Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000260
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there is a world out there 00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:11 it's time to share there is a world out there. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:31 Hi, boys and girls do you know what it 00:33 means to be a modder? Well 00:35 modder is a people who are willing to 00:36 die for God or for the belief in Jesus 00:39 in the Bible. Our Bible story 00:41 today is about Steven who was a modder for 00:44 Jesus. It was a very scary time for the early 00:47 Christians back then because they didn't know 00:49 who might turn them into Saul and the soldiers. 00:51 So they had to be very, very careful 00:54 about anything they said about Jesus. 00:56 Now our story today two woman loved 00:58 Jesus so much that they openly talked 01:02 about him even though they knew that 01:04 they could be taken to prison and killed. 01:06 They were realty brave wouldn't they. 01:08 Would you be that brave? 01:09 Yes, I believe you can be that brave 01:12 if you remember the Bible text it says 01:14 if God is for you then who can be against 01:18 you. In other words God is so great, 01:20 so powerful, and so awesome that he can 01:23 give us the courage to face anything. 01:26 So if we believe in God, we don't have 01:29 to be afraid do we. I pray that you will 01:31 always be like the two women in our story today 01:34 and be willing to share Jesus no matter what, 01:37 but before we hear a story 01:40 let's see what Ranger Rod has to show us 01:41 today on nature time. 01:50 Hi, boys and girls welcome to nature time. 01:52 I'm here in beautiful in West Yellowstone 01:54 and I've got a friend with me today that you 01:56 boys and girls gonna meet with me. 01:58 My friend here today is Rick, 02:00 he is a part of this beautiful Helicopter 02:02 that you see here behind me 02:04 and there is some interesting questions 02:05 I wanna ask you that I'm sure 02:06 boys and girls would be interested in 02:08 knowing and one of them is. 02:10 Rick have you ever used this Helicopter 02:13 or rescue anybody or do you help somebody 02:15 maybe save their lives. Oh yes, 02:16 very often that we have to use for certain rescue 02:18 work and we get called out almost every summer 02:20 for fires, fires and search and rescue that sounds 02:24 exciting to me sounds like adventure. 02:26 Do you consider your work in this Helicopter 02:28 to be an adventure Rick? Oh! 02:30 Sometimes it's kind of an adventure, 02:31 but just a good job. And you said that 02:33 sometimes you quite fired, yes. 02:35 How would you do that with Helicopter? 02:37 Have a long line it hangs on the bottom 02:39 of the Helicopter and it's got a bucket of water on 02:42 the bottom and we can release that bucket 02:43 and drops the water as we fly over the fire. 02:45 Maybe you could show us what would the slide 02:47 and hook up on the bottom of your Helicopter. 02:48 We set this out to show you, it helps up real 02:51 easy, all we do is take a line okay right in the 02:53 bottom and it's hooked on just like that 02:54 and we take off. Wow, so if you are 02:57 in search and rescue and you couldn't, 02:58 couldn't reach somebody, you couldn't land in 03:00 a, in a danger situation on the bottom of the 03:03 line would be maybe like one of those 03:05 what they called it? The meds, the baskets 03:08 the rescue basket or a stokes baskets they call it. 03:10 Okay well, you know, would you mind taken 03:12 us for a little ride boys and girls would like 03:14 to see an area air maybe that you fought 03:15 some fire, where fire was burning, 03:17 they can get an idea of maybe some, some area, 03:19 where you made a search and rescue or the kind of 03:21 terrain, where a rescue might be necessary 03:24 could you take us up. Yeah and show us some of it. 03:25 I know a great place we can show you, 03:27 yes. Let's get it in. Okay, Wow! 03:30 I'm gonna tell you boys and girls, 03:34 this is so exciting to see this 03:36 beautiful landscape from the very point where 03:39 he saw them see up here with the birds, 03:41 I'll tell you, I know what I wanna be when I 03:45 go up, I want to be an helicopter operator. 03:47 Help with after wars finders help find 03:49 people that are lost in wilderness, 03:51 or do search and rescue. 03:53 You know Rick I'm seeing all these burned 03:55 trees down here, lot of this is large one 03:58 how high would the flames would be coming 03:59 if you were flying in here and actually, 04:01 actually working over this fire with the Helicopter? 