about that? 18:25 Lets go to the temple Timothy. 18:27 With the goat. With the goat. 18:28 So, you're saying if I sell that goat I'll have enough 18:30 money to buy two or three pieces of this carpet. 18:32 I think two or three pieces of material enough 18:34 to make this carpet. Okay, what I am going to do sir, 18:37 is the last day of the week, I am gong to take you up 18:39 on your offer. Okay, the goat is yours then. 18:41 And the carpet is yours. Thank you very much. 18:44 Thank you for the trade. Nice doing business with 18:45 you. You too. You have a good day. Thank you. 20:22 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's 20:24 book of the day. Book of the day. 20:26 And today's book boys and girls is called 20:29 'The Mysterious Treasure Map' it's by, 20:31 it's book one from Jerry D. Thomas, 20:33 all about the Shoebox kids, and you won't want to miss 20:36 what these Shoebox kids are doing in this story 20:39 'The Mysterious Treasure Map.' 20:42 Well something else you won't want to miss is our 20:44 program today. We have a couple of kids with us 20:47 that are dressed up a little different than 20:49 I usually see. I want you to meet Savanna and Codiac. 20:52 Thank you for being with us on Kids Time. 20:54 Now why are you dressed up like this, 20:56 why would you dress up like this? 20:58 Well. we dressed up like this for Halloween. 21:00 For Halloween. And why would you do that? 21:03 So we can witness. So you could witness for who? 21:07 For Jesus. For Jesus, 21:08 now what are you dressed up like, what Bible character? 21:10 Queen Esther. Like Queen Esther. 21:12 And what you are dressed up like. Shepherd boy. 21:14 Like a shepherd boy, that's good. 21:16 So tell me what did you do when you dressed up for 21:19 Halloween because you normally don't do anything 21:20 at Halloween, do you. We don't really believe in 21:22 and celebrating that holiday. But you found a way 21:25 to turn this Halloween into a witnessing experience. 21:28 Now tell me about it? Well on Halloween you know doors 21:32 are opened for kids, so we passed out these little 21:36 cards. And on these little cards it tells people 21:39 how to watch 3ABN on those networks, right. 21:43 It tells on the back too. And it tells them on the 21:45 back how they can even get 3ABN website, 21:47 and how can they watch online, and what did you 21:49 pass out. What do you have in your hand. 21:52 Ten Commandments Twice Removed books, 21:55 that's a good book to pass out. Can you hold it up, 21:57 for the camera to get a good shot of it and see? 21:58 That's it and it was written by two very special 22:01 friends of mine, Danny Shelton and Shelley Quinn, 22:04 and there is wonderful Bible Truth in there, 22:06 isn't it? So now what did you, you ring the doorbell 22:10 and when you say trick-or-treat and they 22:12 would answer the door, what did you do? 22:15 After they gave us candy, then we put this in, 22:19 give this to them. And the book. 22:21 Yeah. And did you have any, 22:22 did you people seem excited to get it. Yeah. 22:25 And you even met someone that special, 22:28 who did you meet? This guy was watching 3ABN, 22:32 he was very interesting, and he wanted to read that book. 22:36 Isn't that good, and so do you 22:37 believe that Jesus led you to that house. Yes. 22:40 I do. That's a wonderful way to share Jesus 22:43 and I want to ask you Codiac, do you love Jesus? 22:47 You do and you're a little bit shy aren't you? 22:49 And that's okay because you know what matters is 22:52 if you shine for Jesus everywhere you go, 22:55 and if you pray and ask God to help you, 22:57 he will always give you the right words to say, 22:59 isn't that awesome. Don't we serve an awesome God? 23:01 We do, well I have a couple of letters I'd like to read, 23:04 and if I have some pictures here maybe you can help me 23:07 with it. This one here is from the West Indies, 23:10 and so let's see what this one says. Dear Ms. Brenda, 23:14 it said greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord 23:17 and Jesus Christ. He says I am fifteen years old from 23:20 the beautiful Isle of Grenada and I am going to be 23:23 promoted soon in my school. Please pray that 23:27 God will help me in my exams, I would really 23:29 appreciated your prayer, so that I will be successful. 