Kids' Time

Hannah's Gift To God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000258

00:01 It's almost time for Kids time,
00:03 yeah, we are gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls do you like to receive presents
00:34 its so fun isn't it when you get nice box all wrapped
00:37 up with the pretty paper and a beautiful bow and
00:40 you know there is something special inside.
00:43 What's the best gift that you have ever gotten?
00:46 Now, I remember when I was a child at one Christmas
00:48 I really wanted a doll. But our family was poor
00:51 we didn't have a lot of money but I was still hoping
00:53 and praying that some how I would get a doll for
00:55 Christmas and sure enough, when I opened the box
00:58 there is a doll inside it that was even better than
01:01 what I dreamed because my mom had made it for me.
01:04 I was so excited I jumped up and down I ran to kiss my
01:07 Mom and Dad and say thank you, thank you, thank you
01:09 and I still have that doll today. But it is much fun
01:13 that is to get gifts now when I am older
01:15 I discovered that its even more fun to give then to get.
01:20 That's right. I get more excited when I give my
01:22 grandsons Michael and Jason a special present
01:25 and I see their eyes just dancing with happiness.
01:28 Well, that's what our Bible story is about today,
01:30 its about a mother who gave up her most price possession
01:33 that you had experience incredible joy, but first
01:37 before you hear the story get ready for nature time.
01:48 Hi, boys and girls welcome to nature time
01:51 I love this area. You know today we are up here in
01:54 beautiful Western Montana. Actually, we are in a
01:56 very western most corner of the beautiful state of
01:59 Wyoming at Yellowstone National Park.
02:02 This here is the gateway of the west into the park
02:06 and right here we have got some mud pots.
02:08 Now I know boys and girls love to play in the mud
02:11 and we love to make mud pies and we love to go outside
02:14 when it's raining, but these mud pots are here
02:16 all year long. Now this mud pots the water that they
02:19 get is from a garden house like you might make a
02:21 mud pie out in your yard. The water for these is deep
02:24 within the earth. In fact a mud pot you can see there
02:27 that is bubbling and boiling away.
02:32 That is caused from a gas that you know deep
02:34 down in the earth. Hydrogen sulphide is creating a gas
02:39 that comes out thing like a sore stomach if you ever eat
02:41 too much candy and your tummy is really sore
02:45 that's kind of what happen in down deep in the earth.
02:47 This gas is coming up and as it comes up it creates
02:50 chemical called sulfuric acid maybe you heard
02:54 of that. And this sulfuric acid eats away the stone
02:57 and rock, sort of dissolves it and it makes this
03:00 beautiful mud that you see. Some places there is,
03:04 there is other minerals that are in the mud
03:07 and they are different colors, they are beautiful
03:08 just like you're looking at there is a bubbles up in
03:10 a different color isn't that beautiful?
03:13 That's pretty fun if you fun to play in it wouldn't it?
03:15 Actually, it wouldn't here in Yellowstone National park
03:17 we have too much heat in these, it would be hot.
03:21 It burns your fingers, we have to stand on these
03:23 board walk, so that we don't step some place
03:25 where we shouldn't go and get burned or get hurt.
03:29 This sulfuric acid that eats away at the rock,
03:32 it can sometimes leave a real thin layer of earth
03:36 and unsuspecting buffalo or even unsuspecting visitor
03:40 if they get off this safe board box they might fall in
03:43 there and there would be sure death.
03:45 That would be terrible boys and girls.
03:47 Behind me right now you can these trees now they're
03:50 dead, but there is something very, very interesting
03:52 about them. There is calcium deep within the earth here
03:56 and as the water, as these trees drink the water
04:00 it has calcium it. This calcium actually kills
04:03 the tree, but it does something very interesting
04:06 the very trees you see behind me here are in a photograph
04:10 in the 1870's. That's right. These trees are being
04:14 standing here for a 101. Ranger Roger your Math a
04:17 130 years these trees have been standing here,
04:20 they are not putrefied but they are preserved
04:22 from the calcium. That's why you see the real white
04:24 at the bottom of the tree. Ranger Rod, would
04:27 like to talk just a little bit about Steam Vents too,
04:29 scientists called them Fumaroles,
04:31 these steam vents they make lots of noise and hisses
04:34 you can hear them in the background.