04:03 Now the flames could come up 100 feet up in 04:05 the air sometimes if they are really burning. 04:07 Wow! So somebody in this area burn really high, 04:09 some of this burn real high down here 04:11 and so you, you their with bucket that we talked 04:13 about underneath there and you would, 04:15 you would dump water you would dump it 04:16 directly on the hot spot or how would you know, 04:18 where you supposed to dump the water. 04:20 Oh! We have ground crews, who tell us where they 04:22 want us to put it and then it benefits them 04:24 providing the fire the best 04:25 and that's where we put it. 04:27 So you're talking you use the same headset, 04:28 the radio were listening and talking to 04:30 each other on absolutely. 04:31 They have given you codes that's maybe one 04:32 your GPS and they are telling you, 04:34 where to come into any other way that they 04:35 signal, where did they need the fire so the water 04:37 on the fire. Sometimes they had flagging 04:39 may put down if they want to spot here right on 04:41 they get to it at a time they just give us 04:43 direction with clock angle to where to fly 04:45 and we fly right through it, drop it when they 04:47 tell us to. Amazing, now do you ever have to 04:49 tell them where the fighters at do you do any 04:51 scouting or. Oh! Yeah if the lightning strikes, 04:53 I would put a comment, but the lightning storm 04:55 comes through we will fly through 04:56 with our GPS mark the spots and tell them, where 04:58 they are. Amazing, you know you've mentioned 05:00 me sometimes you pick fire fighters up out 05:02 of the forest or would be the situation with that? 05:04 Well they have jumpers, the Parachute in, 05:06 it's a real remote areas and then they will fight 05:08 a fire in a real remote area when they have come out 05:11 and we have to go and get them. 05:12 You transport them that's added absolutely amazing. 05:15 How do you get the dew out of there. 05:16 Well, we have a small car door, we stick it all 05:18 in there or we stick in the net and 05:20 hang in with the bottom of Helicopter 05:21 and bring it up that way. That is great, 05:23 another way that you can help, help other people 05:25 are in there fighting these dangerous fires 05:27 and you with the Helicopter do it. 05:29 Yes. Oh! Rick, I would sure like you thank you 05:31 again for taking yourself in a beautiful day 05:34 like this and helping us to enjoy this 05:36 beautiful scenery. You know boys and girls 05:40 sometimes in search and rescue 05:43 Helicopter operators they have to fly into 05:45 dangerous area and reach down and help pick up 05:48 somebody who've been injured or lost on a trial. 05:50 The Bible tells us the stories about 05:52 God has send guardian angels to do that. 05:55 You know I fill up with transported 05:56 in the Bible, different people have been 05:58 rescued. The Bible says that because of 06:00 the entertain strangers because sometime 06:02 the angels that you entertain you are 06:04 unaware. They get to do this kind of work 06:06 search and rescue all the time God sent them 06:09 to be to minister to us human beings. 06:12 Boys and girls like you and he takes care 06:15 of us and he gets this view, he looks down, 06:17 he sees us in trouble just like our pilot Rick 06:19 might see somebody in trouble or someone 06:21 that needs help and he can sweep down 06:23 in his Helicopter and help them out, 06:25 take them out and rescue them, 06:26 get them to emergency personnel, 06:28 God can do that with our guarding angels. 06:30 This is a great example of how, of how God works 06:33 in our lives to do search and rescue and help us. 06:36 Until next time boys and girls this is Ranger Rod, 06:40 let's all enjoy God's great outdoors. Wow, oh 06:45 look at that up there 06:46 it isn't beautiful, this is great. 06:53 When we afraid we can remember 06:57 what said to Joshua in Deuteronomy 31:6; 07:00 Be strong and have a good courage, 07:02 do not fear, nor be afraid of them: 07:05 for the Lord your God, he it is that real go 07:08 with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. 07:11 The journey of life may be easy, may be hard, 07:25 There will be dangers on the way; 07:29 But with Christ set my side I'll do battle as I ride 07:33 against the foe that would lead me astray. 07:37 Will you ride, ride, ride with the King of Kings, 07:41 will you follow my leader true; 07:45 will you shout "Hosanna!" to the lovely Son of God, 07:50 who died for me and for you? 07:54 Will you ride, ride, ride with the King of Kings, 07:59 will you follow my leader true; 08:02 will you shout "Hosanna!" to the lovely Son of God, 08:08 who died for me and for you? 08:23 Welcome to learning time. 08:25 I'm glad you joined us today. 