23:33 And it says I love watching 3ABN Kids Time, 23:36 and all the other 3ABN shows, and I am a member 23:38 of Kids Club, and I love it. I wanted to tell you it 23:41 is helping me understand the Bible better. 23:43 So keep on keeping on and it says and keep good health 23:47 and long life with love Asha. And it's ASHA, 23:51 so I think that's Asha, and she says I've two friends, 23:54 and I'd would like to have join Kids Club and here are 23:56 their addresses. Well, we will get them signed up for 23:59 Kids Club lessons right away, that's a wonderful way 24:02 to witness Asha. And I am so glad that you're enjoying 24:05 the lessons. We have one here from the Bahamas, 24:08 and let's see what this letter says. 24:11 Oh we have a picture, I love your pictures boys 24:13 and girls, can you hold that up for me Savanna. 24:16 And this one says dear Ms. Brenda my name is Zachary, 24:20 I am in grade two, I am six years old, 24:24 and my sister Gabriel is three years old, 24:27 and I share Jesus by being kind and sharing my lunch 24:30 at school with others. And I also give out hand 24:33 bills during Crusade times. Please sign me up for the 24:35 Bible lessons. Thank you Zachary. Well Zachary 24:38 I will make sure that you will get the Bible lesions 24:41 and I know that they will bring you closer to Jesus. 24:44 You are going to learn a lot more about Jesus. 24:46 Alright this one is from Goodspring, Tennessee. 24:50 I wish I had more time boys and girls to read 24:52 all your letters; I do love getting them, 24:54 and so don't stop writing. Let's see, here is a 24:58 picture, a pretty little girl, says dear Ms. Brenda, 25:01 my name is Savanna, and your name is Savanna, 25:04 isn't that something. I live with my Mimi and papa 25:07 and I am five years old and I love Kids Time, 25:09 and Kids Time praise, and I love to share Jesus by 25:12 singing for people. I sing for special music at church, 25:15 and at the nursing home on Sabbath afternoons 25:17 and I also make cards for the patients and bookmarks. 25:21 I recently had a project at church selling cook books, 25:24 and I am sending the money to help you with your 25:26 Kids Time. Will you please sign me up for Kids Club 25:29 for Bible lessons? And my Mimi helped me write this 25:32 letter, God bless you and Kids Time, Savanna. 25:36 Savanna, thank you for that letter, and I am glad 25:39 and look at the bookmarks she made boys and girls, 25:41 isn't this nice, isn't that beautiful, 25:44 isn't that pretty Savanna and Codiac. 25:46 She did a nice job on that. Let's see if we have 25:49 another moment here, we have one from Gethsemane, 25:54 and I don't know I think I suppose I pronounced that 25:57 name right. Let's see if I can get this open, 26:00 and it says dear, Ms. Brenda, 26:02 my name is Gethsemane, and I like the, 26:06 oh Gethsemane! It's just like the garden that Jesus 26:08 went to pray, I got to that, understand how to say that. 26:11 Says, I will be twelv years old, please send me the 26:13 Kids Club lessons, I love Jesus, I tell everybody 26:16 about Jesus. Please pray for my two grandmas, 26:19 one for her arm and bones, and the other one pray for 26:23 her bones and eternal life. I would also like you to 26:25 pray for me because I have dry skin, and I know that 26:28 God will take care of all that dry skin and heal it. 26:30 Thank you very much, Gethsemane. 26:32 You're right, Jesus does care about your skin and 26:34 we will pray for you. Savanna and Codiac, 26:36 you help pray too will you. Boys and girls, 26:39 wherever you go, whatever you do, 26:40 I want you to remember how much Jesus loves you, 26:43 and that it's Kids Time to share Jesus. 26:54 Kids time, 27:17 Kids time, Kids time Kids time, Kids time. |
Revised 2014-12-17