04:36 There is some real famous steam vents here in
04:38 Yellowstone National Park like dragons mount.
04:40 Oh! that's an exciting one where water bubbles out
04:43 and steam is hissy now. The native American Indians
04:46 when they would first come to this country
04:48 they very much respected them they didn't know
04:50 what was underneath the earth like scientist do today
04:52 and so, they were little concerned and they treated
04:55 these places with great respect.
04:57 Not only because they are very high Fumarole being the
05:00 hottest feature in the park because its just steam.
05:03 You know maybe you see a little water splashed on a
05:08 hard surface like a woodstove or may be an iron,
05:11 and it incidentally steams that what a Fumarole is,
05:13 there is very little water deep down in the earth
05:17 there in these cracks and caverns that go down
05:19 to the very hot magma or the lava rock this below here.
05:24 As water gets on there its steams up that's a little bit
05:27 different in a hot spring. Hot springs have lots
05:30 and lots of water and so the water just stays hot and it
05:34 doesn't steam necessarily like these Fumaroles do.
05:38 But these fumaroles are very exciting and if you get a
05:40 chance to come the Yellowstone National Park
05:42 you're gonna want to visit an area that has fumaroles
05:45 and listen to that steam. You know there is another
05:48 steam that I can think of the Bible mentions it says
05:51 Be angry and sin not in all Jesus knew that boys
05:55 and girls might have situations in their life
05:57 that would sort of make them little upset,
05:59 may be little angry. May be your moms and dads get
06:02 angry sometimes and in our heart down deep in sort of
06:05 like down deep in the earth here at
06:06 Yellowstone National Park, we get little hot
06:08 and we want to went off some steam.
06:11 The Bible says boys and girls don't do it keep
06:14 your tongue, don't say something
06:15 that you regret later. You will only hurt someone
06:18 just like getting too close to a fumarole or one of these
06:21 hot mud pots would be, would be very harmful
06:24 and some of you get burned or hurt, our words sometimes
06:27 can burn and hurt other people. Boys and girls
06:28 we want to be careful with what we say,
06:30 you know what I love this area.
06:31 I love taking lessons from nature
06:33 and maybe sometime I must see you here
06:35 I wanna these board watching Yellowstone National Park
06:38 and we can enjoy this Nature together until next time
06:40 this is Ranger Rods say let's all enjoy God's great outdoors.
07:02 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away
07:06 Every burden on my heart rolled away
07:11 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away
07:15 Every burden on my heart rolled away
07:19 All my sin had to go, 'Neath the crimson flow..
07:27 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away
07:30 Every burden on my heart rolled away
07:35 Every burden on my heart rolled away
07:50 Welcome to learning time I'm glad you're here,
07:53 say would you like to see an interesting
07:55 science experiment. Oh! we have got one here today and
07:58 I have got three helpers. I'm got Joshua over here.
08:00 Joshua I want you to help me today, but
08:02 do you know I was wondering do you have lot of friends?
08:04 Yes. What you like most about friends.
08:08 Usually like playing with them and like riding bikes
08:14 with them and all that stuff. Well, I do too and
08:17 Caleb you are a second helper over here now,
08:19 where are you from? Virginia. Virginia,
08:22 what do you like to do best when you are not in school.
08:25 Swim, swim and I would like to swim as well
08:27 and we have Ben. Now, Ben you're not from here are you?
08:32 No, Where are you from? Eisenberg, Tennessee.
08:34 Yeah, I wanna thank you for coming today
08:36 and what grade do you in. 8th. 8th grade,
08:38 what you like best about school. Math.
08:41 Oh! Math, we do a lot of science and math together.
08:44 And today we have got, I want you to come up
08:45 here because we are gonna set up this experiment.
08:47 Now, I have got a piece of apparatus right here
08:50 you just right over here and this happens to be a
08:52 little plate right here and it's called the vacuum plate
08:55 and then we have a little chamber right here is called
08:57 a vacuum chamber or a bell jar. What we're gonna do is
09:00 we're gonna a vacuum on different things in fact
09:03 what are those things in front of you guys?