08:26 By the looks at things that looks like 08:28 we're gonna get wet doesn't it. 08:30 Yes or maybe oily, I don't know, 08:33 but I need some helpers and I have 08:36 Hannah over here. Now Hannah you like the 08:37 water don't you. Yes. Now, I've heard 08:41 that you catch things in the water what is it? 08:44 I like to catch crayfish the best. 08:46 How do you do that? Well, I stick the 08:48 net I have behind me then I poke the crayfish 08:51 with the stick and the dumb ones float right in, 08:54 but the smart ones turn and they keep spinning. 08:57 Wow! Hey that's interesting isn't it? 08:59 Alright, and we got Jimmy now Jimmy you like to 09:02 swim right? Yeah, where do you swim, 09:05 in the pool mostly, mostly is that school in, 09:08 where you can float and sink right yeah. 09:11 Now how do you sink? I'll let all the air 09:13 from your lungs that's right and you become heavier 09:16 don't you yeah and you sink down at the bottom 09:17 that's interesting. We have Michelle too now. 09:20 Michelle you know how to float, do you 09:21 know how to float? Yeah. And how would you float? 09:24 How do you explain it? Well you stick your 09:28 stomach up above water and keep it that way 09:31 and then you spread up, that's right and you 09:34 float on top of the water, that's interesting. 09:36 Well, today we're gonna be learning about 09:38 density and I need my helpers to come on up 09:40 here and find some safety glasses over here. 09:43 And let's see what we can find out. 09:45 Now we've got a number of different things 09:47 on the table. First of all, I've got some 09:49 water in here, it's just water because we 09:52 talked about floating in water didn't we and sinking 09:54 in water and catching crayfish in all water. 09:57 So let's put some water in here, so 09:58 why didn't you pour some water in here 10:00 you wanna do that for us. Yeah. Pour about 10:02 maybe up to, where my, where my fingers are, 10:04 where my fingers really there, pour some water 10:07 there you go we are being very careful. 10:09 Make sure you have permission 10:10 at home before you do this okay. 10:12 Well, that, that be great just like that, 10:15 so that is just water isn't it. 10:16 Well, we know a lot things can float on 10:18 water then the next thing I have right here 10:20 Michelle let me hand you this and it's corn oil 10:22 and we know, do you ever swim in corn oil. 10:25 No. Would that be a mess not a good idea. 10:28 Now Michelle, I want you to pour some corn oil in 10:30 here okay, so ahead and when you do that 10:33 tilt this right here, so it just, just goes in there. 10:36 We want to mix the water with the oil, which is hard 10:39 to do anyway. Let's go and pour some in there very, 10:41 very carefully, doing a very good job, keep going, 10:43 keep going, you're doing great, keep going, 10:45 keep going, you're doing fine, keep going, keep 10:47 pouring, keep pouring, keep going, we are gonna 10:49 need some more, keep going and how about right 10:52 there Michelle. Well, hey this is a very careful 10:55 job. Now you can see a separation can't you. 10:57 Yes. We can see water and then the oil, alright. 11:01 Now the next thing what we're gonna is 11:02 also a liquid, alright. Now let me give you 11:05 this Jimmy. Now this happens to be alcohol right, 11:07 like rubbing alcohol if you ever had alcohol 11:10 put on your bruises and cuts. Yeah. Okay 11:12 that's what we're gonna do, now Jimmy 11:14 I want you to pour that in there pour on this 11:15 edge, so it doesn't mix with the oil. 11:18 Okay just pour it real slowly, 11:19 keep going, keep going, 11:20 keep going, keep going slow down, no, no, no, 11:23 slow down, you're doing fine, keep going, 11:25 keep going, keep going, keep pouring, keep 11:27 pouring, and I'll tilt the back, keep pouring, 11:28 keep pouring, keep pouring 11:29 and let's stop right there, okay, let's stop 11:32 right there and we will just take a look. 11:34 Well, can you see some separation? 11:36 Yes, that's cool. We have what's under here what's 11:39 in the bottom column? Water. It's water, 11:42 what's in the middle column? Corn oil, oil 11:45 and the top is alcohol, alcohol. 11:48 Now we're gonna find out what things 11:49 will float or sink and it's called this is called 11:52 a density column. So let's see 11:54 what can we do here. Let's try 11:55 something here, I've got some items 11:57 right here what is that in front of you. 11:58 A pile of, what? Plato, a plato or clay. Hey, 12:02 why don't you just drop it, I mean don't drop it 12:04 from up here, put it right there and 12:05 just drop it down. You think, what 12:06 we, how many of you think that will 12:09 float or sink in one of those 12:10 columns. No, one okay. Let's just find out, 12:12 go and just drop it. Wow, it hit the bottom 12:16 didn't it. It doesn't float it on any of those. 12:18 Oh! Here you know what we got here 12:20 Michelle it's a piece of cork. 12:21 How many of you think 12:22 that cork will float? But will that float 12:25 on water, oil or the alcohol. 12:27 Go ahead and just drop it in there. 12:29 See what we got and it floats on alcohol, 12:32 they didn't sink at all. Now Jimmy what do 12:34 we have here right here. Sponge, 12:36 piece of bread actually. Oh! It looks like sponge. 12:38 Don't you put it right there in the 12:39 alcohol and it's going to, it's gonna 12:41 float a while till it gets all soaked up 12:43 in that and then it might so it's gonna sink. 12:45 Oh! Look at there. It sinks, but it floats. 12:48 Hey and then we have. Oh! Hey this is a 12:50 piece of plastic. Would you put that piece of 12:52 plastic in their, see what happens to the plastic 12:54 and the plastic sinks, but it floats on 12:56 the oil and then we have an egg. 12:58 You wanna add the egg to that Michelle, 13:00 just put the egg in there. 13:01 How many of you think that it will float 13:02 or sink, sinks, okay, let's find out 13:04 and see where it go, where it go wow 13:06 and it went all the way to the bottom. 13:08 Well you know there is different materials 13:11 that we can float in and different materials 13:13 have a different density. The water has 13:16 a different density then the oil and the 13:17 alcohol as even a different density then all 13:19 two of those isn't that interesting. Yes, 13:22 I wanna thank my helpers, you know, 13:24 every time we learn more about science, 13:26 we learn more about our creator God. 13:44 Okay Saul, yes, if we have the chains here, 13:47 I have my men, I see the chains, 13:49 and you get us out here at the break of day. 13:51 Now there better be a very good reason why 13:53 you got us out at this hour. Just calm down 13:55 soldier there is a good reason, calm down, 13:56 there better be, look at this market place, I see it. 13:59 Now right now it's not very busy, no 14:01 and we've got a lot of work to do today and 14:03 I wanna a bunch of people around while we're 14:04 doing it, what people? What work? Listen, I 14:07 have made a vow, I Saul have made this 14:10 vow to come into this great city of Jerusalem 14:13 and take and imprison every Jesus believer, 14:17 Jesus believer? Every Jesus believer 14:19 in the city? All of them, remember Stephen 14:21 we stoned the other day, I do. 14:23 Do you want anymore children like him 14:25 growing up preaching this, this Jesus thing. No, 14:27 we don't need any of that. So I've made 14:29 this vow and I've come in and I'm gonna 14:32 imprison and kill every Jesus believer. 14:34 Now wait a minute, I don't have any authority 14:36 to put anybody to death. Soldier 14:38 you don't, but I do right here. I've 14:40 the decree right here, right here 14:42 and I want you to go into every, every house, 14:45 every nook and cranny and arrest every 14:48 Jesus believer. Now that gives you permission, 14:50 what about us, what covers me and my men. 14:52 Look what I have here some precious stones, 14:55 wow, soldier, not yet, you do your job, 14:59 you seek out every Jesus believer and put them 15:03 in jail. Alright, it will be done as you say 15:05 and it will done by sun down, but you better have 15:07 those gems ready for us. We'll have them, you 15:09 just go do it, alright, and start with that house, 15:12 we're going. Oh! My precious Jesus, 15:17 thank you so much for loving us, I count it a 15:22 privilege to be counted a believer in you. 15:26 You know Lord, the times that we're living in 15:30 down here it's just not safe, but truly if you are 15:34 for us who can be against us. God, all I ask 15:38 is that you keep me faithful and that you use me, 15:42 use me to win a heart to you Lord, 15:45 then it will be worth it all. Mariam, 15:48 what Mariam, Miriam, why are you praying 15:51 there are guards everywhere. Oh! There are. Yes, 15:54 yes, what are you doing here. Please, I 15:56 must see you, I have something very, 15:58 very important to tell you. Okay, I will be right down, 16:00 I will be right down, please hurry, hurry. 