09:04 Marshmallows. The Marshmallows,
09:06 you like Marshmallows? Yeah.
09:09 Well you know we can play with Marshmallows we can do a
09:10 science experiments with Marshmallows.
09:11 So, I want you guys to do is I want to take those
09:14 Marshmallows and there are some of these tooth
09:16 picks and can you get stack bunch of those together.
09:20 Maybe we make a little man out of those toothpicks
09:22 and those Marshmallows. So, they gonna stack them
09:24 and then we gonna put those marshmallows right here
09:26 on top of our vacuum plate and then we are gonna put
09:29 the bell jar on top and then we are gonna try to take
09:32 the air away from around the marshmallows.
09:35 So, what would you think what happen if we took the air
09:37 from around the marshmallows so, Ben what do you think
09:40 might happen? The plate started to shrink, not sure
09:44 might shrink. Okay. How about it, what do you think
09:47 Joshua? I think it will just flatten down.
09:49 Might just flatten down. I don't know.
09:52 Caleb what do think is gonna happen? I am not sure.
09:56 Think, they'll blow up. No. Right, I hope they don't
09:59 blow up. So, let's go and put them down right here,
10:01 just stick them right here. Okay, Oh! Look them they have
10:03 made some interesting shapes, didn't they?
10:05 Okay. You gonna have to pull them kind of in
10:07 the center little bit because the Bell jar.
10:09 This little jar takes up a bit what bit of run.
10:11 And we stay it, and I want to put our safety glasses
10:13 on guys. It's okay, we are dealing with some glass
10:15 right here. And I'm gonna take this whole bell jar,
10:18 okay, get it all balance step right here,
10:20 it can held the balance isn't it?
10:22 Okay, now we are gonna put this right on top.
10:24 Well, oh! go ahead straighten that up for us
10:26 and I am going to put this right and thanks
10:27 and I appreciate that help and this bell jar just kind of
10:30 stick right there. Now, I am gonna put some vacuum,
10:33 we're gonna take the air from around those
10:35 marshmallows away. Right, just take the air out,
10:38 we are gonna find out what happens are you ready guys.
10:40 Yeah. Okay how about the countdown here,
10:42 let's go three, and two, and one. Okay. now, look at that
10:47 just look at them. Check out the marshmallows,
10:49 let's see what's gonna happen over here.
10:55 Anything happen to the marshmallows?
10:56 Yeah they just grew, what are they doing.
10:59 Getting bigger. They are getting bigger.
11:01 Oh! That is a support wall.
11:04 Then, we super size the marshmallows.
11:07 Oh! yeah. Okay, now what I'm gonna do is
11:10 I'm gonna take I'm gonna get the vacuum,
11:12 we're gonna turn the vacuum off and we gonna
11:14 let the air back in, are you ready for that? Okay.
11:16 So, let's turn this off we are gonna let the air back in,
11:19 you might be able to here it. That's shrinking right
11:23 back out, what's happening to the marshmallows?
11:25 They are shrinking. They are shrinking,
11:28 first they blew up because we took the airway from
11:31 around them and what marshmallows
11:33 made of mostly beside sugar. Air, there is a lot of air
11:38 now, and so when we took the air pressure away from
11:41 those marshmallows well they just blew up the air
11:45 wanted to get out as well. Let's take this a part right
11:48 here and then you guys can grab your marshmallows,
11:50 can you grab those and hold them up so I can see them.
11:54 Oh! yeah. Oh! look at that, yeah, do you know why,
11:57 no we don't want to eat them they are probably
11:58 destroyed, isn't that interesting.
12:00 Well now, you know, that's what, what happened you
12:02 and I if we happened to be in the vacuum of space.
12:04 We would just kind of blow up and then if we went back
12:08 we would just kind of shrivel up,
12:09 that wouldn't be good idea, with it? I don't think so.
12:12 Well air pressure is all around us
12:14 and it's very important that we have the right kind
12:16 of air pressure around us. That was an interesting
12:18 experiment, did you like that one?