16:01 Ma'am, ma'am, yes, yes, would you like to buy 16:03 pots, oh, my child I'm sorry I just can't right now, 16:07 I just can't do any shopping, are you 16:10 sure ma'am, yes, I have many, many pots, 16:12 another time my heart is heavy right now. 16:15 Oh, pardon me, oh, what is it what happened. 16:17 I had to tell you something has happened, 16:20 something has happened, what do you mean. 16:22 Well, you know how, is your family okay, 16:24 oh, my family is okay, but you know how I 16:26 go to temple, I listen to the priest, but I come out 16:29 feeling empty just empty, ha yes, 16:32 yes, for years now. Miriam, for years, 16:35 years, and I just don't know what to do? 16:39 You need Jesus, you need Jesus, Jesus, yes, 16:44 sure, yes that's what you need. Well, I got 16:47 to you something did happen and that's why 16:48 I'm talking to you. I went to Jerusalem. 16:52 Yes, and I saw Stephen. He was being stoned. 16:55 You are outside the gate today, I was, I was 16:58 kind of hiding, didn't see you, yes I know I was 17:00 afraid to be out there, but you know what 17:02 really got to me was, what, on his face it 17:05 just shown brightness and peace and love, 17:09 and you know what he said as he was being 17:12 stoned he said the gates of heaven are ajar 17:16 and he saw God the Father and the Son 17:19 right sitting at the side of him. 17:21 He saw Jesus, he saw Jesus 17:25 and I heard him saying don't lay this sin to them 17:29 and then he said Father, receive my spirit, 17:33 he did, and he died. I know, but he wasn't afraid 17:36 because he had Jesus you know why because 17:39 Jesus told us how much God loves us. He 17:42 said for God so loved the world that he gave his 17:44 only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him 17:48 we're the whosoever, yes, yes, might not perish, 17:52 but have everlasting life. I want that, I want that 17:55 with every fiber in my body, may I have that, 17:58 yes you can have it now, she is the believer, 18:01 seize her, she is down, seize her, put her in jail, 18:04 put her in chains on her, it's okay Jesus 18:06 would be with you, I want her down. 20:38 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's 20:41 Book of the Day and today's book is an 20:44 exciting book called Alice Says Goodbye 20:46 by Sandy Zaugg and it's a wonderful story about 20:49 Alice and her parents, who are going to the 20:51 mission field to china, and you will not wanna miss 20:55 every exciting detail of this book. Something else you 20:58 won't wanna miss is our wonderful guests we have 21:01 today. We have with us Samara and Chelsea, 21:03 and I'm so excited that you are with us today 21:06 and you have recently done something really special 21:09 to share Jesus and I can't wait for you to tell the 21:11 boys and girls what is it? Well we both went to 21:15 Oshkosh, Camporee, August 10, 2009 in Oshkosh, 21:19 Wisconsin. Umm! Umm! And meet the locks of love, 21:22 locks of love, when you say you did locks of love. 21:24 Samara what is, what is locks of love, it's like, 21:27 it's something for people, who lost their hair 21:30 to surgeries of diseases and we cut our hair to 21:35 give make wigs for them and makes wigs for them 21:37 and did you know that locks of love only it's, 21:41 it's a Children's ministry, it's to just 21:43 make the wigs for children did you know that? 21:45 Not adults, it's for children and I really 21:49 I love this organization. So now tell me how did 21:52 you get the idea, did you just walk in and go. 21:54 Oh, I think I give my hair today what 21:56 made you decide? It made me decide 21:59 because I thought well these kids they 22:04 lost their hair through treatments of specific 22:07 diseases and I thought maybe I would give them 22:09 hope that with these wigs that you don't have to 22:13 go through the suffering alone that Jesus 22:15 can help you. That's right and it's mostly girls 22:17 that are been benefiting from these wigs, 22:18 you know and might be somebody even your 22:20 age, but somebody that's going through 22:23 cancer treatment, they might lose all their hair, 22:25 there is a disease called alopecia, where they, 22:27 they you lose all your hair. And so these wigs can you 22:31 imagine not having any hair girls. Won't that be 22:33 kind of embarrassing and wouldn't you be worried 22:35 about how you looked. So this is a 22:37 wonderful outreach in ministry isn't it. 22:39 I like to show a picture if we could 22:41 Chelsea will show, Chelsea first we have a picture 22:44 of you right here right before this is showing 22:47 right here before you get your haircut 22:49 and with the lady that's going to cut it 22:51 and now here's a picture of Chelsea 22:53 afterwards and you are actually holding your hair 22:55 here after it's been, they put in a 22:57 ponytail right and then Samara we have a picture 23:00 of you as well. We've a picture of you actually 23:02 that she is right in the process of cutting your 23:04 hair and you can see that she is cutting it off 23:07 and then another picture you are holding it up 23:09 and you don't look like you're crying. 