12:20 Yeah. Now I want to thank my three helpers Ben,
12:24 thank you very much for helping me and Joshua,
12:27 thank you and Caleb thanks for helping us
12:29 to do that one. You know, boys and girls every time
12:32 we learn something about science
12:34 we are learning more about our creator God.
12:47 Sir, I have some fabricant, the finest fabricant in land,
12:50 beautiful, bright colors red, blue, red, red I love red.
12:54 Look at this silk it's to the finest.
12:57 Well, I love silk too, my friend, but that's probably
13:00 too expensive for me. Well it's expensive
13:02 but you can afford it. This is all I brought today
13:04 to the market, why. Why this?
13:06 Eli the priest, Oh! Eli the priest,
13:08 he is a good and just man his sons though. Wicked.
13:10 His sons the last time I went to the temple
13:13 they charged me double as to what I have then.
13:16 Its double? Double, well I can't afford that so every
13:18 time I go to the market this is all that I bring
13:20 because I know if they see me in fact speaking
13:25 look behind you. Oh! we have to be careful,
13:29 I always said. But I tell you
13:31 they are wicked and they Take this Pinehas,
13:33 our father Eli doesn't find out about that
13:35 he will give us another one of those self-righteous lectures.
13:39 That's all we can do. That's true. That's true.
13:42 Hey by the way this morning I told my servant
13:45 that when the people bring the sacrifice of their meat
13:47 for the fat. Yeah, take it, take it,
13:50 right away from them I don't want any of that boil meat
13:53 anymore just take it, we're gonna have with raw
13:55 we gonna sit and boil too. And take as much as you can.
13:57 because we gonna roast it again at big worth.
14:00 I like that, I can use some roast meat.
14:03 You know we have been charging double at the temple services
14:05 for long time and one of the guys no amazes me
14:10 nobody does anything about it, one of the guys
14:13 is right over here in charged in double last week.
14:15 Right. Right here. Yeah, and he is wealthy merchant,
14:16 I think he has got plenty of money,
14:18 I think we can get some more from him you want to see him.
14:20 Yeah, alright let's go. Hey you, you we want to talk to
14:24 you, no not you too again. Last week when you came
14:28 to the temple services, I remember that I paid you
14:30 double as what owe to you. You know, I went over the
14:33 records a couple of times and you didn't pay enough,
14:35 it wasn't enough. But this is all that I have.
14:39 This is all that I, that should just about cover.
14:42 And you're gonna take that too.
14:43 Remember it's for the temple, its holy.
14:45 What about my family? How am I going to feed my,
14:48 brother, see you, you see what I mean,
14:52 every time they see me.
14:54 Samuel, the day has finally arrived the special day
14:58 that I have been telling you about for so long.
15:02 It's the day that I take you to the temple to work
15:05 with priest Eli, all you have many fun things to do
15:09 at the temple many little jobs that you will get
15:11 to do the help. Oh, promise me
15:14 that you will obey priest Eli,
15:16 just as I have thought you to obey
15:18 your mother and father. Yes. And please promise
15:21 me that you will serve God all the days of your life
15:26 that you will honor him and do as he says,
15:28 please promise me Samuel. And you're right.
15:33 Let's go to the temple now and I will introduce
15:35 you to priest Eli. Come on. Let's go.
15:45 Oh! look, look at the market place.
15:46 Look at the all people in the market and look,
15:48 there is a temple and look there is priest Eli.
15:52 Priest Eli, Priest Eli, do you remember me?
15:56 I, Hannah, Hannah is my name.
15:59 Oh! Were you the one who prayed before?
16:02 Yes. Yes. Oh! yes I remember you, yeah.
16:05 I remember you Hannah and what has God done
16:08 in your life. Oh! He answered my prayer.
16:11 I prayed for a son and look what he has given me.
16:15 What is his name? His name is Samuel. Samuel,
16:18 what a wonderful name that means God hears and
16:21 God has heard prayer, yes, yes, and he has provided.
16:26 Oh! wonderful. Yes. I, when I asked the Lord
16:29 to give me a son I made a promise that I would bring
16:32 him back. I would lent him back to the Lord and so,
16:35 I have done just that today. Samuel has come to stay
16:38 with you to work with you in the temple
16:40 and for the Lord. Oh! wonderful to have a child
16:44 dedicated to the service of the Lord in his temple.
16:47 Yes. Let us, would you like to have a prayer
16:51 dedication right now. Oh! please, oh! please yes.
16:58 Oh! Lord we pray that you would be blessed upon each
17:04 one of these that your face would shine upon them.
17:08 That you would lift up your kindness upon them
17:11 and give them peace as they are dedicated to you
17:14 and to your service for you are blessed Hannah
17:20 and little Samuel and you have heard their prayer
17:23 and now he is to be dedicated in your temple forever
17:29 and so we ask your special blessing upon both of them.
17:35 Amen. Oh! Samuel I will miss you so much.
17:42 I love you Samuel, love you mother.
17:45 Okay, bye, Samuel come with me, I have much to teach
17:54 you about the torah so much for you to learn in the
17:57 course of the Lord and each day you will grow
17:59 and wisdom in knowledge before him.
18:02 All the days of your life.
18:05 Oh! my heart is full of happiness,
18:07 the Lord is my strength and my joy I can laugh again
18:12 because he has given me a child, he has saved me from
18:17 my enemies who have made fun of me
18:18 because of barrenness. Oh! Praise peach of name
18:22 of the Lord. Praise his name thank you Lord thank you.
18:30 Hey that's O'Conner's wife. Yes. She has dedicated
18:33 her son to the temple, did you see that, for God. What faith?
18:39 What trust, see I want her faith, I want to trust God
18:44 just like Hannah. Let's go home, let's tell our wives,
18:48 we need to pray for Lord. Yes, let's pray the God.
20:47 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's
20:49 Book of the Day. And today's book is called
20:53 Camporee Of Doom, and its by Seth Pierce
20:56 and boy that looks like its really scary doesn't it?
21:00 Oh! And I got some special guest today I have Samuel
21:02 and Caleb, what do you think about this book.
21:03 Looks interesting, its does look interesting.
21:06 I think we should recommend it,
21:08 Umm! I think so too, well, I am excited to have
21:12 Caleb and Samuel back with us on the program
21:14 and you are been with me Kids Time for a longtime
21:16 haven't you? Yes. And your mom and dad are actually
21:19 pretty special to me and what is your dad do here at 3ABN.
21:24 Do you remember preachers inspiration them.
21:27 Well, your dad let me just tell you are very humble
21:28 but your dad is the head of 3ABN Latino right
21:31 and your mom also works with him and they travel all
21:35 over witnessing for Jesus so they have trained you
21:37 boys to witness for Jesus. Haven't they?
21:39 Yep. And every time I have ever needed you.
21:41 You have been there for Ms. Brenda I want to tell you
21:43 I love you both very, very much and I asked you
21:46 today to come dressed in the special.
21:48 How are you dressed? In our pathfinder uniforms,
21:52 that's right, now tell me you've have got some special
21:55 patches here you got a special scarf do you have
21:57 any of this mean anything. Yeah, did they special
22:01 meanings, You have to earn your batches
22:03 and things like that. He is not, I have my perfectly
22:07 but you put all your path of patches here
22:10 and this is lots of different types we can get.
22:13 So, when you get honors yes though.
22:16 Guess what Ms. Brenda was at pathfinder
22:17 when I was little and I had so patches on mine
22:20 and I actually became a master guide that's
22:24 when we get to the top, doesn't it?
22:25 Yeah. Yes and I really had fun doing that.
22:27 Isn't it fun being a part in pathfinders.
22:29 Its kind like a boys and girls if your boys scouts
22:31 pathfinders is kind a like that isn't boys scouts
22:34 and girls scouts and they so, this is pathfinders
22:36 it's a special club in our Seventh-day Adventists
22:39 church and its really a lot of fun.
22:41 I would encourage any of you to join.
22:43 Now, you have special pins in your lamp I see.
22:45 Now, tell me about them. These are from Oshkosh
22:48 from Pin Trading. Alright, now you say Oshkosh.