23:11 And how did that make you feel when you got 23:13 your hair cut off because first they cut it off 23:16 and then they put it, put a ponytail on it 23:18 and then how did that make you feel afterwards. 23:21 It made me feel happy because I knew I helped 23:23 someone to have something to cover their head 23:25 when it's cold in winter and hot in summer. 23:28 Also and just to also how they look, it makes somebody 23:31 feel good about themselves if you have hair, 23:33 with what if you just had a bandana around the bald 23:35 head it would make you feel differently wouldn't it. 23:37 Yes and did you, is it something you would 23:40 recommend to your friends? 23:41 Yeah. Have you talked to any friends about it 23:45 or do you have any friends that you think were 23:47 considering? I probably have my best friend Winoshi 23:52 in Pennsylvania. I'm sure that she would consider 23:55 it because I think she did it before and her hair's 23:58 growing long. So, I hope she does it again. 24:01 That's awesome, have you both thought about 24:02 doing it again yourselves, is that something you do. 24:04 Yeah, so you're gonna grow, how long are you gonna grow 24:07 it this time. Probably up to here this time, 24:10 up to there, so that you can grow it a little bit longer 24:12 and that you can do it. Well, I think that's 24:14 a wonderful way to share Jesus don't you boys 24:16 and girls. I think that is such a very selfless thing 24:19 to do and doesn't cause you any pain to do that, 24:23 but yet it helps so many other children and 24:26 I think that's wonderful. Well, would you guys like 24:28 to stay and help me read some letters. 24:30 Sure. I've got some letters in here boys and girls, 24:32 I love getting letters from you, I love 24:34 all the letters and when you write and tell me how you 24:37 share Jesus that's my favorite and I also like it 24:40 when you send pictures because I like to see 24:41 you what you look like. This letter here is 24:43 from Jamaica and let's see what this letter says 24:47 it said, Dear Ms. Brenda how are you, I 24:50 hope you are fine, thank you for sending me the 24:52 Kids Time Lessons. I really love them and 24:54 I'm trying to share Jesus by handing out magazines 24:57 about Jesus. Please pray for me because 24:59 we all need prayer and I need prayer too. 25:02 May the Lord bless you and Kids Time, 25:05 always remember that I share Jesus, love, Daniel. 25:09 Well Daniel thank you for your letter and I'm 25:11 glad you're sharing Jesus all the way over in 25:13 Jamaica. Let's see we've got a letter over here 25:16 and this one says it's from Madison and Jackson and 25:20 let's see, oh they've got a beautiful card here 25:23 and a couple of letters and oh we've got a picture 25:27 so can you hold this up for me Samara please. 25:29 Okay, and this letter says Dear Ms. Brenda, my 25:31 name is Jackson and I'm 8 years old. 25:34 My favorite part of Kids Time is story time and 25:36 I show that I love God by being quite in church, 25:39 love Jackson. And then we have another one that says, 25:43 Dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Madison and I'm 25:46 10 years old and I share Jesus by singing scripture 25:49 songs and teaching them to my friends 25:51 and I love singing for Jesus, love Madison. 25:55 And she's got a beautiful card here. 25:57 I wanna show you boys and girls isn't 25:59 this gorgeous and she made this card isn't it 26:02 beautiful. Well, I just wanna thank you 26:05 so much for that I think we might have time for 26:06 one more letter. Let's see, this one is from Britney 26:10 and she is from Ohio and Britney's got a 26:14 picture here, can you hold that 26:16 up for me too please. Dear Ms. Brenda, 26:17 my name is Britney and I love Kids Time 26:19 all of it. I share Jesus 26:21 by buying Kids Time DVDs and I share them 26:24 with all my friends. I love Jesus, Britney. 26:27 Thank you Britney so much, I wanna thank you 26:30 Samara and Chelsea for being with us today on 26:32 Kids Time. I want to encourage you to keep 26:35 sharing Jesus with all your friends, 26:37 would you do that? Boys and girls 26:38 you do the same, it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17