22:51 When I remember lot of times boys and girls
22:53 to have no clue what Oshkosh is, Oshkosh,
22:56 was count as an place what happens there
22:58 every five years. There is a big time for you people
23:01 all over the world to come. That's right,
23:03 everybody from all over the, all the pathfinders come
23:06 its just for pathfinders and their leaders and
23:09 they come from all over and they have this big huge,
23:14 really just its wonderful a camp out together
23:17 and there is wonderful songs and activities
23:19 and there is programs in the evening and there is things
23:23 to do all the day line and you get to meet pathfinders
23:25 from around the world. There were sight over 30,000
23:28 pathfinders and Ms. Brenda was there with Kids Time
23:30 and that you came by and saw Ms. Brenda there did you.
23:33 Oh! yes. The pins you have here when I have found out
23:36 about the pathfinder Camporee,
23:38 its all about trading pins isn't it.
23:41 Everybody has got pins, because each pathfinder club
23:43 wherever you are they are gonna special pin
23:45 has designed with club and then we you come
23:47 to Camporee, everybody wants to trade pins.
23:50 And this was Brenda has I was at that Camporee,
23:54 and I traded some pins too and I want to show you
23:57 boys and girls that you trade some special pins
23:59 with Ms. Brenda and I want to just see our camera
24:03 can give a good shot of this. Look at that what you
24:06 think about those boys and Ms. Brenda gets some
24:09 good pins yes. Aren't those are pretty special look
24:12 at that, what its, do you see some of those pins
24:16 that are wearing. I am gonna tell you let's take enough
24:19 look the page we can see some more look at those.
24:22 Ops guess what Ms. Brenda has got him upside and down.
24:25 All went to know I do that, here we go.
24:27 So, now I got him backside up,
24:28 lets turned toward the camera, so they can see now
24:32 would see new pins that you like, Guess what
24:34 Ms. Brenda will trade you a pin today.
24:37 You can have any pin you want,
24:38 how is that well trade, now let me see over here
24:41 we got another big page over here look at those
24:44 now this one is considered to pretty hard pin wasn't it?
24:46 This one right here, yeah, the big one,
24:48 yeah and this one here didn't this one lie up
24:50 I think or something, yes and look at this Pierceville
24:53 did you see that. Yes I have one of those,
24:55 you have that Pierceville so which one would
24:57 you like boys. You see this Pierceville that turns
25:00 around like that, look at that. And all this are the
25:03 Michigan pins see all those crowns.
25:06 Yep. Lot of people want those once,
25:08 they did some of them are more special than others
25:10 aren't they? Which pin did you want,
25:13 do you see you want to trade with Ms. Brenda
25:15 what your are gonna trade me for.
25:16 I got a trade this one good, I will trade you this one.
25:20 That's one is very special which is that,
25:22 New Jersey conference. well for the New Jersey
25:25 conference guess what I am going to do,
25:26 I am going to trade you the treasured Michigan rainbow
25:30 pin. Can you believe it everybody what now
25:35 we aren't there. What do you like Samuel.
25:37 I would like the green. This green one right over here.
25:40 I saw you looking at that there you go.
25:42 Is it fun trading pins but what was the most fun
25:46 about the Camporee. What if boys and girls are never
25:48 being at camp free what you would you tell them about it
25:50 what do you think. They should go because they get
25:54 to meet new people. That's right and its all pathfinders
25:57 that comes all over the world doesn't it?
25:59 Kids that love Jesus. What did you get out
26:01 for the Camporee? I felt there was good
26:03 experience being able to worship
26:04 the same God with all these different people
26:07 and that's like there 30, something thousand people
26:09 there it was the lot of people and what was
26:13 the theme this time it was courage to stand
26:15 and what was the Bible story about,
26:18 it is about Queen Esther, and what it how did that was
26:20 every night that they have a different program right.
26:22 Every night and they will show different teams of the
26:25 story of Queen Esther, and so did you learn a lot
26:27 from that. Even though you knew that story you learned
26:30 a lot. Isn't that awesome, would you encourage
26:32 boys and girls to join pathfinders.
26:34 Yes it's really a good experience.
26:36 That's right. Well, I thank you for being with us
26:37 boys and girls that's all the time we had today.
26:40 I want to encourage you to be pathfinder for Jesus.
26:43 I want, you to be a witness
26:44 because its kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17